Raw File
Tip revision: 5902acdabc4445a65741a7a6a3a95f223e301059 authored by Yong He on 23 January 2024, 07:19:40 UTC
[LSP] Fetch configs directly from didConfigurationChanged message. (#3478)
Tip revision: 5902acd
// Compiler.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "../core/slang-basic.h"
#include "../core/slang-platform.h"
#include "../core/slang-io.h"
#include "../core/slang-string-util.h"
#include "../core/slang-hex-dump-util.h"
#include "../core/slang-riff.h"
#include "../core/slang-type-text-util.h"
#include "../core/slang-type-convert-util.h"
#include "../core/slang-castable.h"

#include "slang-check.h"
#include "slang-compiler.h"

#include "../compiler-core/slang-lexer.h"

// Artifact
#include "../compiler-core/slang-artifact-desc-util.h"
#include "../compiler-core/slang-artifact-representation-impl.h"
#include "../compiler-core/slang-artifact-impl.h"
#include "../compiler-core/slang-artifact-util.h"
#include "../compiler-core/slang-artifact-associated.h"
#include "../compiler-core/slang-artifact-diagnostic-util.h"
#include "../compiler-core/slang-artifact-container-util.h"

// Artifact output
#include "slang-artifact-output-util.h"

#include "slang-lower-to-ir.h"
#include "slang-mangle.h"
#include "slang-parameter-binding.h"
#include "slang-parser.h"
#include "slang-preprocessor.h"
#include "slang-type-layout.h"

#include "slang-glsl-extension-tracker.h"
#include "slang-emit-cuda.h"

#include "slang-serialize-ast.h"
#include "slang-serialize-container.h"

namespace Slang

// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! free functions for DiagnosicSink !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bool isHeterogeneousTarget(CodeGenTarget target)
        return ArtifactDescUtil::makeDescForCompileTarget(asExternal(target)).style == ArtifactStyle::Host;

    void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, CodeGenTarget val)
        UnownedStringSlice name = TypeTextUtil::getCompileTargetName(asExternal(val));
        name = name.getLength() ? name : toSlice("<unknown>");
        sb << name;

    void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, PassThroughMode val)
        sb << TypeTextUtil::getPassThroughName(SlangPassThrough(val));

    // FrontEndEntryPointRequest

        FrontEndCompileRequest* compileRequest,
        int                     translationUnitIndex,
        Name*                   name,
        Profile                 profile)
        : m_compileRequest(compileRequest)
        , m_translationUnitIndex(translationUnitIndex)
        , m_name(name)
        , m_profile(profile)

    TranslationUnitRequest* FrontEndEntryPointRequest::getTranslationUnit()
        return getCompileRequest()->translationUnits[m_translationUnitIndex];

    // EntryPoint

    ISlangUnknown* EntryPoint::getInterface(const Guid& guid)
        if(guid == slang::IEntryPoint::getTypeGuid())
            return static_cast<slang::IEntryPoint*>(this);

        return Super::getInterface(guid);

    RefPtr<EntryPoint> EntryPoint::create(
        Linkage*            linkage,
        DeclRef<FuncDecl>   funcDeclRef,
        Profile             profile)
        RefPtr<EntryPoint> entryPoint = new EntryPoint(
        entryPoint->m_mangledName = getMangledName(linkage->getASTBuilder(), funcDeclRef);
        return entryPoint;

    RefPtr<EntryPoint> EntryPoint::createDummyForPassThrough(
        Linkage*    linkage,
        Name*       name,
        Profile     profile)
        RefPtr<EntryPoint> entryPoint = new EntryPoint(
        return entryPoint;

    RefPtr<EntryPoint> EntryPoint::createDummyForDeserialize(
        Linkage*    linkage,
        Name*       name,
        Profile     profile,
        String      mangledName)
        RefPtr<EntryPoint> entryPoint = new EntryPoint(
        entryPoint->m_mangledName = mangledName;
        return entryPoint;

        Linkage*            linkage,
        Name*               name,
        Profile             profile,
        DeclRef<FuncDecl>   funcDeclRef)
        : ComponentType(linkage)
        , m_name(name)
        , m_profile(profile)
        , m_funcDeclRef(funcDeclRef)
        // Collect any specialization parameters used by the entry point

    Module* EntryPoint::getModule()
        return Slang::getModule(getFuncDecl());

    Index EntryPoint::getSpecializationParamCount()
        return m_genericSpecializationParams.getCount() + m_existentialSpecializationParams.getCount();

    SpecializationParam const& EntryPoint::getSpecializationParam(Index index)
        auto genericParamCount = m_genericSpecializationParams.getCount();
        if(index < genericParamCount)
            return m_genericSpecializationParams[index];
            return m_existentialSpecializationParams[index - genericParamCount];

    Index EntryPoint::getRequirementCount()
        // The only requirement of an entry point is the module that contains it.
        // TODO: We will eventually want to support the case of an entry
        // point nested in a `struct` type, in which case there should be
        // a single requirement representing that outer type (so that multiple
        // entry points nested under the same type can share the storage
        // for parameters at that scope).

        // Note: the defensive coding is here because the
        // "dummy" entry points we create for pass-through
        // compilation will not have an associated module.
        if( const auto module = getModule() )
            return 1;
        return 0;

    RefPtr<ComponentType> EntryPoint::getRequirement(Index index)
        SLANG_ASSERT(index == 0);
        return getModule();

    String EntryPoint::getEntryPointMangledName(Index index)
        SLANG_ASSERT(index == 0);

        return m_mangledName;

    String EntryPoint::getEntryPointNameOverride(Index index)
        SLANG_ASSERT(index == 0);

        return m_name ? m_name->text : "";

    void EntryPoint::acceptVisitor(ComponentTypeVisitor* visitor, SpecializationInfo* specializationInfo)
        visitor->visitEntryPoint(this, as<EntryPointSpecializationInfo>(specializationInfo));

    void EntryPoint::buildHash(DigestBuilder<SHA1>& builder)

    List<Module*> const& EntryPoint::getModuleDependencies()
        if(auto module = getModule())
            return module->getModuleDependencies();

        static List<Module*> empty;
        return empty;

    List<SourceFile*> const& EntryPoint::getFileDependencies()
        if(const auto module = getModule())
            return getModule()->getFileDependencies();
        static List<SourceFile*> empty;
        return empty;

        Linkage* linkage,
        SubtypeWitness* witness,
        Int confomrmanceIdOverride,
        DiagnosticSink* sink)
        : ComponentType(linkage)
        , m_subtypeWitness(witness)
        , m_conformanceIdOverride(confomrmanceIdOverride)
        m_irModule = generateIRForTypeConformance(this, m_conformanceIdOverride, sink);

    void TypeConformance::addDepedencyFromWitness(SubtypeWitness* witness)
        if (auto declaredWitness = as<DeclaredSubtypeWitness>(witness))
            auto declModule = getModule(declaredWitness->getDeclRef().getDecl());
            if (m_requirementSet.add(declModule))
            // TODO: handle the specialization arguments in declaredWitness->declRef.substitutions.
        else if (auto transitiveWitness = as<TransitiveSubtypeWitness>(witness))
        else if (auto conjunctionWitness = as<ConjunctionSubtypeWitness>(witness))
            auto componentCount = conjunctionWitness->getComponentCount();
            for (Index i = 0; i < componentCount; ++i)
                auto w = as<SubtypeWitness>(conjunctionWitness->getComponentWitness(i));
                if (w) addDepedencyFromWitness(w);

    ISlangUnknown* TypeConformance::getInterface(const Guid& guid)
        if (guid == slang::ITypeConformance::getTypeGuid())
            return static_cast<slang::ITypeConformance*>(this);

        return Super::getInterface(guid);

    void TypeConformance::buildHash(DigestBuilder<SHA1>& builder)
        //TODO: Implement some kind of hashInto for Val then replace this
        auto subtypeWitness = m_subtypeWitness->toString();


    List<Module*> const& TypeConformance::getModuleDependencies()
        return m_moduleDependencyList.getModuleList();

    List<SourceFile*> const& TypeConformance::getFileDependencies()
        return m_fileDependencyList.getFileList();

    Index TypeConformance::getRequirementCount() { return m_requirements.getCount(); }

    RefPtr<ComponentType> TypeConformance::getRequirement(Index index)
        return m_requirements[index];

    void TypeConformance::acceptVisitor(
        ComponentTypeVisitor* visitor,
        ComponentType::SpecializationInfo* specializationInfo)

    RefPtr<ComponentType::SpecializationInfo> TypeConformance::_validateSpecializationArgsImpl(
        SpecializationArg const* args,
        Index argCount,
        DiagnosticSink* sink)
        return nullptr;


    Profile Profile::lookUp(UnownedStringSlice const& name)
        #define PROFILE(TAG, NAME, STAGE, VERSION)	if(name == UnownedTerminatedStringSlice(#NAME)) return Profile::TAG;
        #define PROFILE_ALIAS(TAG, DEF, NAME)		if(name == UnownedTerminatedStringSlice(#NAME)) return Profile::TAG;
        #include "slang-profile-defs.h"

        return Profile::Unknown;

    Profile Profile::lookUp(char const* name)
        return lookUp(UnownedTerminatedStringSlice(name));

    char const* Profile::getName()
        switch( raw )
            return "unknown";

        #define PROFILE(TAG, NAME, STAGE, VERSION) case Profile::TAG: return #NAME;
        #define PROFILE_ALIAS(TAG, DEF, NAME) /* empty */
        #include "slang-profile-defs.h"

    static const StageInfo kStages[] = 
        #define PROFILE_STAGE(ID, NAME, ENUM) \
            { #NAME,    Stage::ID },

        #define PROFILE_STAGE_ALIAS(ID, NAME, VAL) \
            { #NAME,    Stage::ID },

        #include "slang-profile-defs.h"

    ConstArrayView<StageInfo> getStageInfos()
        return makeConstArrayView(kStages);

    Stage findStageByName(String const& name)
        for(auto entry : kStages)
            if(name ==
                return entry.stage;

        return Stage::Unknown;

    UnownedStringSlice getStageText(Stage stage)
        for (auto entry : kStages)
            if (stage == entry.stage)
                return UnownedStringSlice(;
        return UnownedStringSlice();

    SlangResult checkExternalCompilerSupport(Session* session, PassThroughMode passThrough)
        // Check if the type is supported on this compile
        if (passThrough == PassThroughMode::None)
            // If no pass through -> that will always work!
            return SLANG_OK;

        return session->getOrLoadDownstreamCompiler(passThrough, nullptr) ? SLANG_OK: SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND;

    SourceLanguage getDefaultSourceLanguageForDownstreamCompiler(PassThroughMode compiler)
        switch (compiler)
            case PassThroughMode::None:
                return SourceLanguage::Unknown;
            case PassThroughMode::Fxc:   
            case PassThroughMode::Dxc:
                return SourceLanguage::HLSL;
            case PassThroughMode::Glslang:
                return SourceLanguage::GLSL;
            case PassThroughMode::LLVM:
            case PassThroughMode::Clang:
            case PassThroughMode::VisualStudio:
            case PassThroughMode::Gcc:
            case PassThroughMode::GenericCCpp:
                // These could ingest C, but we only have this function to work out a
                // 'default' language to ingest.
                return SourceLanguage::CPP;
            case PassThroughMode::NVRTC:
                return SourceLanguage::CUDA;
            case PassThroughMode::SpirvDis:
                return SourceLanguage::SPIRV;
            default: break;
        SLANG_ASSERT(!"Unknown compiler");
        return SourceLanguage::Unknown;

    PassThroughMode getDownstreamCompilerRequiredForTarget(CodeGenTarget target)
        switch (target)
            // Don't *require* a downstream compiler for source output
            case CodeGenTarget::GLSL:
            case CodeGenTarget::HLSL:
            case CodeGenTarget::CUDASource:
            case CodeGenTarget::CPPSource:
            case CodeGenTarget::HostCPPSource:
            case CodeGenTarget::PyTorchCppBinding:
            case CodeGenTarget::CSource:
                return PassThroughMode::None;
            case CodeGenTarget::None:
                return PassThroughMode::None;
            case CodeGenTarget::SPIRVAssembly:
            case CodeGenTarget::SPIRV:
                return PassThroughMode::SpirvDis;
            case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecode:
            case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecodeAssembly:
                return PassThroughMode::Fxc;
            case CodeGenTarget::DXIL:
            case CodeGenTarget::DXILAssembly:
                return PassThroughMode::Dxc;
            case CodeGenTarget::GLSL_Vulkan:
            case CodeGenTarget::GLSL_Vulkan_OneDesc:
                return PassThroughMode::Glslang;
            case CodeGenTarget::ShaderHostCallable:
            case CodeGenTarget::ShaderSharedLibrary:
            case CodeGenTarget::HostExecutable:
            case CodeGenTarget::HostHostCallable:
                // We need some C/C++ compiler
                return PassThroughMode::GenericCCpp;
            case CodeGenTarget::PTX:
                return PassThroughMode::NVRTC;

            default: break;

        SLANG_ASSERT(!"Unhandled target");
        return PassThroughMode::None;

    EndToEndCompileRequest* CodeGenContext::isPassThroughEnabled()
        auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile();

        // If there isn't an end-to-end compile going on,
        // there can be no pass-through.
        if (!endToEndReq)
            return nullptr;

        // And if pass-through isn't set on that end-to-end compile,
        // then we clearly areb't doing a pass-through compile.
        if(endToEndReq->m_passThrough == PassThroughMode::None)
            return nullptr;

        // If we have confirmed that pass-through compilation is going on,
        // we return the end-to-end request, because it has all the
        // relevant state that we need to implement pass-through mode.
        return endToEndReq;

    /// If there is a pass-through compile going on, find the translation unit for the given entry point.
    /// Assumes isPassThroughEnabled has already been called
    TranslationUnitRequest* getPassThroughTranslationUnit(
        EndToEndCompileRequest* endToEndReq,
        Int                     entryPointIndex)
        SLANG_ASSERT(endToEndReq->m_passThrough != PassThroughMode::None);
        auto frontEndReq = endToEndReq->getFrontEndReq();
        auto entryPointReq = frontEndReq->getEntryPointReq(entryPointIndex);
        auto translationUnit = entryPointReq->getTranslationUnit();
        return translationUnit;

    TranslationUnitRequest* CodeGenContext::findPassThroughTranslationUnit(
        Int                     entryPointIndex)
        if (auto endToEndReq = isPassThroughEnabled())
            return getPassThroughTranslationUnit(endToEndReq, entryPointIndex);
        return nullptr;

    static void _appendCodeWithPath(const UnownedStringSlice& filePath, const UnownedStringSlice& fileContent, StringBuilder& outCodeBuilder)
        outCodeBuilder << "#line 1 \"";
        auto handler = StringEscapeUtil::getHandler(StringEscapeUtil::Style::Cpp);
        handler->appendEscaped(filePath, outCodeBuilder);
        outCodeBuilder << "\"\n";
        outCodeBuilder << fileContent << "\n";

    void trackGLSLTargetCaps(
        GLSLExtensionTracker*   extensionTracker,
        CapabilitySet const&    caps)
        for( auto conjunctions : caps.getExpandedAtoms() )
            for (auto atom : conjunctions.getExpandedAtoms())
                switch (atom)

                case CapabilityAtom::glsl_spirv_1_0: extensionTracker->requireSPIRVVersion(SemanticVersion(1, 0)); break;
                case CapabilityAtom::glsl_spirv_1_1: extensionTracker->requireSPIRVVersion(SemanticVersion(1, 1)); break;
                case CapabilityAtom::glsl_spirv_1_2: extensionTracker->requireSPIRVVersion(SemanticVersion(1, 2)); break;
                case CapabilityAtom::glsl_spirv_1_3: extensionTracker->requireSPIRVVersion(SemanticVersion(1, 3)); break;
                case CapabilityAtom::glsl_spirv_1_4: extensionTracker->requireSPIRVVersion(SemanticVersion(1, 4)); break;
                case CapabilityAtom::glsl_spirv_1_5: extensionTracker->requireSPIRVVersion(SemanticVersion(1, 5)); break;
                case CapabilityAtom::glsl_spirv_1_6: extensionTracker->requireSPIRVVersion(SemanticVersion(1, 6)); break;

    SlangResult CodeGenContext::requireTranslationUnitSourceFiles()
        if (auto endToEndReq = isPassThroughEnabled())
            for (auto entryPointIndex : getEntryPointIndices())
                auto translationUnit = getPassThroughTranslationUnit(endToEndReq, entryPointIndex);
                /// Make sure we have the source files

        return SLANG_OK;

// TODO(JS): This is a workaround 
// In debug VS builds there is a warning on line about it being unreachable.
// for (auto entryPointIndex : getEntryPointIndices())
// It's not clear how that could possibly be unreachable
#   pragma warning(push)
#   pragma warning(disable:4702)
    SlangResult CodeGenContext::emitEntryPointsSource(ComPtr<IArtifact>& outArtifact)


        auto endToEndReq = isPassThroughEnabled();
            for (auto entryPointIndex : getEntryPointIndices())
                auto translationUnit = getPassThroughTranslationUnit(endToEndReq, entryPointIndex);

                /// Make sure we have the source files

                // Generate a string that includes the content of
                // the source file(s), along with a line directive
                // to ensure that we get reasonable messages
                // from the downstream compiler when in pass-through
                // mode.

                StringBuilder codeBuilder;
                if (getTargetFormat() == CodeGenTarget::GLSL)
                    // Special case GLSL
                    int translationUnitCounter = 0;
                    for (auto sourceFile : translationUnit->getSourceFiles())
                        int translationUnitIndex = translationUnitCounter++;

                        // We want to output `#line` directives, but we need
                        // to skip this for the first file, since otherwise
                        // some GLSL implementations will get tripped up by
                        // not having the `#version` directive be the first
                        // thing in the file.
                        if (translationUnitIndex != 0)
                            codeBuilder << "#line 1 " << translationUnitIndex << "\n";
                        codeBuilder << sourceFile->getContent() << "\n";
                    for (auto sourceFile : translationUnit->getSourceFiles())
                        _appendCodeWithPath(sourceFile->getPathInfo().foundPath.getUnownedSlice(), sourceFile->getContent(), codeBuilder);

                auto artifact = ArtifactUtil::createArtifactForCompileTarget(asExternal(getTargetFormat()));

                return SLANG_OK;
            return SLANG_OK;
            return emitEntryPointsSourceFromIR(outArtifact);
#   pragma warning(pop)

    String GetHLSLProfileName(Profile profile)
        switch( profile.getFamily() )
        case ProfileFamily::DX:
            // Profile version is a DX one, so stick with it.

            // Profile is a non-DX profile family, so we need to try
            // to clobber it with something to get a default.
            // TODO: This is a huge hack...

        char const* stagePrefix = nullptr;
        switch( profile.getStage() )
            // Note: All of the raytracing-related stages require
            // compiling for a `lib_*` profile, even when only a
            // single entry point is present.
            // We also go ahead and use this target in any case
            // where we don't know the actual stage to compiel for,
            // as a fallback option.
            // TODO: We also want to use this option when compiling
            // multiple entry points to a DXIL library.
            stagePrefix = "lib";

            // The traditional rasterization pipeline and compute
            // shaders all have custom profile names that identify
            // both the stage and shader model, which need to be
            // used when compiling a single entry point.
    #define CASE(NAME, PREFIX) case Stage::NAME: stagePrefix = #PREFIX; break
        CASE(Vertex,    vs);
        CASE(Hull,      hs);
        CASE(Domain,    ds);
        CASE(Geometry,  gs);
        CASE(Fragment,  ps);
        CASE(Compute,   cs);
        CASE(Amplification, as);
        CASE(Mesh,          ms);
    #undef CASE

        char const* versionSuffix = nullptr;
    #define CASE(TAG, SUFFIX) case ProfileVersion::TAG: versionSuffix = #SUFFIX; break
        CASE(DX_4_0,             _4_0);
        CASE(DX_4_0_Level_9_0,   _4_0_level_9_0);
        CASE(DX_4_0_Level_9_1,   _4_0_level_9_1);
        CASE(DX_4_0_Level_9_3,   _4_0_level_9_3);
        CASE(DX_4_1,             _4_1);
        CASE(DX_5_0,             _5_0);
        CASE(DX_5_1,             _5_1);
        CASE(DX_6_0,             _6_0);
        CASE(DX_6_1,             _6_1);
        CASE(DX_6_2,             _6_2);
        CASE(DX_6_3,             _6_3);
        CASE(DX_6_4,             _6_4);
        CASE(DX_6_5,             _6_5);
        CASE(DX_6_6,             _6_6);
        CASE(DX_6_7,             _6_7);
    #undef CASE

            return "unknown";

        String result;
        return result;

    void reportExternalCompileError(const char* compilerName, Severity severity, SlangResult res, const UnownedStringSlice& diagnostic, DiagnosticSink* sink)
        StringBuilder builder;
        if (compilerName)
            builder << compilerName << ": ";

        if (SLANG_FAILED(res) && res != SLANG_FAIL)
                char tmp[17];
                sprintf_s(tmp, SLANG_COUNT_OF(tmp), "0x%08x", uint32_t(res));
                builder << "Result(" << tmp << ") ";

            PlatformUtil::appendResult(res, builder);

        if (diagnostic.getLength() > 0)
            if (!diagnostic.endsWith("\n"))

        sink->diagnoseRaw(severity, builder.getUnownedSlice());

    void reportExternalCompileError(const char* compilerName, SlangResult res, const UnownedStringSlice& diagnostic, DiagnosticSink* sink)
        // TODO(tfoley): need a better policy for how we translate diagnostics
        // back into the Slang world (although we should always try to generate
        // HLSL that doesn't produce any diagnostics...)
        reportExternalCompileError(compilerName, SLANG_FAILED(res) ? Severity::Error : Severity::Warning, res, diagnostic, sink);

    static String _getDisplayPath(DiagnosticSink* sink, SourceFile* sourceFile)
        if (sink->isFlagSet(DiagnosticSink::Flag::VerbosePath))
            return sourceFile->calcVerbosePath();
            return sourceFile->getPathInfo().foundPath;

    String CodeGenContext::calcSourcePathForEntryPoints()
        String failureMode = "slang-generated";
        if (getEntryPointCount() != 1)
            return failureMode;
        auto entryPointIndex = getSingleEntryPointIndex();
        auto translationUnitRequest = findPassThroughTranslationUnit(entryPointIndex);
        if (!translationUnitRequest)
            return failureMode;

        const auto& sourceFiles = translationUnitRequest->getSourceFiles();

        auto sink = getSink();

        const Index numSourceFiles = sourceFiles.getCount();

        switch (numSourceFiles)
            case 0:     return "unknown";
            case 1:     return _getDisplayPath(sink, sourceFiles[0]);
                StringBuilder builder;
                builder << _getDisplayPath(sink, sourceFiles[0]);
                for (int i = 1; i < numSourceFiles; ++i)
                    builder << ";" << _getDisplayPath(sink, sourceFiles[i]);
                return std::move(builder);

    // Helper function for cases where we can assume a single entry point
    Int assertSingleEntryPoint(List<Int> const& entryPointIndices) {
        SLANG_ASSERT(entryPointIndices.getCount() == 1);
        return *entryPointIndices.begin();

        // True if it's best to use 'emitted' source for complication. For a downstream compiler
        // that is not file based, this is always ok.
        /// If the downstream compiler is file system based, we may want to just use the file that was passed to be compiled.
        /// That the downstream compiler can determine if it will then save the file or not based on if it's a match -
        /// and generally there will not be a match with emitted source.
        /// This test is only used for pass through mode. 
    static bool _useEmittedSource(IDownstreamCompiler* compiler, TranslationUnitRequest* translationUnit)
        // We only bother if it's a file based compiler.
        if (compiler->isFileBased())
            // It can only have *one* source file as otherwise we have to combine to make a new source file anyway
            return translationUnit->getSourceArtifacts().getCount() != 1;
        return true;

    static Severity _getDiagnosticSeverity(ArtifactDiagnostic::Severity severity)
        switch (severity)
            case ArtifactDiagnostic::Severity::Warning:   return Severity::Warning;
            case ArtifactDiagnostic::Severity::Info:      return Severity::Note;
            default: return Severity::Error;

    static RefPtr<ExtensionTracker> _newExtensionTracker(CodeGenTarget target)
        switch (target)
            case CodeGenTarget::PTX:
            case CodeGenTarget::CUDASource:
                return new CUDAExtensionTracker;
            case CodeGenTarget::SPIRV:
            case CodeGenTarget::GLSL:
                return new GLSLExtensionTracker;
            default:                            return nullptr;

    static CodeGenTarget _getDefaultSourceForTarget(CodeGenTarget target)
        switch (target)
            case CodeGenTarget::ShaderHostCallable:
            case CodeGenTarget::ShaderSharedLibrary:
                return CodeGenTarget::CPPSource;
            case CodeGenTarget::HostHostCallable:
            case CodeGenTarget::HostExecutable:
                return CodeGenTarget::HostCPPSource;
            case CodeGenTarget::PTX:                return CodeGenTarget::CUDASource;
            case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecode:         return CodeGenTarget::HLSL;
            case CodeGenTarget::DXIL:               return CodeGenTarget::HLSL;
            case CodeGenTarget::SPIRV:              return CodeGenTarget::GLSL;
            default: break;
        return CodeGenTarget::Unknown;

    static bool _isCPUHostTarget(CodeGenTarget target)
        auto desc = ArtifactDescUtil::makeDescForCompileTarget(asExternal(target));
        return == ArtifactStyle::Host;

    static bool _shouldSetEntryPointName(TargetRequest* targetReq)
        if (!isKhronosTarget(targetReq))
            return true;
        if (!targetReq->getHLSLToVulkanLayoutOptions())
            return false;
        if (targetReq->getHLSLToVulkanLayoutOptions()->getUseOriginalEntryPointName())
            return true;
        return false;

    SlangResult passthroughDownstreamDiagnostics(DiagnosticSink* sink, IDownstreamCompiler* compiler, IArtifact* artifact)
        auto diagnostics = findAssociatedRepresentation<IArtifactDiagnostics>(artifact);

        if (!diagnostics)
            return SLANG_OK;

        if (diagnostics->getCount())
            StringBuilder compilerText;
            DownstreamCompilerUtil::appendAsText(compiler->getDesc(), compilerText);

            StringBuilder builder;

            auto const diagnosticCount = diagnostics->getCount();
            for (Index i = 0; i < diagnosticCount; ++i)
                const auto& diagnostic = *diagnostics->getAt(i);


                const Severity severity = _getDiagnosticSeverity(diagnostic.severity);

                if (diagnostic.filePath.count == 0 && diagnostic.location.line == 0 && severity == Severity::Note)
                    // If theres no filePath line number and it's info, output severity and text alone
                    builder << getSeverityName(severity) << " : ";
                    if (diagnostic.filePath.count)
                        builder << asStringSlice(diagnostic.filePath);

                    if (diagnostic.location.line)
                        builder << "(" << diagnostic.location.line << ")";

                    builder << ": ";

                    if (diagnostic.stage == ArtifactDiagnostic::Stage::Link)
                        builder << "link ";

                    builder << getSeverityName(severity);
                    builder << " " << asStringSlice(diagnostic.code) << ": ";

                builder << asStringSlice(diagnostic.text);
                reportExternalCompileError(compilerText.getBuffer(), severity, SLANG_OK, builder.getUnownedSlice(), sink);

        // If any errors are emitted, then we are done
        if (diagnostics->hasOfAtLeastSeverity(ArtifactDiagnostic::Severity::Error))
            return SLANG_FAIL;

        return SLANG_OK;

    SlangResult CodeGenContext::emitWithDownstreamForEntryPoints(ComPtr<IArtifact>& outArtifact)

        auto sink = getSink();
        auto session = getSession();

        CodeGenTarget sourceTarget = CodeGenTarget::None;
        SourceLanguage sourceLanguage = SourceLanguage::Unknown;

        auto target = getTargetFormat();
        RefPtr<ExtensionTracker> extensionTracker = _newExtensionTracker(target);
        PassThroughMode compilerType;

        SliceAllocator allocator;
        if (auto endToEndReq = isPassThroughEnabled())
            compilerType = endToEndReq->m_passThrough;
            // If we are not in pass through, lookup the default compiler for the emitted source type

            // Get the default source codegen type for a given target
            sourceTarget = _getDefaultSourceForTarget(target);
            compilerType = (PassThroughMode)session->getDownstreamCompilerForTransition((SlangCompileTarget)sourceTarget, (SlangCompileTarget)target);
            // We should have a downstream compiler set at this point
            if (compilerType == PassThroughMode::None)
                auto sourceName = TypeTextUtil::getCompileTargetName(SlangCompileTarget(sourceTarget));
                auto targetName = TypeTextUtil::getCompileTargetName(SlangCompileTarget(target));

                sink->diagnose(SourceLoc(), Diagnostics::compilerNotDefinedForTransition, sourceName, targetName);
                return SLANG_FAIL;

        SLANG_ASSERT(compilerType != PassThroughMode::None);

        // Get the required downstream compiler
        IDownstreamCompiler* compiler = session->getOrLoadDownstreamCompiler(compilerType, sink);
        if (!compiler)
            auto compilerName = TypeTextUtil::getPassThroughAsHumanText((SlangPassThrough)compilerType);
            sink->diagnose(SourceLoc(), Diagnostics::passThroughCompilerNotFound, compilerName);
            return SLANG_FAIL;

        Dictionary<String, String> preprocessorDefinitions;
        List<String> includePaths;

        typedef DownstreamCompileOptions CompileOptions;
        CompileOptions options;

        List<DownstreamCompileOptions::CapabilityVersion> requiredCapabilityVersions;
        List<String> compilerSpecificArguments;
        List<ComPtr<IArtifact>> libraries;
        List<String> libraryPaths;

        // Set compiler specific args
            auto linkage = getLinkage();
            auto name = TypeTextUtil::getPassThroughName((SlangPassThrough)compilerType);
            const Index nameIndex = linkage->m_downstreamArgs.findName(name);
            if (nameIndex >= 0)
                auto& args = linkage->m_downstreamArgs.getArgsAt(nameIndex);
                for (const auto& arg : args.m_args)
                    // We special case some kinds of args, that can be handled directly
                    if (arg.value.startsWith("-I"))
                        // We handle the -I option, by just adding to the include paths

        ComPtr<IArtifact> sourceArtifact;

        /* This is more convoluted than the other scenarios, because when we invoke C/C++ compiler we would ideally like
        to use the original file. We want to do this because we want includes relative to the source file to work, and
        for that to work most easily we want to use the original file, if there is one */
        if (auto endToEndReq = isPassThroughEnabled())
            // If we are pass through, we may need to set extension tracker state. 
            if (GLSLExtensionTracker* glslTracker = as<GLSLExtensionTracker>(extensionTracker))
                trackGLSLTargetCaps(glslTracker, getTargetCaps());

            auto translationUnit = getPassThroughTranslationUnit(endToEndReq, getSingleEntryPointIndex());

            // We are just passing thru, so it's whatever it originally was
            sourceLanguage = translationUnit->sourceLanguage;

            // TODO(JS): This seems like a bit of a hack
            // That if a pass-through is being performed and the source language is Slang
            // no downstream compiler knows how to deal with that, so probably means 'HLSL'
            sourceLanguage = (sourceLanguage == SourceLanguage::Slang) ? SourceLanguage::HLSL : sourceLanguage;
            sourceTarget = CodeGenTarget(TypeConvertUtil::getCompileTargetFromSourceLanguage((SlangSourceLanguage)sourceLanguage));

            // If it's pass through we accumulate the preprocessor definitions. 
            for (const auto& define : translationUnit->compileRequest->preprocessorDefinitions)
            for (const auto& define : translationUnit->preprocessorDefinitions)
                /* TODO(JS): Not totally clear what options should be set here. If we are using the pass through - then using say the defines/includes
                all makes total sense. If we are generating C++ code from slang, then should we really be using these values -> aren't they what is
                being set for the *slang* source, not for the C++ generated code. That being the case it implies that there needs to be a mechanism
                (if there isn't already) to specify such information on a particular pass/pass through etc.

                On invoking DXC for example include paths do not appear to be set at all (even with pass-through).

                auto linkage = getLinkage();

                // Add all the search paths
                const auto searchDirectories = linkage->getSearchDirectories();
                const SearchDirectoryList* searchList = &searchDirectories;
                while (searchList)
                    for (const auto& searchDirectory : searchList->searchDirectories)
                    searchList = searchList->parent;

            // If emitted source is required, emit and set the path            
            if (_useEmittedSource(compiler, translationUnit))
                CodeGenContext sourceCodeGenContext(this, sourceTarget, extensionTracker);


                // If it's not file based we can set an appropriate path name, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't
                // exist on the file system. 
                // We set the name to the path as this will be used for downstream reporting.
                auto sourcePath = calcSourcePathForEntryPoints();

                // Special case if we have a single file, so that we pass the path, and the contents as is.
                const auto& sourceArtifacts = translationUnit->getSourceArtifacts();
                SLANG_ASSERT(sourceArtifacts.getCount() == 1);

                sourceArtifact = sourceArtifacts[0];
            CodeGenContext sourceCodeGenContext(this, sourceTarget, extensionTracker);


            sourceLanguage = (SourceLanguage)TypeConvertUtil::getSourceLanguageFromTarget((SlangCompileTarget)sourceTarget);

        if (sourceArtifact)
            // Set the source artifacts
            options.sourceArtifacts = makeSlice(sourceArtifact.readRef(), 1);

        // Add any preprocessor definitions associated with the linkage
            // TODO(JS): This is somewhat arguable - should defines passed to Slang really be
            // passed to downstream compilers? It does appear consistent with the behavior if 
            // there is an endToEndReq.
            // That said it's very convenient and provides way to control aspects 
            // of downstream compilation. 
            auto linkage = getLinkage();
            for (const auto& define : linkage->preprocessorDefinitions)

        // If we have an extension tracker, we may need to set options such as SPIR-V version
        // and CUDA Shader Model.
        if (extensionTracker)
            // Look for the version
            if (auto cudaTracker = as<CUDAExtensionTracker>(extensionTracker))

                if (cudaTracker->m_smVersion.isSet())
                    DownstreamCompileOptions::CapabilityVersion version;
                    version.kind = DownstreamCompileOptions::CapabilityVersion::Kind::CUDASM;
                    version.version = cudaTracker->m_smVersion;


                if (cudaTracker->isBaseTypeRequired(BaseType::Half))
                    options.flags |= CompileOptions::Flag::EnableFloat16;
            else if (GLSLExtensionTracker* glslTracker = as<GLSLExtensionTracker>(extensionTracker))
                DownstreamCompileOptions::CapabilityVersion version;
                version.kind = DownstreamCompileOptions::CapabilityVersion::Kind::SPIRV;
                version.version = glslTracker->getSPIRVVersion();


        // Set the file sytem and source manager, as *may* be used by downstream compiler
        options.fileSystemExt = getFileSystemExt();
        options.sourceManager = getSourceManager();

        // Set the source type
        options.sourceLanguage = SlangSourceLanguage(sourceLanguage);
        // Disable exceptions and security checks
        options.flags &= ~(CompileOptions::Flag::EnableExceptionHandling | CompileOptions::Flag::EnableSecurityChecks);

        Profile profile;

        if (compilerType == PassThroughMode::Fxc ||
            compilerType == PassThroughMode::Dxc ||
            compilerType == PassThroughMode::Glslang)
            const auto entryPointIndices = getEntryPointIndices();
            auto targetReq = getTargetReq();

            const auto entryPointIndicesCount = entryPointIndices.getCount();

            // Whole program means
            // * can have 0-N entry points
            // * 'doesn't build into an executable/kernel'
            // So in some sense it is a library
            if (targetReq->isWholeProgramRequest())
                if (compilerType == PassThroughMode::Dxc)
                    // Can support no entry points on DXC because we can build libraries
                    profile = targetReq->getTargetProfile();
                    auto downstreamCompilerName = TypeTextUtil::getPassThroughName((SlangPassThrough)compilerType);

                    sink->diagnose(SourceLoc(), Diagnostics::downstreamCompilerDoesntSupportWholeProgramCompilation, downstreamCompilerName);
                    return SLANG_FAIL;
            else if (entryPointIndicesCount == 1)
                // All support a single entry point
                const Index entryPointIndex = entryPointIndices[0];

                auto entryPoint = getEntryPoint(entryPointIndex);
                profile = getEffectiveProfile(entryPoint, targetReq);

                if (_shouldSetEntryPointName(getTargetReq()))
                    options.entryPointName = allocator.allocate(getText(entryPoint->getName()));
                    auto entryPointNameOverride = getProgram()->getEntryPointNameOverride(entryPointIndex);
                    if (entryPointNameOverride.getLength() != 0)
                        options.entryPointName = allocator.allocate(entryPointNameOverride);
                // We only support a single entry point on this target
                SLANG_ASSERT(!"Can only compile with a single entry point on this target");
                return SLANG_FAIL;
            options.stage = SlangStage(profile.getStage());

            if (compilerType == PassThroughMode::Dxc)
                // We will enable the flag to generate proper code for 16 - bit types
                // by default, as long as the user is requesting a sufficiently
                // high shader model.
                // TODO: Need to check that this is safe to enable in all cases,
                // or if it will make a shader demand hardware features that
                // aren't always present.
                // TODO: Ideally the dxc back-end should be passed some information
                // on the "capabilities" that were used and/or requested in the code.
                if (profile.getVersion() >= ProfileVersion::DX_6_2)
                    options.flags |= CompileOptions::Flag::EnableFloat16;

                // Set the matrix layout
                options.matrixLayout = SlangMatrixLayoutMode(getTargetReq()->getDefaultMatrixLayoutMode());

            // Set the profile
            options.profileName = allocator.allocate(GetHLSLProfileName(profile));

        // If we aren't using LLVM 'host callable', we want downstream compile to produce a shared library
        if (compilerType != PassThroughMode::LLVM && 
            ArtifactDescUtil::makeDescForCompileTarget(asExternal(target)).kind == ArtifactKind::HostCallable)
            target = CodeGenTarget::ShaderSharedLibrary;

        if (!isPassThroughEnabled())
            if (_isCPUHostTarget(target))
                libraryPaths.add(Path::combine(Path::getParentDirectory(Path::getExecutablePath()), "../lib"));

                // Set up the library artifact
                auto artifact = Artifact::create(ArtifactDesc::make(ArtifactKind::Library, Artifact::Payload::HostCPU), toSlice("slang-rt"));

                ComPtr<IOSFileArtifactRepresentation> fileRep(new OSFileArtifactRepresentation(IOSFileArtifactRepresentation::Kind::NameOnly, toSlice("slang-rt"), nullptr));


        options.targetType = (SlangCompileTarget)target;

        // Need to configure for the compilation

            auto linkage = getLinkage();

            switch (linkage->optimizationLevel)
                case OptimizationLevel::None:       options.optimizationLevel = DownstreamCompileOptions::OptimizationLevel::None; break;
                case OptimizationLevel::Default:    options.optimizationLevel = DownstreamCompileOptions::OptimizationLevel::Default;  break;
                case OptimizationLevel::High:       options.optimizationLevel = DownstreamCompileOptions::OptimizationLevel::High;  break;
                case OptimizationLevel::Maximal:    options.optimizationLevel = DownstreamCompileOptions::OptimizationLevel::Maximal;  break;
                default: SLANG_ASSERT(!"Unhandled optimization level"); break;

            switch (linkage->debugInfoLevel)
                case DebugInfoLevel::None:          options.debugInfoType = DownstreamCompileOptions::DebugInfoType::None; break;
                case DebugInfoLevel::Minimal:       options.debugInfoType = DownstreamCompileOptions::DebugInfoType::Minimal; break;
                case DebugInfoLevel::Standard:      options.debugInfoType = DownstreamCompileOptions::DebugInfoType::Standard; break;
                case DebugInfoLevel::Maximal:       options.debugInfoType = DownstreamCompileOptions::DebugInfoType::Maximal; break;
                default: SLANG_ASSERT(!"Unhandled debug level"); break;

            switch( getTargetReq()->getFloatingPointMode())
                case FloatingPointMode::Default:    options.floatingPointMode = DownstreamCompileOptions::FloatingPointMode::Default; break;
                case FloatingPointMode::Precise:    options.floatingPointMode = DownstreamCompileOptions::FloatingPointMode::Precise; break;
                case FloatingPointMode::Fast:       options.floatingPointMode = DownstreamCompileOptions::FloatingPointMode::Fast; break;
                default: SLANG_ASSERT(!"Unhandled floating point mode");

                // We need to look at the stage of the entry point(s) we are
                // being asked to compile, since this will determine the
                // "pipeline" that the result should be compiled for (e.g.,
                // compute vs. ray tracing).
                // TODO: This logic is kind of messy in that it assumes
                // a program to be compiled will only contain kernels for
                // a single pipeline type, but that invariant isn't expressed
                // at all in the front-end today. It also has no error
                // checking for the case where there are conflicts.
                // HACK: Right now none of the above concerns matter
                // because we always perform code generation on a single
                // entry point at a time.
                Index entryPointCount = getEntryPointCount();
                for(Index ee = 0; ee < entryPointCount; ++ee)
                    auto stage = getEntryPoint(ee)->getStage();

                    case Stage::Compute:
                        options.pipelineType = DownstreamCompileOptions::PipelineType::Compute;

                    case Stage::Vertex:
                    case Stage::Hull:
                    case Stage::Domain:
                    case Stage::Geometry:
                    case Stage::Fragment:
                        options.pipelineType = DownstreamCompileOptions::PipelineType::Rasterization;

                    case Stage::RayGeneration:
                    case Stage::Intersection:
                    case Stage::AnyHit:
                    case Stage::ClosestHit:
                    case Stage::Miss:
                    case Stage::Callable:
                        options.pipelineType = DownstreamCompileOptions::PipelineType::RayTracing;

            // Add all the search paths (as calculated earlier - they will only be set if this is a pass through else will be empty)
            options.includePaths = allocator.allocate(includePaths);

            // Add the specified defines (as calculated earlier - they will only be set if this is a pass through else will be empty)
                const auto count = preprocessorDefinitions.getCount();
                auto dst = allocator.getArena().allocateArray<DownstreamCompileOptions::Define>(count);

                Index i = 0;

                for(const auto& [defKey, defValue] : preprocessorDefinitions)
                    auto& define = dst[i];
                    define.nameWithSig = allocator.allocate(defKey);
                    define.value = allocator.allocate(defValue);

                options.defines = makeSlice(dst, count);

            // Add all of the module libraries
            libraries.addRange(linkage->m_libModules.getBuffer(), linkage->m_libModules.getCount());
        options.compilerSpecificArguments = allocator.allocate(compilerSpecificArguments);
        options.requiredCapabilityVersions = SliceUtil::asSlice(requiredCapabilityVersions);
        options.libraries = SliceUtil::asSlice(libraries);
        options.libraryPaths = allocator.allocate(libraryPaths);
        // Compile
        ComPtr<IArtifact> artifact;
        auto downstreamStartTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(compiler->compile(options, artifact.writeRef()));
        auto downstreamElapsedTime =
            (std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - downstreamStartTime).count() * 0.000000001;

        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(passthroughDownstreamDiagnostics(getSink(), compiler, artifact));

        // Copy over all of the information associated with the source into the output
        if (sourceArtifact)
            for (auto associatedArtifact : sourceArtifact->getAssociated())

        // Set the artifact
        return SLANG_OK;

    SlangResult emitSPIRVForEntryPointsDirectly(
        CodeGenContext* codeGenContext,
        ComPtr<IArtifact>& outArtifact);

    static CodeGenTarget _getIntermediateTarget(CodeGenTarget target)
        switch (target)
            case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecodeAssembly: return CodeGenTarget::DXBytecode;
            case CodeGenTarget::DXILAssembly:       return CodeGenTarget::DXIL;
            case CodeGenTarget::SPIRVAssembly:      return CodeGenTarget::SPIRV;
            default:    return CodeGenTarget::None;

        /// Function to simplify the logic around emitting, and dissassembling
    SlangResult CodeGenContext::_emitEntryPoints(ComPtr<IArtifact>& outArtifact)
        auto target = getTargetFormat();
        switch (target)
            case CodeGenTarget::SPIRVAssembly:
            case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecodeAssembly:
            case CodeGenTarget::DXILAssembly:
                // First compile to an intermediate target for the corresponding binary format.
                const CodeGenTarget intermediateTarget = _getIntermediateTarget(target);
                CodeGenContext intermediateContext(this, intermediateTarget);

                ComPtr<IArtifact> intermediateArtifact;


                // Then disassemble the intermediate binary result to get the desired output
                // Output the disassemble
                ComPtr<IArtifact> disassemblyArtifact;
                SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(ArtifactOutputUtil::dissassembleWithDownstream(getSession(), intermediateArtifact, getSink(), disassemblyArtifact.writeRef()));

                return SLANG_OK;
            case CodeGenTarget::SPIRV:
                if (getTargetReq()->shouldEmitSPIRVDirectly())
                    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(emitSPIRVForEntryPointsDirectly(this, outArtifact));
                    return SLANG_OK;
            case CodeGenTarget::DXIL:
            case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecode:
            case CodeGenTarget::PTX:
            case CodeGenTarget::ShaderHostCallable:
            case CodeGenTarget::ShaderSharedLibrary:
            case CodeGenTarget::HostExecutable:
            case CodeGenTarget::HostHostCallable:
                return SLANG_OK;

            default: break;

        return SLANG_FAIL;

    // Do emit logic for a zero or more entry points
    SlangResult CodeGenContext::emitEntryPoints(ComPtr<IArtifact>& outArtifact)
        CompileTimerRAII recordCompileTime(getSession());

        auto target = getTargetFormat();

        switch (target)
        case CodeGenTarget::SPIRVAssembly:
        case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecodeAssembly:
        case CodeGenTarget::DXILAssembly:
        case CodeGenTarget::SPIRV:
        case CodeGenTarget::DXIL:
        case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecode:
        case CodeGenTarget::PTX:
        case CodeGenTarget::HostHostCallable:
        case CodeGenTarget::ShaderHostCallable:
        case CodeGenTarget::ShaderSharedLibrary:
        case CodeGenTarget::HostExecutable:

                return SLANG_OK;
        case CodeGenTarget::GLSL:
        case CodeGenTarget::HLSL:
        case CodeGenTarget::CUDASource:
        case CodeGenTarget::CPPSource:
        case CodeGenTarget::HostCPPSource:
        case CodeGenTarget::PyTorchCppBinding:
        case CodeGenTarget::CSource:
                RefPtr<ExtensionTracker> extensionTracker = _newExtensionTracker(target);
                CodeGenContext subContext(this, target, extensionTracker);

                ComPtr<IArtifact> sourceArtifact;


                outArtifact = sourceArtifact;
                return SLANG_OK;

        case CodeGenTarget::None:
            // The user requested no output
            return SLANG_OK;

            // Note(tfoley): We currently hit this case when compiling the stdlib
        case CodeGenTarget::Unknown:
            return SLANG_OK;

            SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled code generation target");

    void EndToEndCompileRequest::writeArtifactToStandardOutput(IArtifact* artifact, DiagnosticSink* sink)
        // If it's host callable it's not available to write to output
        if (isDerivedFrom(artifact->getDesc().kind, ArtifactKind::HostCallable))

        auto session = getSession();
        ArtifactOutputUtil::maybeConvertAndWrite(session, artifact, sink, toSlice("stdout"), getWriter(WriterChannel::StdOutput));

    String EndToEndCompileRequest::_getWholeProgramPath(TargetRequest* targetReq)
        RefPtr<EndToEndCompileRequest::TargetInfo> targetInfo;
        if (m_targetInfos.tryGetValue(targetReq, targetInfo))
            return targetInfo->wholeTargetOutputPath;
        return String();

    String EndToEndCompileRequest::_getEntryPointPath(TargetRequest* targetReq, Index entryPointIndex)
        // It is possible that we are dynamically discovering entry
        // points (using `[shader(...)]` attributes), so that there
        // might be entry points added to the program that did not
        // get paths specified via command-line options.
        RefPtr<EndToEndCompileRequest::TargetInfo> targetInfo;
        if (m_targetInfos.tryGetValue(targetReq, targetInfo))
            String outputPath;
            if (targetInfo->entryPointOutputPaths.tryGetValue(entryPointIndex, outputPath))
                return outputPath;

        return String();

    SlangResult EndToEndCompileRequest::_writeArtifact(const String& path, IArtifact* artifact)
        if (path.getLength() > 0)
            SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(ArtifactOutputUtil::writeToFile(artifact, getSink(), path));
        else if (m_containerFormat == ContainerFormat::None)
            // If we aren't writing to a container and we didn't write to a file, we can output to standard output
            writeArtifactToStandardOutput(artifact, getSink());
        return SLANG_OK;

    SlangResult EndToEndCompileRequest::_maybeWriteArtifact(const String& path, IArtifact* artifact)
        // We don't have to do anything if there is no artifact
        if (!artifact)
            return SLANG_OK;

        // If embedding is enabled...
        if (m_sourceEmbedStyle != SourceEmbedUtil::Style::None)
            SourceEmbedUtil::Options options;

   = m_sourceEmbedStyle;
            options.variableName = m_sourceEmbedName;
            options.language = (SlangSourceLanguage)m_sourceEmbedLanguage;

            ComPtr<IArtifact> embeddedArtifact;
            SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(SourceEmbedUtil::createEmbedded(artifact, options, embeddedArtifact));

            if (!embeddedArtifact)
                return SLANG_FAIL;
            SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_writeArtifact(SourceEmbedUtil::getPath(path, options), embeddedArtifact));
            return SLANG_OK;
            SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_writeArtifact(path, artifact));
        return SLANG_OK;

    IArtifact* TargetProgram::_createWholeProgramResult(
        DiagnosticSink* sink,
        EndToEndCompileRequest* endToEndReq)
        // We want to call `emitEntryPoints` function to generate code that contains
        // all the entrypoints defined in `m_program`.
        // The current logic of `emitEntryPoints` takes a list of entry-point indices to
        // emit code for, so we construct such a list first.
        List<Int> entryPointIndices;

        for (Index i = 0; i < entryPointIndices.getCount(); i++)
            entryPointIndices[i] = i;
        CodeGenContext::Shared sharedCodeGenContext(this, entryPointIndices, sink, endToEndReq);
        CodeGenContext codeGenContext(&sharedCodeGenContext);

        if (SLANG_FAILED(codeGenContext.emitEntryPoints(m_wholeProgramResult)))
            return nullptr;
        return m_wholeProgramResult;

    IArtifact* TargetProgram::_createEntryPointResult(
        Int                     entryPointIndex,
        DiagnosticSink*         sink,
        EndToEndCompileRequest* endToEndReq)
        // It is possible that entry points got added to the `Program`
        // *after* we created this `TargetProgram`, so there might be
        // a request for an entry point that we didn't allocate space for.
        // TODO: Change the construction logic so that a `Program` is
        // constructed all at once rather than incrementally, to avoid
        // this problem.
        if(entryPointIndex >= m_entryPointResults.getCount())
            m_entryPointResults.setCount(entryPointIndex + 1);

        CodeGenContext::EntryPointIndices entryPointIndices;

        CodeGenContext::Shared sharedCodeGenContext(this, entryPointIndices, sink, endToEndReq);
        CodeGenContext codeGenContext(&sharedCodeGenContext);


        return m_entryPointResults[entryPointIndex];

    IArtifact* TargetProgram::getOrCreateWholeProgramResult(
        DiagnosticSink* sink)
        if (m_wholeProgramResult)
            return m_wholeProgramResult;

        // If we haven't yet computed a layout for this target
        // program, we need to make sure that is done before
        // code generation.
        if (!getOrCreateIRModuleForLayout(sink))
            return nullptr;

        return _createWholeProgramResult(sink);

    IArtifact* TargetProgram::getOrCreateEntryPointResult(
        Int entryPointIndex,
        DiagnosticSink* sink)
        if(entryPointIndex >= m_entryPointResults.getCount())
            m_entryPointResults.setCount(entryPointIndex + 1);

        if(IArtifact* artifact = m_entryPointResults[entryPointIndex])
            return artifact;

        // If we haven't yet computed a layout for this target
        // program, we need to make sure that is done before
        // code generation.
        if( !getOrCreateIRModuleForLayout(sink) )
            return nullptr;

        return _createEntryPointResult(

    void EndToEndCompileRequest::generateOutput(
        TargetProgram* targetProgram)
        auto program = targetProgram->getProgram();
        auto targetReq = targetProgram->getTargetReq();

        // Generate target code any entry points that
        // have been requested for compilation.
        auto entryPointCount = program->getEntryPointCount();
        if (targetReq->isWholeProgramRequest())
            targetProgram->_createWholeProgramResult(getSink(), this);
            for (Index ii = 0; ii < entryPointCount; ++ii)

    bool _shouldWriteSourceLocs(Linkage* linkage)
        // If debug information or source manager are not avaiable we can't/shouldn't write out locs
        if (linkage->debugInfoLevel == DebugInfoLevel::None || 
            linkage->getSourceManager() == nullptr)
            return false;
        // Otherwise we do want to write out the locs
        return true;

    SlangResult EndToEndCompileRequest::writeContainerToStream(Stream* stream)
        auto linkage = getLinkage();

        // Set up options
        SerialContainerUtil::WriteOptions options;

        options.compressionType = linkage->serialCompressionType;
        if (linkage->m_obfuscateCode)
            // If code is obfuscated, we *disable* AST output as it is not obfuscated and will reveal
            // too much about IR.
            // Also currently only IR is needed.
            options.optionFlags &= ~SerialOptionFlag::ASTModule;
        // If debug information is enabled, enable writing out source locs
        if (_shouldWriteSourceLocs(linkage))
            options.optionFlags |= SerialOptionFlag::SourceLocation;
            options.sourceManager = linkage->getSourceManager();

            RiffContainer container;
                SerialContainerData data;
                SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(SerialContainerUtil::addEndToEndRequestToData(this, options, data));
                SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(SerialContainerUtil::write(data, options, &container));
            // We now write the RiffContainer to the stream
            SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(RiffUtil::write(container.getRoot(), true, stream));

        return SLANG_OK;

    static IBoxValue<SourceMap>* _getObfuscatedSourceMap(TranslationUnitRequest* translationUnit)
        if (auto module = translationUnit->getModule())
            if (auto irModule = module->getIRModule())
                return irModule->getObfuscatedSourceMap();
        return nullptr;

    SlangResult EndToEndCompileRequest::maybeCreateContainer()

        List<ComPtr<IArtifact>> artifacts;

        auto linkage = getLinkage();
        auto program = getSpecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType();

        for (auto targetReq : linkage->targets)
            auto targetProgram = program->getTargetProgram(targetReq);

            if (targetReq->isWholeProgramRequest())
                if (auto artifact = targetProgram->getExistingWholeProgramResult())
                Index entryPointCount = program->getEntryPointCount();
                for (Index ee = 0; ee < entryPointCount; ++ee)
                    if (auto artifact = targetProgram->getExistingEntryPointResult(ee))

        // If IR emitting is enabled, add IR to the artifacts
        if (m_emitIr)
            OwnedMemoryStream stream(FileAccess::Write);
            SlangResult res = writeContainerToStream(&stream);
            if (SLANG_FAILED(res))
                getSink()->diagnose(SourceLoc(), Diagnostics::unableToCreateModuleContainer);
                return res;

            // Need to turn into a blob
            List<uint8_t> blobData;

            auto containerBlob = ListBlob::moveCreate(blobData);

            auto irArtifact = Artifact::create(ArtifactDesc::make(Artifact::Kind::CompileBinary, ArtifactPayload::SlangIR, ArtifactStyle::Unknown));
            // Add the IR artifact

        // If there is only one artifact we can use that as the container
        if (artifacts.getCount() == 1)
            m_containerArtifact = artifacts[0];
            m_containerArtifact = ArtifactUtil::createArtifact(ArtifactDesc::make(ArtifactKind::Container, ArtifactPayload::CompileResults));

            for (IArtifact* childArtifact : artifacts)

        // Get all of the source obfuscated source maps and add those 
        if (m_containerArtifact)
            auto frontEndReq = getFrontEndReq();

            for (auto translationUnit : frontEndReq->translationUnits)
                // Hmmm do I have to therefore add a map for all translation units(!)
                // I guess this is okay in so far as an association can always be looked up by name
                if (auto sourceMap = _getObfuscatedSourceMap(translationUnit))
                    auto artifactDesc = ArtifactDesc::make(ArtifactKind::Json, ArtifactPayload::SourceMap, ArtifactStyle::Obfuscated);

                    // Create the source map artifact
                    auto sourceMapArtifact = Artifact::create(artifactDesc, sourceMap->get().m_file.getUnownedSlice());

                    // Add the repesentation

                    // Associate with the container

        return SLANG_OK;

    SlangResult EndToEndCompileRequest::maybeWriteContainer(const String& fileName)
        // If there is no container, or filename, don't write anything 
        if (fileName.getLength() == 0 || !m_containerArtifact)
            return SLANG_OK;

        // Filter the containerArtifact into things that can be written
        ComPtr<IArtifact> writeArtifact;
        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(ArtifactContainerUtil::filter(m_containerArtifact, writeArtifact));

        // Only write if there is something to write
        if (writeArtifact)
            SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(ArtifactContainerUtil::writeContainer(writeArtifact, fileName));
        return SLANG_OK;

    static void _writeString(Stream& stream, const char* string)
        stream.write(string, strlen(string));

    static void _escapeDependencyString(const char* string, StringBuilder& outBuilder)
        // make has unusual escaping rules, but we only care about characters that are acceptable in a path
        for (const char* p = string; *p; ++p)
            char c = *p;
            case ' ':
            case ':':
            case '#':
            case '[':
            case ']':
            case '\\':

            case '$':


    // Writes a line to the file stream, formatted like this:
    //   <output-file>: <dependency-file> <dependency-file...>
    static void _writeDependencyStatement(Stream& stream, EndToEndCompileRequest* compileRequest, const String& outputPath)
        if (outputPath.getLength() == 0)

        StringBuilder builder;
        _escapeDependencyString(outputPath.begin(), builder);
        _writeString(stream, builder.begin());
        _writeString(stream, ": ");

        int dependencyCount = compileRequest->getDependencyFileCount();
        for (int dependencyIndex = 0; dependencyIndex < dependencyCount; ++dependencyIndex)
            _escapeDependencyString(compileRequest->getDependencyFilePath(dependencyIndex), builder);
            _writeString(stream, builder.begin());
            _writeString(stream, (dependencyIndex + 1 < dependencyCount) ? " " : "\n");

    // Writes a file with dependency info, with one line in the output file per compile product.
    static SlangResult _writeDependencyFile(EndToEndCompileRequest* compileRequest)
        if (compileRequest->m_dependencyOutputPath.getLength() == 0)
            return SLANG_OK;

        FileStream stream;
        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(stream.init(compileRequest->m_dependencyOutputPath, FileMode::Create, FileAccess::Write, FileShare::ReadWrite));

        auto linkage = compileRequest->getLinkage();
        auto program = compileRequest->getSpecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType();

        // Iterate over all the targets and their outputs
        for (const auto& targetReq : linkage->targets)
            if (targetReq->isWholeProgramRequest())
                RefPtr<EndToEndCompileRequest::TargetInfo> targetInfo;
                if (compileRequest->m_targetInfos.tryGetValue(targetReq, targetInfo))
                    _writeDependencyStatement(stream, compileRequest, targetInfo->wholeTargetOutputPath);
                Index entryPointCount = program->getEntryPointCount();
                for (Index entryPointIndex = 0; entryPointIndex < entryPointCount; ++entryPointIndex)
                    RefPtr<EndToEndCompileRequest::TargetInfo> targetInfo;
                    if (compileRequest->m_targetInfos.tryGetValue(targetReq, targetInfo))
                        String outputPath;
                        if (targetInfo->entryPointOutputPaths.tryGetValue(entryPointIndex, outputPath))
                            _writeDependencyStatement(stream, compileRequest, outputPath);

        return SLANG_OK;

    void EndToEndCompileRequest::generateOutput(
        ComponentType* program)
        // When dynamic dispatch is disabled, the program must
        // be fully specialized by now. So we check if we still
        // have unspecialized generic/existential parameters,
        // and report them as an error.
        auto specializationParamCount = program->getSpecializationParamCount();
        if (disableDynamicDispatch && specializationParamCount != 0)
            auto sink = getSink();
            for( Index ii = 0; ii < specializationParamCount; ++ii )
                auto specializationParam = program->getSpecializationParam(ii);
                if( auto decl = as<Decl>(specializationParam.object) )
                    sink->diagnose(specializationParam.loc, Diagnostics::specializationParameterOfNameNotSpecialized, decl);
                else if( auto type = as<Type>(specializationParam.object) )
                    sink->diagnose(specializationParam.loc, Diagnostics::specializationParameterOfNameNotSpecialized, type);
                    sink->diagnose(specializationParam.loc, Diagnostics::specializationParameterNotSpecialized);


        // Go through the code-generation targets that the user
        // has specified, and generate code for each of them.
        auto linkage = getLinkage();
        for (auto targetReq : linkage->targets)
            auto targetProgram = program->getTargetProgram(targetReq);

    void EndToEndCompileRequest::generateOutput()
        // If we are in command-line mode, we might be expected to actually
        // write output to one or more files here.

        if (m_isCommandLineCompile && 
            m_containerFormat == ContainerFormat::None)
            auto linkage = getLinkage();
            auto program = getSpecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType();

            for (auto targetReq : linkage->targets)
                auto targetProgram = program->getTargetProgram(targetReq);

                if (targetReq->isWholeProgramRequest())
                    if (const auto artifact = targetProgram->getExistingWholeProgramResult())
                        const auto path = _getWholeProgramPath(targetReq);

                        _maybeWriteArtifact(path, artifact);
                    Index entryPointCount = program->getEntryPointCount();
                    for (Index ee = 0; ee < entryPointCount; ++ee)
                        if (const auto artifact = targetProgram->getExistingEntryPointResult(ee))
                            const auto path = _getEntryPointPath(targetReq, ee);

                            _maybeWriteArtifact(path, artifact);

        // Maybe create the container 

        // If it's a command line compile we may need to write the container to a file
        if (m_isCommandLineCompile)
            // TODO(JS): 
            // We could write the container into a source embedded format potentially



    // Debug logic for dumping intermediate outputs

    void CodeGenContext::_dumpIntermediateMaybeWithAssembly(IArtifact* artifact)

        ComPtr<IArtifact> assembly;
        ArtifactOutputUtil::maybeDisassemble(getSession(), artifact, nullptr, assembly);

        if (assembly)

    void CodeGenContext::_dumpIntermediate(IArtifact* artifact)
        ComPtr<ISlangBlob> blob;
        if (SLANG_FAILED(artifact->loadBlob(ArtifactKeep::No, blob.writeRef())))
        _dumpIntermediate(artifact->getDesc(), blob->getBufferPointer(), blob->getBufferSize());

    void CodeGenContext::_dumpIntermediate(
        const ArtifactDesc& desc,
        void const*     data,
        size_t          size)
        // Try to generate a unique ID for the file to dump,
        // even in cases where there might be multiple threads
        // doing compilation.
        // This is primarily a debugging aid, so we don't
        // really need/want to do anything too elaborate

        static std::atomic<uint32_t> counter(0);

        const uint32_t id = ++counter;

        // Just use the counter for the 'base name'
        StringBuilder basename;

        // Add the prefix
        basename << getIntermediateDumpPrefix();

        // Add the id
        basename << int(id);

        // Work out the filename based on the desc and the basename
        StringBuilder filename;
        ArtifactDescUtil::calcNameForDesc(desc, basename.getUnownedSlice(), filename);

        // If didn't produce a filename, use basename with .unknown extension
        if (filename.getLength() == 0)
            filename = basename;
            filename << ".unknown";
        // Write to a file
        ArtifactOutputUtil::writeToFile(desc, data, size, filename);

    void CodeGenContext::maybeDumpIntermediate(IArtifact* artifact)
        if (!shouldDumpIntermediates())


    IRDumpOptions CodeGenContext::getIRDumpOptions()
        if (auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile())
            return endToEndReq->getFrontEndReq()->m_irDumpOptions;
        return IRDumpOptions();

    bool CodeGenContext::shouldValidateIR()
        if (auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile())
            if (endToEndReq->getFrontEndReq()->shouldValidateIR)
                return true;

        return false;

    bool CodeGenContext::shouldDumpIR()
        if (getTargetReq()->getTargetFlags() & SLANG_TARGET_FLAG_DUMP_IR)
            return true;

        if (auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile())
            if (endToEndReq->getFrontEndReq()->shouldDumpIR)
                return true;

        return false;

    bool CodeGenContext::shouldDumpIntermediates()
        if (getTargetReq()->shouldDumpIntermediates())
            return true;
        if (auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile())
            if (endToEndReq->shouldDumpIntermediates)
                return true;
        return false;

    bool CodeGenContext::shouldTrackLiveness()
        auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile();
        return (endToEndReq && endToEndReq->enableLivenessTracking) || 

    String CodeGenContext::getIntermediateDumpPrefix()
        if (auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile())
            return endToEndReq->m_dumpIntermediatePrefix;
        return String();

    bool CodeGenContext::getUseUnknownImageFormatAsDefault()
        if (auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile())
            return endToEndReq->useUnknownImageFormatAsDefault;
        return false;

    bool CodeGenContext::isSpecializationDisabled()
        if (auto endToEndReq = isEndToEndCompile())
            return endToEndReq->disableSpecialization;
        return false;
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