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Tip revision: 5902acdabc4445a65741a7a6a3a95f223e301059 authored by Yong He on 23 January 2024, 07:19:40 UTC
[LSP] Fetch configs directly from didConfigurationChanged message. (#3478)
Tip revision: 5902acd

// The file is meant to be included multiple times, to produce different
// pieces of declaration/definition code related to diagnostic messages
// Each diagnostic is declared here with:
//     DIAGNOSTIC(id, severity, name, messageFormat)
// Where `id` is the unique diagnostic ID, `severity` is the default
// severity (from the `Severity` enum), `name` is a name used to refer
// to this diagnostic from code, and `messageFormat` is the default
// (non-localized) message for the diagnostic, with placeholders
// for any arguments.

#error Need to #define DIAGNOSTIC(...) before including "DiagnosticDefs.h"
#define DIAGNOSTIC(id, severity, name, messageFormat) /* */

// -1 - Notes that decorate another diagnostic.

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, alsoSeePipelineDefinition, "also see pipeline definition")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, implicitParameterMatchingFailedBecauseNameNotAccessible, "implicit parameter matching failed because the component of the same name is not accessible from '$0'.\ncheck if you have declared necessary requirements and properly used the 'public' qualifier.")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, implicitParameterMatchingFailedBecauseShaderDoesNotDefineComponent, "implicit parameter matching failed because shader '$0' does not define component '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, implicitParameterMatchingFailedBecauseTypeMismatch, "implicit parameter matching failed because the component of the same name does not match parameter type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, noteShaderIsTargetingPipeine, "shader '$0' is targeting pipeline '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDefinitionOf, "see definition of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeInterfaceDefinitionOf, "see interface definition of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeUsingOf, "see using of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDefinitionOfShader, "see definition of shader '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeInclusionOf, "see inclusion of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeModuleBeingUsedIn, "see module '$0' being used in '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePipelineRequirementDefinition, "see pipeline requirement definition")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePotentialDefinitionOfComponent, "see potential definition of component '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePreviousDefinition, "see previous definition")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePreviousDefinitionOf, "see previous definition of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeRequirementDeclaration, "see requirement declaration")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, doYouForgetToMakeComponentAccessible, "do you forget to make component '$0' acessible from '$1' (missing public qualifier)?")

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDeclarationOf, "see declaration of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDeclarationOfInterfaceRequirement, "see interface requirement declaration of '$0'")
// An alternate wording of the above note, emphasing the position rather than content of the declaration.
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, declaredHere, "declared here")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeOtherDeclarationOf, "see other declaration of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePreviousDeclarationOf, "see previous declaration of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, includeOutput, "include $0")

// 0xxxx -  Command line and interaction with host platform APIs.

DIAGNOSTIC(    1, Error, cannotOpenFile, "cannot open file '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(    2, Error, cannotFindFile, "cannot find file '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(    2, Error, unsupportedCompilerMode, "unsupported compiler mode.")
DIAGNOSTIC(    4, Error, cannotWriteOutputFile, "cannot write output file '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(    5, Error, failedToLoadDynamicLibrary, "failed to load dynamic library '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    6, Error, tooManyOutputPathsSpecified, "$0 output paths specified, but only $1 entry points given")

DIAGNOSTIC(    7, Error, noOutputPathSpecifiedForEntryPoint,
    "no output path specified for entry point '$0' (the '-o' option for an entry point must precede the corresponding '-entry')")

DIAGNOSTIC(    8, Error, outputPathsImplyDifferentFormats,
    "the output paths '$0' and '$1' require different code-generation targets")

DIAGNOSTIC(    10, Error, explicitOutputPathsAndMultipleTargets, "canot use both explicit output paths ('-o') and multiple targets ('-target')")
DIAGNOSTIC(    11, Error, glslIsNotSupported, "the Slang compiler does not support GLSL as a source language by default, please use -allow-glsl")
DIAGNOSTIC(    12, Error, cannotDeduceSourceLanguage, "can't deduce language for input file '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    13, Error, unknownCodeGenerationTarget, "unknown code generation target '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    14, Error, unknownProfile, "unknown profile '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    15, Error, unknownStage, "unknown stage '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    16, Error, unknownPassThroughTarget, "unknown pass-through target '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    17, Error, unknownCommandLineOption, "unknown command-line option '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    19, Error, unknownSourceLanguage, "unknown source language '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(    20, Error, entryPointsNeedToBeAssociatedWithTranslationUnits, "when using multiple source files, entry points must be specified after their corresponding source file(s)")
DIAGNOSTIC(    22, Error, unknownDownstreamCompiler, "unknown downstream compiler '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(    26, Error, unknownOptimiziationLevel, "unknown optimization level '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(    28, Error, unableToGenerateCodeForTarget, "unable to generate code for target '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(    30, Warning, sameStageSpecifiedMoreThanOnce, "the stage '$0' was specified more than once for entry point '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    31, Error, conflictingStagesForEntryPoint, "conflicting stages have been specified for entry point '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    32, Warning, explicitStageDoesntMatchImpliedStage, "the stage specified for entry point '$0' ('$1') does not match the stage implied by the source file name ('$2')")
DIAGNOSTIC(    33, Error, stageSpecificationIgnoredBecauseNoEntryPoints, "one or more stages were specified, but no entry points were specified with '-entry'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    34, Error, stageSpecificationIgnoredBecauseBeforeAllEntryPoints, "when compiling multiple entry points, any '-stage' options must follow the '-entry' option that they apply to")
DIAGNOSTIC(    35, Error, noStageSpecifiedInPassThroughMode, "no stage was specified for entry point '$0'; when using the '-pass-through' option, stages must be fully specified on the command line")
DIAGNOSTIC(    36, Error, expectingAnInteger, "expecting an integer value")

DIAGNOSTIC(    40, Warning, sameProfileSpecifiedMoreThanOnce, "the '$0' was specified more than once for target '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    41, Error, conflictingProfilesSpecifiedForTarget, "conflicting profiles have been specified for target '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(    42, Error, profileSpecificationIgnoredBecauseNoTargets, "a '-profile' option was specified, but no target was specified with '-target'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    43, Error, profileSpecificationIgnoredBecauseBeforeAllTargets, "when using multiple targets, any '-profile' option must follow the '-target' it applies to")

DIAGNOSTIC(    42, Error, targetFlagsIgnoredBecauseNoTargets, "target options were specified, but no target was specified with '-target'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    43, Error, targetFlagsIgnoredBecauseBeforeAllTargets, "when using multiple targets, any target options must follow the '-target' they apply to")

DIAGNOSTIC(    50, Error, duplicateTargets, "the target '$0' has been specified more than once")

DIAGNOSTIC(    51, Error, unhandledLanguageForSourceEmbedding, "unhandled source language for source embedding")

DIAGNOSTIC(    60, Error, cannotDeduceOutputFormatFromPath, "cannot infer an output format from the output path '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    61, Error, cannotMatchOutputFileToTarget, "no specified '-target' option matches the output path '$0', which implies the '$1' format")

DIAGNOSTIC(    62, Error, unknownCommandLineValue, "unknown value for option. Valid values are '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    63, Error, unknownHelpCategory, "unknown help category")

DIAGNOSTIC(    70, Error, cannotMatchOutputFileToEntryPoint, "the output path '$0' is not associated with any entry point; a '-o' option for a compiled kernel must follow the '-entry' option for its corresponding entry point")

DIAGNOSTIC(    80, Error, duplicateOutputPathsForEntryPointAndTarget, "multiple output paths have been specified entry point '$0' on target '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    81, Error, duplicateOutputPathsForTarget, "multiple output paths have been specified for target '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    82, Error, duplicateDependencyOutputPaths, "the -dep argument can only be specified once")

DIAGNOSTIC(    82, Error, unableToWriteReproFile, "unable to write repro file '%0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    83, Error, unableToWriteModuleContainer, "unable to write module container '%0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    84, Error, unableToReadModuleContainer, "unable to read module container '%0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    85, Error, unableToAddReferenceToModuleContainer, "unable to add a reference to a module container")
DIAGNOSTIC(    86, Error, unableToCreateModuleContainer, "unable to create module container")

DIAGNOSTIC(    87, Error, unableToSetDefaultDownstreamCompiler, "unable to set default downstream compiler for source language '%0' to '%1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(    88, Error, unknownArchiveType, "archive type '%0' is unknown")
DIAGNOSTIC(    89, Error, expectingSlangRiffContainer, "expecting a slang riff container")
DIAGNOSTIC(    90, Error, incompatibleRiffSemanticVersion, "incompatible riff semantic version %0 expecting %1")
DIAGNOSTIC(    91, Error, riffHashMismatch, "riff hash mismatch - incompatible riff")
DIAGNOSTIC(    92, Error, unableToCreateDirectory, "unable to create directory '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    93, Error, unableExtractReproToDirectory, "unable to extract repro to directory '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    94, Error, unableToReadRiff, "unable to read as 'riff'/not a 'riff' file")

DIAGNOSTIC(    95, Error, unknownLibraryKind, "unknown library kind '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    96, Error, kindNotLinkable, "not a known linkable kind '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(    97, Error, libraryDoesNotExist, "library '$0' does not exist")
DIAGNOSTIC(    98, Error, cannotAccessAsBlob, "cannot access as a blob")
DIAGNOSTIC(    99, Error, unknownDebugOption, "unknown debug option, known options are ($0)")

// 001xx - Downstream Compilers

DIAGNOSTIC(  100, Error, failedToLoadDownstreamCompiler, "failed to load downstream compiler '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(  101, Error, downstreamCompilerDoesntSupportWholeProgramCompilation, "downstream compiler '$0' doesn't support whole program compilation")
DIAGNOSTIC(  102, Note,  downstreamCompileTime, "downstream compile time: $0s")
DIAGNOSTIC(  103, Note,  performanceBenchmarkResult, "compiler performance benchmark:\n$0")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Note, noteFailedToLoadDynamicLibrary, "failed to load dynamic library '$0'")

// 15xxx - Preprocessing

// 150xx - conditionals
DIAGNOSTIC(15000, Error, endOfFileInPreprocessorConditional, "end of file encountered during preprocessor conditional")
DIAGNOSTIC(15001, Error, directiveWithoutIf, "'$0' directive without '#if'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15002, Error, directiveAfterElse , "'$0' directive without '#if'")

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDirective, "see '$0' directive")

// 151xx - directive parsing
DIAGNOSTIC(15100, Error, expectedPreprocessorDirectiveName, "expected preprocessor directive name")
DIAGNOSTIC(15101, Error, unknownPreprocessorDirective, "unknown preprocessor directive '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15102, Error, expectedTokenInPreprocessorDirective, "expected '$0' in '$1' directive")
DIAGNOSTIC(15102, Error, expected2TokensInPreprocessorDirective, "expected '$0' or '$1' in '$2' directive")
DIAGNOSTIC(15103, Error, unexpectedTokensAfterDirective, "unexpected tokens following '$0' directive")

// 152xx - preprocessor expressions
DIAGNOSTIC(15200, Error, expectedTokenInPreprocessorExpression, "expected '$0' in preprocessor expression")
DIAGNOSTIC(15201, Error, syntaxErrorInPreprocessorExpression, "syntax error in preprocessor expression")
DIAGNOSTIC(15202, Error, divideByZeroInPreprocessorExpression, "division by zero in preprocessor expression")
DIAGNOSTIC(15203, Error, expectedTokenInDefinedExpression, "expected '$0' in 'defined' expression")
DIAGNOSTIC(15204, Warning, directiveExpectsExpression, "'$0' directive requires an expression")
DIAGNOSTIC(15205, Warning, undefinedIdentifierInPreprocessorExpression, "undefined identifier '$0' in preprocessor expression will evaluate to zero")
DIAGNOSTIC(15206, Error, expectedIntegralVersionNumber, "Expected integer for #version number")

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeOpeningToken, "see opening '$0'")

// 153xx - #include
DIAGNOSTIC(15300, Error, includeFailed, "failed to find include file '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15301, Error, importFailed, "failed to find imported file '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Error, noIncludeHandlerSpecified, "no `#include` handler was specified")
DIAGNOSTIC(15302, Error, noUniqueIdentity, "`#include` handler didn't generate a unique identity for file '$0'")

// 154xx - macro definition
DIAGNOSTIC(15400, Warning, macroRedefinition, "redefinition of macro '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15401, Warning, macroNotDefined, "macro '$0' is not defined")
DIAGNOSTIC(15403, Error, expectedTokenInMacroParameters, "expected '$0' in macro parameters")
DIAGNOSTIC(15404, Warning, builtinMacroRedefinition, "Redefinition of builtin macro '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(15405, Error, tokenPasteAtStart, "'##' is not allowed at the start of a macro body")
DIAGNOSTIC(15406, Error, tokenPasteAtEnd, "'##' is not allowed at the end of a macro body")
DIAGNOSTIC(15407, Error, expectedMacroParameterAfterStringize, "'#' in macro body must be followed by the name of a macro parameter")
DIAGNOSTIC(15408, Error, duplicateMacroParameterName, "redefinition of macro parameter '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15409, Error, variadicMacroParameterMustBeLast, "a variadic macro parameter is only allowed at the end of the parameter list")

// 155xx - macro expansion
DIAGNOSTIC(15500, Warning, expectedTokenInMacroArguments, "expected '$0' in macro invocation")
DIAGNOSTIC(15501, Error, wrongNumberOfArgumentsToMacro, "wrong number of arguments to macro (expected $0, got $1)")
DIAGNOSTIC(15502, Error, errorParsingToMacroInvocationArgument, "error parsing macro '$0' invocation argument to '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(15503, Warning, invalidTokenPasteResult, "toking pasting with '##' resulted in the invalid token '$0'")

// 156xx - pragmas
DIAGNOSTIC(15600, Error, expectedPragmaDirectiveName, "expected a name after '#pragma'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15601, Warning, unknownPragmaDirectiveIgnored, "ignoring unknown directive '#pragma $0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15602, Warning, pragmaOnceIgnored, "pragma once was ignored - this is typically because is not placed in an include")

// 159xx - user-defined error/warning
DIAGNOSTIC(15900, Error,    userDefinedError,   "#error: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(15901, Warning,  userDefinedWarning, "#warning: $0")

// 2xxxx - Parsing

DIAGNOSTIC(20003, Error, unexpectedToken, "unexpected $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, unexpectedTokenExpectedTokenType, "unexpected $0, expected $1")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, unexpectedTokenExpectedTokenName, "unexpected $0, expected '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(0, Error, tokenNameExpectedButEOF, "\"$0\" expected but end of file encountered.")
DIAGNOSTIC(0, Error, tokenTypeExpectedButEOF, "$0 expected but end of file encountered.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, tokenNameExpected, "\"$0\" expected")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, tokenNameExpectedButEOF2, "\"$0\" expected but end of file encountered.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, tokenTypeExpected, "$0 expected")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, tokenTypeExpectedButEOF2, "$0 expected but end of file encountered.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, typeNameExpectedBut, "unexpected $0, expected type name")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, typeNameExpectedButEOF, "type name expected but end of file encountered.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, unexpectedEOF, " Unexpected end of file.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20002, Error, syntaxError, "syntax error.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20004, Error, unexpectedTokenExpectedComponentDefinition, "unexpected token '$0', only component definitions are allowed in a shader scope.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20008, Error, invalidOperator, "invalid operator '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20011, Error, unexpectedColon, "unexpected ':'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20012, Error, invalidSPIRVVersion, "Expecting SPIR-V version as either 'major.minor', or quoted if has patch (eg for SPIR-V 1.2, '1.2' or \"1.2\"')")
DIAGNOSTIC(20013, Error, invalidCUDASMVersion, "Expecting CUDA SM version as either 'major.minor', or quoted if has patch (eg for '7.0' or \"7.0\"')")
DIAGNOSTIC(20014, Error, classIsReservedKeyword, "'class' is a reserved keyword in this context; use 'struct' instead.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20015, Error, unknownSPIRVCapability, "unknown SPIR-V capability '$0'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(20101, Warning, unintendedEmptyStatement, "potentially unintended empty statement at this location; use {} instead.")

DIAGNOSTIC(30102, Error, declNotAllowed, "$0 is not allowed here.")

// 29xxx - Snippet parsing and inline asm
DIAGNOSTIC(29000, Error, snippetParsingFailed, "unable to parse target intrinsic snippet: $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(29100, Error, unrecognizedSPIRVOpcode, "unrecognized spirv opcode: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(29101, Error, misplacedResultIdMarker, "the result-id marker must only be used in the last instruction of a spriv_asm expression")
DIAGNOSTIC(29102, Note,  considerOpCopyObject, "consider adding an OpCopyObject instruction to the end of the spirv_asm expression")
DIAGNOSTIC(29103, Note,  noSuchAddress, "unable to take the address of this address-of asm operand")
DIAGNOSTIC(29104, Error, spirvInstructionWithoutResultId, "cannot use this 'x = $0...' syntax because $0 does not have a <result-id> operand")
DIAGNOSTIC(29105, Error, spirvInstructionWithoutResultTypeId, "cannot use this 'x : <type> = $0...' syntax because $0 does not have a <result-type-id> operand")
// This is a warning because we trust that people using the spirv_asm block know what they're doing
DIAGNOSTIC(29106, Warning, spirvInstructionWithTooManyOperands, "too many operands for $0 (expected max $1), did you forget a semicolon?")
DIAGNOSTIC(29107, Error, spirvUnableToResolveName, "unknown SPIR-V identifier $0, it's not a known enumerator or opcode")
DIAGNOSTIC(29108, Error, spirvNonConstantBitwiseOr, "only integer literals and enum names can appear in a bitwise or expression")
DIAGNOSTIC(29109, Error, spirvOperandRange, "Literal ints must be in the range 0 to 0xffffffff")

DIAGNOSTIC(29110, Error, unknownTargetName, "unknown target name '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(29111, Error, spirvInvalidTruncate, "__truncate has been given a source smaller than its target")

// 3xxxx - Semantic analysis
DIAGNOSTIC(30002, Error, divideByZero, "divide by zero")
DIAGNOSTIC(30003, Error, breakOutsideLoop, "'break' must appear inside loop or switch constructs.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30004, Error, continueOutsideLoop, "'continue' must appear inside loop constructs.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30005, Error, whilePredicateTypeError, "'while': expression must evaluate to int.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30006, Error, ifPredicateTypeError,  "'if': expression must evaluate to int.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30006, Error, returnNeedsExpression, "'return' should have an expression.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30007, Error, componentReturnTypeMismatch, "expression type '$0' does not match component's type '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30007, Error, functionReturnTypeMismatch, "expression type '$0' does not match function's return type '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30008, Error, variableNameAlreadyDefined, "variable $0 already defined.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30009, Error, invalidTypeVoid, "invalid type 'void'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30010, Error, whilePredicateTypeError2, "'while': expression must evaluate to int.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30011, Error, assignNonLValue, "left of '=' is not an l-value.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30012, Error, noApplicationUnaryOperator, "no overload found for operator $0 ($1).")
DIAGNOSTIC(30012, Error, noOverloadFoundForBinOperatorOnTypes, "no overload found for operator $0  ($1, $2).")
DIAGNOSTIC(30013, Error, subscriptNonArray, "no subscript operation found for type '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30014, Error, subscriptIndexNonInteger, "index expression must evaluate to int.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30015, Error, undefinedIdentifier2, "undefined identifier '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30018, Error, typeNotInTheSameHierarchy, "invalid use of 'as' operator: expression evaluates to '$0', which is not in the same type hierarchy as target type '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30019, Error, typeMismatch, "expected an expression of type '$0', got '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30021, Error, noApplicationFunction, "$0: no overload takes arguments ($1)")
DIAGNOSTIC(30022, Error, invalidTypeCast, "invalid type cast between \"$0\" and \"$1\".")
DIAGNOSTIC(30023, Error, typeHasNoPublicMemberOfName, "\"$0\" does not have public member \"$1\".")
DIAGNOSTIC(30025, Error, invalidArraySize, "array size must be larger than zero.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30026, Error, returnInComponentMustComeLast, "'return' can only appear as the last statement in component definition.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30027, Error, noMemberOfNameInType, "'$0' is not a member of '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30028, Error, forPredicateTypeError, "'for': predicate expression must evaluate to bool.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30030, Error, projectionOutsideImportOperator, "'project': invalid use outside import operator.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30031, Error, projectTypeMismatch, "'project': expression must evaluate to record type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30033, Error, invalidTypeForLocalVariable, "cannot declare a local variable of this type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30035, Error, componentOverloadTypeMismatch, "'$0': type of overloaded component mismatches previous definition.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30041, Error, bitOperationNonIntegral, "bit operation: operand must be integral type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30043, Error, getStringHashRequiresStringLiteral, "getStringHash parameter can only accept a string literal")
DIAGNOSTIC(30047, Error, argumentExpectedLValue, "argument passed to parameter '$0' must be l-value.")

DIAGNOSTIC(30049, Note,  thisIsImmutableByDefault, "a 'this' parameter is an immutable parameter by default in Slang; apply the `[mutating]` attribute to the function declaration to opt in to a mutable `this`")
DIAGNOSTIC(30050, Error,  mutatingMethodOnImmutableValue, "mutating method '$0' cannot be called on an immutable value")

DIAGNOSTIC(30051, Error, invalidValueForArgument, "invalid value for argument '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30052, Error, invalidSwizzleExpr, "invalid swizzle pattern '$0' on type '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30053, Error, breakLabelNotFound, "label '$0' used as break target is not found.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30054, Error, targetLabelDoesNotMarkBreakableStmt, "invalid break target: statement labeled '$0' is not breakable.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30055, Error, useOfNonShortCircuitingOperatorInDiffFunc, "non-short-circuiting `?:` operator is not allowed in a differentiable function, use `select` instead.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30056, Warning, useOfNonShortCircuitingOperator, "non-short-circuiting `?:` operator is deprecated, use 'select' instead.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30057, Error, assignmentInPredicateExpr, "use an assignment operation as predicate expression is not allowed, wrap the assignment with '()' to clarify the intent.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30058, Warning, danglingEqualityExpr, "result of '==' not used, did you intend '='?")

DIAGNOSTIC(30060, Error, expectedAType, "expected a type, got a '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30061, Error, expectedANamespace, "expected a namespace, got a '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(30062, Note,  implicitCastUsedAsLValueRef, "argument was implicitly cast from '$0' to '$1', and Slang does not support using an implicit cast as an l-value with a reference")
DIAGNOSTIC(30063, Note,  implicitCastUsedAsLValueType, "argument was implicitly cast from '$0' to '$1', and Slang does not support using an implicit cast as an l-value with this type")
DIAGNOSTIC(30064, Note,  implicitCastUsedAsLValue, "argument was implicitly cast from '$0' to '$1', and Slang does not support using an implicit cast as an l-value for this usage")

DIAGNOSTIC(30065, Error, newCanOnlyBeUsedToInitializeAClass, "`new` can only be used to initialize a class")
DIAGNOSTIC(30066, Error, classCanOnlyBeInitializedWithNew, "a class can only be initialized by a `new` clause")

DIAGNOSTIC(30067, Error, mutatingMethodOnFunctionInputParameterError, "mutating method '$0' called on `in` parameter '$1'; changes will not be visible to caller. copy the parameter into a local variable if this behavior is intended")
DIAGNOSTIC(30068, Warning, mutatingMethodOnFunctionInputParameterWarning, "mutating method '$0' called on `in` parameter '$1'; changes will not be visible to caller. copy the parameter into a local variable if this behavior is intended")

DIAGNOSTIC(30100, Error, staticRefToNonStaticMember, "type '$0' cannot be used to refer to non-static member '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(30200, Error, redeclaration, "declaration of '$0' conflicts with existing declaration")
DIAGNOSTIC(30201, Error, functionRedefinition, "function '$0' already has a body")
DIAGNOSTIC(30202, Error, functionRedeclarationWithDifferentReturnType, "function '$0' declared to return '$1' was previously declared to return '$2'")

DIAGNOSTIC(30300, Error, isOperatorValueMustBeInterfaceType, "'is'/'as' operator requires an interface-typed expression.")

DIAGNOSTIC(33070, Error, expectedFunction, "expected a function, got '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(33071, Error, expectedAStringLiteral, "expected a string literal")

DIAGNOSTIC(   -1, Note, noteExplicitConversionPossible, "explicit conversion from '$0' to '$1' is possible")
DIAGNOSTIC(30080, Error, ambiguousConversion, "more than one implicit conversion exists from '$0' to '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30081, Warning, unrecommendedImplicitConversion, "implicit conversion from '$0' to '$1' is not recommended")
DIAGNOSTIC(30082, Warning, implicitConversionToDouble, " implicit float-to-double conversion may cause unexpected performance issues, use explicit cast if intended.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30090, Error, tryClauseMustApplyToInvokeExpr, "expression in a 'try' clause must be a call to a function or operator overload.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30091, Error, tryInvokeCalleeShouldThrow, "'$0' called from a 'try' clause does not throw an error, make sure the callee is marked as 'throws'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30092, Error, calleeOfTryCallMustBeFunc, "callee in a 'try' clause must be a function")
DIAGNOSTIC(30093, Error, uncaughtTryCallInNonThrowFunc, "the current function or environment is not declared to throw any errors, but the 'try' clause is not caught")
DIAGNOSTIC(30094, Error, mustUseTryClauseToCallAThrowFunc, "the callee may throw an error, and therefore must be called within a 'try' clause")
DIAGNOSTIC(30095, Error, errorTypeOfCalleeIncompatibleWithCaller, "the error type `$1` of callee `$0` is not compatible with the caller's error type `$2`.")

DIAGNOSTIC(30096, Error, differentialTypeShouldServeAsItsOwnDifferentialType, "cannot use type '$0' a `Differential` type. A differential type's differential must be itself. However, '$0.Differential' is '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30097, Error, functionNotMarkedAsDifferentiable, "function '$0' is not marked as $1-differentiable.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30098, Error, nonStaticMemberFunctionNotAllowedAsDiffOperand, "non-static function reference '$0' is not allowed here.")

DIAGNOSTIC(30099, Error, sizeOfArgumentIsInvalid, "argument to sizeof is invalid")

// Include
DIAGNOSTIC(30500, Error, includedFileMissingImplementing, "missing 'implementing' declaration in the included source file '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30501, Error, includedFileMissingImplementingDoYouMeanImport, "missing 'implementing' declaration in the included source file '$0'. The file declares that it defines module '$1', do you mean 'import' instead?")
DIAGNOSTIC(30502, Error, includedFileDoesNotImplementCurrentModule, "the included source file is expected to implement module '$0', but it is implementing '$1' instead.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30503, Error, primaryModuleFileCannotStartWithImplementingDecl, "a primary source file for a module cannot start with 'implementing'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30504, Warning, primaryModuleFileMustStartWithModuleDecl, "a primary source file for a module should start with 'module'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30505, Error, implementingMustReferencePrimaryModuleFile, "the source file referenced by 'implementing' must be a primary module file starting with a 'module' declaration.")

// Visibilty
DIAGNOSTIC(30600, Error, declIsNotVisible, "'$0' is not accessible from the current context.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30601, Error, declCannotHaveHigherVisibility, "'$0' cannot have a higher visibility than '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30602, Error, satisfyingDeclCannotHaveLowerVisibility, "'$0' is less visible than the interface requirement it satisfies.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30603, Error, invalidUseOfPrivateVisibility, "'$0' cannot have private visibility because it is not a member of a type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30604, Error, useOfLessVisibleType, "'$0' references less visible type '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(36005, Error, invalidVisibilityModifierOnTypeOfDecl, "visibility modifier is not allowed on '$0'.")

// Attributes
DIAGNOSTIC(31000, Error, unknownAttributeName, "unknown attribute '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(31001, Error, attributeArgumentCountMismatch, "attribute '$0' expects $1 arguments ($2 provided)")
DIAGNOSTIC(31002, Error, attributeNotApplicable, "attribute '$0' is not valid here")

DIAGNOSTIC(31003, Error, badlyDefinedPatchConstantFunc, "hull shader '$0' has has badly defined 'patchconstantfunc' attribute.")

DIAGNOSTIC(31004, Error, expectedSingleIntArg, "attribute '$0' expects a single int argument")
DIAGNOSTIC(31005, Error, expectedSingleStringArg, "attribute '$0' expects a single string argument")

DIAGNOSTIC(31006, Error, attributeFunctionNotFound, "Could not find function '$0' for attribute'$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(31007, Error, attributeExpectedIntArg, "attribute '$0' expects argument $1 to be int")
DIAGNOSTIC(31008, Error, attributeExpectedStringArg, "attribute '$0' expects argument $1 to be string")

DIAGNOSTIC(31100, Error, unknownStageName, "unknown stage name '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(31101, Error, unknownImageFormatName, "unknown image format '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(31101, Error, unknownDiagnosticName, "unknown diagnostic '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(31102, Error, nonPositiveNumThreads, "expected a positive integer in 'numthreads' attribute, got '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(31120, Error, invalidAttributeTarget, "invalid syntax target for user defined attribute")

DIAGNOSTIC(31121, Error, anyValueSizeExceedsLimit, "'anyValueSize' cannot exceed $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(31122, Error, associatedTypeNotAllowInComInterface, "associatedtype not allowed in a [COM] interface")
DIAGNOSTIC(31123, Error, invalidGUID, "'$0' is not a valid GUID")
DIAGNOSTIC(31124, Error, structCannotImplementComInterface, "a struct type cannot implement a [COM] interface")
DIAGNOSTIC(31124, Error, interfaceInheritingComMustBeCom, "an interface type that inherits from a [COM] interface must itself be a [COM] interface")

DIAGNOSTIC(31130, Error, derivativeMemberAttributeMustNameAMemberInExpectedDifferentialType, "[DerivativeMember] must reference to a member in the associated differential type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31131, Error, invalidUseOfDerivativeMemberAttributeParentTypeIsNotDifferentiable, "invalid use of [DerivativeMember], parent type is not differentiable.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31132, Error, derivativeMemberAttributeCanOnlyBeUsedOnMembers, "[DerivativeMember] is allowed on members only.")

DIAGNOSTIC(31140, Error, typeOfExternDeclMismatchesOriginalDefinition, "type of `extern` decl '$0' differs from its original definition. expected '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31141, Error, definitionOfExternDeclMismatchesOriginalDefinition, "`extern` decl '$0' is not consistent with its original definition.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31142, Error, ambiguousOriginalDefintionOfExternDecl, "`extern` decl '$0' has ambiguous original definitions.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31143, Error, missingOriginalDefintionOfExternDecl, "no original definition found for `extern` decl '$0'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(31145, Error, invalidCustomDerivative, "invalid custom derivative attribute.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31146, Error, declAlreadyHasAttribute, "'$0' already has attribute '[$1]'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31147, Error, cannotResolveOriginalFunctionForDerivative, "cannot resolve the original function for the the custom derivative.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31148, Error, cannotResolveDerivativeFunction, "cannot resolve the custom derivative function")
DIAGNOSTIC(31149, Error, customDerivativeSignatureMismatchAtPosition, "invalid custom derivative. parameter type mismatch at position $0. expected '$1', got '$2'")
DIAGNOSTIC(31150, Error, customDerivativeSignatureMismatch, "invalid custom derivative. could not resolve function with expected signature '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(31151, Error, cannotResolveGenericArgumentForDerivativeFunction,
    "The generic arguments to the derivative function cannot be deduced from the parameter list of the original function. "
    "Consider using [ForwardDerivative], [BackwardDerivative] or [PrimalSubstitute] attributes on the primal function"
    " with explicit generic arguments to associate it with a generic derivative function. Note that [ForwardDerivativeOf], "
    "[BackwardDerivativeOf], and [PrimalSubstituteOf] attributes are not supported when the generic arguments to the derivatives cannot be automatically deduced.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31152, Error, cannotAssociateInterfaceRequirementWithDerivative, "cannot associate an interface requirement with a derivative.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31153, Error, cannotUseInterfaceRequirementAsDerivative, "cannot use an interface requirement as a derivative.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31154, Error, customDerivativeSignatureThisParamMismatch, "custom derivative does not match expected signature on `this`. Either both the original and the derivative function are static, or they must have the same `this` type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31155, Error, customDerivativeNotAllowedForMemberFunctionsOfDifferentiableType, "custom derivative is not allowed for non-static member functions of a differentiable type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31200, Warning, deprecatedUsage, "$0 has been deprecated: $1")
DIAGNOSTIC(31201, Error, modifierNotAllowed, "modifier '$0' is not allowed here.")
DIAGNOSTIC(31202, Error, duplicateModifier, "modifier '$0' is redundant or conflicting with existing modifier '$1'")
// Enums

DIAGNOSTIC(32000, Error, invalidEnumTagType,        "invalid tag type for 'enum': '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(32003, Error, unexpectedEnumTagExpr,     "unexpected form for 'enum' tag value expression")

// 303xx: interfaces and associated types
DIAGNOSTIC(30300, Error, assocTypeInInterfaceOnly, "'associatedtype' can only be defined in an 'interface'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30301, Error, globalGenParamInGlobalScopeOnly, "'type_param' can only be defined global scope.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30302, Error, staticConstRequirementMustBeIntOrBool, "'static const' requirement can only have int or bool type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30303, Error, valueRequirementMustBeCompileTimeConst, "requirement in the form of a simple value must be declared as 'static const'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30310, Error, typeIsNotDifferentiable, "type '$0' is not differentiable.")

// Interop
DIAGNOSTIC(30400, Error, cannotDefinePtrTypeToManagedResource, "pointer to a managed resource is invalid, use `NativeRef<T>` instead")

// Control flow
DIAGNOSTIC(30500, Warning, forLoopSideEffectChangingDifferentVar, "the for loop initializes and checks variable '$0' but the side effect expression is modifying '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30501, Warning, forLoopPredicateCheckingDifferentVar, "the for loop initializes and modifies variable '$0' but the predicate expression is checking '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30502, Warning, forLoopChangingIterationVariableInOppsoiteDirection, "the for loop is modifiying variable '$0' in the opposite direction from loop exit condition.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30503, Warning, forLoopNotModifyingIterationVariable, "the for loop is not modifiying variable '$0' because the step size evaluates to 0.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30504, Warning, forLoopTerminatesInFewerIterationsThanMaxIters, "the for loop is statically determined to terminate within $0 iterations, which is less than what [MaxIters] specifies.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30505, Warning, loopRunsForZeroIterations, "the loop runs for 0 iterations and will be removed.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30510, Error, loopInDiffFuncRequireUnrollOrMaxIters, "loops inside a differentiable function need to provide either '[MaxIters(n)]' or '[ForceUnroll]' attribute.")

// TODO: need to assign numbers to all these extra diagnostics...
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Fatal, cyclicReference, "cyclic reference '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, localVariableUsedBeforeDeclared, "local variable '$0' is being used before its declaration.")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, variableUsedInItsOwnDefinition, "the initial-value expression for variable '$0' depends on the value of the variable itself")
DIAGNOSTIC(39901, Fatal , cannotProcessInclude, "internal compiler error: cannot process '__include' in the current semantic checking context.")

// 304xx: generics
DIAGNOSTIC(30400, Error, genericTypeNeedsArgs, "generic type '$0' used without argument")

// 305xx: initializer lists
DIAGNOSTIC(30500, Error, tooManyInitializers, "too many initializers (expected $0, got $1)")
DIAGNOSTIC(30501, Error, cannotUseInitializerListForArrayOfUnknownSize, "cannot use initializer list for array of statically unknown size '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30502, Error, cannotUseInitializerListForVectorOfUnknownSize, "cannot use initializer list for vector of statically unknown size '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30503, Error, cannotUseInitializerListForMatrixOfUnknownSize, "cannot use initializer list for matrix of statically unknown size '$0' rows")
DIAGNOSTIC(30504, Error, cannotUseInitializerListForType, "cannot use initializer list for type '$0'")

// 306xx: variables
DIAGNOSTIC(30600, Error, varWithoutTypeMustHaveInitializer, "a variable declaration without an initial-value expression must be given an explicit type")

DIAGNOSTIC(30610, Error, ambiguousDefaultInitializerForType, "more than one default initializer was found for type '$0'")

// 307xx: parameters
DIAGNOSTIC(30700, Error, outputParameterCannotHaveDefaultValue, "an 'out' or 'inout' parameter cannot have a default-value expression")

// 308xx: inheritance
DIAGNOSTIC(30810, Error, baseOfInterfaceMustBeInterface, "interface '$0' cannot inherit from non-interface type '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30811, Error, baseOfStructMustBeStructOrInterface, "struct '$0' cannot inherit from type '$1' that is neither a struct nor an interface")
DIAGNOSTIC(30812, Error, baseOfEnumMustBeIntegerOrInterface, "enum '$0' cannot inherit from type '$1' that is neither an interface not a builtin integer type")
DIAGNOSTIC(30813, Error, baseOfExtensionMustBeInterface, "extension cannot inherit from non-interface type '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30814, Error, baseOfClassMustBeClassOrInterface, "class '$0' cannot inherit from type '$1' that is neither a class nor an interface")

DIAGNOSTIC(30820, Error, baseStructMustBeListedFirst, "a struct type may only inherit from one other struct type, and that type must appear first in the list of bases")
DIAGNOSTIC(30821, Error, tagTypeMustBeListedFirst, "an unum type may only have a single tag type, and that type must be listed first in the list of bases")
DIAGNOSTIC(30822, Error, baseClassMustBeListedFirst, "a class type may only inherit from one other class type, and that type must appear first in the list of bases")

DIAGNOSTIC(30830, Error, cannotInheritFromExplicitlySealedDeclarationInAnotherModule, "cannot inherit from type '$0' marked 'sealed' in module '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30831, Error, cannotInheritFromImplicitlySealedDeclarationInAnotherModule, "cannot inherit from type '$0' in module '$1' because it is implicitly 'sealed'; mark the base type 'open' to allow inheritance across modules")
DIAGNOSTIC(30832, Error, invalidTypeForInheritance, "type '$0' cannot be used for inheritance")

DIAGNOSTIC(30850, Error, invalidExtensionOnType, "type '$0' cannot be extended. `extension` can only be used to extend a nominal type.")

// 309xx: subscripts
DIAGNOSTIC(30900, Error, multiDimensionalArrayNotSupported, "multi-dimensional array is not supported.")
// 310xx: properties

// 311xx: accessors

DIAGNOSTIC(31100, Error, accessorMustBeInsideSubscriptOrProperty, "an accessor declaration is only allowed inside a subscript or property declaration")

DIAGNOSTIC(31101, Error, nonSetAccessorMustNotHaveParams, "accessors other than 'set' must not have parameters")
DIAGNOSTIC(31102, Error, setAccessorMayNotHaveMoreThanOneParam, "a 'set' accessor may not have more than one parameter")
DIAGNOSTIC(31102, Error, setAccessorParamWrongType, "'set' parameter '$0' has type '$1' which does not match the expected type '$2'")

// 39999 waiting to be placed in the right range

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedIntegerConstantWrongType, "expected integer constant (found: '$0')")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedIntegerConstantNotConstant, "expression does not evaluate to a compile-time constant")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedIntegerConstantNotLiteral, "could not extract value from integer constant")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, noApplicableOverloadForNameWithArgs, "no overload for '$0' applicable to arguments of type $1")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, noApplicableWithArgs, "no overload applicable to arguments of type $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, ambiguousOverloadForNameWithArgs, "ambiguous call to '$0' with arguments of type $1")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, ambiguousOverloadWithArgs, "ambiguous call to overloaded operation with arguments of type $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, overloadCandidate, "candidate: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, invisibleOverloadCandidate, "candidate (invisible): $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, moreOverloadCandidates, "$0 more overload candidates")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, caseOutsideSwitch, "'case' not allowed outside of a 'switch' statement")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, defaultOutsideSwitch, "'default' not allowed outside of a 'switch' statement")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedAGeneric, "expected a generic when using '<...>' (found: '$0')")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, genericArgumentInferenceFailed, "could not specialize generic for arguments of type $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, genericSignatureTried, "see declaration of $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, ambiguousReference, "ambiguous reference to '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, ambiguousExpression, "ambiguous reference")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, declarationDidntDeclareAnything, "declaration does not declare anything")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedPrefixOperator, "function called as prefix operator was not declared `__prefix`")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedPostfixOperator, "function called as postfix operator was not declared `__postfix`")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, notEnoughArguments, "not enough arguments to call (got $0, expected $1)")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, tooManyArguments, "too many arguments to call (got $0, expected $1)")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, invalidIntegerLiteralSuffix, "invalid suffix '$0' on integer literal")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, invalidFloatingPointLiteralSuffix, "invalid suffix '$0' on floating-point literal")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Warning, integerLiteralTruncated, "integer literal '$0' too large for type '$1' truncated to '$2'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Warning, floatLiteralUnrepresentable, "$0 literal '$1' unrepresentable, converted to '$2'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Warning, floatLiteralTooSmall, "'$1' is smaller than the smallest representable value for type $0, converted to '$2'")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, unableToFindSymbolInModule, "unable to find the mangled symbol '$0' in module '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, overloadedParameterToHigherOrderFunction, "passing overloaded functions to higher order functions is not supported")

// 38xxx 

DIAGNOSTIC(38000, Error, entryPointFunctionNotFound, "no function found matching entry point name '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38001, Error, ambiguousEntryPoint, "more than one function matches entry point name '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38002, Note, entryPointCandidate, "see candidate declaration for entry point '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38003, Error, entryPointSymbolNotAFunction, "entry point '$0' must be declared as a function")

DIAGNOSTIC(38004, Error, entryPointTypeParameterNotFound, "no type found matching entry-point type parameter name '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38005, Error, expectedTypeForSpecializationArg, "expected a type as argument for specialization parameter '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(38006, Warning, specifiedStageDoesntMatchAttribute, "entry point '$0' being compiled for the '$1' stage has a '[shader(...)]' attribute that specifies the '$2' stage")
DIAGNOSTIC(38007, Error, entryPointHasNoStage, "no stage specified for entry point '$0'; use either a '[shader(\"name\")]' function attribute or the '-stage <name>' command-line option to specify a stage")

DIAGNOSTIC(38008, Error, specializationParameterOfNameNotSpecialized, "no specialization argument was provided for specialization parameter '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38008, Error, specializationParameterNotSpecialized, "no specialization argument was provided for specialization parameter")

DIAGNOSTIC(38009, Error, expectedValueOfTypeForSpecializationArg, "expected a constant value of type '$0' as argument for specialization parameter '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(38100, Error, typeDoesntImplementInterfaceRequirement, "type '$0' does not provide required interface member '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38105, Error, memberDoesNotMatchRequirementSignature, "member '$0' does not match interface requirement.")
DIAGNOSTIC(38101, Error, thisExpressionOutsideOfTypeDecl, "'this' expression can only be used in members of an aggregate type")
DIAGNOSTIC(38102, Error, initializerNotInsideType, "an 'init' declaration is only allowed inside a type or 'extension' declaration")
DIAGNOSTIC(38103, Error, thisTypeOutsideOfTypeDecl, "'This' type can only be used inside of an aggregate type")
DIAGNOSTIC(38104, Error, returnValNotAvailable, "cannot use '__return_val' here. '__return_val' is defined only in functions that return a non-copyable value.")
DIAGNOSTIC(38020, Error, mismatchEntryPointTypeArgument, "expecting $0 entry-point type arguments, provided $1.")
DIAGNOSTIC(38021, Error, typeArgumentForGenericParameterDoesNotConformToInterface, "type argument `$0` for generic parameter `$1` does not conform to interface `$2`.")

DIAGNOSTIC(38022, Error, cannotSpecializeGlobalGenericToItself, "the global type parameter '$0' cannot be specialized to itself")
DIAGNOSTIC(38023, Error, cannotSpecializeGlobalGenericToAnotherGenericParam, "the global type parameter '$0' cannot be specialized using another global type parameter ('$1')")

DIAGNOSTIC(38024, Error, invalidDispatchThreadIDType, "parameter with SV_DispatchThreadID must be either scalar or vector (1 to 3) of uint/int but is $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, noteWhenCompilingEntryPoint, "when compiling entry point '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(38025, Error, mismatchSpecializationArguments, "expected $0 specialization arguments ($1 provided)")
DIAGNOSTIC(38026, Error, globalTypeArgumentDoesNotConformToInterface, "type argument `$1` for global generic parameter `$0` does not conform to interface `$2`.")

DIAGNOSTIC(38027, Error, mismatchExistentialSlotArgCount, "expected $0 existential slot arguments ($1 provided)")
DIAGNOSTIC(38029, Error, typeArgumentDoesNotConformToInterface, "type argument '$0' does not conform to the required interface '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(38031, Error, invalidUseOfNoDiff, "'no_diff' can only be used to decorate a call or a subscript operation")
DIAGNOSTIC(38032, Error, useOfNoDiffOnDifferentiableFunc, "use 'no_diff' on a call to a differentiable function has no meaning.")
DIAGNOSTIC(38033, Error, cannotUseNoDiffInNonDifferentiableFunc, "cannot use 'no_diff' in a non-differentiable function.")
DIAGNOSTIC(38034, Error, cannotUseConstRefOnDifferentiableParameter, "cannot use '__constref' on a differentiable parameter.")
DIAGNOSTIC(38034, Error, cannotUseConstRefOnDifferentiableMemberMethod, "cannot use '[constref]' on a differentiable member method of a differentiable type.")

DIAGNOSTIC(38040, Error, nonUniformEntryPointParameterMustHaveSemantic, "non-uniform parameter '$0' must have a system-value semantic.")

DIAGNOSTIC(38200, Error, recursiveModuleImport, "module `$0` recursively imports itself")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, errorInImportedModule, "import of module '$0' failed because of a compilation error")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Fatal, complationCeased, "compilation ceased")

// 39xxx - Type layout and parameter binding.

DIAGNOSTIC(39000, Error, conflictingExplicitBindingsForParameter, "conflicting explicit bindings for parameter '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39001, Warning, parameterBindingsOverlap, "explicit binding for parameter '$0' overlaps with parameter '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(39002, Error, shaderParameterDeclarationsDontMatch, "declarations of shader parameter '$0' in different translation units don't match")

DIAGNOSTIC(39003, Note, shaderParameterTypeMismatch, "type is declared as '$0' in one translation unit, and '$0' in another")
DIAGNOSTIC(39004, Note, fieldTypeMisMatch, "type of field '$0' is declared as '$1' in one translation unit, and '$2' in another")
DIAGNOSTIC(39005, Note, fieldDeclarationsDontMatch, "type '$0' is declared with different fields in each translation unit")
DIAGNOSTIC(39006, Note, usedInDeclarationOf, "used in declaration of '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(39007, Error, unknownRegisterClass, "unknown register class: '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39008, Error, expectedARegisterIndex, "expected a register index after '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39009, Error, expectedSpace, "expected 'space', got '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39010, Error, expectedSpaceIndex, "expected a register space index after 'space'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39011, Error, invalidComponentMask, "invalid register component mask '$0'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(39013, Warning, registerModifierButNoVulkanLayout, "shader parameter '$0' has a 'register' specified for D3D, but no '[[vk::binding(...)]]` specified for Vulkan")
DIAGNOSTIC(39014, Error, unexpectedSpecifierAfterSpace, "unexpected specifier after register space: '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39015, Error, wholeSpaceParameterRequiresZeroBinding, "shader parameter '$0' consumes whole descriptor sets, so the binding must be in the form '[[vk::binding(0, ...)]]'; the non-zero binding '$1' is not allowed")

DIAGNOSTIC(39016, Warning, hlslToVulkanMappingNotFound, "unable to infer Vulkan binding for '$0', automatic layout will be used")

DIAGNOSTIC(39017, Error, dontExpectOutParametersForStage, "the '$0' stage does not support `out` or `inout` entry point parameters")
DIAGNOSTIC(39018, Error, dontExpectInParametersForStage, "the '$0' stage does not support `in` entry point parameters")

DIAGNOSTIC(39019, Warning, globalUniformNotExpected, "'$0' is implicitly a global shader parameter, not a global variable. If a global variable is intended, add the 'static' modifier. If a uniform shader parameter is intended, add the 'uniform' modifier to silence this warning.")

DIAGNOSTIC(39020, Error, tooManyShaderRecordConstantBuffers, "can have at most one 'shader record' attributed constant buffer; found $0.")

DIAGNOSTIC(39021, Error, typeParametersNotAllowedOnEntryPointGlobal, "local-root-signature shader parameter '$0' at global scope must not include existential/interface types")

DIAGNOSTIC(39022, Warning, vkIndexWithoutVkLocation, "ignoring '[[vk::index(...)]]` attribute without a corresponding '[[vk::location(...)]]' attribute")
DIAGNOSTIC(39023, Error, mixingImplicitAndExplicitBindingForVaryingParams, "mixing explicit and implicit bindings for varying parameters is not supported (see '$0' and '$1')")

DIAGNOSTIC(39024, Warning, cannotInferVulkanBindingWithoutRegisterModifier, "shader parameter '$0' doesn't have a 'register' specified, automatic layout will be used")

DIAGNOSTIC(39025, Error, conflictingVulkanInferredBindingForParameter, "conflicting vulkan inferred binding for parameter '$0' overlap is $1 and $2")


// 4xxxx - IL code generation.
DIAGNOSTIC(40001, Error, bindingAlreadyOccupiedByComponent, "resource binding location '$0' is already occupied by component '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40002, Error, invalidBindingValue, "binding location '$0' is out of valid range.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40003, Error, bindingExceedsLimit, "binding location '$0' assigned to component '$1' exceeds maximum limit.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40004, Error, bindingAlreadyOccupiedByModule, "DescriptorSet ID '$0' is already occupied by module instance '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40005, Error, topLevelModuleUsedWithoutSpecifyingBinding, "top level module '$0' is being used without specifying binding location. Use [Binding: \"index\"] attribute to provide a binding location.")

DIAGNOSTIC(49999, Error, unknownSystemValueSemantic, "unknown system-value semantic '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(40006, Error, needCompileTimeConstant, "expected a compile-time constant")

DIAGNOSTIC(40007, Internal, irValidationFailed, "IR validation failed: $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(40008, Error, invalidLValueForRefParameter, "the form of this l-value argument is not valid for a `ref` parameter")

DIAGNOSTIC(40009, Error, dynamicInterfaceLacksAnyValueSizeAttribute, "interface '$0' is being used in dynamic dispatch code but has no [anyValueSize] attribute defined.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40010, Note, seeInterfaceUsage, "see usage of interface '$0'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(40011, Error, unconstrainedGenericParameterNotAllowedInDynamicFunction, "unconstrained generic paramter '$0' is not allowed in a dynamic function.")

DIAGNOSTIC(40020, Error, cannotUnrollLoop, "loop does not terminate within the limited number of iterations, unrolling is aborted.")

DIAGNOSTIC(40030, Fatal, functionNeverReturnsFatal, "function '$0' never returns, compilation ceased.")

// 41000 - IR-level validation issues

DIAGNOSTIC(41000, Warning, unreachableCode, "unreachable code detected")

DIAGNOSTIC(41010, Warning, missingReturn, "control flow may reach end of non-'void' function")
DIAGNOSTIC(41015, Error, usingUninitializedValue, "use of uninitialized value '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(41016, Warning, returningWithUninitializedOut, "returning without initializing out parameter '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(41017, Warning, returningWithPartiallyUninitializedOut, "returning without fully initializing out parameter '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(41011, Error, typeDoesNotFitAnyValueSize, "type '$0' does not fit in the size required by its conforming interface.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41012, Note, typeAndLimit, "sizeof($0) is $1, limit is $2")
DIAGNOSTIC(41012, Error, typeCannotBePackedIntoAnyValue, "type '$0' contains fields that cannot be packed into an AnyValue.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41020, Error, lossOfDerivativeDueToCallOfNonDifferentiableFunction, "derivative cannot be propagated through call to non-$1-differentiable function `$0`, use 'no_diff' to clarify intention.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41024, Error, lossOfDerivativeAssigningToNonDifferentiableLocation, "derivative is lost during assignment to non-differentiable location, use 'detach()' to clarify intention.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41025, Error, lossOfDerivativeUsingNonDifferentiableLocationAsOutArg, "derivative is lost when passing a non-differentiable location to an `out` or `inout` parameter, consider passing a temporary variable instead.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41021, Error, differentiableFuncMustHaveOutput, "a differentiable function must have at least one differentiable output.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41022, Error, differentiableFuncMustHaveInput, "a differentiable function must have at least one differentiable input.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41023, Error, getStringHashMustBeOnStringLiteral, "getStringHash can only be called when argument is statically resolvable to a string literal")

DIAGNOSTIC(41901, Error, unsupportedUseOfLValueForAutoDiff, "unsupported use of L-value for auto differentiation.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41902, Error, cannotDifferentiateDynamicallyIndexedData, "cannot auto-differentiate mixed read/write access to dynamically indexed data in '$0'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(41903, Error, unableToSizeOf, "sizeof could not be performed for type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(41904, Error, unableToAlignOf, "alignof could not be performed for type '$0'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(42001, Error, invalidUseOfTorchTensorTypeInDeviceFunc, "invalid use of TorchTensor type in device/kernel functions. use `TensorView` instead.")

// 5xxxx - Target code generation.

DIAGNOSTIC(50010, Internal, missingExistentialBindingsForParameter, "missing argument for existential parameter slot")

DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidTessCoordType, "TessCoord must have vec2 or vec3 type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidFragCoordType, "FragCoord must be a vec4.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidInvocationIdType, "InvocationId must have int type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidThreadIdType, "ThreadId must have int type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidPrimitiveIdType, "PrimitiveId must have int type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidPatchVertexCountType, "PatchVertexCount must have int type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50022, Error, worldIsNotDefined, "world '$0' is not defined.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50023, Error, stageShouldProvideWorldAttribute, "'$0' should provide 'World' attribute.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50040, Error, componentHasInvalidTypeForPositionOutput, "'$0': component used as 'loc' output must be of vec4 type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50041, Error, componentNotDefined, "'$0': component not defined.")

DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, domainShaderRequiresControlPointCount, "'DomainShader' requires attribute 'ControlPointCount'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresControlPointCount, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'ControlPointCount'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresControlPointWorld, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'ControlPointWorld'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresCornerPointWorld, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'CornerPointWorld'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresDomain, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'Domain'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresInputControlPointCount, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'InputControlPointCount'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresOutputTopology, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'OutputTopology'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresPartitioning, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'Partitioning'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresPatchWorld, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'PatchWorld'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresTessLevelInner, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'TessLevelInner'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresTessLevelOuter, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'TessLevelOuter'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(50053, Error, invalidTessellationDomian, "'Domain' should be either 'triangles' or 'quads'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50053, Error, invalidTessellationOutputTopology, "'OutputTopology' must be one of: 'point', 'line', 'triangle_cw', or 'triangle_ccw'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50053, Error, invalidTessellationPartitioning, "'Partitioning' must be one of: 'integer', 'pow2', 'fractional_even', or 'fractional_odd'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50053, Error, invalidTessellationDomain, "'Domain' should be either 'triangles' or 'quads'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(50082, Error, importingFromPackedBufferUnsupported, "importing type '$0' from PackedBuffer is not supported by the GLSL backend.")
DIAGNOSTIC(51090, Error, cannotGenerateCodeForExternComponentType, "cannot generate code for extern component type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(51091, Error, typeCannotBePlacedInATexture, "type '$0' cannot be placed in a texture.")
DIAGNOSTIC(51092, Error, stageDoesntHaveInputWorld, "'$0' doesn't appear to have any input world")

DIAGNOSTIC(50100, Error, noTypeConformancesFoundForInterface, "No type conformances are found for interface '$0'. Code generation for current target requires at least one implementation type present in the linkage.")

DIAGNOSTIC(52000, Error, multiLevelBreakUnsupported, "control flow appears to require multi-level `break`, which Slang does not yet support")

DIAGNOSTIC(52001, Warning, dxilNotFound, "dxil shared library not found, so 'dxc' output cannot be signed! Shader code will not be runnable in non-development environments.")

DIAGNOSTIC(52002, Error, passThroughCompilerNotFound, "could not find a suitable pass-through compiler for '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(52003, Error, cannotDisassemble, "cannot disassemble '$0'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(52004, Error, unableToWriteFile, "unable to write file '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(52005, Error, unableToReadFile, "unable to read file '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(52006, Error, compilerNotDefinedForTransition, "compiler not defined for transition '$0' to '$1'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(52007, Error, typeCannotBeUsedInDynamicDispatch, "failed to generate dynamic dispatch code for type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(52008, Error, dynamicDispatchOnSpecializeOnlyInterface, "type '$0' is marked for specialization only, but dynamic dispatch is needed for the call.")
DIAGNOSTIC(53001, Error, invalidTypeMarshallingForImportedDLLSymbol, "invalid type marshalling in imported func $0.")

DIAGNOSTIC(54001, Error, meshOutputMustBeOut, "Mesh shader outputs must be declared with 'out'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(54002, Error, meshOutputMustBeArray, "HLSL style mesh shader outputs must be arrays")
DIAGNOSTIC(54003, Error, meshOutputArrayMustHaveSize, "HLSL style mesh shader output arrays must have a length specified")
DIAGNOSTIC(54004, Warning, unnecessaryHLSLMeshOutputModifier, "Unnecessary HLSL style mesh shader output modifier")

DIAGNOSTIC(55101, Error, invalidTorchKernelReturnType, "'$0' is not a valid return type for a pytorch kernel function.")
DIAGNOSTIC(55102, Error, invalidTorchKernelParamType, "'$0' is not a valid parameter type for a pytorch kernel function.")

DIAGNOSTIC(56001, Error, unableToAutoMapCUDATypeToHostType, "Could not automatically map '$0' to a host type. Automatic binding generation failed for '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(57001, Warning, spirvOptFailed, "spirv-opt failed. $0")

// GLSL Compatibility
DIAGNOSTIC(58001, Error, entryPointMustReturnVoidWhenGlobalOutputPresent, "entry point must return 'void' when global output variables are present.")
DIAGNOSTIC(58002, Error, unhandledGLSLSSBOType, "Unhandled GLSL Shader Storage Buffer Object contents, unsized arrays as a final parameter must be the only parameter")

// 8xxxx - Issues specific to a particular library/technology/platform/etc.

// 811xx - NVAPI

DIAGNOSTIC(81110, Error, nvapiMacroMismatch, "conflicting definitions for NVAPI macro '$0': '$1' and '$2'")

DIAGNOSTIC(81111, Error, opaqueReferenceMustResolveToGlobal, "could not determine register/space for a resource or sampler used with NVAPI")

// 99999 - Internal compiler errors, and not-yet-classified diagnostics.

DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, unimplemented, "unimplemented feature in Slang compiler: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, unexpected, "unexpected condition encountered in Slang compiler: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, internalCompilerError, "Slang internal compiler error")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Error, compilationAborted, "Slang compilation aborted due to internal error")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Error, compilationAbortedDueToException, "Slang compilation aborted due to an exception of $0: $1")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, serialDebugVerificationFailed, "Verification of serial debug information failed.")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, spirvValidationFailed, "Validation of generated SPIR-V failed.")

DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, noBlocksOrIntrinsic, "no blocks found for function definition, is there a '$0' intrinsic missing?")

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