Raw File
Tip revision: e24c5a6cb9c3347477b83abe084a09ae8f9fde0a authored by Tim Foley on 08 January 2021, 00:01:48 UTC
Fill in some missing bits of capability API (#1652)
Tip revision: e24c5a6
// slang-diagnostics.cpp
#include "slang-diagnostics.h"

#include "slang-name.h"

#include "../core/slang-memory-arena.h"
#include "../core/slang-dictionary.h"
#include "../core/slang-string-util.h"
#include "../core/slang-name-convention-util.h"

#include <assert.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>
#include <d3dcompiler.h>

namespace Slang {

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, char const* str)
    sb << str;

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, int32_t val)
    sb << val;

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, uint32_t val)
    sb << val;

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, int64_t val)
    sb << val;

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, uint64_t val)
    sb << val;

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, double val)
    sb << val;

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, Slang::String const& str)
    sb << str;

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, Slang::UnownedStringSlice const& str)

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, Name* name)
    sb << getText(name);

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, TokenType tokenType)
    sb << TokenTypeToString(tokenType);

void printDiagnosticArg(StringBuilder& sb, Token const& token)
    sb << token.getContent();

SourceLoc const& getDiagnosticPos(Token const& token)
    return token.loc;

// Take the format string for a diagnostic message, along with its arguments, and turn it into a
static void formatDiagnosticMessage(StringBuilder& sb, char const* format, int argCount, DiagnosticArg const* const* args)
    char const* spanBegin = format;
        char const* spanEnd = spanBegin;
        while (int c = *spanEnd)
            if (c == '$')

        sb.Append(spanBegin, int(spanEnd - spanBegin));
        if (!*spanEnd)

        SLANG_ASSERT(*spanEnd == '$');
        int d = *spanEnd++;
        switch (d)
        // A double dollar sign `$$` is used to emit a single `$` 
        case '$':

        // A single digit means to emit the corresponding argument.
        // TODO: support more than 10 arguments, and add options
        // to control formatting, etc.
        case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
        case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
                int index = d - '0';
                if (index >= argCount)
                    // TODO(tfoley): figure out what a good policy will be for "panic" situations like this
                    throw InvalidOperationException("too few arguments for diagnostic message");
                    DiagnosticArg const* arg = args[index];
                    arg->printFunc(sb, arg->data);

            throw InvalidOperationException("invalid diagnostic message format");

        spanBegin = spanEnd;

static void formatDiagnostic(const HumaneSourceLoc& humaneLoc, Diagnostic const& diagnostic, StringBuilder& outBuilder)
    outBuilder << humaneLoc.pathInfo.foundPath;
    outBuilder << "(";
    outBuilder << Int32(humaneLoc.line);
    outBuilder << "): ";

    outBuilder << getSeverityName(diagnostic.severity);

    if (diagnostic.ErrorID >= 0)
        outBuilder << " ";
        outBuilder << diagnostic.ErrorID;

    outBuilder << ": ";
    outBuilder << diagnostic.Message;
    outBuilder << "\n";

static void formatDiagnostic(
    DiagnosticSink*     sink,
    Diagnostic const&   diagnostic,
    StringBuilder&      sb)
    auto sourceManager = sink->getSourceManager();

    SourceView* sourceView = nullptr;
    HumaneSourceLoc humaneLoc;
    const auto sourceLoc = diagnostic.loc;
        sourceView = sourceManager->findSourceViewRecursively(sourceLoc);
        if (sourceView)
            humaneLoc = sourceView->getHumaneLoc(sourceLoc);
        formatDiagnostic(humaneLoc, diagnostic, sb);

            SourceView* currentView = sourceView;

            while (currentView && currentView->getInitiatingSourceLoc().isValid() && currentView->getSourceFile()->getPathInfo().type == PathInfo::Type::TokenPaste)
                SourceView* initiatingView = sourceManager->findSourceView(currentView->getInitiatingSourceLoc());
                if (initiatingView == nullptr)

                const DiagnosticInfo& diagnosticInfo = Diagnostics::seeTokenPasteLocation;

                // Turn the message format into a message. For the moment it assumes no parameters.
                StringBuilder msg;
                formatDiagnosticMessage(msg, diagnosticInfo.messageFormat, 0, nullptr);

                // Set up the diagnostic.
                Diagnostic initiationDiagnostic;
                initiationDiagnostic.ErrorID =;
                initiationDiagnostic.Message = msg.ProduceString();
                initiationDiagnostic.loc = sourceView->getInitiatingSourceLoc();
                initiationDiagnostic.severity = diagnosticInfo.severity;

                // TODO(JS):
                // Not 100%  clear what the best sourceLoc type is most useful here - we will go with default for now
                HumaneSourceLoc pasteHumaneLoc = initiatingView->getHumaneLoc(sourceView->getInitiatingSourceLoc());

                // Okay we should output where the token paste took place
                formatDiagnostic(pasteHumaneLoc, initiationDiagnostic, sb);

                // Make the initiatingView the current view
                currentView = initiatingView;
    if (sourceView && sink->isFlagSet(DiagnosticSink::Flag::VerbosePath))
        auto actualHumaneLoc = sourceView->getHumaneLoc(diagnostic.loc, SourceLocType::Actual);

        // Look up the path verbosely (will get the canonical path if necessary)
        actualHumaneLoc.pathInfo.foundPath = sourceView->getSourceFile()->calcVerbosePath();

        // Only output if it's actually different
        if (actualHumaneLoc.pathInfo.foundPath != humaneLoc.pathInfo.foundPath ||
            actualHumaneLoc.line != humaneLoc.line ||
            actualHumaneLoc.column != humaneLoc.column)
            formatDiagnostic(actualHumaneLoc, diagnostic, sb);

void DiagnosticSink::diagnoseImpl(SourceLoc const& pos, DiagnosticInfo const& info, int argCount, DiagnosticArg const* const* args)
    StringBuilder sb;
    formatDiagnosticMessage(sb, info.messageFormat, argCount, args);

    Diagnostic diagnostic;
    diagnostic.ErrorID =;
    diagnostic.Message = sb.ProduceString();
    diagnostic.loc = pos;
    diagnostic.severity = info.severity;

    if (diagnostic.severity >= Severity::Error)

    // Did the client supply a callback for us to use?
    if( writer )
        // If so, pass the error string along to them
        StringBuilder messageBuilder;
        formatDiagnostic(this, diagnostic, messageBuilder);

        writer->write(messageBuilder.getBuffer(), messageBuilder.getLength());
        // If the user doesn't have a callback, then just
        // collect our diagnostic messages into a buffer
        formatDiagnostic(this, diagnostic, outputBuffer);

    if (diagnostic.severity >= Severity::Fatal)
        // TODO: figure out a better policy for aborting compilation
        throw AbortCompilationException();

void DiagnosticSink::diagnoseRaw(
    Severity    severity,
    char const* message)
    return diagnoseRaw(severity, UnownedStringSlice(message));

void DiagnosticSink::diagnoseRaw(
    Severity    severity,
    const UnownedStringSlice& message)
    if (severity >= Severity::Error)

    // Did the client supply a callback for us to use?
        // If so, pass the error string along to them
        writer->write(message.begin(), message.getLength());
        // If the user doesn't have a callback, then just
        // collect our diagnostic messages into a buffer

    if (severity >= Severity::Fatal)
        // TODO: figure out a better policy for aborting compilation
        throw InvalidOperationException();

namespace Diagnostics
#define DIAGNOSTIC(id, severity, name, messageFormat) const DiagnosticInfo name = { id, Severity::severity, #name, messageFormat };
#include "slang-diagnostic-defs.h"

static const DiagnosticInfo* const kAllDiagnostics[] =
#define DIAGNOSTIC(id, severity, name, messageFormat) &Diagnostics::name, 
#include "slang-diagnostic-defs.h"

class DiagnosticsLookup : public RefObject
    const DiagnosticInfo* findDiagostic(const UnownedStringSlice& slice) const
        const Index* indexPtr = m_map.TryGetValue(slice);
        return indexPtr ? kAllDiagnostics[*indexPtr] : nullptr;
    Index _findDiagnosticIndex(const UnownedStringSlice& slice) const
        const Index* indexPtr = m_map.TryGetValue(slice);
        return indexPtr ? *indexPtr : 0;
    static DiagnosticsLookup* getSingleton()
        static RefPtr<DiagnosticsLookup> singleton = new DiagnosticsLookup;
        return singleton;

    void _add(const char* name, Index index)
        UnownedStringSlice nameSlice(name);
        m_map.Add(nameSlice, index);

        // Add a dashed version (KababCase)

            NameConventionUtil::convert(NameConvention::Camel, nameSlice, CharCase::Lower, NameConvention::Kabab, m_work);

            UnownedStringSlice dashSlice(m_arena.allocateString(m_work.getBuffer(), m_work.getLength()), m_work.getLength());
            m_map.AddIfNotExists(dashSlice, index);
    void _addAlias(const char* name, const char* diagnosticName)
        const Index index = _findDiagnosticIndex(UnownedStringSlice(diagnosticName));
        SLANG_ASSERT(index >= 0);
        if (index >= 0)
            _add(name, index);

    StringBuilder m_work;
    Dictionary<UnownedStringSlice, Index> m_map;
    MemoryArena m_arena;

    // TODO: We should eventually have a more formal system for associating individual
    // diagnostics, or groups of diagnostics, with user-exposed names for use when
    // enabling/disabling warnings (or turning warnings into errors, etc.).
    // For now we build a map from diagnostic name to it's entry. Two entries are typically
    // added - the 'original name' as associated with the diagnostic in lowerCamel, and
    // a dashified version.
    for (Index i = 0; i < SLANG_COUNT_OF(kAllDiagnostics); ++i)
        const DiagnosticInfo* diagnostic = kAllDiagnostics[i];
        _add(diagnostic->name, i);

    // Add any aliases
    _addAlias("overlappingBindings", "parameterBindingsOverlap");

DiagnosticInfo const* findDiagnosticByName(UnownedStringSlice const& name)
    return DiagnosticsLookup::getSingleton()->findDiagostic(name);

} // namespace Slang
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