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Tip revision: 768e62f6c7541439e2edc18dad5fb3846d2e05f9 authored by Yong He on 10 October 2022, 22:59:45 UTC
Support multi-level break + single-return conversion + general inline. (#2436)
Tip revision: 768e62f
// slang-doc-ast.h

#include "../core/slang-basic.h"

#include "../compiler-core/slang-doc-extractor.h"

#include "slang-ast-all.h"

namespace Slang {

/* Holds the documentation markup that is associated with each node (typically a decl) from a module */
class ASTMarkup : public RefObject
    struct Entry
        NodeBase* m_node;                                           ///< The node this documentation is associated with
        String m_markup;                                            ///< The raw contents of of markup associated with the decoration
        MarkupVisibility m_visibility = MarkupVisibility::Public;   ///< How visible this decl is

        /// Adds an entry, returns the reference to pre-existing node if there is one
    Entry& addEntry(NodeBase* base);
        /// Gets an entry for a node. Returns nullptr if there is no markup.
    Entry* getEntry(NodeBase* base);

        /// Get list of all of the entries in source order
    const List<Entry>& getEntries() const { return m_entries; }


        /// Map from AST nodes to documentation entries
    Dictionary<NodeBase*, Index> m_entryMap;
        /// All of the documentation entries in source order
    List<Entry> m_entries;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SLANG_INLINE ASTMarkup::Entry& ASTMarkup::addEntry(NodeBase* base)
    const Index count = m_entries.getCount();
    const Index index = m_entryMap.GetOrAddValue(base, count);

    if (index == count)
        Entry entry;
        entry.m_node = base;
    return m_entries[index];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SLANG_INLINE ASTMarkup::Entry* ASTMarkup::getEntry(NodeBase* base)
    Index* indexPtr = m_entryMap.TryGetValue(base);
    return (indexPtr) ? &m_entries[*indexPtr] : nullptr;

/* Extracts documentation markup from source. 
The comments are extracted and associated in declarations. The association
is held in DocMarkup type. The comment style follows the doxygen style */
struct ASTMarkupUtil
    typedef DocMarkupExtractor Extractor;

        /// Given a module finds all the decls, and places in outDecls
    static void findDecls(ModuleDecl* moduleDecl, List<Decl*>& outDecls);

        /// Given a decl determines the search style that is appropriate. Returns None if can't determine a suitable style
    static Extractor::SearchStyle getSearchStyle(Decl* decl);

        /// Extracts documentation from the nodes held in the module using the source manager. Found documentation is placed
        /// in outMarkup
    static SlangResult extract(ModuleDecl* moduleDecl, SourceManager* sourceManager, DiagnosticSink* sink, ASTMarkup* outMarkup, bool searchOrindaryComments = false);

} // namespace Slang

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