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Tip revision: 768e62f6c7541439e2edc18dad5fb3846d2e05f9 authored by Yong He on 10 October 2022, 22:59:45 UTC
Support multi-level break + single-return conversion + general inline. (#2436)
Tip revision: 768e62f
// slang-emit-c-like.h

#include "../core/slang-basic.h"

#include "slang-compiler.h"

#include "slang-emit-base.h"
#include "slang-emit-precedence.h"
#include "slang-emit-source-writer.h"

#include "slang-ir.h"
#include "slang-ir-insts.h"
#include "slang-ir-restructure.h"

namespace Slang

class CLikeSourceEmitter: public SourceEmitterBase
    struct Desc
        CodeGenContext* codeGenContext = nullptr;

            /// The stage for the entry point we are being asked to compile
        Stage entryPointStage = Stage::Unknown;

            /// The "effective" profile that is being used to emit code,
            /// combining information from the target and entry point.
        Profile effectiveProfile = Profile::RawEnum::Unknown;

        SourceWriter* sourceWriter = nullptr;

        kThreadGroupAxisCount = 3,
    typedef unsigned int ESemanticMask;
        kESemanticMask_None = 0,
        kESemanticMask_NoPackOffset = 1 << 0,
        kESemanticMask_Default = kESemanticMask_NoPackOffset,

        /// A C-style declarator, used for emitting types and declarations.
        /// A C-style declaration typically has a *type specifier* (like
        /// `int` or `MyType`) and a *declarator* (like `myVar` or
        /// `myArray[]` or `*myPtr`).
        /// The type of a declaration depends on both the type specifier
        /// the declarator, and we already have logic to "unwrap" the
        /// syntax of a declarator as part of the parser.
        /// A `DeclaratorInfo` is used for the inverse process: taking
        /// a complete type and splitting out the parts that need to be
        /// handled as declarators when emitting code in a C-like language.
    struct DeclaratorInfo
        enum class Flavor
        Flavor flavor;

        DeclaratorInfo(Flavor flavor)
            : flavor(flavor)

        /// A simple declarator that only includes a name
    struct NameDeclaratorInfo : DeclaratorInfo
        const StringSliceLoc* nameAndLoc;

        NameDeclaratorInfo(StringSliceLoc const* nameAndLoc)
            : DeclaratorInfo(Flavor::Name), nameAndLoc(nameAndLoc)

        /// A "chained" declarator that may a nested declarator.
    struct ChainedDeclaratorInfo : DeclaratorInfo
        DeclaratorInfo* next = nullptr;

        ChainedDeclaratorInfo(Flavor flavor, DeclaratorInfo* next)
            : DeclaratorInfo(flavor)
            , next(next)

    struct PtrDeclaratorInfo : ChainedDeclaratorInfo
        PtrDeclaratorInfo(DeclaratorInfo* next)
            : ChainedDeclaratorInfo(Flavor::Ptr, next)

    struct RefDeclaratorInfo : ChainedDeclaratorInfo
        RefDeclaratorInfo(DeclaratorInfo* next)
            : ChainedDeclaratorInfo(Flavor::Ref, next)

    struct SizedArrayDeclaratorInfo : ChainedDeclaratorInfo
        IRInst* elementCount;

        SizedArrayDeclaratorInfo(DeclaratorInfo* next, IRInst* elementCount)
            : ChainedDeclaratorInfo(Flavor::SizedArray, next)
            , elementCount(elementCount)

    struct UnsizedArrayDeclaratorInfo : ChainedDeclaratorInfo
        UnsizedArrayDeclaratorInfo(DeclaratorInfo* next)
            : ChainedDeclaratorInfo(Flavor::UnsizedArray, next)

    struct LiteralSizedArrayDeclaratorInfo : ChainedDeclaratorInfo
        IRIntegerValue elementCount;

        LiteralSizedArrayDeclaratorInfo(DeclaratorInfo* next, IRIntegerValue elementCount)
            : ChainedDeclaratorInfo(Flavor::LiteralSizedArray, next)
            , elementCount(elementCount)

    struct AttributedDeclaratorInfo : ChainedDeclaratorInfo
        AttributedDeclaratorInfo(DeclaratorInfo* next, IRInst* instWithAttributes)
            : ChainedDeclaratorInfo(Flavor::Attributed, next)
            , instWithAttributes(instWithAttributes)

        IRInst* instWithAttributes;

    struct FuncTypeDeclaratorInfo : ChainedDeclaratorInfo
        FuncTypeDeclaratorInfo(DeclaratorInfo* next, IRFuncType* funcTypeInst)
            : ChainedDeclaratorInfo(Flavor::Attributed, next)
            , funcType(funcTypeInst)

        IRFuncType* funcType;

    struct ComputeEmitActionsContext;

    // An action to be performed during code emit.
    struct EmitAction
        enum Level
        Level   level;
        IRInst* inst;

    // A chain of variables to use for emitting semantic/layout info
    struct EmitVarChain
        IRVarLayout*      varLayout;
        EmitVarChain*   next;

            : varLayout(nullptr)
            , next(nullptr)

        EmitVarChain(IRVarLayout* varLayout)
            : varLayout(varLayout)
            , next(nullptr)

        EmitVarChain(IRVarLayout* varLayout, EmitVarChain* next)
            : varLayout(varLayout)
            , next(next)

        /// Must be called before used
    virtual SlangResult init();

        /// Ctor
    CLikeSourceEmitter(const Desc& desc);

        /// Get the source manager
    SourceManager* getSourceManager() { return m_codeGenContext->getSourceManager(); }

        /// Get the source writer used
    SourceWriter* getSourceWriter() const { return m_writer; }

        /// Get the diagnostic sink
    DiagnosticSink* getSink() { return m_codeGenContext->getSink();}

        /// Get the code gen target
    CodeGenTarget getTarget() { return m_target; }
        /// Get the source style
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE SourceLanguage getSourceLanguage() const { return m_sourceLanguage;  }

    void noteInternalErrorLoc(SourceLoc loc) { return getSink()->noteInternalErrorLoc(loc); }

    CapabilitySet getTargetCaps() { return m_codeGenContext->getTargetCaps(); }

    CodeGenContext* getCodeGenContext() { return m_codeGenContext; }
    TargetRequest* getTargetReq() { return m_codeGenContext->getTargetReq(); }
    Session* getSession() { return m_codeGenContext->getSession(); }
    Linkage* getLinkage() { return m_codeGenContext->getLinkage(); }
    ComponentType* getProgram() { return m_codeGenContext->getProgram(); }
    TargetProgram* getTargetProgram() { return m_codeGenContext->getTargetProgram(); }

    // Types

    void emitDeclarator(DeclaratorInfo* declarator);

    void emitType(IRType* type, const StringSliceLoc* nameLoc) { emitTypeImpl(type, nameLoc); }
    void emitType(IRType* type, Name* name);
    void emitType(IRType* type, String const& name);
    void emitType(IRType* type);
    void emitType(IRType* type, Name* name, SourceLoc const& nameLoc);
    void emitType(IRType* type, NameLoc const& nameAndLoc);

    // Expressions

    bool maybeEmitParens(EmitOpInfo& outerPrec, const EmitOpInfo& prec);

    void maybeCloseParens(bool needClose);

    void emitStringLiteral(const String& value);

    void emitVal(IRInst* val, const EmitOpInfo& outerPrec);

    UInt getBindingOffset(EmitVarChain* chain, LayoutResourceKind kind);
    UInt getBindingSpace(EmitVarChain* chain, LayoutResourceKind kind);

        // Utility code for generating unique IDs as needed
        // during the emit process (e.g., for declarations
        // that didn't originally have names, but now need to).
    UInt allocateUniqueID();

    // IR-level emit logic

    UInt getID(IRInst* value);

        /// "Scrub" a name so that it complies with restrictions of the target language.
    void appendScrubbedName(const UnownedStringSlice& name, StringBuilder& out);

    String generateName(IRInst* inst);
    virtual String generateEntryPointNameImpl(IREntryPointDecoration* entryPointDecor);

    String getName(IRInst* inst);

    void emitSimpleValue(IRInst* inst) { emitSimpleValueImpl(inst); }
    bool shouldFoldInstIntoUseSites(IRInst* inst);

    void emitOperand(IRInst* inst, EmitOpInfo const& outerPrec) { emitOperandImpl(inst, outerPrec); }

    void emitArgs(IRInst* inst);

    void emitRateQualifiers(IRInst* value);

    void emitInstResultDecl(IRInst* inst);

    IRTargetSpecificDecoration* findBestTargetDecoration(IRInst* inst);
    IRTargetIntrinsicDecoration* findBestTargetIntrinsicDecoration(IRInst* inst);

    // Check if the string being used to define a target intrinsic
    // is an "ordinary" name, such that we can simply emit a call
    // to the new name with the arguments of the old operation.
    static bool isOrdinaryName(const UnownedStringSlice& name);

    void emitComInterfaceCallExpr(IRCall* inst, EmitOpInfo const& inOuterPrec);

    void emitIntrinsicCallExpr(
        IRCall*                         inst,
        IRTargetIntrinsicDecoration*    targetIntrinsic,
        EmitOpInfo const&               inOuterPrec);

    void emitCallExpr(IRCall* inst, EmitOpInfo outerPrec);

    void emitLiveness(IRInst* inst) { emitLivenessImpl(inst); }

    void emitInstExpr(IRInst* inst, EmitOpInfo const& inOuterPrec);
    void defaultEmitInstExpr(IRInst* inst, EmitOpInfo const& inOuterPrec);
    void diagnoseUnhandledInst(IRInst* inst);
    void emitInst(IRInst* inst);

    void emitSemantics(IRInst* inst);
    void emitSemanticsUsingVarLayout(IRVarLayout* varLayout);

    void emitLayoutSemantics(IRInst* inst, char const* uniformSemanticSpelling = "register");

        /// Emit high-level language statements from a structured region.
    void emitRegion(Region* inRegion);

        /// Emit high-level language statements from a structured region tree.
    void emitRegionTree(RegionTree* regionTree);

        // Is an IR function a definition? (otherwise it is a declaration)
    bool isDefinition(IRFunc* func);

    void emitEntryPointAttributes(IRFunc* irFunc, IREntryPointDecoration* entryPointDecor);

        /// Emit high-level statements for the body of a function.
    void emitFunctionBody(IRGlobalValueWithCode* code);

    void emitSimpleFunc(IRFunc* func) { emitSimpleFuncImpl(func); }

    void emitParamType(IRType* type, String const& name) { emitParamTypeImpl(type, name); }

    void emitFuncDecl(IRFunc* func);
    void emitFuncDecl(IRFunc* func, const String& name);

    IREntryPointLayout* getEntryPointLayout(IRFunc* func);

    IREntryPointLayout* asEntryPoint(IRFunc* func);

        // Detect if the given IR function represents a
        // declaration of an intrinsic/builtin for the
        // current code-generation target.
    bool isTargetIntrinsic(IRFunc* func);

    void emitFunc(IRFunc* func);
    void emitFuncDecorations(IRFunc* func) { emitFuncDecorationsImpl(func); }

    void emitStruct(IRStructType* structType);
    void emitClass(IRClassType* structType);

        /// Emit type attributes that should appear after, e.g., a `struct` keyword
    void emitPostKeywordTypeAttributes(IRInst* inst) { emitPostKeywordTypeAttributesImpl(inst); }

    void emitInterpolationModifiers(IRInst* varInst, IRType* valueType, IRVarLayout* layout);

    UInt getRayPayloadLocation(IRInst* inst);

    UInt getCallablePayloadLocation(IRInst* inst);

        /// Emit modifiers that should apply even for a declaration of an SSA temporary.
    virtual void emitTempModifiers(IRInst* temp);

    void emitVarModifiers(IRVarLayout* layout, IRInst* varDecl, IRType* varType);

        /// Emit the array brackets that go on the end of a declaration of the given type.
    void emitArrayBrackets(IRType* inType);

    void emitParameterGroup(IRGlobalParam* varDecl, IRUniformParameterGroupType* type);

    void emitVar(IRVar* varDecl);
    void emitDereferenceOperand(IRInst* inst, EmitOpInfo const& outerPrec);

    void emitGlobalVar(IRGlobalVar* varDecl);
    void emitGlobalParam(IRGlobalParam* varDecl);

    void emitGlobalInst(IRInst* inst);
    virtual void emitGlobalInstImpl(IRInst* inst);

    void ensureInstOperand(ComputeEmitActionsContext* ctx, IRInst* inst, EmitAction::Level requiredLevel = EmitAction::Level::Definition);

    void ensureInstOperandsRec(ComputeEmitActionsContext* ctx, IRInst* inst);

    void ensureGlobalInst(ComputeEmitActionsContext* ctx, IRInst* inst, EmitAction::Level requiredLevel);

    void emitForwardDeclaration(IRInst* inst);

    void computeEmitActions(IRModule* module, List<EmitAction>& ioActions);

    void executeEmitActions(List<EmitAction> const& actions);

        // Emits front matter, that occurs before the prelude
        // Doesn't emit generated function/types that's handled by emitPreModule
    void emitFrontMatter(TargetRequest* targetReq) { emitFrontMatterImpl(targetReq); }

    void emitPreModule() { emitPreModuleImpl(); }

    void emitModule(IRModule* module, DiagnosticSink* sink)
        { m_irModule = module; emitModuleImpl(module, sink); }

    void emitSimpleType(IRType* type);

    void emitVectorTypeName(IRType* elementType, IRIntegerValue elementCount) { emitVectorTypeNameImpl(elementType, elementCount); }

    void emitTextureOrTextureSamplerType(IRTextureTypeBase* type, char const* baseName) { emitTextureOrTextureSamplerTypeImpl(type, baseName); }

    virtual RefObject* getExtensionTracker() { return nullptr; }

        /// Gets a source language for a target for a target. Returns Unknown if not a known target
    static SourceLanguage getSourceLanguage(CodeGenTarget target);

        /// Gets the default type name for built in scalar types. Different impls may require something different.
        /// Returns an empty slice if not a built in type
    static UnownedStringSlice getDefaultBuiltinTypeName(IROp op);

        /// Finds the IRNumThreadsDecoration and gets the size from that or sets all dimensions to 1
    static IRNumThreadsDecoration* getComputeThreadGroupSize(IRFunc* func, Int outNumThreads[kThreadGroupAxisCount]);


    virtual bool doesTargetSupportPtrTypes() { return false; }
    virtual void emitLayoutSemanticsImpl(IRInst* inst, char const* uniformSemanticSpelling = "register") { SLANG_UNUSED(inst); SLANG_UNUSED(uniformSemanticSpelling); }
    virtual void emitParameterGroupImpl(IRGlobalParam* varDecl, IRUniformParameterGroupType* type) = 0;
    virtual void emitEntryPointAttributesImpl(IRFunc* irFunc, IREntryPointDecoration* entryPointDecor) = 0;

    virtual void emitImageFormatModifierImpl(IRInst* varDecl, IRType* varType) { SLANG_UNUSED(varDecl); SLANG_UNUSED(varType); }
    virtual void emitLayoutQualifiersImpl(IRVarLayout* layout) { SLANG_UNUSED(layout); }

        /// Emit front matter inserting prelude where appropriate
    virtual void emitFrontMatterImpl(TargetRequest* targetReq);
        /// Emit any declarations, and other material that is needed before the modules contents
        /// For example on targets that don't have built in vector/matrix support, this is where
        /// the appropriate generated declarations occur.
    virtual void emitPreModuleImpl() {}

    virtual void emitRateQualifiersImpl(IRRate* rate) { SLANG_UNUSED(rate); }
    virtual void emitSemanticsImpl(IRInst* inst) { SLANG_UNUSED(inst);  }
    virtual void emitSimpleFuncParamImpl(IRParam* param);
    virtual void emitSimpleFuncParamsImpl(IRFunc* func);
    virtual void emitInterpolationModifiersImpl(IRInst* varInst, IRType* valueType, IRVarLayout* layout) { SLANG_UNUSED(varInst); SLANG_UNUSED(valueType); SLANG_UNUSED(layout); }
    virtual void emitSimpleTypeImpl(IRType* type) = 0;
    virtual void emitVarDecorationsImpl(IRInst* varDecl) { SLANG_UNUSED(varDecl);  }
    virtual void emitMatrixLayoutModifiersImpl(IRVarLayout* layout) { SLANG_UNUSED(layout);  }
    virtual void emitTypeImpl(IRType* type, const StringSliceLoc* nameLoc);
    virtual void emitSimpleValueImpl(IRInst* inst);
    virtual void emitModuleImpl(IRModule* module, DiagnosticSink* sink);
    virtual void emitSimpleFuncImpl(IRFunc* func);
    virtual void emitVarExpr(IRInst* inst, EmitOpInfo const& outerPrec);
    virtual void emitOperandImpl(IRInst* inst, EmitOpInfo const& outerPrec);
    virtual void emitParamTypeImpl(IRType* type, String const& name);
    virtual void emitIntrinsicCallExprImpl(IRCall* inst, IRTargetIntrinsicDecoration* targetIntrinsic, EmitOpInfo const& inOuterPrec);
    virtual void emitFunctionPreambleImpl(IRInst* inst) { SLANG_UNUSED(inst); }
    virtual void emitLoopControlDecorationImpl(IRLoopControlDecoration* decl) { SLANG_UNUSED(decl); }
    virtual void emitFuncDecorationImpl(IRDecoration* decoration) { SLANG_UNUSED(decoration); }
    virtual void emitLivenessImpl(IRInst* inst);

    virtual void emitFuncDecorationsImpl(IRFunc* func);

        // Only needed for glsl output with $ prefix intrinsics - so perhaps removable in the future
    virtual void emitTextureOrTextureSamplerTypeImpl(IRTextureTypeBase*  type, char const* baseName) { SLANG_UNUSED(type); SLANG_UNUSED(baseName); }
        // Again necessary for & prefix intrinsics. May be removable in the future
    virtual void emitVectorTypeNameImpl(IRType* elementType, IRIntegerValue elementCount) = 0;

    virtual void emitWitnessTable(IRWitnessTable* witnessTable);
    void emitComWitnessTable(IRWitnessTable* witnessTable);

    virtual void emitInterface(IRInterfaceType* interfaceType);
    virtual void emitRTTIObject(IRRTTIObject* rttiObject);

    virtual bool tryEmitGlobalParamImpl(IRGlobalParam* varDecl, IRType* varType) { SLANG_UNUSED(varDecl); SLANG_UNUSED(varType); return false; }
    virtual bool tryEmitInstExprImpl(IRInst* inst, const EmitOpInfo& inOuterPrec) { SLANG_UNUSED(inst); SLANG_UNUSED(inOuterPrec); return false; }

    virtual void emitPostKeywordTypeAttributesImpl(IRInst* inst) { SLANG_UNUSED(inst); }

    void _emitFuncTypeDeclaration(IRFuncType* type, IRAttributedType* attributes);

    virtual void _emitType(IRType* type, DeclaratorInfo* declarator);
    void _emitInst(IRInst* inst);

    virtual void _emitPrefixTypeAttr(IRAttr* attr);
    virtual void _emitPostfixTypeAttr(IRAttr* attr);

        // Emit the argument list (including paranthesis) in a `CallInst`
    void _emitCallArgList(IRCall* call, int startingOperandIndex = 1);

    String _generateUniqueName(const UnownedStringSlice& slice);

        // Sort witnessTable entries according to the order defined in the witnessed interface type.
    List<IRWitnessTableEntry*> getSortedWitnessTableEntries(IRWitnessTable* witnessTable);

    CodeGenContext* m_codeGenContext = nullptr;
    IRModule* m_irModule = nullptr;

    // The stage for which we are emitting code.
    // TODO: We should support emitting code that includes multiple
    // entry points for different stages, but this value is used
    // in some very specific cases to determine how a construct
    // should map to GLSL.
    Stage m_entryPointStage = Stage::Unknown;

    // The target language we want to generate code for
    CodeGenTarget m_target;

    // Source language (based on the more nuanced m_target)
    SourceLanguage m_sourceLanguage;

    // Where source is written to
    SourceWriter* m_writer;

    UInt m_uniqueIDCounter = 1;
    Dictionary<IRInst*, UInt> m_mapIRValueToID;

    HashSet<String> m_irDeclsVisited;

    HashSet<String> m_irTupleTypes;

    // The "effective" profile that is being used to emit code,
    // combining information from the target and entry point.
    Profile m_effectiveProfile;

    // Map a string name to the number of times we have seen this
    // name used so far during code emission.
    Dictionary<String, UInt> m_uniqueNameCounters;

    // Map an IR instruction to the name that we've decided
    // to use for it when emitting code.
    Dictionary<IRInst*, String> m_mapInstToName;

    Dictionary<IRInst*, UInt> m_mapIRValueToRayPayloadLocation;
    Dictionary<IRInst*, UInt> m_mapIRValueToCallablePayloadLocation;

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