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Tip revision: 0586f3298fa7d554fa2682103eefba88740d6758 authored by jsmall-nvidia on 18 January 2023, 19:11:50 UTC
Upgrade slang-llvm-13.x-33 (#2600)
Tip revision: 0586f32
// slang-ir-dominators.h
#pragma once

#include "../core/slang-basic.h"

namespace Slang
    struct IRBlock;
    struct IRGlobalValueWithCode;

    /// The computed dominator tree for an IR control flow graph.
    struct IRDominatorTree : public RefObject
        /// The function or other code-bearing value for which the dominator tree was computed.
        IRGlobalValueWithCode*  code;

        /// Does the first block dominate the second?
        /// A block A dominates block B iff every control-flow path
        /// that starts at the entry block of the CFG and passes
        /// through B must first pass through A.
        bool dominates(IRBlock* dominator, IRBlock* dominated);

        /// Does the first block properly dominate the second?
        /// Block A properly dominates block B iff A dominates B
        /// and A != B.
        bool properlyDominates(IRBlock* dominator, IRBlock* dominated);

        /// Does the first block immediately dominate the second?
        /// Block A immediately dominates block B iff A dominates B
        /// and for any block X that dominates B, X also dominates A.
        bool immediatelyDominates(IRBlock* dominator, IRBlock* dominated);

        /// Get the immediate dominator (idom) of a block.
        /// This is the parent of `block` in the dominator tree.
        IRBlock* getImmediateDominator(IRBlock* block);

        /// An iterable collection of the blocks dominated by a specific block
        struct DominatedList;

        /// Get the blocks that a block immediately dominates.
        /// These are the children of the block in the dominator tree.
        DominatedList getImmediatelyDominatedBlocks(IRBlock* block);

        /// Get the blocks that a block properly dominates.
        /// These are the descendents of the block in the dominator tree.
        DominatedList getProperlyDominatedBlocks(IRBlock* block);

            /// Is `block` unrechable in the control flow graph?
        bool isUnreachable(IRBlock* block);

        struct DominatedList

            struct Iterator

                IRBlock* operator*() const;
                void operator++();
                bool operator==(Iterator const& that) const;
                bool operator!=(Iterator const& that) const;

                friend struct DominatedList;
                    IRDominatorTree* tree,
                    Int index);

                IRDominatorTree*    mTree;
                Int                 mIndex;

            Iterator begin() const;
            Iterator end() const;

            Count getCount() const { return Count(mEnd - mBegin); }

            friend struct IRDominatorTree;
                IRDominatorTree* tree,
                Int begin,
                Int end);

            IRDominatorTree*    mTree;
            Int                 mBegin;
            Int                 mEnd;

        // The layout of an `IRDominatorTree` uses a dense array for all of the nodes in the CFG.
        // We therefore need a way to map an `IRBlock*` pointer over to an index in this array:

        /// Map a block to its index in the `nodes` array
        Int getBlockIndex(IRBlock* block);

        /// Dictionary used to accelerate `getBlockIndex`
        Dictionary<IRBlock*, Int>   mapBlockToIndex;

        // In order to accelerate queries on the tree structure, we will order the tree nodes
        // carefully, so that all of the descendants of a node are contiguous, with all of
        // the immediate children coming first.
        // Each node thus needs to remember its parent (immediate dominator), and the range
        // of indices that represent children and descendents (respectively), with the knowledge
        // that the first child and first descendent share the same index.

        /// Information about one node in the dominator tree
        struct Node
            /// The block associated with this tree node
            IRBlock* block;

            /// Index of the parent node or -1 if no parent
            Int parent;

            /// Index of first descendent
            Int beginDescendents;

            /// "One after the end" value for range of child node indices.
            Int endChildren;

            /// "One after the end" value for range of descendent node indices.
            Int endDescendents;

        /// Storage for the dominator tree itself
        List<Node>                  nodes;

        /// Value to use for invalid node indices (e.g.,
        /// when a node has no parent).
        static const Int kInvalidIndex = -1;

        // The `DominatedList` type needs direct access to all of this
        // data in order to provide iteration.
        friend struct DominatedList;
        friend struct DominatedList::Iterator;
        // The context type we will use to compute the dominator tree
        // also needs to be able to access all the fields to initialze
        // an `IRDominatorTree`
        friend struct DominatorTreeComputationContext;

        // TODO: we should probably build/store a postdominator
        // tree in the same structure, just to make life simpler.

    RefPtr<IRDominatorTree> computeDominatorTree(IRGlobalValueWithCode* code);
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