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Tip revision: 01efe34dbef2be952298075abd8d36cc67ac9f4e authored by Yong He on 04 March 2024, 21:14:21 UTC
Add `IGlobalSession::getSessionDescDigest`. (#3669)
Tip revision: 01efe34
#include "slang-ir-glsl-liveness.h"

#include "slang-ir-insts.h"
#include "slang-ir.h"

#include "slang-ir-dominators.h"

namespace Slang

namespace { // anonymous

struct GLSLLivenessContext
    enum class Kind

        /// Process the module
    void processModule();

    GLSLLivenessContext(IRModule* module):
        m_module(module), m_builder(module)

    void _replaceMarker(IRLiveRangeMarker* liveMarker);
    void _addDecorations(Kind kind, IRFunc* func);

        /// Process a function in the module
    void _processFunction(IRFunc* funcInst);

    IRType* _getReferencedType(IRInst* referenced);

    Kind getKind(IROp op)
        switch (op)
            case kIROp_LiveRangeStart: return Kind::Start;
            case kIROp_LiveRangeEnd:   return Kind::End;
            default: break;
        SLANG_UNREACHABLE("Invalid op");

    // Entry holds information about each of the function kinds
    struct Entry
        Dictionary<IRType*, IRFunc*> m_funcs;       ///< Map of the parameter type to functions implementing (for the kind)
        IRStringLit* m_nameHintLiteral = nullptr;   ///< Name hint string literal of the function 
        IRInst* m_spirvOpLiteral = nullptr;         ///< The SPIR-V opcode for the kind

    List<IRLiveRangeMarker*> m_markerInsts;         ///< All of the liveness marker instrucitons found

    Entry m_entries[Index(Kind::CountOf)];          /// Entry for each kind of function

    IRInst* m_zeroIntLiteral = nullptr;                     ///< Zero value literal
    IRType* m_spirvIntLiteralType = nullptr;                ///< Int type that emits as `spirv_literal`

    IRModule* m_module;
    IRBuilder m_builder;

void GLSLLivenessContext::_processFunction(IRFunc* funcInst)
    // Iterate through blocks in the function, looking for variables to live track
    for (auto block = funcInst->getFirstBlock(); block; block = block->getNextBlock())
        for (auto inst = block->getFirstChild(); inst; inst = inst->getNextInst())
            IRLiveRangeMarker* marker = as<IRLiveRangeMarker>(inst);
            if (marker)

void GLSLLivenessContext::_addDecorations(Kind kind, IRFunc* func)
    // We might(?) want to add a decoration saying this is GLSL specific, but at this point
    // we can only be in GLSL dependent IR.
    // m_builder.addTargetDecoration();

    // We don't need to explictly add the "GL_EXT_spirv_intrinsics"
    // as it will be added on the GLSL emit, with the SPIRVOpDecoration is hit
    const auto& entry = m_entries[Index(kind)];
    if (entry.m_nameHintLiteral)
        m_builder.addNameHintDecoration(func, entry.m_nameHintLiteral);

    m_builder.addDecoration(func, kIROp_SPIRVOpDecoration, entry.m_spirvOpLiteral);

IRType* GLSLLivenessContext::_getReferencedType(IRInst* referenced)
    auto type = referenced->getDataType();

    if (type->getOp() == kIROp_PtrType)
        type = static_cast<IRPtrType*>(type)->getValueType();

    return type;

void GLSLLivenessContext::_replaceMarker(IRLiveRangeMarker* markerInst)
    const auto kind = getKind(markerInst->getOp());
    auto& entry = m_entries[Index(kind)];

    IRInst* referenced = markerInst->getReferenced();
    IRType* referencedType = _getReferencedType(referenced);

    IRFunc* func = nullptr;
    if (IRFunc** funcPtr = entry.m_funcs.tryGetValue(referencedType))
        func = *funcPtr;
        // We didn't find a function for the type, so lets create one. It has a signature of
        // void func(Ref<ReferencedType> target, int sizeInBytes)

        IRType* paramTypes[] = 
            m_builder.getRefType(referencedType),       ///< Use a reference to the referenced type
            m_spirvIntLiteralType,                      ///< The size type

        func = m_builder.createFunc();

        auto funcType = m_builder.getFuncType(SLANG_COUNT_OF(paramTypes), paramTypes, m_builder.getVoidType());
        m_builder.setDataType(func, funcType);

        // Add any decorations to the new function
        _addDecorations(kind, func);

        // Add to the map
        entry.m_funcs.add(referencedType, func);

    // Create a call to the function in the form of...
    // func(referencedItem, 0);

    // As per the SPIR-V documentation around the OpLifetimeStart/OpLifetimeEnd
    // If the type is known the size should be passed as 0
    IRInst* args[] = 

    // Set the location at the marker to add the call
    m_builder.emitCallInst(m_builder.getVoidType(), func, SLANG_COUNT_OF(args), args);

    // We don't need the marker anymore

void GLSLLivenessContext::processModule()
    // Find all of the liveness marker insts
    // This is done prior to processing, so we don't need to worry about traversal when
    // instructions are replaced.

    IRModuleInst* moduleInst = m_module->getModuleInst();
    for (IRInst* child : moduleInst->getChildren())
        // We want to find all of the functions, and process them
        if (auto funcInst = as<IRFunc>(child))
            // Then we want to look through their definition
            // inserting instructions that mark the liveness start/end
    // If we didn't find any liveness marker instructions then we are done
    if (!m_markerInsts.getCount())

    // Int type that is SPIRV Literal (ie prefixed with spirv_literal)
    m_spirvIntLiteralType = m_builder.getSPIRVLiteralType(m_builder.getIntType());

    // Zero value literal
    m_zeroIntLiteral = m_builder.getIntValue(m_builder.getIntType(), 0);

    // We don't need to explicitly add this decoration because it will be added as needed on GLSL emit
    // m_extensionStringLiteral = m_builder.getStringValue(UnownedStringSlice::fromLiteral("GL_EXT_spirv_intrinsics"));

    // Set up some values that will be needed on instructions

    // The op values are from the SPIR-V spec

        auto& entry = m_entries[Index(Kind::Start)];
        entry.m_nameHintLiteral = m_builder.getStringValue(UnownedStringSlice::fromLiteral("livenessStart"));
        entry.m_spirvOpLiteral = m_builder.getIntValue(m_builder.getIntType(), 256);
        auto& entry = m_entries[Index(Kind::End)];
        entry.m_nameHintLiteral = m_builder.getStringValue(UnownedStringSlice::fromLiteral("livenessEnd"));
        entry.m_spirvOpLiteral = m_builder.getIntValue(m_builder.getIntType(), 257);

    // Iterate across instructions, replacing with a call to a generated function (one that just is a declaration defining the SPIR-V op)
    for (auto markerInst : m_markerInsts)

} // anonymous

void applyGLSLLiveness(IRModule* module)
    GLSLLivenessContext context(module);


} // namespace Slang
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