Raw File
Tip revision: d2644e2f8f0abb73bbd6afd70816f6bf245340da authored by Yong He on 27 February 2024, 22:23:25 UTC
Update documentation TOC. (#3641)
Tip revision: d2644e2
// slang-ir-inline.cpp
#include "slang-ir-inline.h"

#include "slang-ir-ssa-simplification.h"

#include "../core/slang-performance-profiler.h"
// This file provides general facilities for inlining function calls.

// A  *call site* is an individual `call` instruction (`IRCall`), and the *callee*
// for a given call site is whatever is being called. When the callee is a `func`
// (`IRFunc`) or a specialization of a `generic` that yields a `func`, *and* the
// function has a body, then inlinling is possible.
// Different inlining passes may apply different heuristics or rules to decide
// which call sites should be inlined (if possible). The rules may be based
// on user-supplied hints, or on optimization criteria like performance and
// code size.

#include "slang-ir.h"
#include "slang-ir-clone.h"
#include "slang-ir-insts.h"

namespace Slang
    /// Base type for inlining passes, providing shared/common functionality
struct InliningPassBase
        /// The module that we are optimizing/transforming
    IRModule* m_module = nullptr;

        /// Initialize an inlining pass to operate on the given `module`
    InliningPassBase(IRModule* module)
        : m_module(module)

        /// Consider all the call sites in the module for inlining
    bool considerAllCallSites()
        return considerAllCallSitesRec(m_module->getModuleInst());

    bool considerCallSiteInFunc(IRFunc* func)
        bool result = false;

        // Repeat until we run out of callees to inline.
        for (;;)
            bool changed = false;

            // Collect all the call sites in the function.
            List<IRCall*> callsites;
            for (auto block : func->getBlocks())
                for (auto inst : block->getChildren())
                    if (auto call = as<IRCall>(inst))

            // Consider each call site.
            for (auto call : callsites)
                changed |= considerCallSite(call);
            result |= changed;
            if (!changed)
        return result;

        /// Consider all call sites at or under `inst` for inlining
    bool considerAllCallSitesRec(IRInst* inst)
        bool changed = false;

        if( auto func = as<IRFunc>(inst) )
            changed = considerCallSiteInFunc(func);
        else if (auto call = as<IRCall>(inst))

        // Recursively consider the children of inst.
        for (auto child : inst->getModifiableChildren())
            changed |= considerAllCallSitesRec(child);
        return changed;

    // In order to inline a call site, we need certain information
    // to be present/available. Most notable is that the callee must
    // be known, and it must be in the form of an `IRFunc`.
    // Since checking whether we *can* inline a call site involves
    // finding all of this information, we will use that opportunity
    // to package it all up in a `struct` that can be re-used when
    // we actually get around to inlining a call site.

        /// Information about a call site to be inlined
    struct CallSiteInfo
            /// The call instruction.
        IRCall* call = nullptr;

            /// The function being called.
            /// For an inlinable call, this must be non-null and a valid function *definition* (with a body) for inlining to proceed.
        IRFunc* callee = nullptr;

            /// The specialization of the function, if any.
            /// For an inlineable call, this must be non-null if the function is generic, but may be null otherwise.
        IRSpecialize* specialize = nullptr;

            /// The generic being specialized.
            /// For an inlineable call, this must be be non-null if `specialize` is non-null.
        IRGeneric* generic = nullptr;

    // With `CallSiteInfo` defined, we can now understand the
    // basic proces of considering a call site for inlining.

        /// Consider the given `call` site, and possibly inline it.
    bool considerCallSite(IRCall* call)
        // We start by checking if inlining would even be possible,
        // since doing so collects information about the call site
        // that can simplify the following steps.
        // If the call can't be inlined, there is nothing else
        // to consider and we bail out.
        CallSiteInfo callSite;
        if(!canInline(call, callSite))
            return false;

        // If we've decided that we *can* inline the given call
        // site, we next need to check if we *should*. The rules
        // for when we should inline may vary by subclass,
        // so `shouldInline` is a virtual method.
            return false;

        // Finally, if we both *can* and *should* inline the
        // given call site, we hand off the a worker routine
        // that does the meat of the work.
        return true;

    // Every subclas of `InliningPassBase` should provide its own
    // definition of `shouldInline`. We define a default implementation
    // here for the benefit of passes that might implement their
    // own logic for deciding what to inline, bypassing `considerCallSite`.

        /// Determine whether `callSite` should be inlined.
    virtual bool shouldInline(CallSiteInfo const& callSite)
        return false;

    static bool hasGenericAsmInst(IRInst* func)
        auto f = as<IRFunc>(getResolvedInstForDecorations(func));
        if (!f)
            return false;
        for (auto b : f->getBlocks())
            if (as<IRGenericAsm>(b->getTerminator()))
                return true;
        return false;

        /// Determine whether `call` can be inlined, and if so write information about it to `outCallSite`
    bool canInline(IRCall* call, CallSiteInfo& outCallSite)
        // We can start by writing the `call` instruction into our `CallSiteInfo`.
        // = call;

        // Next we consider the callee.
        IRInst* callee = call->getCallee();

        // If the callee is a `specialize` instruction, then we
        // want to look at what is being specialized instead.
        if( auto specialize = as<IRSpecialize>(callee) )
            // If the `specialize` is applied to something other
            // than a `generic` instruction, then we can't
            // inline the call site. This can happen for a
            // call to a generic method in an interface.
            IRGeneric* generic = findSpecializedGeneric(specialize);
                return false;

            // If we have a `generic` instruction, then we
            // will look to see if we can determine what
            // it returns. If a result is found, that
            // will be used as the new callee for this
            // call site.
            // If we can't identify the value that the generic
            // yields, then inlining isn't possible.
            callee = findGenericReturnVal(generic);
                return false;

            // If we decide to inline this call, then the information
            // we've just extracted about generic specialization
            // will be relevant, so we write it to the `CallSiteInfo` now.
            outCallSite.specialize = specialize;
            outCallSite.generic = generic;

        // Once we've dispensed with any possible generic specialization
        // we will check if the callee is a `func` instruction (`IRFunc`).
        // If it is not, then inlining isn't possible.
        auto calleeFunc = as<IRFunc>(callee);
            return false;
        // If the callee *is* a function, then we can update
        // the `CalleSiteInfo` with what we've found.
        outCallSite.callee = calleeFunc;

        for (auto decor : callee->getDecorations())
            switch (decor->getOp())
            case kIROp_IntrinsicOpDecoration:
                return true;

        // We cannot inline a function that is defined by a generic asm inst.
        if (hasGenericAsmInst(callee))
            return false;

        // At this point the `CallSiteInfo` is complete and
        // could be used for inlining, but we have additional
        // checks to make.
        // In particular, we should only go about inlining
        // a call site if the callee function is a full definition
        // in the IR (not just a declaration).
            return false;

        return true;

        /// Inline the given `callSite`, which is assumed to have been validated
    void inlineCallSite(CallSiteInfo const& callSite)
        // Information about the call site, including
        // the `call` instruction and the callee `func`
        // should already have been computed and stored
        // in the `CallSiteInfo`.
        IRCall* call =;
        IRFunc* callee = callSite.callee;

        // We will use the existing IR cloning infrastructure to clone
        // the body of the callee, but we need to establish an
        // environment for cloning in which any parameters of
        // the callee are replaced with the matching arguments
        // at the call site.
        IRCloneEnv env;

        // We also need an `IRBuilder` to construct the cloned IR,
        // and will set it up to insert before the `call` that
        // is going to be replaced.
        IRBuilder builder(m_module);

        // If callee is an intrinsic op, just issue that intrinsic and be done.
        if (auto intrinsicOpDecor = callee->findDecoration<IRIntrinsicOpDecoration>())
            List<IRInst*> args;
            for (UInt i = 0; i < call->getArgCount(); i++)
            auto op = intrinsicOpDecor->getIntrinsicOp();
            if (op == kIROp_Nop)
                SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(call->getArgCount() >= 1);
                auto newCall = builder.emitIntrinsicInst(call->getFullType(), op, args.getCount(), args.getBuffer());

        // If the callee is a generic function, then we will
        // need to include the substitution of generic parameters
        // with their argument values in our cloning.
        if( auto specialize = callSite.specialize )
            auto generic = callSite.generic;

            // We start by establishing a mapping from the
            // generic parameters to the matching arguments.
            Int argCounter = 0;
            for( auto param : generic->getParams() )
                SLANG_ASSERT(argCounter < (Int)specialize->getArgCount());
                auto arg = specialize->getArg(argCounter++);

                env.mapOldValToNew.add(param, arg);
            SLANG_ASSERT(argCounter == (Int)specialize->getArgCount());

            // We also need to clone any instructions in the
            // body of the `generic` being specialized, since
            // these might construct types or constants that
            // reference the generic parameters.
            auto body = generic->getFirstBlock();
            SLANG_ASSERT(!body->getNextBlock()); // All IR generics should have a single block.

            for( auto inst : body->getChildren() )
                if( inst == callee )
                    // We don't want to create a clone of the callee
                    // function at the call site, since it would
                    // immediately become dead code when we inline
                    // its body.
                else if(as<IRReturn>(inst))
                    // We also don't want to clone any `return`
                    // instruction in the generic, since that is
                    // how they yield their result (which we
                    // already know is `callee`.
                    // In the default case, we just clone the instruction
                    // from the body of the generic into the call site.
                    // TODO: This assumes that deduplication will work
                    // as intended, so in practice we might run into
                    // problems if we create new instances of IR types
                    // or constants that already exist.
                    cloneInst(&env, &builder, inst);

        // Compared to dealing with generic parameters, the process
        // for dealing with value parameters is much simpler.
            // For each parameter of the callee function, we
            // insert a mapping into `env` from that parameter to the
            // matching argument at the call site.
            Int argCounter = 0;
            for(auto param : callee->getParams())
                SLANG_ASSERT(argCounter < (Int)call->getArgCount());
                auto arg = call->getArg(argCounter++);
                env.mapOldValToNew.add(param, arg);
            SLANG_ASSERT(argCounter == (Int)call->getArgCount());

        inlineFuncBody(callSite, &env, &builder);    

        // When instructions are cloned, with cloneInst no sourceLoc information is copied over by default.
        // Here we attempt some policy about copying sourceLocs when inlining.
        // An assumption here is that [__unsafeForceInlineEarly] will not be in user code (when we have more
        // general inlining this will not follow).
        // Therefore we probably *don't* want to copy sourceLoc from the original definition in the stdlib because
        // * That won't be much use to the user (they can't easily see stdlib code currently for example)
        // * That the definitions in stdlib are currently 'mundane' and largely exist to flesh out language features - such that
        //   their being in the stdlib would likely be surprising to users
        // That being the case, we actually copy the call sites sourceLoc if it's defined, and only fall back
        // onto the originating loc, if that's not defined.
        // We *could* vary behavior if we knew if the function was defined in the stdlib. There doesn't appear 
        // to be a decoration for this.
        // We could find out by looking at the source loc and checking if it's in the range of stdlib - this would actually be
        // a fast and easy but to do properly this way you'd want a way to mark that source range that would also work across
        // serialization.
        // For now this punts on this, and just assumes [__unsafeForceInlineEarly] is not in user code.
    static void _setSourceLoc(IRInst* clonedInst, IRInst* srcInst, CallSiteInfo const& callSite)
        SourceLoc sourceLoc;

        if (>sourceLoc.isValid())
            // Default to using the source loc at the call site
            sourceLoc =>sourceLoc;
        else if (srcInst->sourceLoc.isValid())
            // If we don't have that copy the inst being cloned sourceLoc
            sourceLoc = srcInst->sourceLoc;

        clonedInst->sourceLoc = sourceLoc;
    static IRInst* _cloneInstWithSourceLoc(CallSiteInfo const& callSite,
        IRCloneEnv*     env,
        IRBuilder*      builder,
        IRInst*         inst)
        IRInst* clonedInst = cloneInst(env, builder, inst);
        _setSourceLoc(clonedInst, inst, callSite);
        return clonedInst;

        /// Inline the body of the callee for `callSite`, for a callee that has only
        /// a single basic block.
    void inlineSingleBlockFuncBody(
        CallSiteInfo const& callSite, IRCloneEnv* env, IRBuilder* builder)
        auto call =;
        auto callee = callSite.callee;

        // The callee had better have only a single basic block.
        auto firstBlock = callee->getFirstBlock();

        // We will loop over the instructions in the block and clone
        // them into the same basic block as the `call`.

        // Along the way, we will detect any `return` instruction,
        // and remember the (clone of the) returned value.
        IRInst* returnVal = nullptr;

        for (auto inst : firstBlock->getChildren())
            switch (inst->getOp())
                // In the common case we just clone the instruction as-is
                _cloneInstWithSourceLoc(callSite, env, builder, inst);

            case kIROp_Param:
                // Parameters of the first block are the parameters of
                // the function itself, so we skip them rather than
                // clone them.

            case kIROp_Return:
                // We expect to see only a single `return` instruction,
                // and when we see it we note the value being returned.
                returnVal = findCloneForOperand(env, inst->getOperand(0));

        // We are going to remove the original `call` now that the callee
        // has been inlined, but before we do that we need to replace
        // all uses of the `call` with whatever value was produced by the
        // inlined body of the callee.
        if (returnVal)

        // Once the `call` has no uses, we can safely remove it.

        /// Inline the body of the callee for `callSite`.
    void inlineFuncBody(
        CallSiteInfo const& callSite, IRCloneEnv* env, IRBuilder* builder)
        auto call =;
        auto callee = callSite.callee;

        // If the callee consists of a single basic block *and* that block
        // ends with a `return` instruction, then we can apply a simple approach
        // to inlining that is compatible with any call site (including those
        // at the global scope).
        auto firstBlock = callee->getFirstBlock();
        if(!firstBlock->getNextBlock() && as<IRReturn>(firstBlock->getTerminator()))
            inlineSingleBlockFuncBody(callSite, env, builder);

        // If the callee has any non-trivial control flow (multiple basic blocks
        // and terminators other than `return`), we will need to split the control
        // flow of the caller at the block that contains `call`.
        // For any of this to work, we have to assume that the `call` appears
        // in a basic block inside of a function (not, e.g., at the global scope).
        auto callerBlock =>getParent();
        auto callerFunc = callerBlock->getParent();

        // As a fail-safe for release builds, if the above expectations are somehow
        // *not* met, we will fall back to not inlining the call at all.
        if (!callerFunc)

        // We will create a new basic block block in the parent function that
        // will contain all the instructions that come *after* the `call`.
        auto afterBlock = builder->createBlock();

        // Many operations (e.g. `cloneInst`) has define-before-use assumptions on the IR.
        // It is important to make sure we keep the ordering of blocks by inserting the
        // second half of the basic block right after `callerBlock`.
        afterBlock->sourceLoc =>getNextInst()->sourceLoc;
        // Define a param in afterBlock to receive the return value from the call.

        IRInst* returnValParam = nullptr;
        if (>getDataType()->getOp() != kIROp_VoidType)
            returnValParam = builder->emitParam(>getDataType());

        // Move all insts after the call in `callerBlock` to `afterBlock`.
            auto inst =>getNextInst();
            while (inst)
                auto next = inst->getNextInst();
                inst = next;

        List<IRBlock*> clonedBlocks;
        for (auto calleeBlock : callee->getBlocks())
            auto clonedBlock = builder->createBlock();
            _setSourceLoc(clonedBlock, calleeBlock, callSite);
            env->mapOldValToNew[calleeBlock] = clonedBlock;

        // Insert a branch into the cloned first block at the end of `callerBlock`.
        auto mainBlock = as<IRBlock>(env->mapOldValToNew.getValue(callee->getFirstBlock()));
        auto newBranch = builder->emitLoop(mainBlock, afterBlock, mainBlock);
        _setSourceLoc(newBranch, call, callSite);

        // Clone all basic blocks over to the call site.
        bool isFirstBlock = true;
        for (auto calleeBlock : callee->getBlocks())
            auto clonedBlock = env->mapOldValToNew.getValue(calleeBlock);
            // We will loop over the instructions of the each block,
            // and clone each of them appropriately.
            for (auto inst : calleeBlock->getChildren())
                if (inst->getOp() == kIROp_Param)
                    // Parameters in the first block can be completely ignored
                    // because they have all been replaced via `env`.
                    if (isFirstBlock)

                switch (inst->getOp())
                    // The default value is to clone the instruction using
                    // the existing cloning infrastructure and the `env`
                    // we have already set up.
                    // SourceLoc information is copied if there is appropriate data available.
                    _cloneInstWithSourceLoc(callSite, env, builder, inst);

                case kIROp_Return:
                    // A return is replaced with a branch into `afterBlock`
                    // to return the control flow to the location after the original `call`.
                    // We also need to note the (clone of the) value being
                    // returned, so that we can use it to replace the value
                    // of the original call.
                        auto returnedValue = findCloneForOperand(env, inst->getOperand(0));
                        auto returnBranch = builder->emitBranch(
                            afterBlock, returnValParam ? 1 : 0, &returnedValue);
                        _setSourceLoc(returnBranch, inst, callSite);
            isFirstBlock = false;

        // If there was a `returnVal` instruction that established
        // the return value of the inlined function, then that value
        // should be used to replace any uses of the original call.
        if (returnValParam)

        // Once we've cloned the body of the callee in at the call site,
        // there is no reason to keep around the original `call` instruction,
        // so we remove it.


    /// An inlining pass that inlines calls to `[unsafeForceInlineEarly]` functions
struct MandatoryEarlyInliningPass : InliningPassBase
    typedef InliningPassBase Super;

    MandatoryEarlyInliningPass(IRModule* module)
        : Super(module)

    bool shouldInline(CallSiteInfo const& info)
        if (info.callee->findDecoration<IRIntrinsicOpDecoration>())
            return true;

            return true;
        return false;

void performMandatoryEarlyInlining(IRModule* module)

    MandatoryEarlyInliningPass pass(module);

namespace { // anonymous

// Inlines calls that involve String types
struct StringInliningPass : InliningPassBase
    typedef InliningPassBase Super;

    StringInliningPass(IRModule* module)
        : Super(module)

    bool doesTypeRequireInline(IRType* type)
        // TODO(JS):
        // I guess there is a question here about what type around string requires
        // inlining. 
        // For example if we had an array of strings etc.
        // For now we just consider just basic string types.
        const auto op = type->getOp();
        switch (op)
            case kIROp_StringType:
            case kIROp_NativeStringType:
                return true;
            default: break;

        return false;

    bool shouldInline(CallSiteInfo const& info)
        auto callee = info.callee;

        if (doesTypeRequireInline(callee->getResultType()))
            return true;

        const auto count = Count(callee->getParamCount());
        for (Index i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            if (doesTypeRequireInline(callee->getParamType(UInt(i))))
                return true;

        return false;

} // anonymous

Result performStringInlining(IRModule* module, DiagnosticSink* sink)

    // TODO(JS): 
    // This is perhaps not as efficient as might be desirable. 
    // A more optimized version might not need to pass over all of the module
    // to find new call sites. 
    // Another problem here is recursion. Right now Slang compiler doesn't accept recursive input,
    // but the Slang language is supposed to support recursion on targets that support it. 
    // There are GPU targets that allow recursion such as CUDA.
    // Another approach would be (when enabled) when inlining occurs, would be instead of continuing 
    // *after*, to start the checks/inlining from where the inline took place. 
        StringInliningPass pass(module);
        if (pass.considerAllCallSites())
            // If there was a change try inlining again
        // Done.


    return SLANG_OK;

struct ForceInliningPass : InliningPassBase
    typedef InliningPassBase Super;

    ForceInliningPass(IRModule* module)
        : Super(module)

    bool shouldInline(CallSiteInfo const& info)
        if (info.callee->findDecoration<IRForceInlineDecoration>() ||
            return true;
        return false;

void performForceInlining(IRModule* module)

    ForceInliningPass pass(module);

bool performForceInlining(IRGlobalValueWithCode* func)
    ForceInliningPass pass(func->getModule());
    return pass.considerAllCallSitesRec(func);

struct PreAutoDiffForceInliningPass : InliningPassBase
    typedef InliningPassBase Super;

    PreAutoDiffForceInliningPass(IRModule* module)
        : Super(module)

    Dictionary<IRInst*, bool> m_funcCanInline;

    bool shouldInline(CallSiteInfo const& info)
        if (info.callee->findDecoration<IRUnsafeForceInlineEarlyDecoration>() ||
            return true;
        bool hasForceInline = false;
        bool hasUserDefinedDerivative = false;
        for (auto decor : info.callee->getDecorations())
            switch (decor->getOp())
            case kIROp_UnsafeForceInlineEarlyDecoration:
            case kIROp_IntrinsicOpDecoration:
                return true;
            case kIROp_ForceInlineDecoration:
                hasForceInline = true;
            case kIROp_UserDefinedBackwardDerivativeDecoration:
            case kIROp_ForwardDerivativeDecoration:
                hasUserDefinedDerivative = true;
        if (!hasForceInline || hasUserDefinedDerivative)
            return false;
        if (auto result = m_funcCanInline.tryGetValue(info.callee))
            return *result;
        bool canInline = true;
        for (auto block : info.callee->getBlocks())
            for (auto inst : block->getChildren())
                switch (inst->getOp())
                case kIROp_ForwardDifferentiate:
                case kIROp_BackwardDifferentiate:
                case kIROp_BackwardDifferentiatePrimal:
                case kIROp_BackwardDifferentiatePropagate:
                    canInline = false;
                    goto end;
        m_funcCanInline[info.callee] = canInline;
        return canInline;

bool performPreAutoDiffForceInlining(IRGlobalValueWithCode* func)
    PreAutoDiffForceInliningPass pass(func->getModule());
    return pass.considerAllCallSitesRec(func);

bool performPreAutoDiffForceInlining(IRModule* module)
    PreAutoDiffForceInliningPass pass(module);
    return pass.considerAllCallSitesRec(module->getModuleInst());

    // Defined in slang-ir-specialize-resource.cpp
bool isResourceType(IRType* type);
bool isIllegalGLSLParameterType(IRType* type);

    /// An inlining pass that inlines calls functions that returns resources.
    /// This is needed for glsl targets.
struct GLSLResourceReturnFunctionInliningPass : InliningPassBase
    typedef InliningPassBase Super;

    GLSLResourceReturnFunctionInliningPass(IRModule* module)
        : Super(module)

    bool shouldInline(CallSiteInfo const& info)
        if (isResourceType(info.callee->getResultType()))
            return true;
        for (auto param : info.callee->getParams())
            if (isIllegalGLSLParameterType(param->getDataType()))
                return true;
            auto outType = as<IROutTypeBase>(param->getDataType());
            if (!outType)
            auto outValueType = outType->getValueType();
            if (isResourceType(outValueType))
                return true;
        return false;

void performGLSLResourceReturnFunctionInlining(IRModule* module)
    GLSLResourceReturnFunctionInliningPass pass(module);
    bool changed = true;

    while (changed)
        changed = pass.considerAllCallSites();
        simplifyIR(nullptr, module, IRSimplificationOptions::getFast());

struct IntrinsicFunctionInliningPass : InliningPassBase
    typedef InliningPassBase Super;

    IntrinsicFunctionInliningPass(IRModule* module)
        : Super(module)

    bool shouldInline(CallSiteInfo const& info)
        auto func = as<IRFunc>(getResolvedInstForDecorations(info.callee));
        if (!func)
            return false;
        auto returnInst = as<IRReturn>(func->getFirstBlock()->getTerminator());
        if (!returnInst)
            return false;

        // If a function body has only asm blocks + trivial insts (load/store),
        // this is considered as a pure asm function, and we can inline it.
        bool hasSpvAsm = false;
        for (auto inst = func->getFirstBlock()->getFirstOrdinaryInst(); inst != returnInst; inst = inst->getNextInst())
            switch (inst->getOp())
            case kIROp_SPIRVAsmOperandInst:
            case kIROp_SPIRVAsm:
                hasSpvAsm = true;
            case kIROp_Load:
            case kIROp_swizzle:
            case kIROp_Store:
                return false;
        return hasSpvAsm;

void performIntrinsicFunctionInlining(IRModule* module)
    IntrinsicFunctionInliningPass pass(module);
    bool changed = true;

    while (changed)
        changed = pass.considerAllCallSites();

struct CustomInliningPass : InliningPassBase
    typedef InliningPassBase Super;

    CustomInliningPass(IRModule* module)
        : Super(module)

    bool shouldInline(CallSiteInfo const&)
        return true;

bool inlineCall(IRCall* call)
    CustomInliningPass pass(call->getModule());
    return pass.considerCallSite(call);

} // namespace Slang
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