Raw File
Tip revision: 911a4401b08f6199e18b32349c236c186a2dd128 authored by Yong He on 02 November 2023, 21:54:22 UTC
Fix crash when writing to `no_diff` out parameter. (#3308)
Tip revision: 911a440
#include "slang-ir-liveness.h"

#include "slang-ir-insts.h"
#include "slang-ir.h"

#include "slang-ir-dominators.h"

namespace Slang


* We don't need to care about extractField / extractElement, as they only work directly on the value
* We need to track aliases created via getFieldPtr / getElementPtr
* There is a distinction between a 'pointer' and an 'address'.
  * A "pointer" can 'escape' just as in other languages, and is the general case
  * If we are talking about an "address", then this is constrained by our language rules,
NOTE! Confusingly there is getElementPtr and getFieldAddress (and getAddress). I also don't see Addr/Addr type as a distinct thing 
from Ptr, so I assume that differentiation is aspirational?

A) We don't need to worry about a phi node temporary holding a pointer (or scope ending *on* the branch), because
the phi node will pass the result by value, leading to a *load* before the branch..


 let foo : Ptr<SomeStruct> = var;
store(someOtherPtr, foo); // this is `store`, but not a store *to* foo!!!!!

Here a *pointer* is being stored into someOtherPtr. This means all bets are off. Liveness will have to be assumed anywhere the 
variable is accessible. 
TODO(JS): Note that currently this scenario isn't handled by this algorithm.

   let foo : Ptr<SomeStruct> = var;
   br SomeOtherThing(foo); // OH NO!!!

It is believed this can't happen in current code. Leading to assertion A) above.

* Long-term IR type-system thing: we should probably have an explicit instruction
  that casts a local `Ptr<Foo>` to either an `Out<Foo>` or `InOut<Foo>` for exactly
  these cases (and then use the *cast* operation to tell us what is going on).

Take the code sequence

    SomeStruct s;
    SomeStruct t = makeSomeStruct();
    SomeStruct u = {};

Produces something like...

    SomeStruct_0 s_1;
    SomeStruct_0 t_0;
    SomeStruct_0 _S4 = makeSomeStruct_0();
    t_0 = _S4;
    SomeStruct_0 u_0;
    SomeStruct_0 _S6 = { ... };
    u_0 = _S6;

This is good, in so far as the variables do get LIVE_START, however they are defined. It is perhaps 'bad' in so far as a temporary
is created that is then just copied into the variable. That temporary being something that is mutable, and can be partially modified (it's a struct)
could perhaps have liveness issues.

namespace { // anonymous

A helper class to enable using a backing array, used in a stack like manner. */
template <typename T>
class RAIIStackArray
    ArrayView<T> getView() { return makeArrayView(m_list->getBuffer() + m_startIndex, m_list->getCount() - m_startIndex); }
    ConstArrayView<T> getConstView() const { return makeConstArrayView(m_list->getBuffer() + m_startIndex, m_list->getCount() - m_startIndex); }

    void setCount(Count count) { m_list->setCount(m_startIndex + count); }
    Count getCount() const { return m_list->getCount() - m_startIndex; }

    T& operator[](Index i) { return (*m_list)[m_startIndex + i]; }
    const T& operator[](Index i) const { return (*m_list)[m_startIndex + i]; }

    RAIIStackArray(List<T>* list):

    const Index m_startIndex;
    List<T>* m_list;

struct LivenessContext
    enum class BlockIndex : Index { Invalid = -1 };

    // NOTE! Care must be taken changing the order. 
    // canPromote checks if a result can be 'promoted'.
    enum class BlockResult
        Found,              ///< All paths were either not dominated, found 
        NotFound,           ///< It is dominated but no access was found. 
        Visited,            ///< The block has been visited (as part of a traversal), but does not yet have a result. Used to detect loops.
        NotVisited,         ///< Not visited
        NotDominated,       ///< If it's not dominated it can't have a liveness end 


        /// True if a result can be premoted `from` to `to`
    static bool canPromote(BlockResult from, BlockResult to) { return (from == BlockResult::NotVisited) || (Index(to) <= Index(from) && from != BlockResult::NotDominated); }

    enum class AccessType
        None,               ///< There is no access
        Alias,              ///< Produces an alias to the root
        Access,             ///< Is an access to the root (perhaps through an alias)
        /// Block info (indexed via BlockIndex), that is valid across analysing liveness of a root
    struct BlockInfo
            /// Reset any information for a start
        void resetForStart()
            result = BlockResult::NotVisited;

            /// Reset any information needed for a new root
        void resetForRoot() 

            runStart = 0;
            runCount = 0;
            lastInst = nullptr;
            instCount = 0;

        // These are reset for *each* liveness start
        BlockResult result;                 ///< The result for this block

        // These remain constant for all live starts to a root.
        Index runStart;                     ///< The start index in m_instRuns index. This defines a instruction of interest in order in a block.
        Count runCount;                     ///< The count of the amount insts in the run
        IRInst* lastInst;                   ///< Last inst seen
        Count instCount;                    ///< The total amount of start/access instruction seen in the block

        /// Block info (indexed via BlockIndex), that is fixed across a function
    struct FixedBlockInfo
        void init(IRBlock* inBlock)
            block = inBlock;
            successorsStart = 0;
            successorsCount = 0;
            breakBlockIndex = BlockIndex::Invalid;
            targetBlockIndex = BlockIndex::Invalid;
            owningLoopBlockIndex = BlockIndex::Invalid;

        bool isLoopStart() const { return breakBlockIndex != BlockIndex::Invalid; }

        IRBlock* block;                 ///< The block

        BlockIndex breakBlockIndex;     ///< If this block terminates in a loop holds the break block 
        BlockIndex targetBlockIndex;    ///< If this block terminates in a loop holds the target block

        BlockIndex owningLoopBlockIndex;///< The loop this block 'belongs' to (or Invalid if doesn't belong to a loop)

        Index successorsStart;          ///< Indexes into block successors
        Count successorsCount;          ///< How many successors

    struct Loop
        const Loop* parentLoop;             ///< The parent loop, which will be entered when this loop is left via a break
        BlockIndex targetBlockIndex;        ///< The target block for this loop
        BlockIndex breakBlockIndex;         ///< The break block for this loop
        BlockIndex loopBlockIndex;          ///< Block id that terminates with loop we are currently in

        /// Process the module
    void process();
    LivenessContext(IRModule* module, LivenessMode mode):
        // Disable warning if not used

        /// For a given live range start find it's end/s and insert a LiveRangeEnd/s
        /// Can only be called after a call to _findAliasesAndAccesses for the root.
    void _findAndEmitRangeEnd(IRLiveRangeStart* liveStart);

        /// Process a successor to a block
        /// Can only be called after a call to _findAliasesAndAccesses for the root.
    BlockResult _processSuccessor(BlockIndex blockIndex, const Loop* loop);

        /// Process a block 
        /// Can only be called after a call to _findAliasesAndAccesses for the root.
    BlockResult _processBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run, const Loop* loop);

        /// Process all the locations in the function 
        /// NOTE: All locations must be to the same function, and ordered by root. 
    void _processFunction(IRFunc* func);

        /// Process a root
        /// NOTE: All starts must be to the same root/referenced item
    void _processRoot(IRLiveRangeStart*const* starts, Count count);

        /// Find all the aliases and accesses to the root
        /// The information is stored in m_accessSet and m_aliases
    void _findAliasesAndAccesses(IRInst* root);

        /// Add a result for the block
        /// Allows for promotion if there is already a result
    BlockResult _addBlockResult(BlockIndex blockIndex, BlockResult result);

        /// Find the runs of 'important instructions' all of the blocks
        /// 'important instructions are root starts, and accesses to the root
        /// The run stores these instructions in the order they appear in the block within the run.
    void _findInstRunsForBlocks();

        /// Adds an instruction that is an access to the root
    void _addAccessInst(IRInst* inst);
        /// Add a live range start 
    void _addStartInst(IRLiveRangeStart* inst) { _addInst(inst); }
        /// Add an 'important instruction' that is significant for liveness tracking and so will be added to run
    void _addInst(IRInst* inst);

        /// True if it's an instruction of interest and so will go within a run for a block
    bool _isNormalRunInst(IRInst* inst);

        /// Returns true if is a normal run inst, or if is a return that accesses
    bool _isAnyRunInst(IRInst* inst);

        // Returns the index in the run of a start for the current root, else -1
    Index _indexOfRootStart(const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run);

        /// Returns the last index within the run which is a load-like access, else -1
    Index _findLastLoadLike(const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run);

        /// Adds an LiveRangeEnd for the root after `inst` if there isn't one there already
    void _maybeAddEndAfterInst(IRInst* inst);

    void _maybeAddEndBeforeInst(IRInst* inst);

        /// Maybe insert an end after the instruction
    void _maybeAddEndAfterRunIndex(BlockIndex blockIndex, const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run, Index runIndex);

        // Add a live end instruction at the start of block, referencing the root
    void _maybeAddEndAtBlockStart(BlockIndex blockIndex);

        /// Look from inst for an LiveEndRange to the root.
    IRInst* _findRootEnd(IRInst* inst);

        /// Complete the block using the run, which can *cannot* contain the current root start
    BlockResult _completeBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run);

        /// Get block info
    BlockInfo* _getBlockInfo(BlockIndex blockIndex) { return &m_blockInfos[Index(blockIndex)]; }

        /// Get block info fixed across a function being analyzed. 
    const FixedBlockInfo& _getFixedBlockInfo(BlockIndex blockIndex) const { return m_fixedBlockInfos[Index(blockIndex)]; }

        /// Get the block from the index
    IRBlock* _getBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex) const { return m_fixedBlockInfos[Index(blockIndex)].block; }

        /// True if the terminator can be considered an access
        /// This allows us to elide a scope end if the root is returned 
    bool _isAccessTerminator(IRTerminatorInst* terminator);

        /// Order the range starts in a deterministic manner
    void _orderRangeStartsDeterministically();

        /// Remove any end/start spands within a block, that aren't 'interesting.
    void _tidyUninterestingSpans();

        /// Gets the instructions of interest for this info, in the order they appear within the block
    ConstArrayView<IRInst*> _getRun(const BlockInfo* info) 
        IRInst*const* buffer = m_instRuns.getBuffer();
        return ConstArrayView<IRInst*>(buffer + info->runStart, info->runCount);
        /// Gets all of the successors for the blockIdnex
    ConstArrayView<BlockIndex> _getSuccessors(BlockIndex blockIndex)
        const auto& info = m_fixedBlockInfos[Index(blockIndex)];
        return makeConstArrayView(m_blockSuccessors.getBuffer() + info.successorsStart, info.successorsCount);

        /// Determine which loops blocks 'belong' to. The owning block is the block that *contains* the 
        /// loop instruction as it's terminator. 
    void _calcLoopOwnership();

    RefPtr<IRDominatorTree> m_dominatorTree;        ///< The dominator tree for the current function

    IRLiveRangeStart* m_rootLiveStart = nullptr;    ///< The current live start for the root
    IRBlock* m_rootLiveStartBlock = nullptr;        ///< The current block for the live start

    IRInst* m_root = nullptr;                       ///< The current root 
    IRBlock* m_rootBlock = nullptr;                 ///< The block the root is in
    List<BlockResult> m_successorResults;           ///< Storage for successor results

    List<IRInst*> m_aliases;                        ///< A list of instructions that alias to the root

    HashSet<IRInst*> m_accessSet;                   ///< If instruction is in set it is an `access` indicating it must be live at least up to this instruction 

    Dictionary<IRBlock*, BlockIndex> m_blockIndexMap;   ///< Map from a block to a block index
    List<BlockInfo> m_blockInfos;                       ///< Information about blocks, for the current root
    List<FixedBlockInfo> m_fixedBlockInfos;         ///< Information about blocks across the current function
    List<BlockIndex> m_blockSuccessors;             ///< Successors for a blocks, accessed via FixedBlockInfo 

    List<IRInst*> m_instRuns;                       ///< Instructions of interest in order. Indexed into via BlockInfo [runStart, runStart + runCount)

    List<IRLiveRangeStart*> m_rangeStarts;          ///< All the starts within a function, ordered by referenced
    List<IRLiveRangeEnd*> m_rangeEnds;              ///< All of the ends added

    IRModule* m_module;
    IRBuilder m_builder;

    LivenessMode m_livenessMode;

static void _findLiveStarts(IRFunc* funcInst, List<IRLiveRangeStart*>& ioStarts)
    // If it has no body, then we are done
    if (funcInst->getFirstBlock() == nullptr)

    // Iterate through blocks looking for start
    for (auto block = funcInst->getFirstBlock(); block; block = block->getNextBlock())
        for (auto inst = block->getFirstChild(); inst; inst = inst->getNextInst())
            // We look for LiveRangeStarts
            if (auto rangeStartInst = as<IRLiveRangeStart>(inst))

static void _findFuncs(IRModule* module, List<IRFunc*>& ioFuncs)
    IRModuleInst* moduleInst = module->getModuleInst();
    for (IRInst* child : moduleInst->getChildren())
        // If we find a function add it to the list
        if (auto funcInst = as<IRFunc>(child))

void LivenessContext::_maybeAddEndAtBlockStart(BlockIndex blockIndex)
    auto block = _getBlock(blockIndex);

    // Insert before the first ordinary inst
    auto inst = block->getFirstOrdinaryInst();
    // A block has to end with a terminator... so must always be an ordinary inst, if there is a function body

LivenessContext::BlockResult LivenessContext::_addBlockResult(BlockIndex blockIndex, BlockResult result)
    auto& currentResult = _getBlockInfo(blockIndex)->result;
    // Check we can promote
    SLANG_ASSERT(canPromote(currentResult, result));
    currentResult = result;
    return result;

LivenessContext::BlockResult LivenessContext::_processSuccessor(BlockIndex blockIndex, const Loop* loop)
    auto blockInfo = _getBlockInfo(blockIndex);
    // Check if there is already a result for this block. 
    // If there is just return that.
    auto result = blockInfo->result;

    switch (result)
        case BlockResult::NotVisited: 
            // If not visited we need to process
        case BlockResult::Visited:
            const auto block = _getBlock(blockIndex);

            // If visited, it can't have a domination issue 
            // Unless it is the start block (the block containing live start) *and* the root is 
            // in the block. 
            // The live start can only be after the var, because the var is only in scope then.
            // We need to check if we are in the live start block, as we then need to process 
            // up until the live start.
            if (block == m_rootLiveStartBlock)
                // We want the run to search to go from the start up to *this specific* liveness start
                // (as opposed to any liveness start for the root)
                auto run = _getRun(blockInfo);

                // We need to fix the run to be *after* this specific start
                const Index startIndex = run.indexOf(m_rootLiveStart);
                SLANG_ASSERT(startIndex >= 0);

                // We want to run all the way up to the start
                return _processBlock(blockIndex, run.head(startIndex), loop);

            // If we are looping and branching to the start of the current loop
            if (loop && loop->targetBlockIndex == blockIndex)
                // This block has been visisted, that means it has been traversed to get here
                // meaning the root *must* be live on the looping.

                // TODO(JS):
                // The solution used here is somewhat conservative, it assumes if a branch back to the start of the loop can be reached that
                // * There might be some path where the loop might exit
                // * There might be some path where the root(variable or alias) may be loaded/or stored
                // If these assumptions are wrong it will lead to
                // * Potentially a liveness end that is never hit(outside of the loop)
                // * Potentially liveness for a root that spans across the loop even if that is not actually necessary
                // This could be improved on but would probably need something like 'loop analysis' that specially determined 
                // those scenarios, such that the assumptions aren't needed. It would need to be 'separate analysis', because 
                // the liveness traversal is a kind of incremental depth first traversal. But for loop analysis it would require 
                // at loop start the result on all paths through the loop.

                const auto breakBlockIndex = loop->breakBlockIndex;

                // Process what comes after the loop (in the scope of the parent loop if any)
                result = _processSuccessor(breakBlockIndex, loop->parentLoop);
                if (result != BlockResult::Found)
                    // If an end is not found from the break, 
                    // we just insert an end at the start of the break block

                    result = _addBlockResult(breakBlockIndex, BlockResult::Found);

                return result;

            // Otherwise just return result
            return result;
            // Otherwise just return result
            return result;

    const auto block = _getBlock(blockIndex);

    // If the block is *not* dominated by the root block, we know it can't 
    // end liveness. 
    // Return that it is not dominated, and add to the cache for the block
    if (!m_dominatorTree->properlyDominates(m_rootBlock, block))
        return _addBlockResult(blockIndex, BlockResult::NotDominated);

    // Mark that it is visited
    _addBlockResult(blockIndex, BlockResult::Visited);

    // Special case leaving the loop. 
    // If we are in a loop, and the block we are going to is the break block then we are no longer in this loop
    if (loop && loop->breakBlockIndex == blockIndex)
        // We are in the parent loop
        loop = loop->parentLoop;

    // Else process the block to try and find the last used instruction
    return _processBlock(blockIndex, _getRun(blockInfo), loop);

Index LivenessContext::_indexOfRootStart(const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run)
    const Count count = run.getCount();
    for (Index i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        if (auto liveStart = as<IRLiveRangeStart>(run[i]))
            if (liveStart->getReferenced() == m_root)
                return i;
    return -1;

Index LivenessContext::_findLastLoadLike(const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run)
    for (Index i = run.getCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        auto inst = run[i];

        const auto op = inst->getOp();
        if (op != kIROp_LiveRangeStart && op != kIROp_Store)
            // Must be 'load like then'
            return i;
    return -1;

IRInst* LivenessContext::_findRootEnd(IRInst* inst)
    for (auto cur = inst; cur; cur = cur->getNextInst())
        IRLiveRangeEnd* end = as<IRLiveRangeEnd>(cur);
        if (end == nullptr)

        // If we hit an end which is already the root, then we don't need to add an
        // end of the root
        if (end->getReferenced() == m_root)
            return cur;

    return nullptr;

void LivenessContext::_maybeAddEndAfterRunIndex(BlockIndex blockIndex, const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run, Index runIndex)
    return _maybeAddEndAfterInst(run[runIndex]);

void LivenessContext::_maybeAddEndAfterInst(IRInst* inst)
    // We can't add after the inst, if it's a terminator
    // or if we find an end. 
    if (as<IRTerminatorInst>(inst) == nullptr && 
        // Just add end of scope after the inst 
        // Add the live end inst

void LivenessContext::_maybeAddEndBeforeInst(IRInst* inst)
    if (!_findRootEnd(inst))
        // Just add end of scope after the inst 
        // Add the live end inst

LivenessContext::BlockResult LivenessContext::_completeBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run)
    // We can't have a root start in the run!
    SLANG_ASSERT(_indexOfRootStart(run) < 0);

    // Look for the last load like access
    const auto lastLoadLikeIndex = _findLastLoadLike(run);

    // If we found one, that is the end of the range
    if (lastLoadLikeIndex >= 0)
        _maybeAddEndAfterRunIndex(blockIndex, run, lastLoadLikeIndex);
        // Add the result
        return _addBlockResult(blockIndex, BlockResult::Found);

    // We didn't find anything, so mark as not found
    return _addBlockResult(blockIndex, BlockResult::NotFound);

static IRLoop* _getLoopTerminator(IRBlock* block)
    auto terminator = block->getTerminator();
    if (terminator->getOp() == kIROp_loop)
        return static_cast<IRLoop*>(terminator);
    return nullptr;

LivenessContext::BlockResult LivenessContext::_processBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, const ConstArrayView<IRInst*>& run, const Loop* loop)
    // Note that the run must be some part of the run for the block indicated by blockIndex. One of
    // * If root start block - before the start (if accessed via successor)
    // * If root start block - after the start (if accessed initially in search)
    // * Otherwise the whole run for the block
    // Since this is the case, we know start is not part of the run
    SLANG_ASSERT(run.indexOf(m_rootLiveStart) < 0);

    // If there is *another* start to the same root, we can't traverse to other blocks, and the last access 
    // in this block must be the result
        // NOTE! We shouldn't/can't use run.indexOf here, because we are looking for *any* start to the root 
        // _indexOfRootStart does this search.
        // Moreover we know (it's a condition on run passed into this function) run cannot contain the root start.
        const Index startIndex = _indexOfRootStart(run);
        if (startIndex >= 0)
            // Complete the block with this run
            return _completeBlock(blockIndex, run.head(startIndex));

    // Find all the successors for this block
    auto successors = _getSuccessors(blockIndex);

    const Index successorCount = successors.getCount();

    // NOTE! Care is needed around successorResults, because _processorSuccessor may cause the underlying list 
    // to be reallocated. 
    // If we always access through successorResults (ie RAIIStackArray type), things will be fine though.

    // Set up space to store successor results
    RAIIStackArray<BlockResult> successorResults(&m_successorResults);

    // If we hit a loop add the information and make this the current loop info
        const auto& fixedInfo = _getFixedBlockInfo(blockIndex);
        if (fixedInfo.isLoopStart())

            Loop nextLoop;
            nextLoop.parentLoop = loop;
            nextLoop.breakBlockIndex = fixedInfo.breakBlockIndex;
            nextLoop.targetBlockIndex = fixedInfo.targetBlockIndex;
            nextLoop.loopBlockIndex = blockIndex;

            for (Index i = 0; i < successorCount; ++i)
                const auto result = _processSuccessor(successors[i], &nextLoop);
                successorResults[i] = result; 
            for (Index i = 0; i < successorCount; ++i)
                const auto result = _processSuccessor(successors[i], loop);
                successorResults[i] = result;

    // Zero initialize all the counts
    Index foundCounts[Index(BlockResult::CountOf)] = { 0 };
    for (const auto successorResult : successorResults.getConstView())
        // Change counts depending on the result

    const Index foundCount = foundCounts[Index(BlockResult::Found)];
    const Index notFoundCount = foundCounts[Index(BlockResult::NotFound)];

    const Index otherCount = successorCount - (foundCount + notFoundCount);

    // If one or more of the successors (or successors of successors),
    // was found to have the last access, we need to mark the end of scope
    // at the start of any other paths (which are dominated).
    if (foundCount > 0)
        // If all successors have result, or are not dominated
        if (foundCount + otherCount == successorCount)
            return _addBlockResult(blockIndex, BlockResult::Found);

        auto successorResultsView = successorResults.getConstView();

        for (Index i = 0; i < successorCount; ++i)
            const auto successorResult = successorResultsView[i];

            if (successorResult == BlockResult::NotFound)
                const auto successorBlockIndex = successors[i];
                _addBlockResult(successorBlockIndex, BlockResult::Found);

        // This block, can now be marked as found 
        return _addBlockResult(blockIndex, BlockResult::Found);

    return _completeBlock(blockIndex, run);

void LivenessContext::_addInst(IRInst* inst)
    // Get the block it's in
    auto block = as<IRBlock>(inst->getParent());

    // Get the index to get the info
    const BlockIndex blockIndex = m_blockIndexMap[block];

    auto blockInfo = _getBlockInfo(blockIndex);

    // Increase the count

    // Record that this is an instruction of interest for this block
    // This only really exists to capture the scenario of only having one inst in a block, so we can just overwrite what's
    // already there.
    blockInfo->lastInst = inst;

void LivenessContext::_addAccessInst(IRInst* inst)
    // If we already have it don't need to add again
    if (m_accessSet.contains(inst))
    // Add to the access set

    // Add the instruction to the block info

void LivenessContext::_findAliasesAndAccesses(IRInst* root)
    // Clear all the aliases
    // Clear the access set

    // Add the root to the list of aliases, to start lookup
    // The challenge here is to try and determine when a root is no longer accessed, and so is no longer live
    // Note that a root can be accessed directly, but also through `aliases`. For example if the root is a structure,
    // a pointer to a field in the root would be an alias.
    // In terms of liveness, the only accesses that are important are loads. This is because if the last operation on 
    // a root/alias is a store, if it is never read it will never be seen, so in effect doesn't matter.
    // The algorithm here works as follows
    // 0) Prior to this function, a dominator tree is built for the function
    //    This is usefuly because variables defined in block A, is only accessible to blocks *dominated* by A
    // 1) Deterime all of the aliases, and accesses to the root
    //    Add all the access instructions into m_accessSet
    //    Add all the aliases to m_aliases

    for (Index i = 0; i < m_aliases.getCount(); ++i)
        IRInst* alias = m_aliases[i];

        // Find all the uses of this alias/root
        for (IRUse* use = alias->firstUse; use; use = use->nextUse)
            IRInst* cur = use->getUser();
            IRInst* base = nullptr;

            IRBlock* block = as<IRBlock>(cur->getParent());
            if (!block)

            AccessType accessType = AccessType::None;

            // We want to find instructions that access the root
            switch (cur->getOp())
                case kIROp_GetElementPtr:
                    base = static_cast<IRGetElementPtr*>(cur)->getBase();
                    accessType = AccessType::Alias;
                case kIROp_FieldAddress:
                    base = static_cast<IRFieldAddress*>(cur)->getBase();
                    accessType = AccessType::Alias;
                case kIROp_GetAddr:
                    IRGetAddress* getAddr = static_cast<IRGetAddress*>(cur);
                    base = getAddr->getOperand(0);
                    accessType = AccessType::Alias;
                case kIROp_Call:
                    // TODO(JS): This is arguably too conservative. 
                    // Depending on how the parameter is used - in, out, inout changes the interpretation
                    // *If we are talking about a real "pointer" then this is basically the general case again.
                    //     the callee  could store  the pointer into a global, dictionary, whatever.
                    // * If we are talking about an "address", then this is constrained by our language rules,
                    //    and we kind of need to find the type of the matching parameter :
                    //   * If the parameter is an `out` parameter, this is basically like a `store`
                    //   * If the parameter is an `inout` parameter, this is basically like a `load`

                    // We can assume it accesses the base
                    base = alias;
                    accessType = AccessType::Access;
                case kIROp_Load:
                    // We normally only care about loads in terms of identifying liveness within a block
                    // the last load being the last necessay live point.
                    base = static_cast<IRLoad*>(cur)->getPtr();
                    accessType = AccessType::Access;
                case kIROp_Store:
                    // We need stores for loop analysis
                    base = static_cast<IRStore*>(cur)->getPtr();
                    accessType = AccessType::Access;
                case kIROp_GetElement:
                case kIROp_FieldExtract:
                    // These will never take place on the var which is accessed through a pointer, so can be ignored
                default: break;

            // Make sure the access is through the alias (as opposed to some other part of the instructions 'use')
            if (base == alias)
                switch (accessType)
                    case AccessType::Alias:
                        // Add this instruction to the aliases
                    case AccessType::Access:
                    default: break;

void LivenessContext::_findAndEmitRangeEnd(IRLiveRangeStart* liveRangeStart)
    // Reset the result
    for (auto& blockInfo : m_blockInfos)

    // Store root information, so don't have to pass around methods
    m_rootLiveStart = liveRangeStart;
    m_rootLiveStartBlock = as<IRBlock>(liveRangeStart->getParent());

    // If either of these asserts fail it probably means there hasn't been a call
    // to `_findAliasesAndAccesses` which is required before this function can be called.
    // There must be at least one alias (the root itself!)
    SLANG_ASSERT(m_aliases.getCount() > 0);
    // The first alias should be the root itself
    SLANG_ASSERT(m_aliases[0] == m_root);

    // Now we want to find the last access in the graph of successors
    // This works by recursively starting from the block where the variable is defined, walking depth first the graph of 
    // successors. We cache the results in m_blockResults
    // There is an extra caveat around the dominator tree. In principal a variable in block A is accessible by any block that is 
    // dominated by A. It's actually more restricted than this - because IR has other rules that provide more tight scoping. 
    // The extra information can be seen in a loop instruction also indicating the break and continue blocks.
    // If we just traversed the successors, if there is a loop we'd end up in an infinite loop. We can partly avoid this because 
    // we know that the root is only available in blocks dominated by the root. There is also the scenario where there is a loop 
    // in blocks within the dominator tree. That is handled by marking 'Visited' when a final result isn't known, but we want to 
    // detect a loop. In most respect Visited behaves in the same manner as NotDominated.

        const BlockIndex rootStartBlockIndex = m_blockIndexMap[m_rootLiveStartBlock];
        auto blockInfo = _getBlockInfo(rootStartBlockIndex);
        auto run = _getRun(blockInfo);

        // The run *must* contain this specific start start
        const auto startIndex = run.indexOf(m_rootLiveStart);
        SLANG_ASSERT(startIndex >= 0);

        // Make run scanning start *after* the start
        run = run.tail(startIndex + 1);

        // Mark the root as visited to stop an infinite loop
        _addBlockResult(rootStartBlockIndex, BlockResult::Visited);

        // Recursively find results
        auto foundResult = _processBlock(rootStartBlockIndex, run, nullptr);

        if (foundResult == BlockResult::NotFound)
            // Means there is no access to this variable(!)
            // Which means we can end the scope, after the the start scope

    // Set back to nullptr for safety
    m_rootLiveStart = nullptr;
    m_rootLiveStartBlock = nullptr;

bool LivenessContext::_isNormalRunInst(IRInst* inst)
    const auto op = inst->getOp();

    // Detect if it's a range start for the root.
    if (op == kIROp_LiveRangeStart)
        auto start = as<IRLiveRangeStart>(inst);
        return start->getReferenced() == m_root;

    // NOTE!
    // The ops in the list above are the only ops *currently* that indicate an access.
    // Has to be consistent with `_findAliasesAndAccesses`
    if (op == kIROp_Call || 
        op == kIROp_Load ||
        op == kIROp_Store)
        // Just because it's the right type *doesn't* mean it's an access, it has to also 
        // be in the access set
        return m_accessSet.contains(inst);

    return false;

bool LivenessContext::_isAccessTerminator(IRTerminatorInst* terminator)
    // This is to special case when a return, returns a root or an alias
    // We need to detect if the return value accesses the root

    if (terminator->getOp() == kIROp_Return)
        // We are going to special case return if it hits an alias
        auto returnVal = static_cast<IRReturn*>(terminator);

        auto val = returnVal->getVal();
        // TODO(JS): This is perhaps somewhat argable, but it means if 
        // we have a cast between uint/int (for example) that isn't a problem

        // Strip construct
        switch (val->getOp())
        case kIROp_CastIntToFloat:
        case kIROp_CastFloatToInt:
        case kIROp_IntCast:
        case kIROp_FloatCast:
        case kIROp_CastIntToPtr:
        case kIROp_CastPtrToInt:
        case kIROp_CastPtrToBool:
            val = val->getOperand(0);

        // If it *is* the root it's an access
        if (val == m_root)
            return true;

        // If it's a load, see what is being loaded from an alias to the root
        if (auto load = as<IRLoad>(val))
            const auto valPtr = load->getPtr();
            return m_aliases.contains(valPtr);

    return false;

bool LivenessContext::_isAnyRunInst(IRInst* inst)
    if (auto terminator = as<IRTerminatorInst>(inst))
        return _isAccessTerminator(terminator);
    return _isNormalRunInst(inst);

void LivenessContext::_findInstRunsForBlocks()
    const Count count = m_blockInfos.getCount();
    for (Index i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        const auto blockIndex = BlockIndex(i);

        // Get the block
        auto block = _getBlock(blockIndex);

        // Get the block info
        auto* blockInfo = _getBlockInfo(blockIndex);

        const auto start = m_instRuns.getCount();
        blockInfo->runStart = start;

        if (blockInfo->instCount == 0)
            // Nothing to do if it's empty
            SLANG_ASSERT(blockInfo->runCount == 0);
        else if (blockInfo->instCount == 1)
            // This is the easy case, since we don't need to determine the order of the instructions   
            blockInfo->runCount = 1;
            // TODO(JS):
            // NOTE That we don't need to keep all accesses in the run, only the last accesses 
            // prior to a start or end of the block.
            // For now we just add them all.

            blockInfo->runCount = blockInfo->instCount;

            m_instRuns.setCount(start + blockInfo->instCount);
            IRInst** dst = m_instRuns.getBuffer() + start;

            // Find all of the instructions of interest in order
            for (auto inst : block->getChildren())
                if (_isNormalRunInst(inst))
                    *dst++ = inst;
                    if (dst == m_instRuns.end())
            SLANG_ASSERT(dst == m_instRuns.end());

        SLANG_ASSERT(blockInfo->runCount == blockInfo->instCount);

        // Special case the terminator - we allow a return that accesses the root 
        // to be added to the run. 
        // TODO(JS): We might want this behavior to be switchable with an option.
        // If we don't add the terminator, everything else will behave correctly with regard
        // adding live range end markers.
            auto terminator = block->getTerminator();
            if (_isAccessTerminator(terminator))

        SLANG_ASSERT(blockInfo->runStart + blockInfo->runCount == m_instRuns.getCount());

        // The run count must be at least as many as the found instCount
        // There can be more instructions as we allow some special cases (for example around return)
        SLANG_ASSERT(blockInfo->runCount >= blockInfo->instCount);

void LivenessContext::_processRoot(IRLiveRangeStart* const* rangeStarts, Count rangeStartsCount)
    if (rangeStartsCount <= 0)

    // Reset the order range for all blocks
    for (auto& info : m_blockInfos)
    auto root = rangeStarts[0]->getReferenced();

    // Set the root
    m_root = root;
    m_rootBlock = as<IRBlock>(m_root->parent);

    // Add all the live starts
    for (Index i = 0; i < rangeStartsCount; ++i)
        auto rangeStart = rangeStarts[i];

        // Check it references the same root
        SLANG_ASSERT(rangeStart->getReferenced() == root);


    // Find all of the aliases and access to this root

    // Find the runs of 'instructions of interest' (accesses/starts) for all the blocks

    // Now we want to find all of the ends for each start
    for (Index i = 0; i < rangeStartsCount; ++i)
        // We want to process this RangeStart for the root, to find all of the ends

    // No root is active in processing
    m_root = nullptr;
    m_rootBlock = nullptr;

void LivenessContext::_calcLoopOwnership()
    // Should all be set to invalid initially
    for (const auto& fixedInfo : m_fixedBlockInfos)
        // To stop an error when assert isn't defined...
        SLANG_ASSERT(fixedInfo.owningLoopBlockIndex == BlockIndex::Invalid);

    const Count blocksCount = m_fixedBlockInfos.getCount();

    List<BlockIndex> work;

    for (Index i = 0; i < blocksCount; ++i)
        const BlockIndex outerBlockIndex = BlockIndex(i);
        const auto& loopInfo = _getFixedBlockInfo(outerBlockIndex);
        if (loopInfo.isLoopStart())
            const BlockIndex loopBlockIndex = outerBlockIndex;


            BlockIndex blockIndex = loopInfo.targetBlockIndex;

            while (true)
                // If it's already set we are done
                auto& curOwner = m_fixedBlockInfos[Index(blockIndex)].owningLoopBlockIndex;
                if (curOwner != BlockIndex::Invalid)
                    SLANG_ASSERT(curOwner == loopBlockIndex);

                // Set that it belongs to this loop
                curOwner = loopBlockIndex;

                BlockIndex successorStorage[1];
                ConstArrayView<BlockIndex> successors;

                const auto& info = _getFixedBlockInfo(blockIndex);
                if (info.isLoopStart())
                    // The 'successor' is what comes after the loop
                    const BlockIndex breakIndex = info.breakBlockIndex;
                    successorStorage[0] = breakIndex;
                    successors = makeConstArrayView(successorStorage, 1);
                    successors = _getSuccessors(blockIndex);

                // Add any successors that aren't visited or terminators
                for (const auto successorBlockIndex : successors)
                    // If it loops or repeats, we don't need to add
                    if (successorBlockIndex == loopInfo.breakBlockIndex ||
                        successorBlockIndex == loopInfo.targetBlockIndex)
                    // Check if already owned (must be by this loop)
                    const auto successorOwner = _getFixedBlockInfo(successorBlockIndex).owningLoopBlockIndex;
                    if (successorOwner != BlockIndex::Invalid)
                        SLANG_ASSERT(successorOwner == loopBlockIndex);


                // If nothing left we are done
                if (work.getCount() == 0)

                blockIndex = work.getLast();

void LivenessContext::_processFunction(IRFunc* func)
    SLANG_ASSERT(m_rangeStarts.getCount() > 0);

    // Create the dominator tree, for the function
    m_dominatorTree = computeDominatorTree(func);

    // We are going to precalculate a variety of things for blocks. 
    // Most processing is performed via BlockIndex, so we need to set up a map from the block pointer to the index
    // By having as an index we can easily/quickly associate information with blocks with arrays

    // Set up the map from blocks to indices


        // First we find all the blocks in the function, we add to the map
        // and initialize the functionBlockInfos, which hold information about blocks that is constant across a function
        // We will associate successors too, but we can only do this once we have set up the map
        Index index = 0;
        for (auto block : func->getChildren())
            IRBlock* blockInst = as<IRBlock>(block);
            m_blockIndexMap.add(blockInst, BlockIndex(index++));

            FixedBlockInfo fixedBlockInfo;


        // Allocate space for the root block infos

        // Now we have the map, work out the successors as BlockIndex for each block
        // and add those to m_blockSuccessors. They are indexed via successorsIndex/Count in the FunctionBlockInfos
        for (auto& fixedInfo : m_fixedBlockInfos)
            auto block = fixedInfo.block;

            // Set up the break block indices if we have a loop
            if (auto loop = _getLoopTerminator(block))
                // Set the break/continue block indices
                fixedInfo.breakBlockIndex = m_blockIndexMap[loop->getBreakBlock()];
                fixedInfo.targetBlockIndex = m_blockIndexMap[loop->getTargetBlock()];

            // Add all the successors 
            auto successors = block->getSuccessors();
            const Index successorsStart = m_blockSuccessors.getCount();
            const Count successorsCount = successors.getCount();

            fixedInfo.successorsStart = successorsStart;
            fixedInfo.successorsCount = successorsCount;

            m_blockSuccessors.setCount(successorsStart + successorsCount);

            BlockIndex* dst = m_blockSuccessors.getBuffer() + successorsStart;

            for (auto successor : successors)
                *dst++ = m_blockIndexMap[successor];

        // Once we have the successors set up we can determine which loops each block belongs to.
        // This can be useful for doing loop analysis

    // Find the run of locations that all access the same root
        Index start = 0;
        const Count count = m_rangeStarts.getCount();
        while (start < count)
            // Get the root at the start of this span
            const auto root = m_rangeStarts[start]->getReferenced();
            // Look for the end of the run of locations with the same root
            Index end = start + 1;
            for (; end < count && m_rangeStarts[end]->getReferenced() == root; ++end);

            // Process the root 
            _processRoot(m_rangeStarts.getBuffer() + start, end - start);       

            // Set start to the beginning of the next run
            start = end;

    // Remove any end/start spands within a block, that aren't 'interesting.

static bool _isRootTypeScalar(IRType* type)
    // Liveness range start/end are through ptr type
    if (auto ptrType = as<IRPtrType>(type))
        // Strip the ptr
        type = ptrType->getValueType();
    return as<IRBasicType>(type) != nullptr;

void LivenessContext::_tidyUninterestingSpans()
    // We are looking for spans from an end to a start for a scalar variable. 
    // Only scalar for now so even if the span is 'big' the cost is probably low.
    // A more sophisticated implementation could perhaps look in the span if there is only a full store 
    // for a struct/large type. Would also need some concept of the 'amount of insts' to determine if worth it.
    const Count count = m_rangeEnds.getCount();

    for (Index i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        auto end = m_rangeEnds[i];
        auto root = end->getReferenced();

        // If it's not scalar then we ignore
        if (!_isRootTypeScalar(root->getDataType()))
        // Look for a start to the same root in the block
        // A more sophisticated implementation might try to look across unconditional branches
        // but since only *one* end is stored for potentially multiple starts, and that a block 
        // might have multiple predecessors, we ignore for now.
        IRLiveRangeStart* start = nullptr;
        for (auto cur = end->getNextInst(); cur; cur = cur->getNextInst())
            // If it's a start
            if (auto foundStart = as<IRLiveRangeStart>(cur))
                // and a start to the same root
                if (foundStart->getReferenced() == root)
                    start = foundStart;
        // If we found a matching start, lets just remove the span
        if (start)
            m_rangeEnds[i] = nullptr;
            const Index startIndex = m_rangeStarts.indexOf(start);

            SLANG_ASSERT(startIndex >= 0);
            if (startIndex >= 0)
                m_rangeStarts[startIndex] = nullptr;

            // Delete the matching end -> start span

void LivenessContext::_orderRangeStartsDeterministically()
    const Index rangeStartsCount = m_rangeStarts.getCount();
    if (rangeStartsCount <= 1)
        // One or less there is no reordering

    // The fast way is to just order by the roots pointers. 
    // Unfortunately that is unstable, as it depends on the allocation location which varies.

    // Sort into referenced/root start
    //m_rangeStarts.sort([&](IRLiveRangeStart* a, IRLiveRangeStart* b) -> bool { return a->getReferenced() < b->getReferenced(); });

    // The order that the starts is *found* is deterministic, so we'll use that as part of the key to sort.

    struct Entry
        IRLiveRangeStart* start;
        Index foundIndex;               ///< The found index
        Index rootIndex;                ///< Index for the root

    Int orderCounter = 0;

    Dictionary<IRInst*, Index> rootOrderMap;
    List<Entry> entries;
    for (Index i = 0; i < rangeStartsCount; ++i)
        auto start = m_rangeStarts[i];
        auto root = start->getReferenced();

        Index order = -1;

        if (auto orderPtr = rootOrderMap.tryGetValueOrAdd(root, orderCounter + 1))
            order = *orderPtr;
            order = ++orderCounter;

        Entry& entry = entries[i];
        entry.start = start;
        entry.foundIndex = i;
        entry.rootIndex = order;

    // Sort by the root indices and if equal sort by the found order
    entries.sort([&](const Entry& a, const Entry& b) -> bool { return (a.rootIndex < b.rootIndex) || (a.rootIndex == b.rootIndex && a.foundIndex < b.foundIndex); });

    // Copy back
    for (Index i = 0; i < rangeStartsCount; ++i)
        m_rangeStarts[i] = entries[i].start;

void LivenessContext::process()
    // Find all of the funcs in the module
    List<IRFunc*> funcs;
    _findFuncs(m_module, funcs);

    for (auto func : funcs)
        if (func->getFirstBlock() != nullptr)
            _findLiveStarts(func, m_rangeStarts);

            if (m_rangeStarts.getCount() > 0)
                // Order the range starts by root deterministically

                // Process the function

} // anonymous

static void _processFunction(IRFunc* funcInst, List<IRVar*>& ioVars)
    // If it has no body, then we are done
    if (funcInst->getFirstBlock() == nullptr)

    // Iterate through blocks in the function, looking for variables to live track
    for (auto block = funcInst->getFirstBlock(); block; block = block->getNextBlock())
        for (auto inst = block->getFirstChild(); inst; inst = inst->getNextInst())
            // We look for var declarations.
            if (auto varInst = as<IRVar>(inst))


/* static */void LivenessUtil::addVariableRangeStarts(IRModule* module, LivenessMode livenessMode)
    if (!isEnabled(livenessMode))

    // When we process liveness, is prior to output for a target
    // So post specialization

    IRBuilder builder(module);

    // Storage for found vars
    List<IRVar*> vars;

    List<IRFunc*> funcs;
    _findFuncs(module, funcs);

    for (auto func : funcs)
        // Clear as we will reuse the vars storage

        // Find all the vars in the function
        _processFunction(func, vars);

        for (auto var : vars)
            // Set liveness after the variable is declared
            // Emit a range start

/* static */void LivenessUtil::addRangeEnds(IRModule* module, LivenessMode livenessMode)
    if (isEnabled(livenessMode))
        LivenessContext context(module, livenessMode);

} // namespace Slang
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