Raw File
Tip revision: 5902acdabc4445a65741a7a6a3a95f223e301059 authored by Yong He on 23 January 2024, 07:19:40 UTC
[LSP] Fetch configs directly from didConfigurationChanged message. (#3478)
Tip revision: 5902acd
#include "slang-ir-simplify-cfg.h"

#include "slang-ir-insts.h"
#include "slang-ir.h"
#include "slang-ir-dominators.h"
#include "slang-ir-restructure.h"
#include "slang-ir-util.h"
#include "slang-ir-loop-unroll.h"
#include "slang-ir-reachability.h"

namespace Slang

struct CFGSimplificationContext
    RefPtr<RegionTree> regionTree;
    RefPtr<IRDominatorTree> domTree;
    Dictionary<IRInst*, List<IRInst*>> relatedAddrMap;

static bool isBlockInRegion(IRDominatorTree* domTree, IRTerminatorInst* regionHeader, IRBlock* block)
    auto headerBlock = cast<IRBlock>(regionHeader->getParent());
    IRBlock* breakBlock = nullptr;
    if (auto loop = as<IRLoop>(regionHeader))
        breakBlock = loop->getBreakBlock();
    else if (auto switchInst = as<IRSwitch>(regionHeader))
        breakBlock = switchInst->getBreakLabel();

    auto parentBreakBlocks = getParentBreakBlockSet(domTree, headerBlock);
    if (!domTree->dominates(headerBlock, block))
        return false;

    if (domTree->dominates(breakBlock, block))
        return false;
    for (auto parentBreakBlock : parentBreakBlocks)
        if (domTree->dominates(parentBreakBlock, block))
            return false;

    return true;

static IRInst* findBreakableRegionHeaderInst(IRDominatorTree* domTree, IRBlock* block)
    for (auto idom = domTree->getImmediateDominator(block); idom; idom = domTree->getImmediateDominator(idom))
        auto terminator = idom->getTerminator();
        switch (terminator->getOp())
        case kIROp_Switch:
        case kIROp_loop:
            return terminator;
    return nullptr;

// Test if a loop is trivial: a trivial loop runs for a single iteration without any back edges, and
// there is only one break out of the loop at the very end. The function generates `regionTree` if
// it is needed and hasn't been generated yet.
static bool isTrivialSingleIterationLoop(
    CFGSimplificationContext& context,
    IRGlobalValueWithCode* func,
    IRLoop* loop)
    auto targetBlock = loop->getTargetBlock();
    if (targetBlock->getPredecessors().getCount() != 1) return false;
    if (*targetBlock->getPredecessors().begin() != loop->getParent()) return false;

    int useCount = 0;
    for (auto use = loop->getBreakBlock()->firstUse; use; use = use->nextUse)
        if (use->getUser() == loop)
        if (useCount > 1)
            return false;

    // The loop has passed simple test.
    // We need to verify this is a trivial loop by checking if there is any multi-level breaks
    // that skips out of this loop.
    if (!context.domTree)
        context.domTree = computeDominatorTree(func);
    bool hasMultiLevelBreaks = false;
    auto loopBlocks = collectBlocksInRegion(context.domTree, loop, &hasMultiLevelBreaks);
    if (hasMultiLevelBreaks)
        return false;
    for (auto block : loopBlocks)
        for (auto branchTarget : block->getSuccessors())
            if (!context.domTree->dominates(loop->getParent(), branchTarget))
                return false;
            if (branchTarget != loop->getBreakBlock())
            if (findBreakableRegionHeaderInst(context.domTree, block) != loop)
                // If the break is initiated from a nested region, this is not trivial.
                return false;
    // We'll also check if there's an inner loop that is breaking out into this loop's break block.
    // If so, we cannot remove it right away since it interferes with the multi-level break elimination
    // logic.
    // Track the break block backwards through the dominator tree, and see if we find a loop block
    // that is not the current loop.
    auto breakPredList = loop->getBreakBlock()->getPredecessors();
    if (breakPredList.getCount() > 0)
        auto breakOriginBlock = *loop->getBreakBlock()->getPredecessors().begin();

        for (auto currBlock = breakOriginBlock;
             currBlock = context.domTree->getImmediateDominator(currBlock))
            auto terminator = currBlock->getTerminator();
            if (terminator == loop)
            // Check if the break originated from an inner breakable region.
            // If so, the outer loop cannot be trivially removed.
            switch (terminator->getOp())
            case kIROp_loop:
                if (isBlockInRegion(context.domTree, as<IRLoop>(terminator), breakOriginBlock))
                    return false;
            case kIROp_Switch:
                if (isBlockInRegion(context.domTree, as<IRSwitch>(terminator), breakOriginBlock))
                    return false;

    return true;

static bool doesLoopHasSideEffect(CFGSimplificationContext& context, ReachabilityContext& reachability, IRGlobalValueWithCode* func, IRLoop* loopInst)
    bool hasMultiLevelBreaks = false;
    if (!context.domTree)
        context.domTree = computeDominatorTree(func);
    auto blocks = collectBlocksInRegion(context.domTree.get(), loopInst, &hasMultiLevelBreaks);

    // We'll currently not deal with loops that contain multi-level breaks.
    if (hasMultiLevelBreaks)
        return true;

    HashSet<IRBlock*> loopBlocks;
    for (auto b : blocks)

    // Construct a map from a root address to all derived addresses.
    Dictionary<IRInst*, List<IRInst*>>& relatedAddrMap = context.relatedAddrMap;
    if (!relatedAddrMap.getCount())
        for (auto b : func->getBlocks())
            for (auto inst : b->getChildren())
                if (as<IRPtrTypeBase>(inst->getDataType()))
                    auto root = getRootAddr(inst);
                    if (!root) continue;
                    auto list = relatedAddrMap.tryGetValue(root);
                    if (!list)
                        relatedAddrMap.add(root, List<IRInst*>());
                        list = relatedAddrMap.tryGetValue(root);

    auto addressHasOutOfLoopUses = [&](IRInst* addr)
        auto rootAddr = getRootAddr(addr);
        if (isGlobalOrUnknownMutableAddress(func, rootAddr))
            return true;
        if (as<IRParam, IRDynamicCastBehavior::NoUnwrap>(rootAddr))
            return true;

        // If we can't find the address from our map, we conservatively assume it is an unknown address.
        auto relatedAddrs = relatedAddrMap.tryGetValue(getRootAddr(addr));
        if (!relatedAddrs)
            return true;
        // For all related address of `addr` that may alias with it, we check their uses.
        for (auto relatedAddr : *relatedAddrs)
            if (!canAddressesPotentiallyAlias(func, relatedAddr, addr))
            for (auto use = relatedAddr->firstUse; use; use = use->nextUse)
                if (!loopBlocks.contains(as<IRBlock>(use->getUser()->getParent())))
                    // Is this use reachable from the loop header?
                    if (reachability.isInstReachable(loopInst, use->getUser()))
                        return true;
        return false;

    for (auto b : blocks)
        for (auto inst : b->getChildren())
            // Is this inst used anywhere outside the loop? If so the loop has side effect.
            for (auto use = inst->firstUse; use; use = use->nextUse)
                if (!loopBlocks.contains(as<IRBlock>(use->getUser()->getParent())))
                    return true;

            // This inst might have side effect, try to prove that the
            // side effect does not leak beyond the scope of the loop.
            if (auto call = as<IRCall>(inst))
                auto callee = getResolvedInstForDecorations(call->getCallee());
                if (!callee || 
                    !(callee->findDecoration<IRNoSideEffectDecoration>() || 
                    return true;
                // We are calling a pure function, check if any of the return
                // variables are used outside the loop.
                for (UInt i = 0; i < call->getArgCount(); i++)
                    auto arg = call->getArg(i);
                    if (!isValueType(arg->getDataType()))
                        if (addressHasOutOfLoopUses(arg))
                            return true;
            else if (auto store = as<IRStore>(inst))
                if (addressHasOutOfLoopUses(store->getPtr()))
                    return true;
            else if (auto branch = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(inst))
                if (loopBlocks.contains(branch->getTargetBlock()))
                // Branching out of the loop with some argument is considered
                // having a side effect.
                if (branch->getArgCount() != 0)
                    return true;
            else if (as<IRIfElse>(inst) || as<IRSwitch>(inst) || as<IRLoop>(inst))
                // We are starting a sub control flow.
                // This is considered side effect free.
                // The inst can't possibly have side effect? Skip it.
                if (!inst->mightHaveSideEffects())

                // For all other insts, we assume it has a global side effect.
                return true;
    return false;

static bool removeDeadBlocks(IRGlobalValueWithCode* func)
    bool changed = false;
    List<IRBlock*> workList;
    auto firstBlock = func->getFirstBlock();
    if (!firstBlock)
        return false;

    for (auto block = firstBlock->getNextBlock(); block; block = block->getNextBlock())

    HashSet<IRBlock*> workListSet;
    List<IRBlock*> nextWorkList;
    for (;;)
        for (Index i = 0; i < workList.getCount(); i++)
            auto block = workList[i];
            if (!block->hasUses() && as<IRTerminatorInst>(block->getFirstInst()))
                for (auto succ : block->getSuccessors())
                    if (workListSet.add(succ))
                changed = true;
        if (nextWorkList.getCount())
            workList = _Move(nextWorkList);
    return changed;

// Return the true of the if-else branch block if the branch is a trivial jump
// to after block with no other insts.
static bool isTrivialIfElseBranch(IRIfElse* condBranch, IRBlock* branchBlock)
    if (branchBlock != condBranch->getAfterBlock())
        if (auto br = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(branchBlock->getFirstOrdinaryInst()))
            if (br->getTargetBlock() == condBranch->getAfterBlock() && br->getOp() == kIROp_unconditionalBranch)
                return true;
        return true;
    return false;

static bool arePhiArgsEquivalentInBranchesImpl(IRBlock* branch1, IRBlock* branch2, IRBlock* afterBlock)
    if (branch1 == afterBlock) return true;
    if (branch2 == afterBlock) return true;

    auto branchInst1 = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(branch1->getTerminator());
    auto branchInst2 = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(branch2->getTerminator());
    if (!branchInst1) return false;
    if (!branchInst2) return false;

    // If both branches are trivial blocks, we must compare the arguments.
    if (branchInst1->getArgCount() != branchInst2->getArgCount())
        // This should never happen, return false now to be safe.
        return false;

    for (UInt i = 0; i < branchInst1->getArgCount(); i++)
        if (branchInst1->getArg(i) != branchInst2->getArg(i))
            // argument is different, the if-else is non-trivial.
            return false;
    return true;

static bool arePhiArgsEquivalentInBranches(IRIfElse* ifElse)
    // If one of the branch target is afterBlock itself, and the other branch
    // is a trivial block that jumps into the afterBlock, this if-else is trivial.
    // In this case the argCount must be 0 because a block with phi parameters can't
    // be used as targets in a conditional branch.
    auto branch1 = ifElse->getTrueBlock();
    auto branch2 = ifElse->getFalseBlock();
    auto afterBlock = ifElse->getAfterBlock();

    return arePhiArgsEquivalentInBranchesImpl(branch1, branch2, afterBlock);

static bool isTrivialIfElse(IRIfElse* condBranch, bool& isTrueBranchTrivial, bool& isFalseBranchTrivial)
    isTrueBranchTrivial = isTrivialIfElseBranch(condBranch, condBranch->getTrueBlock());
    isFalseBranchTrivial = isTrivialIfElseBranch(condBranch, condBranch->getFalseBlock());
    if (isTrueBranchTrivial && isFalseBranchTrivial)
        if (arePhiArgsEquivalentInBranches(condBranch))
            return true;
    return false;

// Return the true of the switch branch block if the branch is a trivial jump
// to after block with no other insts.
static bool isTrivialSwitchBranch(IRSwitch* switchInst, IRBlock* branchBlock)
    if (branchBlock != switchInst->getBreakLabel())
        if (auto br = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(branchBlock->getFirstOrdinaryInst()))
            if (br->getTargetBlock() == switchInst->getBreakLabel() && br->getOp() == kIROp_unconditionalBranch)
                return true;
        return true;
    return false;

static bool arePhiArgsEquivalentInBranches(IRSwitch* switchInst)
    ShortList<IRBlock*> jumpTargets;
    if (switchInst->getDefaultLabel())
    for (UInt i = 0; i < switchInst->getCaseCount(); i++)
    if (jumpTargets.getCount() == 0)
        return true;
    for (Index i = 1; i < jumpTargets.getCount(); i++)
        auto branch1 = jumpTargets[0];
        auto branch2 = jumpTargets[i];
        auto afterBlock = switchInst->getBreakLabel();

        if (!arePhiArgsEquivalentInBranchesImpl(branch1, branch2, afterBlock))
            return false;
    return true;

static bool isTrivialSwitch(IRSwitch* switchBranch)
    for (UInt i = 0; i < switchBranch->getCaseCount(); i++)
        if (!isTrivialSwitchBranch(switchBranch, switchBranch->getCaseLabel(i)))
            return false;
    if (!isTrivialSwitchBranch(switchBranch, switchBranch->getDefaultLabel()))
        return false;
    return true;

static bool trySimplifyIfElse(IRBuilder& builder, IRIfElse* ifElseInst)
    bool isTrueBranchTrivial = false;
    bool isFalseBranchTrivial = false;
    if (isTrivialIfElse(ifElseInst, isTrueBranchTrivial, isFalseBranchTrivial))
        // If both branches of `if-else` are trivial jumps into after block,
        // we can get rid of the entire conditional branch and replace it
        // with a jump into the after block.
        if (auto termInst = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(ifElseInst->getTrueBlock()->getTerminator()))
            List<IRInst*> args;
            for (UInt i = 0; i < termInst->getArgCount(); i++)
            builder.emitBranch(ifElseInst->getAfterBlock(), (Int)args.getCount(), args.getBuffer());
            return true;
        // Otherwise, we can try to remove at least remove one of the trivial branches
        // Remove either the true or false block if it jumps to the after block
        // with no parameters.

        const auto afterBlock = ifElseInst->getAfterBlock();
            const auto trueBlock = ifElseInst->getTrueBlock();
            const auto falseBlock = ifElseInst->getFalseBlock();

            if(isTrueBranchTrivial && trueBlock != afterBlock && !trueBlock->hasMoreThanOneUse())
            else if(isFalseBranchTrivial && falseBlock != afterBlock && !falseBlock->hasMoreThanOneUse())
    return false;

static bool trySimplifySwitch(IRBuilder& builder, IRSwitch* switchInst)
    // First, we fuse switch case blocks that is a trivial branch.
    // If we see:
    // ```
    //     someBlock:
    //         switch(..., case_block_A, ...)
    //     case_block_A:
    //         branch blockB;
    // ```
    // Then we fold blockB into the switch case operand:
    // ```
    //     someBlock:
    //         switch(..., blockB, ...)
    // ```
    // We can do this if `blockB` is not a merge block.
    bool changed = false;
    auto fuseSwitchCaseBlock = [&](IRUse* targetUse)
        for (;;)
            auto block = as<IRBlock>(targetUse->get());
            if (block->getFirstInst()->getOp() != kIROp_unconditionalBranch)
            auto branch = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(block->getFirstInst());
            // We can't fuse the block if there are phi arguments.
            if (branch->getArgCount() != 0)
            auto target = branch->getTargetBlock();
            if (target == switchInst->getBreakLabel())
            // target must not be used as a merge block of other control flow constructs.
            for (auto use = target->firstUse; use; use = use->nextUse)
                if (use->getUser() == switchInst || use->getUser() == branch)
                switch (use->getUser()->getOp())
                case kIROp_loop:
                case kIROp_ifElse:
                case kIROp_Switch:
                    // If the target block is used by a special control flow inst,
                    // it is likely a merge block and we can't fuse it.
            changed = true;

    for (UInt i = 0; i < switchInst->getCaseCount(); i++)

    // Next, we check if all switch cases are jumping to the same target.
    if (!isTrivialSwitch(switchInst))
        return changed;
    if (switchInst->getCaseCount() == 0)
        return changed;

    auto termInst = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(switchInst->getCaseLabel(0)->getTerminator());
    if (!termInst)
        return changed;

    if (!arePhiArgsEquivalentInBranches(switchInst))
        return changed;

    List<IRInst*> args;
    for (UInt i = 0; i < termInst->getArgCount(); i++)
    builder.emitBranch(switchInst->getBreakLabel(), (Int)args.getCount(), args.getBuffer());
    return true;

static bool isTrueLit(IRInst* lit)
    if (auto boolLit = as<IRBoolLit>(lit))
        return boolLit->getValue();
    return false;
static bool isFalseLit(IRInst* lit)
    if (auto boolLit = as<IRBoolLit>(lit))
        return !boolLit->getValue();
    return false;

static bool simplifyBoolPhiParam(IRIfElse* ifElse, Array<IRBlock*, 2>& preds, IRParam* param, UInt paramIndex)
    // For bool params where its value is assigned from the same `if-else` statement,
    // we can simplify it into an expression of the condition of the source `if-else`.

    if (!param->getDataType() || param->getDataType()->getOp() != kIROp_BoolType)
        return false;

    auto branch0 = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(preds[0]->getTerminator());
    if (!branch0)
        return false;
    if (branch0->getArgCount() <= paramIndex)
        return false;
    auto branch1 = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(preds[1]->getTerminator());
    if (!branch1)
        return false;
    if (branch1->getArgCount() <= paramIndex)
        return false;

    IRInst* replacement = nullptr;
    if (isTrueLit(branch0->getArg(paramIndex)) && isFalseLit(branch1->getArg(paramIndex)))
        replacement = ifElse->getCondition();
    else if (isFalseLit(branch0->getArg(paramIndex)) && isTrueLit(branch1->getArg(paramIndex)))
        IRBuilder builder(param);
        setInsertBeforeOrdinaryInst(&builder, param);
        replacement = builder.emitNot(builder.getBoolType(), ifElse->getCondition());
    if (replacement)
        return true;
    return false;

static bool simplifyBoolPhiParams(IRBlock* block)
    if (!block)
        return false;

    if (block->getPredecessors().getCount() != 2)
        return false;

    Array<IRBlock*, 2> preds;
    for (auto pred : block->getPredecessors())
        if (pred->getTerminator()->getOp() != kIROp_unconditionalBranch)
            return false;

    IRBlock* ifElseBlock = nullptr;
    if (preds[0]->getPredecessors().getCount() != 1)
        return false;
    ifElseBlock = *(preds[0]->getPredecessors().begin());
    if (preds[1]->getPredecessors().getCount() != 1)
        return false;
    auto p = *(preds[1]->getPredecessors().begin());
    if (p != ifElseBlock)
        return false;

    auto ifElse = as<IRIfElse>(ifElseBlock->getTerminator());
    if (!ifElse)
        return false;

    if (ifElse->getTrueBlock() == preds[1])
        Swap(preds[0], preds[1]);
    SLANG_ASSERT(ifElse->getTrueBlock() == preds[0] && ifElse->getFalseBlock() == preds[1]);

    List<IRParam*> params;
    for (auto param : block->getParams())
    bool changed = false;
    for (Index i = params.getCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        changed |= simplifyBoolPhiParam(ifElse, preds, params[i], (UInt)i);
    return changed;

static bool removeTrivialPhiParams(IRBlock* block)
    // We can remove a phi parmeter if:
    // 1. all arguments to a parameter is the same (not really a phi).
    // 2. the arguments to the parameter is always the same as arguments to another existing parameter (duplicate phi).

    bool changed = false;
    List<IRParam*> params;
    struct ParamState
        bool areKnownValueSame = true;
        IRInst* knownValue = nullptr;
        OrderedHashSet<UInt> sameAsParamSet;
    List<ParamState> args;
    List<IRUnconditionalBranch*> termInsts;
    for (auto param : block->getParams())

    if (!params.getCount())
        return false;

    for (UInt i = 1; i < (UInt)args.getCount(); i++)
        for (UInt j = 0; j < i; j++)

    for (auto pred : block->getPredecessors())
        auto termInst = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(pred->getTerminator());
        if (!termInst)
            return false;
        SLANG_ASSERT(termInst->getArgCount() == (UInt)args.getCount());
        for (UInt i = 0; i < termInst->getArgCount(); i++)
            if (args[i].areKnownValueSame)
                if (args[i].knownValue == nullptr)
                    args[i].knownValue = termInst->getArg(i);
                else if (args[i].knownValue != termInst->getArg(i))
                    args[i].areKnownValueSame = false;
            for (UInt j = 0; j < i; j++)
                if (termInst->getArg(i) != termInst->getArg(j))
    for (Index i = args.getCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        IRInst* targetVal = nullptr;
        if (args[i].areKnownValueSame)
            targetVal = args[i].knownValue;
        else if (args[i].sameAsParamSet.getCount())
            auto targetParamId = *args[i].sameAsParamSet.begin();
            targetVal = params[targetParamId];
        if (targetVal)
            for (auto termInst : termInsts)
            changed = true;
    return changed;

static bool processFunc(IRGlobalValueWithCode* func, CFGSimplificationOptions options)
    auto firstBlock = func->getFirstBlock();
    if (!firstBlock)
        return false;

    IRBuilder builder(func->getModule());

    bool isReachabilityContextValid = false;
    ReachabilityContext reachabilityContext;
    CFGSimplificationContext simplificationContext;

    bool changed = false;
    for (;;)
        List<IRBlock*> workList;
        HashSet<IRBlock*> processedBlock;
        while (workList.getCount())
            auto block = workList.getFirst();
            while (block)
                // If all arguments to a phi parameter are the known to be the same,
                // we can safely replace the phi parameter with the argument.
                if (block != func->getFirstBlock())
                    changed |= simplifyBoolPhiParams(block);
                    changed |= removeTrivialPhiParams(block);

                if (auto loop = as<IRLoop>(block->getTerminator()))
                    // If continue block is unreachable, remove it.
                    auto continueBlock = loop->getContinueBlock();
                    if (continueBlock && !continueBlock->hasMoreThanOneUse())
                        simplificationContext = CFGSimplificationContext();
                        changed = true;

                    // If there isn't any actual back jumps into loop target and there is a trivial
                    // break at the end of the loop, we can remove the header and turn it into
                    // a normal branch.
                    auto targetBlock = loop->getTargetBlock();
                    if (options.removeTrivialSingleIterationLoops && isTrivialSingleIterationLoop(simplificationContext, func, loop))
                        List<IRInst*> args;
                        for (UInt i = 0; i < loop->getArgCount(); i++)
                        builder.emitBranch(targetBlock, args.getCount(), args.getBuffer());
                        simplificationContext = CFGSimplificationContext();
                        changed = true;
                    else if (options.removeSideEffectFreeLoops)
                        if (!isReachabilityContextValid)
                            isReachabilityContextValid = true;
                            reachabilityContext = ReachabilityContext(func);
                        if (!doesLoopHasSideEffect(simplificationContext, reachabilityContext, func, loop))
                            // The loop isn't computing anything useful outside the loop.
                            // We can delete the entire loop.
                            SLANG_ASSERT(loop->getBreakBlock()->getFirstParam() == nullptr);
                            simplificationContext = CFGSimplificationContext();
                            changed = true;
                else if (auto condBranch = as<IRIfElse>(block->getTerminator()))
                    if (trySimplifyIfElse(builder, condBranch))
                        simplificationContext = CFGSimplificationContext();
                        changed = true;
                else if (auto switchBranch = as<IRSwitch>(block->getTerminator()))
                    if (trySimplifySwitch(builder, switchBranch))
                        simplificationContext = CFGSimplificationContext();
                        changed = true;

                // If `block` does not end with an unconditional branch, bail.
                if (block->getTerminator()->getOp() != kIROp_unconditionalBranch)
                auto branch = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(block->getTerminator());
                auto successor = branch->getTargetBlock();
                // Only perform the merge if `block` is the only predecessor of `successor`.
                // We also need to make sure not to merge a block that serves as the
                // merge point in CFG. Such blocks will have more than one use.
                if (successor->hasMoreThanOneUse())
                if (block->hasMoreThanOneUse())
                changed = true;
                simplificationContext = CFGSimplificationContext();
                Index paramIndex = 0;
                auto inst = successor->getFirstDecorationOrChild();
                while (inst)
                    auto next = inst->getNextInst();
                    if (inst->getOp() == kIROp_Param)
                    inst = next;
            for (auto successor : block->getSuccessors())
                if (processedBlock.add(successor))
        bool blocksRemoved = removeDeadBlocks(func);
        changed |= blocksRemoved;
        if (!blocksRemoved)
    if (changed)
        auto module = func->getModule();
        if (module)
    return changed;

bool simplifyCFG(IRModule* module, CFGSimplificationOptions options)
    bool changed = false;
    for (auto inst : module->getGlobalInsts())
        if (auto genericInst = as<IRGeneric>(inst))
            inst = findGenericReturnVal(genericInst);
        if (auto func = as<IRFunc>(inst))
            changed |= processFunc(func, options);
    return changed;

bool simplifyCFG(IRGlobalValueWithCode* func, CFGSimplificationOptions options)
    if (auto genericFunc = as<IRGeneric>(func))
        if (auto inner = as<IRFunc>(findGenericReturnVal(genericFunc)))
            processFunc(inner, options);
    return processFunc(func, options);

} // namespace Slang
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