Raw File
Tip revision: 5902acdabc4445a65741a7a6a3a95f223e301059 authored by Yong He on 23 January 2024, 07:19:40 UTC
[LSP] Fetch configs directly from didConfigurationChanged message. (#3478)
Tip revision: 5902acd
#include "slang-parser.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <optional>

#include "slang-compiler.h"
#include "slang-lookup.h"
#include "slang-visitor.h"
#include "slang-lookup-spirv.h"

#include "../core/slang-semantic-version.h"

namespace Slang
    // pre-declare
    static Name* getName(Parser* parser, String const& text);

    // Helper class useful to build a list of modifiers. 
    struct ModifierListBuilder
            m_next = &m_result;
        void add(Modifier* modifier)
            // Doesn't handle SharedModifiers
            SLANG_ASSERT(as<SharedModifiers>(modifier) == nullptr);

            // Splice at end
            *m_next = modifier;
            m_next = &modifier->next;
        template <typename T>
        T* find() const
            Modifier* cur = m_result;
            while (cur)
                T* castCur = as<T>(cur);
                if (castCur)
                    return castCur;
                cur = cur->next;
            return nullptr;
        template <typename T>
        bool hasType() const
            return find<T>() != nullptr;
        Modifier* getFirst() { return m_result; };

        Modifier* m_result = nullptr;
        Modifier** m_next;

    enum Precedence : int
        Invalid = -1,

    struct ParserOptions
        bool enableEffectAnnotations = false;
        bool allowGLSLInput = false;
        bool isInLanguageServer = false;

    // TODO: implement two pass parsing for file reference and struct type recognition

    class Parser
        NamePool*       namePool;
        SourceLanguage  sourceLanguage;
        ASTBuilder*     astBuilder;

        NamePool* getNamePool() { return namePool; }
        SourceLanguage getSourceLanguage() { return sourceLanguage; }

        int anonymousCounter = 0;

        // Numbers of times we are peeking the same token at `ReadToken` without advancing in
        // recover mode.
        int sameTokenPeekedTimes = 0;

        Scope* outerScope = nullptr;
        Scope* currentScope = nullptr;
        ModuleDecl* currentModule = nullptr;

        bool hasSeenCompletionToken = false;

        TokenReader tokenReader;
        DiagnosticSink* sink;
        SourceLoc lastErrorLoc;
        ParserOptions options;

        int genericDepth = 0;

        // Is the parser in a "recovering" state?
        // During recovery we don't emit additional errors, until we find
        // a token that we expected, when we exit recovery.
        bool isRecovering = false;

        void FillPosition(SyntaxNode * node)
            node->loc = tokenReader.peekLoc();
        void PushScope(ContainerDecl* containerDecl)
            // TODO(JS):
            // Previously Scope was ref counted. This meant that if a scope was pushed, but not used when popped
            // it's memory would be freed.
            // Here the memory is consumed and will not be freed until the astBuilder goes out of scope.

            Scope* newScope = astBuilder->create<Scope>();
            newScope->containerDecl = containerDecl;
            newScope->parent = currentScope;
            currentScope = newScope;
            containerDecl->ownedScope = newScope;

        void pushScopeAndSetParent(ContainerDecl* containerDecl)
            containerDecl->parentDecl = currentScope->containerDecl;

        void PopScope()
            currentScope = currentScope->parent;

        ModuleDecl* getCurrentModuleDecl()
            return currentModule;

            ASTBuilder* inAstBuilder,
            TokenSpan const& _tokens,
            DiagnosticSink * sink,
            Scope*           outerScope,
            ParserOptions    inOptions)
            : tokenReader(_tokens)
            , astBuilder(inAstBuilder)
            , sink(sink)
            , outerScope(outerScope)
            , options(inOptions)
        Parser(const Parser & other) = default;

        //Session* getSession() { return m_session; }

        Token ReadToken();
        Token readTokenImpl(TokenType type, bool forceSkippingToClosingToken);
        Token ReadToken(TokenType type);
        // Same as `ReadToken`, but force skip to the matching closing token on error.
        Token ReadMatchingToken(TokenType type);
        Token ReadToken(const char* string);

        bool LookAheadToken(TokenType type);
        bool LookAheadToken(const char* string);

        bool LookAheadToken(TokenType type, int offset);
        bool LookAheadToken(const char* string, int offset);

        void parseSourceFile(ContainerDecl* parentDecl);
        Decl* ParseStruct();
        ClassDecl* ParseClass();
        Decl* ParseGLSLInterfaceBlock();
        Stmt* ParseStatement(Stmt* parentStmt = nullptr);
        Stmt* parseBlockStatement();
        Stmt* parseLabelStatement();
        DeclStmt* parseVarDeclrStatement(Modifiers modifiers);
        IfStmt* parseIfStatement();
        ForStmt* ParseForStatement();
        WhileStmt* ParseWhileStatement();
        DoWhileStmt* ParseDoWhileStatement();
        BreakStmt* ParseBreakStatement();
        ContinueStmt* ParseContinueStatement();
        ReturnStmt* ParseReturnStatement();
        ExpressionStmt* ParseExpressionStatement();
        Expr* ParseExpression(Precedence level = Precedence::Comma);

        // Parse an expression that might be used in an initializer or argument context, so we should avoid operator-comma
        inline Expr*			ParseInitExpr() { return ParseExpression(Precedence::Assignment); }
        inline Expr*			ParseArgExpr()  { return ParseExpression(Precedence::Assignment); }

        Expr*				ParseLeafExpression();
        ParamDecl*					ParseParameter();
        Expr*				ParseType();
        TypeExp										ParseTypeExp();

        Parser & operator = (const Parser &) = delete;

        // Helper to issue diagnose message that filters out errors for the same token.
        template <typename P, typename... Args>
        void diagnose(P const& pos, DiagnosticInfo const& info, Args const&... args)
            auto loc = getDiagnosticPos(pos);
            if (loc != lastErrorLoc)
                sink->diagnose(pos, info, args...);
                lastErrorLoc = loc;

    // Forward Declarations

    enum class MatchedTokenType

        /// Parse declarations making up the body of `parent`, up to a matching token for `matchType`
    static void parseDecls(
        Parser*             parser,
        ContainerDecl*      parent,
        MatchedTokenType    matchType);

        /// Parse a body consisting of declarations enclosed in `{}`, as the children of `parent`.
    static void parseDeclBody(
        Parser*         parser,
        ContainerDecl*  parent);

    static Decl* parseEnumDecl(Parser* parser);

    static Modifiers _parseOptSemantics(
        Parser* parser);

    static void _parseOptSemantics(
        Parser* parser,
        Decl*	decl);

    static DeclBase* ParseDecl(
        Parser*			parser,
        ContainerDecl*	containerDecl);

    static Decl* ParseSingleDecl(
        Parser*			parser,
        ContainerDecl*	containerDecl);

    static void parseModernParamList(
        Parser*         parser,
        CallableDecl*   decl);

    static TokenType peekTokenType(Parser* parser);

    static Expr* _parseGenericArg(Parser* parser);


    static void Unexpected(
        Parser*     parser)
        // Don't emit "unexpected token" errors if we are in recovering mode
        if (!parser->isRecovering)
            parser->diagnose(parser->tokenReader.peekLoc(), Diagnostics::unexpectedToken,

            // Switch into recovery mode, to suppress additional errors
            parser->isRecovering = true;

    static void Unexpected(
        Parser*     parser,
        char const* expected)
        // Don't emit "unexpected token" errors if we are in recovering mode
        if (!parser->isRecovering)
            parser->sink->diagnose(parser->tokenReader.peekLoc(), Diagnostics::unexpectedTokenExpectedTokenName,

            // Switch into recovery mode, to suppress additional errors
            parser->isRecovering = true;

    static void Unexpected(
        Parser*     parser,
        TokenType    expected)
        // Don't emit "unexpected token" errors if we are in recovering mode
        if (!parser->isRecovering)
            if (parser->lastErrorLoc != parser->tokenReader.peekLoc())
                parser->lastErrorLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();
            // Switch into recovery mode, to suppress additional errors
            parser->isRecovering = true;

    static TokenType SkipToMatchingToken(TokenReader* reader, TokenType tokenType);

    // Skip a singel balanced token, which is either a single token in
    // the common case, or a matched pair of tokens for `()`, `[]`, and `{}`
    static TokenType SkipBalancedToken(
        TokenReader* reader)
        TokenType tokenType = reader->advanceToken().type;
        switch (tokenType)

        case TokenType::LParent:    tokenType = SkipToMatchingToken(reader, TokenType::RParent);    break;
        case TokenType::LBrace:     tokenType = SkipToMatchingToken(reader, TokenType::RBrace);     break;
        case TokenType::LBracket:   tokenType = SkipToMatchingToken(reader, TokenType::RBracket);   break;
        return tokenType;

    // Skip balanced
    static TokenType SkipToMatchingToken(
        TokenReader*                reader,
        TokenType    tokenType)
        for (;;)
            if (reader->isAtEnd()) return TokenType::EndOfFile;
            if (reader->peekTokenType() == tokenType)
                return tokenType;

    // Is the given token type one that is used to "close" a
    // balanced construct.
    static bool IsClosingToken(TokenType tokenType)
        switch (tokenType)
        case TokenType::EndOfFile:
        case TokenType::RBracket:
        case TokenType::RParent:
        case TokenType::RBrace:
            return true;

            return false;

    // Expect an identifier token with the given content, and consume it.
    Token Parser::ReadToken(const char* expected)
        if (tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::Identifier
                && tokenReader.peekToken().getContent() == expected)
            isRecovering = false;
            return tokenReader.advanceToken();

        if (!isRecovering)
            Unexpected(this, expected);
            return tokenReader.peekToken();
            // Try to find a place to recover
            for (;;)
                // The token we expected?
                // Then exit recovery mode and pretend like all is well.
                if (tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::Identifier
                    && tokenReader.peekToken().getContent() == expected)
                    isRecovering = false;
                    return tokenReader.advanceToken();

                // Don't skip past any "closing" tokens.
                if (IsClosingToken(tokenReader.peekTokenType()))
                    return tokenReader.peekToken();

                // Skip balanced tokens and try again.

    Token Parser::ReadToken()
        return tokenReader.advanceToken();

    static bool TryRecover(
        Parser*                         parser,
        TokenType const* recoverBefore,
        int                             recoverBeforeCount,
        TokenType const* recoverAfter,
        int                             recoverAfterCount)
        if (!parser->isRecovering)
            return true;

        // Determine if we are looking for common closing tokens,
        // so that we can know whether or we are allowed to skip
        // over them.

        bool lookingForEOF = false;
        bool lookingForRCurly = false;
        bool lookingForRParen = false;
        bool lookingForRSquare = false;

        for (int ii = 0; ii < recoverBeforeCount; ++ii)
            switch (recoverBefore[ii])

            case TokenType::EndOfFile:  lookingForEOF       = true; break;
            case TokenType::RBrace:     lookingForRCurly    = true; break;
            case TokenType::RParent:    lookingForRParen    = true; break;
            case TokenType::RBracket:   lookingForRSquare   = true; break;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < recoverAfterCount; ++ii)
            switch (recoverAfter[ii])

            case TokenType::EndOfFile:  lookingForEOF       = true; break;
            case TokenType::RBrace:     lookingForRCurly    = true; break;
            case TokenType::RParent:    lookingForRParen    = true; break;
            case TokenType::RBracket:   lookingForRSquare   = true; break;

        TokenReader* tokenReader = &parser->tokenReader;
        for (;;)
            TokenType peek = tokenReader->peekTokenType();

            // Is the next token in our recover-before set?
            // If so, then we have recovered successfully!
            for (int ii = 0; ii < recoverBeforeCount; ++ii)
                if (peek == recoverBefore[ii])
                    parser->isRecovering = false;
                    return true;

            // If we are looking at a token in our recover-after set,
            // then consume it and recover
            for (int ii = 0; ii < recoverAfterCount; ++ii)
                if (peek == recoverAfter[ii])
                    parser->isRecovering = false;
                    return true;

            // Don't try to skip past end of file
            if (peek == TokenType::EndOfFile)
                return false;

            switch (peek)
            // Don't skip past simple "closing" tokens, *unless*
            // we are looking for a closing token
            case TokenType::RParent:
            case TokenType::RBracket:
                if (lookingForRParen || lookingForRSquare || lookingForRCurly || lookingForEOF)
                    // We are looking for a closing token, so it is okay to skip these
                    return false;

            // Don't skip a `}`, to avoid spurious errors,
            // with the exception of when we are looking for EOF
            case TokenType::RBrace:
                if (lookingForRCurly || lookingForEOF)
                    // We are looking for end-of-file, so it is okay to skip here
                    return false;

            // Skip balanced tokens and try again.
            TokenType skipped = SkipBalancedToken(tokenReader);

            // If we happened to find a matched pair of tokens, and
            // the end of it was a token we were looking for,
            // then recover here
            for (int ii = 0; ii < recoverAfterCount; ++ii)
                if (skipped == recoverAfter[ii])
                    parser->isRecovering = false;
                    return true;

    static bool TryRecoverBefore(
        Parser*                     parser,
        TokenType    before0)
        TokenType recoverBefore[] = { before0 };
        return TryRecover(parser, recoverBefore, 1, nullptr, 0);

    // Default recovery strategy, to use inside `{}`-delimeted blocks.
    static bool TryRecover(
        Parser*                     parser)
        TokenType recoverBefore[] = { TokenType::RBrace };
        TokenType recoverAfter[] = { TokenType::Semicolon };
        return TryRecover(parser, recoverBefore, 1, recoverAfter, 1);

    Token Parser::readTokenImpl(TokenType expected, bool forceSkippingToClosingToken)
        if (tokenReader.peekTokenType() == expected)
            isRecovering = false;
            sameTokenPeekedTimes = 0;
            return tokenReader.advanceToken();

        if (!isRecovering)
            Unexpected(this, expected);
            if (!forceSkippingToClosingToken)
                return tokenReader.peekToken();
            switch (expected)
            case TokenType::RBrace:
            case TokenType::RParent:
            case TokenType::RBracket:
                return tokenReader.peekToken();

        // Try to find a place to recover
        if (TryRecoverBefore(this, expected))
            isRecovering = false;
            return tokenReader.advanceToken();
        // This could be dangerous: if `ReadToken()` is being called
        // in a loop we may never make forward progress, so we use
        // a counter to limit the maximum amount of times we are allowed
        // to peek the same token. If the outter parsing logic is
        // correct, we will pop back to the right level. If there are
        // erroneous parsing logic, this counter is to prevent us
        // looping infinitely.
        static const int kMaxTokenPeekCount = 64;
        if (sameTokenPeekedTimes < kMaxTokenPeekCount)
            return tokenReader.peekToken();
            sameTokenPeekedTimes = 0;
            return tokenReader.advanceToken();

    Token Parser::ReadToken(TokenType expected)
        return readTokenImpl(expected, false);

    Token Parser::ReadMatchingToken(TokenType expected)
        return readTokenImpl(expected, true);

    bool Parser::LookAheadToken(const char* string, int offset)
        TokenReader r = tokenReader;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < offset; ++ii)

        return r.peekTokenType() == TokenType::Identifier
            && r.peekToken().getContent() == string;

    bool Parser::LookAheadToken(TokenType type, int offset)
        TokenReader r = tokenReader;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < offset; ++ii)

        return r.peekTokenType() == type;

    bool Parser::LookAheadToken(TokenType type)
        return tokenReader.peekTokenType() == type;

    bool Parser::LookAheadToken(const char* string)
        const auto& token = tokenReader.peekToken();
        return token.type == TokenType::Identifier && token.getContent() == string;

    // Consume a token and return true it if matches, otherwise false
    bool AdvanceIf(Parser* parser, TokenType tokenType)
        if (parser->LookAheadToken(tokenType))
            return true;
        return false;

    bool AdvanceIf(Parser* parser, TokenType tokenType, Token* outToken)
        if (parser->LookAheadToken(tokenType))
            *outToken = parser->ReadToken();
            return true;
        return false;

    // Consume a token and return true it if matches, otherwise false
    bool AdvanceIf(Parser* parser, char const* text)
        if (parser->LookAheadToken(text))
            return true;
        return false;

        /// Information on how to parse certain pairs of matches tokens
    struct MatchedTokenInfo
            /// The token type that opens the pair
        TokenType openTokenType;

            /// The token type that closes the pair
        TokenType closeTokenType;

            /// A list of token types that should lead the parser
            /// to abandon its search for a matchign closing token
            /// (terminated by `TokenType::EndOfFile`).
        TokenType const* bailAtCloseTokens;
    static const TokenType kMatchedToken_BailAtEOF[] = { TokenType::EndOfFile };
    static const TokenType kMatchedToken_BailAtCurlyBraceOrEOF[] = { TokenType::RBrace, TokenType::EndOfFile };
    static const MatchedTokenInfo kMatchedTokenInfos[] =
        { TokenType::LParent,   TokenType::RParent,     kMatchedToken_BailAtCurlyBraceOrEOF },
        { TokenType::LBracket,  TokenType::RBracket,    kMatchedToken_BailAtCurlyBraceOrEOF },
        { TokenType::LBrace,    TokenType::RBrace,      kMatchedToken_BailAtEOF },
        { TokenType::Unknown,   TokenType::EndOfFile,   kMatchedToken_BailAtEOF },

        /// Expect to enter a matched region starting with `tokenType`
        /// Returns `true` on a match and `false` if a region is not entered.
    bool beginMatch(Parser* parser, MatchedTokenType type)
        auto& info = kMatchedTokenInfos[int(type)];
        bool result = peekTokenType(parser) == info.openTokenType;
        return result;

    // Consume a token and return true if it matches, otherwise check
    // for end-of-file and expect that token (potentially producing
    // an error) and return true to maintain forward progress.
    // Otherwise return false.
    bool AdvanceIfMatch(Parser* parser, MatchedTokenType type, Token* outToken)
        // The behavior of the seatch for a match can depend on the
        // type of matches tokens we are parsing.
        auto& info = kMatchedTokenInfos[int(type)];

        // First, if the parser is already in a state where it is recovering
        // from an earlier syntax error, we want to give it a fighting chance
        // to recover here, because we know a token type we are looking for.
        // Basically, if the parser can skip ahead some number of tokens to
        // find a token of the correct type to close this matched list, then
        // we would like to do so.
        // Note: this behavior does not mean that any syntax error in a list
        // will automatically skip the remainder of the list. The reason is
        // that most syntax lists have a separate or terminator (e.g., a
        // comma or semicolon), and reading in a separator will also serve
        // to recover the parser. The case here is only going to come up
        // when the lookahead for a separator/terminator already failed.
        if (parser->isRecovering)
            TryRecoverBefore(parser, info.closeTokenType);

        // If the result of our recovery effort is that we are looking
        // at the token type we wanted, we can consume it and return,
        // with the parser happily recovered.
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, info.closeTokenType, outToken))
            return true;

        // Otherwise, we know that we haven't yet recovered.
        // The challenge here is that `AdvanceIfMatch()` is almost always
        // called in a loop, and we need that loop to terminate at
        // some point.
        // Each of the types of matched tokens is assocaited with a
        // list of token types where we should "bail" from our search
        // for a closing token and exit a nested construct.
        // In the simplest terms, when looking for `)` or `]` we will
        // bail on a `}` or end-of-file, while when looking for a `}`
        // we will only bail on an end-of-file.
        auto nextTokenType = parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType();
        for(auto bailAtTokenTypePtr = info.bailAtCloseTokens;; bailAtTokenTypePtr++)
            auto bailAtTokenType = *bailAtTokenTypePtr;
            if(nextTokenType == bailAtTokenType)
                // If we are going to bail out of the loop here, then
                // we make sure to try to read the token type we were
                // originally looking for, even though we know it will
                // fail.
                // If we are already in recovery mode, this will do nothing.
                // If we *aren't* in recovery mode, this step is what leads
                // the parser to output an error message like "expected
                // a `)`, found a `}`" which is pretty much exactly what
                // we want.
                *outToken = parser->ReadToken(info.closeTokenType);
                return true;

            // The list of token types that should cause us to "bail" on
            // our search is always terminated by the EOF token type, so
            // we don't want to read past that one.
            if(bailAtTokenType == TokenType::EndOfFile)
        return false;

    bool AdvanceIfMatch(Parser* parser, MatchedTokenType type)
        Token ignored;
        return AdvanceIfMatch(parser, type, &ignored);

    NodeBase* parseTypeDef(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        TypeDefDecl* typeDefDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<TypeDefDecl>();

        // TODO(tfoley): parse an actual declarator
        auto type = parser->ParseTypeExp();

        auto nameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
        typeDefDecl->loc = nameToken.loc;

        typeDefDecl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(nameToken);
        typeDefDecl->type = type;

        return typeDefDecl;

    // Add a modifier to a list of modifiers being built
    static void AddModifier(Modifier*** ioModifierLink, Modifier* modifier)
        Modifier**& modifierLink = *ioModifierLink;

        // We'd like to add the modifier to the end of the list,
        // but we need to be careful, in case there is a "shared"
        // section of modifiers for multiple declarations.
        // TODO: This whole approach is a mess because we are "accidentally quadratic"
        // when adding many modifiers.
            // At end of the chain? Done.

            // About to look at shared modifiers? Done.
            Modifier* linkMod = *modifierLink;

            // Otherwise: keep traversing the modifier list.
            modifierLink = &(*modifierLink)->next;

        // Splice the modifier into the linked list

        // We need to deal with the case where the modifier to
        // be spliced in might actually be a modifier *list*,
        // so that we actually want to splice in at the
        // end of the new list...
        auto spliceLink = &modifier->next;
            spliceLink = &(*spliceLink)->next;

        // Do the splice.
        *spliceLink = *modifierLink;

        *modifierLink = modifier;
        modifierLink = &modifier->next;

    void addModifier(
        ModifiableSyntaxNode*    syntax,
        Modifier*                modifier)
        auto modifierLink = &syntax->modifiers.first;
        AddModifier(&modifierLink, modifier);

    // '::'? identifier ('::' identifier)* 
    static Token parseAttributeName(Parser* parser, Token& outOriginalLastToken)
        const SourceLoc scopedIdSourceLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();

        // Strip initial :: if there is one
        const TokenType initialTokenType = parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType();
        if (initialTokenType == TokenType::Scope)
        if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::CompletionRequest))
            return parser->ReadToken();

        const Token firstIdentifier = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
        outOriginalLastToken = firstIdentifier;
        if (initialTokenType != TokenType::Scope && parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() != TokenType::Scope)
            return firstIdentifier;

        // Build up scoped string
        StringBuilder scopedIdentifierBuilder;
        if (initialTokenType == TokenType::Scope)

        while (parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::Scope)
            const Token nextIdentifier(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));
            outOriginalLastToken = nextIdentifier;

        // Make a 'token'
        SourceManager* sourceManager = parser->sink->getSourceManager();
        const UnownedStringSlice scopedIdentifier(sourceManager->allocateStringSlice(scopedIdentifierBuilder.getUnownedSlice()));   
        Token token(TokenType::Identifier, scopedIdentifier, scopedIdSourceLoc);

        // Get the name pool
        auto namePool = parser->getNamePool();

        // Since it's an Identifier have to set the name.

        return token;

    // Parse HLSL-style `[name(arg, ...)]` style "attribute" modifiers
    static void ParseSquareBracketAttributes(Parser* parser, Modifier*** ioModifierLink)

        const bool hasDoubleBracket = AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::LBracket);

            // Note: When parsing we just construct an AST node for an
            // "unchecked" attribute, and defer all detailed semantic
            // checking until later.
            // An alternative would be to perform lookup of an `AttributeDecl`
            // at this point, similar to what we do for `SyntaxDecl`, but it
            // seems better to not complicate the parsing process any more.

            Token originalLastToken;
            Token nameToken = parseAttributeName(parser, originalLastToken);

            UncheckedAttribute* modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<UncheckedAttribute>();
            modifier->keywordName = nameToken.getName();
            modifier->loc = originalLastToken.getLoc();
            modifier->scope = parser->currentScope;
            modifier->originalIdentifierToken = originalLastToken;

            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::LParent))
                // HLSL-style `[name(arg0, ...)]` attribute

                while (!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))
                    auto arg = parser->ParseArgExpr();
                    if (arg)

                    if (AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))

            AddModifier(ioModifierLink, modifier);

            if (AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::SquareBrackets))

            // If there is a comma consume it. It appears that the comma is optional.
            AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma);

        if (hasDoubleBracket)
            // Read the second ]

    static TokenType peekTokenType(Parser* parser)
        return parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType();

        /// Peek the token `offset` tokens after the cursor
    static TokenType peekTokenType(Parser* parser, int offset)
        TokenReader r = parser->tokenReader;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < offset; ++ii)
        return r.peekTokenType();

    static Token advanceToken(Parser* parser)
        return parser->ReadToken();

    static Token peekToken(Parser* parser)
        return parser->tokenReader.peekToken();

    static SyntaxDecl* tryLookUpSyntaxDecl(
        Parser* parser,
        Name*   name)
        // Let's look up the name and see what we find.

        auto lookupResult = lookUp(
            nullptr, // no semantics visitor available yet

        // If we didn't find anything, or the result was overloaded,
        // then we aren't going to be able to extract a single decl.
        if(!lookupResult.isValid() || lookupResult.isOverloaded())
            return nullptr;

        auto decl = lookupResult.item.declRef.getDecl();
        if( auto syntaxDecl = as<SyntaxDecl>(decl) )
            return syntaxDecl;
            return nullptr;

    template<typename T>
    bool tryParseUsingSyntaxDeclImpl(
        Parser*     parser,
        SyntaxDecl* syntaxDecl,
        T**  outSyntax)
        if (!syntaxDecl)
            return false;

        if (!syntaxDecl->syntaxClass.isSubClassOf<T>())
            return false;

        // Consume the token that specified the keyword
        auto keywordToken = advanceToken(parser);

        NodeBase* parsedObject = syntaxDecl->parseCallback(parser, syntaxDecl->parseUserData);
        if (!parsedObject)
            return false;

        auto innerParsedObject = parsedObject;
        auto genericDecl = as<GenericDecl>(parsedObject);
        if (genericDecl)
            innerParsedObject = genericDecl->inner;

        auto syntax = as<T>(innerParsedObject);
        if (syntax)
            if (!syntax->loc.isValid())
                syntax->loc = keywordToken.loc;
                if (genericDecl)
                    genericDecl->nameAndLoc.loc = syntax->loc;
                    genericDecl->loc = syntax->loc;
                if (auto decl = as<Decl>(syntax))
                    decl->nameAndLoc.loc = syntax->loc;
        else if (parsedObject)
            // Something was parsed, but it didn't have the expected type!
            SLANG_DIAGNOSE_UNEXPECTED(parser->sink, keywordToken, "parser callback did not return the expected type");

        if (auto converted = as<T>(parsedObject))
            *outSyntax = converted;
            return true;
        return false;

    template<typename T>
    bool tryParseUsingSyntaxDecl(
        Parser*     parser,
        T**  outSyntax)
        if (peekTokenType(parser) != TokenType::Identifier)
            return false;

        auto nameToken = peekToken(parser);
        auto name = nameToken.getName();

        auto syntaxDecl = tryLookUpSyntaxDecl(parser, name);

        if (!syntaxDecl)
            return false;

        return tryParseUsingSyntaxDeclImpl<T>(parser, syntaxDecl, outSyntax);

    static Modifiers ParseModifiers(Parser* parser)
        Modifiers modifiers;
        Modifier** modifierLink = &modifiers.first;
        for (;;)
            switch (peekTokenType(parser))
                // If we don't see a token type that we recognize, then
                // assume we are done with the modifier sequence.
                return modifiers;

            case TokenType::Identifier:
                    // We see an identifier ahead, and it might be the name
                    // of a modifier keyword of some kind.

                    Token nameToken = peekToken(parser);

                    Modifier* parsedModifier = nullptr;
                    if (tryParseUsingSyntaxDecl<Modifier>(parser, &parsedModifier))
                        parsedModifier->keywordName = nameToken.getName();
                        if (!parsedModifier->loc.isValid())
                            parsedModifier->loc = nameToken.loc;
                        if (as<VisibilityModifier>(parsedModifier))
                            if (auto currentModule = parser->getCurrentModuleDecl())
                                currentModule->isInLegacyLanguage = false;
                        AddModifier(&modifierLink, parsedModifier);
                    else if (AdvanceIf(parser, "no_diff"))
                        parsedModifier = parser->astBuilder->create<NoDiffModifier>();
                        parsedModifier->keywordName = nameToken.getName();
                        parsedModifier->loc = nameToken.loc;
                        AddModifier(&modifierLink, parsedModifier);
                    else if (parser->options.allowGLSLInput)
                        if (AdvanceIf(parser, "flat"))
                            parsedModifier = parser->astBuilder->create<HLSLNoInterpolationModifier>();
                            parsedModifier->keywordName = nameToken.getName();
                            parsedModifier->loc = nameToken.loc;
                            AddModifier(&modifierLink, parsedModifier);
                    // If there was no match for a modifier keyword, then we
                    // must be at the end of the modifier sequence
                    return modifiers;

            // HLSL uses `[attributeName]` style for its modifiers, which closely
            // matches the C++ `[[attributeName]]` style.
            case TokenType::LBracket:
                ParseSquareBracketAttributes(parser, &modifierLink);

    static Name* getName(Parser* parser, String const& text)
        return parser->getNamePool()->getName(text);

    static bool expect(Parser* parser, TokenType tokenType)
        return parser->ReadToken(tokenType).type == tokenType;

    static NameLoc expectIdentifier(Parser* parser)
        if (!parser->hasSeenCompletionToken && parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::CompletionRequest))
            parser->hasSeenCompletionToken = true;
        return NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));

    static void parseFileReferenceDeclBase(Parser* parser, FileReferenceDeclBase* decl)
        decl->scope = parser->currentScope;
        decl->startLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();

        if (peekTokenType(parser) == TokenType::StringLiteral)
            auto nameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::StringLiteral);
            auto nameString = getStringLiteralTokenValue(nameToken);
            auto moduleName = getName(parser, nameString);

            decl->moduleNameAndLoc = NameLoc(moduleName, nameToken.loc);
            auto moduleNameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);

            // We allow a dotted format for the name, as sugar
            if (peekTokenType(parser) == TokenType::Dot)
                StringBuilder sb;
                sb << getText(;
                while (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Dot))
                    sb << "/";
                    sb << parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier).getContent();

       = getName(parser, sb.produceString());

            decl->moduleNameAndLoc = moduleNameAndLoc;
        decl->endLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();

    static NodeBase* parseImportDecl(
        Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto decl = parser->astBuilder->create<ImportDecl>();
        parseFileReferenceDeclBase(parser, decl);
        return decl;

    static NodeBase* parseIncludeDecl(
        Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto decl = parser->astBuilder->create<IncludeDecl>();
        parseFileReferenceDeclBase(parser, decl);
        if (auto currentModule = parser->getCurrentModuleDecl())
            currentModule->isInLegacyLanguage = false;
        return decl;

    static NodeBase* parseImplementingDecl(
        Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto decl = parser->astBuilder->create<ImplementingDecl>();
        parseFileReferenceDeclBase(parser, decl);
        return decl;

    static NodeBase* parseModuleDeclarationDecl(
        Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto decl = parser->astBuilder->create<ModuleDeclarationDecl>();
        if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier))
            auto nameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
            decl-> = parser->getNamePool()->getName(nameToken.getContent());
            decl->nameAndLoc.loc = nameToken.loc;
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::StringLiteral))
            auto nameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::StringLiteral);
            decl-> = parser->getNamePool()->getName(getStringLiteralTokenValue(nameToken));
            decl->nameAndLoc.loc = nameToken.loc;
            if (auto moduleDecl = parser->getCurrentModuleDecl())
                decl-> = moduleDecl->getName();
            decl->nameAndLoc.loc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();
        if (auto currentModule = parser->getCurrentModuleDecl())
            currentModule->isInLegacyLanguage = false;
        return decl;

    static NameLoc ParseDeclName(
        Parser* parser)
        Token nameToken;
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, "operator"))
            nameToken = parser->ReadToken();
            switch (nameToken.type)
            case TokenType::OpAdd: case TokenType::OpSub: case TokenType::OpMul: case TokenType::OpDiv:
            case TokenType::OpMod: case TokenType::OpNot: case TokenType::OpBitNot: case TokenType::OpLsh: case TokenType::OpRsh:
            case TokenType::OpEql: case TokenType::OpNeq: case TokenType::OpGreater: case TokenType::OpLess: case TokenType::OpGeq:
            case TokenType::OpLeq: case TokenType::OpAnd: case TokenType::OpOr: case TokenType::OpBitXor: case TokenType::OpBitAnd:
            case TokenType::OpBitOr: case TokenType::OpInc: case TokenType::OpDec:
            case TokenType::OpAddAssign:
            case TokenType::OpSubAssign:
            case TokenType::OpMulAssign:
            case TokenType::OpDivAssign:
            case TokenType::OpModAssign:
            case TokenType::OpShlAssign:
            case TokenType::OpShrAssign:
            case TokenType::OpOrAssign:
            case TokenType::OpAndAssign:
            case TokenType::OpXorAssign:

            // Note(tfoley): A bit of a hack:
            case TokenType::Comma:
            case TokenType::OpAssign:

            // Note(tfoley): Even more of a hack!
            case TokenType::QuestionMark:
                if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
                    // Concat : onto ?
                ;       // fall-thru
                parser->sink->diagnose(nameToken.loc, Diagnostics::invalidOperator, nameToken);

            return NameLoc(
                getName(parser, nameToken.getContent()),
            nameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
            return NameLoc(nameToken);

    // A "declarator" as used in C-style languages
    struct Declarator : RefObject
        // Different cases of declarator appear as "flavors" here
        enum class Flavor
        Flavor flavor;

    // The most common case of declarator uses a simple name
    struct NameDeclarator : Declarator
        NameLoc nameAndLoc;

    // A declarator that declares a pointer type
    struct PointerDeclarator : Declarator
        // location of the `*` token
        SourceLoc starLoc;

        RefPtr<Declarator>				inner;

    // A declarator that declares an array type
    struct ArrayDeclarator : Declarator
        RefPtr<Declarator>				inner;

        // location of the `[` token
        SourceLoc openBracketLoc;

        // The expression that yields the element count, or NULL
        Expr*	elementCountExpr = nullptr;

    // "Unwrapped" information about a declarator
    struct DeclaratorInfo
        Expr*	    typeSpec = nullptr;
        NameLoc             nameAndLoc;
        Modifiers   semantics;
        Expr*	    initializer = nullptr;

    // Add a member declaration to its container, and ensure that its
    // parent link is set up correctly.
    static void AddMember(ContainerDecl* container, Decl* member)
        if (container)

    static void AddMember(Scope* scope, Decl* member)
        if (scope)

    static Decl* ParseGenericParamDecl(
        Parser*             parser,
        GenericDecl* genericDecl)
        // simple syntax to introduce a value parameter
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, "let"))
            // default case is a type parameter
            auto paramDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericValueParamDecl>();
            paramDecl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));
            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
                paramDecl->type = parser->ParseTypeExp();
            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
                paramDecl->initExpr = parser->ParseInitExpr();
            return paramDecl;
            // default case is a type parameter
            GenericTypeParamDecl* paramDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericTypeParamDecl>();
            paramDecl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));
            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
                // The user is apply a constraint to this type parameter...

                auto paramConstraint = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericTypeConstraintDecl>();

                auto paramType = DeclRefType::create(

                auto paramTypeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<SharedTypeExpr>();
                paramTypeExpr->loc = paramDecl->loc;
                paramTypeExpr->base.type = paramType;
                paramTypeExpr->type = QualType(parser->astBuilder->getTypeType(paramType));

                paramConstraint->sub = TypeExp(paramTypeExpr);
                paramConstraint->sup = parser->ParseTypeExp();

                AddMember(genericDecl, paramConstraint);

            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
                paramDecl->initType = parser->ParseTypeExp();
            return paramDecl;

    template<typename TFunc>
    static void ParseGenericDeclImpl(
        Parser* parser, GenericDecl* decl, const TFunc & parseInnerFunc)
        for (;;)
            const TokenType tokenType = parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType();
            if (tokenType == TokenType::OpGreater ||
                tokenType == TokenType::EndOfFile)

            auto currentCursor = parser->tokenReader.getCursor();

            AddMember(decl, ParseGenericParamDecl(parser, decl));

            // Make sure we make forward progress.
            if (parser->tokenReader.getCursor() == currentCursor)

            if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::OpGreater))

            if (!AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma))
        decl->inner = parseInnerFunc(decl);
        decl->inner->parentDecl = decl;

        // A generic decl hijacks the name of the declaration
        // it wraps, so that lookup can find it.
        if (decl->inner)
            decl->nameAndLoc = decl->inner->nameAndLoc;
            decl->loc = decl->inner->loc;

    template<typename ParseFunc>
    static Decl* parseOptGenericDecl(
        Parser* parser, const ParseFunc& parseInner)
        // TODO: may want more advanced disambiguation than this...
        if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::OpLess))
            GenericDecl* genericDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericDecl>();
            ParseGenericDeclImpl(parser, genericDecl, parseInner);
            return genericDecl;
            return parseInner(nullptr);

    static NodeBase* parseGenericDecl(Parser* parser, void*)
        GenericDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericDecl>();
        ParseGenericDeclImpl(parser, decl, [=](GenericDecl* genDecl) {return ParseSingleDecl(parser, genDecl); });
        return decl;

    static void parseParameterList(
        Parser*         parser,
        CallableDecl*    decl)

        // Allow a declaration to use the keyword `void` for a parameter list,
        // since that was required in ancient C, and continues to be supported
        // in a bunch of its derivatives even if it is a Bad Design Choice
        // TODO: conditionalize this so we don't keep this around for "pure"
        // Slang code
        if( parser->LookAheadToken("void") && parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::RParent, 1) )

        while (!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))
            AddMember(decl, parser->ParseParameter());
            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::RParent))

    // systematically replace all scopes in an expression tree
    class ReplaceScopeVisitor : public ExprVisitor<ReplaceScopeVisitor>
        Scope* scope = nullptr;

        void visitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr* expr)
            expr->scope = scope;
        void visitGenericAppExpr(GenericAppExpr * expr)
            expr->functionExpr->accept(this, nullptr);
            for (auto arg : expr->arguments)
                arg->accept(this, nullptr);
        void visitIndexExpr(IndexExpr * expr)
            expr->baseExpression->accept(this, nullptr);
            for (auto arg : expr->indexExprs)
                arg->accept(this, nullptr);
        void visitMemberExpr(MemberExpr * expr)
            expr->baseExpression->accept(this, nullptr);
            expr->scope = scope;
        void visitStaticMemberExpr(StaticMemberExpr * expr)
            expr->baseExpression->accept(this, nullptr);
            expr->scope = scope;
        void visitExpr(Expr* /*expr*/)

        /// Parse an optional body statement for a declaration that can have a body.
    static Stmt* parseOptBody(Parser* parser)
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Semicolon))
            // empty body
            return nullptr;
            return parser->parseBlockStatement();

        /// Complete parsing of a function using traditional (C-like) declarator syntax
    static Decl* parseTraditionalFuncDecl(
        Parser*                 parser,
        DeclaratorInfo const&   declaratorInfo)
        FuncDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<FuncDecl>();
        decl->loc = declaratorInfo.nameAndLoc.loc;
        decl->nameAndLoc = declaratorInfo.nameAndLoc;

        return parseOptGenericDecl(parser, [&](GenericDecl*)
            // HACK: The return type of the function will already have been
            // parsed in a scope that didn't include the function's generic
            // parameters.
            // We will use a visitor here to try and replace the scope associated
            // with any name expressiosn in the reuslt type.
            // TODO: This should be fixed by not associating scopes with
            // such expressions at parse time, and instead pushing down scopes
            // as part of the state during semantic checking.
            ReplaceScopeVisitor replaceScopeVisitor;
            replaceScopeVisitor.scope = parser->currentScope;
            declaratorInfo.typeSpec->accept(&replaceScopeVisitor, nullptr);

            decl->returnType = TypeExp(declaratorInfo.typeSpec);


            parseParameterList(parser, decl);

            if (AdvanceIf(parser, "throws"))
                decl->errorType = parser->ParseTypeExp();

            _parseOptSemantics(parser, decl);
            decl->body = parseOptBody(parser);
            if (auto block = as<BlockStmt>(decl->body))
                decl->closingSourceLoc = block->closingSourceLoc;

            return decl;

    static VarDeclBase* CreateVarDeclForContext(
        ASTBuilder* astBuilder, 
        ContainerDecl*  containerDecl )
        if (as<CallableDecl>(containerDecl))
            // Function parameters always use their dedicated syntax class.
            return astBuilder->create<ParamDecl>();
            // Globals, locals, and member variables all use the same syntax class.
            return astBuilder->create<VarDecl>();

    // Add modifiers to the end of the modifier list for a declaration
    static void _addModifiers(Decl* decl, Modifiers const& modifiers)
        if (!modifiers.first)

        Modifier** link = &decl->modifiers.first;
        while (*link)
            link = &(*link)->next;
        *link = modifiers.first;

    static Name* generateName(Parser* parser, String const& base)
        // TODO: somehow mangle the name to avoid clashes
        return getName(parser, "SLANG_" + base);

    static Name* generateName(Parser* parser)
        return generateName(parser, "anonymous_" + String(parser->anonymousCounter++));

    // Set up a variable declaration based on what we saw in its declarator...
    static void CompleteVarDecl(
        Parser*					parser,
        VarDeclBase*		decl,
        DeclaratorInfo const&	declaratorInfo)

        if( ! )
            // HACK(tfoley): we always give a name, even if the declarator didn't include one... :(
            decl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(generateName(parser));
            decl->loc = declaratorInfo.nameAndLoc.loc;
            decl->nameAndLoc = declaratorInfo.nameAndLoc;
        decl->type = TypeExp(declaratorInfo.typeSpec);

        _addModifiers(decl, declaratorInfo.semantics);

        decl->initExpr = declaratorInfo.initializer;

    typedef unsigned int DeclaratorParseOptions;
        kDeclaratorParseOptions_None = 0,
        kDeclaratorParseOption_AllowEmpty = 1 << 0,

    static RefPtr<Declarator> parseDeclarator(
        Parser*                 parser,
        DeclaratorParseOptions  options);

    static RefPtr<Declarator> parseDirectAbstractDeclarator(
        Parser*                 parser,
        DeclaratorParseOptions  options)
        RefPtr<Declarator> declarator;
        switch( parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() )
        case TokenType::Identifier:
                auto nameDeclarator = new NameDeclarator();
                nameDeclarator->flavor = Declarator::Flavor::name;
                nameDeclarator->nameAndLoc = ParseDeclName(parser);
                declarator = nameDeclarator;

        case TokenType::LParent:
                // Note(tfoley): This is a point where disambiguation is required.
                // We could be looking at an abstract declarator for a function-type
                // parameter:
                //     void F( int(int) );
                // Or we could be looking at the use of parenthesese in an ordinary
                // declarator:
                //     void (*f)(int);
                // The difference really doesn't matter right now, but we err in
                // the direction of assuming the second case.
                // TODO: We should consider just not supporting this case at all,
                // since it can't come up in current Slang (no pointer or function-type
                // support), and we might be able to introduce alternative syntax
                // to get around these issues when those features come online.
                declarator = parseDeclarator(parser, options);

            if(options & kDeclaratorParseOption_AllowEmpty)
                // an empty declarator is allowed
                // If an empty declarator is now allowed, then we
                // will give the user an error message saying that
                // an identifier was expected.
            return nullptr;

        // postifx additions
        for( ;;)
            switch( parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() )
            case TokenType::LBracket:
                    auto arrayDeclarator = new ArrayDeclarator();
                    arrayDeclarator->openBracketLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();
                    arrayDeclarator->flavor = Declarator::Flavor::Array;
                    arrayDeclarator->inner = declarator;

                    if( parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() != TokenType::RBracket )
                        arrayDeclarator->elementCountExpr = parser->ParseExpression();

                    declarator = arrayDeclarator;

            case TokenType::LParent:

            case TokenType::OpLess:
                    if (parser->options.enableEffectAnnotations)
                        // If we are in a context where effect annotations are allowed,
                        // then we need to disambiguate the content after "<" to see if it
                        // should be parsed as an annotation or generic argument list.
                        // If we can determine the content inside a `<>` is an annotation,
                        // we will skip the tokens inside the angle brackets.
                        if (parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::OpLess)
                            if (parser->LookAheadToken("let", 1))
                                // If we see `<let` then we are looking at a generic arg list.
                            else if (parser->LookAheadToken(":", 2))
                                // If we see a "< xxx :", we can also parse it as a generic arg list.
                                // Otherwise, we may be looking at an effect annotation.
                                // For now we just skip tokens until we see `>`, if we see any `;` in between,
                                // we can conclude that this is an annotation.
                                TokenReader tempReader = parser->tokenReader;
                                bool foundSemicolon = false;
                                while (tempReader.peekTokenType() != TokenType::OpGreater &&
                                    tempReader.peekTokenType() != TokenType::EndOfFile)
                                    if (tempReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::Semicolon)
                                        foundSemicolon = true;
                                if (foundSemicolon)
                                    parser->tokenReader = tempReader;



        return declarator;

    // Parse a declarator (or at least as much of one as we support)
    static RefPtr<Declarator> parseDeclarator(
        Parser*                 parser,
        DeclaratorParseOptions  options)
        if( parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::OpMul )
            auto ptrDeclarator = new PointerDeclarator();
            ptrDeclarator->starLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();
            ptrDeclarator->flavor = Declarator::Flavor::Pointer;


            // TODO(tfoley): allow qualifiers like `const` here?

            ptrDeclarator->inner = parseDeclarator(parser, options);
            return ptrDeclarator;
            return parseDirectAbstractDeclarator(parser, options);

    // A declarator plus optional semantics and initializer
    struct InitDeclarator
        RefPtr<Declarator>  declarator;
        Modifiers    semantics;
        Expr*        initializer = nullptr;

    // Parse a declarator plus optional semantics
    static InitDeclarator parseSemanticDeclarator(
        Parser*                 parser,
        DeclaratorParseOptions  options)
        InitDeclarator result;
        result.declarator = parseDeclarator(parser, options);
        result.semantics = _parseOptSemantics(parser);
        return result;

    // Parse a declarator plus optional semantics and initializer
    static InitDeclarator parseInitDeclarator(
        Parser*                 parser,
        DeclaratorParseOptions  options)
        InitDeclarator result = parseSemanticDeclarator(parser, options);
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
            result.initializer = parser->ParseInitExpr();
        return result;

    static void UnwrapDeclarator(
        ASTBuilder*         astBuilder, 
        RefPtr<Declarator>	declarator,
        DeclaratorInfo*		ioInfo)
        while( declarator )
            case Declarator::Flavor::name:
                    auto nameDeclarator = (NameDeclarator*) declarator.Ptr();
                    ioInfo->nameAndLoc = nameDeclarator->nameAndLoc;

            case Declarator::Flavor::Pointer:
                    auto ptrDeclarator = (PointerDeclarator*) declarator.Ptr();
                    auto ptrTypeExpr = astBuilder->create<PointerTypeExpr>();
                    ptrTypeExpr->loc = ptrDeclarator->starLoc;
                    ptrTypeExpr->base.exp = ioInfo->typeSpec;
                    ioInfo->typeSpec = ptrTypeExpr;

                    declarator = ptrDeclarator->inner;

            case Declarator::Flavor::Array:
                    // TODO(tfoley): we don't support pointers for now
                    auto arrayDeclarator = (ArrayDeclarator*) declarator.Ptr();

                    auto arrayTypeExpr = astBuilder->create<IndexExpr>();
                    arrayTypeExpr->loc = arrayDeclarator->openBracketLoc;
                    arrayTypeExpr->baseExpression = ioInfo->typeSpec;
                    if (arrayDeclarator->elementCountExpr)
                    ioInfo->typeSpec = arrayTypeExpr;

                    declarator = arrayDeclarator->inner;

                SLANG_UNREACHABLE("all cases handled");

    static void UnwrapDeclarator(
        ASTBuilder*             astBuilder, 
        InitDeclarator const&	initDeclarator,
        DeclaratorInfo*			ioInfo)
        UnwrapDeclarator(astBuilder, initDeclarator.declarator, ioInfo);
        ioInfo->semantics = initDeclarator.semantics;
        ioInfo->initializer = initDeclarator.initializer;

    // Either a single declaration, or a group of them
    struct DeclGroupBuilder
        SourceLoc        startPosition;
        Decl*        decl = nullptr;
        DeclGroup*   group = nullptr;
        ASTBuilder*      astBuilder = nullptr;

        // Add a new declaration to the potential group
        void addDecl(
            Decl*    newDecl)

            if( decl )
                group = astBuilder->create<DeclGroup>();
                group->loc = startPosition;
                decl = nullptr;

            if( group )
                decl = newDecl;

        DeclBase* getResult()
            if(group) return group;
            return decl;

    // Create a type expression that will refer to the given declaration
    static Expr*
    createDeclRefType(Parser* parser, Decl* decl)
        // For now we just construct an expression that
        // will look up the given declaration by name.
        // TODO: do this better, e.g. by filling in the `declRef` field directly

        auto expr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
        expr->scope = parser->currentScope;
        expr->loc = decl->getNameLoc();
        expr->name = decl->getName();
        return expr;

    // Representation for a parsed type specifier, which might
    // include a declaration (e.g., of a `struct` type)
    struct TypeSpec
        // If the type-spec declared something, then put it here
        Decl*                    decl = nullptr;

        // Put the resulting expression (which should evaluate to a type) here
        Expr*    expr = nullptr;

    static Expr* parseGenericApp(
        Parser*                         parser,
        Expr*    base)
        GenericAppExpr* genericApp = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericAppExpr>();

        genericApp->loc = base->loc;
        genericApp->functionExpr = base;
        // For now assume all generics have at least one argument
        while (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma))

        if (parser->tokenReader.peekToken().type == TokenType::OpRsh)
            parser->tokenReader.peekToken().type = TokenType::OpGreater;
            parser->tokenReader.peekToken().loc.setRaw(parser->tokenReader.peekToken().loc.getRaw() + 1);
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::OpGreater))
            parser->sink->diagnose(parser->tokenReader.peekToken(), Diagnostics::tokenTypeExpected, "'>'");
        return genericApp;

    static bool isGenericName(Parser* parser, Name* name)
        auto lookupResult = lookUp(
            nullptr, // no semantics visitor available yet
        if (!lookupResult.isValid() || lookupResult.isOverloaded())
            return false;


    static Expr* tryParseGenericApp(
        Parser*                         parser,
        Expr*    base)
        Name * baseName = nullptr;
        if (auto varExpr = as<VarExpr>(base))
            baseName = varExpr->name;
        // if base is a known generics, parse as generics
        if (baseName && isGenericName(parser, baseName))
            return parseGenericApp(parser, base);

        // otherwise, we speculate as generics, and fallback to comparison when parsing failed
        TokenSpan tokenSpan;
        tokenSpan.m_begin = parser->tokenReader.m_cursor;
        tokenSpan.m_end = parser->tokenReader.m_end;

        // Setup without diagnostic lexer, or SourceLocationLine output
        // as this sink is just to *try* generic application
        DiagnosticSink newSink(parser->sink->getSourceManager(), nullptr);

        Parser newParser(*parser);
        newParser.sink = &newSink;

        /* auto speculateParseRs = */parseGenericApp(&newParser, base);

        if (newSink.getErrorCount() == 0)
            // disambiguate based on FOLLOW set
            switch (peekTokenType(&newParser))
            case TokenType::Scope:
            case TokenType::Dot:
            case TokenType::LParent:
            case TokenType::RParent:
            case TokenType::RBracket:
            case TokenType::Colon:
            case TokenType::Comma:
            case TokenType::QuestionMark:
            case TokenType::Semicolon:
            case TokenType::OpEql:
            case TokenType::OpNeq:
            case TokenType::OpGreater:
                return parseGenericApp(parser, base);
        return base;
    static Expr* parseMemberType(Parser * parser, Expr* base, SourceLoc opLoc)
        // When called the :: or . have been consumed, so don't need to consume here.

        MemberExpr* memberExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<MemberExpr>();
        memberExpr->memberOperatorLoc = opLoc;
        memberExpr->baseExpression = base;
        memberExpr->name = expectIdentifier(parser).name;
        return memberExpr;
    static Expr* parseStaticMemberType(Parser* parser, Expr* base, SourceLoc opLoc)
        // When called the :: or . have been consumed, so don't need to consume here.

        StaticMemberExpr* memberExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<StaticMemberExpr>();
        memberExpr->memberOperatorLoc = opLoc;
        memberExpr->baseExpression = base;
        memberExpr->name = expectIdentifier(parser).name;
        return memberExpr;
    // Parse optional `[]` braces after a type expression, that indicate an array type
    static Expr* parseBracketTypeSuffix(Parser* parser, Expr* inTypeExpr)
        auto typeExpr = inTypeExpr;
        for (;;)
            Token token;
            if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LBracket))
                IndexExpr* arrType = parser->astBuilder->create<IndexExpr>();
                arrType->loc = typeExpr->loc;
                arrType->baseExpression = typeExpr;
                if (!parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::RBracket))
                typeExpr = arrType;
        return typeExpr;

    // Parse option `[]` or `*` braces after a type expression, that indicate an array or pointer type
    static Expr* parsePostfixTypeSuffix(
        Parser* parser,
        Expr* inTypeExpr)
        auto typeExpr = inTypeExpr;
        for (;;)
            Token token;
            if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LBracket))
                IndexExpr* arrType = parser->astBuilder->create<IndexExpr>();
                arrType->loc = typeExpr->loc;
                arrType->baseExpression = typeExpr;
                if (!parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::RBracket))
                typeExpr = arrType;
            else if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpMul, &token))
                PointerTypeExpr* ptrType = parser->astBuilder->create<PointerTypeExpr>();
                ptrType->loc = token.loc;
                ptrType->base.exp = typeExpr;
                typeExpr = ptrType;
        return typeExpr;
        /// Parse an expression of the form __fwd_diff(fn) where fn is an 
        /// identifier pointing to a function.
    static Expr* parseForwardDifferentiate(Parser* parser)
        ForwardDifferentiateExpr* jvpExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<ForwardDifferentiateExpr>();


        jvpExpr->baseFunction = parser->ParseExpression();


        return jvpExpr;

    static NodeBase* parseForwardDifferentiate(Parser* parser, void* /* unused */)
        return parseForwardDifferentiate(parser);

        /// Parse an expression of the form __bwd_diff(fn) where fn is an 
        /// identifier pointing to a function.
    static Expr* parseBackwardDifferentiate(Parser* parser)
        BackwardDifferentiateExpr* bwdDiffExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<BackwardDifferentiateExpr>();


        bwdDiffExpr->baseFunction = parser->ParseExpression();


        return bwdDiffExpr;

    static NodeBase* parseBackwardDifferentiate(Parser* parser, void* /* unused */)
        return parseBackwardDifferentiate(parser);

    static Expr* parseDispatchKernel(Parser* parser)
        DispatchKernelExpr* dispatchExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<DispatchKernelExpr>();


        dispatchExpr->baseFunction = parser->ParseArgExpr();
        dispatchExpr->dispatchSize = parser->ParseArgExpr();
        dispatchExpr->threadGroupSize = parser->ParseArgExpr();

        return dispatchExpr;

    static NodeBase* parseDispatchKernel(Parser* parser, void* /* unused */)
        return parseDispatchKernel(parser);

    // (a,b,c) style tuples, curently unused
#if 0
    static Expr* parseTupleTypeExpr(Parser* parser)
        TupleTypeExpr* expr = parser->astBuilder->create<TupleTypeExpr>();
        while(!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))
            if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::RParent))
        return expr;

    static Expr* parseFuncTypeExpr(Parser* parser)
        auto expr = parser->astBuilder->create<FuncTypeExpr>();
        while(!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))
            if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::RParent))
        expr->result = parser->ParseTypeExp();
        return expr;

        /// Apply the given `modifiers` (if any) to the given `typeExpr`
    static Expr* _applyModifiersToTypeExpr(Parser* parser, Expr* typeExpr, Modifiers const& modifiers)
            // Currently, we represent a type with modifiers applied to it as
            // an AST node of the `ModifiedTypeExpr` class. We will create
            // one here and make it be the home for our `typeModifiers`.
            ModifiedTypeExpr* modifiedTypeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<ModifiedTypeExpr>();
            modifiedTypeExpr->base.exp = typeExpr;
            modifiedTypeExpr->modifiers = modifiers;
            return modifiedTypeExpr;
            // If none of the modifiers were type modifiers, we can leave
            // the existing type expression alone.
            return typeExpr;

    static String _wrappingModifierType(const WrappingTypeModifier* mod)
            return "GLSLShaderStorageBuffer";
        SLANG_UNREACHABLE("unhandled wrapping type modifier");

        /// Apply any type modifier in `ioBaseModifiers` to the given `typeExpr`.
        /// If any type modifiers were present, `ioBaseModifiers` will be updated
        /// to only include those modifiers that were not type modifiers (if any).
        /// If no type modifiers were present, `ioBaseModifiers` will remain unchanged.
    static Expr* _applyTypeModifiersToTypeExpr(Parser* parser, Expr* typeExpr, Modifiers& ioBaseModifiers)
        // The `Modifiers` that were passed in as `ioBaseModifiers` comprise
        // a singly-linked list of `Modifier` nodes.
        // It is possible that some of these modifiers represent type modifiers and,
        // if so, we want to transfer those modifiers to apply to the type given
        // by `typeExpr`. Any remaining modifiers that are not type modifiers will
        // be left in the `ioBaseModifiers` list.
        // The type modifiers will be collected into their own `Modifiers` list,
        // and we will retain a poiner to the final pointer in the linked list
        // (the one that is null), so that we can append to the end.
        Modifiers typeModifiers;
        Modifier** typeModifierLink = &typeModifiers.first;

        // While iterating over the base modifiers, we need to be able to remove
        // a linked-list node while inspecting it, so we will similarly keep a "link"
        // variable that points at whatever location points to the current node
        // (either the head of the list, or the `next` pointer in the previous modifier)
        Modifier** baseModifierLink = &ioBaseModifiers.first;
        while(auto baseModifier = *baseModifierLink)
            // We want to detect whether we have a type modifier or not.
            auto typeModifier = as<TypeModifier>(baseModifier);

            // The easy case is when we *don't* have a type modifier.
                // We want to leave the modifier where it is (in the list
                // of "base" modifiers), and advance to the next one in order.
                baseModifierLink = &baseModifier->next;
            else if(const auto wrappingTypeModifier = as<WrappingTypeModifier>(typeModifier))
                // This is where we match things which are modifiers in the
                // syntax, but we match conceptually as wrappers around a type
                // expression

                // Firstly, disptach the modifier, we don't need it again
                baseModifierLink = &baseModifier->next;

                // Conjure up the generic wrapper type
                // Make sure to use the outer scope, to avoid user name shadowing
                auto bufferWrapperTypeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
                bufferWrapperTypeExpr->loc = wrappingTypeModifier->loc;
                bufferWrapperTypeExpr->name = getName(parser, _wrappingModifierType(wrappingTypeModifier));
                bufferWrapperTypeExpr->scope = parser->outerScope;

                // Apply the wrapper
                auto bufferPointerTypeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericAppExpr>();
                bufferPointerTypeExpr->loc = wrappingTypeModifier->loc;
                bufferPointerTypeExpr->functionExpr = bufferWrapperTypeExpr;

                typeExpr = bufferPointerTypeExpr;
                // If we have a type modifier, we need to graft it onto
                // the list of type modifiers. This is done by writing
                // a pointer to the type modifier into the "link" for
                // the type modifier list, and updating the link to point
                // to the `next` field of the current modifier (since that
                // fill be the location any further type modifiers need
                // to be linked).
                *typeModifierLink = typeModifier;
                typeModifierLink = &typeModifier->next;

                // The above logic puts `typeModifier` into the type modifer
                // list, but it doesn't remove it from the base modifier list.
                // In order to do that we must replace the pointer to `typeModifer`
                // with a pointer to whatever is next in the base list, and also
                // null out the `next` field of `typeModifier` so that it no
                // longer points to the base modifiers that come after it.
                *baseModifierLink = typeModifier->next;
                typeModifier->next = nullptr;

                // Note: We do *not* need to update `baseModifierLink` before
                // the next loop iteration, because `*baseModifierLink` has
                // already been updated so that it points to the next node
                // we want to visit.

        // If we ended up finding any type modifiers, we want to apply them
        // to the type expression.
        return _applyModifiersToTypeExpr(parser, typeExpr, typeModifiers);

    static TypeSpec _applyModifiersToTypeSpec(Parser* parser, TypeSpec typeSpec, Modifiers const& inModifiers)
        // It is possible that the form of the type specifier will have
        // included a declaration directly (e.g., using `struct { ... }`
        // as a type specifier to declare both a type and value(s) of that
        // type in one go).
        if(auto decl = typeSpec.decl)
            // In the case where there *is* a declaration, we want to apply
            // any modifiers that logically belong to the type to the type,
            // and any modifiers that logically belong to the declaration to
            // the declaration.
            Modifiers modifiers = inModifiers;
            typeSpec.expr = _applyTypeModifiersToTypeExpr(parser, typeSpec.expr, modifiers);

            // Any remaining modifiers should instead be applied to the declaration.
            _addModifiers(decl, modifiers);
            // If there are modifiers, then we apply *all* of them to the type expression.
            // This may result in modifiers being applied that do not belong on a type;
            // in that case we rely on downstream semantic checking to diagnose any error.
            typeSpec.expr = _applyModifiersToTypeExpr(parser, typeSpec.expr, inModifiers);

        return typeSpec;

        /// Parse a type specifier, without dealing with modifiers.
    static TypeSpec _parseSimpleTypeSpec(Parser* parser, bool mightBeGLSLInterfaceBlock)
        TypeSpec typeSpec;

        // We may see a `struct` (or `enum` or `class`) tag specified here, and need to act accordingly
        // TODO(tfoley): Handle the case where the user is just using `struct`
        // as a way to name an existing struct "tag" (e.g., `struct Foo foo;`)
        // TODO: We should really make these keywords be registered like any other
        // syntax category, rather than be special-cased here. The main issue here
        // is that we need to allow them to be used as type specifiers, as in:
        //      struct Foo { int x } foo;
        // The ideal answer would be to register certain keywords as being able
        // to parse a type specifier, and look for those keywords here.
        // We should ideally add special case logic that bails out of declarator
        // parsing iff we have one of these kinds of type specifiers and the
        // closing `}` is at the end of its line, as a bit of a special case
        // to allow the common idiom.
        if( parser->LookAheadToken("struct") )
            auto decl = parser->ParseStruct();
            typeSpec.decl = decl;
            typeSpec.expr = createDeclRefType(parser, decl);
            return typeSpec;
        else if( parser->LookAheadToken("class") )
            auto decl = parser->ParseClass();
            typeSpec.decl = decl;
            typeSpec.expr = createDeclRefType(parser, decl);
            return typeSpec;
        else if( mightBeGLSLInterfaceBlock
                && parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier)
                && parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LBrace,1) )
            // Parse the struct-like part
            auto innerStructDecl = parser->ParseGLSLInterfaceBlock();
            typeSpec.decl = innerStructDecl;
            typeSpec.expr = createDeclRefType(parser, typeSpec.decl);
            return typeSpec;
        else if(parser->LookAheadToken("enum"))
            auto decl = parseEnumDecl(parser);
            typeSpec.decl = decl;
            typeSpec.expr = createDeclRefType(parser, decl);
            return typeSpec;
        // Uncomment should we decide to enable (a,b,c) tuple types
        // else if(parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LParent))
        // {
        //     typeSpec.expr = parseTupleTypeExpr(parser);
        //     return typeSpec;
        // }
        else if(AdvanceIf(parser, "functype"))
            typeSpec.expr = parseFuncTypeExpr(parser);
            return typeSpec;

        Token typeName = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);

        auto basicType = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
        basicType->scope = parser->currentScope;
        basicType->loc = typeName.loc;
        basicType->name = typeName.getNameOrNull();

        Expr* typeExpr = basicType;

        bool shouldLoop = true;
        while (shouldLoop)
            switch (peekTokenType(parser))
            case TokenType::OpLess:
                typeExpr = parseGenericApp(parser, typeExpr);
            case TokenType::Scope:
                    auto opToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Scope);
                    typeExpr = parseStaticMemberType(parser, typeExpr, opToken.loc);
            case TokenType::Dot:
                    auto opToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Dot);
                    typeExpr = parseMemberType(parser, typeExpr, opToken.loc);
                shouldLoop = false;

        typeSpec.expr = typeExpr;
        return typeSpec;

    static bool hasPotentialGLSLInterfaceBlockModifier(Parser* parser, Modifiers& mods)
        if (!parser->options.allowGLSLInput)
            return false;

        for (auto mod : mods)
            if (as<GLSLBufferModifier>(mod) || as<InModifier>(mod) || as<OutModifier>(mod))
                return true;
        return false;

        /// Parse a type specifier, following the given list of modifiers.
        /// If there are any modifiers in `ioModifiers`, this function may modify it
        /// by stripping out any type modifiers and attaching them to the `TypeSpec`.
        /// Any modifiers that are not type modifiers will be left where they were.
    static TypeSpec _parseTypeSpec(Parser* parser, Modifiers& ioModifiers)
        TypeSpec typeSpec = _parseSimpleTypeSpec(parser, hasPotentialGLSLInterfaceBlockModifier(parser, ioModifiers));

        // We don't know whether `ioModifiers` has any modifiers in it,
        // or which of them might be type modifiers, so we will delegate
        // figuring that out to a subroutine.
        typeSpec.expr = _applyTypeModifiersToTypeExpr(parser, typeSpec.expr, ioModifiers);

        return typeSpec;

        /// Parse a type specifier, including any leading modifiers.
        /// Note that all the modifiers that precede the type specifier
        /// will end up as modifiers for the type specifier even if they
        /// should *not* be allowed as modifiers on a type.
        /// This function should not be used in contexts where a type specifier
        /// is being parsed as part of a declaration, such that a subset of
        /// the modifiers might inhere to the declaration rather than the
        /// type specifier.
    static TypeSpec _parseTypeSpec(Parser* parser)
        Modifiers modifiers = ParseModifiers(parser);
        TypeSpec typeSpec = _parseSimpleTypeSpec(parser, hasPotentialGLSLInterfaceBlockModifier(parser, modifiers));

        typeSpec = _applyModifiersToTypeSpec(parser, typeSpec, modifiers);

        return typeSpec;

    static DeclBase* ParseDeclaratorDecl(
        Parser*             parser,
        ContainerDecl*      containerDecl,
        Modifiers const&    inModifiers)
        SourceLoc startPosition = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();

        Modifiers modifiers = inModifiers;
        auto typeSpec = _parseTypeSpec(parser, modifiers);

        if (typeSpec.expr == nullptr && typeSpec.decl == nullptr)
            return nullptr;

        // We may need to build up multiple declarations in a group,
        // but the common case will be when we have just a single
        // declaration
        DeclGroupBuilder declGroupBuilder;
        declGroupBuilder.startPosition = startPosition;
        declGroupBuilder.astBuilder = parser->astBuilder;

        // The type specifier may include a declaration. E.g.,
        // it might declare a `struct` type.
            // Allow using brackets directly after type name to declare an array typed variable.
            typeSpec.expr = parseBracketTypeSuffix(parser, typeSpec.expr);

        if( AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Semicolon) )
            // No actual variable is being declared here, but
            // that might not be an error.

            auto result = declGroupBuilder.getResult();
            if( !result )
                parser->sink->diagnose(startPosition, Diagnostics::declarationDidntDeclareAnything);
            return result;

        // It is possible that we have a plain `struct`, `enum`,
        // or similar declaration that isn't being used to declare
        // any variable, and the user didn't put a trailing
        // semicolon on it:
        //      struct Batman
        //      {
        //          int cape;
        //      }
        // We want to allow this syntax (rather than give an
        // inscrutable error), but also support the less common
        // idiom where that declaration is used as part of
        // a variable declaration:
        //      struct Robin
        //      {
        //          float tights;
        //      } boyWonder;
        // As a bit of a hack (insofar as it means we aren't
        // *really* compatible with arbitrary HLSL code), we
        // will check if there are any more tokens on the
        // same line as the closing `}`, and if not, we
        // will treat it like the end of the declaration.
        // Just as a safety net, only apply this logic for
        // a file that is being passed in as "true" Slang code.
        if(parser->getSourceLanguage() == SourceLanguage::Slang)
                if(peekToken(parser).flags & TokenFlag::AtStartOfLine)
                    // The token after the `}` is at the start of its
                    // own line, which means it can't be on the same line.
                    // This means the programmer probably wants to
                    // just treat this as a declaration.
                    return declGroupBuilder.getResult();

        InitDeclarator initDeclarator = parseInitDeclarator(parser, kDeclaratorParseOptions_None);

        DeclaratorInfo declaratorInfo;
        declaratorInfo.typeSpec = typeSpec.expr;

        // Rather than parse function declarators properly for now,
        // we'll just do a quick disambiguation here. This won't
        // matter unless we actually decide to support function-type parameters,
        // using C syntax.
        if ((parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::LParent ||
            parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::OpLess)

            // Only parse as a function if we didn't already see mutually-exclusive
            // constructs when parsing the declarator.
            && !initDeclarator.initializer
            && !initDeclarator.semantics.first)
            UnwrapDeclarator(parser->astBuilder, initDeclarator, &declaratorInfo);
            return parseTraditionalFuncDecl(parser, declaratorInfo);

        // Otherwise we are looking at a variable declaration, which could be one in a sequence...

        if( AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Semicolon) )
            // easy case: we only had a single declaration!
            UnwrapDeclarator(parser->astBuilder, initDeclarator, &declaratorInfo);
            VarDeclBase* firstDecl = CreateVarDeclForContext(parser->astBuilder, containerDecl);
            CompleteVarDecl(parser, firstDecl, declaratorInfo);

            return declGroupBuilder.getResult();

        // Otherwise we have multiple declarations in a sequence, and these
        // declarations need to somehow share both the type spec and modifiers.
        // If there are any errors in the type specifier, we only want to hear
        // about it once, so we need to share structure rather than just
        // clone syntax.

        auto sharedTypeSpec = parser->astBuilder->create<SharedTypeExpr>();
        sharedTypeSpec->loc = typeSpec.expr->loc;
        sharedTypeSpec->base = TypeExp(typeSpec.expr);

            declaratorInfo.typeSpec = sharedTypeSpec;
            UnwrapDeclarator(parser->astBuilder, initDeclarator, &declaratorInfo);

            VarDeclBase* varDecl = CreateVarDeclForContext(parser->astBuilder, containerDecl);
            CompleteVarDecl(parser, varDecl, declaratorInfo);


            // end of the sequence?
            if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Semicolon))
                return declGroupBuilder.getResult();

            // ad-hoc recovery, to avoid infinite loops
            if( parser->isRecovering )
                return declGroupBuilder.getResult();

            // Let's default to assuming that a missing `,`
            // indicates the end of a declaration,
            // where a `;` would be expected, and not
            // a continuation of this declaration, where
            // a `,` would be expected (this is tailoring
            // the diagnostic message a bit).
            // TODO: a more advanced heuristic here might
            // look at whether the next token is on the
            // same line, to predict whether `,` or `;`
            // would be more likely...

            if (!AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma))
                // We don't need to enter recovering mode if next token isn't semicolon.
                // In this case we just continue parsing the token as the next decl.
                parser->isRecovering = false;
                return declGroupBuilder.getResult();

            // expect another variable declaration...
            initDeclarator = parseInitDeclarator(parser, kDeclaratorParseOptions_None);

    /// Parse the "register name" part of a `register` or `packoffset` semantic.
    /// The syntax matched is:
    ///     register-name-and-component-mask ::= register-name component-mask?
    ///     register-name ::= identifier
    ///     component-mask ::= '.' identifier
    static void parseHLSLRegisterNameAndOptionalComponentMask(
        Parser*             parser,
        HLSLLayoutSemantic* semantic)
        semantic->registerName = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Dot))
            semantic->componentMask = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);

    /// Parse an HLSL `register` semantic.
    /// The syntax matched is:
    ///     register-semantic ::= 'register' '(' register-name-and-component-mask register-space? ')'
    ///     register-space ::= ',' identifier
    static void parseHLSLRegisterSemantic(
        Parser*                 parser,
        HLSLRegisterSemantic*   semantic)
        // Read the `register` keyword
        semantic->name = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);

        // Expect a parenthized list of additional arguments

        // First argument is a required register name and optional component mask
        parseHLSLRegisterNameAndOptionalComponentMask(parser, semantic);

        // Second argument is an optional register space
        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma))
            semantic->spaceName = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);


    /// Parse an HLSL `packoffset` semantic.
    /// The syntax matched is:
    ///     packoffset-semantic ::= 'packoffset' '(' register-name-and-component-mask ')'
    static void parseHLSLPackOffsetSemantic(
        Parser*                 parser,
        HLSLPackOffsetSemantic* semantic)
        // Read the `packoffset` keyword
        semantic->name = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);

        // Expect a parenthized list of additional arguments

        // First and only argument is a required register name and optional component mask
        parseHLSLRegisterNameAndOptionalComponentMask(parser, semantic);


    static RayPayloadAccessSemantic* _parseRayPayloadAccessSemantic(Parser* parser, RayPayloadAccessSemantic* semantic)

        // Read the keyword that introduced the semantic
        semantic->name = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);


            if(AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))

            auto stageName = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);

            if(AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))

            expect(parser, TokenType::Comma);

        return semantic;

    template<typename T>
    static T* _parseRayPayloadAccessSemantic(Parser* parser)
        T* semantic = parser->astBuilder->create<T>();
        _parseRayPayloadAccessSemantic(parser, semantic);
        return semantic;

    // semantic ::= identifier ( '(' args ')' )?
    static Modifier* ParseSemantic(
        Parser* parser)
        if (parser->LookAheadToken("register"))
            HLSLRegisterSemantic* semantic = parser->astBuilder->create<HLSLRegisterSemantic>();
            parseHLSLRegisterSemantic(parser, semantic);
            return semantic;
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken("packoffset"))
            HLSLPackOffsetSemantic* semantic = parser->astBuilder->create<HLSLPackOffsetSemantic>();
            parseHLSLPackOffsetSemantic(parser, semantic);
            return semantic;
        else if( parser->LookAheadToken("read") && parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LParent, 1) )
            return _parseRayPayloadAccessSemantic<RayPayloadReadSemantic>(parser);
        else if( parser->LookAheadToken("write") && parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LParent, 1) )
            return _parseRayPayloadAccessSemantic<RayPayloadWriteSemantic>(parser);
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier))
            HLSLSimpleSemantic* semantic = parser->astBuilder->create<HLSLSimpleSemantic>();
            semantic->name = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
            return semantic;
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::CompletionRequest))
            HLSLSimpleSemantic* semantic = parser->astBuilder->create<HLSLSimpleSemantic>();
            semantic->name = parser->ReadToken();
            return semantic;
            // expect an identifier, just to produce an error message
            return nullptr;

    // opt-semantics ::= (':' semantic)*
    static Modifiers _parseOptSemantics(
        Parser* parser)
        Modifiers modifiers;

        if (!AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
            return modifiers;

        Modifier** link = &modifiers.first;

        for (;;)
            Modifier* semantic = ParseSemantic(parser);
            if (semantic)
                *link = semantic;
                link = &semantic->next;

            // If we see a '<', ignore the remaining.
            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpLess))
                for (;;)
                    auto token = parser->tokenReader.peekToken();
                    if (token.type == TokenType::EndOfFile)
                    else if (token.type == TokenType::OpGreater)

            // If we see another `:`, then that means there
            // is yet another semantic to be processed.
            // Otherwise we assume we are at the end of the list.
            // TODO: This could produce sub-optimal diagnostics
            // when the user *meant* to apply multiple semantics
            // to a single declaration:
            //     Foo foo : register(t0)   register(s0);
            //                            ^
            //         missing ':' here   |
            // However, that is an uncommon occurence, and trying
            // to continue parsing semantics here even if we didn't
            // see a colon forces us to be careful about
            // avoiding an infinite loop here.
            if (!AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
                return modifiers;


    static void _parseOptSemantics(
        Parser* parser,
        Decl*	decl)
        _addModifiers(decl, _parseOptSemantics(parser));

    static Decl* ParseHLSLBufferDecl(
        Parser*	parser,
        String  bufferWrapperTypeName)
        // An HLSL declaration of a constant buffer like this:
        //     cbuffer Foo : register(b0) { int a; float b; };
        // is treated as syntax sugar for a type declaration
        // and then a global variable declaration using that type:
        //     struct $anonymous { int a; float b; };
        //     ConstantBuffer<$anonymous> Foo;
        // where `$anonymous` is a fresh name, and the variable
        // declaration is made to be "transparent" so that lookup
        // will see through it to the members inside.

        auto bufferWrapperTypeNamePos = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();

        // We are going to represent each buffer as a pair of declarations.
        // The first is a type declaration that holds all the members, while
        // the second is a variable declaration that uses the buffer type.
        StructDecl* bufferDataTypeDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<StructDecl>();

        addModifier(bufferDataTypeDecl, parser->astBuilder->create<PublicModifier>());

        VarDecl* bufferVarDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<VarDecl>();

        // Both declarations will have a location that points to the name

        auto reflectionNameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);

        // Attach the reflection name to the block so we can use it
        auto reflectionNameModifier = parser->astBuilder->create<ParameterGroupReflectionName>();
        reflectionNameModifier->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(reflectionNameToken);
        addModifier(bufferVarDecl, reflectionNameModifier);

        // The parameter group type need to have its name generated.
        bufferDataTypeDecl-> = generateName(parser, "ParameterGroup_" + String(reflectionNameToken.getContent()));

        // TODO(tfoley): We end up constructing unchecked syntax here that
        // is expected to type check into the right form, but it might be
        // cleaner to have a more explicit desugaring pass where we parse
        // these constructs directly into the AST and *then* desugar them.

        // Construct a type expression to reference the buffer data type
        auto bufferDataTypeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
        bufferDataTypeExpr->loc = bufferDataTypeDecl->loc;
        bufferDataTypeExpr->name = bufferDataTypeDecl->;
        bufferDataTypeExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;

        // Construct a type expression to reference the type constructor
        auto bufferWrapperTypeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
        bufferWrapperTypeExpr->loc = bufferWrapperTypeNamePos;
        bufferWrapperTypeExpr->name = getName(parser, bufferWrapperTypeName);

        // Always need to look this up in the outer scope,
        // so that it won't collide with, e.g., a local variable called `ConstantBuffer`
        bufferWrapperTypeExpr->scope = parser->outerScope;

        // Construct a type expression that represents the type for the variable,
        // which is the wrapper type applied to the data type
        auto bufferVarTypeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericAppExpr>();
        bufferVarTypeExpr->loc = bufferVarDecl->loc;
        bufferVarTypeExpr->functionExpr = bufferWrapperTypeExpr;

        bufferVarDecl->type.exp = bufferVarTypeExpr;

        // Any semantics applied to the buffer declaration are taken as applying
        // to the variable instead.
        _parseOptSemantics(parser, bufferVarDecl);

        // The declarations in the body belong to the data type.
        parseDeclBody(parser, bufferDataTypeDecl);

        if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier) &&
            parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Semicolon, 1))
            // If the user specified an explicit name of the buffer var, use it.
            bufferVarDecl->nameAndLoc = ParseDeclName(parser);
            // Otherwise, we need to generate a name for the buffer variable.
            bufferVarDecl-> = generateName(parser, "parameterGroup_" + String(reflectionNameToken.getContent()));

            // We also need to make the declaration "transparent" so that their
            // members are implicitly made visible in the parent scope.
            // We achieve this by applying the transparent modifier to the variable.
            auto transparentModifier = parser->astBuilder->create<TransparentModifier>();
            transparentModifier->next = bufferVarDecl->modifiers.first;
            bufferVarDecl->modifiers.first = transparentModifier;

            addModifier(bufferVarDecl, parser->astBuilder->create<ImplicitParameterGroupVariableModifier>());
            addModifier(bufferDataTypeDecl, parser->astBuilder->create<ImplicitParameterGroupElementTypeModifier>());

        // Because we are constructing two declarations, we have a thorny
        // issue that were are only supposed to return one.
        // For now we handle this by adding the type declaration to
        // the current scope manually, and then returning the variable
        // declaration.
        // Note: this means that any modifiers that have already been parsed
        // will get attached to the variable declaration, not the type.
        // There might be cases where we need to shuffle things around.

        AddMember(parser->currentScope, bufferDataTypeDecl);

        return bufferVarDecl;

    static NodeBase* parseHLSLCBufferDecl(
        Parser*	parser, void* /*userData*/)
        return ParseHLSLBufferDecl(parser, "ConstantBuffer");

    static NodeBase* parseHLSLTBufferDecl(
        Parser*	parser, void* /*userData*/)
        return ParseHLSLBufferDecl(parser, "TextureBuffer");

    static void parseOptionalInheritanceClause(Parser* parser, AggTypeDeclBase* decl)
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
                auto base = parser->ParseTypeExp();

                auto inheritanceDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<InheritanceDecl>();
                inheritanceDecl->loc = base.exp->loc;
                inheritanceDecl-> = getName(parser, "$inheritance");
                inheritanceDecl->base = base;

                AddMember(decl, inheritanceDecl);

            } while (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma));

    static NodeBase* parseExtensionDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        ExtensionDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<ExtensionDecl>();
        decl->targetType = parser->ParseTypeExp();
        parseOptionalInheritanceClause(parser, decl);
        parseDeclBody(parser, decl);
        return decl;

    static void parseOptionalGenericConstraints(Parser* parser, ContainerDecl* decl)
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
                GenericTypeConstraintDecl* paramConstraint = parser->astBuilder->create<GenericTypeConstraintDecl>();

                // substitution needs to be filled during check
                Type* paramType = DeclRefType::create(parser->astBuilder, DeclRef<Decl>(decl));

                SharedTypeExpr* paramTypeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<SharedTypeExpr>();
                paramTypeExpr->loc = decl->loc;
                paramTypeExpr->base.type = paramType;
                paramTypeExpr->type = QualType(parser->astBuilder->getTypeType(paramType));

                paramConstraint->sub = TypeExp(paramTypeExpr);
                paramConstraint->sup = parser->ParseTypeExp();

                AddMember(decl, paramConstraint);
            } while (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma));

    static NodeBase* parseAssocType(Parser* parser, void *)
        AssocTypeDecl* assocTypeDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<AssocTypeDecl>();

        auto nameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
        assocTypeDecl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(nameToken);
        assocTypeDecl->loc = nameToken.loc;
        parseOptionalGenericConstraints(parser, assocTypeDecl);
        return assocTypeDecl;

    static NodeBase* parseGlobalGenericTypeParamDecl(Parser * parser, void *)
        GlobalGenericParamDecl* genParamDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<GlobalGenericParamDecl>();
        auto nameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
        genParamDecl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(nameToken);
        genParamDecl->loc = nameToken.loc;
        parseOptionalGenericConstraints(parser, genParamDecl);
        return genParamDecl;

    static NodeBase* parseGlobalGenericValueParamDecl(Parser * parser, void *)
        GlobalGenericValueParamDecl* genericParamDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<GlobalGenericValueParamDecl>();
        auto nameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
        genericParamDecl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(nameToken);
        genericParamDecl->loc = nameToken.loc;

        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
            genericParamDecl->type = parser->ParseTypeExp();

        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
            genericParamDecl->initExpr = parser->ParseInitExpr();

        return genericParamDecl;

    static NodeBase* parseInterfaceDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        InterfaceDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->createInterfaceDecl(parser->tokenReader.peekLoc());

        AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::CompletionRequest);

        decl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));
        return parseOptGenericDecl(parser, [&](GenericDecl*)
                // We allow for an inheritance clause on a `struct`
                // so that it can conform to interfaces.
                parseOptionalInheritanceClause(parser, decl);
                parseDeclBody(parser, decl);
                return decl;

    static NodeBase* parseNamespaceDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        // We start by parsing the name of the namespace that is being opened.
        // We support a qualified name for a namespace declaration:
        //      namespace A.B { ... }
        // which should expand as if the user had written nested
        // namespace declarations:
        //      namespace A { namespace B { ... } }
        auto parentDecl = parser->currentScope->containerDecl;
        NamespaceDecl* result = nullptr;
        NamespaceDecl* namespaceDecl = nullptr;
        List<NamespaceDecl*> nestedNamespaceDecls;
            namespaceDecl = nullptr;
            NameLoc nameAndLoc = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));
            // Once we have the name for the namespace, we face a challenge:
            // either the namespace hasn't been seen before (in which case
            // we need to create it and start filling it in), or we've seen
            // the same namespace before inside the same module, such that
            // we should be adding the declarations we parse to the existing
            // declarations (so that they share a common scope/parent).
            // In each case we will find a namespace that we want to fill in,
            // but depending on the case we may or may not want to return
            // a declaration to the caller (since they will try to add
            // any non-null pointer we return to the AST).

            // In order to find out what case we are in, we start by looking
            // for a namespace declaration of the same name in the parent
            // declaration.

                // We meed to make sure that the member dictionary of
                // the parent declaration has been built/rebuilt so that
                // lookup by name will work.
                // TODO: The current way we rebuild the member dictionary
                // would make for O(N^2) parsing time in a file that
                // consisted of N back-to-back `namespace`s, since each
                // would trigger a rebuild of the member dictionary that
                // would take O(N) time.

                // There might be multiple members of the same name
                // (if we define a namespace `foo` after an overloaded
                // function `foo` has been defined), and direct member
                // lookup will only give us the first.
                Decl* firstDecl = nullptr;
                parentDecl->getMemberDictionary().tryGetValue(, firstDecl);
                // We will search through the declarations of the name
                // and find the first that is a namespace (if any).
                // Note: we do not issue diagnostics here based on
                // the potential conflicts between these declarations,
                // because we want to do as little semantic analysis
                // as possible in the parser, and we'd rather be
                // as permissive as possible right now.
                for (Decl* d = firstDecl; d; d = d->nextInContainerWithSameName)
                    namespaceDecl = as<NamespaceDecl>(d);
                    if (namespaceDecl)

                // If we didn't find a pre-existing namespace, then
                // we will go ahead and create one now.
                if (!namespaceDecl)
                    namespaceDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<NamespaceDecl>();
                    namespaceDecl->nameAndLoc = nameAndLoc;
                    namespaceDecl->loc = nameAndLoc.loc;
            if (!result)
                result = namespaceDecl;
            else if (parentDecl)
                if (auto parentNamespace = as<NamespaceDecl>(parentDecl))
                AddMember(parentDecl, namespaceDecl);

            parentDecl = namespaceDecl;
        } while (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Dot) || AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Scope));

        // Now that we have a namespace declaration to fill in
        // (whether a new or existing one), we can parse the
        // `{}`-enclosed body to add declarations as children
        // of the namespace.
        parseDeclBody(parser, namespaceDecl);

        for (auto ns : nestedNamespaceDecls)
            ns->loc = ns->nameAndLoc.loc;
            ns->closingSourceLoc = namespaceDecl->closingSourceLoc;
        return result;

    static NodeBase* parseUsingDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        UsingDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<UsingDecl>();

        // A `using` declaration will need to know about the current
        // scope at the point where it appears, so that it can know
        // the scope it is attempting to extend.
        decl->scope = parser->currentScope;

        // TODO: We may eventually want to support declarations
        // of the form `using <id> = <expr>;` which introduce
        // a shorthand alias for a namespace/type/whatever.
        // For now we are just sticking to the most basic form.

        // As a compatibility feature for programmers used to C++,
        // we allow the `namespace` keyword to come after `using`,
        // where it has no effect.

        // The entity that is going to be used is identified
        // using an arbitrary expression (although we expect
        // that valid code will not typically use the full
        // freedom of what the expression grammar supports.
        decl->arg = parser->ParseExpression();

        expect(parser, TokenType::Semicolon);

        return decl;

    static NodeBase* parseIgnoredBlockDecl(Parser* parser, void*)
        int remaingingBraceToClose = 1;
        for (;;)
            auto token = parser->ReadToken();
            if (token.type == TokenType::RBrace)
                if (remaingingBraceToClose == 0)
            else if (token.type == TokenType::LBrace)
            else if (token.type == TokenType::EndOfFile)
        auto decl = parser->astBuilder->create<EmptyDecl>();
        return decl;

    static NodeBase* parseTransparentBlockDecl(Parser* parser, void*)
        if (parser->currentScope && parser->currentScope->containerDecl)
            parseDeclBody(parser, parser->currentScope->containerDecl);
            return nullptr;
            SLANG_UNEXPECTED("parseTransparentBlock should be called with a valid scope.");

    static NodeBase* parseFileDecl(Parser* parser, void*)
        auto fileDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<FileDecl>();
        parseDeclBody(parser, fileDecl);
        return fileDecl;

    static NodeBase* parseConstructorDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        ConstructorDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<ConstructorDecl>();

        return parseOptGenericDecl(parser, [&](GenericDecl*)
                // Note: we leave the source location of this decl as invalid, to
                // trigger the fallback logic that fills in the location of the
                // `__init` keyword later.


                // TODO: we need to make sure that all initializers have
                // the same name, but that this name doesn't conflict
                // with any user-defined names.
                // Giving them a name (rather than leaving it null)
                // ensures that we can use name-based lookup to find
                // all of the initializers on a type (and has
                // the potential to unify initializer lookup with
                // ordinary member lookup).
                decl-> = getName(parser, "$init");

                parseParameterList(parser, decl);

                decl->body = parseOptBody(parser);

                if (auto block = as<BlockStmt>(decl->body))
                    decl->closingSourceLoc = block->closingSourceLoc;

                return decl;

    static AccessorDecl* parseAccessorDecl(Parser* parser)
        Modifiers modifiers = ParseModifiers(parser);

        AccessorDecl* decl = nullptr;
        auto loc = peekToken(parser).loc;
        auto name = peekToken(parser).getName();
        if( AdvanceIf(parser, "get") )
            decl = parser->astBuilder->create<GetterDecl>();
        else if( AdvanceIf(parser, "set") )
            decl = parser->astBuilder->create<SetterDecl>();
        else if( AdvanceIf(parser, "ref") )
            decl = parser->astBuilder->create<RefAccessorDecl>();
            return nullptr;
        decl->loc = loc;
        decl-> = name;
        decl->nameAndLoc.loc = loc;

        _addModifiers(decl, modifiers);


        // A `set` declaration should support declaring an explicit
        // name for the parameter representing the new value.
        // We handle this by supporting an arbitrary parameter list
        // on any accessor, and then assume that semantic checking
        // will diagnose any cases that aren't allowed.
        if(parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::LParent)
            parseModernParamList(parser, decl);

        if( parser->tokenReader.peekTokenType() == TokenType::LBrace )
            decl->body = parser->parseBlockStatement();
            if (auto block = as<BlockStmt>(decl->body))
                decl->closingSourceLoc = block->closingSourceLoc;
            decl->closingSourceLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();


        return decl;

    static void parseStorageDeclBody(Parser* parser, ContainerDecl* decl)
        if( AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::LBrace) )
            // We want to parse nested "accessor" declarations
            Token closingToken;
            while (!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces, &closingToken))
                auto accessor = parseAccessorDecl(parser);
                AddMember(decl, accessor);
            decl->closingSourceLoc = closingToken.loc;
            decl->closingSourceLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();


            // empty body should be treated like `{ get; }`

    static NodeBase* parseSubscriptDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        SubscriptDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<SubscriptDecl>();

        // TODO: the use of this name here is a bit magical...
        decl-> = getName(parser, "operator[]");

        parseParameterList(parser, decl);

        if( AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::RightArrow) )
            decl->returnType = parser->ParseTypeExp();
            decl->returnType.exp = parser->astBuilder->create<IncompleteExpr>();

        parseStorageDeclBody(parser, decl);

        return decl;

        /// Peek in the token stream and return `true` if it looks like a modern-style variable declaration is coming up.
    static bool _peekModernStyleVarDecl(Parser* parser)
        // A modern-style variable declaration always starts with an identifier
        if(peekTokenType(parser) != TokenType::Identifier)
            return false;

        switch(peekTokenType(parser, 1))
            return false;

        case TokenType::Colon:
        case TokenType::Comma:
        case TokenType::RParent:
        case TokenType::RBrace:
        case TokenType::RBracket:
        case TokenType::LBrace:
            return true;

    static NodeBase* parsePropertyDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        PropertyDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<PropertyDecl>();

        // We want to support property declarations with two
        // different syntaxes.
        // First, we want to support a syntax that is consistent
        // with C-style ("traditional") variable declarations:
        //                int myVar = 2;
        //      proprerty int myProp { ... }
        // Second we want to support a syntax that is
        // consistent with `let` and `var` declarations:
        //      let      myVar  : int = 2;
        //      property myProp : int { ... }
        // The latter case is more constrained, and we will
        // detect with two tokens of lookahead. If the 
        // next token (after `property`) is an identifier,
        // and the token after that is a colon (`:`), then
        // we assume we are in the `let`/`var`-style case.
            decl->nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);
            expect(parser, TokenType::Colon);
            decl->type = parser->ParseTypeExp();
            // The traditional syntax requires a bit more
            // care to parse, since it needs to support
            // C declarator syntax.
            DeclaratorInfo declaratorInfo;
            declaratorInfo.typeSpec = parser->ParseType();

            auto declarator = parseDeclarator(parser, kDeclaratorParseOptions_None);
            UnwrapDeclarator(parser->astBuilder, declarator, &declaratorInfo);

            // TODO: We might want to handle the case where the
            // resulting declarator is not valid to use for
            // declaring a property (e.g., it has function parameters).

            decl->nameAndLoc = declaratorInfo.nameAndLoc;
            decl->type = TypeExp(declaratorInfo.typeSpec);
            decl->loc = decl->nameAndLoc.loc;

        parseStorageDeclBody(parser, decl);

        return decl;

    static void parseModernVarDeclBaseCommon(
        Parser*             parser,
        VarDeclBase* decl)
        decl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));

        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
            decl->type = parser->ParseTypeExp();

        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
            decl->initExpr = parser->ParseInitExpr();

    static void parseModernVarDeclCommon(
        Parser*         parser,
        VarDecl* decl)
        parseModernVarDeclBaseCommon(parser, decl);
        expect(parser, TokenType::Semicolon);

    static NodeBase* parseLetDecl(
        Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        LetDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<LetDecl>();
        parseModernVarDeclCommon(parser, decl);
        return decl;

    static NodeBase* parseVarDecl(
        Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        VarDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<VarDecl>();
        parseModernVarDeclCommon(parser, decl);
        return decl;

        /// Parse the common structured of a traditional-style parameter declaration (excluding the trailing semicolon)
    static void _parseTraditionalParamDeclCommonBase(Parser* parser, VarDeclBase* decl, DeclaratorParseOptions options = kDeclaratorParseOptions_None)
        DeclaratorInfo declaratorInfo;
        declaratorInfo.typeSpec = parser->ParseType();

        InitDeclarator initDeclarator = parseInitDeclarator(parser, options);
        UnwrapDeclarator(parser->astBuilder, initDeclarator, &declaratorInfo);

        // Assume it is a variable-like declarator
        CompleteVarDecl(parser, decl, declaratorInfo);

    static ParamDecl* parseModernParamDecl(
        Parser* parser)
        // TODO: For "modern" parameters, we should probably
        // not allow arbitrary keyword-based modifiers (only allowing
        // `[attribute]`s), and should require that direction modifiers
        // like `in`, `out`, and `in out`/`inout` be applied to the
        // type (after the colon).
        auto modifiers = ParseModifiers(parser);

        // We want to allow both "modern"-style and traditional-style
        // parameters to appear in any modern-style parameter list,
        // in order to allow programmers the flexibility to code in
        // a way that feels natural and not run into lots of
        // errors.
            ParamDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<ModernParamDecl>();
            decl->modifiers = modifiers;
            parseModernVarDeclBaseCommon(parser, decl);
            return decl;
            ParamDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<ParamDecl>();
            decl->modifiers = modifiers;
            _parseTraditionalParamDeclCommonBase(parser, decl);
            return decl;

    static void parseModernParamList(
        Parser*                 parser,
        CallableDecl*    decl)

        while (!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))
            AddMember(decl, parseModernParamDecl(parser));
            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::RParent))

    static NodeBase* parseFuncDecl(
        Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        FuncDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<FuncDecl>();

        decl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));

        return parseOptGenericDecl(parser, [&](GenericDecl*)
            parseModernParamList(parser, decl);
            if (AdvanceIf(parser, "throws"))
                decl->errorType = parser->ParseTypeExp();
            if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::RightArrow))
                decl->returnType = parser->ParseTypeExp();
            decl->body = parseOptBody(parser);
            if (auto blockStmt = as<BlockStmt>(decl->body))
                decl->closingSourceLoc = blockStmt->closingSourceLoc;
            return decl;

    static NodeBase* parseTypeAliasDecl(
        Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        TypeAliasDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<TypeAliasDecl>();

        decl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));

        return parseOptGenericDecl(parser, [&](GenericDecl*)
            if( expect(parser, TokenType::OpAssign) )
                decl->type = parser->ParseTypeExp();
            expect(parser, TokenType::Semicolon);
            return decl;

    // This is a catch-all syntax-construction callback to handle cases where
    // a piece of syntax is fully defined by the keyword to use, along with
    // the class of AST node to construct.
    NodeBase* parseSimpleSyntax(Parser* parser, void* userData)
        SyntaxClassBase syntaxClass((ReflectClassInfo*) userData);
        return (NodeBase*)syntaxClass.createInstanceImpl(parser->astBuilder);

    // Parse a declaration of a keyword that can be used to define further syntax.
    static NodeBase* parseSyntaxDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        // Right now the basic form is:
        // syntax <name:id> [: <syntaxClass:id>] [= <existingKeyword:id>];
        // - `name` gives the name of the keyword to define.
        // - `syntaxClass` is the name of an AST node class that we expect
        //   this syntax to construct when parsed.
        // - `existingKeyword` is the name of an existing keyword that
        //   the new syntax should be an alias for.

        // First we parse the keyword name.
        auto nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);

        // Next we look for a clause that specified the AST node class.
        SyntaxClass<NodeBase> syntaxClass;
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
            // User is specifying the class that should be construted
            auto classNameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);

            syntaxClass = parser->astBuilder->findSyntaxClass(;

        // If the user specified a syntax class, then we will default
        // to the `parseSimpleSyntax` callback that will just construct
        // an instance of that type to represent the keyword in the AST.
        SyntaxParseCallback parseCallback = &parseSimpleSyntax;
        void* parseUserData = (void*) syntaxClass.classInfo;

        // Next we look for an initializer that will make this keyword
        // an alias for some existing keyword.
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
            auto existingKeywordNameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);

            auto existingSyntax = tryLookUpSyntaxDecl(parser,;
            if (!existingSyntax)
                // TODO: diagnose: keyword did not name syntax
                // The user is expecting us to parse our new syntax like
                // the existing syntax given, so we need to override
                // the callback.
                parseCallback = existingSyntax->parseCallback;
                parseUserData = existingSyntax->parseUserData;

                // If we don't already have a syntax class specified, then
                // we will crib the one from the existing syntax, to ensure
                // that we are creating a drop-in alias.
                if (!syntaxClass.classInfo)
                    syntaxClass = existingSyntax->syntaxClass;

        // It is an error if the user didn't give us either an existing keyword
        // to use to the define the callback, or a valid AST node class to construct.
        // TODO: down the line this should be expanded so that the user can reference
        // an existing *function* to use to parse the chosen syntax.
        if (!syntaxClass.classInfo)
            // TODO: diagnose: either a type or an existing keyword needs to be specified

        expect(parser, TokenType::Semicolon);

        // TODO: skip creating the declaration if anything failed, just to not screw things
        // up for downstream code?

        SyntaxDecl* syntaxDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<SyntaxDecl>();
        syntaxDecl->nameAndLoc = nameAndLoc;
        syntaxDecl->loc = nameAndLoc.loc;
        syntaxDecl->syntaxClass = syntaxClass;
        syntaxDecl->parseCallback = parseCallback;
        syntaxDecl->parseUserData = parseUserData;
        return syntaxDecl;

    // A parameter declaration in an attribute declaration.
    // We are going to use `name: type` syntax just for simplicty, and let the type
    // be optional, because we don't actually need it in all cases.
    static ParamDecl* parseAttributeParamDecl(Parser* parser)
        auto nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);

        ParamDecl* paramDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<ParamDecl>();
        paramDecl->nameAndLoc = nameAndLoc;

        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
            paramDecl->type = parser->ParseTypeExp();

        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
            paramDecl->initExpr = parser->ParseInitExpr();

        return paramDecl;

    static bool shouldDeclBeCheckedForNestingValidity(ASTNodeType declType)
        switch (declType)
        case ASTNodeType::ExtensionDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::StructDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ClassDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLInterfaceBlockDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::EnumDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::InterfaceDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ConstructorDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::AccessorDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::GetterDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::SetterDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::RefAccessorDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::FuncDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::SubscriptDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::PropertyDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::NamespaceDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ModuleDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::FileDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::GenericDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::VarDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::LetDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::TypeDefDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::TypeAliasDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::UsingDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ImportDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::IncludeDeclBase:
        case ASTNodeType::IncludeDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ImplementingDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ModuleDeclarationDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::AssocTypeDecl:
            return true;
            return false;

    // Can a decl of `declType` be allowed as a children of `parentType`?
    static bool isDeclAllowed(bool languageServer, ASTNodeType parentType, ASTNodeType declType)
        // If decl is not known as a decl that can be written by the user (e.g. a synthesized decl type),
        // then we just allow it.
        if (!shouldDeclBeCheckedForNestingValidity(declType))
            return true;

        switch (parentType)
        case ASTNodeType::ExtensionDecl:
            switch (declType)
            case ASTNodeType::FuncDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::SubscriptDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::PropertyDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeAliasDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeDefDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::VarDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::LetDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::StructDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ClassDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::EnumDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::GenericDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ConstructorDecl:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ASTNodeType::StructDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ClassDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::EnumDecl:
            switch (declType)
            case ASTNodeType::FuncDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::SubscriptDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::PropertyDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeAliasDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeDefDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::VarDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::LetDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::StructDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ClassDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::EnumDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::EnumCaseDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::GenericDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ConstructorDecl:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ASTNodeType::InterfaceDecl:
            switch (declType)
            case ASTNodeType::FuncDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::SubscriptDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::PropertyDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::AssocTypeDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeAliasDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeDefDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::VarDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::LetDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::StructDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ClassDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::EnumDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::GenericDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ConstructorDecl:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLInterfaceBlockDecl:
            switch (declType)
            case ASTNodeType::VarDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::LetDecl:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ASTNodeType::ConstructorDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::AccessorDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::GetterDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::SetterDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::RefAccessorDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::FuncDecl:
            switch (declType)
            case ASTNodeType::TypeAliasDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeDefDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::VarDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::LetDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::StructDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ClassDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::EnumDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::GenericDecl:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ASTNodeType::SubscriptDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::PropertyDecl:
            switch (declType)
            case ASTNodeType::AccessorDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::GetterDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::SetterDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::RefAccessorDecl:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ASTNodeType::ModuleDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::FileDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::NamespaceDecl:
            switch (declType)
            case ASTNodeType::ImplementingDecl:
                return parentType == ASTNodeType::FileDecl || languageServer && parentType == ASTNodeType::ModuleDecl;
            case ASTNodeType::ModuleDeclarationDecl:
                return parentType == ASTNodeType::ModuleDecl || languageServer && parentType == ASTNodeType::FileDecl;
            case ASTNodeType::NamespaceDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::FileDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::UsingDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ImportDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::IncludeDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::GenericDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::VarDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::LetDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeDefDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeAliasDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::FuncDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::SubscriptDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::PropertyDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::StructDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ClassDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::EnumDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::InterfaceDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::GLSLInterfaceBlockDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ExtensionDecl:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ASTNodeType::GenericDecl:
            switch (declType)
            case ASTNodeType::StructDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ClassDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::EnumDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::InterfaceDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::FuncDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ConstructorDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeAliasDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::TypeDefDecl:
            case ASTNodeType::ExtensionDecl:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ASTNodeType::VarDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::LetDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::TypeDefDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::TypeAliasDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::UsingDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ImportDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::IncludeDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ImplementingDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::ModuleDeclarationDecl:
        case ASTNodeType::AssocTypeDecl:
            return true;
            return true;

    // Parse declaration of a name to be used for resolving `[attribute(...)]` style modifiers.
    // These are distinct from `syntax` declarations, because their names don't get added
    // to the current scope using their default name.
    // Also, attribute-specific code doesn't get invokved during parsing. We always parse
    // using the default attribute-parsing logic and then all specialized behavior takes
    // place during semantic checking.
    static NodeBase* parseAttributeSyntaxDecl(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        // Right now the basic form is:
        // attribute_syntax <name:id> : <syntaxClass:id>;
        // - `name` gives the name of the attribute to define.
        // - `syntaxClass` is the name of an AST node class that we expect
        //   this attribute to create when checked.
        // - `existingKeyword` is the name of an existing keyword that
        //   the new syntax should be an alias for.

        expect(parser, TokenType::LBracket);

        // First we parse the attribute name.
        auto nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);

        AttributeDecl* attrDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<AttributeDecl>();
        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::LParent))
            while(!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))
                auto param = parseAttributeParamDecl(parser);

                AddMember(attrDecl, param);

                if(AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))

                expect(parser, TokenType::Comma);

        expect(parser, TokenType::RBracket);

        // TODO: we should allow parameters to be specified here, to cut down
        // on the amount of per-attribute-type logic that has to occur later.

        // Next we look for a clause that specified the AST node class.
        SyntaxClass<NodeBase> syntaxClass;
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
            // User is specifying the class that should be construted
            auto classNameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);
            syntaxClass = parser->astBuilder->findSyntaxClass(;

            // For now we don't support the alternative approach where
            // an existing piece of syntax is named to provide the parsing
            // support.

            // TODO: diagnose: a syntax class must be specified.

        expect(parser, TokenType::Semicolon);

        // TODO: skip creating the declaration if anything failed, just to not screw things
        // up for downstream code?

        attrDecl->nameAndLoc = nameAndLoc;
        attrDecl->loc = nameAndLoc.loc;
        attrDecl->syntaxClass = syntaxClass;
        return attrDecl;

    // Finish up work on a declaration that was parsed
    static void CompleteDecl(
        Parser*				parser,
        Decl*		decl,
        ContainerDecl*		containerDecl,
        Modifiers			modifiers)

        // If this is a namespace and already added, we don't want to add to the parent
        // Or add any modifiers
        if (as<NamespaceDecl>(decl) && decl->parentDecl)
            // Presumably we have no modifiers.

        // Add any modifiers we parsed before the declaration to the list
        // of modifiers on the declaration itself.
        // We need to be careful, because if `decl` is a generic declaration,
        // then we really want the modifiers to apply to the inner declaration.
        Decl* declToModify = decl;
        if(auto genericDecl = as<GenericDecl>(decl))
            declToModify = genericDecl->inner;
        _addModifiers(declToModify, modifiers);

        if (containerDecl)
            // Check that the declaration is actually allowed to be nested inside container.
            if (!isDeclAllowed(parser->options.isInLanguageServer, containerDecl->astNodeType, decl->astNodeType))
                parser->sink->diagnose(decl->loc, Diagnostics::declNotAllowed, decl->astNodeType);
                // For generic decls, we also need to check if the inner decl type is allowed to be
                // nested here.
                if (declToModify && declToModify != decl)
                    if (!isDeclAllowed(parser->options.isInLanguageServer, containerDecl->astNodeType, declToModify->astNodeType))
                        parser->sink->diagnose(decl->loc, Diagnostics::declNotAllowed, declToModify->astNodeType);

            if (!as<GenericDecl>(containerDecl))
                // Make sure the decl is properly nested inside its lexical parent
                AddMember(containerDecl, decl);

    static DeclBase* ParseDeclWithModifiers(
        Parser*             parser,
        ContainerDecl*      containerDecl,
        Modifiers           modifiers )
        DeclBase* decl = nullptr;

        auto loc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();

        switch (peekTokenType(parser))
        case TokenType::Identifier:
                // A declaration that starts with an identifier might be:
                // - A keyword-based declaration (e.g., `cbuffer ...`)
                // - The beginning of a type in a declarator-based declaration (e.g., `int ...`)

                // First we will check whether we can use the identifier token
                // as a declaration keyword and parse a declaration using
                // its associated callback:
                Decl* parsedDecl = nullptr;
                if (tryParseUsingSyntaxDecl<Decl>(parser, &parsedDecl))
                    decl = parsedDecl;

                // Our final fallback case is to assume that the user is
                // probably writing a C-style declarator-based declaration.
                decl = ParseDeclaratorDecl(parser, containerDecl, modifiers);

        // It is valid in HLSL/GLSL to have an "empty" declaration
        // that consists of just a semicolon. In particular, this
        // gets used a lot in GLSL to attach custom semantics to
        // shader input or output.
        case TokenType::Semicolon:

                decl = parser->astBuilder->create<EmptyDecl>();
                decl->loc = loc;

        case TokenType::LBrace:
        case TokenType::LParent:
                // We shouldn't be seeing an LBrace or an LParent when expecting a decl.
                // However recovery logic may lead us here. In this case we just
                // skip the whole `{}` block and return an empty decl.
                decl = parser->astBuilder->create<EmptyDecl>();
                decl->loc = loc;
        // If nothing else matched, we try to parse an "ordinary" declarator-based declaration
            decl = ParseDeclaratorDecl(parser, containerDecl, modifiers);

        if (decl)
            if( auto dd = as<Decl>(decl) )
                CompleteDecl(parser, dd, containerDecl, modifiers);
            else if(auto declGroup = as<DeclGroup>(decl))
                // We are going to add the same modifiers to *all* of these declarations,
                // so we want to give later passes a way to detect which modifiers
                // were shared, vs. which ones are specific to a single declaration.

                auto sharedModifiers = parser->astBuilder->create<SharedModifiers>();
                sharedModifiers->next = modifiers.first;
                modifiers.first = sharedModifiers;

                for( auto subDecl : declGroup->decls )
                    CompleteDecl(parser, subDecl, containerDecl, modifiers);
        return decl;

    static DeclBase* ParseDecl(
        Parser*         parser,
        ContainerDecl*  containerDecl)
        Modifiers modifiers = ParseModifiers(parser);
        return ParseDeclWithModifiers(parser, containerDecl, modifiers);

    static Decl* ParseSingleDecl(
        Parser*			parser,
        ContainerDecl*	containerDecl)
        auto declBase = ParseDecl(parser, containerDecl);
            return nullptr;
        if( auto decl = as<Decl>(declBase) )
            return decl;
        else if( auto declGroup = as<DeclGroup>(declBase) )
            if( declGroup->decls.getCount() == 1 )
                return declGroup->decls[0];

        parser->sink->diagnose(declBase->loc, Diagnostics::unimplemented, "didn't expect multiple declarations here");
        return nullptr;

    static bool parseGLSLGlobalDecl(Parser* parser, ContainerDecl* containerDecl)

        if (AdvanceIf(parser, "precision"))
            // skip global precision declarations.
            return true;
        Modifier* layoutModifier = nullptr;
        if (parser->LookAheadToken("layout"))
            tryParseUsingSyntaxDecl<Modifier>(parser, &layoutModifier);

        DeclBase* decl = nullptr;
        if (parser->LookAheadToken("uniform", 0) &&
            (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LBrace, 1) || 
                parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier, 1) &&
                parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LBrace, 2)))
            decl = as<Decl>(parseHLSLCBufferDecl(parser, containerDecl));
            if (decl)
                AddMember(parser->currentScope, (Decl*)decl);
        else if (layoutModifier)
            decl = ParseDecl(parser, containerDecl);

        if (decl)
            addModifier(decl, layoutModifier);
            return true;
        return false;

    static void parseDecls(
        Parser*             parser,
        ContainerDecl*      containerDecl,
        MatchedTokenType    matchType)
        Token closingBraceToken;
        while (!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, matchType, &closingBraceToken))
            if (parser->options.allowGLSLInput)
                if (parseGLSLGlobalDecl(parser, containerDecl))
            ParseDecl(parser, containerDecl);
        containerDecl->closingSourceLoc = closingBraceToken.loc;

    static void parseDeclBody(
        Parser*         parser,
        ContainerDecl*  parent)

        parseDecls(parser, parent, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces);


    void Parser::parseSourceFile(ContainerDecl* program)

        if (outerScope)
            currentScope = outerScope;

        currentModule = getModuleDecl(program);


        // A single `ModuleDecl` might span multiple source files, so it
        // is possible that we are parsing a new source file into a module
        // that has already been created and filled in for a previous
        // source file.
        // If this is the first source file for the module then we expect
        // its location information to be invalid, and we will set it to
        // refer to the start of the first source file.
        // This convention is reasonable for any single-source-file module,
        // and about as good as possible for multiple-file modules.
            program->loc = tokenReader.peekLoc();

        if (options.allowGLSLInput)
            auto glslName = getName(this, "glsl");
            if (program-> != glslName)
                auto importDecl = astBuilder->create<ImportDecl>();
                importDecl-> = glslName;
                importDecl->scope = currentScope;
                AddMember(currentScope, importDecl);

        parseDecls(this, program, MatchedTokenType::File);

        SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(currentScope == outerScope);
        currentScope = nullptr;

    Decl* Parser::ParseStruct()
        StructDecl* rs = astBuilder->create<StructDecl>();

        // The `struct` keyword may optionally be followed by
        // attributes that appertain to the struct declaration
        // itself, and not to any variables declared using this
        // type specifier.
        // TODO: We don't yet correctly associate attributes with
        // a variable decarlation vs. a struct type when a variable
        // is declared with a struct type specified.
            Modifier** modifierLink = &rs->modifiers.first;
            ParseSquareBracketAttributes(this, &modifierLink);

        // Skip completion request token to prevent producing a type named completion request.
        AdvanceIf(this, TokenType::CompletionRequest);

        // TODO: support `struct` declaration without tag
        rs->nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(this);
        return parseOptGenericDecl(this, [&](GenericDecl*)
            // We allow for an inheritance clause on a `struct`
            // so that it can conform to interfaces.
            parseOptionalInheritanceClause(this, rs);
            parseDeclBody(this, rs);
            return rs;

    ClassDecl* Parser::ParseClass()
        ClassDecl* rs = astBuilder->create<ClassDecl>();

        AdvanceIf(this, TokenType::CompletionRequest);

        rs->nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(this);

        parseOptionalInheritanceClause(this, rs);

        parseDeclBody(this, rs);
        return rs;

    Decl* Parser::ParseGLSLInterfaceBlock()
        // MyBlockName { float myData[]; } myBufferName;
        // This returns a struct decl representing the fields

        auto* rs = astBuilder->create<GLSLInterfaceBlockDecl>();

        // As for struct, skip completion request token to prevent producing a
        // block named completion request.
        AdvanceIf(this, TokenType::CompletionRequest);
        rs->nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(this);
        parseDeclBody(this, rs);
        return rs;

    static EnumCaseDecl* parseEnumCaseDecl(Parser* parser)
        EnumCaseDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<EnumCaseDecl>();
        decl->nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);

        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
            decl->tagExpr = parser->ParseArgExpr();

        return decl;

    static Decl* parseEnumDecl(Parser* parser)
        EnumDecl* decl = parser->astBuilder->create<EnumDecl>();


        // HACK: allow the user to write `enum class` in case
        // they are trying to share a header between C++ and Slang.
        // TODO: diagnose this with a warning some day, and move
        // toward deprecating it.
        AdvanceIf(parser, "class");

        AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::CompletionRequest);


        decl->nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);

        return parseOptGenericDecl(parser, [&](GenericDecl*)
            parseOptionalInheritanceClause(parser, decl);
            Token closingToken;
            while (!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces, &closingToken))
                EnumCaseDecl* caseDecl = parseEnumCaseDecl(parser);
                AddMember(decl, caseDecl);

                if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::RBrace))

            decl->closingSourceLoc = closingToken.loc;
            return decl;

    static Stmt* ParseSwitchStmt(Parser* parser)
        SwitchStmt* stmt = parser->astBuilder->create<SwitchStmt>();
        stmt->condition = parser->ParseExpression();
        stmt->body = parser->parseBlockStatement();
        return stmt;

    static Stmt* ParseCaseStmt(Parser* parser)
        CaseStmt* stmt = parser->astBuilder->create<CaseStmt>();
        stmt->expr = parser->ParseExpression();
        return stmt;

    static Stmt* ParseDefaultStmt(Parser* parser)
        DefaultStmt* stmt = parser->astBuilder->create<DefaultStmt>();
        return stmt;

    static Stmt* parseTargetSwitchStmt(Parser* parser)
        TargetSwitchStmt* stmt = parser->astBuilder->create<TargetSwitchStmt>();
        if (!beginMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces))
            return stmt;
        Token closingBraceToken;
        while (!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces, &closingBraceToken))
            ScopeDecl* scopeDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<ScopeDecl>();
            List<Token> caseNames;
            for (;;)
                if (parser->LookAheadToken("case"))
                else if (parser->LookAheadToken("default"))
                    auto token = parser->ReadToken();
            if (caseNames.getCount() == 0)
                    "'case' or 'default'");
                parser->isRecovering = true;
                goto recover;
                Stmt* bodyStmt = nullptr;
                for (;;)
                    if (parser->LookAheadToken("case") || parser->LookAheadToken("default") || parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::RBrace) ||
                    auto nextStmt = parser->ParseStatement(stmt);
                    if (nextStmt)
                        if (!bodyStmt)
                            bodyStmt = nextStmt;
                        else if (auto seqStmt = as<SeqStmt>(bodyStmt))
                            SeqStmt* newBody = parser->astBuilder->create<SeqStmt>();
                            newBody->loc = bodyStmt->loc;
                            bodyStmt = newBody;

                for (auto caseName : caseNames)
                    TargetCaseStmt* targetCase = parser->astBuilder->create<TargetCaseStmt>();
                    auto cap = findCapabilityName(caseName.getContent());
                    if (caseName.getContent().getLength() && cap == CapabilityName::Invalid)
                        parser->sink->diagnose(caseName.loc, Diagnostics::unknownTargetName, caseName.getContent());
                    targetCase->capability = int32_t(cap);
                    targetCase->loc = caseName.loc;
                    targetCase->body = bodyStmt;
        return stmt;

    static Stmt* parseIntrinsicAsmStmt(Parser* parser)
        IntrinsicAsmStmt* stmt = parser->astBuilder->create<IntrinsicAsmStmt>();
        stmt->asmText = getStringLiteralTokenValue(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::StringLiteral));
        return stmt;

    GpuForeachStmt* ParseGpuForeachStmt(Parser* parser)
        // Hard-coding parsing of the following:
        // __GPU_FOREACH(renderer, gridDims, LAMBDA(uint3 dispatchThreadID) {
        //  kernelCall(args, ...); });

        // Setup the scope so that dispatchThreadID is in scope for kernelCall
        ScopeDecl* scopeDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<ScopeDecl>();
        GpuForeachStmt* stmt = parser->astBuilder->create<GpuForeachStmt>();
        stmt->scopeDecl = scopeDecl;

        stmt->device = parser->ParseArgExpr();
        stmt->gridDims = parser->ParseArgExpr();


        auto idType = parser->ParseTypeExp();
        NameLoc varNameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);
        VarDecl* varDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<VarDecl>();
        varDecl->nameAndLoc = varNameAndLoc;
        varDecl->loc = varNameAndLoc.loc;
        varDecl->type = idType;
        stmt->dispatchThreadID = varDecl;


        AddMember(parser->currentScope, varDecl);

        stmt->kernelCall = parser->ParseExpression();





        return stmt;

    static bool _isType(Decl* decl)
        return decl && (as<AggTypeDecl>(decl) || as<SimpleTypeDecl>(decl));

    // TODO(JS):
    // This only handles StaticMemberExpr, and VarExpr lookup scenarios!
    static Decl* _tryResolveDecl(Parser* parser, Expr* expr)
        if (auto staticMemberExpr = as<StaticMemberExpr>(expr))
            Decl* baseTypeDecl = _tryResolveDecl(parser, staticMemberExpr->baseExpression);
            if (!baseTypeDecl)
                return nullptr;
            if (AggTypeDecl* aggTypeDecl = as<AggTypeDecl>(baseTypeDecl))
                // TODO(JS):
                // Is it valid to always have empty substitution set here?
                DeclRef<ContainerDecl> declRef(aggTypeDecl);

                auto lookupResult = lookUpDirectAndTransparentMembers(
                    nullptr, // no semantics visitor available yet

                if (!lookupResult.isValid() || lookupResult.isOverloaded())
                    return nullptr;

                return lookupResult.item.declRef.getDecl();

            // Didn't find it
            return nullptr;

        if (auto varExpr = as<VarExpr>(expr))
            // Do the lookup in the current scope
            auto lookupResult = lookUp(
                nullptr, // no semantics visitor available yet
            if (!lookupResult.isValid() || lookupResult.isOverloaded())
                return nullptr;

            return lookupResult.item.declRef.getDecl();

        return nullptr;

    static bool isTypeName(Parser* parser, Name* name)
        auto lookupResult = lookUp(
            nullptr, // no semantics visitor available yet
        if (!lookupResult.isValid() || lookupResult.isOverloaded())
            return false;

        return _isType(lookupResult.item.declRef.getDecl());

    static bool peekTypeName(Parser* parser)
        if (!parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier))
            return false;

        auto name = parser->tokenReader.peekToken().getName();
        return isTypeName(parser, name);

    Stmt* parseCompileTimeForStmt(
        Parser* parser)
        ScopeDecl* scopeDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<ScopeDecl>();
        CompileTimeForStmt* stmt = parser->astBuilder->create<CompileTimeForStmt>();
        stmt->scopeDecl = scopeDecl;


        NameLoc varNameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);
        VarDecl* varDecl = parser->astBuilder->create<VarDecl>();
        varDecl->nameAndLoc = varNameAndLoc;
        varDecl->loc = varNameAndLoc.loc;

        stmt->varDecl = varDecl;


        Expr* rangeBeginExpr = nullptr;
        Expr* rangeEndExpr = parser->ParseArgExpr();
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma))
            rangeBeginExpr = rangeEndExpr;
            rangeEndExpr = parser->ParseArgExpr();

        stmt->rangeBeginExpr = rangeBeginExpr;
        stmt->rangeEndExpr = rangeEndExpr;


        AddMember(parser->currentScope, varDecl);

        stmt->body = parser->ParseStatement();


        return stmt;

    Stmt* parseCompileTimeStmt(
        Parser* parser)
        if (parser->LookAheadToken("for"))
            return parseCompileTimeForStmt(parser);
            return nullptr;

    Stmt* Parser::ParseStatement(Stmt* parentStmt)
        auto modifiers = ParseModifiers(this);

        Stmt* statement = nullptr;
        if (LookAheadToken(TokenType::LBrace))
            statement = parseBlockStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken("if"))
            statement = parseIfStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken("for"))
            statement = ParseForStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken("while"))
            statement = ParseWhileStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken("do"))
            statement = ParseDoWhileStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken("break"))
            statement = ParseBreakStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken("continue"))
            statement = ParseContinueStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken("return"))
            statement = ParseReturnStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken("discard"))
            statement = astBuilder->create<DiscardStmt>();
        else if (LookAheadToken("switch"))
            statement = ParseSwitchStmt(this);
        else if (LookAheadToken("__target_switch"))
            statement = parseTargetSwitchStmt(this);
        else if (LookAheadToken("__intrinsic_asm"))
            statement = parseIntrinsicAsmStmt(this);
        else if (LookAheadToken("case"))
            statement = ParseCaseStmt(this);
        else if (LookAheadToken("default"))
            statement = ParseDefaultStmt(this);
        else if (LookAheadToken("__GPU_FOREACH"))
            statement = ParseGpuForeachStmt(this);
        else if (LookAheadToken(TokenType::Dollar))
            statement = parseCompileTimeStmt(this);
        else if (LookAheadToken("try"))
            statement = ParseExpressionStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier))
            if (LookAheadToken(TokenType::Colon, 1))
                // An identifier followed by an ":" is a label.
                return parseLabelStatement();

            // We might be looking at a local declaration, or an
            // expression statement, and we need to figure out which.
            // We'll solve this with backtracking for now.
            // TODO: This should not require backtracking at all.

            TokenReader::ParsingCursor startPos = tokenReader.getCursor();

            // Try to parse a type (knowing that the type grammar is
            // a subset of the expression grammar, and so this should
            // always succeed).
            // HACK: The type grammar that `ParseType` supports is *not*
            // a subset of the expression grammar because it includes
            // type specififers like `struct` and `enum` declarations
            // which should always be the start of a declaration.
            // TODO: Before launching into this attempt to parse a type,
            // this logic should really be looking up the `SyntaxDecl`,
            // if any, assocaited with the identifier. If a piece of
            // syntax is discovered, then it should dictate the next
            // steps of parsing, and only in the case where the lookahead
            // isn't a keyword should we fall back to the approach
            // here.
            bool prevHasSeenCompletionToken = hasSeenCompletionToken;
            Expr* type = ParseType();

            // We don't actually care about the type, though, so
            // don't retain it
            // TODO: There is no reason to throw away the work we
            // did parsing the `type` expression. Once we disambiguate
            // what to do, we should be able to use the expression
            // we already parsed as a starting point for whatever we
            // parse next. E.g., if we have `A.b` and the lookahead is `+`
            // then we can use `A.b` as the left-hand-side expression
            // when starting to parse an infix expression.
            type = nullptr;

            // TODO: If we decide to intermix parsing of statement bodies
            // with semantic checking (by delaying the parsing of bodies
            // until semantic context is available), then we could look
            // at the *type* of `type` to disambiguate what to do next,
            // which might result in a nice simplification (at the cost
            // of definitely making the grammar context-dependent).

            // If the next token after we parsed a type looks like
            // we are going to declare a variable, then lets guess
            // that this is a declaration.
            // TODO(tfoley): this wouldn't be robust for more
            // general kinds of declarators (notably pointer declarators),
            // so we'll need to be careful about this.
            // If the line being parsed token is `Something* ...`, then the `*`
            // is already consumed by `ParseType` above and the current logic
            // will continue to parse as var declaration instead of a mul expr.
            // In this context it makes sense to disambiguate
            // in favor of a pointer over a multiply, since a multiply
            // expression can't appear at the start of a statement
            // with any side effects.
            if (!hasSeenCompletionToken && (LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier) ||
                // Reset the cursor and try to parse a declaration now.
                // Note: the declaration will consume any modifiers
                // that had been in place on the statement.
                statement = parseVarDeclrStatement(modifiers);
                return statement;

            // Fallback: reset and parse an expression
            hasSeenCompletionToken = prevHasSeenCompletionToken;
            statement = ParseExpressionStatement();
        else if (LookAheadToken(TokenType::Semicolon))
            if (as<IfStmt>(parentStmt))
                // An empty statement after an `if` is probably a mistake,
                // so we will diagnose it as such.
                sink->diagnose(tokenReader.peekLoc(), Diagnostics::unintendedEmptyStatement);
            statement = astBuilder->create<EmptyStmt>();
            // Default case should always fall back to parsing an expression,
            // and then let that detect any errors
            statement = ParseExpressionStatement();

        if (statement && !as<DeclStmt>(statement))
            // Install any modifiers onto the statement.
            // Note: this path is bypassed in the case of a
            // declaration statement, so we don't end up
            // doubling up the modifiers.
            statement->modifiers = modifiers;

        return statement;

    Stmt* Parser::parseBlockStatement()
        if(!beginMatch(this, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces))
            auto emptyStmt = astBuilder->create<EmptyStmt>();
            return emptyStmt;

        ScopeDecl* scopeDecl = astBuilder->create<ScopeDecl>();
        BlockStmt* blockStatement = astBuilder->create<BlockStmt>();
        blockStatement->scopeDecl = scopeDecl;

        Stmt* body = nullptr;


        Token closingBraceToken;
        while (!AdvanceIfMatch(this, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces, &closingBraceToken))
            if (LookAheadToken("struct"))
                auto structDecl = ParseStruct();
                AddMember(scopeDecl, structDecl);
            else if (AdvanceIf(this, "typedef"))
                auto typeDefDecl = parseTypeDef(this, nullptr);
                AddMember(scopeDecl, (Decl*)typeDefDecl);
            else if (AdvanceIf(this, "typealias"))
                auto typeDefDecl = parseTypeAliasDecl(this, nullptr);
                AddMember(scopeDecl, (Decl*)typeDefDecl);

            auto stmt = ParseStatement();
                if (!body)
                    body = stmt;
                else if (auto seqStmt = as<SeqStmt>(body))
                    SeqStmt* newBody = astBuilder->create<SeqStmt>();
                    newBody->loc = blockStatement->loc;

                    body = newBody;

        // Save the closing braces source loc
        blockStatement->closingSourceLoc = closingBraceToken.loc;

            body = astBuilder->create<EmptyStmt>();
            body->loc = blockStatement->loc;

        blockStatement->body = body;
        return blockStatement;

    Stmt* Parser::parseLabelStatement()
        LabelStmt* stmt = astBuilder->create<LabelStmt>();
        stmt->label = ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
        stmt->innerStmt = ParseStatement();
        return stmt;

    DeclStmt* Parser::parseVarDeclrStatement(
        Modifiers modifiers)
        DeclStmt*varDeclrStatement = astBuilder->create<DeclStmt>();

        auto decl = ParseDeclWithModifiers(this, currentScope->containerDecl, modifiers);
        varDeclrStatement->decl = decl;
        return varDeclrStatement;

    IfStmt* Parser::parseIfStatement()
        IfStmt* ifStatement = astBuilder->create<IfStmt>();
        ifStatement->predicate = ParseExpression();
        ifStatement->positiveStatement = ParseStatement(ifStatement);
        if (LookAheadToken("else"))
            ifStatement->negativeStatement = ParseStatement(ifStatement);
        return ifStatement;

    ForStmt* Parser::ParseForStatement()
        ScopeDecl* scopeDecl = astBuilder->create<ScopeDecl>();

        // HLSL implements the bad approach to scoping a `for` loop
        // variable, and we want to respect that, but *only* when
        // parsing HLSL code.

        bool brokenScoping = getSourceLanguage() == SourceLanguage::HLSL;

        // We will create a distinct syntax node class for the unscoped
        // case, just so that we can correctly handle it in downstream
        // logic.
        ForStmt* stmt = nullptr;
        if (brokenScoping)
            stmt = astBuilder->create<UnscopedForStmt>();
            stmt = astBuilder->create<ForStmt>();

        stmt->scopeDecl = scopeDecl;

        auto modifiers = ParseModifiers(this);
        if (peekTypeName(this) || !modifiers.isEmpty())
            stmt->initialStatement = parseVarDeclrStatement(modifiers);
            if (!LookAheadToken(TokenType::Semicolon))
                stmt->initialStatement = ParseExpressionStatement();
        if (!LookAheadToken(TokenType::Semicolon))
            stmt->predicateExpression = ParseExpression();
        if (!LookAheadToken(TokenType::RParent))
            stmt->sideEffectExpression = ParseExpression();
        stmt->statement = ParseStatement();

        if (!brokenScoping)

        return stmt;

    WhileStmt* Parser::ParseWhileStatement()
        WhileStmt* whileStatement = astBuilder->create<WhileStmt>();
        whileStatement->predicate = ParseExpression();
        whileStatement->statement = ParseStatement();
        return whileStatement;

    DoWhileStmt* Parser::ParseDoWhileStatement()
        DoWhileStmt* doWhileStatement = astBuilder->create<DoWhileStmt>();
        doWhileStatement->statement = ParseStatement();
        doWhileStatement->predicate = ParseExpression();
        return doWhileStatement;

    BreakStmt* Parser::ParseBreakStatement()
        BreakStmt* breakStatement = astBuilder->create<BreakStmt>();
        if (LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier))
            breakStatement->targetLabel = ReadToken();
        return breakStatement;

    ContinueStmt* Parser::ParseContinueStatement()
        ContinueStmt* continueStatement = astBuilder->create<ContinueStmt>();
        return continueStatement;

    ReturnStmt* Parser::ParseReturnStatement()
        ReturnStmt* returnStatement = astBuilder->create<ReturnStmt>();
        if (!LookAheadToken(TokenType::Semicolon))
            returnStatement->expression = ParseExpression();
        return returnStatement;

    ExpressionStmt* Parser::ParseExpressionStatement()
        ExpressionStmt* statement = astBuilder->create<ExpressionStmt>();

        statement->expression = ParseExpression();

        return statement;

    ParamDecl* Parser::ParseParameter()
        ParamDecl* parameter = astBuilder->create<ParamDecl>();
        parameter->modifiers = ParseModifiers(this);

        _parseTraditionalParamDeclCommonBase(this, parameter, kDeclaratorParseOption_AllowEmpty);

        return parameter;

        /// Parse an "atomic" type expression.
        /// An atomic type expression is a type specifier followed by an optional
        /// body in the case of a `struct`, `enum`, etc.
    static Expr* _parseAtomicTypeExpr(Parser* parser)
        auto typeSpec = _parseTypeSpec(parser);
        if( typeSpec.decl )
            AddMember(parser->currentScope, typeSpec.decl);
        return typeSpec.expr;

        /// Parse a postfix type expression.
        /// A postfix type expression is an atomic type expression followed
        /// by zero or more postifx suffixes like array brackets.
    static Expr* _parsePostfixTypeExpr(Parser* parser)
        auto typeExpr = _parseAtomicTypeExpr(parser);
        return parsePostfixTypeSuffix(parser, typeExpr);

    static Expr* _parseInfixTypeExpr(Parser* parser);

    static Expr* _parseInfixTypeExprSuffix(Parser* parser, Expr* leftExpr)
            // As long as the next token is an `&`, we will try
            // to gobble up another type expression and form
            // a conjunction type expression.

            auto loc = peekToken(parser).loc;
            if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpBitAnd))
                auto rightExpr = _parsePostfixTypeExpr(parser);

                auto andExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<AndTypeExpr>();
                andExpr->loc = loc;
                andExpr->left = TypeExp(leftExpr);
                andExpr->right = TypeExp(rightExpr);
                leftExpr = andExpr;

        return leftExpr;

        /// Parse an infix type expression.
        /// Currently, the only infix type expressions we support are the `&`
        /// operator for forming interface conjunctions and the `->` operator
        /// for functions.
    static Expr* _parseInfixTypeExpr(Parser* parser)
        auto leftExpr = _parsePostfixTypeExpr(parser);
        return _parseInfixTypeExprSuffix(parser, leftExpr);

    Expr* Parser::ParseType()
        return _parseInfixTypeExpr(this);

    TypeExp Parser::ParseTypeExp()
        return TypeExp(ParseType());

    enum class Associativity
        Left, Right

    Associativity GetAssociativityFromLevel(Precedence level)
        if (level == Precedence::Assignment)
            return Associativity::Right;
            return Associativity::Left;

    Precedence GetOpLevel(Parser* parser, const Token& token)
        case TokenType::QuestionMark:
            return Precedence::TernaryConditional;
        case TokenType::Comma:
            return Precedence::Comma;
        case TokenType::OpAssign:
        case TokenType::OpMulAssign:
        case TokenType::OpDivAssign:
        case TokenType::OpAddAssign:
        case TokenType::OpSubAssign:
        case TokenType::OpModAssign:
        case TokenType::OpShlAssign:
        case TokenType::OpShrAssign:
        case TokenType::OpOrAssign:
        case TokenType::OpAndAssign:
        case TokenType::OpXorAssign:
            return Precedence::Assignment;
        case TokenType::OpOr:
            return Precedence::LogicalOr;
        case TokenType::OpAnd:
            return Precedence::LogicalAnd;
        case TokenType::OpBitOr:
            return Precedence::BitOr;
        case TokenType::OpBitXor:
            return Precedence::BitXor;
        case TokenType::OpBitAnd:
            return Precedence::BitAnd;
        case TokenType::OpEql:
        case TokenType::OpNeq:
            return Precedence::EqualityComparison;
        case TokenType::OpGreater:
        case TokenType::OpGeq:
            // Don't allow these ops inside a generic argument
            if (parser->genericDepth > 0) return Precedence::Invalid;
            ; // fall-thru
        case TokenType::OpLeq:
        case TokenType::OpLess:
            return Precedence::RelationalComparison;
        case TokenType::OpRsh:
            // Don't allow this op inside a generic argument
            if (parser->genericDepth > 0) return Precedence::Invalid;
            ; // fall-thru
        case TokenType::OpLsh:
            return Precedence::BitShift;
        case TokenType::OpAdd:
        case TokenType::OpSub:
            return Precedence::Additive;
        case TokenType::OpMul:
        case TokenType::OpDiv:
        case TokenType::OpMod:
            return Precedence::Multiplicative;
            const auto content = token.getContent();
            if (content == "is" || content == "as")
                return Precedence::RelationalComparison;
            return Precedence::Invalid;

    static Expr* parseOperator(Parser* parser)
        Token opToken;
        case TokenType::QuestionMark:
            opToken = parser->ReadToken();

            opToken = parser->ReadToken();

        auto opExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
        opExpr->name = getName(parser, opToken.getContent());
        opExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;
        opExpr->loc = opToken.loc;

        return opExpr;


    static Expr* createInfixExpr(
        Parser*         parser,
        Expr*    left,
        Expr*    op,
        Expr*    right)
        InfixExpr* expr = parser->astBuilder->create<InfixExpr>();
        expr->loc = op->loc;
        expr->functionExpr = op;
        return expr;

    static Expr* parseInfixExprWithPrecedence(
        Parser*                         parser,
        Expr*    inExpr,
        Precedence                      prec)
        auto expr = inExpr;
            auto opToken = parser->tokenReader.peekToken();
            auto opPrec = GetOpLevel(parser, opToken);
            if(opPrec < prec)

            // Special case the "is" and "as" operators.
            if (opToken.type == TokenType::Identifier)
                const auto content = opToken.getContent();

                if (content == "is")
                    auto isExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<IsTypeExpr>();
                    isExpr->value = expr;
                    isExpr->typeExpr = parser->ParseTypeExp();
                    isExpr->loc = opToken.loc;
                    expr = isExpr;
                else if (content == "as")
                    auto asExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<AsTypeExpr>();
                    asExpr->value = expr;
                    asExpr->typeExpr = parser->ParseType();
                    asExpr->loc = opToken.loc;
                    expr = asExpr;

            auto op = parseOperator(parser);

            // Special case the `?:` operator since it is the
            // one non-binary case we need to deal with.
            if(opToken.type == TokenType::QuestionMark)
                SelectExpr* select = parser->astBuilder->create<SelectExpr>();
                select->loc = op->loc;
                select->functionExpr = op;



                expr = select;

            auto right = parser->ParseLeafExpression();

                auto nextOpPrec = GetOpLevel(parser, parser->tokenReader.peekToken());

                if((GetAssociativityFromLevel(nextOpPrec) == Associativity::Right) ? (nextOpPrec < opPrec) : (nextOpPrec <= opPrec))

                right = parseInfixExprWithPrecedence(parser, right, nextOpPrec);

            if (opToken.type == TokenType::OpAssign)
                AssignExpr* assignExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<AssignExpr>();
                assignExpr->loc = op->loc;
                assignExpr->left = expr;
                assignExpr->right = right;

                expr = assignExpr;
                expr = createInfixExpr(parser, expr, op, right);
        return expr;

    Expr* Parser::ParseExpression(Precedence level)
        auto expr = ParseLeafExpression();
        return parseInfixExprWithPrecedence(this, expr, level);

#if 0

        if (level == Precedence::Prefix)
            return ParseLeafExpression();
        if (level == Precedence::TernaryConditional)
            // parse select clause
            auto condition = ParseExpression(Precedence(level + 1));
            if (LookAheadToken(TokenType::QuestionMark))
                SelectExpr* select = new SelectExpr();


                select->FunctionExpr = parseOperator(this);

                return select;
                return condition;
            if (GetAssociativityFromLevel(level) == Associativity::Left)
                auto left = ParseExpression(Precedence(level + 1));
                while (GetOpLevel(this, tokenReader.PeekTokenType()) == level)
                    OperatorExpr* tmp = new InfixExpr();
                    tmp->FunctionExpr = parseOperator(this);

                    tmp->Arguments.add(ParseExpression(Precedence(level + 1)));
                    left = tmp;
                return left;
                auto left = ParseExpression(Precedence(level + 1));
                if (GetOpLevel(this, tokenReader.PeekTokenType()) == level)
                    OperatorExpr* tmp = new InfixExpr();
                    tmp->FunctionExpr = parseOperator(this);
                    left = tmp;
                return left;

    // We *might* be looking at an application of a generic to arguments,
    // but we need to disambiguate to make sure.
    static Expr* maybeParseGenericApp(
        Parser*                             parser,

        // TODO: need to support more general expressions here
        Expr*     base)
        if(peekTokenType(parser) != TokenType::OpLess)
            return base;
        return tryParseGenericApp(parser, base);

    static Expr* parsePrefixExpr(Parser* parser);

    // Parse OOP `this` expression syntax
    static NodeBase* parseThisExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        ThisExpr* expr = parser->astBuilder->create<ThisExpr>();
        expr->scope = parser->currentScope;
        return expr;

    static NodeBase* parseReturnValExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        ReturnValExpr* expr = parser->astBuilder->create<ReturnValExpr>();
        expr->scope = parser->currentScope;
        return expr;

    static Expr* parseBoolLitExpr(Parser* parser, bool value)
        BoolLiteralExpr* expr = parser->astBuilder->create<BoolLiteralExpr>();
        expr->value = value;
        return expr;

    static NodeBase* parseTrueExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        return parseBoolLitExpr(parser, true);

    static NodeBase* parseFalseExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        return parseBoolLitExpr(parser, false);

    static NodeBase* parseNullPtrExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        return parser->astBuilder->create<NullPtrLiteralExpr>();

    static NodeBase* parseNoneExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        return parser->astBuilder->create<NoneLiteralExpr>();

    static NodeBase* parseSizeOfExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        // We could have a type or a variable or an expression
        SizeOfExpr* sizeOfExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<SizeOfExpr>();

        // The return type is always a UInt
        sizeOfExpr->type = parser->astBuilder->getUIntType();

        sizeOfExpr->value = parser->ParseExpression();


        return sizeOfExpr;

    static NodeBase* parseAlignOfExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        // We could have a type or a variable or an expression
        AlignOfExpr* alignOfExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<AlignOfExpr>();


        // The return type is always a UInt
        alignOfExpr->type = parser->astBuilder->getUIntType();

        alignOfExpr->value = parser->ParseExpression();


        return alignOfExpr;

    static NodeBase* parseTryExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto tryExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<TryExpr>();
        tryExpr->tryClauseType = TryClauseType::Standard;
        tryExpr->base = parser->ParseLeafExpression();
        tryExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;
        return tryExpr;

    static NodeBase* parseTreatAsDifferentiableExpr(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto noDiffExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<TreatAsDifferentiableExpr>();
        noDiffExpr->innerExpr = parser->ParseLeafExpression();
        noDiffExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;
        noDiffExpr->flavor = TreatAsDifferentiableExpr::Flavor::NoDiff;
        return noDiffExpr;

    static bool _isFinite(double value)
        // Lets type pun double to uint64_t, so we can detect special double values
            double d;
            uint64_t i;
        } u = { value };
        // Detects nan and +-inf
        const uint64_t i = u.i;
        int e = int(i >> 52) & 0x7ff;
        return (e != 0x7ff);

    enum class FloatFixKind
        None,               ///< No modification was made
        Unrepresentable,    ///< Unrepresentable
        Zeroed,             ///< Too close to 0
        Truncated,          ///< Truncated to a non zero value

    static FloatFixKind _fixFloatLiteralValue(BaseType type, IRFloatingPointValue value, IRFloatingPointValue& outValue)
        IRFloatingPointValue epsilon = 1e-10f;

        // Check the value is finite for checking narrowing to literal type losing information
        if (_isFinite(value))
            switch (type)
                case BaseType::Float:
                    // Fix out of range
                    if (value > FLT_MAX)
                        if (Math::AreNearlyEqual(value, FLT_MAX, epsilon))
                            outValue = FLT_MAX;
                            return FloatFixKind::Truncated;
                            outValue = float(INFINITY);
                            return FloatFixKind::Unrepresentable;
                    else if (value < -FLT_MAX)
                        if (Math::AreNearlyEqual(-value, FLT_MAX, epsilon))
                            outValue = -FLT_MAX;
                            return FloatFixKind::Truncated;
                            outValue = -float(INFINITY);
                            return FloatFixKind::Unrepresentable;
                    else if (value && float(value) == 0.0f)
                        outValue = 0.0f;
                        return FloatFixKind::Zeroed;
                case BaseType::Double:
                    // All representable
                case BaseType::Half:
                    // Fix out of range
                    if (value > SLANG_HALF_MAX)
                        if (Math::AreNearlyEqual(value, FLT_MAX, epsilon))
                            outValue = SLANG_HALF_MAX;
                            return FloatFixKind::Truncated;
                            outValue = float(INFINITY);
                            return FloatFixKind::Unrepresentable;
                    else if (value < -SLANG_HALF_MAX)
                        if (Math::AreNearlyEqual(-value, FLT_MAX, epsilon))
                            outValue = -SLANG_HALF_MAX;
                            return FloatFixKind::Truncated;
                            outValue = -float(INFINITY);
                            return FloatFixKind::Unrepresentable;
                    else if (value && Math::Abs(value) < SLANG_HALF_SUB_NORMAL_MIN)
                        outValue = 0.0f;
                        return FloatFixKind::Zeroed;
                default: break;

        outValue = value;
        return FloatFixKind::None;

    static IntegerLiteralValue _fixIntegerLiteral(BaseType baseType, IntegerLiteralValue value, Token* token, DiagnosticSink* sink)
        // TODO(JS):
        // It is worth noting here that because of the way that the lexer works, that literals
        // are always handled as if they are positive (a preceding - is taken as a negate on a
        // positive value).
        // The code here is designed to work with positive and negative values, as this behavior
        // might change in the future, and is arguably more 'correct'.

        const BaseTypeInfo& info = BaseTypeInfo::getInfo(baseType);
        SLANG_ASSERT(info.flags & BaseTypeInfo::Flag::Integer);
        SLANG_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(value) == sizeof(uint64_t));

        // If the type is 64 bits, do nothing, we'll assume all is good
        if (baseType != BaseType::Void && info.sizeInBytes != sizeof(value))
            const IntegerLiteralValue signBit = IntegerLiteralValue(1) << (8 * info.sizeInBytes - 1);
            // Same as (~IntegerLiteralValue(0)) << (8 * info.sizeInBytes);, without the need for variable shift
            const IntegerLiteralValue mask = -(signBit + signBit);

            IntegerLiteralValue truncatedValue = value;
            // If it's signed, and top bit is set, sign extend it negative
            if (info.flags & BaseTypeInfo::Flag::Signed)
                // Sign extend
                truncatedValue = (value & signBit) ? (value | mask) : (value & ~mask);
                // 0 top bits
                truncatedValue = value & ~mask;

            const IntegerLiteralValue maskedValue = value & mask;

            // If the masked value is 0 or equal to the mask, we 'assume' no information is
            // lost
            // This allows for example -1u, to give 0xffffffff
            // It also means 0xfffffffffffffffffu will give 0xffffffff, without a warning.
            if ((!(maskedValue == 0 || maskedValue == mask)) && sink && token)
                // Output a warning that number has been altered
                sink->diagnose(*token, Diagnostics::integerLiteralTruncated, token->getContent(), BaseTypeInfo::asText(baseType), truncatedValue);

            value = truncatedValue;

        return value;

    static bool _isCast(Parser* parser, Expr* expr)
        if (as<PointerTypeExpr>(expr))
            return true;

        // We can't just look at expr and look up if it's a type, because we allow
        // out-of-order declarations. So to a first approximation we'll try and
        // determine if it is a cast via a heuristic based on what comes next

        TokenType tokenType = peekTokenType(parser);

        // Expression
        // ==========
        // Misc: ; ) [ ] , . = ? (ternary) { } ++ -- -> 
        // Binary ops: * / | & ^ % << >> 
        // Logical ops: || &&  
        // Comparisons: != == < > <= =>
        // Any assign op
        // If we don't have pointers then
        // & : (Thing::Another) &v 
        // * : (Thing::Another)*ptr is a cast.
        // Cast
        // ====
        // Misc: (
        // Identifier, Literal
        // Unary ops: !, ~
        // Ambiguous
        // =========
        // - : Can be unary and therefore a cast or a binary subtract, and therefore an expression
        // + : Can be unary and therefore could be a cast, or a binary add and therefore an expression
        // Arbitrary
        // =========
        // End of file, End of directive, Invalid, :, ::

        switch (tokenType)
            case TokenType::FloatingPointLiteral:
            case TokenType::CharLiteral:
            case TokenType::IntegerLiteral:
            case TokenType::Identifier:
            case TokenType::OpNot:
            case TokenType::OpBitNot:
                // If followed by one of these, must be a cast
                return true;
            case TokenType::LParent:
                // If we are followed by ( it might not be a cast - it could be a call invocation.
                // BUT we can always *assume* it is a call, because such a 'call' will be correctly
                // handled as a cast if necessary later.
                return false;
            case TokenType::OpAdd:
            case TokenType::OpSub:
            case TokenType::OpMul:
            case TokenType::OpBitAnd:
                // + - are ambiguous, it could be a binary + or - so -> expression, or unary -> cast
                // (Some::Stuff) + 3
                // (Some::Stuff) - 3
                // Strictly I can only tell if this is an expression or a cast if I know Some::Stuff is a type or not
                // but we can't know here in general because we allow out-of-order declarations.

                // If we can determine it's a type, then it must be a cast, and we are done.
                // NOTE! This test can only determine if it's a type *iff* it has already been defined. A future out
                // of order declaration, will not be correctly found here.
                // This means the semantics change depending on the order of definition (!)
                Decl* decl = _tryResolveDecl(parser, expr);
                // If we can find the decl-> we can resolve unambiguously
                if (decl)
                    return _isType(decl);

                // Now we use a heuristic.
                // Whitespace before, whitespace after->binary
                // No whitespace before, no whitespace after->binary
                // Otherwise->unary
                // Unary -> cast, binary -> expression.
                // Ie:
                // (Some::Stuff) +3  - must be a cast
                // (Some::Stuff)+ 3  - must be a cast (?) This is a bit odd.
                // (Some::Stuff) + 3 - must be an expression.
                // (Some::Stuff)+3 - must be an expression.

                // TODO(JS): This covers the (SomeScope::Identifier) case
                // But perhaps there other ways of referring to types, that this now misses? With associated types/generics perhaps.
                // For now we'll assume it's not a cast if it's not a StaticMemberExpr
                // The reason for the restriction (which perhaps can be broadened), is we don't
                // want the interpretation of something in parentheses to be determined by something as common as + or - whitespace.

                if (const auto staticMemberExpr = dynamicCast<StaticMemberExpr>(expr))
                    // Apply the heuristic:
                    TokenReader::ParsingCursor cursor = parser->tokenReader.getCursor();
                    // Skip the + or -
                    const Token opToken = advanceToken(parser);
                    // Peek the next token to see if it was preceded by white space
                    const Token nextToken = peekToken(parser);

                    // Rewind

                    const bool isBinary = (nextToken.flags & TokenFlag::AfterWhitespace) == (opToken.flags & TokenFlag::AfterWhitespace);

                    // If it's binary it's not a cast
                    return !isBinary;
            default: break;

        // We'll assume it's not a cast
        return false;

    static bool tryParseExpression(Parser* parser, Expr* &outExpr, TokenType tokenTypeAfter)
        auto cursor = parser->tokenReader.getCursor();
        auto isRecovering = parser->isRecovering;
        auto oldSink = parser->sink;
        DiagnosticSink newSink(parser->sink->getSourceManager(), nullptr);
        parser->sink = &newSink;
        outExpr = parser->ParseExpression();
        parser->sink = oldSink;
        parser->isRecovering = isRecovering;
        if (outExpr && newSink.getErrorCount() == 0 && parser->LookAheadToken(tokenTypeAfter))
            return true;
        return false;

    static Expr* parseAtomicExpr(Parser* parser)
        switch( peekTokenType(parser) )
            // TODO: should this return an error expression instead of NULL?
            parser->diagnose(parser->tokenReader.peekLoc(), Diagnostics::syntaxError);
            return parser->astBuilder->create<IncompleteExpr>();

        // Either:
        // - parenthesized expression `(exp)`
        // - cast `(type) exp`
        // Proper disambiguation requires mixing up parsing
        // and semantic checking (which we should do eventually)
        // but for now we will follow some heuristics.
        case TokenType::LParent:
                Token openParen = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::LParent);

                // Only handles cases of `(type)`, where type is a single identifier,
                // and at this point the type is known
                if (peekTypeName(parser) && parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::RParent, 1))
                    // Get the identifier for the type
                    const Token typeToken = advanceToken(parser);
                    // Consume the closing `)`

                    auto varExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
                    varExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;
                    varExpr->loc = typeToken.loc;
                    varExpr->name = typeToken.getName();

                    TypeCastExpr* tcexpr = parser->astBuilder->create<ExplicitCastExpr>();
                    tcexpr->loc = openParen.loc;

                    tcexpr->functionExpr = varExpr;

                    auto arg = parsePrefixExpr(parser);

                    return tcexpr;
                    // The above branch catches the case where we have a cast like (Thing), but with
                    // the scoping operator it will not handle (SomeScope::Thing). In that case this
                    // branch will be taken. This is okay in so far as SomeScope::Thing will parse
                    // as an expression.
                    Expr* base = nullptr;
                    if (!tryParseExpression(parser, base, TokenType::RParent))
                        base = parser->ParseType();


                    // We now try and determine by what base is, if this is actually a cast or an expression in parentheses
                    if (_isCast(parser, base))
                        // Parse as a cast

                        TypeCastExpr* tcexpr = parser->astBuilder->create<ExplicitCastExpr>();
                        tcexpr->loc = openParen.loc;

                        tcexpr->functionExpr = base;

                        auto arg = parsePrefixExpr(parser);

                        return tcexpr;
                        // Pass as an expression in parentheses

                        ParenExpr* parenExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<ParenExpr>();
                        parenExpr->loc = openParen.loc;
                        parenExpr->base = base;
                        return parenExpr;

        // An initializer list `{ expr, ... }`
        case TokenType::LBrace:
                InitializerListExpr* initExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<InitializerListExpr>();

                // Initializer list

                List<Expr*> exprs;

                    if(AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces))

                    auto expr = parser->ParseArgExpr();
                    if( expr )

                    if(AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::CurlyBraces))


                return initExpr;

        case TokenType::IntegerLiteral:
                IntegerLiteralExpr* constExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<IntegerLiteralExpr>();

                auto token = parser->tokenReader.advanceToken();
                constExpr->token = token;

                UnownedStringSlice suffix;
                IntegerLiteralValue value = getIntegerLiteralValue(token, &suffix);

                // Look at any suffix on the value
                char const* suffixCursor = suffix.begin();
                const char*const suffixEnd = suffix.end();

                // If no suffix is defined go with the default
                BaseType suffixBaseType = BaseType::Int;

                if( suffixCursor < suffixEnd )
                    // Mark as void, taken as an error
                    suffixBaseType = BaseType::Void;

                    int lCount = 0;
                    int uCount = 0;
                    int zCount = 0;
                    int unknownCount = 0;
                    while(suffixCursor < suffixEnd)
                        switch( *suffixCursor++ )
                        case 'l': case 'L':

                        case 'u': case 'U':

                        case 'z': case 'Z':


                        parser->sink->diagnose(token, Diagnostics::invalidIntegerLiteralSuffix, suffix);
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Int;
                    // `u` or `ul` suffix -> `uint`
                    else if(uCount == 1 && (lCount <= 1) && zCount == 0)
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::UInt;
                    // `l` suffix on integer -> `int` (== `long`)
                    else if(lCount == 1 && !uCount && zCount == 0)
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Int; 
                    // `ull` suffix -> `uint64_t`
                    else if(uCount == 1 && lCount == 2 && zCount == 0)
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::UInt64;
                    // `ll` suffix -> `int64_t`
                    else if(uCount == 0 && lCount == 2 && zCount == 0)
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Int64;
                    else if (uCount == 0 && zCount == 1)
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::IntPtr;
                    else if (uCount == 1 && zCount == 1)
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::UIntPtr;
                    // TODO: do we need suffixes for smaller integer types?
                        parser->sink->diagnose(token, Diagnostics::invalidIntegerLiteralSuffix, suffix);
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Int;

                value = _fixIntegerLiteral(suffixBaseType, value, &token, parser->sink);

                ASTBuilder* astBuilder = parser->astBuilder;
                Type* suffixType = (suffixBaseType == BaseType::Void) ? astBuilder->getErrorType() : astBuilder->getBuiltinType(suffixBaseType);

                constExpr->value = value;
                constExpr->type = QualType(suffixType);

                return constExpr;

        case TokenType::FloatingPointLiteral:
                FloatingPointLiteralExpr* constExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<FloatingPointLiteralExpr>();

                auto token = parser->tokenReader.advanceToken();
                constExpr->token = token;

                UnownedStringSlice suffix;
                FloatingPointLiteralValue value = getFloatingPointLiteralValue(token, &suffix);

                // Look at any suffix on the value
                char const* suffixCursor = suffix.begin();
                const char*const suffixEnd = suffix.end();

                // Default is Float
                BaseType suffixBaseType = BaseType::Float;
                if( suffixCursor < suffixEnd )
                    int fCount = 0;
                    int lCount = 0;
                    int hCount = 0;
                    int unknownCount = 0;
                    while(suffixCursor < suffixEnd)
                        switch( *suffixCursor++ )
                        case 'f': case 'F':

                        case 'l': case 'L':

                        case 'h': case 'H':


                    if (unknownCount)
                        parser->sink->diagnose(token, Diagnostics::invalidFloatingPointLiteralSuffix, suffix);
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Float;
                    // `f` suffix -> `float`
                    if(fCount == 1 && !lCount && !hCount)
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Float;
                    // `l` or `lf` suffix on floating-point literal -> `double`
                    else if(lCount == 1 && (fCount <= 1))
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Double;
                    // `h` or `hf` suffix on floating-point literal -> `half`
                    else if(hCount == 1 && (fCount <= 1))
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Half;
                    // TODO: are there other suffixes we need to handle?
                        parser->sink->diagnose(token, Diagnostics::invalidFloatingPointLiteralSuffix, suffix);
                        suffixBaseType = BaseType::Float;

                // TODO(JS):
                // It is worth noting here that because of the way that the lexer works, that literals
                // are always handled as if they are positive (a preceding - is taken as a negate on a
                // positive value).
                // The code here is designed to work with positive and negative values, as this behavior
                // might change in the future, and is arguably more 'correct'.

                FloatingPointLiteralValue fixedValue = value;
                auto fixType = _fixFloatLiteralValue(suffixBaseType, value, fixedValue);

                switch (fixType)
                    case FloatFixKind::Truncated: 
                    case FloatFixKind::None:
                        // No warning.
                        // The truncation allowed must be very small. When Truncated the value *is* changed though.
                    case FloatFixKind::Zeroed:
                        parser->sink->diagnose(token, Diagnostics::floatLiteralTooSmall, BaseTypeInfo::asText(suffixBaseType), token.getContent(), fixedValue);
                    case FloatFixKind::Unrepresentable:
                        parser->sink->diagnose(token, Diagnostics::floatLiteralUnrepresentable, BaseTypeInfo::asText(suffixBaseType), token.getContent(), fixedValue);

                ASTBuilder* astBuilder = parser->astBuilder;

                Type* suffixType = (suffixBaseType == BaseType::Void) ? astBuilder->getErrorType() : astBuilder->getBuiltinType(suffixBaseType);

                constExpr->value = fixedValue;
                constExpr->type = QualType(suffixType);

                return constExpr;

        case TokenType::StringLiteral:
                StringLiteralExpr* constExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<StringLiteralExpr>();
                auto token = parser->tokenReader.advanceToken();
                constExpr->token = token;

                if (!parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::StringLiteral))
                    // Easy/common case: a single string
                    constExpr->value = getStringLiteralTokenValue(token);
                    StringBuilder sb;
                    sb << getStringLiteralTokenValue(token);
                    while (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::StringLiteral))
                        token = parser->tokenReader.advanceToken();
                        sb << getStringLiteralTokenValue(token);
                    constExpr->value = sb.produceString();

                return constExpr;
        case TokenType::CompletionRequest:
                VarExpr* varExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
                varExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;
                auto nameAndLoc = NameLoc(peekToken(parser));
                varExpr->name =;
                parser->hasSeenCompletionToken = true;
                // Don't consume the token, instead we skip directly.
                return varExpr;
        case TokenType::Scope:
                VarExpr* varExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
                varExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;
                while (varExpr->scope && !as<ModuleDecl>(varExpr->scope->containerDecl))
                    varExpr->scope = varExpr->scope->parent;

                auto nameToken = peekToken(parser);
                auto nameAndLoc = NameLoc(nameToken);
                varExpr->name =;
                if (nameToken.type == TokenType::CompletionRequest)
                    parser->hasSeenCompletionToken = true;
                    if (peekTokenType(parser) == TokenType::OpLess)
                        return maybeParseGenericApp(parser, varExpr);
                return varExpr;
        case TokenType::Identifier:
                // We will perform name lookup here so that we can find syntax
                // keywords registered for use as expressions.
                Token nameToken = peekToken(parser);

                Expr* parsedExpr = nullptr;
                if (tryParseUsingSyntaxDecl<Expr>(parser, &parsedExpr))
                    if (!parsedExpr->loc.isValid())
                        parsedExpr->loc = nameToken.loc;
                    return parsedExpr;

                // Default behavior is just to create a name expression
                VarExpr* varExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<VarExpr>();
                varExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;

                auto nameAndLoc = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken());
                varExpr->name =;

                if(peekTokenType(parser) == TokenType::OpLess)
                    return maybeParseGenericApp(parser, varExpr);

                return varExpr;

    static Expr* parsePostfixExpr(Parser* parser)
        auto expr = parseAtomicExpr(parser);
            switch( peekTokenType(parser) )
                return expr;

            // Postfix increment/decrement
            case TokenType::OpInc:
            case TokenType::OpDec:
                    OperatorExpr* postfixExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<PostfixExpr>();
                    postfixExpr->functionExpr = parseOperator(parser);

                    expr = postfixExpr;

            // Subscript operation `a[i]`
            case TokenType::LBracket:
                    IndexExpr* indexExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<IndexExpr>();
                    indexExpr->baseExpression = expr;
                    auto lBracket = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::LBracket);
                    while (!parser->tokenReader.isAtEnd())
                        if (!parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::RBracket))
                        if (!parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Comma))
                        auto comma = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Comma);
                    auto rBracket = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::RBracket);
                    expr = indexExpr;

            // Call operation `f(x)`
            case TokenType::LParent:
                    InvokeExpr* invokeExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<InvokeExpr>();
                    invokeExpr->functionExpr = expr;
                    auto lParen = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::LParent);
                    while (!parser->tokenReader.isAtEnd())
                        if (!parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::RParent))
                        if (!parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Comma))
                        auto comma = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Comma);
                    auto rParen = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::RParent);
                    expr = invokeExpr;

            // Scope access `x::m`
            case TokenType::Scope:
                StaticMemberExpr* staticMemberExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<StaticMemberExpr>();

                // TODO(tfoley): why would a member expression need this?
                staticMemberExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;
                staticMemberExpr->memberOperatorLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();
                staticMemberExpr->baseExpression = expr;
                staticMemberExpr->name = expectIdentifier(parser).name;

                if (peekTokenType(parser) == TokenType::OpLess)
                    expr = maybeParseGenericApp(parser, staticMemberExpr);
                    expr = staticMemberExpr;

            // Member access `x.m`
            case TokenType::Dot:
                    MemberExpr* memberExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<MemberExpr>();

                    // TODO(tfoley): why would a member expression need this?
                    memberExpr->scope = parser->currentScope;
                    memberExpr->memberOperatorLoc = parser->tokenReader.peekLoc();
                    memberExpr->baseExpression = expr;
                    memberExpr->name = expectIdentifier(parser).name;
                    if (peekTokenType(parser) == TokenType::OpLess)
                        expr = maybeParseGenericApp(parser, memberExpr);
                        expr = memberExpr;

    static IRIntegerValue _foldIntegerPrefixOp(TokenType tokenType, IRIntegerValue value)
        switch (tokenType)
            case TokenType::OpBitNot:   return ~value;
            case TokenType::OpAdd:      return value;
            case TokenType::OpSub:      return -value;
                SLANG_ASSERT(!"Unexpected op");
                return value;

    static IRFloatingPointValue _foldFloatPrefixOp(TokenType tokenType, IRFloatingPointValue value)
        switch (tokenType)
            case TokenType::OpAdd:      return value;
            case TokenType::OpSub:      return -value;
                SLANG_ASSERT(!"Unexpected op");
                return value;

    static std::optional<SPIRVAsmOperand> parseSPIRVAsmOperand(Parser* parser)
        const auto slangIdentOperand = [&](auto flavor){
            auto token = parser->tokenReader.peekToken();
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{flavor, token, parseAtomicExpr(parser)};

        const auto slangTypeExprOperand = [&](auto flavor) {
            auto tok = parser->tokenReader.peekToken();
            const auto typeExpr = parser->ParseType();
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{ flavor, tok, typeExpr };

        // The result marker
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{SPIRVAsmOperand::ResultMarker, parser->ReadToken()};
        // The handy __sampledType function
        if(AdvanceIf(parser, "__sampledType"))
            const auto typeExpr = parser->ParseType();
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{SPIRVAsmOperand::SampledType, Token{}, typeExpr};
        // The __imageType function
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, "__imageType"))
            const auto typeExpr = parser->ParseExpression();
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{ SPIRVAsmOperand::ImageType, Token{}, typeExpr };
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, "__sampledImageType"))
            const auto typeExpr = parser->ParseExpression();
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{ SPIRVAsmOperand::SampledImageType, Token{}, typeExpr };
        // The pseudo-operand for component truncation
        else if(parser->LookAheadToken("__truncate"))
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{SPIRVAsmOperand::TruncateMarker, parser->ReadToken()};
        // The pseudo-operand for referencing entryPoint id.
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken("__entryPoint"))
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{ SPIRVAsmOperand::EntryPoint, parser->ReadToken() };
        else if (AdvanceIf(parser, "builtin"))
            // reference to a builtin var.
            auto operand = SPIRVAsmOperand{ SPIRVAsmOperand::BuiltinVar, parser->ReadToken() };
            AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::DollarDollar);
            operand.type = parser->ParseTypeExp();
            return operand;
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken("glsl450"))
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{ SPIRVAsmOperand::GLSL450Set, parser->ReadToken() };
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken("debugPrintf"))
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{ SPIRVAsmOperand::NonSemanticDebugPrintfExtSet, parser->ReadToken() };
        // A regular identifier
        else if(parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier))
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{SPIRVAsmOperand::NamedValue, parser->ReadToken()};
        // A literal integer
        else if(parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral))
            const auto tok = parser->ReadToken();
            const auto v = getIntegerLiteralValue(tok);
            if(v < 0 || v > 0xffffffff)
                parser->diagnose(tok, Diagnostics::spirvOperandRange);
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{SPIRVAsmOperand::Literal, tok, nullptr, {}, SpvWord(v)};
        // A literal string
        else if(parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::StringLiteral))
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{SPIRVAsmOperand::Literal, parser->ReadToken()};
        // A %foo id
        else if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpMod))
                || parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Identifier))
                return SPIRVAsmOperand{SPIRVAsmOperand::Id, parser->ReadToken()};
        // A &foo variable reference (for the address of foo)
        else if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpBitAnd))
            return slangIdentOperand(SPIRVAsmOperand::SlangValueAddr);
        // A $foo variable
        else if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Dollar))
            Expr* expr = parseAtomicExpr(parser);
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{SPIRVAsmOperand::SlangValue, Token{}, expr};
        // A $$foo type
        else if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::DollarDollar))
            return slangTypeExprOperand(SPIRVAsmOperand::SlangType);
        // A !immediateValue
        else if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpNot))
            Expr* expr = parseAtomicExpr(parser);
            return SPIRVAsmOperand{ SPIRVAsmOperand::SlangImmediateValue, Token{}, expr };
        return std::nullopt;

    static std::optional<SPIRVAsmInst> parseSPIRVAsmInst(Parser* parser)
        const auto& spirvInfo = parser->astBuilder->getGlobalSession()->spirvCoreGrammarInfo;

        SPIRVAsmInst ret;

        // We don't yet know if this is "OpFoo a b c" or "a = OpFoo b c"
        const auto resultOrOpcode = parseSPIRVAsmOperand(parser);
            return std::nullopt;

        // If this is the latter, "assignment", syntax then we'll fill these in
        std::optional<SPIRVAsmOperand> resultTypeOperand;
        std::optional<SPIRVAsmOperand> resultOperand;

        // If we see a colon, then this `%foo : %type = OpFoo`?
        if(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Colon))
            resultTypeOperand = parseSPIRVAsmOperand(parser);
                return std::nullopt;

        // If we have seen a type, then insist on this syntax, otherwise allow
        // skipping this if
        if(resultTypeOperand || AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
            const auto opcode = parseSPIRVAsmOperand(parser);
                return std::nullopt;
            ret.opcode = *opcode;
            resultOperand = *resultOrOpcode;
            ret.opcode = *resultOrOpcode;

        const auto& opcodeWord = spirvInfo->opcodes.lookup(ret.opcode.token.getContent());
        const auto& opInfo = opcodeWord
            ? spirvInfo->opInfos.lookup(*opcodeWord)
            : std::nullopt;
        ret.opcode.knownValue = opcodeWord.value_or(SpvOp(0xffffffff));

        // If we couldn't find any info, but used this assignment syntax, raise
        // an error
        if(!opInfo && resultOperand)
            return std::nullopt;

        // If we have an explicit result operand (because this was a `x =
        // OpFoo` instruction) then diagnose if we don't know where to put it
        if(resultOperand && opInfo && opInfo->resultIdIndex == -1)
            return std::nullopt;

        // Likewise for the type
        if(resultTypeOperand && opInfo && opInfo->resultTypeIndex == -1)

        // Now we've parsed the tricky preamble, grab the rest of the operands
        // At this point we can also parse bitwise or expressions
            || parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::Semicolon)
            || parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::EndOfFile))
            || resultTypeOperand
            || resultOperand)
            // Insert the LHS result-type operand
            if(opInfo && ret.operands.getCount() == opInfo->resultTypeIndex && resultTypeOperand)

            // Insert the LHS result operand
            if(opInfo && ret.operands.getCount() == opInfo->resultIdIndex && resultOperand)

            if(opInfo && ret.operands.getCount() == opInfo->maxOperandCount)

            if(auto operand = parseSPIRVAsmOperand(parser))
                while(AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpBitOr))
                    if(const auto next = parseSPIRVAsmOperand(parser))
                        return std::nullopt;
        return ret;

    static Expr* parseSPIRVAsmExpr(Parser* parser)
        SPIRVAsmExpr* asmExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<SPIRVAsmExpr>();

            if(const auto inst = parseSPIRVAsmInst(parser))
                // Recover to the semi or brace
                    || parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::RBrace)
                    || parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::EndOfFile)))

        return asmExpr;

    static Expr* parsePrefixExpr(Parser* parser)
        auto tokenType = peekTokenType(parser);
        switch( tokenType )
        case TokenType::Identifier:
            auto identifierToken = peekToken(parser);
            const auto identifierTokenContent = identifierToken.getContent();
            if (identifierTokenContent == toSlice("new"))
                NewExpr* newExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<NewExpr>();
                auto subExpr = parsePostfixExpr(parser);
                if (as<VarExpr>(subExpr) || as<GenericAppExpr>(subExpr))
                    newExpr->functionExpr = subExpr;
                else if (auto invokeExpr = as<InvokeExpr>(subExpr))
                    newExpr->functionExpr = invokeExpr->functionExpr;
                    newExpr->arguments = invokeExpr->arguments;
                    newExpr->argumentDelimeterLocs = invokeExpr->argumentDelimeterLocs;
                    parser->diagnose(newExpr->loc, Diagnostics::syntaxError);
                    newExpr->functionExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<IncompleteExpr>();
                return newExpr;
            else if (AdvanceIf(parser, "spirv_asm"))
                return parseSPIRVAsmExpr(parser);

            return parsePostfixExpr(parser);
            return parsePostfixExpr(parser);
        case TokenType::OpNot:
        case TokenType::OpInc:
        case TokenType::OpDec:
        case TokenType::OpMul:
        case TokenType::OpBitAnd:
            PrefixExpr* prefixExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<PrefixExpr>();
            prefixExpr->functionExpr = parseOperator(parser);

            auto arg = parsePrefixExpr(parser);

            return prefixExpr;
        case TokenType::OpBitNot:
        case TokenType::OpAdd:
        case TokenType::OpSub:
                PrefixExpr* prefixExpr = parser->astBuilder->create<PrefixExpr>();
                prefixExpr->functionExpr = parseOperator(parser);

                auto arg = parsePrefixExpr(parser);

                if (auto intLit = as<IntegerLiteralExpr>(arg))
                    IntegerLiteralExpr* newLiteral = parser->astBuilder->create<IntegerLiteralExpr>(*intLit);

                    IRIntegerValue value = _foldIntegerPrefixOp(tokenType, newLiteral->value);

                    // Need to get the basic type, so we can fit to underlying type
                    if (auto basicExprType = as<BasicExpressionType>(intLit->type.type))
                        value = _fixIntegerLiteral(basicExprType->getBaseType(), value, nullptr, nullptr);

                    newLiteral->value = value;
                    return newLiteral;
                else if (auto floatLit = as<FloatingPointLiteralExpr>(arg))
                    FloatingPointLiteralExpr* newLiteral = parser->astBuilder->create<FloatingPointLiteralExpr>(*floatLit);
                    newLiteral->value = _foldFloatPrefixOp(tokenType, floatLit->value);
                    return newLiteral;

                return prefixExpr;

    Expr* Parser::ParseLeafExpression()
        return parsePrefixExpr(this);

        /// Parse an argument to an application of a generic
    static Expr* _parseGenericArg(Parser* parser)
        // The grammar for generic arguments needs to be a super-set of the
        // grammar for types and for expressions, because we do not know
        // which to expect at each argument position during parsing.
        // For the most part the expression grammar is more permissive than
        // the type grammar, but types support modifiers that are not
        // (currently) allowed in pure expression contexts.
        // We could in theory allow modifiers to appear in expression contexts
        // and deal with the cases where this should not be allowed downstream,
        // but doing so runs a high risk of changing the meaning of existing code
        // (notably in cases where a user might have used a variable name that
        // overlaps with a language modifier keyword).
        // Instead, we will simply detect the case where modifiers appear on
        // a generic argument here, as a special case.
        Modifiers modifiers = ParseModifiers(parser);
            // If there are any modifiers, then we know that we are actually
            // in the type case.
            auto typeSpec = _parseSimpleTypeSpec(parser, false);
            typeSpec = _applyModifiersToTypeSpec(parser, typeSpec, modifiers);

            auto typeExpr = typeSpec.expr;

            typeExpr = parsePostfixTypeSuffix(parser, typeExpr);
            typeExpr = _parseInfixTypeExprSuffix(parser, typeExpr);

            return typeExpr;

        return parser->ParseArgExpr();

    Expr* parseTermFromSourceFile(
        ASTBuilder*                     astBuilder,
        TokenSpan const&                tokens,
        DiagnosticSink*                 sink,
        Scope*                          outerScope,
        NamePool*                       namePool,
        SourceLanguage                  sourceLanguage)
        Parser parser(astBuilder, tokens, sink, outerScope, ParserOptions{});
        parser.currentScope = outerScope;
        parser.namePool = namePool;
        parser.sourceLanguage = sourceLanguage;
        return parser.ParseExpression();

    // Parse a source file into an existing translation unit
    void parseSourceFile(
        ASTBuilder*                     astBuilder,
        TranslationUnitRequest*         translationUnit,
        TokenSpan const&                tokens,
        DiagnosticSink*                 sink,
        Scope*                          outerScope,
        ContainerDecl*                  parentDecl)
        ParserOptions options = {};
        options.enableEffectAnnotations = translationUnit->compileRequest->getLinkage()->getEnableEffectAnnotations();
        options.allowGLSLInput = translationUnit->compileRequest->getLinkage()->getAllowGLSLInput();
        options.isInLanguageServer = translationUnit->compileRequest->getLinkage()->isInLanguageServer();

        Parser parser(astBuilder, tokens, sink, outerScope, options);
        parser.namePool = translationUnit->getNamePool();
        parser.sourceLanguage = translationUnit->sourceLanguage;

        return parser.parseSourceFile(parentDecl);

    static void addBuiltinSyntaxImpl(
        Session*                    session,
        Scope*                      scope,
        char const*                 nameText,
        SyntaxParseCallback         callback,
        void*                       userData,
        SyntaxClass<NodeBase>      syntaxClass)
        Name* name = session->getNamePool()->getName(nameText);

        ASTBuilder* globalASTBuilder = session->getGlobalASTBuilder();

        SyntaxDecl* syntaxDecl = globalASTBuilder->create<SyntaxDecl>();
        syntaxDecl->nameAndLoc = NameLoc(name);
        syntaxDecl->syntaxClass = syntaxClass;
        syntaxDecl->parseCallback = callback;
        syntaxDecl->parseUserData = userData;
        addModifier(syntaxDecl, globalASTBuilder->create<PublicModifier>());
        AddMember(scope, syntaxDecl);

    template<typename T>
    static void addBuiltinSyntax(
        Session*            session,
        Scope*              scope,
        char const*         name,
        SyntaxParseCallback callback,
        void*               userData = nullptr)
        addBuiltinSyntaxImpl(session, scope, name, callback, userData, getClass<T>());

    template<typename T>
    static void addSimpleModifierSyntax(
        Session*        session,
        Scope*          scope,
        char const*     name)
        auto syntaxClass = getClass<T>();
        addBuiltinSyntaxImpl(session, scope, name, &parseSimpleSyntax, (void*) syntaxClass.classInfo, getClass<T>());

    static IROp parseIROp(Parser* parser, Token& outToken)
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpSub))
            outToken = parser->ReadToken();
            return IROp(-stringToInt(outToken.getContent()));
        else if (parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral))
            outToken = parser->ReadToken();
            return IROp(stringToInt(outToken.getContent()));
            outToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);;
            auto op = findIROp(outToken.getContent());

            if (op == kIROp_Invalid)
                parser->sink->diagnose(outToken, Diagnostics::unimplemented, "unknown intrinsic op");
            return op;

    static NodeBase* parseIntrinsicOpModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        IntrinsicOpModifier* modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<IntrinsicOpModifier>();

        // We allow a few difference forms here:
        // First, we can specify the intrinsic op `enum` value directly:
        //     __intrinsic_op(<integer literal>)
        // Second, we can specify the operation by name:
        //     __intrinsic_op(<identifier>)
        // Finally, we can leave off the specification, so that the
        // op name will be derived from the function name:
        //     __intrinsic_op
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::LParent))
            modifier->op = parseIROp(parser, modifier->opToken);

        return modifier;

    static NodeBase* parseTargetIntrinsicModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<TargetIntrinsicModifier>();
        modifier->isString = false;

        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::LParent))
            modifier->targetToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);

            if( AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma) )
                if(parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::LParent, 1))
                    modifier->predicateToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
                    modifier->scrutinee = NameLoc(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier));
                if( parser->LookAheadToken(TokenType::StringLiteral) )
                    bool first = true;
                        const auto t = parser->ReadToken();
                            ? void(first = false)
                            : modifier->definitionString.append(" ");
                        modifier->isString = true;
                    modifier->definitionIdent = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);


        return modifier;

    static NodeBase* parseSpecializedForTargetModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<SpecializedForTargetModifier>();
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::LParent))
            modifier->targetToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);
        return modifier;

    static NodeBase* parseGLSLExtensionModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<RequiredGLSLExtensionModifier>();

        modifier->extensionNameToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier);

        return modifier;

    static NodeBase* parseGLSLVersionModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        auto modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<RequiredGLSLVersionModifier>();

        modifier->versionNumberToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral);

        return modifier;

    static SlangResult parseSemanticVersion(Parser* parser, Token& outToken, SemanticVersion& outVersion)
        outToken = parser->ReadToken();

        UnownedStringSlice content = outToken.getContent();
        // We allow specified as major.minor or as a string (in quotes)
        switch (outToken.type)
            case TokenType::FloatingPointLiteral:
            case TokenType::StringLiteral:
                // We need to trim quotes if needed
                SLANG_ASSERT(content.getLength() >= 2 && content[0] == '"' && content[content.getLength() - 1] == '"');
                content = UnownedStringSlice(content.begin() + 1, content.end() - 1);
                return SLANG_FAIL;
        return SemanticVersion::parse(content, outVersion);

    static NodeBase* parseSPIRVVersionModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        Token token;
        SemanticVersion version;
        if (SLANG_SUCCEEDED(parseSemanticVersion(parser, token, version)))
            auto modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<RequiredSPIRVVersionModifier>();
            modifier->version = version;
            return modifier;
        parser->sink->diagnose(token, Diagnostics::invalidSPIRVVersion);
        return nullptr;

    static NodeBase* parseCUDASMVersionModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        Token token;
        SemanticVersion version;
        if (SLANG_SUCCEEDED(parseSemanticVersion(parser, token, version)))
            auto modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<RequiredCUDASMVersionModifier>();
            modifier->version = version;
            return modifier;
        parser->sink->diagnose(token, Diagnostics::invalidCUDASMVersion);
        return nullptr;
    static NodeBase* parseLayoutModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        ModifierListBuilder listBuilder;

        GLSLLayoutLocalSizeAttribute* numThreadsAttrib = nullptr;

        while (!AdvanceIfMatch(parser, MatchedTokenType::Parentheses))
            auto nameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);
            const String& nameText =>text;

            const char localSizePrefix[] = "local_size_";

            int localSizeIndex = -1;
            if (nameText.startsWith(localSizePrefix) && nameText.getLength() == SLANG_COUNT_OF(localSizePrefix) - 1 + 1)
                char lastChar = nameText[SLANG_COUNT_OF(localSizePrefix) - 1];
                localSizeIndex = (lastChar >= 'x' && lastChar <= 'z') ? (lastChar - 'x') : -1;

            if (localSizeIndex >= 0)
                if (!numThreadsAttrib)
                    numThreadsAttrib = parser->astBuilder->create<GLSLLayoutLocalSizeAttribute>();

                    // Just mark the loc and name from the first in the list
                    numThreadsAttrib->keywordName = getName(parser, "numthreads");
                    numThreadsAttrib->loc = nameAndLoc.loc;

                if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
                    auto expr = parseAtomicExpr(parser);
                    if (!expr)
                        return nullptr;

                    numThreadsAttrib->args[localSizeIndex] = expr;
            else if (nameText == "binding" ||
                nameText == "set")
                GLSLBindingAttribute* attr = listBuilder.find<GLSLBindingAttribute>();
                if (!attr)
                    attr = parser->astBuilder->create<GLSLBindingAttribute>();


                // If the token asked for is not returned found will put in recovering state, and return token found
                Token valToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral);
                // If wasn't the desired IntegerLiteral return that couldn't parse
                if (valToken.type == TokenType::IntegerLiteral)
                    // Work out the value
                    auto value = getIntegerLiteralValue(valToken);

                    if (nameText == "binding")
                        attr->binding = int32_t(value);
                        attr->set = int32_t(value);
                Modifier* modifier = nullptr;

#define CASE(key, type) if (nameText == #key) { modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<type>(); } else
                CASE(push_constant, PushConstantAttribute) 
                CASE(shaderRecordNV, ShaderRecordAttribute)
                CASE(constant_id,   GLSLConstantIDLayoutModifier) 
                CASE(location, GLSLLocationLayoutModifier) 
                    modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<GLSLUnparsedLayoutModifier>();
#undef CASE

                modifier->keywordName =;
                modifier->loc = nameAndLoc.loc;

                // Special handling for GLSLLayoutModifier
                if (auto glslModifier = as<GLSLLayoutModifier>(modifier))
                    if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::OpAssign))
                        glslModifier->valToken = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral);


            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::RParent))

        if (numThreadsAttrib)


        return listBuilder.getFirst();

    static NodeBase* parseBuiltinTypeModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        BuiltinTypeModifier* modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<BuiltinTypeModifier>();
        modifier->tag = BaseType(stringToInt(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral).getContent()));

        return modifier;

    static NodeBase* parseBuiltinRequirementModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        BuiltinRequirementModifier* modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<BuiltinRequirementModifier>();
        modifier->kind = BuiltinRequirementKind(stringToInt(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral).getContent()));

        return modifier;

    static NodeBase* parseMagicTypeModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        MagicTypeModifier* modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<MagicTypeModifier>();
        modifier->magicName = parser->ReadToken(TokenType::Identifier).getContent();
        if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma))
            modifier->tag = uint32_t(stringToInt(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral).getContent()));
		auto classInfo = parser->astBuilder->findClassInfo(getName(parser, modifier->magicName));
		if (classInfo)
			modifier->magicNodeType = ASTNodeType(classInfo->m_classId);
		// TODO: print diagnostic if the magic type name doesn't correspond to an actual ASTNodeType.

        return modifier;

    static NodeBase* parseIntrinsicTypeModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        IntrinsicTypeModifier* modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<IntrinsicTypeModifier>();
        modifier->irOp = parseIROp(parser, modifier->opToken);
        while( AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma) )
            auto operand = uint32_t(stringToInt(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral).getContent()));

        return modifier;
    static NodeBase* parseImplicitConversionModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        ImplicitConversionModifier* modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<ImplicitConversionModifier>();
        BuiltinConversionKind builtinKind = kBuiltinConversion_Unknown;
        ConversionCost cost = kConversionCost_Default;
        if( AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::LParent) )
            cost = ConversionCost(stringToInt(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral).getContent()));
            if (AdvanceIf(parser, TokenType::Comma))
                builtinKind = BuiltinConversionKind(stringToInt(parser->ReadToken(TokenType::IntegerLiteral).getContent()));
        modifier->cost = cost;
        modifier->builtinConversionKind = builtinKind;
        return modifier;

    static NodeBase* parseAttributeTargetModifier(Parser* parser, void* /*userData*/)
        expect(parser, TokenType::LParent);
        auto syntaxClassNameAndLoc = expectIdentifier(parser);
        expect(parser, TokenType::RParent);

        auto syntaxClass = parser->astBuilder->findSyntaxClass(;

        AttributeTargetModifier* modifier = parser->astBuilder->create<AttributeTargetModifier>();
        modifier->syntaxClass = syntaxClass;

        return modifier;

    static SyntaxParseInfo _makeParseExpr(const char* keywordName, SyntaxParseCallback callback)
        SyntaxParseInfo entry;
        entry.classInfo = &Expr::kReflectClassInfo;
        entry.keywordName = keywordName;
        entry.callback = callback;
        return entry; 
    static SyntaxParseInfo _makeParseDecl(const char* keywordName, SyntaxParseCallback callback)
        SyntaxParseInfo entry;
        entry.keywordName = keywordName;
        entry.callback = callback;
        entry.classInfo = &Decl::kReflectClassInfo;
        return entry;
    static SyntaxParseInfo _makeParseModifier(const char* keywordName, const ReflectClassInfo& classInfo)
        // If we just have class info - use simple parser
        SyntaxParseInfo entry;
        entry.keywordName = keywordName;
        entry.callback = &parseSimpleSyntax;
        entry.classInfo = &classInfo;
        return entry;
    static SyntaxParseInfo _makeParseModifier(const char* keywordName, SyntaxParseCallback callback)
        SyntaxParseInfo entry;
        entry.keywordName = keywordName;
        entry.callback = callback;
        entry.classInfo = &Modifier::kReflectClassInfo;
        return entry;

    // Maps a keyword to the associated parsing function
    static const SyntaxParseInfo g_parseSyntaxEntries[] = 
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Decls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        _makeParseDecl("typedef",           parseTypeDef),
        _makeParseDecl("associatedtype",    parseAssocType),
        _makeParseDecl("type_param",        parseGlobalGenericTypeParamDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("cbuffer",           parseHLSLCBufferDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("tbuffer",           parseHLSLTBufferDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__generic",         parseGenericDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__extension",       parseExtensionDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("extension",         parseExtensionDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__init",            parseConstructorDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__subscript",       parseSubscriptDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("property",          parsePropertyDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("interface",         parseInterfaceDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("syntax",            parseSyntaxDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("attribute_syntax",  parseAttributeSyntaxDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__import",          parseImportDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("import",            parseImportDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__include",         parseIncludeDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("module",            parseModuleDeclarationDecl),
        _makeParseDecl("implementing",      parseImplementingDecl),
        _makeParseDecl("let",               parseLetDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("var",               parseVarDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("func",              parseFuncDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("typealias",         parseTypeAliasDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__generic_value_param", parseGlobalGenericValueParamDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("namespace",         parseNamespaceDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("using",             parseUsingDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__ignored_block",   parseIgnoredBlockDecl ),
        _makeParseDecl("__transparent_block", parseTransparentBlockDecl),
        _makeParseDecl("__file_decl",         parseFileDecl),

        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Modifer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        // Add syntax for "simple" modifier keywords.
        // These are the ones that just appear as a single
        // keyword (no further tokens expected/allowed),
        // and which can be represented just by creating
        // a new AST node of the corresponding type.
        _makeParseModifier("in",            InModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("out",           OutModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("inout",         InOutModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("__ref",         RefModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("__constref",    ConstRefModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("const",         ConstModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("__builtin",     BuiltinModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("highp",         GLSLPrecisionModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("lowp",          GLSLPrecisionModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("mediump",       GLSLPrecisionModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        _makeParseModifier("__global",      ActualGlobalModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        _makeParseModifier("inline",        InlineModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("public",        PublicModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("private",       PrivateModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("internal",      InternalModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        _makeParseModifier("require",       RequireModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("param",         ParamModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("extern",        ExternModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("row_major",     HLSLRowMajorLayoutModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("column_major",  HLSLColumnMajorLayoutModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        _makeParseModifier("nointerpolation",   HLSLNoInterpolationModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("noperspective",     HLSLNoPerspectiveModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("linear",        HLSLLinearModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("sample",        HLSLSampleModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("centroid",      HLSLCentroidModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("precise",       PreciseModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("shared",        HLSLEffectSharedModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("groupshared",   HLSLGroupSharedModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("static",        HLSLStaticModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("uniform",       HLSLUniformModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("volatile",      HLSLVolatileModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("export",        HLSLExportModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("buffer",        GLSLBufferModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        // Modifiers for geometry shader input
        _makeParseModifier("point",         HLSLPointModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("line",          HLSLLineModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("triangle",      HLSLTriangleModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("lineadj",       HLSLLineAdjModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("triangleadj",   HLSLTriangleAdjModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        // Modifiers for mesh shader parameters
        _makeParseModifier("vertices",      HLSLVerticesModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("indices",       HLSLIndicesModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("primitives",    HLSLPrimitivesModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("payload",       HLSLPayloadModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        // Modifiers for unary operator declarations
        _makeParseModifier("__prefix",      PrefixModifier::kReflectClassInfo),
        _makeParseModifier("__postfix",     PostfixModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        // Modifier to apply to `import` that should be re-exported
        _makeParseModifier("__exported",    ExportedModifier::kReflectClassInfo),

        // Add syntax for more complex modifiers, which allow
        // or expect more tokens after the initial keyword.

        _makeParseModifier("layout",                parseLayoutModifier),

        _makeParseModifier("__intrinsic_op",        parseIntrinsicOpModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__target_intrinsic",    parseTargetIntrinsicModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__specialized_for_target",    parseSpecializedForTargetModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__glsl_extension",      parseGLSLExtensionModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__glsl_version",        parseGLSLVersionModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__spirv_version",       parseSPIRVVersionModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__cuda_sm_version",     parseCUDASMVersionModifier),

        _makeParseModifier("__builtin_type",        parseBuiltinTypeModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__builtin_requirement", parseBuiltinRequirementModifier),

        _makeParseModifier("__magic_type",          parseMagicTypeModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__intrinsic_type",      parseIntrinsicTypeModifier),
        _makeParseModifier("__implicit_conversion", parseImplicitConversionModifier),

        _makeParseModifier("__attributeTarget",     parseAttributeTargetModifier),

        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        _makeParseExpr("this",  parseThisExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("true",  parseTrueExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("false", parseFalseExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("__return_val", parseReturnValExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("nullptr", parseNullPtrExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("none", parseNoneExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("try",     parseTryExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("no_diff", parseTreatAsDifferentiableExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("__fwd_diff", parseForwardDifferentiate),
        _makeParseExpr("__bwd_diff", parseBackwardDifferentiate),
        _makeParseExpr("fwd_diff", parseForwardDifferentiate),
        _makeParseExpr("bwd_diff", parseBackwardDifferentiate),
        _makeParseExpr("__dispatch_kernel", parseDispatchKernel),
        _makeParseExpr("sizeof", parseSizeOfExpr),
        _makeParseExpr("alignof", parseAlignOfExpr),

    ConstArrayView<SyntaxParseInfo> getSyntaxParseInfos()
        return makeConstArrayView(g_parseSyntaxEntries, SLANG_COUNT_OF(g_parseSyntaxEntries));

    ModuleDecl* populateBaseLanguageModule(
        ASTBuilder*     astBuilder,
        Scope*          scope)
        Session* session = astBuilder->getGlobalSession();

        ModuleDecl* moduleDecl = astBuilder->create<ModuleDecl>();
        scope->containerDecl = moduleDecl;

        // Add syntax for declaration keywords
        for (const auto& info : getSyntaxParseInfos())
            addBuiltinSyntaxImpl(session, scope, info.keywordName, info.callback, const_cast<ReflectClassInfo*>(info.classInfo), info.classInfo);
        return moduleDecl;

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