Raw File
Tip revision: e24c5a6cb9c3347477b83abe084a09ae8f9fde0a authored by Tim Foley on 08 January 2021, 00:01:48 UTC
Fill in some missing bits of capability API (#1652)
Tip revision: e24c5a6
// slang-serialize-container.h

#include "../core/slang-riff.h"
#include "slang-serialize-types.h"
#include "slang-ir-insts.h"
#include "slang-profile.h"

namespace Slang {

class EndToEndCompileRequest;

/* The binary representation actually held in riff/file format*/
struct SerialContainerBinary
    struct Target
        uint32_t target;
        uint32_t flags;
        uint32_t profile;
        uint32_t floatingPointMode;

    struct EntryPoint
        uint32_t name;
        uint32_t profile;
        uint32_t mangledName;

/* Struct that holds all the data that can be held in a 'container' */
struct SerialContainerData
    struct Target
        CodeGenTarget       codeGenTarget = CodeGenTarget::Unknown;
        SlangTargetFlags    flags = 0;
        Profile             profile;
        FloatingPointMode   floatingPointMode = FloatingPointMode::Default;
    struct TargetComponent
        // IR module for a specific compilation target
        Target target;
        RefPtr<IRModule> irModule;

    struct Module
        RefPtr<IRModule> irModule;              ///< The IR for the module
        RefPtr<ASTBuilder> astBuilder;          ///< The astBuilder that owns the astRootNode
        NodeBase* astRootNode = nullptr;        ///< The module decl

    struct EntryPoint
        Name* name = nullptr;
        Profile profile;
        String mangledName;

    void clear()

    List<Module> modules;
    List<TargetComponent> targetComponents;
    List<EntryPoint> entryPoints;

struct SerialContainerUtil
    struct WriteOptions
        SerialCompressionType compressionType = SerialCompressionType::VariableByteLite;                ///< If compression is used what type to use (only some parts can be compressed)
        SerialOptionFlags optionFlags = SerialOptionFlag::ASTModule | SerialOptionFlag::IRModule;       ///< Flags controlling what is written
        SourceManager* sourceManager = nullptr;                                                         ///< The source manager used for the SourceLoc in the input

    struct ReadOptions
        Session* session = nullptr;
        SourceManager* sourceManager = nullptr;
        NamePool* namePool = nullptr;
        SharedASTBuilder* sharedASTBuilder = nullptr;
        Linkage* linkage = nullptr;
        DiagnosticSink* sink = nullptr;

        /// Add module to outData
    static SlangResult addModuleToData(Module* module, const WriteOptions& options, SerialContainerData& outData);

        /// Get the serializable contents of the request as data
    static SlangResult addEndToEndRequestToData(EndToEndCompileRequest* request, const WriteOptions& options, SerialContainerData& outData);

        /// Convert front end request into something serializable
    static SlangResult addFrontEndRequestToData(FrontEndCompileRequest* request, const WriteOptions& options, SerialContainerData& outData);

        /// Write the data into the container
    static SlangResult write(const SerialContainerData& data, const WriteOptions& options, RiffContainer* container);

        /// Read the container into outData
    static SlangResult read(RiffContainer* container, const ReadOptions& options, SerialContainerData& outData);

        /// Verify IR serialization
    static SlangResult verifyIRSerialize(IRModule* module, Session* session, const WriteOptions& options);

        /// Write the request to the stream
    static SlangResult write(FrontEndCompileRequest* frontEndReq, const WriteOptions& options, Stream* stream);
    static SlangResult write(EndToEndCompileRequest* request, const WriteOptions& options, Stream* stream);
    static SlangResult write(Module* module, const WriteOptions& options, Stream* stream);


} // namespace Slang

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