Raw File
Tip revision: 0586f3298fa7d554fa2682103eefba88740d6758 authored by jsmall-nvidia on 18 January 2023, 19:11:50 UTC
Upgrade slang-llvm-13.x-33 (#2600)
Tip revision: 0586f32
// slang-type-layout.cpp
#include "slang-type-layout.h"

#include "slang-syntax.h"
#include "slang-ir-insts.h"

#include "../compiler-core/slang-artifact-desc-util.h"

#include <assert.h>

namespace Slang {

static bool _isPow2(size_t v)
    return v > 0 && ((v - 1) & v) == 0;

static size_t _roundToAlignment(size_t offset, size_t alignment)
    // Must also be a power of 2

    const size_t mask = alignment - 1;
    return (offset + mask) & ~mask;

static LayoutSize _roundToAlignment(LayoutSize offset, size_t alignment)
    // An infinite size is assumed to be maximally aligned.
        return LayoutSize::infinite();

    return _roundToAlignment(offset.getFiniteValue(), alignment);

static size_t _roundUpToPowerOfTwo( size_t value )
    // TODO(tfoley): I know this isn't a fast approach
    size_t result = 1;
    while (result < value)
        result *= 2;
    return result;

static bool _isAligned(size_t size, size_t alignment)
    return ((alignment - 1) & size) == 0;

// This is a workaround to keep functions from causing warnings in release builds, and therefore causing compilation to fail.
void _typeLayout_keepFunctions()
    auto a = _isAligned;
    auto b = _isPow2;


struct DefaultLayoutRulesImpl : SimpleLayoutRulesImpl
    // Get size and alignment for a single value of base type.
    SimpleLayoutInfo GetScalarLayout(BaseType baseType) override
        switch (baseType)
        case BaseType::Void:    return SimpleLayoutInfo();

        // Note: By convention, a `bool` in a constant buffer is stored as an `int.
        // This default may eventually change, at which point this logic will need
        // to be updated.
        // TODO: We should probably warn in this case, since storing a `bool` in
        // a constant buffer seems like a Bad Idea anyway.
        case BaseType::Bool:    return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 4, 4 );

        case BaseType::Int8:    return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 1,1);
        case BaseType::Int16:   return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 2,2);
        case BaseType::Int:     return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 4,4);
        case BaseType::Int64:   return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 8,8);
        case BaseType::IntPtr:  return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(intptr_t), sizeof(intptr_t));

        case BaseType::UInt8:   return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 1,1);
        case BaseType::UInt16:  return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 2,2);
        case BaseType::UInt:    return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 4,4);
        case BaseType::UInt64:  return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 8,8);
        case BaseType::UIntPtr: return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(intptr_t), sizeof(intptr_t));

        case BaseType::Half:    return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 2,2);
        case BaseType::Float:   return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 4,4);
        case BaseType::Double:  return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 8,8);

            SLANG_UNEXPECTED("uhandled scalar type");
            UNREACHABLE_RETURN(SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 0, 1 ));

    SimpleArrayLayoutInfo GetArrayLayout( SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, LayoutSize elementCount) override
        auto elementSize = elementInfo.size.getFiniteValue();
        auto elementAlignment = elementInfo.alignment;
        auto elementStride = _roundToAlignment(elementSize, elementAlignment);

        // An array with no elements will have zero size.
        LayoutSize arraySize = 0;
        // Any array with a non-zero number of elements will need
        // to have space for N elements of size `elementSize`, with
        // the constraints that there must be `elementStride` bytes
        // between consecutive elements.
        if( elementCount > 0 )
            // We can think of this as either allocating (N-1)
            // chunks of size `elementStride` (for most of the elements)
            // and then one final chunk of size `elementSize`  for
            // the last element, or equivalently as allocating
            // N chunks of size `elementStride` and then "giving back"
            // the final `elementStride - elementSize` bytes.
            arraySize = (elementStride * (elementCount-1)) + elementSize;

        SimpleArrayLayoutInfo arrayInfo;
        arrayInfo.kind = elementInfo.kind;
        arrayInfo.size = arraySize;
        arrayInfo.alignment = elementAlignment;
        arrayInfo.elementStride = elementStride;
        return arrayInfo;

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetVectorLayout(BaseType elementType, SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, size_t elementCount) override
        SimpleLayoutInfo vectorInfo;
        vectorInfo.kind = elementInfo.kind;
        vectorInfo.size = elementInfo.size * elementCount;
        vectorInfo.alignment = elementInfo.alignment;
        return vectorInfo;

    SimpleArrayLayoutInfo GetMatrixLayout(BaseType elementType, SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, size_t rowCount, size_t columnCount) override
        // The default behavior here is to lay out a matrix
        // as an array of row vectors (that is row-major).
        // In practice, the code that calls `GetMatrixLayout` will
        // potentially transpose the row/column counts in order
        // to get layouts with a different convention.
        return GetArrayLayout(
            GetVectorLayout(elementType, elementInfo, columnCount),

    UniformLayoutInfo BeginStructLayout() override
        UniformLayoutInfo structInfo(0, 1);
        return structInfo;

    LayoutSize AddStructField(UniformLayoutInfo* ioStructInfo, UniformLayoutInfo fieldInfo) override
        // Skip zero-size fields
        if(fieldInfo.size == 0)
            return ioStructInfo->size;

        // A struct type must be at least as aligned as its most-aligned field.
        ioStructInfo->alignment = std::max(ioStructInfo->alignment, fieldInfo.alignment);

        // The new field will be added to the end of the struct.
        auto fieldBaseOffset = ioStructInfo->size;

        // We need to ensure that the offset for the field will respect its alignment
        auto fieldOffset = _roundToAlignment(fieldBaseOffset, fieldInfo.alignment);

        // The size of the struct must be adjusted to cover the bytes consumed
        // by this field.
        ioStructInfo->size = fieldOffset + fieldInfo.size;

        return fieldOffset;

    void EndStructLayout(UniformLayoutInfo* ioStructInfo) override

        // Note: A traditional C layout algorithm would adjust the size
        // of a struct type so that it is a multiple of the alignment.
        // This is a parsimonious design choice because it means that
        // `sizeof(T)` can both be used when copying/allocating a single
        // value of type `T` or an array of N values, without having to
        // consider more details.
        // Of course the choice also has down-sides in that wrapping things
        // into a `struct` can affect layout in ways that waste space. E.g.,
        // the following two cases don't lay out the same:
        //      struct S0 { double d; float f; float g; };
        //      struct X  { double d; float f; }
        //      struct S1 { X x;               float g; }
        // Even though `S0::g` and `S1::g` have the same amount of useful
        // data in front of them, they will not land at the same offset,
        // and the resulting struct sizes will differ (`sizeof(S0)` will be
        // 16 while `sizeof(S1)` will be 24).
        // Slang doesn't get to be opinionated about this stuff because
        // there is already precedent in both HLSL and GLSL for types
        // that have a size that is not rounded up to their alignment.
        // Our default layout rules won't implement the C-like policy,
        // and instead it will be injected in the concrete implementations
        // that require it.

    /// Common behavior for GLSL-family layout.
struct GLSLBaseLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultLayoutRulesImpl
    typedef DefaultLayoutRulesImpl Super;

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetVectorLayout(BaseType elementType, SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, size_t elementCount) override
        // The `std140` and `std430` rules require vectors to be aligned to the next power of
        // two up from their size (so a `float2` is 8-byte aligned, and a `float3` is
        // 16-byte aligned).
        // Note that in this case we have a type layout where the size is *not* a multiple
        // of the alignment, so it should be possible to pack a scalar after a `float3`.
        SLANG_RELEASE_ASSERT(elementInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform);

        auto size = elementInfo.size.getFiniteValue() * elementCount;
        SimpleLayoutInfo vectorInfo(
        return vectorInfo;

    SimpleArrayLayoutInfo GetArrayLayout(SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, LayoutSize elementCount) override
        // The size of an array must be rounded up to be a multiple of its alignment.
        auto info = Super::GetArrayLayout(elementInfo, elementCount);
        info.size = _roundToAlignment(info.size, info.alignment);
        return info;

    void EndStructLayout(UniformLayoutInfo* ioStructInfo) override
        // The size of a `struct` must be rounded up to be a multiple of its alignment.
        ioStructInfo->size = _roundToAlignment(ioStructInfo->size, ioStructInfo->alignment);

    /// The GLSL `std430` layout rules.
struct Std430LayoutRulesImpl : GLSLBaseLayoutRulesImpl
    // These rules don't actually need any differences from our
    // base/common GLSL layout rules.

    /// The GLSL `std430` layout rules.
struct Std140LayoutRulesImpl : GLSLBaseLayoutRulesImpl
    typedef GLSLBaseLayoutRulesImpl Super;

    SimpleArrayLayoutInfo GetArrayLayout(SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, LayoutSize elementCount) override
        // The `std140` rules require that array elements
        // be aligned on 16-byte boundaries.
        if(elementInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)
            if (elementInfo.alignment < 16)
                elementInfo.alignment = 16;
        return Super::GetArrayLayout(elementInfo, elementCount);

    UniformLayoutInfo BeginStructLayout() override
        // The `std140` rules require that a `struct` type
        // be at least 16-byte aligned.
        return UniformLayoutInfo(0, 16);

struct HLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultLayoutRulesImpl
    typedef DefaultLayoutRulesImpl Super;

    // Similar to GLSL `std140` rules, an HLSL constant buffer requires that
    // `struct` and array types have 16-byte alignement.
    // Unlike GLSL `std140`, the overall size of an array or `struct` type
    // is *not* rounded up to the alignment, so it is possible for later
    // fields to sneak into the "tail space" left behind by a preceding
    // structure or array. E.g., in this example:
    //     struct S { float3 a[2]; float b; };
    // The stride of the array `a` is 16 bytes per element, but the size
    // of `a` will only be 28 bytes (not 32), so that `b` can fit into
    // the space after the last array element and the overall structure
    // will have a size of 32 bytes.

    SimpleArrayLayoutInfo GetArrayLayout(SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, LayoutSize elementCount) override
        if(elementInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)
            if (elementInfo.alignment < 16)
                elementInfo.alignment = 16;
        return Super::GetArrayLayout(elementInfo, elementCount);

    UniformLayoutInfo BeginStructLayout() override
        return UniformLayoutInfo(0, 16);

    // HLSL layout rules do *not* impose additional alignment
    // constraints on vectors (e.g., all of `float`, `float2`,
    // `float3`, and `float4` have 4-byte alignment), but instead
    // they impose a rule that any `struct` field must not
    // "straddle" a 16-byte boundary.
    // This has the effect of making it *look* like `float4`
    // values have 16-byte alignment in practice, but the
    // effects on `float2` and `float3` are more nuanched and
    // lead to different result than the GLSL rules.
    LayoutSize AddStructField(UniformLayoutInfo* ioStructInfo, UniformLayoutInfo fieldInfo) override
        // Skip zero-size fields
        if(fieldInfo.size == 0)
            return ioStructInfo->size;

        ioStructInfo->alignment = std::max(ioStructInfo->alignment, fieldInfo.alignment);
        ioStructInfo->size = _roundToAlignment(ioStructInfo->size, fieldInfo.alignment);

        LayoutSize fieldOffset = ioStructInfo->size;
        LayoutSize fieldSize = fieldInfo.size;

        // Would this field cross a 16-byte boundary?
        auto registerSize = 16;
        auto startRegister = fieldOffset / registerSize;
        auto endRegister = (fieldOffset + fieldSize - 1) / registerSize;
        if (startRegister != endRegister)
            ioStructInfo->size = _roundToAlignment(ioStructInfo->size, size_t(registerSize));
            fieldOffset = ioStructInfo->size;

        ioStructInfo->size += fieldInfo.size;
        return fieldOffset;

/* CPU layout requires that all sizes are a multiple of alignment.
struct CPULayoutRulesImpl : DefaultLayoutRulesImpl
    typedef DefaultLayoutRulesImpl Super;

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetScalarLayout(BaseType baseType) override
        switch (baseType)
            case BaseType::Bool:
                // TODO(JS): Much like ptr this is a problem - in knowing how to return this value. In the past it's been a word
                // on some compilers for example.
                // On checking though current compilers (clang, g++, visual studio) it is a single byte
                return SimpleLayoutInfo( LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, 1, 1 );

            // This always returns a layout where the size is the same as the alignment.
            default: return Super::GetScalarLayout(baseType);

    SimpleArrayLayoutInfo GetArrayLayout( SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, LayoutSize elementCount) override
        if (elementCount.isInfinite())
            // This is an unsized array, get information for element
            auto info = Super::GetArrayLayout(elementInfo, LayoutSize(1));

            // So it is actually a Array<T> on CPU which is a pointer and a size
            info.size = sizeof(void*) * 2;
            info.alignment = SLANG_ALIGN_OF(void*);

            return info;
            return Super::GetArrayLayout(elementInfo, elementCount);

    UniformLayoutInfo BeginStructLayout() override
        return Super::BeginStructLayout();

    void EndStructLayout(UniformLayoutInfo* ioStructInfo) override
        // Conform to C/C++ size is adjusted to the largest alignment
        ioStructInfo->size = _roundToAlignment(ioStructInfo->size, ioStructInfo->alignment);

// The CUDA compiler NVRTC only works on 64 bit operating systems.
// So instead of using native host type sizes we use these types instead
// NOTE! This implies that our CUDA reflection (even if produced on 32 bit host environment) is always 64 bit.
// This is unlikely to be a problem in practice.

// NOTE! For the moment the CUDA prelude we use size_t - but that's ok as we currently use these types for
// sizes

// Memory sizes, and memory offsets (signed)
typedef int64_t CUDASize;
typedef int64_t CUDAOffset;

// TODO(JS): This could be better as CudaUSize if we accepted LowerCamel Acronyms...
typedef uint64_t CUDAUSize;

// A type that is the size of a pointer
typedef CUDASize CUDAPtr;
// For CUtexObject and CUsurfObject
typedef CUDAPtr CUDAHandle;

// This is not strictly speaking needed - but exists to be consistent with cuda-prelude.h and the current CUDA emit.
typedef CUDAPtr CUDASamplerState;

// TODO(JS): Perhaps there is an argument these should be 32 bit?
typedef CUDASize CUDACount;
typedef CUDASize CUDAIndex;

struct CUDALayoutRulesImpl : DefaultLayoutRulesImpl
    typedef DefaultLayoutRulesImpl Super;

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetScalarLayout(BaseType baseType) override
        switch (baseType)
            case BaseType::Bool:
                // In memory a bool is a byte. BUT when in a vector or matrix it will actually be a int32_t
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(uint8_t), SLANG_ALIGN_OF(uint8_t));

            default: return Super::GetScalarLayout(baseType);

    SimpleArrayLayoutInfo GetArrayLayout(SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, LayoutSize elementCount) override
        if (elementCount.isInfinite())
            // This is an unsized array, get information for element
            auto info = Super::GetArrayLayout(elementInfo, LayoutSize(1));

            // So it is actually a Array<T> on CUDA which is a pointer and a size
            info.size = _roundToAlignment((CUDAPtr) + sizeof(CUDACount), sizeof(CUDAPtr));
            info.alignment = sizeof(CUDAPtr);
            return info;
        // It's fine to use the Default impl, as long as any elements size is alignment rounded (as happen in EndStructLayout).
        // If that weren't the case the array may be smaller than elementSize * elementCount which would be wrong for CUDA.
        SLANG_ASSERT(_isAligned(elementInfo.size.getFiniteValue(), elementInfo.alignment));

        return Super::GetArrayLayout(elementInfo, elementCount);

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetVectorLayout(BaseType elementType, SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, size_t elementCount) override
        // Special case bool
        if (elementType == BaseType::Bool)
            SimpleLayoutInfo fixInfo(elementInfo);
            fixInfo.size = sizeof(int32_t);
            fixInfo.alignment = sizeof(int32_t);
            return GetVectorLayout(BaseType::Int, fixInfo, elementCount);
        const auto elementSize = elementInfo.size.getFiniteValue();

        // These rules can largely be determines by looking at
        // 'vector_types.h' in the CUDA SDK

        // Size in bytes of vector
        size_t size = elementSize * elementCount;
        // Special case 3, as uses alignment of the elementSize
        size_t alignment = (elementCount == 3) ? elementSize : size;

        // special case half
        if (elementType == BaseType::Half && elementCount >= 3)
            alignment = elementSize * 2;
            size = _roundToAlignment(size, alignment);

        // Nothing is aligned more than 16
        alignment = std::min(alignment, size_t(16));

        // For CUDA the size must be a multiple of alignment, as this is the amount of bytes used 'exclusively' by the type.

        // The size must be a multiple of the alignment
        SLANG_ASSERT(_isAligned(size, alignment));

        SimpleLayoutInfo vectorInfo;
        vectorInfo.kind = elementInfo.kind;
        vectorInfo.size = size;
        vectorInfo.alignment = alignment;
        return vectorInfo;

    SimpleArrayLayoutInfo GetMatrixLayout(BaseType elementType, SimpleLayoutInfo elementInfo, size_t rowCount, size_t columnCount) override
        // The default behavior is to calculate the size as an array of rowCount vectors, which is correct here
        return Super::GetMatrixLayout(elementType, elementInfo, rowCount, columnCount);

    UniformLayoutInfo BeginStructLayout() override
        return Super::BeginStructLayout();

    void EndStructLayout(UniformLayoutInfo* ioStructInfo) override
        // Conform to CUDA/C/C++ size is adjusted to the largest alignment
        ioStructInfo->size = _roundToAlignment(ioStructInfo->size, ioStructInfo->alignment);

struct HLSLStructuredBufferLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultLayoutRulesImpl
    // HLSL structured buffers drop the restrictions added for constant buffers,
    // but retain the rules around not adjusting the size of an array or
    // structure to its alignment. In this way they should match our
    // default layout rules.

struct DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultLayoutRulesImpl
    LayoutResourceKind kind;

    DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind kind)
        : kind(kind)

    // hook to allow differentiating for input/output
    virtual LayoutResourceKind getKind()
        return kind;

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetScalarLayout(BaseType) override
        // Assume that all scalars take up one "slot"
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetVectorLayout(BaseType elementType, SimpleLayoutInfo, size_t) override
        // Vectors take up one slot by default
        // TODO: some platforms may decide that vectors of `double` need
        // special handling
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(

struct GLSLVaryingLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl
    GLSLVaryingLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind kind)
        : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl(kind)

struct HLSLVaryingLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl
    HLSLVaryingLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind kind)
        : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl(kind)


struct GLSLSpecializationConstantLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultLayoutRulesImpl
    LayoutResourceKind getKind()
        return LayoutResourceKind::SpecializationConstant;

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetScalarLayout(BaseType) override
        // Assume that all scalars take up one "slot"
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(

    SimpleLayoutInfo GetVectorLayout(BaseType elementType, SimpleLayoutInfo, size_t elementCount) override
        // GLSL doesn't support vectors of specialization constants,
        // but we will assume that, if supported, they would use one slot per element.
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(

GLSLSpecializationConstantLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLSpecializationConstantLayoutRulesImpl;


struct GLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl : ObjectLayoutRulesImpl
    virtual SimpleLayoutInfo GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind) override
        // In Vulkan GLSL, pretty much every object is just a descriptor-table slot.
        // We can refine this method once we support a case where this isn't true.
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::DescriptorTableSlot, 1);
GLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl;

struct GLSLPushConstantBufferObjectLayoutRulesImpl : GLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl
    virtual SimpleLayoutInfo GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind /*kind*/) override
        // Special-case the layout for a constant-buffer, because we don't
        // want it to allocate a descriptor-table slot
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::PushConstantBuffer, 1);
GLSLPushConstantBufferObjectLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLPushConstantBufferObjectLayoutRulesImpl_;

struct GLSLShaderRecordConstantBufferObjectLayoutRulesImpl : GLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl
    virtual SimpleLayoutInfo GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind /*kind*/) override
        // Special-case the layout for a constant-buffer, because we don't
        // want it to allocate a descriptor-table slot
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ShaderRecord, 1);
GLSLShaderRecordConstantBufferObjectLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLShaderRecordConstantBufferObjectLayoutRulesImpl_;

struct HLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl : ObjectLayoutRulesImpl
    virtual SimpleLayoutInfo GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind kind) override
        switch( kind )
        case ShaderParameterKind::ConstantBuffer:
            return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer, 1);

        case ShaderParameterKind::TextureUniformBuffer:
        case ShaderParameterKind::StructuredBuffer:
        case ShaderParameterKind::RawBuffer:
        case ShaderParameterKind::Buffer:
        case ShaderParameterKind::Texture:
            return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ShaderResource, 1);

        case ShaderParameterKind::MutableStructuredBuffer:
        case ShaderParameterKind::MutableRawBuffer:
        case ShaderParameterKind::MutableBuffer:
        case ShaderParameterKind::MutableTexture:
            return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::UnorderedAccess, 1);

        case ShaderParameterKind::SamplerState:
            return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::SamplerState, 1);

        case ShaderParameterKind::TextureSampler:
        case ShaderParameterKind::MutableTextureSampler:
        case ShaderParameterKind::InputRenderTarget:
            // TODO: how to handle these?
            SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled shader parameter kind");
HLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl kHLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl;

// HACK: Treating ray-tracing input/output as if it was another
// case of varying input/output when it really needs to be
// based on byte storage/layout.
struct GLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl
    GLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind kind)
        : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl(kind)
struct HLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl
    HLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind kind)
        : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl(kind)
struct CUDARayTracingLayoutRulesImpl : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl
    CUDARayTracingLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind kind)
        : DefaultVaryingLayoutRulesImpl(kind)

DefaultLayoutRulesImpl kDefaultLayoutRulesImpl;
Std140LayoutRulesImpl kStd140LayoutRulesImpl;
Std430LayoutRulesImpl kStd430LayoutRulesImpl;
HLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl kHLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl;
HLSLStructuredBufferLayoutRulesImpl kHLSLStructuredBufferLayoutRulesImpl;

GLSLVaryingLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::VertexInput);
GLSLVaryingLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::FragmentOutput);

GLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLRayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::RayPayload);
GLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLCallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::CallablePayload);
GLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kGLSLHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::HitAttributes);

HLSLVaryingLayoutRulesImpl kHLSLVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::VertexInput);
HLSLVaryingLayoutRulesImpl kHLSLVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::FragmentOutput);

HLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kHLSLRayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::RayPayload);
HLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kHLSLCallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::CallablePayload);
HLSLRayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kHLSLHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::HitAttributes);

// Just copying what was done above for now, but for CUDA...
//CUDAVaryingLayoutRulesImpl kCUDAVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::VertexInput);
//CUDAVaryingLayoutRulesImpl kCUDAVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::FragmentOutput);
CUDARayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kCUDARayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::RayPayload);
//CUDARayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kCUDACallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::CallablePayload);
CUDARayTracingLayoutRulesImpl kCUDAHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl(LayoutResourceKind::HitAttributes);

struct GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl : LayoutRulesFamilyImpl
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getAnyValueRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getConstantBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getPushConstantBufferRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getTextureBufferRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getVaryingInputRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getVaryingOutputRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getSpecializationConstantRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getShaderStorageBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getParameterBlockRules(TargetRequest* request) override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getRayPayloadParameterRules()      override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getCallablePayloadParameterRules() override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getHitAttributesParameterRules()   override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getShaderRecordConstantBufferRules() override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getStructuredBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;

struct HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl : LayoutRulesFamilyImpl
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getAnyValueRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getConstantBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getPushConstantBufferRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getTextureBufferRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getVaryingInputRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getVaryingOutputRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getSpecializationConstantRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getShaderStorageBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getParameterBlockRules(TargetRequest* request) override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getRayPayloadParameterRules()      override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getCallablePayloadParameterRules() override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getHitAttributesParameterRules()   override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getShaderRecordConstantBufferRules() override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getStructuredBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;

struct CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl : LayoutRulesFamilyImpl
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getAnyValueRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getConstantBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getPushConstantBufferRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getTextureBufferRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getVaryingInputRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getVaryingOutputRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getSpecializationConstantRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getShaderStorageBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getParameterBlockRules(TargetRequest* request) override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getRayPayloadParameterRules()      override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getCallablePayloadParameterRules() override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getHitAttributesParameterRules()   override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getShaderRecordConstantBufferRules() override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getStructuredBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;

struct CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl : LayoutRulesFamilyImpl
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getAnyValueRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getConstantBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getPushConstantBufferRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getTextureBufferRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getVaryingInputRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getVaryingOutputRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getSpecializationConstantRules() override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getShaderStorageBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;
    virtual LayoutRulesImpl* getParameterBlockRules(TargetRequest* request) override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getRayPayloadParameterRules()      override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getCallablePayloadParameterRules() override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getHitAttributesParameterRules()   override;

    LayoutRulesImpl* getShaderRecordConstantBufferRules() override;
    LayoutRulesImpl* getStructuredBufferRules(TargetRequest* request) override;

GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl;
HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl;
CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl kCPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl;
CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl kCUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl;

// CPU case

struct CPUObjectLayoutRulesImpl : ObjectLayoutRulesImpl
    virtual SimpleLayoutInfo GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind kind) override
        switch (kind)
            case ShaderParameterKind::ConstantBuffer:
                // It's a pointer to the actual uniform data
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(void*), SLANG_ALIGN_OF(void*));

            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableTexture:
            case ShaderParameterKind::TextureUniformBuffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::Texture:
                // It's a pointer to a texture interface 
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(void*), SLANG_ALIGN_OF(void*));
            case ShaderParameterKind::StructuredBuffer:            
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableStructuredBuffer:
                // It's a ptr and a size of the amount of elements
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(void*) * 2, SLANG_ALIGN_OF(void*));

            case ShaderParameterKind::RawBuffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::Buffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableRawBuffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableBuffer:
                // It's a pointer and a size in bytes
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(void*) * 2, SLANG_ALIGN_OF(void*));

            case ShaderParameterKind::SamplerState:
                // It's a pointer
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(void*), SLANG_ALIGN_OF(void*));
            case ShaderParameterKind::TextureSampler:
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableTextureSampler:
            case ShaderParameterKind::InputRenderTarget:
                // TODO: how to handle these?
                SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled shader parameter kind");

// TODO(JS): Most likely wrong! Assumes largely CPU layout which is probably not right
struct CUDAObjectLayoutRulesImpl : CPUObjectLayoutRulesImpl
    typedef CPUObjectLayoutRulesImpl Super;

    // cuda.h defines a variety of handle types. We don't want to have to include cuda.h though - as it may not be available
    // on a build target. So for we define this handle type, that matches cuda.h and is used for types that use this kind
    // of opaque handle (as opposed to a pointer) such as CUsurfObject, CUtexObject
    typedef unsigned long long ObjectHandle;

    virtual SimpleLayoutInfo GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind kind) override
        switch (kind)
            case ShaderParameterKind::ConstantBuffer:
                // It's a pointer to the actual uniform data
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(CUDAPtr), sizeof(CUDAPtr));
            case ShaderParameterKind::TextureSampler:
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableTextureSampler:
                // That there is no distinct Sampler on CUDA, so TextureSampler is the same as a Texture
                // which is an ObjectHandle.
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableTexture:
            case ShaderParameterKind::TextureUniformBuffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::Texture:
                // It's a CUtexObject or CUsurfObject which is an opaque CUDAHandle sized
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(CUDAHandle), sizeof(CUDAPtr));

            case ShaderParameterKind::StructuredBuffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableStructuredBuffer:
                // It's a ptr and a count of the amount of elements
                const size_t size = _roundToAlignment(sizeof(CUDAPtr) + sizeof(CUDACount), sizeof(CUDAPtr));
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, size, sizeof(CUDAPtr));
            case ShaderParameterKind::RawBuffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::Buffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableRawBuffer:
            case ShaderParameterKind::MutableBuffer:
                // It's a ptr and a count of the amount of elements
                const size_t size = _roundToAlignment(sizeof(CUDAPtr) + sizeof(CUDACount), sizeof(CUDAPtr));
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, size, sizeof(CUDAPtr));
            case ShaderParameterKind::SamplerState:
                // In CUDA it seems that sampler states are combined into texture objects.
                // So it's a binding issue to combine a sampler with a texture - and sampler are ignored
                // For simplicity here though - we do create a variable and that variable takes up
                // uniform binding space.
                // TODO(JS): If we wanted to remove these variables we'd want to do it as a pass. The pass
                // would presumably have to remove use of variables of this kind throughout IR. 
                return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, sizeof(CUDASamplerState), sizeof(CUDAPtr));

            case ShaderParameterKind::InputRenderTarget:
                // TODO: how to handle these?
                SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled shader parameter kind");


static CPUObjectLayoutRulesImpl kCPUObjectLayoutRulesImpl;
static CPULayoutRulesImpl kCPULayoutRulesImpl;

LayoutRulesImpl kCPULayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kCPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kCPULayoutRulesImpl, &kCPUObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kCPUAnyValueLayoutRulesImpl_ = {


static CUDAObjectLayoutRulesImpl kCUDAObjectLayoutRulesImpl;
static CUDALayoutRulesImpl kCUDALayoutRulesImpl;

LayoutRulesImpl kCUDALayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kCUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kCUDALayoutRulesImpl, &kCUDAObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kCUDAAnyValueLayoutRulesImpl_ = {

// We want a custom layout for ray payloads to handle the logic of
// copying payload registers vs reading / writing to and from memory
LayoutRulesImpl kCUDARayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kCUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kCUDARayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl, &kCUDAObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kCUDAHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kCUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kCUDAHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl, &kCUDAObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

// GLSL cases

LayoutRulesImpl kStd140LayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kStd140LayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kStd430LayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kStd430LayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kScalarLayoutRulesImpl_ = {

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLAnyValueLayoutRulesImpl_ = {

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLPushConstantLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kStd430LayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLPushConstantBufferObjectLayoutRulesImpl_,

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLShaderRecordLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kStd430LayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLShaderRecordConstantBufferObjectLayoutRulesImpl_,

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kGLSLVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kGLSLVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLSpecializationConstantLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kGLSLSpecializationConstantLayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLRayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kGLSLRayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLCallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kGLSLCallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kGLSLHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kGLSLStructuredBufferLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kStd430LayoutRulesImpl, &kGLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

// HLSL cases

LayoutRulesImpl kHLSLAnyValueLayoutRulesImpl_ = {

LayoutRulesImpl kHLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kHLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl, &kHLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kHLSLStructuredBufferLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kHLSLStructuredBufferLayoutRulesImpl, &kHLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kHLSLVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kHLSLVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl, &kHLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kHLSLVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kHLSLVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl, &kHLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kHLSLRayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kHLSLRayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl, &kHLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kHLSLCallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kHLSLCallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl, &kHLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

LayoutRulesImpl kHLSLHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl_ = {
    &kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl, &kHLSLHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl, &kHLSLObjectLayoutRulesImpl,

// GLSL Family

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getAnyValueRules()
    return &kGLSLAnyValueLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getConstantBufferRules(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    if (targetReq->getForceGLSLScalarBufferLayout())
        return &kScalarLayoutRulesImpl_;
    return &kStd140LayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getParameterBlockRules(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    if (targetReq->getForceGLSLScalarBufferLayout())
        return &kScalarLayoutRulesImpl_;
    return &kStd140LayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getPushConstantBufferRules()
    return &kGLSLPushConstantLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getShaderRecordConstantBufferRules()
    return &kGLSLShaderRecordLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getTextureBufferRules()
    return nullptr;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getVaryingInputRules()
    return &kGLSLVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getVaryingOutputRules()
    return &kGLSLVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getSpecializationConstantRules()
    return &kGLSLSpecializationConstantLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getShaderStorageBufferRules(TargetRequest* request)
    if (request->getForceGLSLScalarBufferLayout())
        return &kScalarLayoutRulesImpl_;
    return &kStd430LayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getRayPayloadParameterRules()
    return &kGLSLRayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getCallablePayloadParameterRules()
    return &kGLSLCallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getHitAttributesParameterRules()
    return &kGLSLHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* GLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getStructuredBufferRules(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    if (targetReq->getForceGLSLScalarBufferLayout())
        return &kScalarLayoutRulesImpl_;
    return &kGLSLStructuredBufferLayoutRulesImpl_;

// HLSL Family

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getAnyValueRules()
    return &kHLSLAnyValueLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getConstantBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return &kHLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getParameterBlockRules(TargetRequest*)
    // TODO: actually pick something appropriate...
    return &kHLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getPushConstantBufferRules()
    return &kHLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getShaderRecordConstantBufferRules()
    return &kHLSLConstantBufferLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getStructuredBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return &kHLSLStructuredBufferLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getTextureBufferRules()
    return nullptr;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getVaryingInputRules()
    return &kHLSLVaryingInputLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getVaryingOutputRules()
    return &kHLSLVaryingOutputLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getSpecializationConstantRules()
    return nullptr;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getShaderStorageBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return nullptr;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getRayPayloadParameterRules()
    return &kHLSLRayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getCallablePayloadParameterRules()
    return &kHLSLCallablePayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* HLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getHitAttributesParameterRules()
    return &kHLSLHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl_;

// CPU Family

LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getAnyValueRules()
    return &kCPUAnyValueLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getConstantBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return &kCPULayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getPushConstantBufferRules()
    return &kCPULayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getTextureBufferRules()
    return nullptr;

LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getVaryingInputRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getVaryingOutputRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getSpecializationConstantRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getShaderStorageBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getParameterBlockRules(TargetRequest*)
    // Not clear - just use similar to CPU 
    return &kCPULayoutRulesImpl_;
LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getRayPayloadParameterRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getCallablePayloadParameterRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getHitAttributesParameterRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getShaderRecordConstantBufferRules()
    // Just following HLSLs lead for the moment
    return &kCPULayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* CPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getStructuredBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return &kCPULayoutRulesImpl_;

// CUDA Family

LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getAnyValueRules()
    return &kCUDAAnyValueLayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getConstantBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return &kCUDALayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getPushConstantBufferRules()
    return &kCUDALayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getTextureBufferRules()
    return nullptr;

LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getVaryingInputRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getVaryingOutputRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getSpecializationConstantRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getShaderStorageBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getParameterBlockRules(TargetRequest*)
    // Not clear - just use similar to CPU 
    return &kCUDALayoutRulesImpl_;
LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getRayPayloadParameterRules()
    // Mimicking HLSL 
    return &kCUDARayPayloadParameterLayoutRulesImpl_;
LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getCallablePayloadParameterRules()
    return nullptr;
LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getHitAttributesParameterRules()
    return &kCUDAHitAttributesParameterLayoutRulesImpl_;
LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getShaderRecordConstantBufferRules()
    // Just following HLSLs lead for the moment
    return &kCUDALayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesImpl* CUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl::getStructuredBufferRules(TargetRequest*)
    return &kCUDALayoutRulesImpl_;

LayoutRulesFamilyImpl* getDefaultLayoutRulesFamilyForTarget(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    switch (targetReq->getTarget())
    case CodeGenTarget::HLSL:
    case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecode:
    case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecodeAssembly:
    case CodeGenTarget::DXIL:
    case CodeGenTarget::DXILAssembly:
        return &kHLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl;

    case CodeGenTarget::GLSL:
    case CodeGenTarget::SPIRV:
    case CodeGenTarget::SPIRVAssembly:
        return &kGLSLLayoutRulesFamilyImpl;

    case CodeGenTarget::HostHostCallable:
    case CodeGenTarget::ShaderHostCallable:
    case CodeGenTarget::HostExecutable:
    case CodeGenTarget::ShaderSharedLibrary:
    case CodeGenTarget::CPPSource:
    case CodeGenTarget::CSource:
        // For now lets use some fairly simple CPU binding rules

        // We just need to decide here what style of layout is appropriate, in terms of memory
        // and binding. That in terms of the actual binding that will be injected into functions
        // in the form of a BindContext. For now we'll go with HLSL layout -
        // that we may want to rethink that with the use of arrays and binding VK style binding might be
        // more appropriate in some ways.

        return &kCPULayoutRulesFamilyImpl;

    case CodeGenTarget::PTX:
    case CodeGenTarget::CUDASource:
        return &kCUDALayoutRulesFamilyImpl;

        return nullptr;

TypeLayoutContext getInitialLayoutContextForTarget(TargetRequest* targetReq, ProgramLayout* programLayout)
    auto astBuilder = targetReq->getLinkage()->getASTBuilder();

    LayoutRulesFamilyImpl* rulesFamily = getDefaultLayoutRulesFamilyForTarget(targetReq);

    TypeLayoutContext context;
    context.astBuilder = astBuilder;
    context.targetReq = targetReq;
    context.programLayout = programLayout;
    context.rules = nullptr;
    context.matrixLayoutMode = targetReq->getDefaultMatrixLayoutMode();

    if( rulesFamily )
        context.rules = rulesFamily->getConstantBufferRules(targetReq);

    return context;

static LayoutSize GetElementCount(IntVal* val)
    // Lack of a size indicates an unbounded array.
        return LayoutSize::infinite();

    if (auto constantVal = as<ConstantIntVal>(val))
        return LayoutSize(LayoutSize::RawValue(constantVal->value));
    else if( auto varRefVal = as<GenericParamIntVal>(val) )
        // TODO: We want to treat the case where the number of
        // elements in an array depends on a generic parameter
        // much like the case where the number of elements is
        // unbounded, *but* we can't just blindly do that because
        // an API might disallow unbounded arrays in various
        // cases where a generic bound might work (because
        // any concrete specialization will have a finite bound...)
        return 0;
    else if (auto polyIntVal = as<PolynomialIntVal>(val))
        // TODO: We want to treat the case where the number of
        // elements in an array depends on a generic parameter
        // much like the case where the number of elements is
        // unbounded, *but* we can't just blindly do that because
        // an API might disallow unbounded arrays in various
        // cases where a generic bound might work (because
        // any concrete specialization will have a finite bound...)
        return 0;
    SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled integer literal kind");

bool IsResourceKind(LayoutResourceKind kind)
    switch (kind)
    case LayoutResourceKind::None:
    case LayoutResourceKind::Uniform:
        return false;

        return true;


    /// Create a type layout for a type that has simple layout needs.
    /// This handles any type that can express its layout in `SimpleLayoutInfo`,
    /// and that only needs a `TypeLayout` and not a refined subclass.
static TypeLayoutResult createSimpleTypeLayout(
    SimpleLayoutInfo        info,
    Type*            type,
    LayoutRulesImpl*        rules)
    RefPtr<TypeLayout> typeLayout = new TypeLayout();

    typeLayout->type = type;
    typeLayout->rules = rules;

    typeLayout->uniformAlignment = info.alignment;

    typeLayout->addResourceUsage(info.kind, info.size);

    return TypeLayoutResult(typeLayout, info);

static SimpleLayoutInfo getParameterGroupLayoutInfo(
    ParameterGroupType*  type,
    LayoutRulesImpl*            rules)
    if( as<ConstantBufferType>(type) )
        return rules->GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind::ConstantBuffer);
    else if( as<TextureBufferType>(type) )
        return rules->GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind::TextureUniformBuffer);
    else if( as<GLSLShaderStorageBufferType>(type) )
        return rules->GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind::ShaderStorageBuffer);
    else if (as<ParameterBlockType>(type))
        // Note: we default to consuming zero register spces here, because
        // a parameter block might not contain anything (or all it contains
        // is other blocks), and so it won't get a space allocated.
        // This choice *also* means that in the case where we don't actually
        // want to allocate register spaces to blocks at all, we haven't
        // committed to that choice here.
        // TODO: wouldn't it be any different to just allocate this
        // as an empty `SimpleLayoutInfo` of any other kind?
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace, 0);

    // TODO: the vertex-input and fragment-output cases should
    // only actually apply when we are at the appropriate stage in
    // the pipeline...
    else if( as<GLSLInputParameterGroupType>(type) )
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::VertexInput, 0);
    else if( as<GLSLOutputParameterGroupType>(type) )
        return SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::FragmentOutput, 0);
        SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled parameter block type");

static bool isOpenGLTarget(TargetRequest*)
    // We aren't officially supporting OpenGL right now
    return false;

bool isD3DTarget(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    switch( targetReq->getTarget() )
    case CodeGenTarget::HLSL:
    case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecode:
    case CodeGenTarget::DXBytecodeAssembly:
    case CodeGenTarget::DXIL:
    case CodeGenTarget::DXILAssembly:
        return true;

        return false;

bool isKhronosTarget(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    switch( targetReq->getTarget() )
        return false;

    case CodeGenTarget::GLSL:
    case CodeGenTarget::SPIRV:
    case CodeGenTarget::SPIRVAssembly:
        return true;

bool isCPUTarget(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    return ArtifactDescUtil::isCpuLikeTarget(ArtifactDescUtil::makeDescForCompileTarget(asExternal(targetReq->getTarget())));

bool isCUDATarget(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    switch( targetReq->getTarget() )
        return false;

    case CodeGenTarget::CUDASource:
    case CodeGenTarget::PTX:
        return true;

bool areResourceTypesBindlessOnTarget(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    return isCPUTarget(targetReq) || isCUDATarget(targetReq);

static bool isD3D11Target(TargetRequest*)
    // We aren't officially supporting D3D11 right now
    return false;

static bool isD3D12Target(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    // We are currently only officially supporting D3D12
    return isD3DTarget(targetReq);

static bool isSM5OrEarlier(TargetRequest* targetReq)
        return false;

    auto profile = targetReq->getTargetProfile();

    if(profile.getFamily() == ProfileFamily::DX)
        if(profile.getVersion() <= ProfileVersion::DX_5_0)
            return true;

    return false;

static bool isSM5_1OrLater(TargetRequest* targetReq)
        return false;

    auto profile = targetReq->getTargetProfile();

    if(profile.getFamily() == ProfileFamily::DX)
        if(profile.getVersion() >= ProfileVersion::DX_5_1)
            return true;

    return false;

static bool isVulkanTarget(TargetRequest* targetReq)
    // For right now, any Khronos-related target is assumed
    // to be a Vulkan target.
    return isKhronosTarget(targetReq);

static bool shouldAllocateRegisterSpaceForParameterBlock(
    TypeLayoutContext const&  context)
    auto targetReq = context.targetReq;

    // We *never* want to use register spaces/sets under
    // OpenGL, D3D11, or for Shader Model 5.0 or earlier.
    if(isOpenGLTarget(targetReq) || isD3D11Target(targetReq) || isSM5OrEarlier(targetReq))
        return false;

    // If we know that we are targetting Vulkan, then
    // the only way to effectively use parameter blocks
    // is by using descriptor sets.
        return true;

    // If none of the above passed, then it seems like we
    // are generating code for D3D12, and using SM5.1 or later.
    // We will use a register space for parameter blocks *if*
    // the target options tell us to:
    if( isD3D12Target(targetReq) && isSM5_1OrLater(targetReq) )
        return true;

    return false;

// Given an existing type layout `oldTypeLayout`, apply offsets
// to any contained fields based on the resource infos in `offsetVarLayout`.
RefPtr<TypeLayout> applyOffsetToTypeLayout(
    RefPtr<TypeLayout>  oldTypeLayout,
    RefPtr<VarLayout>   offsetVarLayout)
    // There is no need to apply offsets if the old type and the offset
    // don't share any resource infos in common.
    bool anyHit = false;
    for (auto oldResInfo : oldTypeLayout->resourceInfos)
        if (auto offsetResInfo = offsetVarLayout->FindResourceInfo(oldResInfo.kind))
            anyHit = true;
    if( auto oldPendingTypeLayout = oldTypeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout )
        if( auto pendingOffsetVarLayout = offsetVarLayout->pendingVarLayout )
            for (auto oldResInfo : oldPendingTypeLayout->resourceInfos)
                if (auto offsetResInfo = pendingOffsetVarLayout->FindResourceInfo(oldResInfo.kind))
                    anyHit = true;

    if (!anyHit)
        return oldTypeLayout;

    RefPtr<TypeLayout> newTypeLayout;
    if (auto oldStructTypeLayout =<StructTypeLayout>())
        RefPtr<StructTypeLayout> newStructTypeLayout = new StructTypeLayout();
        newStructTypeLayout->type = oldStructTypeLayout->type;
        newStructTypeLayout->uniformAlignment = oldStructTypeLayout->uniformAlignment;

        Dictionary<VarLayout*, VarLayout*> mapOldFieldToNew;

        for (auto oldField : oldStructTypeLayout->fields)
            RefPtr<VarLayout> newField = new VarLayout();
            newField->varDecl = oldField->varDecl;
            newField->typeLayout = oldField->typeLayout;
            newField->flags = oldField->flags;
            newField->semanticIndex = oldField->semanticIndex;
            newField->semanticName = oldField->semanticName;
            newField->stage = oldField->stage;
            newField->systemValueSemantic = oldField->systemValueSemantic;
            newField->systemValueSemanticIndex = oldField->systemValueSemanticIndex;

            for (auto oldResInfo : oldField->resourceInfos)
                auto newResInfo = newField->findOrAddResourceInfo(oldResInfo.kind);
                newResInfo->index = oldResInfo.index;
                newResInfo->space =;
                if (auto offsetResInfo = offsetVarLayout->FindResourceInfo(oldResInfo.kind))
                    newResInfo->index += offsetResInfo->index;

            if( auto oldPendingField = oldField->pendingVarLayout )
                RefPtr<VarLayout> newPendingField = new VarLayout();
                newPendingField->varDecl                   = oldPendingField->varDecl;
                newPendingField->typeLayout                = oldPendingField->typeLayout;
                newPendingField->flags                     = oldPendingField->flags;
                newPendingField->semanticIndex             = oldPendingField->semanticIndex;
                newPendingField->semanticName              = oldPendingField->semanticName;
                newPendingField->stage                     = oldPendingField->stage;
                newPendingField->systemValueSemantic       = oldPendingField->systemValueSemantic;
                newPendingField->systemValueSemanticIndex  = oldPendingField->systemValueSemanticIndex;

                newField->pendingVarLayout = newPendingField;

                for (auto oldResInfo : oldPendingField->resourceInfos)
                    auto newResInfo = newPendingField->findOrAddResourceInfo(oldResInfo.kind);
                    newResInfo->index = oldResInfo.index;
                    newResInfo->space =;
                    if( auto pendingOffsetVarLayout = offsetVarLayout->pendingVarLayout )
                        if (auto offsetResInfo = pendingOffsetVarLayout->FindResourceInfo(oldResInfo.kind))
                            newResInfo->index += offsetResInfo->index;


            mapOldFieldToNew.Add(oldField.Ptr(), newField.Ptr());

        for (auto entry : oldStructTypeLayout->mapVarToLayout)
            VarLayout* newFieldLayout = nullptr;
            if (mapOldFieldToNew.TryGetValue(entry.Value.Ptr(), newFieldLayout))
                newStructTypeLayout->mapVarToLayout.Add(entry.Key, newFieldLayout);

        newTypeLayout = newStructTypeLayout;
        // TODO: need to handle other cases here
        return oldTypeLayout;

    // No matter what replacement we plug in for the element type, we need to copy
    // over its resource usage:
    for (auto oldResInfo : oldTypeLayout->resourceInfos)
        auto newResInfo = newTypeLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(oldResInfo.kind);
        newResInfo->count = oldResInfo.count;

    if( auto oldPendingTypeLayout = oldTypeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout )
        if( auto pendingOffsetVarLayout = offsetVarLayout->pendingVarLayout )
            newTypeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout = applyOffsetToTypeLayout(oldPendingTypeLayout, pendingOffsetVarLayout);

    return newTypeLayout;

IRTypeLayout* applyOffsetToTypeLayout(
    IRBuilder*      irBuilder,
    IRTypeLayout*   oldTypeLayout,
    IRVarLayout*    offsetVarLayout)
    // The body of this function is derived from the AST case defined above.
    // TODO: We shouldn't need this function at all because "offset" type
    // layouts were only introduced as a legacy workaround for some bad choices
    // in the reflection API.

    // There is no need to apply offsets if the old type and the offset
    // don't share any resource infos in common.
    bool anyHit = false;
    for (auto oldResInfo : oldTypeLayout->getSizeAttrs())
        if (auto offsetResInfo = offsetVarLayout->findOffsetAttr(oldResInfo->getResourceKind()))
            anyHit = true;

    if (!anyHit)
        return oldTypeLayout;

    if (auto oldStructTypeLayout = as<IRStructTypeLayout>(oldTypeLayout))
        IRStructTypeLayout::Builder newStructTypeLayoutBuilder(irBuilder);

        for (auto oldFieldAttr : oldStructTypeLayout->getFieldLayoutAttrs())
            auto fieldKey = oldFieldAttr->getFieldKey();
            auto oldFieldLayout = oldFieldAttr->getLayout();

            IRVarLayout::Builder newFieldBuilder(irBuilder, oldFieldLayout->getTypeLayout());

            for (auto oldResInfo : oldFieldLayout->getOffsetAttrs())
                auto kind = oldResInfo->getResourceKind();
                auto newResInfo = newFieldBuilder.findOrAddResourceInfo(kind);
                newResInfo->offset = oldResInfo->getOffset();
                newResInfo->space = oldResInfo->getSpace();
                if (auto offsetResInfo = offsetVarLayout->findOffsetAttr(kind))
                    newResInfo->offset += offsetResInfo->getOffset();


        // We can only effectively apply this offsetting to basic struct types,
        // and so we won't even attempt it for anything else. This matches the
        // AST implementation of this function, and shouldn't matter in the long
        // run since we will remove the concept of offset type layouts from
        // the IR.
        return oldTypeLayout;

IRVarLayout* applyOffsetToVarLayout(
    IRBuilder*      irBuilder,
    IRVarLayout*    baseLayout,
    IRVarLayout*    offsetLayout)
    IRVarLayout::Builder adjustedLayoutBuilder(irBuilder, baseLayout->getTypeLayout());

    if( auto basePendingLayout = baseLayout->getPendingVarLayout() )
        if( auto offsetPendingLayout = offsetLayout->getPendingVarLayout() )

    for( auto baseResInfo : baseLayout->getOffsetAttrs() )
        auto kind = baseResInfo->getResourceKind();
        auto adjustedResInfo = adjustedLayoutBuilder.findOrAddResourceInfo(kind);
        adjustedResInfo->offset = baseResInfo->getOffset();
        adjustedResInfo->space = baseResInfo->getSpace();

        if( auto offsetResInfo = offsetLayout->findOffsetAttr(baseResInfo->getResourceKind()) )
            adjustedResInfo->offset += offsetResInfo->getOffset();
            adjustedResInfo->space += offsetResInfo->getSpace();


static bool _usesResourceKind(RefPtr<TypeLayout> typeLayout, LayoutResourceKind kind)
    auto resInfo = typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(kind);
    return resInfo && resInfo->count != 0;

static bool _usesOrdinaryData(RefPtr<TypeLayout> typeLayout)
    return _usesResourceKind(typeLayout, LayoutResourceKind::Uniform);

static bool _usesExistentialData(RefPtr<TypeLayout> typeLayout)
    return _usesResourceKind(typeLayout, LayoutResourceKind::ExistentialObjectParam);

    /// Add resource usage from `srcTypeLayout` to `dstTypeLayout` unless it would be "masked."
    /// This function is appropriate for applying resource usage from an element type
    /// to the resource usage of a container like a `ConstantBuffer<X>` or
    /// `ParameterBlock<X>`.
    /// TODO: letUnformBleedThrough is (hopefully temporary) a hack that was added to enable CPU targets to
    /// produce workable layout. CPU targets have all bindings/variables laid out as uniforms
static void _addUnmaskedResourceUsage(
    bool letUniformBleedThrough, 
    TypeLayout* dstTypeLayout,
    TypeLayout* srcTypeLayout,
    bool        haveFullRegisterSpaceOrSet)
    for( auto resInfo : srcTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
        switch( resInfo.kind )
        case LayoutResourceKind::Uniform:
            // Ordinary/uniform resource usage will always be masked.
            if (letUniformBleedThrough)

        case LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace:
        case LayoutResourceKind::ExistentialTypeParam:
            // A parameter group will always pay for full registers
            // spaces consumed by its element type.
            // The same is true for existential type parameters,
            // since these need to be exposed up through the API.

            // For all other resource kinds, a parameter group
            // will be able to mask them if and only if it
            // has a full space/set allocated to it.
            // Otherwise, the resource usage of the group must
            // include the resource usage of the element.
            if( !haveFullRegisterSpaceOrSet )

static RefPtr<TypeLayout> _createParameterGroupTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    ParameterGroupType*  parameterGroupType,
    RefPtr<TypeLayout>          rawElementTypeLayout)
    // We are being asked to create a layout for a parameter group,
    // which is curently either a `ParameterBlock<T>` or a `ConstantBuffer<T>`
    auto parameterGroupRules = context.rules;
    RefPtr<ParameterGroupTypeLayout> typeLayout = new ParameterGroupTypeLayout();
    typeLayout->type = parameterGroupType;
    typeLayout->rules = parameterGroupRules;

    // Computing the layout is made tricky by several factors.
    // A parameter group has to draw a distinction between the element type,
    // and the resources it consumes, and the "container," which main
    // consume other resources. The type of resource consumed by
    // the two can overlap.
    // Consider:
    //      struct MyMaterial { float2 uvScale; Texture2D albedoMap; }
    //      ParameterBlock<MyMaterial> gMaterial;
    // In this example, `gMaterial` will need both a constant buffer
    // binding (to hold the data for `uvScale`) and a texture binding
    // (for `albedoMap`). On Vulkan, those two things require the *same*
    // `LayoutResourceKind` (representing a GLSL `binding`). We will
    // thus track the resource usage of the "container" type and
    // element type separately, and then combine these to form
    // the overall layout for the parameter group.

    // Note: We leave the `type` field of the container type layout
    // as null, because there is no available `Type*` that is suitable
    // to put there.
    // It might seem like we could use the `parameterGroupType` itself,
    // since it is the logical "container," but doing so creates an
    // unfortunate situation where we have a layout for a parameter
    // group type that is not itself a `ParameterGroupTypeLayout`.
    // Furthermore, it creates a nesting situation where a type layout
    // for `parameterGroupType` contains a nested layout for `parameterGroupType`,
    // and thus creates the impression of an infinite regress.
    // The down-side to leaving a null pointer here is that it means
    // we do *not* have an invariant that every `TypeLayout` has a non-null
    // type, but that property is not explicitly useful/desirable.

    RefPtr<TypeLayout> containerTypeLayout = new TypeLayout();
    containerTypeLayout->rules = parameterGroupRules;

    // Because the container and element types will each be situated
    // at some offset relative to the initial register/binding for
    // the group as a whole, we allocate a `VarLayout` for both
    // the container and the element type, to store that offset
    // information (think of `TypeLayout`s as holding size information,
    // while `VarLayout`s hold offset information).

    RefPtr<VarLayout> containerVarLayout = new VarLayout();
    containerVarLayout->typeLayout = containerTypeLayout;
    typeLayout->containerVarLayout = containerVarLayout;

    RefPtr<VarLayout> elementVarLayout = new VarLayout();
    elementVarLayout->typeLayout = rawElementTypeLayout;
    typeLayout->elementVarLayout = elementVarLayout;

    // It is possible to have a `ConstantBuffer<T>` that doesn't
    // actually need a constant buffer register/binding allocated to it,
    // because the type `T` doesn't actually contain any ordinary/uniform
    // data that needs to go into the constant buffer. For example:
    //      struct MyMaterial { Texture2D t; SamplerState s; };
    //      ConstantBuffer<MyMaterial> gMaterial;
    // In this example, the `gMaterial` parameter doesn't actually need
    // a constant buffer allocated for it. This isn't something that
    // comes up often for `ConstantBuffer`, but can happen a lot for
    // `ParameterBlock`.
    // To determine if we actually need a constant-buffer binding,
    // we will inspect the element type and see if it contains
    // any ordinary/uniform data *or* any interface/existential-type
    // slots.
    // The latter detail might sound surprising, because it means
    // that for a declaration like:
    //      cbuffer U { IThing gThing; }
    // we will allocate a constant-buffer binding for `U` whether
    // or not it turns out that the concrete type plugged in for
    // `IThing gThing` has any ordinary/uniform data at all (that is,
    // if the user plugs in a type that only holds a `Texture2D`,
    // we will still have allocated the constant buffer binding/register,
    // and waste it on an empty buffer).
    // The reason for this choice is that it greatly simplifies
    // logic for clients of Slang: a given `ConstantBuffer<>` or
    // `cbuffer` variable can be statically determined to either
    // need a constant buffer binding or not, based on its declared
    // element type, and *nothing* that happens later can change
    // that (e.g., plugging in a new value/object for `gThing`
    // can't retroactively change whether or not `U` needed
    // a constant buffer).
    // Note: On CUDA and CPU targets, where we have true pointers,
    // we always want to create an actual indirection for a parameter
    // group, since otherwise the layout of a constant buffer would
    // depend on its contents (in particular, whether or not
    // the contents are empty).
    // TODO: there is a subroutine arleady that tries to determine
    // if a wrapping constant buffer is needed based on an element
    // type and layout context; we should be using that here.
    bool wantConstantBuffer = _usesOrdinaryData(rawElementTypeLayout)
        || _usesExistentialData(rawElementTypeLayout)
        || isCUDATarget(context.targetReq)
        || isCPUTarget(context.targetReq);
    if( wantConstantBuffer )
        // If there is any ordinary data, then we'll need to
        // allocate a constant buffer regiser/binding into
        // the overall layout, to account for it.
        auto cbUsage = parameterGroupRules->GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind::ConstantBuffer);
        containerTypeLayout->addResourceUsage(cbUsage.kind, cbUsage.size);

    // Similarly to how we only need a constant buffer to be allocated
    // if the contents of the group actually call for it, we also only
    // want to allocate a `space` or `set` if that is really required.
    bool canUseSpaceOrSet = false;
    // We will only allocate a `space` or `set` if the type is `ParameterBlock<T>`
    // and not just `ConstantBuffer<T>`.
    // Note: `parameterGroupType` is allowed to be null here, if we are allocating
    // an anonymous constant buffer for global or entry-point parameters, but that
    // is fine because the case will just return null in that case anyway.
    auto parameterBlockType = as<ParameterBlockType>(parameterGroupType);
    if( parameterBlockType )
        // We also can't allocate a `space` or `set` unless the compilation
        // target actually supports them.
        if( shouldAllocateRegisterSpaceForParameterBlock(context) )
            canUseSpaceOrSet = true;

    // Just knowing that we *can* use a `space` or `set` doesn't tell
    // us if we would *like* to.
    // The basic rule here is that if the element type of the parameter
    // block contains anything that isn't itself consuming a full
    // register `space` or `set`, then we'll want an umbrella `space`/`set`
    // for all such data.
    bool wantSpaceOrSet = false;
    if( canUseSpaceOrSet )
        // Note that if we are allocating a constant buffer to hold
        // some ordinary/uniform (or existential) data then we
        // definitely want a space/set (because we will need it for
        // the constant buffer we allocated above)  but we don't need
        // to special-case that because the loop here will also detect
        // the `LayoutResourceKind::Uniform` usage.

        for( auto elementResourceInfo : rawElementTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
            if(elementResourceInfo.kind != LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace)
                wantSpaceOrSet = true;

    // If after all that we determine that we want a register space/set,
    // then we allocate one as part of the overall resource usage for
    // the parameter group type.
    if( wantSpaceOrSet )
        containerTypeLayout->addResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace, 1);

    // Now that we've computed basic resource requirements for the container
    // part of things (i.e., does it require a constant buffer or not?),
    // let's go ahead and assign the container variable a relative offset
    // of zero for each of the kinds of resources that it consumes.
    for( auto typeResInfo : containerTypeLayout->resourceInfos )

    // Because the container's resource allocation is logically coming
    // first in the overall group, the element needs to have a layout
    // such that it comes *after* the container in the relative order.
    for( auto elementTypeResInfo : rawElementTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
        auto kind = elementTypeResInfo.kind;

        // TODO: Added to make layout work correctly for CPU target 
        if(kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)

        auto elementVarResInfo = elementVarLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(kind);

        // If the container part of things is using the same resource kind
        // as the element type, then the element needs to start at an offset
        // after the container.
        if( auto containerTypeResInfo = containerTypeLayout->FindResourceInfo(kind) )
            elementVarResInfo->index += containerTypeResInfo->count.getFiniteValue();

    // Next, resource usage from the container and element
    // types may need to "bleed through" to the overall
    // parameter group type.
    // If the parameter group is a `ConstantBuffer<Foo>` then
    // any ordinary/uniform bytes consumed by `Foo` are masked,
    // but any other resources it consumes (e.g. `binding`s) need
    // to bleed through and be accounted for in the overall
    // layout of the type.
    // If we have a `ParameterBlock<Foo>` then any ordinary/uniform
    // bytes are masked. Furthermore, *if* a whole `space`/`set`
    // was allocated to the block, then any `register`s or
    // `binding`s consumed by `Foo` (and by the "container" constant
    // buffer if we allocated one) are also masked. Any whole
    // spaces/sets consumed by `Foo` need to bleed through.
    // We can start with the easier case of the container type,
    // since it will either be empty or consume a single constant
    // buffer. Its resource usage will only bleed through if we
    // didn't allocate a full `space` or `set`.
    _addUnmaskedResourceUsage(true, typeLayout, containerTypeLayout, wantSpaceOrSet);

    // next we turn to the element type, where the cases are slightly
    // more involved (technically we could use this same logic for
    // the container, as it is more general, but it was simpler to
    // just special-case the container).

    _addUnmaskedResourceUsage(false, typeLayout, rawElementTypeLayout, wantSpaceOrSet);

    // At this point we have handled all the complexities that
    // arise for a parameter group that doesn't include interface-type
    // fields, or that doesn't include specialization for those fields.
    // The remaining complexity all arises if we have interface-type
    // data in the parameter group, and we are specializing it to
    // concrete types, that will have their own layout requirements.
    // In those cases there will be "pending data" on the element
    // type layout that need to get placed somwhere, but wasn't
    // included in the layout computed so far.
    // All of this is extra work we only have to do if there is
    // "pending" data in the element type layout.
    if( auto pendingElementTypeLayout = rawElementTypeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout )
        auto rules = rawElementTypeLayout->rules;

        // Note that because we conservatively allocated both
        // a constant buffer `register`/`binding` and a `space`/`set`
        // for the container in cases where the element type
        // might need it (which included interface/existential types),
        // there is no need to worry about a case where `pendingElementType`
        // could require a constant buffer `register`/`binding` or
        // as `space`/`set` to be allocated but we didn't already
        // allocate one in the non-pending layout.
        // Out focus here is then on setting up the representation
        // of the "pending" data for the element type, and in
        // particular on dealing with any data that needs to
        // "bleed through" to the resource usage of the overall
        // parameter group.
        RefPtr<VarLayout> pendingElementVarLayout = new VarLayout();
        pendingElementVarLayout->typeLayout = pendingElementTypeLayout;

        elementVarLayout->pendingVarLayout = pendingElementVarLayout;

        // Any ordinary/uniform part of the pending data wil always be "masked" and
        // needs to come after any uniform data from the original element type.
        // To kick things off we will initialize state for `struct` type layout,
        // so that we can lay out the pending data as if it were the second
        // field in a structure type, after the original data.
        UniformLayoutInfo uniformLayout = rules->BeginStructLayout();
        if( auto resInfo = rawElementTypeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform) )
            uniformLayout.alignment = rawElementTypeLayout->uniformAlignment;
            uniformLayout.size = resInfo->count;

        // Now we can scan through the resources used by the pending data.
        for( auto resInfo : pendingElementTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
            if( resInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform )
                // For the ordinary/uniform resource kind, we will add the resource
                // usage as if it was a structure field, and then write the resulting
                // offset into the variable layout for the pending data.
                auto offset = rules->AddStructField(
                pendingElementVarLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(resInfo.kind)->index = offset.getFiniteValue();
                // For all other resource kinds, we simply need to add an
                // entry to the pending layout to represent the resource
                // usage of the pending data.

        // Okay, now we have a `VarLayout` for the element data, and an overall `TypeLayout`
        // for all the data that this parameter group needs allocated for pending
        // data.
        // The next major step is to compute the version of that combined resource usage
        // that will "bleed through" and thus needs to be allocated at the next level
        // up the hierarchy.
        RefPtr<TypeLayout> unmaskedPendingDataTypeLayout = new TypeLayout();
        _addUnmaskedResourceUsage(false, unmaskedPendingDataTypeLayout, pendingElementTypeLayout, wantSpaceOrSet);

        // TODO: we should probably optimize for the case where there is no unmasked
        // usage that needs to be reported out, since it should be a common case.

        // Now we need to update the type layout to  what we've done.
        typeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout = unmaskedPendingDataTypeLayout;

        // We will now attempt to compute reasonable offset information for
        // (non-uniform) pending data in the element type. There are basically
        // two cases here:
        // 1. If the resource kind is one that is "masked" by the container,
        // then the pending data can be statically placed at an offset fater
        // the diret (non-pending) element data.
        // 2. If the resource kind is one that "bleeds through" to the container,
        // then its offset will always be relative to the location that
        // gets allocated for pending data in the container, which means it
        // is always zero.
        // Because the offsets are currently all set to zero, we only
        // need to check for case (1).
        for( auto pendingVarResInfo : pendingElementVarLayout->resourceInfos )
            auto kind = pendingVarResInfo.kind;

            // If we are looking at uniform resource usage, we already
            // handled it easlier.
            if(kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)

            // If the usage is unmasked, the nwe are in case (2) and should
            // skip out.

            // Okay, we have resource info for somethign that is going
            // to be "masked" by the container, in which case we
            // can compute a fixed offset, after any existing data
            // of the same kind.
            auto existingVarResInfo = elementVarLayout->FindResourceInfo(kind);

            auto existingTypeResInfo = elementVarLayout->typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(kind);

            // TODO: We need a more robust solution than just calling
            // `getFiniteValue` here.
            pendingVarResInfo.index = existingVarResInfo->index
                + existingTypeResInfo->count.getFiniteValue();

        // TODO: we should probably adjust the size reported by the element type
        // to include any "pending" data that was allocated into the group, so
        // that it can be easier for client code to allocate their instances.

    // The existing Slang reflection API was created before we really
    // understood the wrinkle that the "container" and elements parts
    // of a parameter group could collide on some resource kinds,
    // so the API doesn't currently expose the nice `VarLayout`s we've
    // just computed.
    // Instead, the API allows the user to query the element type layout
    // for the group, and the user just assumes that the offsetting
    // is magically applied there. To go back to the earlier example:
    //      struct MyMaterial { Texture2D t; SamplerState s; };
    //      ConstantBuffer<MyMaterial> gMaterial;
    // A user of the existing reflection API expects to be able to
    // query the `binding` of `gMaterial` and get back zero, then
    // query the `binding` of the `t` field of the element type
    // and get *one*. It is clear that in the abstract, the
    // `MyMaterial::t` field should have an offset of zero (as
    // the first field in a `struct`), so to meet the user's
    // expectations, some cleverness is needed.
    // We will use a subroutine `applyOffsetToTypeLayout`
    // that tries to recursively walk an existing `TypeLayout`
    // and apply an offset to its fields. This is currently
    // quite ad hoc, but that doesn't matter much as it
    // handles `struct` types which are the 99% case for
    // parameter blocks.
    typeLayout->offsetElementTypeLayout = applyOffsetToTypeLayout(rawElementTypeLayout, elementVarLayout);

    return typeLayout;

    /// Do we need to wrap the given element type in a constant buffer layout?
static bool needsConstantBuffer(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    RefPtr<TypeLayout>          elementTypeLayout)
    // We need a constant buffer if the element type has ordinary/uniform data.
        return true;

    // We also need a constant buffer if there is any "pending"
    // data that need ordinary/uniform data allocated to them.
    if(auto pendingDataTypeLayout = elementTypeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout)
            return true;

    // Finally, on certain targets we always want to create
    // wrapper constant buffer layouts, even if there is no
    // data whatsoever.
    auto targetReq = context.targetReq;
    if( isCPUTarget(targetReq) || isCUDATarget(targetReq) )
        return true;

    return false;

RefPtr<TypeLayout> createConstantBufferTypeLayoutIfNeeded(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    RefPtr<TypeLayout>          elementTypeLayout)
    // First things first, we need to check whether the element type
    // we are trying to lay out even needs a constant buffer allocated
    // for it.
    if(!needsConstantBuffer(context, elementTypeLayout))
        return elementTypeLayout;

    return _createParameterGroupTypeLayout(

static RefPtr<TypeLayout> _createParameterGroupTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    ParameterGroupType*  parameterGroupType,
    Type*                elementType,
    LayoutRulesImpl*            elementTypeRules)
    // We will first compute a layout for the element type of
    // the parameter group.
    auto elementTypeLayout = createTypeLayout(

    // Now we delegate to a routine that does the meat of
    // the complicated layout logic.
    return _createParameterGroupTypeLayout(

LayoutRulesImpl* getParameterBufferElementTypeLayoutRules(
    ParameterGroupType*  parameterGroupType,
    LayoutRulesImpl*     rules,
    TargetRequest*       targetRequest)
    if( as<ConstantBufferType>(parameterGroupType) )
        return rules->getLayoutRulesFamily()->getConstantBufferRules(targetRequest);
    else if( as<TextureBufferType>(parameterGroupType) )
        return rules->getLayoutRulesFamily()->getTextureBufferRules();
    else if( as<GLSLInputParameterGroupType>(parameterGroupType) )
        return rules->getLayoutRulesFamily()->getVaryingInputRules();
    else if( as<GLSLOutputParameterGroupType>(parameterGroupType) )
        return rules->getLayoutRulesFamily()->getVaryingOutputRules();
    else if( as<GLSLShaderStorageBufferType>(parameterGroupType) )
        return rules->getLayoutRulesFamily()->getShaderStorageBufferRules(targetRequest);
    else if (as<ParameterBlockType>(parameterGroupType))
        return rules->getLayoutRulesFamily()->getParameterBlockRules(targetRequest);
        SLANG_UNEXPECTED("uhandled parameter block type");
        //return nullptr;

RefPtr<TypeLayout> createParameterGroupTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    ParameterGroupType*  parameterGroupType)
    auto parameterGroupRules = context.rules;

    // Determine the layout rules to use for the contents of the block
    auto elementTypeRules = getParameterBufferElementTypeLayoutRules(

    auto elementType = parameterGroupType->elementType;

    return _createParameterGroupTypeLayout(

// Create a type layout for a structured buffer type.
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    ShaderParameterKind         kind,
    Type*                structuredBufferType,
    RefPtr<TypeLayout>          elementTypeLayout)
    auto rules = context.rules;
    auto info = rules->GetObjectLayout(kind);

    auto typeLayout = new StructuredBufferTypeLayout();

    typeLayout->type = structuredBufferType;
    typeLayout->rules = rules;

    typeLayout->elementTypeLayout = elementTypeLayout;

    typeLayout->uniformAlignment = info.alignment;
    if( info.size != 0 )
        typeLayout->addResourceUsage(info.kind, info.size);

    // If element type contains existential type params and object params,
    // we need to propagate them through the StructuredBufferLayout.
    if (auto existentialTypeInfo = elementTypeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ExistentialTypeParam))
        typeLayout->addResourceUsage(existentialTypeInfo->kind, existentialTypeInfo->count);
    if (auto existentialObjInfo = elementTypeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ExistentialObjectParam))
        typeLayout->addResourceUsage(existentialObjInfo->kind, existentialObjInfo->count);

    // Note: for now we don't deal with the case of a structured
    // buffer that might contain any other resource types,
    // because there really isn't a way to implement that.

    return typeLayout;

// Create a type layout for a structured buffer type.
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    ShaderParameterKind         kind,
    Type*                structuredBufferType,
    Type*                elementType)
    // look up the appropriate rules via the `LayoutRulesFamily` 
    auto structuredBufferLayoutRules = context.getRulesFamily()->getStructuredBufferRules(context.targetReq);

    // Create and save type layout for the buffer contents.
    auto elementTypeLayout = createTypeLayout(

    return createStructuredBufferTypeLayout(


    /// Create layout information for the given `type`.
    /// This internal routine returns both the constructed type
    /// layout object and the simple layout info, encapsulated
    /// together as a `TypeLayoutResult`.
static TypeLayoutResult _createTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    Type*                       type);

    /// Create layout information for the given `type`, obeying any layout modifiers on the given declaration.
    /// If `declForModifiers` has any matrix layout modifiers associated with it, then
    /// the resulting type layout will respect those modifiers.
static TypeLayoutResult _createTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    Type*                       type,
    Decl*                       declForModifiers)
    TypeLayoutContext subContext = context;

    if (declForModifiers)
        // TODO: The approach implemented here has a row/column-major
        // layout model recursively affect any sub-fields (so that
        // the layout of a nested struct depends on the context where
        // it is nested). This is consistent with the GLSL behavior
        // for these modifiers, but it is *not* how HLSL is supposed
        // to work.
        // In the trivial case where `row_major` and `column_major`
        // are only applied to leaf fields/variables of matrix type
        // the difference should be immaterial.

        if (declForModifiers->hasModifier<RowMajorLayoutModifier>())
            subContext.matrixLayoutMode = kMatrixLayoutMode_RowMajor;

        if (declForModifiers->hasModifier<ColumnMajorLayoutModifier>())
            subContext.matrixLayoutMode = kMatrixLayoutMode_ColumnMajor;

        // TODO: really need to look for other modifiers that affect
        // layout, such as GLSL `std140`.

    return _createTypeLayout(subContext, type);

Type* findGlobalGenericSpecializationArg(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    GlobalGenericParamDecl*     decl)
    Val* arg = nullptr;
    context.programLayout->globalGenericArgs.TryGetValue(decl, arg);
    return as<Type>(arg);

Index findGlobalGenericSpecializationParamIndex(
    ComponentType*          type,
    GlobalGenericParamDecl* decl)
    Index paramCount = type->getSpecializationParamCount();
    for( Index pp = 0; pp < paramCount; ++pp )
        auto param = type->getSpecializationParam(pp);
        if(param.flavor != SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericType)
        if(param.object != decl)

        return pp;
    return -1;

// When constructing a new var layout from an existing one,
// copy fields to the new var from the old.
void copyVarLayoutFields(
    VarLayout* dstVarLayout,
    VarLayout* srcVarLayout)
    dstVarLayout->varDecl = srcVarLayout->varDecl;
    dstVarLayout->typeLayout = srcVarLayout->typeLayout;
    dstVarLayout->flags = srcVarLayout->flags;
    dstVarLayout->systemValueSemantic = srcVarLayout->systemValueSemantic;
    dstVarLayout->systemValueSemanticIndex = srcVarLayout->systemValueSemanticIndex;
    dstVarLayout->semanticName = srcVarLayout->semanticName;
    dstVarLayout->semanticIndex = srcVarLayout->semanticIndex;
    dstVarLayout->stage = srcVarLayout->stage;
    dstVarLayout->resourceInfos = srcVarLayout->resourceInfos;

// When constructing a new type layout from an existing one,
// copy fields to the new type from the old.
void copyTypeLayoutFields(
    TypeLayout* dstTypeLayout,
    TypeLayout* srcTypeLayout)
    dstTypeLayout->type = srcTypeLayout->type;
    dstTypeLayout->rules = srcTypeLayout->rules;
    dstTypeLayout->uniformAlignment = srcTypeLayout->uniformAlignment;
    dstTypeLayout->resourceInfos = srcTypeLayout->resourceInfos;

// Does this layout resource kind require adjustment when used in
// an array-of-structs fashion?
bool doesResourceRequireAdjustmentForArrayOfStructs(LayoutResourceKind kind)
    switch( kind )
    case LayoutResourceKind::ConstantBuffer:
    case LayoutResourceKind::ShaderResource:
    case LayoutResourceKind::UnorderedAccess:
    case LayoutResourceKind::SamplerState:
        return true;

        return false;

// Given the type layout for an element of an array, apply any adjustments required
// based on the element count of the array.
// The particular case where this matters is when we have an array of an aggregate
// type that contains resources, since each resource field might need to be at
// a different offset than we would otherwise expect.
// For example, given:
//      struct Foo { Texture2D a; Texture2D b; }
// if we just write:
//      Foo foo;
// it gets split into:
//      Texture2D foo_a;
//      Texture2D foo_b;
// we expect `foo_a` to get `register(t0)` and
// `foo_b` to get `register(t1)`. However, if we instead have an array:
//      Foo foo[10];
// then we expect it to be split into:
//      Texture2D foo_a[8];
//      Texture2D foo_b[8];
// and then we expect `foo_b` to get `register(t8)`, rather
// than `register(t1)`.
static RefPtr<TypeLayout> maybeAdjustLayoutForArrayElementType(
    RefPtr<TypeLayout>  originalTypeLayout,
    LayoutSize          elementCount,
    UInt&               ioAdditionalSpacesNeeded)
    // We will start by looking for cases that we can reject out
    // of hand.

    // If the original element type layout doesn't use any
    // resource registers, then we are fine.
    bool anyResource = false;
    for( auto resInfo : originalTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
        if( doesResourceRequireAdjustmentForArrayOfStructs(resInfo.kind) )
            anyResource = true;
        return originalTypeLayout;

    // Let's look at the type layout we have, and see if there is anything
    // that we need to do with it.
    if( auto originalArrayTypeLayout =<ArrayTypeLayout>() )
        // The element type is itself an array, so we'll need to adjust
        // *its* element type accordingly.
        // We adjust the already-adjusted element type of the inner
        // array type, so that we pick up adjustments already made:
        auto originalInnerElementTypeLayout = originalArrayTypeLayout->elementTypeLayout;
        auto adjustedInnerElementTypeLayout = maybeAdjustLayoutForArrayElementType(

        // If nothing needed to be changed on the inner element type,
        // then we are done.
        if(adjustedInnerElementTypeLayout == originalInnerElementTypeLayout)
            return originalTypeLayout;

        // Otherwise, we need to construct a new array type layout
        RefPtr<ArrayTypeLayout> adjustedArrayTypeLayout = new ArrayTypeLayout();
        adjustedArrayTypeLayout->originalElementTypeLayout = originalInnerElementTypeLayout;
        adjustedArrayTypeLayout->elementTypeLayout = adjustedInnerElementTypeLayout;
        adjustedArrayTypeLayout->uniformStride = originalArrayTypeLayout->uniformStride;

        copyTypeLayoutFields(adjustedArrayTypeLayout, originalArrayTypeLayout);

        return adjustedArrayTypeLayout;
    else if(auto originalParameterGroupTypeLayout =<ParameterGroupTypeLayout>() )
        auto originalInnerElementTypeLayout = originalParameterGroupTypeLayout->elementVarLayout->typeLayout;
        auto adjustedInnerElementTypeLayout = maybeAdjustLayoutForArrayElementType(

        // If nothing needed to be changed on the inner element type,
        // then we are done.
        if (originalInnerElementTypeLayout == adjustedInnerElementTypeLayout)
            return originalTypeLayout;

        // TODO: actually adjust the element type, and create all the required bits and
        // pieces of layout.

        SLANG_UNIMPLEMENTED_X("array of parameter group");
    else if(auto originalStructTypeLayout =<StructTypeLayout>() )
        Index fieldCount = originalStructTypeLayout->fields.getCount();

        // Empty struct? Bail out.
        if(fieldCount == 0)
            return originalTypeLayout;

        RefPtr<StructTypeLayout> adjustedStructTypeLayout = new StructTypeLayout();
        copyTypeLayoutFields(adjustedStructTypeLayout, originalStructTypeLayout);

        // If the array type adjustment forces us to give a whole space to
        // one or more fields, then we'll need to carefully compute the space
        // index for each field as we go.
        LayoutSize nextSpaceIndex = 0;

        Dictionary<RefPtr<VarLayout>, RefPtr<VarLayout>> mapOriginalFieldToAdjusted;
        for( auto originalField : originalStructTypeLayout->fields )
            auto originalFieldTypeLayout = originalField->typeLayout;

            LayoutSize originalFieldSpaceCount = 0;
            if(auto resInfo = originalFieldTypeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace))
                originalFieldSpaceCount = resInfo->count;

            // Compute the adjusted type for the field
            UInt fieldAdditionalSpaces = 0;
            auto adjustedFieldTypeLayout = maybeAdjustLayoutForArrayElementType(

            LayoutSize adjustedFieldSpaceCount = originalFieldSpaceCount + fieldAdditionalSpaces;

            LayoutSize spaceOffsetForField = nextSpaceIndex;
            nextSpaceIndex += adjustedFieldSpaceCount;

            ioAdditionalSpacesNeeded += fieldAdditionalSpaces;

            // Create an adjusted field variable, that is mostly
            // a clone of the original field (just with our
            // adjusted type in place).
            RefPtr<VarLayout> adjustedField = new VarLayout();
            copyVarLayoutFields(adjustedField, originalField);
            adjustedField->typeLayout = adjustedFieldTypeLayout;

            // We will now walk through the resource usage for
            // the adjusted field, and try to figure out what
            // to do with it all.
            for(auto& resInfo : adjustedField->resourceInfos )
                if( doesResourceRequireAdjustmentForArrayOfStructs(resInfo.kind) )
                        // If the array size is finite, then the field's index/offset
                        // is just going to be strided by the array size since we
                        // are effectively doing AoS to SoA conversion.
                        resInfo.index *= elementCount.getFiniteValue();
                        // If we are making an unbounded array, then a `struct`
                        // field with resource type will turn into its own space,
                        // and it will start at register zero in that space.
                        resInfo.index = 0;
               = spaceOffsetForField.getFiniteValue();


            mapOriginalFieldToAdjusted.Add(originalField, adjustedField);

        for( auto p : originalStructTypeLayout->mapVarToLayout )
            VarDeclBase* key = p.Key;
            RefPtr<VarLayout> originalVal = p.Value;
            RefPtr<VarLayout> adjustedVal;
            if( mapOriginalFieldToAdjusted.TryGetValue(originalVal, adjustedVal) )
                adjustedStructTypeLayout->mapVarToLayout.Add(key, adjustedVal);

        return adjustedStructTypeLayout;
        // In the leaf case, we must have a field that used up some resource
        // that requires adjustment. Because there is no sub-structure to work
        // with, we can just return the type layout as-is, but we also want
        // to make a note that this value should consume an additional register
        // space *if* the element count is unbounded.
        if( elementCount.isInfinite() )

        return originalTypeLayout;

    /// Convert a `TypeLayout` to a `TypeLayoutResult`
    /// A `TypeLayout` holds all the data needed to make a `TypeLayoutResult` in practice,
    /// but sometimes it is more convenient to have the data split out.
TypeLayoutResult makeTypeLayoutResult(RefPtr<TypeLayout> typeLayout)
    TypeLayoutResult result;
    result.layout = typeLayout;

    // If the type only consumes a single kind of non-uniform resource,
    // we can fill in the `info` field directly.
    if( typeLayout->resourceInfos.getCount() == 1 )
        auto resInfo = typeLayout->resourceInfos[0];
        if( resInfo.kind != LayoutResourceKind::Uniform )
   = resInfo.kind;
   = resInfo.count;
            return result;

    // Otherwise, we will fill out the info based on the uniform
    // resources consumed, if any.
    if( auto resInfo = typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform) )
    { = LayoutResourceKind::Uniform; = typeLayout->uniformAlignment; = resInfo->count;

    // If there was no ordinary/uniform resource usage, then we
    // will leave the `info` field in its default state (which
    // shows no resources consumed).
    // The type layout might have more detailed information, but
    // at this point it must contain either zero, or more than one
    // `ResourceInfo`, so there is nothing unambiguous we can
    // store into `info`.

    return result;

// StructTypeLayoutBuilder

void StructTypeLayoutBuilder::beginLayout(
    Type*               type,
    LayoutRulesImpl*    rules)
    m_rules = rules;

    m_typeLayout = new StructTypeLayout();
    m_typeLayout->type = type;
    m_typeLayout->rules = m_rules;

    m_info = m_rules->BeginStructLayout();

void StructTypeLayoutBuilder::beginLayoutIfNeeded(
    Type*               type,
    LayoutRulesImpl*    rules)
    if( !m_typeLayout )
        beginLayout(type, rules);

RefPtr<VarLayout> StructTypeLayoutBuilder::addField(
    DeclRef<VarDeclBase>    field,
    TypeLayoutResult        fieldResult)

    RefPtr<TypeLayout> fieldTypeLayout = fieldResult.layout;
    UniformLayoutInfo fieldInfo =;

    // Note: we don't add any zero-size fields
    // when computing structure layout, just
    // to avoid having a resource type impact
    // the final layout.
    // This means that the code to generate final
    // declarations needs to *also* eliminate zero-size
    // fields to be safe...
    LayoutSize uniformOffset = m_info.size;
    if(fieldInfo.size != 0)
        uniformOffset = m_rules->AddStructField(&m_info, fieldInfo);

    // We need to create variable layouts
    // for each field of the structure.
    RefPtr<VarLayout> fieldLayout = new VarLayout();
    fieldLayout->varDecl = field;
    fieldLayout->typeLayout = fieldTypeLayout;

    if( field )
        m_typeLayout->mapVarToLayout.Add(field.getDecl(), fieldLayout);

    // Set up uniform offset information, if there is any uniform data in the field
    if( fieldTypeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform) )
        fieldLayout->AddResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)->index = uniformOffset.getFiniteValue();

    // Add offset information for any other resource kinds
    for( auto fieldTypeResourceInfo : fieldTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
        // Uniforms were dealt with above
        if(fieldTypeResourceInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)

        // We should not have already processed this resource type

        // The field will need offset information for this kind
        auto fieldResourceInfo = fieldLayout->AddResourceInfo(fieldTypeResourceInfo.kind);

        // It is possible for a `struct` field to use an unbounded array
        // type, and in the D3D case that would consume an unbounded number
        // of registers. What is more, a single `struct` could have multiple
        // such fields, or ordinary resource fields after an unbounded field.
        // We handle this case by allocating a distinct register space for
        // any field that consumes an unbounded amount of registers.
        if( fieldTypeResourceInfo.count.isInfinite() )
            // We need to add one register space to own the storage for this field.
            auto structTypeSpaceResourceInfo = m_typeLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace);
            auto spaceOffset = structTypeSpaceResourceInfo->count;
            structTypeSpaceResourceInfo->count += 1;

            // The field itself will record itself as having a zero offset into
            // the chosen space.
            fieldResourceInfo->space = spaceOffset.getFiniteValue();
            fieldResourceInfo->index = 0;
            // In the case where the field consumes a finite number of slots, we
            // can simply set its offset/index to the number of such slots consumed
            // so far, and then increment the number of slots consumed by the
            // `struct` type itself.
            auto structTypeResourceInfo = m_typeLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(fieldTypeResourceInfo.kind);
            fieldResourceInfo->index = structTypeResourceInfo->count.getFiniteValue();
            structTypeResourceInfo->count += fieldTypeResourceInfo.count;

    return fieldLayout;

RefPtr<VarLayout> StructTypeLayoutBuilder::addField(
    DeclRef<VarDeclBase>    field,
    RefPtr<TypeLayout>      fieldTypeLayout)
    TypeLayoutResult fieldResult = makeTypeLayoutResult(fieldTypeLayout);
    return addField(field, fieldResult);

void StructTypeLayoutBuilder::endLayout()
    if(!m_typeLayout) return;


    m_typeLayout->uniformAlignment = m_info.alignment;
    m_typeLayout->addResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, m_info.size);

RefPtr<StructTypeLayout> StructTypeLayoutBuilder::getTypeLayout()
    return m_typeLayout;

TypeLayoutResult StructTypeLayoutBuilder::getTypeLayoutResult()
    return TypeLayoutResult(m_typeLayout, m_info);

static TypeLayoutResult _createTypeLayoutForGlobalGenericTypeParam(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    Type*                       type,
    GlobalGenericParamDecl*     globalGenericParamDecl)
    SimpleLayoutInfo info;
    info.alignment = 0;
    info.size = 0;
    info.kind = LayoutResourceKind::GenericResource;

    RefPtr<GenericParamTypeLayout> typeLayout = new GenericParamTypeLayout();
    // we should have already populated ProgramLayout::genericEntryPointParams list at this point,
    // so we can find the index of this generic param decl in the list
    typeLayout->type = type;
    typeLayout->paramIndex = findGlobalGenericSpecializationParamIndex(
    typeLayout->rules = context.rules;
    typeLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::GenericResource)->count += 1;

    return TypeLayoutResult(typeLayout, info);

RefPtr<TypeLayout> createTypeLayoutForGlobalGenericTypeParam(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    Type*                       type,
    GlobalGenericParamDecl*     globalGenericParamDecl)
    return _createTypeLayoutForGlobalGenericTypeParam(context, type, globalGenericParamDecl).layout;

static TypeLayoutResult createArrayLikeTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    Type* type,
    Type* baseType,
    IntVal* arrayLength
    auto rules = context.rules;

    auto elementResult = _createTypeLayout(
    auto elementInfo =;
    auto elementTypeLayout = elementResult.layout;

    // To a first approximation, an array will usually be laid out
    // by taking the element's type layout and laying out `elementCount`
    // copies of it. There are of course many details that make
    // this simplistic version of things not quite work.
    // An important complication to deal with is the possibility of
    // having "unbounded" arrays, which don't specify a size.'
    // The layout rules for these vary heavily by resource kind and API.

    auto elementCount = GetElementCount(arrayLength);

    // We can compute the uniform storage layout of an array using
    // the rules for the target API.
    // TODO: ensure that this does something reasonable with the unbounded
    // case, or else issue an error message that the target doesn't
    // support unbounded types.

    auto arrayUniformInfo = rules->GetArrayLayout(

    RefPtr<ArrayTypeLayout> typeLayout = new ArrayTypeLayout();

    // Some parts of the array type layout object are easy to fill in:
    typeLayout->type = type;
    typeLayout->rules = rules;
    typeLayout->originalElementTypeLayout = elementTypeLayout;
    typeLayout->uniformAlignment = arrayUniformInfo.alignment;
    typeLayout->uniformStride = arrayUniformInfo.elementStride;

    typeLayout->addResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, arrayUniformInfo.size);

    // The tricky part in constructing an array type layout comes when
    // the element type is (or nests) a structure with resource-type
    // fields, because in that case we need to perform AoS-to-SoA
    // conversion as part of computing the final type layout, and
    // we also need to pre-compute an "adjusted" element type
    // layout that accounts for the striding that happens with
    // resource-type contents.
    // This complication is only made worse when we have to deal with
    // unbounded-size arrays over such element types, since those
    // resource-type fields will each end up consuming a full space
    // in the resulting layout.
    // The `maybeAdjustLayoutForArrayElementType` computes an "adjusted"
    // type layout for the element type which takes the array stride into
    // account. If it returns the same type layout that was passed in,
    // then that means no adjustement took place.
    // The `additionalSpacesNeededForAdjustedElementType` variable counts
    // the number of additional register spaces that were consumed,
    // in the case of an unbounded array.
    UInt additionalSpacesNeededForAdjustedElementType = 0;
    RefPtr<TypeLayout> adjustedElementTypeLayout = maybeAdjustLayoutForArrayElementType(

    typeLayout->elementTypeLayout = adjustedElementTypeLayout;

    // We will now iterate over the resources consumed by the element
    // type to compute how they contribute to the resource usage
    // of the overall array type.
    for( auto elementResourceInfo : elementTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
        // The uniform case was already handled above
        if( elementResourceInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform )

        LayoutSize arrayResourceCount = 0;

        // In almost all cases, the resources consumed by an array
        // will be its element count times the resources consumed
        // by its element type.
        // The first exception to this is arrays of resources when
        // compiling to GLSL for Vulkan, where an entire array
        // only consumes a single descriptor-table slot.
        if (elementResourceInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::DescriptorTableSlot)
            arrayResourceCount = elementResourceInfo.count;
        // The second exception to this is arrays of an existential type
        // where the entire array should be specialized to a single concrete type.
        else if (elementResourceInfo.kind == LayoutResourceKind::ExistentialTypeParam)
            arrayResourceCount = elementResourceInfo.count;
        // The next big exception is when we are forming an unbounded-size
        // array and the element type got "adjusted," because that means
        // the array type will need to allocate full spaces for any resource-type
        // fields in the element type.
        // Note: we carefully carve things out so that the case of a simple
        // array of resources does *not* lead to the element type being adjusted,
        // so that this logic doesn't trigger and we instead handle it with
        // the default logic below.
        else if(
            && adjustedElementTypeLayout != elementTypeLayout
            && doesResourceRequireAdjustmentForArrayOfStructs(elementResourceInfo.kind) )
            // We want to ignore resource types consumed by the element type
            // that need adjustement if the array size is infinite, since
            // we will be allocating whole spaces for that part of the
            // element's resource usage.
            arrayResourceCount = elementResourceInfo.count * elementCount;

        // Now that we've computed how the resource usage of the element type
        // should contribute to the resource usage of the array, we can
        // add in that resource usage.

    // The loop above to compute the resource usage of the array from its
    // element type ignored any resource-type fields in an unbounded-size
    // array if they would have been allocated as full register spaces.
    // Those same fields were counted in `additionalSpacesNeededForAdjustedElementType`,
    // and need to be added into the total resource usage for the array
    // if we skipped them as part of the loop (which happens when
    // we detect that the element type layout had been "adjusted").
    if( adjustedElementTypeLayout != elementTypeLayout )
        typeLayout->addResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind::RegisterSpace, additionalSpacesNeededForAdjustedElementType);

    return TypeLayoutResult(typeLayout, arrayUniformInfo);

static TypeLayoutResult _createTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    Type*                       type)
    auto rules = context.rules;

    if (auto parameterGroupType = as<ParameterGroupType>(type))
        // If the user is just interested in uniform layout info,
        // then this is easy: a `ConstantBuffer<T>` is really no
        // different from a `Texture2D<U>` in terms of how it
        // should be handled as a member of a container.
        auto info = getParameterGroupLayoutInfo(parameterGroupType, rules);

        // The more interesting case, though, is when the user
        // is requesting us to actually create a `TypeLayout`,
        // since in that case we need to:
        // 1. Compute a layout for the data inside the constant
        //    buffer, including offsets, etc.
        // 2. Compute information about any object types inside
        //    the constant buffer, which need to be surfaced out
        //    to the top level.
        auto typeLayout = createParameterGroupTypeLayout(

        return TypeLayoutResult(typeLayout, info);
    else if (auto samplerStateType = as<SamplerStateType>(type))
        return createSimpleTypeLayout(
    else if (auto textureType = as<TextureType>(type))
        // TODO: the logic here should really be defined by the rules,
        // and not at this top level...
        ShaderParameterKind kind;
        switch( textureType->getAccess() )
            kind = ShaderParameterKind::MutableTexture;

            kind = ShaderParameterKind::Texture;

        return createSimpleTypeLayout(
    else if (auto imageType = as<GLSLImageType>(type))
        // TODO: the logic here should really be defined by the rules,
        // and not at this top level...
        ShaderParameterKind kind;
        switch( imageType->getAccess() )
            kind = ShaderParameterKind::MutableImage;

            kind = ShaderParameterKind::Image;

        return createSimpleTypeLayout(
    else if (auto textureSamplerType = as<TextureSamplerType>(type))
        // TODO: the logic here should really be defined by the rules,
        // and not at this top level...
        ShaderParameterKind kind;
        switch( textureSamplerType->getAccess() )
            kind = ShaderParameterKind::MutableTextureSampler;

            kind = ShaderParameterKind::TextureSampler;

        return createSimpleTypeLayout(

    // TODO: need a better way to handle this stuff...
#define CASE(TYPE, KIND)                                                \
    else if(auto type_##TYPE = as<TYPE>(type)) do {                     \
        auto info = rules->GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind::KIND);  \
        auto typeLayout = createStructuredBufferTypeLayout(             \
                context,                                                \
                ShaderParameterKind::KIND,                              \
                type_##TYPE,                                            \
                type_##TYPE->elementType);                        \
        return TypeLayoutResult(typeLayout, info);                      \
    } while(0)

    CASE(HLSLStructuredBufferType,                  StructuredBuffer);
    CASE(HLSLRWStructuredBufferType,                MutableStructuredBuffer);
    CASE(HLSLRasterizerOrderedStructuredBufferType, MutableStructuredBuffer);
    CASE(HLSLAppendStructuredBufferType,            MutableStructuredBuffer);
    CASE(HLSLConsumeStructuredBufferType,           MutableStructuredBuffer);

#undef CASE

    // TODO: need a better way to handle this stuff...
#define CASE(TYPE, KIND)                                        \
    else if(as<TYPE>(type)) do {                              \
        return createSimpleTypeLayout(                             \
            rules->GetObjectLayout(ShaderParameterKind::KIND),  \
            type, rules);                        \
    } while(0)

    CASE(HLSLByteAddressBufferType,                     RawBuffer);
    CASE(HLSLRWByteAddressBufferType,                   MutableRawBuffer);
    CASE(HLSLRasterizerOrderedByteAddressBufferType,    MutableRawBuffer);

    CASE(GLSLInputAttachmentType,           InputRenderTarget);

    // This case is mostly to allow users to add new resource types...
    CASE(UntypedBufferResourceType,         RawBuffer);

#undef CASE

    else if(auto basicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(type))
        return createSimpleTypeLayout(
    else if(auto vecType = as<VectorExpressionType>(type))
        auto elementType = vecType->elementType;
        size_t elementCount = (size_t) getIntVal(vecType->elementCount);

        auto element = _createTypeLayout(

        BaseType elementBaseType = BaseType::Void;
        if (auto elementBasicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(elementType))
            elementBaseType = elementBasicType->baseType;

        auto info = rules->GetVectorLayout(elementBaseType,, elementCount);

        RefPtr<VectorTypeLayout> typeLayout = new VectorTypeLayout();
        typeLayout->type = type;
        typeLayout->rules = rules;
        typeLayout->uniformAlignment = info.alignment;

        typeLayout->elementTypeLayout = element.layout;
        typeLayout->uniformStride =;

        typeLayout->addResourceUsage(info.kind, info.size);

        return TypeLayoutResult(typeLayout, info);
    else if(auto matType = as<MatrixExpressionType>(type))
        size_t rowCount = (size_t) getIntVal(matType->getRowCount());
        size_t colCount = (size_t) getIntVal(matType->getColumnCount());

        auto elementType = matType->getElementType();
        auto elementResult = _createTypeLayout(
        auto elementTypeLayout = elementResult.layout;
        auto elementInfo =;

        BaseType elementBaseType = BaseType::Void;
        if (auto elementBasicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(elementType))
            elementBaseType = elementBasicType->baseType;

        // The `GetMatrixLayout` implementation in the layout rules
        // currently defaults to assuming row-major layout,
        // so if we want column-major layout we achieve it here by
        // transposing the major/minor axes counts.
        size_t layoutMajorCount = rowCount;
        size_t layoutMinorCount = colCount;
        if (context.matrixLayoutMode == kMatrixLayoutMode_ColumnMajor)
            size_t tmp = layoutMajorCount;
            layoutMajorCount = layoutMinorCount;
            layoutMinorCount = tmp;
        auto info = rules->GetMatrixLayout(

        auto rowType = matType->getRowType();
        RefPtr<VectorTypeLayout> rowTypeLayout = new VectorTypeLayout();

        auto rowInfo = rules->GetVectorLayout(

        size_t majorStride = info.elementStride;
        size_t minorStride = elementInfo.getUniformLayout().size.getFiniteValue();

        size_t rowStride = 0;
        size_t colStride = 0;
        if(context.matrixLayoutMode == kMatrixLayoutMode_ColumnMajor)
            colStride = majorStride;
            rowStride = minorStride;
            rowStride = majorStride;
            colStride = minorStride;

        rowTypeLayout->type = rowType;
        rowTypeLayout->rules = rules;
        rowTypeLayout->uniformAlignment = elementInfo.getUniformLayout().alignment;

        rowTypeLayout->uniformStride = colStride;
        rowTypeLayout->elementTypeLayout = elementTypeLayout;
        rowTypeLayout->addResourceUsage(rowInfo.kind, rowInfo.size);

        RefPtr<MatrixTypeLayout> typeLayout = new MatrixTypeLayout();

        typeLayout->type = type;
        typeLayout->rules = rules;
        typeLayout->uniformAlignment = info.alignment;

        typeLayout->elementTypeLayout = rowTypeLayout;
        typeLayout->uniformStride = rowStride;
        typeLayout->mode = context.matrixLayoutMode;

        typeLayout->addResourceUsage(info.kind, info.size);

        return TypeLayoutResult(typeLayout, info);
    else if (auto arrayType = as<ArrayExpressionType>(type))
        return createArrayLikeTypeLayout(context, arrayType, arrayType->baseType, arrayType->arrayLength);
    else if (auto declRefType = as<DeclRefType>(type))
        auto declRef = declRefType->declRef;

        if (auto structDeclRef =<StructDecl>())
            StructTypeLayoutBuilder typeLayoutBuilder;
            StructTypeLayoutBuilder pendingDataTypeLayoutBuilder;

            typeLayoutBuilder.beginLayout(type, rules);
            auto typeLayout = typeLayoutBuilder.getTypeLayout();
            for (auto field : getFields(structDeclRef, MemberFilterStyle::Instance))
                // The fields of a `struct` type may include existential (interface)
                // types (including as nested sub-fields), and any types present
                // in those fields will need to be specialized based on the
                // input arguments being passed to `_createTypeLayout`.
                // We won't know how many type slots each field consumes until
                // we process it, but we can figure out the starting index for
                // the slots its will consume by looking at the layout we've
                // computed so far.
                Int baseExistentialSlotIndex = 0;
                if(auto resInfo = typeLayout->FindResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::ExistentialTypeParam))
                    baseExistentialSlotIndex = Int(resInfo->count.getFiniteValue());
                // When computing the layout for the field, we will give it access
                // to all the incoming specialized type slots that haven't already
                // been consumed/claimed by preceding fields.
                auto fieldLayoutContext = context.withSpecializationArgsOffsetBy(baseExistentialSlotIndex);

                TypeLayoutResult fieldResult = _createTypeLayout(
                    getType(context.astBuilder, field),
                auto fieldTypeLayout = fieldResult.layout;

                auto fieldVarLayout = typeLayoutBuilder.addField(field, fieldResult);

                // If any of the fields of the `struct` type had existential/interface
                // type, then we need to compute a second `StructTypeLayout` that
                // represents the layout and resource using for the "pending data"
                // that this type needs to have stored somewhere, but which can't
                // be laid out in the layout of the type itself.
                if(auto fieldPendingDataTypeLayout = fieldTypeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout)
                    // We only create this secondary layout on-demand, so that
                    // we don't end up with a bunch of empty structure type layouts
                    // created for no reason.
                    pendingDataTypeLayoutBuilder.beginLayoutIfNeeded(type, rules);
                    auto fieldPendingVarLayout = pendingDataTypeLayoutBuilder.addField(field, fieldPendingDataTypeLayout);
                    fieldVarLayout->pendingVarLayout = fieldPendingVarLayout;


            if( auto pendingDataTypeLayout = pendingDataTypeLayoutBuilder.getTypeLayout() )
                typeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout = pendingDataTypeLayout;

            return typeLayoutBuilder.getTypeLayoutResult();
        else if (auto globalGenericParamDecl =<GlobalGenericParamDecl>())
            if( auto concreteType = findGlobalGenericSpecializationArg(
                globalGenericParamDecl) )
                // If we know what concrete type has been used to specialize
                // the global generic type parameter, then we should use
                // the concrete type instead.
                return _createTypeLayout(context, concreteType);
                // Otherwise we must create a type layout that represents
                // the generic type parameter itself.
                return _createTypeLayoutForGlobalGenericTypeParam(context, type, globalGenericParamDecl);
        else if (auto assocTypeParam =<AssocTypeDecl>())
            return createSimpleTypeLayout(
        else if( auto simpleGenericParam =<GenericTypeParamDecl>() )
            // A bare generic type parameter can come up during layout
            // of a generic entry point (or an entry point nested in
            // a generic type). For now we will just pretend like
            // the fields of generic parameter type take no space,
            // since there is no reasonable way to account for them
            // in the resulting layout.
            // TODO: It might be better to completely ignore generic
            // entry points during initial layout, but doing so would
            // mean that users couldn't get layout information on
            // any parameters, even those that don't depend on
            // generics.
            return createSimpleTypeLayout(
        else if( auto interfaceDeclRef =<InterfaceDecl>() )
            RefPtr<ExistentialTypeLayout> typeLayout = new ExistentialTypeLayout();
            typeLayout->type = type;
            typeLayout->rules = rules;

            // When laying out a type that includes interface-type fields,
            // we cannot know how much space the concrete type that
            // gets stored into the field consumes.
            // For target platforms with flexible memory addressing,
            // we can reserve a fixed amount of uniform/ordinary storage
            // to hold a value of "any" type, with the expectation that:
            // * Values which fit entirely in the storage we've reserved
            //   will be stored there directly.
            // * Values that are too big to store directly will be referenced
            //   indirectly, by a pointer stored in the reserved space.
            // Note: the latter condition means that the minimum
            // reservation must be large enough to store a pointer.
            // Note: the layout choice here does *not* depend on whether
            // or not specialization is being used, because we do not
            // want host code that sets parameters to have to be re-run (and
            // behave differently) depending on whether specialization is
            // being used for a particular dispatch.
            // For target platforms that do not support flexible memory
            // addressing, we can follow the same approach in cases
            // where a value fits in the reserved memory space, and we
            // will discuss what happens in the other cases in a bit.
            // The default reservation will be 16 bytes (and this number
            // becomes part of our ABI contract), but the `interface`
            // that is being used to bound the existential can have
            // an attribute that specifies a different size to use for
            // its instances.
            // Note: changing the "any value size" attribute for an interface
            // breaks binary compatibility with existing code that uses
            // or implements that interface).
            LayoutSize fixedExistentialValueSize = 16;
            if (auto anyValueAttr =
                fixedExistentialValueSize = anyValueAttr->size;

            // The `fixedExistentialValueSize` only accounts for the storage
            // of a value that conforms to the interface type; you can think
            // of it like a C `union` where it stores the bits of a value, but
            // has no way of knowing what the type of the value is.
            // For dynamic dispatch we also need to be able to know two key
            // pieces of information:
            // * Some kind of run-time type information (RTTI) that can identify
            //   the actual type stored in the existential, and which can therefore
            //   be used to allocate/copy/release the value stored.
            // * A value that "witnesses" the fact that the above type actually
            //   implements the interface, and thus gives us a way to look up
            //   methods, etc. that implement the interface operations for that
            //   type. For a C++-minded programmer, you can think of  this like
            //   a virtual function table pointer, stored alongside the object pointer.
            // We reserve 16 bytes to accomodate the RTTI and witness table information,
            // which should be enough space to store a pointer for each on 64-bit
            // platforms. Note that we don't try to vary this size based on platform-specific
            // information, because we prefer to keep the encoding of existentials as
            // simple as we can get away with.
            // TODO: This layout logic does *not* accomodate the case where an
            // existential type is formed from a conjuction of interfaces (e.g.,
            // a type like `IReadable & IWritable`). In such a case we'd have
            // to change the layout to accomodate N >= 0 witness tables, either
            // stored directly in the existential value, or pointed to indirectly
            // to keep the size independent of N.
            LayoutSize uniformSlotSize = fixedExistentialValueSize + 16;
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, uniformSlotSize);

            // In addition to the uniform/ordinary storage, we will mark
            // every interface-type parameter as consuming a few additional
            // "fictitious" resources that allow applications to keep track
            // of existential-type parameters in case they want to perform
            // specialization.
            // Each leaf parameter of existential type introduces a potential
            // specialization parameter into the program, so we add the
            // parameter to represent that here.
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind::ExistentialTypeParam, 1);

            // A leaf parameter of existential type also introduces a conceptual
            // "sub-object" that needs to be tracked by an application building
            // a shader object or parameter block abstraction.
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind::ExistentialObjectParam, 1);
            // Note: It might be unclear at this point what the difference is between
            // `ExistentialTypeParam` and `ExistentialObjectParam` is. The reason for
            // the confusion is that in this code we are only looking at a single
            // leaf parameter with a type like `ILight`, which both introduces the
            // type parameter (for picking a specialized light type), and the object
            // parameter (for passing in the actual light data).
            // In a more general setting we might have `ILight someLights[10]`, and
            // in that case we would expect to have ten `ExistentialObjectParam`s
            // (one for each light in the array), but for specialization we would
            // still only want one `ExistentialTypeParam`.
            // Keeping the `LayoutResourceKind`s separate allows us to scale them
            // differently when a type gets used as part of an array or buffer.

            // At this point we have determined the layout of the existential
            // type itself, but there are additional steps we need to take
            // if we are on a platform that doesn't support general-purpose
            // pointers and addressing *and* we also know of a concrete
            // type argument that the parameter will be specialized to.
            bool targetSupportsPointer =
                isCPUTarget(context.targetReq) || isCUDATarget(context.targetReq);
            bool hasConcreteSpecializationArg = context.specializationArgCount != 0;
            if (!targetSupportsPointer && hasConcreteSpecializationArg)
                // We have a concrete specialization argument, so we
                // can determine the concrete type that is going to
                // be stored in this parameter.
                auto& specializationArg = context.specializationArgs[0];
                Type* concreteType = as<Type>(specializationArg.val);

                // Our first job here is to figure out how `concreteType` will
                // be laid out when stored into this existential.
                // We know that *if* the value fits in the "any value" storage,
                // then that is where it will be stored. We start by computing
                // how much space the value would take up if stored in
                // the any-value area.
                auto anyValueRules = context.getRulesFamily()->getAnyValueRules();
                RefPtr<TypeLayout> concreteTypeAnyValueLayout =
                    createTypeLayout(context.with(anyValueRules), concreteType);

                // We will look at the resource usage of the concrete type
                // to determine if it "fits" in the reserved space.
                bool fits = true;
                for(auto usage : concreteTypeAnyValueLayout->resourceInfos)
                    if(usage.kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)
                        // If the amount of uniform storage that the concrete type
                        // requires is more than has been reserved, when the
                        // type does not fit.
                        if(usage.count > fixedExistentialValueSize)
                            fits = false;
                        // If the concrete type requires any kind of storage
                        // beyond ordinary uniform data, then it also
                        // does not fit.
                        // TODO: Make sure this is okay with nested existentials.
                        fits = false;

                // If the value does fit, then there is nothing else to be
                // done; the layout that would have been computed without
                // knowing the `concreteType` is sufficient.
                // If the value does *not* fit, then we need to figure out
                // where the excess data will go.
                    // If we were doing layout for a typical CPU target, then
                    // we could just say that the fixed-size storage contains
                    // a data pointer to a "payload" of the data that wouldn't fit.
                    // We will borrow intuition from the approach, by saying that
                    // the payload is stored somewhere else, but we will *not*
                    // lock down where precisely "somewhere else" is going to be
                    // at this point.
                    // Instead, we will store information about the layout of
                    // the data that needs to go somewhere else, and leave it
                    // up to the parent type/context to find a suitable place
                    // for the data.
                    // Because we know the layout of the data, but not the placement,
                    // it is considered to be a "pending" part of the type layout.
                    typeLayout->pendingDataTypeLayout =
                        createTypeLayout(context, concreteType);
            // Interface type occupies a uniform slot for the fixed size storage, with alignment of 4 bytes.
            return TypeLayoutResult(
                typeLayout, SimpleLayoutInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, uniformSlotSize, 4));
        else if( auto enumDeclRef =<EnumDecl>() )
            // We lay out an enumeration type as its tag type.
            // TODO: This code doesn't handle the case where we might
            // have a generic `enum` (or an `enum` inside another generic
            // type), and where the tag type of the `enum` depends on
            // one or more of the generic parameters.
            return _createTypeLayout(context, enumDeclRef.getDecl()->tagType);
    else if (auto errorType = as<ErrorType>(type))
        // An error type means that we encountered something we don't understand.
        // We should probably inform the user with an error message here.

        return createSimpleTypeLayout(
    else if( auto taggedUnionType = as<TaggedUnionType>(type) )
        // A tagged union type needs to be laid out as the maximum
        // size of any constituent type.
        // In practice, only a tagged union of uniform data will
        // work, but for now we will compute the maximum usage
        // for each resource kind for generality.
        // For the uniform data we will start with a size
        // of zero and an alignment of one for our base case
        // (this is what a tagged union of no cases would consume).
        UniformLayoutInfo info(0, 1);

        RefPtr<TaggedUnionTypeLayout> taggedUnionLayout = new TaggedUnionTypeLayout();
        taggedUnionLayout->type = type;
        taggedUnionLayout->rules = rules;

        // Now we iterate over the case types and see if they
        // change our computed maximum size/alignement.
        for( auto caseType : taggedUnionType->caseTypes )
            // Note: A tagged union type is not expected to have any existential/interface type
            // slots; the case types that are provided must be fully specialized before the union is
            // formed. Thus we don't need to mess around with existential type slots here the
            // way we do for the `struct` case.

            auto caseTypeResult = _createTypeLayout(context, caseType);
            RefPtr<TypeLayout> caseTypeLayout = caseTypeResult.layout;
            UniformLayoutInfo caseTypeInfo =;

            info.size      = maximum(info.size, caseTypeInfo.size);
            info.alignment = std::max(info.alignment, caseTypeInfo.alignment);

            // We need to remember the layout of the case type
            // on the final `TaggedUnionTypeLayout`.

            // We also need to consider contributions for other
            // resource kinds beyond uniform data.
            for( auto caseResInfo : caseTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
                auto unionResInfo = taggedUnionLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(caseResInfo.kind);
                unionResInfo->count = maximum(unionResInfo->count, caseResInfo.count);

        // After we've computed the size required to hold all the
        // case types, we will allocate space for the tag field.
        // TODO: This assumes the tag will always be allocated out
        // of uniform storage, which means we can't support a tagged
        // union as part of a varying input/output signature. That is
        // probably a valid limitation, but it should get enforced
        // somewhere along the way.
            // The tag is always a `uint` for now.
            auto tagInfo = context.rules->GetScalarLayout(BaseType::UInt);
            info.size = _roundToAlignment(info.size, tagInfo.alignment);

            taggedUnionLayout->tagOffset = info.size;

            info.size += tagInfo.size;
            info.alignment = std::max(info.alignment, tagInfo.alignment);

        // As a final step, if we are computing a full `TypeLayout`
        // we will make sure that its information on uniform layout
        // matches what we've computed in the `UniformLayoutInfo` we return.
        taggedUnionLayout->findOrAddResourceInfo(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)->count = info.size;
        taggedUnionLayout->uniformAlignment = info.alignment;

        return TypeLayoutResult(taggedUnionLayout, info);
    else if( auto existentialSpecializedType = as<ExistentialSpecializedType>(type) )
        TypeLayoutContext subContext = context.withSpecializationArgs(

        auto baseTypeLayoutResult = _createTypeLayout(

        UniformLayoutInfo info = rules->BeginStructLayout();

        RefPtr<ExistentialSpecializedTypeLayout> typeLayout = new ExistentialSpecializedTypeLayout();
        typeLayout->type = type;
        typeLayout->rules = rules;

        for( auto resInfo : baseTypeLayoutResult.layout->resourceInfos )
            if(resInfo.kind != LayoutResourceKind::Uniform)

        RefPtr<VarLayout> pendingDataVarLayout = new VarLayout();
        if(auto pendingDataTypeLayout = baseTypeLayoutResult.layout->pendingDataTypeLayout)
            pendingDataVarLayout->typeLayout = pendingDataTypeLayout;
            for( auto pendingResInfo : pendingDataTypeLayout->resourceInfos )
                auto kind = pendingResInfo.kind;
                UInt index = 0;
                if( kind == LayoutResourceKind::Uniform )
                    LayoutSize uniformOffset = rules->AddStructField(

                    index = uniformOffset.getFiniteValue();
                    if(auto primaryResInfo = baseTypeLayoutResult.layout->FindResourceInfo(kind))
                        index = primaryResInfo->count.getFiniteValue();
                pendingDataVarLayout->AddResourceInfo(kind)->index = index;

        typeLayout->baseTypeLayout = baseTypeLayoutResult.layout;
        typeLayout->pendingDataVarLayout = pendingDataVarLayout;

        typeLayout->uniformAlignment = info.alignment;
        if( info.size != 0 )
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind::Uniform, info.size);

        return makeTypeLayoutResult(typeLayout);

    // catch-all case in case nothing matched
    SLANG_ASSERT(!"unimplemented case in type layout");
    return createSimpleTypeLayout(

RefPtr<TypeLayout> getSimpleVaryingParameterTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&            context,
    Type*                               type,
    EntryPointParameterDirectionMask    directionMask)
    auto rules = context.rules;

    // TODO: This logic should ideally share as much
    // as possible with the `_createTypeLayout` function,
    // to avoid duplication, but we also have to deal
    // with the many ways in which varying parameter
    // layout differs from non-varying layout.

    // We will compute resource consumption for the type
    // as a varying input, output, or both/neither.
    // To avoid duplication, we'll build an array that
    // includes all the layout rules we need to apply.
    int varyingRulesCount = 0;
    LayoutRulesImpl* varyingRules[2];

    if( directionMask & kEntryPointParameterDirection_Input )
        varyingRules[varyingRulesCount++] = context.getRulesFamily()->getVaryingInputRules();
    if( directionMask & kEntryPointParameterDirection_Output )
        varyingRules[varyingRulesCount++] = context.getRulesFamily()->getVaryingOutputRules();

    if(auto basicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(type))
        auto baseType = basicType->baseType;

        RefPtr<TypeLayout> typeLayout = new TypeLayout();
        typeLayout->type = type;
        typeLayout->rules = rules;

        for( int rr = 0; rr < varyingRulesCount; ++rr )
            auto info = varyingRules[rr]->GetScalarLayout(baseType);
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(info.kind, info.size);

        return typeLayout;
    else if(auto vecType = as<VectorExpressionType>(type))
        auto elementType = vecType->elementType;
        size_t elementCount = (size_t) getIntVal(vecType->elementCount);

        BaseType elementBaseType = BaseType::Void;
        if( auto elementBasicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(elementType) )
            elementBaseType = elementBasicType->baseType;

        // Note that we do *not* add any resource usage to the type
        // layout for the element type, because we currently cannot count
        // varying parameter usage at a granularity finer than
        // individual "locations."
        RefPtr<TypeLayout> elementTypeLayout = new TypeLayout();
        elementTypeLayout->type = elementType;
        elementTypeLayout->rules = rules;

        RefPtr<VectorTypeLayout> typeLayout = new VectorTypeLayout();
        typeLayout->type = vecType;
        typeLayout->rules = rules;
        typeLayout->elementTypeLayout = elementTypeLayout;

        for( int rr = 0; rr < varyingRulesCount; ++rr )
            auto varyingRuleSet = varyingRules[rr];
            auto elementInfo = varyingRuleSet->GetScalarLayout(elementBaseType);
            auto info = varyingRuleSet->GetVectorLayout(elementBaseType, elementInfo, elementCount);
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(info.kind, info.size);

        return typeLayout;
    else if(auto matType = as<MatrixExpressionType>(type))
        size_t rowCount = (size_t) getIntVal(matType->getRowCount());
        size_t colCount = (size_t) getIntVal(matType->getColumnCount());
        auto elementType = matType->getElementType();

        BaseType elementBaseType = BaseType::Void;
        if( auto elementBasicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(elementType) )
            elementBaseType = elementBasicType->baseType;

        // Just as for `_createTypeLayout`, we need to handle row- and
        // column-major matrices differently, to ensure we get
        // the expected layout.
        // A varying parameter with row-major layout is effectively
        // just an array of row vectors, while a column-major one
        // is just an array of column vectors.
        size_t layoutMajorCount = rowCount;
        size_t layoutMinorCount = colCount;
        if (context.matrixLayoutMode == kMatrixLayoutMode_ColumnMajor)
            size_t tmp = layoutMajorCount;
            layoutMajorCount = layoutMinorCount;
            layoutMinorCount = tmp;

        RefPtr<TypeLayout> elementTypeLayout = new TypeLayout();
        elementTypeLayout->type = elementType;
        elementTypeLayout->rules = rules;

        RefPtr<VectorTypeLayout> rowTypeLayout = new VectorTypeLayout();
        rowTypeLayout->type = matType->getRowType();
        rowTypeLayout->rules = rules;
        rowTypeLayout->elementTypeLayout = elementTypeLayout;

        RefPtr<MatrixTypeLayout> typeLayout = new MatrixTypeLayout();
        typeLayout->type = type;
        typeLayout->rules = rules;
        typeLayout->elementTypeLayout = rowTypeLayout;
        typeLayout->mode = context.matrixLayoutMode;

        for( int rr = 0; rr < varyingRulesCount; ++rr )
            auto varyingRuleSet = varyingRules[rr];
            auto elementInfo = varyingRuleSet->GetScalarLayout(elementBaseType);

            auto info = varyingRuleSet->GetMatrixLayout(elementBaseType, elementInfo, layoutMajorCount, layoutMinorCount);
            typeLayout->addResourceUsage(info.kind, info.size);

            if(context.matrixLayoutMode == kMatrixLayoutMode_RowMajor)
                // For row-major matrices only, we can compute an effective
                // resource usage for the row type.
                auto rowInfo = varyingRuleSet->GetVectorLayout(elementBaseType, elementInfo, colCount);
                rowTypeLayout->addResourceUsage(rowInfo.kind, rowInfo.size);

        return typeLayout;

    // catch-all case in case nothing matched
    SLANG_ASSERT(!"unimplemented case for varying parameter layout");
    return createSimpleTypeLayout(

RefPtr<TypeLayout> createTypeLayout(
    TypeLayoutContext const&    context,
    Type*                       type)
    return _createTypeLayout(context, type).layout;

void TypeLayout::removeResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind kind)
    Int infoCount = resourceInfos.getCount();
    for( Int ii = 0; ii < infoCount; ++ii )
        if( resourceInfos[ii].kind == kind )

void VarLayout::removeResourceUsage(LayoutResourceKind kind)
    Int infoCount = resourceInfos.getCount();
    for( Int ii = 0; ii < infoCount; ++ii )
        if( resourceInfos[ii].kind == kind )

void TypeLayout::addResourceUsageFrom(TypeLayout* otherTypeLayout)
    for(auto resInfo : otherTypeLayout->resourceInfos)

RefPtr<TypeLayout> TypeLayout::unwrapArray()
    TypeLayout* typeLayout = this;

    while(auto arrayTypeLayout = as<ArrayTypeLayout>(typeLayout))
        typeLayout = arrayTypeLayout->elementTypeLayout;

    return typeLayout;

GlobalGenericParamDecl* GenericParamTypeLayout::getGlobalGenericParamDecl()
    auto declRefType = as<DeclRefType>(type);
    auto rsDeclRef = declRefType-><GlobalGenericParamDecl>();
    return rsDeclRef.getDecl();

} // namespace Slang
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