Raw File
Tip revision: 0f55649cc1aa8ad3218b7f8ba7b1eabdd2ec6526 authored by Tim Foley on 08 December 2017, 22:23:12 UTC
Cleanups to `ParameterBlock<T>` behavior. (#304)
Tip revision: 0f55649
// token-defs.h

// This file is meant to be included multiple times, to produce different
// pieces of code related to tokens
// Each token is declared here with:
//      TOKEN(id, desc)
// where `id` is the identifier that will be used for the token in
// ordinary code, while `desc` is name we should print when
// referring to this token in diagnostic messages.

#ifndef TOKEN
#error Need to define TOKEN(ID, DESC) before including "token-defs.h"

TOKEN(Unknown,          "<unknown>")
TOKEN(EndOfFile,        "end of file")
TOKEN(EndOfDirective,   "end of line")
TOKEN(Invalid,          "invalid character")
TOKEN(Identifier,       "identifier")
TOKEN(IntegerLiteral,   "integer literal")
TOKEN(FloatingPointLiteral,    "floating-point literal")
TOKEN(StringLiteral,    "string literal")
TOKEN(CharLiteral,      "character literal")
TOKEN(WhiteSpace,       "whitespace")
TOKEN(NewLine,          "newline")
TOKEN(LineComment,      "line comment")
TOKEN(BlockComment,     "block comment")

TOKEN(PoundImport,      "'#import'")

#define PUNCTUATION(id, text) \
    TOKEN(id, "'" text "'")

PUNCTUATION(Semicolon,  ";")
PUNCTUATION(Comma,      ",")
PUNCTUATION(Dot,        ".")

PUNCTUATION(LBrace,     "{")
PUNCTUATION(RBrace,     "}")
PUNCTUATION(LBracket,   "[")
PUNCTUATION(RBracket,   "]")
PUNCTUATION(LParent,    "(")
PUNCTUATION(RParent,    ")")

PUNCTUATION(OpAssign,   "=")
PUNCTUATION(OpAdd,      "+")
PUNCTUATION(OpSub,      "-")
PUNCTUATION(OpMul,      "*")
PUNCTUATION(OpDiv,      "/")
PUNCTUATION(OpMod,      "%")
PUNCTUATION(OpNot,      "!")
PUNCTUATION(OpBitNot,   "~")
PUNCTUATION(OpLsh,      "<<")
PUNCTUATION(OpRsh,      ">>")
PUNCTUATION(OpEql,      "==")
PUNCTUATION(OpNeq,      "!=")
PUNCTUATION(OpGreater,  ">")
PUNCTUATION(OpLess,     "<")
PUNCTUATION(OpGeq,      ">=")
PUNCTUATION(OpLeq,      "<=")
PUNCTUATION(OpAnd,      "&&")
PUNCTUATION(OpOr,       "||")
PUNCTUATION(OpBitAnd,   "&")
PUNCTUATION(OpBitOr,    "|")
PUNCTUATION(OpBitXor,   "^")
PUNCTUATION(OpInc,      "++")
PUNCTUATION(OpDec,      "--")

PUNCTUATION(OpAddAssign,    "+=")
PUNCTUATION(OpSubAssign,    "-=")
PUNCTUATION(OpMulAssign,    "*=")
PUNCTUATION(OpDivAssign,    "/=")
PUNCTUATION(OpModAssign,    "%=")
PUNCTUATION(OpShlAssign,    "<<=")
PUNCTUATION(OpShrAssign,    ">>=")
PUNCTUATION(OpAndAssign,    "&=")
PUNCTUATION(OpOrAssign,     "|=")
PUNCTUATION(OpXorAssign,    "^=")

PUNCTUATION(QuestionMark,   "?")
PUNCTUATION(Colon,          ":")
PUNCTUATION(RightArrow,     "->")
PUNCTUATION(At,             "@")
PUNCTUATION(Dollar,         "$")
PUNCTUATION(Pound,          "#")
PUNCTUATION(PoundPound,     "##")


// Un-define the `TOKEN` macro so that client doesn't have to
#undef TOKEN
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