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Tip revision: d6198ffbd31dcf53b773b9e3a748095420696e38 authored by Tim Foley on 13 April 2018, 20:36:50 UTC
Merge branch 'master' of into fix-for-error-in-imported-module
Tip revision: d6198ff
//TEST:COMPARE_HLSL:-no-mangle -target dxbc-assembly -profile ps_4_0 -entry main

// We want to make sure that the registers Slang generates
// are used, even if there are "dead" parameter earlier in the program.
// In this case, we declare two each of textures, samplers, and constant
// buffers, and then only use the second one.
// Left to its own devices, the HLSL compiler would usually shift the
// object that was used up to binding slot zero, and eliminate the one
// that wasn't used.
// We expect Slang to generate explicit annotations that stop this from
// happening.

#ifdef __SLANG__
#define R(X) /**/
#define R(X) X

#define tB _SV02tB
#define sB _SV02sB

#define C1 _SV023SLANG_parameterGroup_C1
#define c1 _SV023SLANG_ParameterGroup_C12c1


float4 use(float4 val) { return val; };
float4 use(Texture2D t, SamplerState s) { return t.Sample(s, 0.0); }

Texture2D 		tA R(: register(t0));
Texture2D 		tB R(: register(t1));
SamplerState 	sA R(: register(s0));
SamplerState 	sB R(: register(s1));

cbuffer C0 R(: register(b0))
	float c0;

cbuffer C1 R(: register(b1))
	float c1;

float4 main() : SV_TARGET
	return use(tB,sB) + use(c1);
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