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Tip revision: 45c7d33fe87e1628de7991f46ca68f8ddd2f7e4c authored by Yong He on 20 March 2024, 22:47:36 UTC
Fix spirv generation for using output stream in a function. (#3806)
Tip revision: 45c7d33
//TEST:COMPARE_HLSL:-no-mangle -profile ps_5_0 -entry main

// Render target outputs (`SV_Target`) and UAVs are treated
// as sharing the same binding slots in HLSL, so we need to
// make sure that any `u` registers we allocate don't
// interfere with render targets.

#ifdef __SLANG__
#define R(X) /**/
#define R(X) X

#define Foo Foo_0
#define v v_0
#define fooBuffer fooBuffer_0


float4 use(float  val) { return val; };
float4 use(float2 val) { return float4(val,0.0,0.0); };
float4 use(float3 val) { return float4(val,0.0); };
float4 use(float4 val) { return val; };
float4 use(Texture2D t, SamplerState s) { return t.Sample(s, 0.0); }

struct Foo { float2 v; };

// This should be allocated a register *after* the render target
RWStructuredBuffer<Foo> fooBuffer R(: register(u1));

float4 main() : SV_TARGET
	return use(fooBuffer[12].v);
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