Raw File
Tip revision: 7cff340b10b27f82781335093759bbdc19cd2865 authored by Yong He on 21 January 2022, 20:13:23 UTC
Add entry-point name override feature. (#2089)
Tip revision: 7cff340
result code = 0
standard error = {
# `outFunc`

## Signature 

void outFunc(out int v);

## Parameters

* `v`

# `struct ParentStruct<T>`

## Description

Testing out nested generics

## Generic Parameters

* `T` Some type 

# `struct ParentStruct<T>.ChildStruct<S>`

## Description

Testing out a child

## Generic Parameters

* `S` Some other type 

## Methods

* `getValue`

# `ParentStruct<T>.ChildStruct<S>.getValue`

## Description

A useless method hey ho

## Signature 

T ParentStruct<T>.ChildStruct<S>.getValue(S v);

## Parameters

* `v`

# `struct GenericStruct<T>`

## Generic Parameters

* `T`

## Fields

* `value`

## Methods

* `getValue`

# `GenericStruct<T>.getValue`

## Signature 

T GenericStruct<T>.getValue();

# `addInts`

## Description

A rather silly generic function to test out doc extraction

## Signature 

T addInts<T, U:int, V:int>(
    T                    z,
    T                    b);

## Parameters

* `T` The type we are operating on  
* `U` Just testing out a  non type based generic 
* `V` And another one                        
* `z` CHECKING!! 
* `b` The B parameter 

# `Hey::doAnotherThing`

## Signature 

void Hey::doAnotherThing(int a);

## Parameters

* `a`

# inputBuffer

RWStructuredBuffer inputBuffer

## Description

Let's test indent


# `interface IDoThing`

## Description

An interface to do things

# Associated types

* _V_ An associated type 

## Methods

* `add`
* `sub`

# `IDoThing.add`

## Description

Add two integers

## Signature 

V IDoThing.add(
    V                    a,
    V                    b);

## Parameters

* `a` First parameter  
* `b` Second parameter 

# `IDoThing.sub`

## Description


## Signature 

int IDoThing.sub(
    int                  a,
    int                  b);

## Parameters

* `a` First 
* `b` Second 

# `interface IThing`

## Methods

* `getValue`

# `IThing.getValue`

## Signature 

float IThing.getValue();

# `extension float : IThing`

*Implements:* `IThing`

## Description

Implement IThing on float

## Methods

* `getValue`

# `float.getValue`

## Description

Just return the float itself!

## Signature 

float float.getValue();

# `struct Thing`

*Implements:* `IThing`, `IDoThing`

## Methods

* `add`
* `sub`
* `getValue`

# `Thing.add`

## Signature 

int Thing.add(
    int                  a,
    int                  b);

## Parameters

* `a`
* `b`

# `Thing.sub`

## Signature 

int Thing.sub(
    int                  a,
    int                  b);

## Parameters

* `a`
* `b`

# `Thing.getValue`

## Signature 

float Thing.getValue();

# `struct SomeStruct`

## Description

A struct with some fields

## Fields

* `aField` A field 
* `anotherField` Multi-line  is a thing 
* `yetAnother` A field with stuff  

## Methods

* `getMethod`

# `SomeStruct.getMethod`

## Description

Get a value 

## Signature 

int SomeStruct.getMethod();

# enum AnEnum

## Values 

* _Value_ A value 
* _AnotherValue_ Another value With a multi-line comment 
## Description

An enum

# outputBuffer

RWStructuredBuffer outputBuffer

## Description

An output buffer

# `doThing`

## Description


## Signature 

int doThing(
    int                  a,
    int                  b);

## Parameters

* `a` a parameter 
* `b` b parameter 

# `computeMain`

## Signature 

void computeMain(vector<uint,3> dispatchThreadID);

## Parameters

* `dispatchThreadID`

standard output = {
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