Raw File
Tip revision: 06d04ab5e63ad43d7ad9de3fbc4c8ed64b13265a authored by Yong He on 14 March 2022, 18:07:30 UTC
Small fix in d3d12 transient heap. (#2160)
Tip revision: 06d04ab
// Starting with a basic test for the ability to render stuff...

cbuffer Uniforms
	float4x4 modelViewProjection;

struct AssembledVertex
	float3	position;
	float3	color;

struct CoarseVertex
	float3	color;

struct Fragment
	float4 color;

// Vertex  Shader

struct VertexStageInput
	AssembledVertex assembledVertex	: A;

struct VertexStageOutput
	CoarseVertex	coarseVertex	: CoarseVertex;
	float4			sv_position		: SV_Position;

VertexStageOutput vertexMain(VertexStageInput input)
	VertexStageOutput output;

	float3 position = input.assembledVertex.position;
	float3 color	= input.assembledVertex.color;

	output.coarseVertex.color = color;
	output.sv_position = mul(modelViewProjection, float4(position, 1.0));

	return output;

// Fragment Shader

struct FragmentStageInput
	CoarseVertex	coarseVertex	: CoarseVertex;

struct FragmentStageOutput
	Fragment fragment	: SV_Target;

FragmentStageOutput fragmentMain(FragmentStageInput input)
	FragmentStageOutput output;

	float3 color = input.coarseVertex.color;

	output.fragment.color = float4(color, 1.0);

	return output;

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