Raw File
Tip revision: 2d5ac1828e4dd856a08ebe58d63d9d4c6ee43dd8 authored by Bob Carpenter on 11 September 2012, 22:12:55 UTC
added more flexible type-branching metaprogram for assign() promotion in agrad matrix
Tip revision: 2d5ac18

The to-do list is organized into the following sections:

* C++ API                       * RStan
* Modeling Language             * Manual
* Build                         * Web Pages
* Testing                       * Release Mgmt
* Command-Line                  * Models

V 1.0.1

[items go here first, then to RStan/cmd]

* remove all the names of variables from error conditions and replace
  with descriptive terms (this in every probability function)

* add extra tests to all matrix functions expecting square matrices
  to verify we get square matrices (e.g, lkj_cov,...)
  -- add error messages to check_size_match

* templated functions returning var should go away in matrix

* add base class for stanc-generated models

* alternative distribution parameterizations
  - e.g., precision for (multi) normal
  - inverse_sqrt_gamma(...)

* handle covariance or correlation matrix of an AR1 process. 
  - If rho is the auto-regressive parameter, the entries of the 
    correlation matrix are powers of rho. And the precision matrix 
    is tridiagonal and known analytically. So, 
    it would be inefficient to plow that through 

* beta distro with mean plus "precision" params
  - beta_mean_log(theta|phi,kappa)
    = beta_log(theta|phi*kappa, (1-phi)*kappa)
  - Jacobian from:
        alpha <- phi * k
        beta  <- (1 - phi) * k
    determinant = k  (det [[a,b],[c,d]] = ad - bc)

* pow special cases
  - inv(x) = pow(x,-1) = 1/x
  - inv_square(x) = pow(x,-2)
  - inv_sqrt(x) = pow(x,-1/2)

* signum function
  int signum(real); 

* signed sqrt
  signed_sqrt(x) = -sqrt(-x) if x < 0
                 = sqrt(x)   if x > 0

* log logits
  - log_logit(u) = log(logit(u)) 
                 = -log(1 + exp(-u))
                 = -log1p_exp(-u)
  - log_1mlogit(u) = log(1 - logit(u))
                   = log(logit(-u))
                   = -log1p_exp(u)

* More matrix functions from Eigen:
  - singular vectors in addition to values
    + nice to have (U,S,V) = svd(A) syntax for this
  - norm()
  - squaredNorm()
  - lpNorm<1>
  - lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>

* z-score function
  - normalize sample to zero sample mean, unit sample variance

* cumulative distribution functions
  - need for truncated distros mostly
        foo_cdf_lb_log(L|...) == log(1 - foo_cdf(L|...))
        foo_cdf_ub_log(U|...) == log(foo_cdf(U|...))
        foo_cdf_lub_log(L,U|...) == log(foo_cdf(U|...) - foo_cdf(L|...))
  - to add:
     + calculation of cdf
     + two functions: 1) with templated policy, 2) with no policy,
        calling templated function with stan::math::default_policy()
     + TODO: test derivatives?
     + dox: add doxygen.
     + add to Stan Modeling Language Reference Manual function list
  - uni/cont/inv_chi_square
  - uni/cont/inv_gamma
  - uni/cont/logisitic
  - uni/cont/pareto
  - uni/cont/scaled_inv_chi_square
  - uni/cont/student_t
  - uni/cont/uniform
  - uni/disc/bernoulli
  - uni/disc/beta_binomial
  - uni/disc/binomial
  - uni/disc/hypergeometric
  - uni/disc/neg_binomial
  - uni/disc/ordered_logisitic
  - uni/disc/poisson
  - multi/cont/dirichlet
  - multi/cont/inv_wishart
  - multi/cont/lkj_corr
  - multi/cont/lkj_cov
  - multi/cont/multi_normal
  - multi/cont/multi_student_t
  - multi/cont/wishart
  - multi/disc/categorical
  - multi/disc/multinomial

* matrix special products
  -- lower triangular times self-transposed
  -- vector dot-self(x) = dot_product(x,x)
  -- wrap_multiply(u,v) = u' * v * u
     ++ for square matrices,
        d/dx det(x' * A * x) = 2 det(x' * A * x) inv(x)'
        d/dx det(A) = det(A) inv(A)' = det(A) / A'

* sorting and interpolation
  -- rank(v,s): number of components of v less than v[s]
  -- ranked(v,s): s-th smallest component of v
  -- interp_ln(e,v1,v2) from BUGS (whatever for?)

* add general mixture model
  -- modeling language side
     simplex(K) lambda;
     vector(K) mu;
     vector(K) sigma;
     y ~ mixture(lambda,     // mixing
                 (mu,sigma), // param vecs
                 "normal");  // distro
  -- C++ impl
     std::vector<double> log_ps;
     for (k in 1:K)
       log_ps.push_back(log lambda[k] + normal_log(y,mu[k],sigma[k]));
     return log_sum_exp(log_ps);

* use our arena-based alloc as STL allocator for auto-dif
  - already doing this for dot products
  - what do we need to do for dtor to work?
  -- need to take care of dynamic updates

* convert memory for vari to singleton 
  -- compile time config with flag for thread-safe / not

* make sure std::less<T*> and std::swap<T*> 
  does right thing for our types (like var and vari), as
  these are used in "algorithms".

* figure out way to have vari elements that are NOT on the stack
  - useful for numeric_limits<var>
  - stack_vari ==> vari ==> chainable
    local_vari ==> vari
    (stack_vari has operator new; local_vari uses dtor?)

* allow Stan to read data in multiple formats (particulary CSV)
  -- and allow multiple files to be specified for single run

* memcpy faster than copy ctor and operator= for var?

* remove dependence of prob functions like normal_log on agrad, 
  Eigen, etc.  [may not be easy or worth the effort]

* unfold logistic and linear regression auto-difs

* allow user-defined extensions

* dump format parser to handle:
  - integers with scientific notation
  - NaN, Inf, -Inf  (written just like that)
  - length one arrays read in like scalars

* make sure still possible to use header-only ad

* add scalar subtraction to match scalar addition of vectors
  (to distribute over values)

* generate templated log_prob function so that you don't
  need to evaluate auto-dif when just evaluating function

* Stan safe mode to compile BUGS/JAGS-compliant models
  - allows more error checking and optimization

* add STAN_NO_DEBUG option to turn off bounds checking

* add checks for matrix sizes in matrix ops

* Speed up compilation
  -- More precompilation into object files.
     Pros:  faster compiles
     Cons:  it makes the code more difficult to manage
            and less flexible by requiring redundancy 
            and preinstation of templates
  -- More targeted imports.  
     Pros:  faster compiles because less code to read
     Cons:  defeats precompiled headers

* more general built-in initializations
  -  normal or student-t w. params
  -  or even set uniform boundaries
  -  e.g., uniform(-1,1), normal(0,1), t(0,2.5)

* some kind of multi-threaded timer to monitor Stan

* discrete samplers
  -- Gibbs for small outcome sets 
  -- Gibbs for non-ordinal, non-count params
     ++ e.g., LDA topic samples
  -- Slice for larger ones
     ++ adapt?
  -- what about mulitnomial with constraints?
     ++ metropolis?

* more general built-in initializations
  -  normal or student-t w. params
  -  or even set uniform boundaries
  -  e.g., uniform(-1,1), normal(0,1), t(0,2.5)

* cross-chain sharing of adaptation parameters, which should
  be similar across chains if all is going well

* set mass matrix for sampling parameters [& percolate to RStan/cmd]
  -- need diagonal to be efficient
  -- could allow general matrix

* ongoing code cleanup
  - const declarations wherever possible
  - more care with size_t, etc.
  - privatize everything possible
  - remove unnecessary dependencies/includes
  - convert for loops with size bounds to appropriate iterators
  - templatize std::vector/Eigen functions where possible
  - reduce code dup in gm/generator

* revise API doc for doxygen

* error handling for special functions
  - math and agrad
  - matrix sizes
  - how to configure std::log(), etc.?

* Watanabe's WAIC: Widely applicable information criterion

* implicit functions with derivatives (iterative solver)

* refactor finite diff derivative calcs to functor
      template <class F, typename S>
      bool finite_diffs(const vector<S>& x,
                        const F& f,
                        vector<S>& df_dx);

* Speed test pass-by-const-ref and pass-by-val for stan::agrad::var

* break out body of error handling to get isnan if/else inlined

* "non-parametric" models
  - approximate a la BUGS vol 3
  - merge reversible jump and HMC somehow?

* allow references in Stan language to make it easy to
  set eigenvalues + eigenvectors (or singular vals + vecs)
  in one call

* forward mode auto-dif
  - last revision 548: 
  - src/stan/agrad/ad.hpp
  - use for reasonably efficient Hessian calcs

* optimization API
  - functor-based concept design with templates 
  - easily pluggable with log prob in model for MAP 

* add adaptive slice sampling
  -- will it fit into adaptive_sampler in mcmc?
  -- goal to minimize number of function evals
     ++ step out: linear, with log step-in
     ++ doubling: exp, log step-in (but reject & more evals)

* adapt low-order approximation to an actual mass matrix

* add DE and/or DREAM extensions as sampler
  -- if I (Bob) understand Matt correctly, we can just
     concatenate particle samples to calculate ESS

* online R-hat (split R-hat?) monitoring + means, etc.
  -- need monitor interface like JAGS?

* elim stan/maths/matrix lib by adding implicit ctor
  for Matrix<var,...> based on Matrix<double,...>

* generalize HMC/NUTS to discrete case 

* blocking updates on parameters
  - only update subset of parameters
  - specify blocks in program?
  - allow Gibbs on some variables
  - split HMC into blocks (aka batches)
  - in the limit do conditional with HMC!

* stepwise debugger for Stan
  - print adaptation params
  - print gradients
  - just a mode on command to print more out per sample?
  - ideally link runtime errors back to lines of Stan code

Modeling Language

* compiler for R's linear model notation

* generalize vector ops to conforming matrices 
  -- need to work out whether we can do this and
     still preserve type inference;  e.g., x * x'
     may still be a matrix even if x is a row vector.

* integer subtypes
  - non_negative_int = int[1,]
  - natural = int[0,]
  - boolean = int[0,1]
  - categorical(K) = int[1,K]

* real subtypes
  - probability = real[0,1]
  - correlation = real[-1,1]
  - non_negative_real = real[0,inf]
  - non_positive_real = real[-inf,0]

* matrix slice and assign
  - index m
  - range-indexes: implicit ellision == :, a:, :b, a:b
  - e.g., matrix[M,N] m; vector(M) v;  m[,1] = v;

* conditional expressions
  - binary operators on int or double
    + bool op(int,int);
    + bool op(double,double); // allows promotion
    + usual comparisons:  ==,  !=,  <=,  <,  >=,  >
  - operators on conditions
    (!cond),  (cond && cond),  (cond || cond),  (cond)
  - ternary op: cond ? x : y

* conditional statements
  - if <cond> statement else if <cond> statement ... else statement;
  - while <cond> statement;
  - repeat <statement> until <cond>;
  - for (<statement>; <cond>; <statement>) statement;
  - Marcus's hack:
    if (a > b) {...}
    for  (i in 1:int_step(a-b)) {...}

* for-each statement
  - foreach (<var> : <list-expression>) <statement>;
* multi-returns and array literals
  - (a,b,c) = foo();  // function returns array
  - (m,n,p) = (1,2,3);   // (1,2,3) is array literal

* multiple declarations
  - e.g., double a, b, c[N];

* declare and assign
  - e.g., double x <- 5.0;
    double b[5];
    double a[5] <- b; // odd, eh?
    simplex(5)[2] c <- ... // wouldn't be obvious to support

* tuple types for multiple returns (U,S,V) <- svd(A)
  -- different than array literals as may have different typed

* introduce transforms into the Stan language that have the same
  effect as the declarations, e.g.
    parameters {  real x; }
    transformed_parameters { real(0,1) y; y <- lub(y,0,1,lp__); }

* extensions
  - declare file paths to #include
  - declare namespace usings
  - declare function sigs for parser  
    ++ if happens up front, in time for body parsing

* ragged arrays
  - ready to use with vec<...<vec<x>...> pattern
  - not clear how to declare (follow C?)
  -- example on p. 8 of
     involving ragged param arays for graded response model

* subroutines
  - user-defined functions in StanGM
  - user-defined densities (how much to require?)
  - interpreted conditionally based on block?

* compound op-assigns in StanGM
  +<-, *<-, etc.  (ugly, ugly, ugly syntax; cf., +=, *=, etc.)

* warnings
  - a <- foo(theta) if LHS contains variable: overwrite var
  - a ~ foo(theta)  if LHS is complex expression: need Jacobian
  - check each parameter shows up on LHS of ~ at least once

* power operations
  - matrix power:    A^n
  - matrix elementwise power:  A.^x
  - regular old real power: x^y

* allow normal_log(y|0,1) as synonym for normal_log(y,0,1)

* Allow normal_log<true> and normal_log<false> to be accessed

* add a parameter initialization block
  - fill in values not given randomly or report error?
  - needs randomization

* new types
  -- lower triangular matrix
     ++ strict lower triangular matrix
     ++ covariance matrix cholesky factor matrix
  -- diagonal matrix
  -- symmetric matrix
     [need to treat like others and just test at end]
  -- point on hypersphere
     ++ like simplex, but 2-norm is 1, rather than 1-norm
     ++ trickier for generating last point as the sign
        remains underdetermined

* positive-definiteness-preserving operations
  -- rescale strictly positive
* allow assignment of data to parameters?
  -- right now, can't allocate a data matrix
     and assign it to a parameter matrix

* unit matrix function unit_matrix(K)
  -- return var or just double?  
  -- users shouldn't use this to assign to transformed param

* flag attempt to define int parameter in parser
  -- only until we add a discrete sampler

* add asserts
  -- throw exceptions rather than truly assert

* add printf for debugging
  -- do we want to format or keep it simple?

* make sure reserved words from C++ are checked and flagged

* constants for integer max and min values

* add max() and min() for floating point args
  -- issue is that need to compile to fmax() if there is
     one int and one floating point argument

* random generation
  -- generated quantities block
     ++ use sampling notation  y ~ normal(0,1);
        to set y to normal_random(0,1) draw
  -- transformed data block
     ++ could also use sampling notation
     ++ issue of whether to share across chains or not
  -- transformed parameter block
     ++ possible, but can't use sampling notation
  -- need to push RNG through to whatever calls necessary
  -- if we add to models, etc., should derivatives just
     be the same as basic so that
        y[n] <- random_normal(mu,sigma);
     gets same grad as:
        y[n] ~ normal(mu,sigma);

* truncations need to be vectorized, too!

* check our functions in doc are all defined in gm/function_signatures

* check ranges for lvalue expressions in assignments, so models
  compiled as
        v[i-1] = ...;
  and we'd have a support function like:
    template <typename T>
    inline check_range(const std::vector<T>& x,
                       size_t i,
                       const char* msg) {
    #if (!defined NDEBUG) || (!defined STAN_NO_DEBUG)
        if (i < 1 || i > x.size())
            ... throw some kind of idx exception ...

* print signatures of functions with matching names in
  errors from parsers
  - stretch goal to use edit distance like clang++ does


* remove writes into Stan directory itself

* set up make to work from directory other than STAN_HOME
  - pass in arg?  environment var?


* build unit tests from the BUGS models that just check
  the gradients are right (this'll also cover parsing and
  being able to fire up the models)

* auto testing of sampler
  - Cook/Gelman/Rubin-style interval tests
  - needs effective sample size calc to bound intervals
  - needs simulated parameters to test estimators
  - push ESS "measurement error" through the interval tests

* more matrix tests (for all ops w. gradients)

* benchmarks
  - agrad vs. RAD/Sacado, CppAD, ... ?
  - stan vs. MCMCpack, R, BUGS, JAGS, OpenBUGS, ...

* profile running models w. various operations

* complete math robustness and limits review
  - want domain boundaries to be right (usually
    -inf, 0 and inf, etc.)

* more diagnostics during warmup of where epsilon is going

* speed measurement
  - to converge
  - time per effective sample once converged
  - time to 4 chains at 25 ESS/chain, rHat < 1.1 for all
    parameters theta[k] and theta[k]*theta[k]
  - discarding first half of samples too many if fast to converge

* Speed vs. JAGS

  -- run JAGS compiled with g++ -O3

  --  Look at models where Stan performs well
      e.g.  logistic or linear regression w. Cauchy and Normal prior
     - varying model shapes (step up exponentially)
        + number of data items
        + number of parameters
        + correlation of parameters (multi-variate Cauchy or Normal)
        + interaction of params (? need this with correlation ?)
        + conjugate vs. non-conjugate priors
           (well and misspecified -- more stats than speed issue)

  -- Single threaded

  -- Run 4 chains (each of same length) of each system (Stan and JAGS)
      - diffuse initializations (hand generate for each)
      - until convergence by split R-hat (all params under 1.05)
      - total (across all chains) ESS is > 100 (and < 150 or something?)
        (e.g., 25/25/25/25, or 15/35/20/30)
      - report time in effective samples/second for min ESS parameter

  -- Report multiple runs of each (10? 100?)
      - histograms/densities or mean/sd of multiple runs
      - how much will it vary by seed

  -- Throw away first half of each run?
      - to start, until split convergence/sample speeds

  -- Ideally, measure:
      - time to converge to equilibrium
      - ESS rate at equilibrium

RStan / PStan / MStan / Command Line

* (PStan) interface to Python

* (MStan) interface to MATLAB

* (R/cmd) Convergence monitoring of higher moments
  -- at least squared for variance, which being non-linear
     function, isn't same as convergence of basic param

* (R/cmd) add chain ID to output as first column

* (R/cmd) add draw ID to output as second column
  -- plus need something for DE/DREAM with ensemble

* (R/cmd) track rejection rate by testing equality of
  samples; e.g., sum(a[1:(N-1)] == a[2:N])

* (R/cmd) restart from where command left off a la R2jags
  - this will require writing dump output or a converter
    for the CSV output to dump output
  - easiest to save unconstrained params
  - also need to save adaptation states, etc.
  - need to save seed and type of randomizer

* auto convergence monitoring -- just keep doubling (or other ratio)
  - doubling reduces total calc to at most double the end
  - easy to monitor averages and variances online using accumulators

* (R/cmd) allow configuration of target reject rate in step-size adaptation

* (cmd) write analyze command to read in output and do analysis 
  a la print in RStan

* (R/cmd) write model text into output in a comment

* (R/cmd) catch +inf, -inf values of unconstrained params and let
  users know they have an improper posterior

* (R) catch errors/exceptions generated by Stan and trap
  so they don't percolate through to R

* (R) group dimensions of multivariate params on output plots

* (R/cmd) have output digits depend on se?

* (R/cmd) check initial vals and gradients for finiteness and
  return error message if not

* (R) switch n_chains to chains

* (cmd) add chains argument to command-line to run multiple chains
  and write into one or more files (already done in RStan)

* (R/cmd) order of plots/output variables should match declaration

* (R) variable-at-time traceplot
  -- traceplot(fit) -- array of traceplots for all vals (truncated)
  -- traceplot(fit,"a") -- array of traceplots for a (truncated)
  -- traceplot(fit,"a[5,3]") -- traceplot for a[5,3]

* (R) structured data access 
  - via getters
  - attach.stan(?)  [does this need a corresponding detach.stan()?]

Web Pages


* provide mathematical definitions of all the special functions

* document version numbering: major.minor.patch
  - patch: just bug fixes, no behavior change
  - minor: some new functions, backward compatible
  - major: big changes, breaking backward compatibility

* put a table of vectorized functions in the doc

* add prior to getting started examples in doc

* use "draw" for a single parameter value and "sample" for
  multiples, with "sample of size 1000" or "1000 draws".

* drop Lucida console font section (?) or link Bigelow and Holmes

* break out sampler chapter in doc to describe multiple samplers

* performance tips
  - compute once and re-use if possible
  - pull out constants from loops
  - pull out terms from looped probabilities

* add example calculating log likelihood for DIC
  - how to specify likelihood terms in model?

* add example on individual log likelihoods for WAIC
  - how to specify individual likelihood terms in model?

   generated quantities {
    for (i in 1:I) 
      for (j in 1:J) 
        ll_y[i,j] <- normal_log(y[i,j]...)

* Doc the generated C++ model class

* Add an Index

* Description of reverse-mode auto-dif or too C++-like?

Release Management

* Jeffrey Arnold (8/13/12 message to list) about syntax highlighting.
  ? how to integrate

* Branch versions to make it easier to divide-and-conquer debugs
  and to allow developers to work from latest stable version

* appoint a commit manager


* convergence diagnostics
      Evolve the current state by one half momentum step, one full
      position step, and then one half momentum step, displaying H, and
      ( \Delta H / epsilon^{2} ) at each update.  The idea is that if
      the leapfrog is working properly then you should see the
      cancellation of errors (some error in one direction, then lots of
      error in the other direction, then error in the first direction
      again to cancel the bulk of the difference).
      Evolve the current state by a given number of iterations,
      displaying H and ( \Delta H / epsilon^{2} ) at each update so
      that you can see if the error is only slowly increasing or
      straight up diverging for the given evolution parameters.
      Evolve the current state through a single trajectory, saving each
      update to a file.  This way you can plot the entire trajectory and
      check it visually for problems (helpful in diagnosing divergences,
      bad step-sizes, etc).
      Save the proposed sample, proposed potential, and acceptance
      probability in the chain, then display the visual diagnostics
      we've discussed before, namely histograms of each marginal
      distribution for samples with p(accept) < 0.1 and p(accept) > 0.9.
      For NUTS you'd have to play around with this a bit -- Matt had
      recommended looking at the average acceptance probability across
      the entire chain, but I'm not sure which sample you'd plot in that
      case.  You'd do just as well plotting each step along the
      trajectory along with what its acceptance probability would be,
      provided the storage of all those samples doesn't cause issues.

* unit K-hyperball complement for stationary AR(K) parameters
  - what should the prior be?

* user model library
  - something we don't have to get too involved vetting
  - ideally things hard to do with other systems
  - or illustrate the unusual parts of our modeling language

* Online book with models based on BUGS:

* deal with autocorrelation model params where require
  all roots of 1 - SUM_i rho[i]**i to be within unit
  complex circle

* show how to code undirected graphical models in Stan

* BUGS Models
  All of the vol1 -- vol3 models are implemented except
  for the following, categorized by issue.

  Sampler too slow
  - vol2/schools/schools.stan.0
  - vol3/fire/fire.stan.0

  Sampler hangs
  - vol3/funshapes/hsquare.stan.0
  - vol3/funshapes/ring.stan.0
  - vol3/funshapes/squaremc.stan.0

  Zero Poisson, 0 ~ Poisson(0 * parameters) hangs the following:
  Isn't this one fixed?
  - vol1/leuk/leuk.stan.0
  - vol1/leukfr/leukfr.stan.0

  Cyclic DAGs
  Can probably do these in Stan (not supported in JAGS).
  - vol2/ice/pineapple_ice.stan.0
  - vol2/ice/vanilla_ice.stan.0
  - vol3/jama/jama.stan.0

  Discrete parameters
  - vol2/asia/asia.stan.0
  - vol2/biopsies/biopsies.stan.0
  - vol2/stagnant/stagnant.stan.0
  - vol2/t_df/estdof2.stan.0

  Binary parameters
  Other versions of model working integrating out discretes.
  - vol2/cervix/cervix.stan.0 
  - vol2/hearts/hearts.stan.0

  Works, but data structure difficult to deal with
  - vol1/bones/bones.stan.0

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