Raw File
Tip revision: 014cdcf09844d48f6d30f3e520034b7edffd9670 authored by Thane Thomson on 22 November 2022, 12:42:46 UTC
Release v0.34.24 (#9734)
Tip revision: 014cdcf
package evidence

import (

	gogotypes ""
	dbm ""

	clist ""
	tmproto ""
	sm ""

const (
	baseKeyCommitted = byte(0x00)
	baseKeyPending   = byte(0x01)

// Pool maintains a pool of valid evidence to be broadcasted and committed
type Pool struct {
	logger log.Logger

	evidenceStore dbm.DB
	evidenceList  *clist.CList // concurrent linked-list of evidence
	evidenceSize  uint32       // amount of pending evidence

	// needed to load validators to verify evidence
	stateDB sm.Store
	// needed to load headers and commits to verify evidence
	blockStore BlockStore

	mtx sync.Mutex
	// latest state
	state sm.State
	// evidence from consensus is buffered to this slice, awaiting until the next height
	// before being flushed to the pool. This prevents broadcasting and proposing of
	// evidence before the height with which the evidence happened is finished.
	consensusBuffer []duplicateVoteSet

	pruningHeight int64
	pruningTime   time.Time

// NewPool creates an evidence pool. If using an existing evidence store,
// it will add all pending evidence to the concurrent list.
func NewPool(evidenceDB dbm.DB, stateDB sm.Store, blockStore BlockStore) (*Pool, error) {

	state, err := stateDB.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot load state: %w", err)

	pool := &Pool{
		stateDB:         stateDB,
		blockStore:      blockStore,
		state:           state,
		logger:          log.NewNopLogger(),
		evidenceStore:   evidenceDB,
		evidenceList:    clist.New(),
		consensusBuffer: make([]duplicateVoteSet, 0),

	// if pending evidence already in db, in event of prior failure, then check for expiration,
	// update the size and load it back to the evidenceList
	pool.pruningHeight, pool.pruningTime = pool.removeExpiredPendingEvidence()
	evList, _, err := pool.listEvidence(baseKeyPending, -1)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	atomic.StoreUint32(&pool.evidenceSize, uint32(len(evList)))
	for _, ev := range evList {

	return pool, nil

// PendingEvidence is used primarily as part of block proposal and returns up to maxNum of uncommitted evidence.
func (evpool *Pool) PendingEvidence(maxBytes int64) ([]types.Evidence, int64) {
	if evpool.Size() == 0 {
		return []types.Evidence{}, 0
	evidence, size, err := evpool.listEvidence(baseKeyPending, maxBytes)
	if err != nil {
		evpool.logger.Error("Unable to retrieve pending evidence", "err", err)
	return evidence, size

// Update takes both the new state and the evidence committed at that height and performs
// the following operations:
//  1. Take any conflicting votes from consensus and use the state's LastBlockTime to form
//     DuplicateVoteEvidence and add it to the pool.
//  2. Update the pool's state which contains evidence params relating to expiry.
//  3. Moves pending evidence that has now been committed into the committed pool.
//  4. Removes any expired evidence based on both height and time.
func (evpool *Pool) Update(state sm.State, ev types.EvidenceList) {
	// sanity check
	if state.LastBlockHeight <= evpool.state.LastBlockHeight {
			"failed EvidencePool.Update new state height is less than or equal to previous state height: %d <= %d",
	evpool.logger.Debug("Updating evidence pool", "last_block_height", state.LastBlockHeight,
		"last_block_time", state.LastBlockTime)

	// flush conflicting vote pairs from the buffer, producing DuplicateVoteEvidence and
	// adding it to the pool
	// update state

	// move committed evidence out from the pending pool and into the committed pool

	// prune pending evidence when it has expired. This also updates when the next evidence will expire
	if evpool.Size() > 0 && state.LastBlockHeight > evpool.pruningHeight &&
		state.LastBlockTime.After(evpool.pruningTime) {
		evpool.pruningHeight, evpool.pruningTime = evpool.removeExpiredPendingEvidence()

// AddEvidence checks the evidence is valid and adds it to the pool.
func (evpool *Pool) AddEvidence(ev types.Evidence) error {
	evpool.logger.Debug("Attempting to add evidence", "ev", ev)

	// We have already verified this piece of evidence - no need to do it again
	if evpool.isPending(ev) {
		evpool.logger.Debug("Evidence already pending, ignoring this one", "ev", ev)
		return nil

	// check that the evidence isn't already committed
	if evpool.isCommitted(ev) {
		// this can happen if the peer that sent us the evidence is behind so we shouldn't
		// punish the peer.
		evpool.logger.Debug("Evidence was already committed, ignoring this one", "ev", ev)
		return nil

	// 1) Verify against state.
	err := evpool.verify(ev)
	if err != nil {
		return types.NewErrInvalidEvidence(ev, err)

	// 2) Save to store.
	if err := evpool.addPendingEvidence(ev); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("can't add evidence to pending list: %w", err)

	// 3) Add evidence to clist.

	evpool.logger.Info("Verified new evidence of byzantine behavior", "evidence", ev)

	return nil

// ReportConflictingVotes takes two conflicting votes and forms duplicate vote evidence,
// adding it eventually to the evidence pool.
// Duplicate vote attacks happen before the block is committed and the timestamp is
// finalized, thus the evidence pool holds these votes in a buffer, forming the
// evidence from them once consensus at that height has been reached and `Update()` with
// the new state called.
// Votes are not verified.
func (evpool *Pool) ReportConflictingVotes(voteA, voteB *types.Vote) {
	defer evpool.mtx.Unlock()
	evpool.consensusBuffer = append(evpool.consensusBuffer, duplicateVoteSet{
		VoteA: voteA,
		VoteB: voteB,

// CheckEvidence takes an array of evidence from a block and verifies all the evidence there.
// If it has already verified the evidence then it jumps to the next one. It ensures that no
// evidence has already been committed or is being proposed twice. It also adds any
// evidence that it doesn't currently have so that it can quickly form ABCI Evidence later.
func (evpool *Pool) CheckEvidence(evList types.EvidenceList) error {
	hashes := make([][]byte, len(evList))
	for idx, ev := range evList {

		_, isLightEv := ev.(*types.LightClientAttackEvidence)

		// We must verify light client attack evidence regardless because there could be a
		// different conflicting block with the same hash.
		if isLightEv || !evpool.isPending(ev) {
			// check that the evidence isn't already committed
			if evpool.isCommitted(ev) {
				return &types.ErrInvalidEvidence{Evidence: ev, Reason: errors.New("evidence was already committed")}

			err := evpool.verify(ev)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			if err := evpool.addPendingEvidence(ev); err != nil {
				// Something went wrong with adding the evidence but we already know it is valid
				// hence we log an error and continue
				evpool.logger.Error("Can't add evidence to pending list", "err", err, "ev", ev)

			evpool.logger.Info("Check evidence: verified evidence of byzantine behavior", "evidence", ev)

		// check for duplicate evidence. We cache hashes so we don't have to work them out again.
		hashes[idx] = ev.Hash()
		for i := idx - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			if bytes.Equal(hashes[i], hashes[idx]) {
				return &types.ErrInvalidEvidence{Evidence: ev, Reason: errors.New("duplicate evidence")}

	return nil

// EvidenceFront goes to the first evidence in the clist
func (evpool *Pool) EvidenceFront() *clist.CElement {
	return evpool.evidenceList.Front()

// EvidenceWaitChan is a channel that closes once the first evidence in the list is there. i.e Front is not nil
func (evpool *Pool) EvidenceWaitChan() <-chan struct{} {
	return evpool.evidenceList.WaitChan()

// SetLogger sets the Logger.
func (evpool *Pool) SetLogger(l log.Logger) {
	evpool.logger = l

// Size returns the number of evidence in the pool.
func (evpool *Pool) Size() uint32 {
	return atomic.LoadUint32(&evpool.evidenceSize)

// State returns the current state of the evpool.
func (evpool *Pool) State() sm.State {
	defer evpool.mtx.Unlock()
	return evpool.state

func (evpool *Pool) Close() error {
	return evpool.evidenceStore.Close()

// IsExpired checks whether evidence or a polc is expired by checking whether a height and time is older
// than set by the evidence consensus parameters
func (evpool *Pool) isExpired(height int64, time time.Time) bool {
	var (
		params       = evpool.State().ConsensusParams.Evidence
		ageDuration  = evpool.State().LastBlockTime.Sub(time)
		ageNumBlocks = evpool.State().LastBlockHeight - height
	return ageNumBlocks > params.MaxAgeNumBlocks &&
		ageDuration > params.MaxAgeDuration

// IsCommitted returns true if we have already seen this exact evidence and it is already marked as committed.
func (evpool *Pool) isCommitted(evidence types.Evidence) bool {
	key := keyCommitted(evidence)
	ok, err := evpool.evidenceStore.Has(key)
	if err != nil {
		evpool.logger.Error("Unable to find committed evidence", "err", err)
	return ok

// IsPending checks whether the evidence is already pending. DB errors are passed to the logger.
func (evpool *Pool) isPending(evidence types.Evidence) bool {
	key := keyPending(evidence)
	ok, err := evpool.evidenceStore.Has(key)
	if err != nil {
		evpool.logger.Error("Unable to find pending evidence", "err", err)
	return ok

func (evpool *Pool) addPendingEvidence(ev types.Evidence) error {
	evpb, err := types.EvidenceToProto(ev)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert to proto, err: %w", err)

	evBytes, err := evpb.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to marshal evidence: %w", err)

	key := keyPending(ev)

	err = evpool.evidenceStore.Set(key, evBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("can't persist evidence: %w", err)
	atomic.AddUint32(&evpool.evidenceSize, 1)
	return nil

func (evpool *Pool) removePendingEvidence(evidence types.Evidence) {
	key := keyPending(evidence)
	if err := evpool.evidenceStore.Delete(key); err != nil {
		evpool.logger.Error("Unable to delete pending evidence", "err", err)
	} else {
		atomic.AddUint32(&evpool.evidenceSize, ^uint32(0))
		evpool.logger.Debug("Deleted pending evidence", "evidence", evidence)

// markEvidenceAsCommitted processes all the evidence in the block, marking it as
// committed and removing it from the pending database.
func (evpool *Pool) markEvidenceAsCommitted(evidence types.EvidenceList) {
	blockEvidenceMap := make(map[string]struct{}, len(evidence))
	for _, ev := range evidence {
		if evpool.isPending(ev) {
			blockEvidenceMap[evMapKey(ev)] = struct{}{}

		// Add evidence to the committed list. As the evidence is stored in the block store
		// we only need to record the height that it was saved at.
		key := keyCommitted(ev)

		h := gogotypes.Int64Value{Value: ev.Height()}
		evBytes, err := proto.Marshal(&h)
		if err != nil {
			evpool.logger.Error("failed to marshal committed evidence", "err", err, "key(height/hash)", key)

		if err := evpool.evidenceStore.Set(key, evBytes); err != nil {
			evpool.logger.Error("Unable to save committed evidence", "err", err, "key(height/hash)", key)

	// remove committed evidence from the clist
	if len(blockEvidenceMap) != 0 {

// listEvidence retrieves lists evidence from oldest to newest within maxBytes.
// If maxBytes is -1, there's no cap on the size of returned evidence.
func (evpool *Pool) listEvidence(prefixKey byte, maxBytes int64) ([]types.Evidence, int64, error) {
	var (
		evSize    int64
		totalSize int64
		evidence  []types.Evidence
		evList    tmproto.EvidenceList // used for calculating the bytes size

	iter, err := dbm.IteratePrefix(evpool.evidenceStore, []byte{prefixKey})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, totalSize, fmt.Errorf("database error: %v", err)
	defer iter.Close()
	for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		var evpb tmproto.Evidence
		err := evpb.Unmarshal(iter.Value())
		if err != nil {
			return evidence, totalSize, err
		evList.Evidence = append(evList.Evidence, evpb)
		evSize = int64(evList.Size())
		if maxBytes != -1 && evSize > maxBytes {
			if err := iter.Error(); err != nil {
				return evidence, totalSize, err
			return evidence, totalSize, nil

		ev, err := types.EvidenceFromProto(&evpb)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, totalSize, err

		totalSize = evSize
		evidence = append(evidence, ev)

	if err := iter.Error(); err != nil {
		return evidence, totalSize, err
	return evidence, totalSize, nil

func (evpool *Pool) removeExpiredPendingEvidence() (int64, time.Time) {
	iter, err := dbm.IteratePrefix(evpool.evidenceStore, []byte{baseKeyPending})
	if err != nil {
		evpool.logger.Error("Unable to iterate over pending evidence", "err", err)
		return evpool.State().LastBlockHeight, evpool.State().LastBlockTime
	defer iter.Close()
	blockEvidenceMap := make(map[string]struct{})
	for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		ev, err := bytesToEv(iter.Value())
		if err != nil {
			evpool.logger.Error("Error in transition evidence from protobuf", "err", err)
		if !evpool.isExpired(ev.Height(), ev.Time()) {
			if len(blockEvidenceMap) != 0 {

			// return the height and time with which this evidence will have expired so we know when to prune next
			return ev.Height() + evpool.State().ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAgeNumBlocks + 1,
		blockEvidenceMap[evMapKey(ev)] = struct{}{}
	// We either have no pending evidence or all evidence has expired
	if len(blockEvidenceMap) != 0 {
	return evpool.State().LastBlockHeight, evpool.State().LastBlockTime

func (evpool *Pool) removeEvidenceFromList(
	blockEvidenceMap map[string]struct{}) {

	for e := evpool.evidenceList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		// Remove from clist
		ev := e.Value.(types.Evidence)
		if _, ok := blockEvidenceMap[evMapKey(ev)]; ok {

func (evpool *Pool) updateState(state sm.State) {
	defer evpool.mtx.Unlock()
	evpool.state = state

// processConsensusBuffer converts all the duplicate votes witnessed from consensus
// into DuplicateVoteEvidence. It sets the evidence timestamp to the block height
// from the most recently committed block.
// Evidence is then added to the pool so as to be ready to be broadcasted and proposed.
func (evpool *Pool) processConsensusBuffer(state sm.State) {
	defer evpool.mtx.Unlock()
	for _, voteSet := range evpool.consensusBuffer {

		// Check the height of the conflicting votes and fetch the corresponding time and validator set
		// to produce the valid evidence
		var dve *types.DuplicateVoteEvidence
		switch {
		case voteSet.VoteA.Height == state.LastBlockHeight:
			dve = types.NewDuplicateVoteEvidence(

		case voteSet.VoteA.Height < state.LastBlockHeight:
			valSet, err := evpool.stateDB.LoadValidators(voteSet.VoteA.Height)
			if err != nil {
				evpool.logger.Error("failed to load validator set for conflicting votes", "height",
					voteSet.VoteA.Height, "err", err,
			blockMeta := evpool.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(voteSet.VoteA.Height)
			if blockMeta == nil {
				evpool.logger.Error("failed to load block time for conflicting votes", "height", voteSet.VoteA.Height)
			dve = types.NewDuplicateVoteEvidence(

			// evidence pool shouldn't expect to get votes from consensus of a height that is above the current
			// state. If this error is seen then perhaps consider keeping the votes in the buffer and retry
			// in following heights
			evpool.logger.Error("inbound duplicate votes from consensus are of a greater height than current state",
				"duplicate vote height", voteSet.VoteA.Height,
				"state.LastBlockHeight", state.LastBlockHeight)

		// check if we already have this evidence
		if evpool.isPending(dve) {
			evpool.logger.Debug("evidence already pending; ignoring", "evidence", dve)

		// check that the evidence is not already committed on chain
		if evpool.isCommitted(dve) {
			evpool.logger.Debug("evidence already committed; ignoring", "evidence", dve)

		if err := evpool.addPendingEvidence(dve); err != nil {
			evpool.logger.Error("failed to flush evidence from consensus buffer to pending list: %w", err)


		evpool.logger.Info("verified new evidence of byzantine behavior", "evidence", dve)
	// reset consensus buffer
	evpool.consensusBuffer = make([]duplicateVoteSet, 0)

type duplicateVoteSet struct {
	VoteA *types.Vote
	VoteB *types.Vote

func bytesToEv(evBytes []byte) (types.Evidence, error) {
	var evpb tmproto.Evidence
	err := evpb.Unmarshal(evBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return &types.DuplicateVoteEvidence{}, err

	return types.EvidenceFromProto(&evpb)

func evMapKey(ev types.Evidence) string {
	return string(ev.Hash())

// big endian padded hex
func bE(h int64) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%0.16X", h)

func keyCommitted(evidence types.Evidence) []byte {
	return append([]byte{baseKeyCommitted}, keySuffix(evidence)...)

func keyPending(evidence types.Evidence) []byte {
	return append([]byte{baseKeyPending}, keySuffix(evidence)...)

func keySuffix(evidence types.Evidence) []byte {
	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%X", bE(evidence.Height()), evidence.Hash()))
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