Raw File
Tip revision: bdc11743a1e8d283d4b9b12cc1b17930c12b0518 authored by Jean Kossaifi on 07 December 2020, 19:05:18 UTC
DOC: fix class documentation
Tip revision: bdc1174
import warnings
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

    import torch
except ImportError as error:
    message = ('Impossible to import PyTorch.\n'
               'To use TensorLy with the PyTorch backend, '
               'you must first install PyTorch!')
    raise ImportError(message) from error

if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.4.0'):
    raise ImportError('You are using version=%r of PyTorch.'
                      'Please update to "0.4.0" or higher.'
                      % torch.__version__)

import numpy as np

from .core import Backend

class PyTorchBackend(Backend):
    backend_name = 'pytorch'

    def context(tensor):
        return {'dtype': tensor.dtype,
                'device': tensor.device,
                'requires_grad': tensor.requires_grad}

    def tensor(data, dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu', requires_grad=False):
        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
            data = data.copy()
        return torch.tensor(data, dtype=dtype, device=device,

    def to_numpy(tensor):
        if torch.is_tensor(tensor):
            if tensor.requires_grad:
                tensor = tensor.detach()
            if tensor.cuda:
                tensor = tensor.cpu()
            return tensor.numpy()
        elif isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray):
            return tensor
            return np.asarray(tensor)

    def shape(tensor):
        return tensor.shape

    def ndim(tensor):
        return tensor.dim()

    def arange(start, stop=None, step=1.0, *args, **kwargs):
        if stop is None:
            return torch.arange(start=0., end=float(start), step=float(step), *args, **kwargs)
            return torch.arange(float(start), float(stop), float(step), *args, **kwargs)

    def clip(tensor, a_min=None, a_max=None, inplace=False):
        if a_max is None:
            a_max = torch.max(tensor)
        if a_min is None:
            a_min = torch.min(tensor)
        if inplace:
            return torch.clamp(tensor, a_min, a_max, out=tensor)
            return torch.clamp(tensor, a_min, a_max)

    def all(tensor):
        return torch.sum(tensor != 0)

    def transpose(self, tensor, axes=None):
        axes = axes or list(range(self.ndim(tensor)))[::-1]
        return tensor.permute(*axes)

    def copy(tensor):
        return tensor.clone()

    def moveaxis(tensor, source, target):
        axes = list(range(tensor.dim()))
        if source < 0: source = axes[source]
        if target < 0: target = axes[target]
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError('Source should be in 0 <= source < tensor.ndim, '
                             'got %d' % source)
            axes.insert(target, source)
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError('Destination should be in 0 <= destination < '
                             'tensor.ndim, got %d' % target)
        return tensor.permute(*axes)

    def solve(self, matrix1, matrix2):
        """Solve a linear system of equation


        Previously, this was implemented as follows::

            if self.ndim(matrix2) < 2:
                # Currently, gesv doesn't support vectors for matrix2
                # So we instead solve a least square problem...
                solution, _ = torch.gels(matrix2, matrix1)
                solution, _ = torch.gesv(matrix2, matrix1)
            return solution

        if self.ndim(matrix2) < 2:
            # Currently, solve doesn't support vectors for matrix2
            solution, _ = torch.solve(matrix2.unsqueeze(1), matrix1)
            solution, _ = torch.solve(matrix2, matrix1)
        return solution

    def norm(tensor, order=2, axis=None):
        # pytorch does not accept `None` for any keyword arguments. additionally,
        # pytorch doesn't seems to support keyword arguments in the first place
        kwds = {}
        if axis is not None:
            kwds['dim'] = axis
        if order and order != 'inf':
            kwds['p'] = order

        if order == 'inf':
            res = torch.max(torch.abs(tensor), **kwds)
            if axis is not None:
                return res[0]  # ignore indices output
            return res
        return torch.norm(tensor, **kwds)

    def mean(tensor, axis=None):
        if axis is None:
            return torch.mean(tensor)
            return torch.mean(tensor, dim=axis)

    def sum(tensor, axis=None):
        if axis is None:
            return torch.sum(tensor)
            return torch.sum(tensor, dim=axis)

    def concatenate(tensors, axis=0):
        return, dim=axis)

    def argmin(input, axis=None):
            return torch.argmin(input, dim=axis)

    def argmax(input, axis=None):
            return torch.argmax(input, dim=axis)

    def stack(arrays, axis=0):
        return torch.stack(arrays, dim=axis)

    def conj(x, *args, **kwargs):
        """WARNING: IDENTITY FUNCTION (does nothing)

            This backend currently does not support complex tensors
        return x

    def _reverse(tensor, axis=0):
        """Reverses the elements along the specified dimension

        tensor : tl.tensor
        axis : int, default is 0
            axis along which to reverse the ordering of the elements

        reversed_tensor : for a 1-D tensor, returns the equivalent of
                        tensor[::-1] in NumPy
        indices = torch.arange(tensor.shape[axis] - 1, -1, -1, dtype=torch.int64)
        return tensor.index_select(axis, indices)

    def truncated_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=None, **kwargs):
        """Computes a truncated SVD on `matrix` using pytorch's SVD

        matrix : 2D-array
        n_eigenvecs : int, optional, default is None
            if specified, number of eigen[vectors-values] to return
        **kwargs : optional
            kwargs are used to absorb the difference of parameters among the other SVD functions

        U : 2D-array
            of shape (matrix.shape[0], n_eigenvecs)
            contains the right singular vectors
        S : 1D-array
            of shape (n_eigenvecs, )
            contains the singular values of `matrix`
        V : 2D-array
            of shape (n_eigenvecs, matrix.shape[1])
            contains the left singular vectors
        dim_1, dim_2 = matrix.shape
        if dim_1 <= dim_2:
            min_dim = dim_1
            min_dim = dim_2

        if n_eigenvecs is None or n_eigenvecs > min_dim:
            full_matrices = True
            full_matrices = False

        U, S, V = torch.svd(matrix, some=full_matrices)
        U, S, V = U[:, :n_eigenvecs], S[:n_eigenvecs], V[:n_eigenvecs, :]
        return U, S, V

    def symeig_svd(self, matrix, n_eigenvecs=None, **kwargs):
        """Computes a truncated SVD on `matrix` using symeig

            Uses symeig on or its transpose

        matrix : 2D-array
        n_eigenvecs : int, optional, default is None
            if specified, number of eigen[vectors-values] to return
        **kwargs : optional
            kwargs are used to absorb the difference of parameters among the other SVD functions

        U : 2D-array
            of shape (matrix.shape[0], n_eigenvecs)
            contains the right singular vectors
        S : 1D-array
            of shape (n_eigenvecs, )
            contains the singular values of `matrix`
        V : 2D-array
            of shape (n_eigenvecs, matrix.shape[1])
            contains the left singular vectors
        # Check that matrix is... a matrix!
        if self.ndim(matrix) != 2:
            raise ValueError('matrix be a matrix. matrix.ndim is %d != 2'
                             % self.ndim(matrix))
        dim_1, dim_2 = self.shape(matrix)
        if dim_1 <= dim_2:
            min_dim = dim_1
            max_dim = dim_2
            min_dim = dim_2
            max_dim = dim_1

        if n_eigenvecs is None:
            n_eigenvecs = max_dim

        if min_dim <= n_eigenvecs:
            if n_eigenvecs > max_dim:
                warnings.warn('Trying to compute SVD with n_eigenvecs={0}, which '
                              'is larger than max(matrix.shape)={1}. Setting '
                              'n_eigenvecs to {1}'.format(n_eigenvecs, max_dim))
                n_eigenvecs = max_dim
            # we compute decomposition on the largest of the two to keep more eigenvecs
            dim_1, dim_2 = dim_2, dim_1

        if dim_1 < dim_2:
            S, U = torch.symeig(, self.transpose(matrix)),
            S = torch.sqrt(S)
            V =, U / self.reshape(S, (1, -1)))
            S, V = torch.symeig(, matrix),
            S = torch.sqrt(S)
            U =, V) / self.reshape(S, (1, -1))

        U = self._reverse(U, 1)
        S = self._reverse(S)
        V = self._reverse(self.transpose(V), 0)
        return U[:, :n_eigenvecs], S[:n_eigenvecs], V[:n_eigenvecs, :]

    def SVD_FUNS(self):
        return {'numpy_svd': self.partial_svd,
                'truncated_svd': self.truncated_svd,
                'symeig_svd': self.symeig_svd}
    def sort(tensor, axis, descending = False):
        if axis is None:
            tensor = tensor.flatten()
            axis = -1

        return torch.sort(tensor, dim=axis, descending = descending).values

    def update_index(tensor, index, values):
        tensor.index_put_(index, values)

for name in ['float64', 'float32', 'int64', 'int32', 'is_tensor', 'ones',
             'zeros', 'zeros_like', 'reshape', 'eye', 'max', 'min', 'prod',
             'abs', 'sqrt', 'sign', 'where', 'qr', 'diag', 'finfo', 'einsum']:
    PyTorchBackend.register_method(name, getattr(torch, name))

PyTorchBackend.register_method('dot', torch.matmul)

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