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Tip revision: fde69b7812da0d23f9d5df706da1f67a67f96360 authored by Nicholas Nezis on 06 January 2018, 20:16:21 UTC
Updated to use brew delivered bazel (#2655)
Tip revision: fde69b7
title: Release Process
<!-- TODO -->
# How to Update Version

<!-- TODO -->
# How to Tag

<!-- TODO -->
# Test Process

<!-- TODO -->
# Build Process

# Publish to Maven Central

## Account Setup

Steps taken from Maven Release process outlined by []( and summarized below.

1. Request access to publish to com.twitter by creating account and requesting access in [](
2. Twitter contact needed to confirm access [(see example)](
3. Install local GPG/PGP to sign files by following [sonatype instructions]( 
4. Publish public key [(see example)](
5. Confirm public key is published [(see example)]( Note leading `0x` required for hex keys.

# Release Steps

Follow [Manual Staging Bundle Creation and Deployment]( by signing files manually, see steps summarized below.

Three artifacts are required for each version: `heron-api`, `heron-storm`, and `heron-spi`.
Example POM template files required located in `heron/release/maven/`.

<!-- TODO refer to release "build process" instructions, not download  -->
<!-- TODO update for "heron-spi" artifact when available -->
### Step 1 - Download and install `heron-api-install-{VERSION}-{DIST}.sh` from [github releases](

Example command for `heron-api` version `0.14.0` installed using the `--user` flag:
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./ --user
After running the above install script with `--user` flag, the `heron-api` artifacts are installed into the `~/.heronapi` directory.

### Step 2 - Create temp folder for each `heron-api`, `heron-storm` and `heron-spi` artifact 

Example, create folder named `heron-api-bundle-0.14.0`.

Artifact bundle must contain the following with Maven Central naming format:

1. `{artifact-name}-{artifact-version}.jar`
2. `{artifact-name}-{artifact-version}.pom`
3. `{artifact-name}-{artifact-version}-javadoc.jar`
4. `{artifact-name}-{artifact-version}-sources.jar`

Note `heron-api-0.14.0-javadoc.jar` and `heron-api-0.14.0-sources.jar` are currently placeholders due to Bazel version but required by Maven Central checks.  

Copy artifact `{artifact}.jar` from `~/.heronapi` to temp folder and rename to `{artifact-name}-{artifact-version}.jar`.

Generate versioned POM file using `./maven/ VERSION`.

$ ./maven/ 0.14.1
$ ls
Copy versioned POM files to artifact temp directory.

### Step 3 - Manually sign each file using GPG/PGP 

Use GPG/PGP to sign each file by following [steps](

Example on Mac OS X using gpg:
$ gpg -ab heron-api-0.14.0-javadoc.jar
$ ls 

### Step 4 - Create `bundle.jar` for each `heron-api`, `heron-storm` and `heron-spi` artifact

For each artifact temp file, for example `heron-api-bundle-0.14.0` following .jar and signed .asc files are required:
$ cd heron-api-bundle-0.14.0
$ ls 

Create `bundle.jar` of temp directory contents.
$ jar -cvf bundle.jar ./
$ ls 

### Step 5 - Upload each `bundle.jar` to []( and Release to Maven Central

Login to [](

For each artifact, `heron-api`, `heron-storm` and `heron-spi`, separately upload the `bundle.jar` created in Step 3 with the following steps:

1. From the `Staging Upload` tab, select `Artifact Bundle` from the `Upload Mode` dropdown.

2. Click the **Select Bundle to Upload** button, and select the `bundle.jar` you created.

3. Click the **Upload Bundle** button. If the upload is successful, a staging repository will be created, and you can proceed with [releasing steps](, summarized below:
  1.  After you deployment the repository will be in an `Open` status.
  2.  You can evaluate the deployed components in the repository using the `Contents` tab.
  3.  If you believe everything is correct you, can press the **Close** button above the list.
  4.  This will trigger the evaluations of the components against the requirements.
  5.  `Closing` will fail if your components do not meet the requirements. If this happens, you can press **Drop** and the staging repository will be deleted.
  6.  Once you have successfully closed the staging repository, you can release it by pressing the **Release** button.

Note, since `com.twitter.heron` already exists, once released, artifacts will immediately be synced with Maven Central.  

4. Check that artifacts are successfully released by going to [Maven's search page]( and searching for `com.twitter.heron` with proper `version`.

5. As a final end-to-end check, ensure that you can successfully pull the correct `version` artifacts from Maven Central in a local topology. To do this:
  1. Delete your local `~/.heronapi` directory.
  2. Run `mvn clean` in your local heron topology project directory.
  3. Update the project `POM.xml` file with new upgraded heron version, [see upgrade-storm-to-heron example - Step 2](
  4. Run `mvn compile` to confirm your project can successfully pull updated version artifacts from Maven Central.

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