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Tip revision: 5f23fb0b6e1d50d996ac54daaa7e637e5d8decaf authored by Software Heritage on 05 May 2020, 00:00:00 UTC
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Tip revision: 5f23fb0
 * @file sift_matching.c
 * @brief data structures to store information relative to a pair of keypoints
 * @li struct keypointPr     : Pair of keypoint data structure.
 * @li struct keypointPr_list : List of pairs.
 * @li print,save, read for lists of pairs.
 * @author (original) Ives Rey-Otero <>
 * @author (modified) Carlo de Franchis <>
 * @author (modified) David Youssefi <>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "linalg.h"
#include "lib_keypoint.h"
#include "lib_matching.h"
#include "lib_util.h"

static float keypoints_distance_epipolar(struct keypoint* k1, struct keypoint* k2,
        float s1[3], float s2[3],
        float epi_thresh, int n)
    float a = s1[0];
    float b = s1[1];
    float c = s1[2];
    float d = s2[0];
    float e = s2[1];
    float f = s2[2];

    // keypoints x, y coordinates
    float x1 = k1->x;
    float y1 = k1->y;
    float x2 = k2->x;
    float y2 = k2->y;

    // rectified x coordinates (in Ives' conventions x is the row index)
    float xx1 = b * y1 + a * x1 + c; // scalar product of (b, a, c) and (x1, y1, 1)
    float xx2 = e * y2 + d * x2 + f; // scalar product of (e, d, f) and (x2, y2, 1)

    // points satisfy the epipolar constraint when the rectified x are equal
    if (fabs(xx1 - xx2) < epi_thresh)
        return euclidean_distance(k1->descr, k2->descr, n);
        return INFINITY;

static float keypoints_distance(struct keypoint* k1, struct keypoint* k2,
                                float s1[3], float s2[3], float epi_thresh,
                                int n)
    // parameters used in keypoints_distance_epipolar
    (void) s1;
    (void) s2;
    (void) epi_thresh;

    return euclidean_distance(k1->descr, k2->descr, n);

void matching(struct sift_keypoints *k1, struct sift_keypoints *k2,
              struct sift_keypoints *out_k1, struct sift_keypoints *out_k2,
              float sift_thresh, int flag, double fund_mat[5], float epi_thresh)
    float s1[3];
    float s2[3];

    float (*keypoints_distance_overloaded)(struct keypoint*,
                                           struct keypoint*,
                                           float*, float*,
                                           float, int);

    if (fund_mat)
        rectifying_similarities_from_affine_fundamental_matrix(s1, s2, fund_mat);
        keypoints_distance_overloaded = keypoints_distance_epipolar;
        keypoints_distance_overloaded = keypoints_distance;

    if ((k1->size == 0) || (k2->size == 0))

    int n_hist = k1->list[0]->n_hist;
    int n_ori = k1->list[0]->n_ori;
    int n = n_hist * n_hist * n_ori;

    for (int i = 0; i < k1->size; i++)
        float distA = INFINITY;
        float distB = INFINITY;
        int indexA = -1;

        for (int j = 0; j < k2->size; j++)
            float dist = keypoints_distance_overloaded(k1->list[i], k2->list[j],
                         s1, s2, epi_thresh, n);
            // find_the_two_nearest_keys
            if (dist < distA)
                distB = distA;
                distA = dist;
                indexA = j;
            else if (dist < distB)
                distB = dist;

        float val = (flag == 1 ? distA / distB : distA);
        if (val < sift_thresh)
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(k1->list[i], out_k1);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(k2->list[indexA], out_k2);

void fprintf_pairs(const char *filename, const struct sift_keypoints *k1,
                   const struct sift_keypoints *k2)
    FILE *f = fopen(filename, "w");
    for (int i = 0; i < k1->size; i++)
        fprintf_one_keypoint(f, k1->list[i], 0, 0, -1);
        fprintf_one_keypoint(f, k2->list[i], 0, 0, -1);
        fprintf(f, "\n");

void print_pairs(const struct sift_keypoints *k1,
                 const struct sift_keypoints *k2)
    fprintf_pairs("/dev/stdout", k1, k2);

void save_pairs_extra(const char* name,
                      const struct sift_keypoints *k1,
                      const struct sift_keypoints *k2A,
                      const struct sift_keypoints *k2B)
    FILE* f = fopen(name,"w");

    if (k1->size > 0)
        int n_hist = k1->list[0]->n_hist;
        int n_ori = k1->list[0]->n_ori;
        int dim = n_hist * n_hist * n_ori;
        int n_bins = k1->list[0]->n_bins;
        for (int i = 0; i < k1->size; i++)
            fprintf_one_keypoint(f, k1->list[i], dim, n_bins, 2);
            fprintf_one_keypoint(f, k2A->list[i], dim, n_bins, 2);
            fprintf_one_keypoint(f, k2B->list[i], dim, n_bins, 2);
            fprintf(f, "\n");
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