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Tip revision: 5f23fb0b6e1d50d996ac54daaa7e637e5d8decaf authored by Software Heritage on 05 May 2020, 00:00:00 UTC
ipol: Deposit 1363 in collection ipol
Tip revision: 5f23fb0
Copyright (C) 2014, Ives Rey-Otero, CMLA ENS Cachan

Version 20140911 (September 11th, 2014)

This C ANSI source code is related to the IPOL publication

    [1] "Anatomy of the SIFT Method."
        I. Rey Otero  and  M. Delbracio
        Image Processing Online, 2013.

An IPOL demo is available at

== Patent Warning and License =================================================

This program is free software: you can use, modify and/or
redistribute it under the terms of the simplified BSD
License. You should have received a copy of this license along
this program. If not, see

The SIFT method is patented

    [2] "Method and apparatus for identifying scale invariant features
      in an image."
        David G. Lowe
        Patent number: 6711293
        Filing date: Mar 6, 2000
        Issue date: Mar 23, 2004
        Application number: 09/519,89

 These source codes are made available for the exclusive aim of serving as
 scientific tool to verify the soundness and completeness of the algorithm
 description. Compilation, execution and redistribution of this file may
 violate patents rights in certain countries. The situation being different
 for every country and changing over time, it is your responsibility to
 determine which patent rights restrictions apply to you before you compile,
 use, modify, or redistribute this file. A patent lawyer is qualified to make
 this determination. If and only if they don't conflict with any patent terms,
 you can benefit from the following license terms attached to this file.

 * @file lib_sift_anatomy.c
 * @brief SIFT anatomy interface.
 * @author Ives Rey-Otero <>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>

#include "lib_description.h"
#include "lib_discrete.h"
#include "lib_sift_anatomy.h"
#include "lib_util.h"

#define MAX(i,j) ( (i)<(j) ? (j):(i) )
#define MIN(i,j) ( (i)<(j) ? (i):(j) )

#define ABS(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x))

#define EPSILON 0

/** @brief Compute the Gaussian scalespace for SIFT
 *  in @param input image  of im_w X im_h
 *     @param sigma_in : assumed level of blur in the image
 *  The construction parameters are already stored in scalespace
void scalespace_compute(struct sift_scalespace* ss,
                        const float* image,
                        int im_w,
                        int im_h,
                        float sigma_in)
    // seed image
    float delta_min = ss->octaves[0]->delta;
    float sigma_min = ss->octaves[0]->sigmas[0];

    // check that the scalespace is correctly defined
    assert(ss->octaves[0]->w == (int) (im_w / delta_min));
    assert(ss->octaves[0]->h == (int) (im_h / delta_min));

    float sig_prev,sig_next,sigma_extra;

    // for dereferencing
    struct octa* octave;
    struct octa* octave_prev;
    int w_prev, h_prev;
    float* im_prev;
    float* im_next;

    int nOct = ss->nOct;
    for(int o = 0; o < nOct; o++)

        octave = ss->octaves[o];
        int nSca = octave->nSca;
        int w = octave->w;
        int h = octave->h;
        float delta  = octave->delta;  /* intersample distance */

        /** first image in the stack */
        if(o==0)  /* from input image */
            sigma_extra = sqrt(sigma_min*sigma_min - sigma_in*sigma_in)/delta_min;
            if(delta_min < 1)
                float* imtmp = xmalloc(w* h * sizeof(float));
            else   /* ie delta_min = 1, w_min = in_w... */
        else  /* from previous octave */
            octave_prev = ss->octaves[o-1];
            w_prev  = octave_prev->w;
            h_prev = octave_prev->h;
            // WARNING nSca also includes the three auximliary pictures.
            int nspo = (nSca-3);  // scales per octace
            sift_subsample_by2(&octave_prev->imStack[nspo*w_prev*h_prev], octave->imStack, w_prev, h_prev);

        /** The rest of the image stack*/
        for(int s = 1; s < nSca; s++)  /*add blur to previous image in the stack*/
            im_prev = &octave->imStack[(s-1)*w*h];
            im_next = &octave->imStack[s*w*h];
            sig_prev = octave->sigmas[s-1];
            sig_next = octave->sigmas[s];
            sigma_extra = sqrt(sig_next*sig_next- sig_prev*sig_prev)/delta;

/** @brief difference of Gaussians
static void scalespace_compute_dog(const struct sift_scalespace *s,
                                   struct sift_scalespace *d)
    for(int o = 0; o < d->nOct; o++)
        const struct octa* s_oct  = s->octaves[o];
        struct octa* d_oct = d->octaves[o];
        int ns = d_oct->nSca;
        int w  = d_oct->w;
        int h = d_oct->h;
        for(int s = 0; s < ns; s++)
            float* diff = &d_oct->imStack[s*w*h];
            float* im_P = &s_oct->imStack[(s+1)*w*h];
            float* im_M = &s_oct->imStack[s*w*h];
            for(int p=0; p<w*h; p++)

/** @brief Compute the 2d gradient of each image in the scale-space
 *  @in scalespace
 *  @out dx_scalespace,
 *       scalespace structure storing the gradient x-component of each image
 *  @out dy_scalespace,
 *       scalespace structure storing the gradient y-component of each image
 * The gradients of the auxiliary images are not computed.
void scalespace_compute_gradient(const struct sift_scalespace* scalespace,
                                 struct sift_scalespace* sx,
                                 struct sift_scalespace* sy)
    int nOct = scalespace->nOct;
    for(int o = 0; o < nOct; o++)
        int nSca   = scalespace->octaves[o]->nSca; //WARNING this includes the auxiliary images.
        int w  = scalespace->octaves[o]->w;
        int h = scalespace->octaves[o]->h;
        for(int s = 0; s < nSca; s++)
            const float* im = &scalespace->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h];
            float* dx = &sx->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h];
            float* dy = &sy->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h];
            sift_compute_gradient(im, dx, dy, w, h);

/** @brief Extract discrete extrema from DoG scale-space.
 * in  @param dog  : Difference of Gaussian (scale-space structure)
 * out @param keys : List of keypoints.
 *    The following parameters are for memory allocation only.
 * @param n_bins : Number of bins in the histogram
 *                 used to attribute principal orientation.
 * @param n_hist
 * @param n_ori  : The SIFT descriptor is an array of
 *                 n_hist X n_hist weighted orientation
 *                 with n_ori bins each.
static void keypoints_find_3d_discrete_extrema(struct sift_scalespace* d,
        struct sift_keypoints* keys,
        int n_ori,
        int n_hist,
        int n_bins)
    for (int o = 0; o < d->nOct; o++)
        int ns = d->octaves[o]->nSca; // dimension of the image stack in the current octave
        int w = d->octaves[o]->w;
        int h = d->octaves[o]->h;
        float delta = d->octaves[o]->delta; // intersample distance
        float* imStack = d->octaves[o]->imStack;

        // Precompute index offsets to the 26 neighbors in a 3x3x3 neighborhood.
        int neighbor_offsets[26];
        int n = 0;
        for (int ds = -1; ds <= 1; ds++)
            for (int di = -1; di <= 1; di++)
                for (int dj = -1; dj <= 1; dj++)
                    if (ds != 0 || di != 0 || dj != 0)
                        neighbor_offsets[n] = (ds * h + di) * w + dj;

        // Loop through the samples of the image stack (one octave)
        for (int s = 1; s < ns - 1; s++)
            for (int i = 1; i < h - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < w - 1; j++)
                    const float* center = &imStack[s*w*h+i*w+j];
                    const float center_value = *center;

                    bool is_local_min = true;
                    // An optimizing compiler will unroll this loop.
                    for (int n = 0; n < 26; n++)
                        if (center[neighbor_offsets[n]] - EPSILON <= center_value)
                            is_local_min = false;
                            break; // Can stop early if a smaller neighbor was found.

                    bool is_local_max = true;
                    // Can skip max check if center point was determined to be a local min.
                    if (is_local_min)
                        is_local_max = false;
                        // An optimizing compiler will unroll this loop.
                        for (int n = 0; n < 26; n++)
                            if (center[neighbor_offsets[n]] - EPSILON >= center_value)
                                is_local_max = false;
                                break; // Can stop early if a larger neighbor was found.

                    // if 3d discrete extrema, save a candidate keypoint
                    if (is_local_max || is_local_min)
                        struct keypoint* key = sift_malloc_keypoint(n_ori, n_hist, n_bins);
                        key->i = i;
                        key->j = j;
                        key->s = s;
                        key->o = o;
                        key->x = delta*i;
                        key->y = delta*j;
                        key->sigma = d->octaves[o]->sigmas[s];
                        key->val = imStack[s*w*h+i*w+j];

/** @brief Filter a list of keypoints (copy the keypoints that satisfy a criteria)
 * in  @param keysIn : list of keys to be filtered.
 * out @param keysAccept   list of keys with DoG absolute value beyond threshold.
 *  @param thresh    :constant threshold over the entire scale-space.
static void keypoints_discard_with_low_response(struct sift_keypoints *keysIn,
        struct sift_keypoints *keysAccept,
        float thresh)
    for( int k = 0; k < keysIn->size; k++)
        struct keypoint* key = keysIn->list[k];
        bool isAccepted = ( ABS(key->val) >  thresh);
        if (isAccepted == true)
            struct keypoint* copy = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(copy, keysAccept);

/** @brief Execute one interpolation (to refine extrema position)
 * in  @param imStck      : a stack of images in the DoG space
 *                    w X h X nscales samples.
 * in  @param i , j ,  s  : 3d discrete extrema
 * out @param di , dj , ds : offset in each spatial direction
 * out @param dVal         , the extremum value is : imStck[i,j,s]+dVal
 * Computes the 3D Hessian of the DoG space in one point
static void inverse_3D_Taylor_second_order_expansion(float *stack,
        int w, int h,
        int i, int j, int s,
        float *di, float *dj, float *ds, float *val)
    float hXX,hXY,hXS,hYY,hYS,hSS;
    float det,aa,ab,ac,bb,bc,cc;
    float gX,gY,gS;
    float ofstX, ofstY, ofstS, ofstVal;

    /** Compute the 3d Hessian at pixel (i,j,s)  Finite difference scheme  *****/
    hXX = stack[s*w*h+(i-1)*w+j] + stack[s*w*h+(i+1)*w+j] - 2*stack[s*w*h+i*w+j];
    hYY = stack[s*w*h+i*w+(j+1)] + stack[s*w*h+i*w+(j-1)] - 2*stack[s*w*h+i*w+j];
    hSS = stack[(s+1)*w*h+i*w+j] + stack[(s-1)*w*h+i*w+j] - 2*stack[s*w*h+i*w+j];
    hXY = 0.25*(  (stack[s*w*h+(i+1)*w+(j+1)] - stack[s*w*h+(i+1)*w+(j-1)])
                  - (stack[s*w*h+(i-1)*w+(j+1)] - stack[s*w*h+(i-1)*w+(j-1)]) );
    hXS = 0.25*(  (stack[(s+1)*w*h+(i+1)*w+j] - stack[(s+1)*w*h+(i-1)*w+j])
                  - (stack[(s-1)*w*h+(i+1)*w+j] - stack[(s-1)*w*h+(i-1)*w+j]) );
    hYS = 0.25*(  (stack[(s+1)*w*h+i*w+(j+1)] - stack[(s+1)*w*h+i*w+(j-1)])
                  - (stack[(s-1)*w*h+i*w+(j+1)] - stack[(s-1)*w*h+i*w+(j-1)]) );

    /** Compute the 3d gradient at pixel (i,j,s) */
    gX = 0.5*( stack[s*w*h+(i+1)*w+j] - stack[s*w*h+(i-1)*w+j] );
    gY = 0.5*( stack[s*w*h+i*w+(j+1)] - stack[s*w*h+i*w+(j-1)] );
    gS = 0.5*( stack[(s+1)*w*h+i*w+j] - stack[(s-1)*w*h+i*w+j] );

    /** Inverse the Hessian - Fitting a quadratic function */
    det = hXX*hYY*hSS - hXX*hYS*hYS - hXY*hXY*hSS + 2*hXY*hXS*hYS - hXS*hXS*hYY ;
    aa = (hYY*hSS - hYS*hYS)/det;
    ab = (hXS*hYS - hXY*hSS)/det;
    ac = (hXY*hYS - hXS*hYY)/det;
    bb = (hXX*hSS - hXS*hXS)/det;
    bc = (hXY*hXS - hXX*hYS)/det;
    cc = (hXX*hYY - hXY*hXY)/det;

    // offset
    ofstX = -aa*gX-ab*gY-ac*gS; // in position
    ofstY = -ab*gX-bb*gY-bc*gS;
    ofstS = -ac*gX-bc*gY-cc*gS;
    /** Compute the DoG value offset */
    ofstVal = + 0.5*(gX*ofstX+gY*ofstY+gS*ofstS); //... and value

    /** output */
    *di = ofstX;
    *dj = ofstY;
    *ds = ofstS;
    *val = stack[s*w*h+i*w+j] + ofstVal;

/** @brief Refine the position of candidate keypoints
 *  in  @param dog : difference of Gaussian
 *  in  @param keys : list candidate keypoints (3d discrete extrema)
 *  out @param keysInterpol : list of interpolated keypoints.
 *  out @param keysReject   : list of removed keypoints.
 *  The interpolation model consists in a local 3d quadratic model of the DoG space.
 *  An interpolation is successful if the interpolated extremum lays inside the pixel area
 *  Iterative process
static void keypoints_interpolate_position(struct sift_scalespace *d,
        struct sift_keypoints *keys,
        struct sift_keypoints *keysInterpol,
        int itermax)

    int nMaxIntrp = itermax; /* Maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful interpolation */
    float ofstMax = 0.6;
    // Ratio between two consecutive scales in the scalespace
    // assuming the ratio is constant over all scales and over all octaves
    float sigmaratio = d->octaves[0]->sigmas[1]/d->octaves[0]->sigmas[0];

    for(int k = 0; k<keys->size; k++)

        /* Loading keypoint and associated octave */
        struct keypoint* key = keys->list[k];
        int o = key->o;
        int s = key->s;
        int i = key->i;
        int j = key->j;
        struct octa* octave = d->octaves[o];
        int w = octave->w;
        int h = octave->h;
        int ns = octave->nSca;    // WARNING this includes the auxiliary scales.
        float delta  = octave->delta;
        float* imStck = octave->imStack;
        float val = key->val;

        int ic=i;   /* current value of i coordinate - at each interpolation */
        int jc=j;
        int sc=s;
        int nIntrp = 0;
        bool isConv = false;
        float ofstX =0.;
        float ofstY =0.;
        float ofstS =0.;

        while( nIntrp < nMaxIntrp )

            /** Extrema interpolation via a quadratic function */
            /*   only if the detection is not too close to the border (so the discrete 3D Hessian is well defined) */
            if((0 < ic)&&( ic < (h-1))&&(0 < jc)&&(jc < (w-1)))
                inverse_3D_Taylor_second_order_expansion(imStck, w, h, ic, jc, sc, &ofstX, &ofstY, &ofstS, &val);
                isConv = false;
                ofstX = 5.0;
                ofstY = 5.0;
                ofstS = 5.0;
            /** Test if the quadratic model is consistent */
            if( (ABS(ofstX) < ofstMax) && (ABS(ofstY) < ofstMax) && (ABS(ofstS) < ofstMax) )
                isConv = true;
            else   // move to another point
                // space...
                if((ofstX > +ofstMax) && ((ic+1) < (h-1)))
                    ic +=1;
                if((ofstX < -ofstMax) && ((ic-1) >  0   ))
                    ic -=1;
                if((ofstY > +ofstMax) && ((jc+1) < (w-1)))
                    jc +=1;
                if((ofstY < -ofstMax) && ((jc-1) >  0   ))
                    jc -=1;
                // ... and scale.
                if((ofstS > +ofstMax) && ((sc+1) < (ns-1)))
                    sc +=1;
                if((ofstS < -ofstMax) && ((sc-1) >    0  ))
                    sc -=1;
            nIntrp += 1;

        if(isConv == true)
            /** Create key and save in corresponding keypoint structure */
            struct keypoint* keycp = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            keycp->x = (ic+ofstX)*delta;
            keycp->y = (jc+ofstY)*delta;
            keycp->i = ic;
            keycp->j = jc;
            keycp->s = sc;
            keycp->sigma = octave->sigmas[sc]*pow(sigmaratio,ofstS); /* logarithmic scale */
            keycp->val = val;

/** @brief  Compute Edge response
 *    i.e.  Compute the ratio of principal curvatures
 *    i.e.  Compute the ratio (hXX + hYY)*(hXX + hYY)/(hXX*hYY - hXY*hXY);
 *     The 2D hessian of the DoG operator is computed via finite difference schemes.
 *    in  @param dog  : difference of Gaussians
 *    out @param keys : candidate keypoints
 * Note:
 *  - No keypoint is removed here
static void keypoints_compute_edge_response(struct sift_scalespace *d, struct sift_keypoints *keys)
    for(int k=0; k<keys->size; k++)
        /* Loading keypoint and associated octave */
        struct keypoint* key = keys->list[k];
        int o = key->o;
        int s = key->s;
        int i = key->i;
        int j = key->j;
        struct octa* octave = d->octaves[o];
        int w = octave->w;
        int h = octave->h;
        float* im = &octave->imStack[s*w*h];
        /* Compute the 2d Hessian at pixel (i,j) */
        float hXX = im[(i-1)*w+j]+im[(i+1)*w+j]-2*im[i*w+j];
        float hYY = im[i*w+(j+1)]+im[i*w+(j-1)]-2*im[i*w+j] ;
        float hXY = 1./4*((im[(i+1)*w+(j+1)]-im[(i+1)*w+(j-1)])-(im[(i-1)*w+(j+1)]-im[(i-1)*w+(j-1)]));
        /* Harris and Stephen Edge response */
        float edgeResp = (hXX + hYY)*(hXX + hYY)/(hXX*hYY - hXY*hXY);
        key->edgeResp = edgeResp; /* Harris and Stephen computed on the DoG operator */

/** @brief Dissize keys with edge response
 *  in  @param keysIn : list of keypoints, the edge response is stored
 *  out @param keysAccepted : passing
 *  out @param keysRejected : failing
 *  @param threshold on (hXX + hYY)*(hXX + hYY)/(hXX*hYY - hXY*hXY)
 *                   on the ratio of principal curvatures.
static void keypoints_discard_on_edge(struct sift_keypoints *keysIn,
                                      struct sift_keypoints *keysAccept,
                                      float thresh)
    for( int k = 0; k < keysIn->size; k++)
        struct keypoint *key = keysIn->list[k];
        bool isAccepted = ( ABS(key->edgeResp) <=  thresh);
        if (isAccepted == true)
            struct keypoint *copy = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(copy, keysAccept);

/** @brief Attribute a reference orientation to each keypoint of a list
 *   in  @param dx_scalespace, x component (up-bottom)
 *   in  @param dy_scalespace, y component (left-right)
 *   in  @param keysIn     list of keypoints (pointer)
 *   out @param keysOut   list of oriented keypoints
 *            size(keysIn) <= size(keysOut)
 *   @param t  : threshold over a local maxima to constitute a reference orientation
 *   @param lambda_ori : size parameter for the Gaussian window
static void keypoints_attribute_orientations(const struct sift_scalespace *sx,
        const struct sift_scalespace *sy,
        const struct sift_keypoints *keysIn,
        struct sift_keypoints *keysOut,
        int n_bins, float lambda_ori, float t)
    for(int k=0; k<keysIn->size; k++)

        // load keypoint coordinates
        struct keypoint* key = keysIn->list[k];
        float x = key->x;
        float y = key->y;
        float sigma = key->sigma;
        int o = key->o;
        int s = key->s;

        // load scalespace gradient
        int w = sx->octaves[o]->w;
        int h = sx->octaves[o]->h;
        float delta  = sx->octaves[o]->delta;
        const float* dx = &(sx->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h]);
        const float* dy = &(sy->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h]);

        //conversion to the octave's coordinates
        x /= delta;
        y /= delta;
        sigma /= delta;

        /** Accumulate gradient orientation histogram */
        sift_accumulate_orientation_histogram(x, y, sigma, dx, dy, w, h, n_bins, lambda_ori, key->orihist);

        /** Extract principal orientation */
        float* principal_orientations = xmalloc(n_bins*sizeof(float));
        int n_prOri;
        n_prOri = sift_extract_principal_orientations(key->orihist, n_bins, t, principal_orientations); /*t = 0.8 threhsold for secondary orientation */

        /** Updating keypoints and save in new list */
        for(int n = 0; n < n_prOri; n++)
            struct keypoint* copy = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            copy->theta = principal_orientations[n];
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(copy, keysOut);

static void keypoints_attribute_one_orientation(const struct sift_scalespace *sx,
        const struct sift_scalespace *sy,
        struct sift_keypoints *keys,
        int n_bins, float lambda_ori)
    for(int k = 0; k < keys->size; k++)

        // load keypoint coordinates
        struct keypoint* key = keys->list[k];
        float x = key->x;
        float y = key->y;
        float sigma = key->sigma;
        int o = key->o;
        int s = key->s;

        // load scalespace gradient
        int w = sx->octaves[o]->w;
        int h = sx->octaves[o]->h;
        float delta  = sx->octaves[o]->delta;
        const float* dx = &(sx->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h]);
        const float* dy = &(sy->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h]);

        //conversion to the octave's coordinates
        x /= delta;
        y /= delta;
        sigma /= delta;

        /** Accumulate gradient orientation histogram */
        sift_accumulate_orientation_histogram(x, y, sigma, dx, dy, w, h, n_bins,lambda_ori,key->orihist);

        /** Extract principal orientation (includes histogram smoothing)*/
        key->theta = sift_extract_one_orientation(key->orihist, key->n_bins);

static void keypoints_discard_near_the_border(struct sift_keypoints *keysIn,
        struct sift_keypoints *keysAccept,
        int w,
        int h,
        float lambda)
    for( int k = 0; k < keysIn->size; k++)
        struct keypoint *key = keysIn->list[k];
        float x = key->x;
        float y = key->y;
        float sigma = key->sigma;
        bool isAccepted = (x-lambda*sigma > 0.0 )&&( x + lambda*sigma < (float)h)
                          && (y-lambda*sigma > 0.0 )&&( y + lambda*sigma < (float)w);
        if (isAccepted == true)
            struct keypoint *copy = sift_malloc_keypoint_from_model_and_copy(key);
            sift_add_keypoint_to_list(copy, keysAccept);

/** @brief Attribute a feature vector to each keypoint of a list
 *   in  @param dx_scalespace, x component (up to bottom)
 *   in  @param dy_scalespace, y component (left to right)
 *   in  @param keys     list of keypoints to be described
 *   @param n_hist   , the descriptor is an array of nhist^2 weighted histograms.
 *   @param n_ori    , each weighted histogram has n_ori bins.
 *   @param lambda_descr : size parameter for the Gaussian window
 *                         - the Gaussian window has a std dev of lambda_descr X sigma
 *                         - the patch considered has a w of
 *                         2*(1+1/n_hist)*lambda_descr X sigma
static void keypoints_attribute_descriptors(struct sift_scalespace *sx,
        struct sift_scalespace *sy,
        struct sift_keypoints *keys,
        int n_hist,
        int n_ori,
        float lambda_descr)
    int n_descr = n_hist*n_hist*n_ori;

    for (int k = 0; k < keys->size; k++)
        // Loading keypoint gradient scalespaces

        struct keypoint* key = keys->list[k];
        float x = key->x;
        float y = key->y;
        int o = key->o;
        int s = key->s;
        float sigma = key->sigma;
        float theta = key->theta;
        //printf("(k=%d o=%d)", k, o); fflush(stdout);
        // load scalespace gradient
        int w = sx->octaves[o]->w;
        int h = sx->octaves[o]->h;
        float delta  = sx->octaves[o]->delta;
        const float* dx = &(sx->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h]);
        const float* dy = &(sy->octaves[o]->imStack[s*w*h]);

        // conversion to the octave's coordinates
        x /= delta;
        y /= delta;
        sigma /= delta;

        // Compute descriptor representation
        sift_extract_feature_vector(x, y, sigma, theta,
                                    dx, dy, w, h,
                                    n_hist, n_ori, lambda_descr,

        // Threshold and quantization of the descriptor
        sift_threshold_and_quantize_feature_vector(key->descr, n_descr, 0.2);

struct sift_parameters* sift_assign_default_parameters()
    struct sift_parameters* p = xmalloc(sizeof(*p));
    p->n_oct = 8;
    p->n_spo = 3;
    p->sigma_min = 0.8;
    p->delta_min = 0.5;
    p->sigma_in = 0.5;
    p->C_DoG = 0.013333333;  // = 0.04/3
    p->C_edge = 10;
    p->n_bins = 36;
    p->lambda_ori = 1.5;
    p->t = 0.80;
    p->n_hist = 4;
    p->n_ori = 8;
    p->lambda_descr = 6;
    p->itermax = 5;
    return p;

// The number of octaves is limited by the size of the input image
static int number_of_octaves(int w, int h, const struct sift_parameters* p)
    // minimal size (width or height) of images in the last octave
    int hmin = 12;
    // size (min of width and height) of images in the first octave
    int h0 = MIN(w, h) / p->delta_min;
    // number of octaves
    return MIN(p->n_oct, (int) (log(h0 / hmin) / M_LN2) + 1);

// To make the threshold independent of the scalespace discretization along
// scale (number of scale per octave).
static float convert_threshold(const struct sift_parameters* p)
    // converting the threshold to make it consistent
    float k_nspo =  exp(M_LN2 / (float) p->n_spo);
    float k_3 =  exp(M_LN2 / (float) 3);
    return (k_nspo - 1) / (k_3 - 1) * p->C_DoG;

struct sift_keypoints* sift_anatomy(const float* x, int w, int h, const struct sift_parameters* p,
                                    struct sift_scalespace* ss[4],
                                    struct sift_keypoints* kk[6])
    // WARNING
    //  ss[2]: pointers to two scalespace structures for lates use (The Gaussian
    //         scale-space and the DoG scale-space).
    //  kk[6]: pointers to six keypoint lists structure for later use.

    struct sift_keypoints* k = sift_malloc_keypoints();

    // The number of octaves.
    int n_oct = number_of_octaves(w, h, p);

    // adapt the threshold to the scalespace discretization
    float thresh = convert_threshold(p);

    /** scale-space structure */
    struct sift_scalespace* s   = sift_malloc_scalespace_lowe(n_oct,p->n_spo,w,h,p->delta_min,p->sigma_min);
    struct sift_scalespace* d   = sift_malloc_scalespace_dog_from_scalespace(s);
    struct sift_scalespace* sx  = sift_malloc_scalespace_from_model(s);
    struct sift_scalespace* sy  = sift_malloc_scalespace_from_model(s);
    /** list-of-keypoints (Already allocated) */
    struct sift_keypoints* kA   = kk[0];  /* 3D (discrete) extrema   */
    struct sift_keypoints* kB   = kk[1];  /* passing the threshold on DoG  */
    struct sift_keypoints* kC   = kk[2];  /* interpolated 3D extrema (continuous) */
    struct sift_keypoints* kD   = kk[3];  /* passing the threshold on DoG  */
    struct sift_keypoints* kE   = kk[4];  /* passing OnEdge filter */
    struct sift_keypoints* kF   = kk[5];  /* keypoints whose distance to image borders are sufficient */

    /** KEYPOINT DETECTION ***************************************************/
    scalespace_compute(s, x, w, h, p->sigma_in);  /* Builds Lowe's scale-space */

    keypoints_find_3d_discrete_extrema(d, kA, p->n_ori, p->n_hist, p->n_bins);
    keypoints_discard_with_low_response(kA, kB, 0.8*thresh);
    keypoints_interpolate_position(d, kB, kC, p->itermax);
    keypoints_discard_with_low_response(kC, kD, thresh);
    keypoints_discard_on_edge(kD, kE, (p->C_edge+1)*(p->C_edge+1)/p->C_edge);
    keypoints_discard_near_the_border(kE, kF, w, h, 1.0);

    /** KEYPOINT DESCRIPTION *************************************************/
    scalespace_compute_gradient(s,sx,sy); /* Pre-computes gradient scale-space */
    keypoints_attribute_orientations(sx, sy, kF, k, p->n_bins,p->lambda_ori,p->t);
    keypoints_attribute_descriptors(sx, sy, k, p->n_hist,p->n_ori,p->lambda_descr);

    /** scalespace structures*/
    ss[0] = s;
    ss[1] = d;
    ss[2] = sx;
    ss[3] = sy;

    return k;

struct sift_keypoints* sift_anatomy_without_description(const float* x, int w, int h,
        const struct sift_parameters* p,
        struct sift_scalespace* ss[2],
        struct sift_keypoints* kk[5])

    // WARNING
    //  ss[2]: pointers to two scalespace structures for lates use (The Gaussian
    //         scale-space and the DoG scale-space).
    //  kk[5]: pointers to five keypoint lists structure for later use.

    struct sift_keypoints* k = sift_malloc_keypoints();

    // The number of octaves.
    int n_oct = number_of_octaves(w, h, p);

    // Adapt the threshold to the scalespace discretization
    float thresh = convert_threshold(p);

    /** scale-space structure */
    struct sift_scalespace* s   = sift_malloc_scalespace_lowe(n_oct,p->n_spo,w,h,p->delta_min,p->sigma_min);
    struct sift_scalespace* d   = sift_malloc_scalespace_dog_from_scalespace(s);
    /** list-of-keypoints (Already allocated) */
    struct sift_keypoints* kA   = kk[0];  /* 3D (discrete) extrema   */
    struct sift_keypoints* kB   = kk[1];  /* passing the threshold on DoG  */
    struct sift_keypoints* kC   = kk[2];  /* interpolated 3D extrema (continuous) */
    struct sift_keypoints* kD   = kk[3];  /* passing the threshold on DoG  */
    struct sift_keypoints* kE   = kk[4];  /* passing OnEdge filter */

    /** KEYPOINT DETECTION ***************************************************/
    scalespace_compute(s, x, w, h, p->sigma_in);  /* Builds Lowe's scale-space */
    keypoints_find_3d_discrete_extrema(d, kA, p->n_ori, p->n_hist, p->n_bins);
    keypoints_discard_with_low_response(kA, kB, 0.8*thresh);
    keypoints_interpolate_position(d, kB, kC, p->itermax);
    keypoints_discard_with_low_response(kC, kD, thresh);
    keypoints_discard_on_edge(kD, kE, (p->C_edge+1)*(p->C_edge+1)/p->C_edge);
    keypoints_discard_near_the_border(kE, k, w, h, 1.0);

    /** scalespace structures*/
    ss[0] = s;
    ss[1] = d;

    return k;

void sift_anatomy_only_description(const float* x, int w, int h,
                                   const struct sift_parameters* p,
                                   struct sift_keypoints* k)
    int n_oct = number_of_octaves(w, h, p);
    //    printf("n_oct %d\n", n_oct);
    struct sift_scalespace* s   = sift_malloc_scalespace_lowe(n_oct, p->n_spo, w, h, p->delta_min, p->sigma_min);
    struct sift_scalespace* sx  = sift_malloc_scalespace_from_model(s);
    struct sift_scalespace* sy  = sift_malloc_scalespace_from_model(s);

    scalespace_compute(s, x, w, h, p->sigma_in); // build Lowe's scale-space
    scalespace_compute_gradient(s, sx, sy);
// pre-compute gradient scale-space
    keypoints_attribute_descriptors(sx, sy, k, p->n_hist, p->n_ori, p->lambda_descr);


void sift_anatomy_orientation_and_description(const float* x, int w, int h,
        const struct sift_parameters* p,
        struct sift_keypoints* k)
    int n_oct = number_of_octaves(w, h, p);

    struct sift_scalespace* s   = sift_malloc_scalespace_lowe(n_oct, p->n_spo, w, h, p->delta_min, p->sigma_min);
    struct sift_scalespace* sx  = sift_malloc_scalespace_from_model(s);
    struct sift_scalespace* sy  = sift_malloc_scalespace_from_model(s);

    scalespace_compute(s, x, w, h, p->sigma_in);  // build Lowe's scale-space
    scalespace_compute_gradient(s, sx, sy); // pre-compute gradient scale-space
    keypoints_attribute_one_orientation(sx, sy, k, p->n_bins, p->lambda_ori);
    keypoints_attribute_descriptors(sx, sy, k, p->n_hist, p->n_ori, p->lambda_descr);

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