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Tip revision: 5f9de23b90b10fd5eca9e9bc1016bbde75d43ab6 authored by Chaogan-Yan on 16 June 2013, 16:06:36 UTC
Fixed a bug in temporal correlation of two groups of images in Image Calculator;The midline of VMHC results were set to zero.
Tip revision: 5f9de23
function rest_Powerspectrum_start()
%   Prepare for showing the Power Spectrum and the Time course of user specified voxel whose coordinates could be set with SliceViewer
%   By YAN Chao-Gan and Dong Zhang-Ye 101025.
%   State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China, 100875
% 	Mail to Authors:  <a href="">YAN Chao-Gan</a>; <a href="">DONG Zhang-Ye</a> 
%	Version=1.0;
%	Release=20101025;

    [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.img;*.nii;*.nii.gz','Brain Image Files (*.img;*.nii;*.nii.gz)';'*.*', 'All Files (*.*)';}, ...
        'Pick one functional EPI brain map in the dataset''s directory');
    if any(filename~=0) && ischar(filename),	% not canceled and legal
        if ~strcmpi(pathname(end), filesep)%revise pathname to remove extension
            pathname = [pathname filesep];
        theBrainMap 	=[pathname filename];
        theViewer =rest_sliceviewer('ShowImage', theBrainMap);
        %Set the ALFF figure to show corresponding voxel's time-course and its freq amplitude
        theDataSetDir 	=pathname;
        theVoxelPosition=rest_sliceviewer('GetPosition', theViewer);
        theSamplePeriod =inputdlg('Please input the Sample Period: (i.e. TR)', ...
            'REST Power Spectrum');
        theSamplePeriod 	=str2num(theSamplePeriod{1});
        theBandRange =inputdlg('Please input the Band Limit you want to see', ...
            'REST Power Spectrum',1,{'[0.01 0.08]'});
        theBandRange 	=eval(['[',theBandRange{1},']']);
        button = questdlg('Do you want to yoke with structural image (e.g., ch2.nii)?','Yoke with structural image','Yes','No','Yes');
        if strcmpi(button,'Yes')
            [filenameU, pathnameU] = uigetfile({'*.img;*.nii;*.nii.gz','Brain Image Files (*.img;*.nii;*.nii.gz)';'*.*', 'All Files (*.*)';}, ...
            'Pick one Structure brain map for Underlay (e.g., ch2.nii)');
                theNewUnderlay =[pathnameU,filesep,filenameU];
                theViewer2 =rest_sliceviewer('ShowImage', theNewUnderlay);
        rest_powerspectrum('ShowFluctuation', theDataSetDir, theVoxelPosition, ...
            theSamplePeriod, theBandRange);

        %Update the Callback
        theCallback 	='';
        cmdDataSetDir	=sprintf('theDataSetDir= ''%s'';', theDataSetDir);
        cmdBrainMap 	=sprintf('theVoxelPosition=rest_sliceviewer(''GetPosition'', %g);', theViewer);
        cmdSamplePeriod =sprintf('theSamplePeriod= %g;', theSamplePeriod);
        cmdBandRange	=sprintf('theBandRange= [%g, %g];', theBandRange(1), theBandRange(2));
        cmdUpdateWaveGraph	='rest_powerspectrum(''ShowFluctuation'', theDataSetDir, theVoxelPosition, theSamplePeriod, theBandRange);';
        theCallback	=sprintf('%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n',cmdDataSetDir, ...
            cmdBrainMap, cmdSamplePeriod, cmdBandRange, ...
        cmdClearVar ='clear theDataSetDir theVoxelPosition theSamplePeriod theBandRange;';
        rest_sliceviewer('UpdateCallback', theViewer, [theCallback cmdClearVar], 'ALFF Analysis');

        % Update some Message
        theMsg =sprintf('TR( s): %g\nBand( Hz): %g~%g', ...
            theSamplePeriod, theBandRange(1), theBandRange(2) );
        rest_sliceviewer('SetMessage', theViewer, theMsg);
    rest_misc( 'DisplayLastException');

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