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Tip revision: 634d6aabda1b3c0bc7ddfe145dfc34b5018b6f63 authored by ChengLiLab on 17 November 2017, 12:16:24 UTC
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Tip revision: 634d6aa
# TAD_level_local_interactions
# 201170412
# wupz

# 1.1 read CNV data
GM12878_CNV_40kb <- read.table("/lustre/user/liclab/wupz/DNA_seq/CNV_final/GM12878_CNV/ERR091571.sam_ratio.txt",
                            stringsAsFactors = F, header = T)
GM12878_CNV_40kb_block <- FindCNVBlock(freec_ratio = GM12878_CNV_40kb)
head(GM12878_CNV_40kb_block )
dim(GM12878_CNV_40kb_block )

# 1.2 find the gain or loss cnv regions
tmp_dim <- dim(GM12878_CNV_40kb_block)[1] # 
tmp_cnv <- GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$score
cnv_gain_loss_state <- vector() # used for store the state of gain or loss

for (i in 1:(length(tmp_cnv)-2) ) {
  if ( (GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chrom[i+1] ==  GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chrom[i]) & (GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chrom[i+1] ==  GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chrom[i+2]) ) { # the same chrom
    if ( (tmp_cnv[i+1] < tmp_cnv[i]) & (tmp_cnv[i+1] < tmp_cnv[i+2]) ) { # loss fragment
      cnv_gain_loss_state[i] <- "Loss"
    } else if ( (tmp_cnv[i+1] > tmp_cnv[i]) & (tmp_cnv[i+1] > tmp_cnv[i+2]) ) { # gain fragment
      cnv_gain_loss_state[i] <- "Gain"
    } else {
      cnv_gain_loss_state[i] <- "Others"
  } else {
    cnv_gain_loss_state[i] <- "Others" #  start or end of a chromo
length(cnv_gain_loss_state) # [1] 428
cnv_gain_loss_state <- c("Others", cnv_gain_loss_state, "Others")
GM12878_CNV_40kb_block <- cbind(GM12878_CNV_40kb_block, cnv_gain_loss_state = cnv_gain_loss_state)
GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chrom[GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chrom=="X"] <- 23
GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chrom[GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chrom=="Y"] <- 24
sum(GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chromEnd - GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chromStart <= 120000 )
png(filename = "Length of GM12878 CNV blocks.png", width = 1024, height = 1024 )
par(cex = 3, lwd = 3, mgp = c(2.5,1,0))
plot(density(GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chromEnd-GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chromStart), log = "x", 
     xlab = "Length of CNV blocks (bp)", main = "Length of GM12878 CNV blocks")
# lines(density(RPMI8226_CNV_40kb_block$chromEnd-RPMI8226_CNV_40kb_block$chromStart), col = "red")
write.table(x = GM12878_CNV_40kb_block, file = "GM12878_CNV_40kb_block.bed", quote = F, sep = "\t", row.names = F, col.names = F)

# 1.3 For each TAD, calculate region starts and ends and CNVs of this TAD
## use 1...23 as chromosome names
tmp_GM12878_CNV_40kb <- GM12878_CNV_40kb
tmp_GM12878_CNV_40kb$Chromosome[GM12878_CNV_40kb$Chromosome == "X"] <- 23
tmp_GM12878_CNV_40kb$Chromosome[GM12878_CNV_40kb$Chromosome == "Y"] <- 24
# read insulation score data
GM12878_insulation_score <- list()
GM12878_insulation_score_tad <- list()
for ( i in 1:23 ) {
  tmp_chr <- paste0("chr", i)
  GM12878_insulation_score[[i]] <- read.table(paste( "/lustre/user/liclab/lirf/Project/hic/data.2015.6.24/release12.2/resolution_40k/cis/TAD_boundary/", 
                                                  tmp_chr, "_", tmp_chr, "_40k_normalmatrix.txt.is1000001.ids240001.insulation", sep = ""), header = T)
  GM12878_insulation_score_tad[[i]] <- read.table(paste( "/lustre/user/liclab/lirf/Project/hic/data.2015.6.24/release12.2/resolution_40k/cis/TAD_boundary/", 
                                                      tmp_chr, "_", tmp_chr, "_40k_normalmatrix.txt.is1000001.ids240001.insulation.boundaries", sep = ""), header = T)
GM12878_TAD_filter_bed <- vector()
GM12878_TAD_bed <- vector()
for ( i in 1:23  ) {
  print(paste0("chr", i) )
  tmp_GM12878_insulation_score <- GM12878_insulation_score[[i]] 
  tmp_GM12878_insulation_score_tad <- GM12878_insulation_score_tad[[i]]
  # construct TAD file with bed format
  tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed <- cbind(chr = i, 
                            TAD_start = tmp_GM12878_insulation_score_tad$end[-length(tmp_GM12878_insulation_score_tad$end)] - 1, 
                            TAD_end = tmp_GM12878_insulation_score_tad$end[-1] - 40001)
  dim(tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed) # Check numbers
  tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed <- cbind(tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed, cn_mean = apply(X = tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed, MARGIN = 1, FUN = GetCNVofRegions, cnv_files = tmp_GM12878_CNV_40kb, methods = "mean"))
  tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed <- cbind(tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed, cn_median = apply(X = tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed, MARGIN = 1, FUN = GetCNVofRegions, cnv_files = tmp_GM12878_CNV_40kb, methods = "median"))
  GM12878_TAD_bed <- rbind(GM12878_TAD_bed, tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed)
  # keep TAD which length over 160 kb
  tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed <- tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed[ as.numeric(tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed[, 3]) - as.numeric(tmp_GM12878_TAD_bed[, 2]) >= 160000, ]
  dim(tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed) # Check numbers
  # calculate CNV at TAD level
  head(tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed )
  GM12878_TAD_filter_bed <- rbind(GM12878_TAD_filter_bed, tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed)
# check data
dim( GM12878_TAD_bed )
dim( GM12878_TAD_filter_bed )
png(filename = "GM12878 Length of raw TADs.png", width = 1024, height = 1024)
par(cex = 3, lwd = 3, mgp = c(2.5,1,0))
plot(table(as.numeric(GM12878_TAD_bed[, 3])-as.numeric(GM12878_TAD_bed[, 2])), xlim = c(0, 3000000), type = "l",
     xlab = "Length of \"raw\" TADs (bp)", main = "GM12878, distribution of TADs' length", ylab = "Counts")

png(filename = "GM12878 Length of filtered TADs.png", width = 1024, height = 1024)
par(cex = 3, lwd = 3, mgp = c(2.5,1,0))
plot(table(as.numeric(GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[, 3])-as.numeric(GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[, 2])), xlim = c(0, 3000000), type = "l",
     xlab = "Length of \"filtered\" TADs (bp)", main = "GM12878, distribution of TADs' length", ylab = "Counts")
write.table( x = GM12878_TAD_bed, file = "GM12878_TAD_raw.bed", quote = F, sep = "\t", col.names = F, row.names = F )
write.table( x = GM12878_TAD_filter_bed, file = "GM12878_TAD_filter.bed", quote = F, sep = "\t", col.names = F, row.names = F )

## found local intra-chromosome interactions in each TAD
# read Hi-C data of GM12878, 40kb
GM12878_hic_ice_matrix <- list()
GM12878_hic_raw_matrix <- list()
for (i in 1:23) {
  print(paste0("Read GM12878 ICE Hi-C matrix of chr ", i) )
  GM12878_hic_ice_matrix[[i]] <- list()
  GM12878_hic_ice_matrix[[i]][[i]] <- read.table(paste0( "/lustre/user/liclab/lirf/Project/hic/data.2015.6.24/release12.2/resolution_40k/cis/ice_normalization/chr", 
                                                      i, "_40k_normalized_matrix.txt") )
  print(paste0("Read GM12878 raw Hi-C matrix of chr ", i) )
  GM12878_hic_raw_matrix[[i]] <- list()
  GM12878_hic_raw_matrix[[i]][[i]] <- read.table(paste0( "/lustre/user/liclab/lirf/Project/hic/data.2015.6.24/release12.2/resolution_40k/cis/raw/chr", 
                                                      i, "_40k_rawmatrix.txt") )
save.image(file = "20170510.RData")
save(GM12878_hic_raw_matrix, file = "GM12878_hic_raw_matrix_40kb.RData")
save(GM12878_hic_ice_matrix, file = "GM12878_hic_ICE_matrix_40kb.RData")
# calculate TAD-TAD level interaction, use median interaction as represent
GM12878_TAD_filter_HiC_matrix_raw <- list()
GM12878_TAD_filter_HiC_matrix_ice <- list()
for (i in 1:23) {
  print(paste("chr", i))
  tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed <- GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[, 1] == i, ]
  GM12878_TAD_filter_HiC_matrix_raw[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed)[1],  ncol = dim(tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed)[1])
  GM12878_TAD_filter_HiC_matrix_ice[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed)[1],  ncol = dim(tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed)[1])
  tmp_GM12878_hic_raw <- as.matrix( GM12878_hic_raw_matrix[[i]][[i]] )
  tmp_GM12878_hic_ice <- as.matrix( GM12878_hic_ice_matrix[[i]][[i]] )
  diag(tmp_GM12878_hic_raw) <- diag( tmp_GM12878_hic_raw )/2
  diag(tmp_GM12878_hic_ice) <- diag( tmp_GM12878_hic_ice )/2
  print("Calculate median TAD-TAD interactions")
  for (j in 1:dim(tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed)[1] ) {
    for (k in i:dim(tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed)[1] ) {
      print(paste("Raw Hi-C matrix, TAD", j, "with", "TAD", k))
      GM12878_TAD_filter_HiC_matrix_raw[[i]][j, k] <- median( as.vector(as.numeric( FindLocalHicMatrix(region1 = tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[j, ], 
                                                                                                    region2 = tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[k, ], 
                                                                                                    matrix = tmp_GM12878_hic_raw, 
                                                                                                    resolution = 40000) ) ), 
                                                           na.rm = T)
      print(paste("Raw Hi-C matrix, TAD", j, "with", "TAD", k))
      GM12878_TAD_filter_HiC_matrix_ice[[i]][j, k] <- median( as.vector(as.numeric( FindLocalHicMatrix(region1 = tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[j, ], 
                                                                                                    region2 = tmp_GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[k, ], 
                                                                                                    matrix = tmp_GM12878_hic_ice, 
                                                                                                    resolution = 40000) ) ), 
                                                           na.rm = T)

GM12878_TAD_local_intra_hic_matrix_raw <- vector()
GM12878_TAD_local_intra_hic_matrix_ice <- vector()

for ( i in 1:23 ) {
  GM12878_TAD_local_intra_hic_matrix_raw <- c(GM12878_TAD_local_intra_hic_matrix_raw, diag(GM12878_TAD_filter_HiC_matrix_raw[[i]]))
  GM12878_TAD_local_intra_hic_matrix_ice <- c(GM12878_TAD_local_intra_hic_matrix_ice, diag(GM12878_TAD_filter_HiC_matrix_ice[[i]]))

tmp_idx <- ( GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[, 5] == 1 ) | ( GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[, 5] == 2 ) | ( GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[, 5] == 3 )

hist(GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[, 5], breaks = seq(1:9)-1.5 )
png(filename = "GM12878 raw Hi-C matrix 40 kb Local interactions within a TAD.png", width = 1024, height = 1024)
par(cex = 3, lwd = 3, mgp = c(2.5,1,0))
box_local_median_raw <- boxplot(GM12878_TAD_local_intra_hic_matrix_raw[tmp_idx] ~ GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[tmp_idx, 4],
                                main = "Local interactions within a TAD\nraw Hi-C matrix, 40 kb",
                                xlab = "Copy Number",
                                ylab = "Local interaction scores",
                                pch = ".",
                                col = c("blue", "green", "red") )

png(filename = "GM12878 ICE Hi-C matrix 40 kb Local interactions within a TAD.png", width = 1024, height = 1024)
par(cex = 3, lwd = 3, mgp = c(2.5,1,0))
box_local_median_ice <- boxplot( GM12878_TAD_local_intra_hic_matrix_ice[tmp_idx] ~ GM12878_TAD_filter_bed[tmp_idx, 5],
                                 main = "Local interactions within a TAD\nICE Hi-C matrix, 40 kb",
                                 xlab = "Copy Number",
                                 ylab = "Local interaction scores",
                                 pch = ".",
                                 col = c("blue", "green", "red") )

# 1.4 GM12878, Read up- and down-stream TAD regions and calculate its interactions
# 1.4.1 Read files of the upstream or downstream closest TADs to the CNVs
GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD <- read.table("/lustre/user/liclab/wupz/dosageEffect/201703_nc_revise/FISH_TAD_CNV_interactions/GM12878_CNV_nearestUpstream_TAD.bed", 
                                  stringsAsFactors = F)
GM12878_CNV_40kb_downTAD <- read.table("/lustre/user/liclab/wupz/dosageEffect/201703_nc_revise/FISH_TAD_CNV_interactions/GM12878_CNV_nearestDownstream_TAD.bed", 
                                    stringsAsFactors = F)
GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD <- cbind(GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD, GM12878_CNV_40kb_downTAD[, 8:12])
# 1.4.2 calculate the upstreamTAD-downstreamTAD interactions
GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions <- numeric(length = dim(GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD)[1])
tmp_chr <- "chr1"
tmp_GM12878_hic <- read.table( paste( "/lustre/user/liclab/lirf/Project/hic/data.2015.6.24/release12.2/resolution_40k/cis/ice_normalization/", 
                                   tmp_chr, "_40k_normalized_matrix.txt", sep = "") )
for( i in 1:dim(GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD)[1] ) {
  # change hi-c data according to chromosomes
  if ( tmp_chr != paste0("chr", GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[i, 1] ) ) {
    tmp_chr <- paste0("chr", GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[i, 1] )
    tmp_GM12878_hic <- read.table( paste( "/lustre/user/liclab/lirf/Project/hic/data.2015.6.24/release12.2/resolution_40k/cis/ice_normalization/", 
                                       tmp_chr, "_40k_normalized_matrix.txt", sep = "") )
  if( GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[i, 8]!= "." &  GM12878_CNV_40kb_downTAD[i, 8] != "." ) { # not include the border
    GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[i] <- median( as.vector( as.numeric( FindLocalHicMatrix(region1 = GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[i, 8:10], 
                                                                                                   region2 = GM12878_CNV_40kb_downTAD[i, 8:10], 
                                                                                                   matrix = tmp_GM12878_hic, resolution = 40000) ) ) )
## 1.4.3 Generate two random TADs of the same CNV block and find its interactions
### choose large CNV blocks
tmp_index <- GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chromEnd - GM12878_CNV_40kb_block$chromStart >= 5000000
sum( tmp_index ) # [1] 121
head( GM12878_CNV_40kb_block[tmp_index,] )
### select two TADs from the chose CNV blocks
for( tmp_chr in GM12878_CNV_40kb_block[tmp_index, 1] ) {
## 1.4.3 color calculation and distance calculation
tmp_col <- ifelse(GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[, 7] == "Gain", "red", ifelse(GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[, 7] == "Loss", "blue", "green"))
tmp_up_distance <- abs(GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[, 12])
tmp_down_distance <- abs(GM12878_CNV_40kb_downTAD[, 12]) # tmp_distance < 260000 & tmp_distance_2 < 260000 & 
tmp_index <- GM12878_CNV_40kb_downTAD[, 8] != "." & GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[, 8] != "."
tmp_distance_3 <- apply(GM12878_CNV_40kb_downTAD[tmp_index, c(9,10)], 1, mean) - apply(GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[tmp_index, c(9,10)], 1, mean)
## 1.4.4 Statistic figures 
### Interactions vs. distance
png(filename = "GM12878_Interactions_upTAD_downTAD_of_CNV_vs_distance.png", width = 1024, height = 1024)
par(cex = 2.5, mgp = c(1, 0.5, 0))
plot(GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[tmp_index] ~ tmp_distance_3, col = tmp_col[tmp_index])
### Interactions (all) vs. cnv state
png(filename = "GM12878_Interactions_upTAD_downTAD_of_CNV_vs_cnvState.png", width = 1024, height = 1024)
par(cex = 2.5, mgp = c(1, 0.5, 0))
boxplot( GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[tmp_index] ~ GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[tmp_index, 7],
         col = c("red", "blue", "green"))
### Interactions (non-zero) vs. cnv state
png(filename = "GM12878_nonZero_Interactions_upTAD_downTAD_of_CNV_vs_cnvState.png", width = 1024, height = 1024)
par(cex = 2.5, mgp = c(1, 0.5, 0))
boxplot( GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[tmp_index][GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[tmp_index]!=0] ~ GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[tmp_index, 7][GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[tmp_index]!=0],
         col = c("red", "blue", "green"))
tmp_interactions <- GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[tmp_index][GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[tmp_index]!=0]
tmp_cnv_state <- GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[tmp_index, 7][GM12878_CNV_40kb_nearest_TAD_interactions[tmp_index]!=0]
t.test(tmp_interactions[tmp_cnv_state=="Loss"], tmp_interactions[tmp_cnv_state=="Others"])
t.test(tmp_interactions[tmp_cnv_state=="Gain"], tmp_interactions[tmp_cnv_state=="Others"])
### Distance vs. cnv state
png(filename = "GM12878_nonZero_Interactions_upTAD_downTAD_of_CNV_vs_cnvState.png", width = 1024, height = 1024)
par(cex = 2.5, mgp = c(1, 0.5, 0))
boxplot(tmp_distance_3 ~ GM12878_CNV_40kb_upTAD[tmp_index, 7], col = c("red", "blue", "green"))
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