Raw File
Tip revision: 7678bc98d3054f1418371779c6d1050cd1a88b2e authored by Raluca Ada Popa on 04 January 2014, 01:31:06 UTC
small changes to readme
Tip revision: 7678bc9
 * TestCrypto
 * -- tests crypto work; migrated from

#include <util/cryptdb_log.hh>
#include <crypto/pbkdf2.hh>
#include <crypto/ECJoin.hh>
#include <test/TestCrypto.hh>

using namespace NTL;



static void
    enum { nround = 10000 };
    for (uint i = 0; i < nround; i++) {
        size_t len = randomValue() % 1024;
        string plaintext = randomBytes((uint) len);

        string secretKey = randomBytes(16);
        string salt = randomBytes(16);

        AES_KEY * encKey = get_AES_enc_key(secretKey);
        AES_KEY * decKey = get_AES_dec_key(secretKey);

        string enc = encrypt_AES_CBC(plaintext, encKey, salt);
        string dec = decrypt_AES_CBC(enc, decKey, salt);

        assert_s(dec == plaintext, "CBC encryption failed");

        enc = encrypt_AES_CMC(plaintext, encKey);
        dec = decrypt_AES_CMC(enc, decKey);

        assert_s(dec == plaintext, "CMC encryption failed");

        delete encKey;
        delete decKey;

    for (uint i = 0; i < nround; i++) {
        // our blowfish is hacked up to do just 60 bits rather than 64
        uint64_t plaintext = randomValue() >> 4;
        string key = randomBytes(16);
        blowfish k(key);
        uint64_t c = k.encrypt(plaintext);
        uint64_t p2 = k.decrypt(c);

        if (plaintext != p2)
            cerr << "plaintext:  " << hex << plaintext << endl
                 << "ciphertext: " << hex << c << endl
                 << "plaintext2: " << hex << p2 << endl;
        assert_s(plaintext == p2, "BF enc/dec failed");


static void
testOnions () {


static void

    LOG(crypto) << "Test OPE";

    unsigned int noSizes = 6;
    unsigned int plaintextSizes[] = {16, 32, 64,  128, 256, 512, 1024};
    unsigned int ciphertextSizes[] = {32, 64, 128, 256, 288, 768, 1536};

    unsigned int noValues = 100;

    string key = "secret aes key!!";

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < noSizes; i++) {
        unsigned int ptextsize = plaintextSizes[i];
        unsigned int ctextsize =  ciphertextSizes[i];
        LOG(crypto) << "-- testing plaintext size " << ptextsize << " and ciphertext size " << ctextsize;

        OPE * ope = new OPE(string(key, AES_KEY_BYTES), ptextsize, ctextsize);

        //Test it on "noValues" random values
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < noValues; j++) {

            string data = randomBytes(ptextsize/bitsPerByte);

	    // cerr << "data is " << stringToByteInts(data) << "\n";

            string enc = ope->encrypt(data);
	    //cerr << "enc\n";
	    string dec = ope->decrypt(enc);
	    //cerr << "Dec \n";

            //cerr << "enc is " << stringToByteInts(enc) << "\n";
            //cerr << "dec is " << stringToByteInts(dec) << "\n";
            assert_s(valFromStr(dec) == valFromStr(data), "decryption does not match original data "  + StringFromVal(ptextsize) + " " + StringFromVal(ctextsize));
	    //cerr << "After assertions \n";



    LOG(crypto) << "OPE Test OK \n";

static void
    ZZ sum0 = to_ZZ(0);
    ZZ sum1 = to_ZZ(0);

    enum { nrounds = 1000 };
    ZZ marked_balls = to_ZZ(12);

    for (int i = 0; i < nrounds; i++) {
        ZZ seed = RandomBits_ZZ(256);
        ZZ total_balls = to_ZZ(0x40000000);
        ZZ sample0 = HGD(total_balls/2, marked_balls, total_balls-marked_balls,
                         seed, 256, 100);
        ZZ sample1 = HGD(total_balls/2-1, marked_balls, total_balls-marked_balls,
                        seed, 256, 100);
        // cout << "sample0: " << sample0 << endl;
        // cout << "sample1: " << sample1 << endl;
        sum0 += sample0;
        sum1 += sample1;

    if (sum0 == 0 || sum1 == 0 ||
        sum0 == nrounds*marked_balls || sum1 == nrounds*marked_balls)
        cerr << "HGD is broken, with high probability: "
             << nrounds << " "
             << marked_balls << " "
             << sum0 << " "
             << sum1 << endl;

static void


static void
printhex(const char *s, const u_int8_t *buf, size_t len)
    size_t i;

    printf("%s: ", s);
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        printf("%02x", buf[i]);

static void
     * Test vectors from RFC 3962
    static struct test_vector {
        u_int rounds;
        const char *pass;
        const char *salt;
        const unsigned char expected[32];
    } test_vectors[] = {
                0xcd, 0xed, 0xb5, 0x28, 0x1b, 0xb2, 0xf8, 0x01,
                0x56, 0x5a, 0x11, 0x22, 0xb2, 0x56, 0x35, 0x15,
                0x0a, 0xd1, 0xf7, 0xa0, 0x4b, 0xb9, 0xf3, 0xa3,
                0x33, 0xec, 0xc0, 0xe2, 0xe1, 0xf7, 0x08, 0x37
        }, {
                0x01, 0xdb, 0xee, 0x7f, 0x4a, 0x9e, 0x24, 0x3e,
                0x98, 0x8b, 0x62, 0xc7, 0x3c, 0xda, 0x93, 0x5d,
                0xa0, 0x53, 0x78, 0xb9, 0x32, 0x44, 0xec, 0x8f,
                0x48, 0xa9, 0x9e, 0x61, 0xad, 0x79, 0x9d, 0x86
        }, {
                0x5c, 0x08, 0xeb, 0x61, 0xfd, 0xf7, 0x1e, 0x4e,
                0x4e, 0xc3, 0xcf, 0x6b, 0xa1, 0xf5, 0x51, 0x2b,
                0xa7, 0xe5, 0x2d, 0xdb, 0xc5, 0xe5, 0x14, 0x2f,
                0x70, 0x8a, 0x31, 0xe2, 0xe6, 0x2b, 0x1e, 0x13
        }, {
            "\0224VxxV4\022",     /* 0x1234567878563412 */
                0xd1, 0xda, 0xa7, 0x86, 0x15, 0xf2, 0x87, 0xe6,
                0xa1, 0xc8, 0xb1, 0x20, 0xd7, 0x06, 0x2a, 0x49,
                0x3f, 0x98, 0xd2, 0x03, 0xe6, 0xbe, 0x49, 0xa6,
                0xad, 0xf4, 0xfa, 0x57, 0x4b, 0x6e, 0x64, 0xee
        }, {
            "pass phrase equals block size",
                0x13, 0x9c, 0x30, 0xc0, 0x96, 0x6b, 0xc3, 0x2b,
                0xa5, 0x5f, 0xdb, 0xf2, 0x12, 0x53, 0x0a, 0xc9,
                0xc5, 0xec, 0x59, 0xf1, 0xa4, 0x52, 0xf5, 0xcc,
                0x9a, 0xd9, 0x40, 0xfe, 0xa0, 0x59, 0x8e, 0xd1
        }, {
            "pass phrase exceeds block size",
                0x9c, 0xca, 0xd6, 0xd4, 0x68, 0x77, 0x0c, 0xd5,
                0x1b, 0x10, 0xe6, 0xa6, 0x87, 0x21, 0xbe, 0x61,
                0x1a, 0x8b, 0x4d, 0x28, 0x26, 0x01, 0xdb, 0x3b,
                0x36, 0xbe, 0x92, 0x46, 0x91, 0x5e, 0xc8, 0x2a
        }, {
            "\360\235\204\236",     /* g-clef (0xf09d849e) */
                0x6b, 0x9c, 0xf2, 0x6d, 0x45, 0x45, 0x5a, 0x43,
                0xa5, 0xb8, 0xbb, 0x27, 0x6a, 0x40, 0x3b, 0x39,
                0xe7, 0xfe, 0x37, 0xa0, 0xc4, 0x1e, 0x02, 0xc2,
                0x81, 0xff, 0x30, 0x69, 0xe1, 0xe9, 0x4f, 0x52

    for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof(test_vectors) / sizeof(test_vectors[0]);
         i++) {
        struct test_vector *vec = &test_vectors[i];
        LOG(test) << "vector " << i;
        for (uint j = 1; j < 32; j += 3) {
            string k = pbkdf2(string(vec->pass),
                              j, vec->rounds);
            if (memcmp(&k[0], vec->expected, j) != 0) {
                printhex(" got", (uint8_t *) &k[0], j);
                printhex("want", vec->expected, j);
                cerr << "pbkdf2 mismatch\n";
            } else {
                // LOG(test) << "pbkdf2 " << i << " " << j << " ok";

unsigned int * to_vec(const list<unsigned int> & lst);

unsigned int *
to_vec(const list<unsigned int> & lst)
    unsigned int * vec = new unsigned int[lst.size()];

    unsigned int index = 0;
    for (list<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end();
         it++) {
        vec[index] = *it;

    return vec;

static void
    LOG(test) << "   -- test Song-Wagner-Perrig crypto ...";

    Binary mediumtext = Binary::toBinary("hello world!");
    Binary smalltext = Binary::toBinary("hi");
    Binary emptytext = Binary::toBinary("");
    Binary exacttext = Binary::toBinary("123456789012345");

    LOG(test) << "        + test encrypt/decrypt";

    list<Binary> lst = {mediumtext, smalltext, emptytext, exacttext};

    Binary key = Binary::toBinary("this is a secret key").subbinary(0, 16);

    //test encryption/decryption

    list<Binary> * result = SWP::encrypt(key, lst);
    list<Binary> * decs = SWP::decrypt(key, *result);

    list<Binary>::iterator lstit = lst.begin();

    unsigned int index = 0;
    for (list<Binary>::iterator it = decs->begin(); it!=decs->end(); it++) {
        assert_s((*it) == (*lstit), "incorrect decryption at " +

    //test searchability

    LOG(test) << "        + test searchability";

    Binary word1 = Binary::toBinary("ana");
    Binary word2 = Binary::toBinary("dana");
    Binary word3 = Binary::toBinary("n");
    Binary word4 = Binary::toBinary("");
    Binary word5 = Binary::toBinary("123ana");

    list<Binary> vec1 =
    {word1, word2, word1, word3, word4, word5, word1, word1};
    list<Binary> vec2 = {};
    list<Binary> vec3 = {word2, word3, word4, word5};
    list<Binary> vec4 = {word1};

    list<Binary> * encs = SWP::encrypt(key, vec1);
    Token token = SWP::token(key, word1);

    list<unsigned int> * indexes = SWP::search(token, *encs);
    assert_s(indexes->size() == 4,
                 "incorrect number of findings in vec1, expected 4, returned ")
    unsigned int * vec_ind = to_vec(*indexes);
    assert_s(vec_ind[0] == 0, "incorrect index found for entry 0");
    assert_s(vec_ind[1] == 2, "incorrect index found for entry 1");
    assert_s(vec_ind[2] == 6, "incorrect index found for entry 2");
    assert_s(vec_ind[3] == 7, "incorrect index found for entry 3");

    indexes = SWP::search(SWP::token(key, word1), *SWP::encrypt(key, vec2));
    assert_s(indexes->size() == 0, "incorrect number of findings in vec2");

    indexes = SWP::search(SWP::token(key, word1), *SWP::encrypt(key, vec3));
    assert_s(indexes->size() == 0, "incorrect number of findings in vec3");

    indexes = SWP::search(SWP::token(key, word1), *SWP::encrypt(key, vec4));
    assert_s(indexes->size() == 1, "incorrect number of findings in vec4");
        indexes->front() == 0, "incorrect index found for entry 0 in vec4");

    //test encrypt/decrypt wrappers

    LOG(test) << "        + test wrappers";

    list<Binary> lstw = {mediumtext, smalltext, emptytext,  exacttext};

    Binary encw = CryptoManager::encryptSWP(key, lstw);
    list<Binary> * decw = CryptoManager::decryptSWP(key, encw);

    list<Binary>::iterator wit = lstw.begin();

    index = 0;
    for (list<Binary>::iterator it = decw->begin(); it!=decw->end(); it++) {
        assert_s((*it) == (*wit), "incorrect decryption at " +

    //test searchability

    Binary overall_ciph = CryptoManager::encryptSWP(key, vec1);
    token = CryptoManager::token(key, word1);

    indexes = CryptoManager::searchSWP(token, overall_ciph);
    assert_s(indexes->size() == 4,
                 "incorrect number of findings in vec1, expected 4, returned ")
    vec_ind = to_vec(*indexes);
    assert_s(vec_ind[0] == 0, "incorrect index found for entry 0");
    assert_s(vec_ind[1] == 2, "incorrect index found for entry 1");
    assert_s(vec_ind[2] == 6, "incorrect index found for entry 2");
    assert_s(vec_ind[3] == 7, "incorrect index found for entry 3");
             "incorrect found flad in vec2");

    indexes = CryptoManager::searchSWP(CryptoManager::token(key,
                                       CryptoManager::encryptSWP(key, vec2));
        indexes != NULL && indexes->size() == 0,
        "incorrect number of findings in vec2");
             "incorrect found flad in vec2");

    indexes = CryptoManager::searchSWP(CryptoManager::token(key,
                                       CryptoManager::encryptSWP(key, vec3));
        indexes != NULL && indexes->size() == 0,
        "incorrect number of findings in vec3");
             "incorrect found flag in vec3");

    indexes = CryptoManager::searchSWP(CryptoManager::token(key,
                                       CryptoManager::encryptSWP(key, vec4));
        indexes != NULL && indexes->size() == 1,
        "incorrect number of findings in vec4");
        indexes->front() == 0, "incorrect index found for entry 0 in vec4");
             "incorrect found flag in vec4");

    LOG(test) << "   -- OK";


static void
testECJoin() {

       LOG(test) << "   -- EC setup";

    ECJoin * ecj = new ECJoin();

    AES_KEY * baseKey = get_AES_KEY("secret key master");
    ECJoinSK * sk1 = ecj->getSKey(baseKey, "secret key for col 1");
    ECJoinSK * sk2 = ecj->getSKey(baseKey, "secret key for col 2");
    ECJoinSK * sk3 = ecj->getSKey(baseKey, "secret key for col 3");

    string data1 = "hello world";
    string data2 = "data2";
    string data3 = "hello world";

    /** test encryption **/

        LOG(test) << "   -- test EC encryption";

    string c1sk1 = ecj->encrypt(sk1, data1);
    string c1sk2 = ecj->encrypt(sk2, data1);
    string c2sk1 = ecj->encrypt(sk1, data2);
    string c2sk2 = ecj->encrypt(sk2, data2);
    string c3sk1 = ecj->encrypt(sk1, data3);
    string c3sk2 = ecj->encrypt(sk2, data3);

    assert_s(c1sk1 != c1sk2, "encryption returns same thing for two different keys");
    assert_s(c1sk1 != c2sk1, "encryption the same for two different items");
    assert_s(c1sk1 == c3sk1, "encryption is different for the same value");
    assert_s(c1sk2 == c3sk2, "encryption is different for the same value");

    /*** test adjustability **/

    LOG(test) << "   -- adjust forward";

    ECDeltaSK * delta = ecj->getDeltaKey(sk1, sk2);

    /* adjust from k1 --> k2 */

    string c1sk1TOsk2 = ECJoin::adjust(delta, c1sk1);
    string c3sk1TOsk2 = ECJoin::adjust(delta, c3sk1);

    assert_s(c1sk1TOsk2 == c1sk2, "adjusting does not work properly");
    assert_s(c1sk1TOsk2 != c2sk2, "adjusting is incorrect");
    assert_s(c1sk1TOsk2 == c3sk2, "adjusting does not work well");
    assert_s(c3sk1TOsk2 == c1sk2, "adjusting does not work correctly");

    /* test backwards adjustability k2 --> k1 */

        LOG(test) << "   -- adjust backward";

    ECDeltaSK * deltaBack = ecj->getDeltaKey(sk2, sk1);

    string c1sk2TOsk1 = ECJoin::adjust(deltaBack, c1sk2);
    string c3sk2TOsk1 = ECJoin::adjust(deltaBack, c3sk2);

    assert_s(c1sk2TOsk1 == c1sk1, "adjusting back incorrect");
    assert_s(c1sk2TOsk1 !=  c1sk2, "adjusting back incorrect");
    assert_s(c3sk2TOsk1 == c1sk1, "adjusting back is incorrect");

    string c1sk1TOsk2TOsk1 = ECJoin::adjust(deltaBack, c1sk1TOsk2);
    assert_s(c1sk1 == c1sk1TOsk2TOsk1, "adjusting forward/backward does not cancel");

    /* test composable adjustability k1 -> k2 -> k3 == k1 --> k3 */

        LOG(test) << "   -- adjust composability";

    ECDeltaSK * deltask1TOsk3 = ecj->getDeltaKey(sk1, sk3);
    ECDeltaSK * deltask2TOsk3 = ecj->getDeltaKey(sk2, sk3);

    string c1sk1TOsk2TOsk3 = ECJoin::adjust(deltask2TOsk3, c1sk1TOsk2);
    string c2sk1TOsk3 = ECJoin::adjust(deltask1TOsk3, c2sk1);
    string c3sk1TOsk3 = ECJoin::adjust(deltask1TOsk3, c3sk1);

    assert_s(c1sk1TOsk2TOsk3 == c3sk1TOsk3, "adjusting not composable");
    assert_s(c1sk1TOsk2TOsk3 != c2sk1TOsk3, "adjust composability flawed");

    delete delta;
    delete deltaBack;
    delete deltask1TOsk3;
    delete deltask2TOsk3;
    delete sk1;
    delete sk2;
    delete sk3;
    delete ecj;

    LOG(test) << "   -- done!";

static void
testEncTables() {

    uint64_t mkey = 113341234;
    string masterKey = BytesFromInt(mkey, AES_KEY_BYTES);

    cerr << "testing encryption tables ...  \n";

    unsigned int low = 3500;
    unsigned int high = 3600;
    string fieldname = "table4.field2OPE";

    CryptoManager * cm1 = new CryptoManager(masterKey);
    CryptoManager * cm2 = new CryptoManager(masterKey);

    bool isBin;
    uint64_t salt = 38290385;

    for (unsigned int v = low; v < high; v++) {

        string data = StringFromVal(v);

        string enc1 = cm1->crypt(cm1->getmkey(), data, OLID_NUM, fieldname, SECLEVEL::PLAIN_OPE, SECLEVEL::OPE, isBin, 0);
        string enc2 = cm2->crypt(cm2->getmkey(), data, OLID_NUM, fieldname, SECLEVEL::PLAIN_OPE, SECLEVEL::OPE, isBin, 0);
        //cerr << "enc 1 is " << enc1 << " and enc2 " << enc2 << "\n";
        assert_s(enc1 == enc2, "enc with tables does not match enc without enc tables ");

        enc1 = cm1->crypt(cm1->getmkey(), StringFromVal(v), OLID_NUM, fieldname, SECLEVEL::PLAIN_OPE, SECLEVEL::SEMANTIC_OPE, isBin, salt);
        enc2 = cm2->crypt(cm2->getmkey(), StringFromVal(v), OLID_NUM, fieldname, SECLEVEL::PLAIN_OPE, SECLEVEL::SEMANTIC_OPE, isBin, salt);

        assert_s(enc1 == enc2, "enc with tables does not match enc without tables for whole ope onion");

        string dec1 = cm1->crypt(cm1->getmkey(), enc1, OLID_NUM, fieldname, SECLEVEL::SEMANTIC_OPE, SECLEVEL::PLAIN_OPE, isBin, salt);
        //cerr << "dec 1 is " << dec1 << "\n";
        assert_s(dec1 == data, "decryption with enc tables incorrect");


    cerr << "DONE.\n";


static void
latency_join(unsigned int notests) {
    ECJoin * ecj = new ECJoin();

        AES_KEY * baseKey = get_AES_KEY("secret key master");
        ECJoinSK * sk1 = ecj->getSKey(baseKey, "secret key for col 1");
        ECJoinSK * sk2 = ecj->getSKey(baseKey, "secret key for col 2");

        string data = "value";

        //eval encryption
        size_t prevent_compiler_optimiz = 0;
        string enc_sk1 = "";

        Timer t;

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
            enc_sk1 = ecj->encrypt(sk1, data);
            prevent_compiler_optimiz += enc_sk1.size();

        double timeEnc = t.lap_ms() / notests;

        if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
            cerr << "lucky case\n";

        //eval adjusting

        ECDeltaSK * delta = ecj->getDeltaKey(sk1, sk2);
        string enc_sk2 = ecj->encrypt(sk2, data);

        prevent_compiler_optimiz = 0;
        string enc_sk1TOsk2 = "";


        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
            enc_sk1TOsk2 = ECJoin::adjust(delta, enc_sk1);
            prevent_compiler_optimiz += enc_sk1TOsk2.size();

        double timeJoin = t.lap_ms() / notests;

        if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
                cerr << "lucky case\n";

        //just making sure everything worked
        assert_s(enc_sk1TOsk2 == enc_sk2, "something went wrong");

        cerr << "join encrypt " << timeEnc << "ms join adjust " << timeJoin << "ms \n";


static void
latency_search(unsigned int notests) {

    Binary key("secret key maste");

    list<Binary> * words = new list<Binary>();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests; i++) {

    //eval encryption

    Timer t;

    list<Binary> * encs = SWP::encrypt(key, *words);

    double timeEnc = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    //eval decryption


    list<Binary> * decs = SWP::decrypt(key, *encs);

    double timeDec = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    //sanity check
    assert_s(words->front() == decs->front(), "something went wrong");

    //evaluate search

    Token token = SWP::token(key, words->back());


    list<unsigned int> * search_res = SWP::search(token, *encs);

    double timeSearch = t.lap_ms()/ notests;

    //sanity check
    assert_s(search_res->size() > 0 && search_res->back() == words->size() - 1, "did not find the word");

    cerr << "SWP encrypt " << timeEnc << "ms SWP decrypt " << timeDec << "ms SWP search " << timeSearch << "ms \n";


static void
    for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        CryptoManager cm(randomBytes(128));
        uint32_t v0 = randomValue() & 0xffffffff;
        uint32_t v1 = randomValue() & 0xffffffff;
        string c0 = cm.encrypt_Paillier(v0);
        string c1 = cm.encrypt_Paillier(v1);
        assert(v0 == (uint32_t) cm.decrypt_Paillier(c0));
        assert(v1 == (uint32_t) cm.decrypt_Paillier(c1));

        string cs = homomorphicAdd(c0, c1, cm.getPKInfo());
        assert(v0 + v1 == (uint32_t) cm.decrypt_Paillier(cs));

static void
latency_Paillier(unsigned int notests, unsigned int notestsagg) {

    int data = 4389839;

    CryptoManager * cm = new CryptoManager("secret key maste");

    string enc;
    //eval encryption

    size_t prevent_compiler_optimiz = 0;

    Timer t;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
        enc = cm->encrypt_Paillier(data);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += enc.size();

    double timeEnc = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";
    //eval decryption

    int dec;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
            dec = cm->decrypt_Paillier(enc);
            prevent_compiler_optimiz += dec % 100;

    double timeDec = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    //sanity check
    assert_s(data == dec, "something went wrong");

    //evaluate aggregation

    string res;

    ZZ a = ZZFromStringFast(padForZZ(enc));
    ZZ b = ZZFromStringFast(padForZZ(enc));
    ZZ n2 = ZZFromStringFast(padForZZ(cm->getPKInfo()));

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notestsagg ; i++) {
        a = MulMod(a, b, n2);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += a.size();

    double timeAdd = t.lap_ms()/ notestsagg;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";

    cerr << "HOM encrypt " << timeEnc << "ms HOM decrypt " << timeDec << "ms HOM add "
            << timeAdd << "ms \n";


static void
latency_OPE(unsigned int notests) {

    uint32_t data = 4389839;

    CryptoManager * cm = new CryptoManager("secret key maste");

    uint64_t enc;
    //eval encryption

    uint64_t prevent_compiler_optimiz = 0;

    OPE * opeKey = cm->get_key_OPE("field0");

    Timer t;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
        enc = cm->encrypt_OPE(data, opeKey);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += enc % 10;

    double timeEnc = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";
    //eval decryption

    uint32_t dec;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
            dec = cm->decrypt_OPE(enc, opeKey);
            prevent_compiler_optimiz += dec % 10;

    double timeDec = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";
    //sanity check
    assert_s(data == dec, "something went wrong");

    //evaluate aggregation

   uint64_t a = 3289234;


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {

        prevent_compiler_optimiz += (a>enc);

    double timeAdd = t.lap_ms()/ notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";

    cerr << "OPE encrypt " << timeEnc << "ms OPE decrypt " << timeDec << "ms OPE compare "
            << timeAdd << "ms \n";


static void
latency_basics(unsigned int notests) {

    uint64_t int_data = 2742935345345384;
    string str_data = randomBytes(1024);
    string salt = "2742935345345384";
    uint64_t int_enc, int_dec;
    string   str_enc, str_dec;
    string key = "secret key maste";

    AES_KEY * enckey = get_AES_enc_key(key);
    AES_KEY * deckey = get_AES_dec_key(key);

    blowfish * bf = new blowfish(key);

    //============ BLOWFISH ==============

    uint64_t prevent_compiler_optimiz = 0;

    Timer t;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
        int_enc = bf->encrypt(int_data);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += int_enc % 10;

    double timeEnc = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";
    //eval decryption


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
        int_dec = bf->decrypt(int_enc);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += int_dec % 10;

    double timeDec = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";
    //sanity check
    assert_s(int_data == int_dec, "something went wrong with blowfish");

    cerr << "Blowfish encrypt " << timeEnc << "ms Blowfish decrypt " << timeDec << "ms \n";

    //============= CBC = RND ===================

    prevent_compiler_optimiz = 0;


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
        str_enc = encrypt_AES_CBC(str_data, enckey, salt);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += (int)str_enc[0];

    timeEnc = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";
    //eval decryption


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
        str_dec = decrypt_AES_CBC(str_enc, deckey, salt);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += (int)str_dec[0];

    timeDec = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";
    //sanity check
    assert_s(str_data == str_dec, "something went wrong with cbc");

    cerr << "CBC encrypt " << timeEnc << "ms CBC decrypt " << timeDec << "ms \n";

    //============== CMC = DET ====================

    prevent_compiler_optimiz = 0;


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
        str_enc = encrypt_AES_CMC(str_data, enckey);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += (int)str_enc[0];

    timeEnc = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";
    //eval decryption


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < notests ; i++) {
        str_dec = decrypt_AES_CMC(str_enc, deckey);
        prevent_compiler_optimiz += (int)str_dec[0];

    timeDec = t.lap_ms() / notests;

    if (prevent_compiler_optimiz % 297973 == 0) {
        cerr << "lucky case\n";

    //sanity check
    assert_s(str_data == str_dec, "something went wrong with cmc");

    cerr << "CMC encrypt " << timeEnc << "ms CMC decrypt " << timeDec << "ms \n";


static void
latency() {

    latency_Paillier(100, 10000);

TestCrypto::run(const TestConfig &tc, int argc, char ** argv)

    if (argc == 2) {
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "latency") == 0) {
    cerr << "TESTING CRYPTO" << endl;
    cerr << "Testing basics.." << endl;
    cerr << "Onion tests .. " << endl;
    cerr << "Testing OPE..." << endl;
    cerr << "Testing HGD..." << endl;
    cerr << "Testing PKCS..." << endl;
    cerr << "Testing SWP Search ... " << endl;
    cerr << "Testing PBKDF2" << endl;
    cerr << "Testing ECJoin " << endl;
    cerr << "Testing Paillier... " << endl;

    cerr << "Done! All crypto tests passed." << endl;
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