Raw File
Tip revision: 5c91a74e13167dac1e1132d41247531f8e5ece66 authored by Daniel Tremblay on 20 June 2022, 14:51:53 UTC
Merge pull request #8 from ElementAI/prepare_transfer
Tip revision: 5c91a74
*ServiceNow completed its acquisition of Element AI on January 8, 2021. All references to Element AI in the materials that are part of this project should refer to ServiceNow.*


## Set up docker
go to folder docker in this project, execute
docker build -f Dockerfile -t boris_tadam .

launch docker

NV_GPU=0 nvidia-docker run -p 1250:8888 -p 1251:6006 -p 1252:6007 -p 1253:6008 -v /mnt/datasets/public/:/mnt/datasets/public/ -v /mnt/home/boris:/mnt/home/boris -t -d --name boris_tadam_explore boris_tadam

iPython session should be available at http://machine_ip:1250/, password is "default". Datasets are mapped inside docker in /mnt/datasets/public/ folder.
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