Raw File
Tip revision: 3579612cbfec20e43cb2c7b8311c50851ae4fc4a authored by S M T Chua on 25 February 2022, 04:08:37 UTC
Merge pull request #380 from GeoscienceAustralia/develop
Tip revision: 3579612
#   This Python module is part of the PyRate software package.
#   Copyright 2022 Geoscience Australia
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
# coding: utf-8
This Python module runs the main PyRate correction workflow
import shutil
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pickle as cp
from typing import List
import sys

import pyrate.constants as C
from pyrate.core import (shared, algorithm, mpiops)
from pyrate.core.aps import spatio_temporal_filter
from pyrate.core.covariance import maxvar_vcm_calc_wrapper
from pyrate.core.mst import mst_calc_wrapper
from pyrate.core.orbital import orb_fit_calc_wrapper
from pyrate.core.dem_error import dem_error_calc_wrapper
from pyrate.core.phase_closure.closure_check import iterative_closure_check, mask_pixels_with_unwrapping_errors, \
from pyrate.core.ref_phs_est import ref_phase_est_wrapper
from pyrate.core.refpixel import ref_pixel_calc_wrapper
from pyrate.core.shared import PrereadIfg, Ifg, get_tiles, mpi_vs_multiprocess_logging, join_dicts, \
        nan_and_mm_convert, save_numpy_phase
from pyrate.core.logger import pyratelogger as log
from pyrate.configuration import Configuration, MultiplePaths, ConfigException


def _create_ifg_dict(params):
    Save the preread_ifgs dict with information about the ifgs that are
    later used for fast loading of Ifg files in IfgPart class

    :param list dest_tifs: List of destination tifs
    :param dict params: Config dictionary
    :param list tiles: List of all Tile instances

    :return: preread_ifgs: Dictionary containing information regarding
                interferograms that are used later in workflow
    :rtype: dict
    dest_tifs = [ifg_path for ifg_path in params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]]
    ifgs_dict = {}
    process_tifs = mpiops.array_split(dest_tifs)
    for d in process_tifs:
        ifg = Ifg(d.tmp_sampled_path) # get the writable copy
        nan_and_mm_convert(ifg, params)
        ifgs_dict[d.tmp_sampled_path] = PrereadIfg(
        ifg.write_modified_phase() # update phase converted to mm
    ifgs_dict = join_dicts(mpiops.comm.allgather(ifgs_dict))

    ifgs_dict = mpiops.run_once(__save_ifgs_dict_with_headers_and_epochs, dest_tifs, ifgs_dict, params, process_tifs)

    params[C.PREREAD_IFGS] = ifgs_dict
    return ifgs_dict

def __save_ifgs_dict_with_headers_and_epochs(dest_tifs, ifgs_dict, params, process_tifs):
    tmpdir = params[C.TMPDIR]
    if not os.path.exists(tmpdir):

    preread_ifgs_file = Configuration.preread_ifgs(params)
    nifgs = len(dest_tifs)
    # add some extra information that's also useful later
    gt, md, wkt = shared.get_geotiff_header_info(process_tifs[0].tmp_sampled_path)
    epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs_dict)[0]'Found {} unique epochs in the {} interferogram network'.format(len(epochlist.dates), nifgs))
    ifgs_dict['epochlist'] = epochlist
    ifgs_dict['gt'] = gt
    ifgs_dict['md'] = md
    ifgs_dict['wkt'] = wkt
    # dump ifgs_dict file for later use
    cp.dump(ifgs_dict, open(preread_ifgs_file, 'wb'))

    for k in ['gt', 'epochlist', 'md', 'wkt']:

    return ifgs_dict

def _copy_mlooked(params):
    Make a copy of the multi-looked files in the 'tmp_sampled_path'
    for manipulation during correct steps
    """"Copying input files into tempdir for manipulation during 'correct' steps")
    mpaths = params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]
    process_mpaths = mpiops.array_split(mpaths)
    for p in process_mpaths:
        shutil.copy(p.sampled_path, p.tmp_sampled_path)
        Path(p.tmp_sampled_path).chmod(0o664)  # assign write permission as prepifg output is readonly

def main(config):
    Top level function to perform PyRate workflow on given interferograms

    :param dict params: Dictionary of configuration parameters

    :return: refpt: tuple of reference pixel x and y position
    :rtype: tuple
    :return: maxvar: array of maximum variance values of interferograms
    :rtype: ndarray
    :return: vcmt: Variance-covariance matrix array
    :rtype: ndarray
    params = config.__dict__
    mpi_vs_multiprocess_logging("correct", params)


    return correct_ifgs(config)

def _update_params_with_tiles(params: dict) -> None:
    ifg_path = params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES][0].tmp_sampled_path
    rows, cols = params["rows"], params["cols"]
    tiles = mpiops.run_once(get_tiles, ifg_path, rows, cols)
    # add tiles to params
    params[C.TILES] = tiles

def phase_closure_wrapper(params: dict, config: Configuration) -> dict:
    This wrapper will run the iterative phase closure check to return a stable
    list of checked interferograms, and then mask pixels in interferograms that
    exceed the unwrapping error threshold.
    :param params: Dictionary of PyRate configuration parameters. 
    :param config: Configuration class instance.
    :return: params: Updated dictionary of PyRate configuration parameters.

    if not params[C.PHASE_CLOSURE]:"Phase closure correction is not required!")

    rets = iterative_closure_check(config)
    if rets is None:"Zero loops are returned from the iterative closure check.")
        log.warning("Abandoning phase closure correction without modifying the interferograms.")
    ifg_files, ifgs_breach_count, num_occurences_each_ifg = rets

    # update params with closure checked ifg list
        mpiops.run_once(update_ifg_list, ifg_files, params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES])

    if mpiops.rank == 0:
        with open(config.phase_closure_filtered_ifgs_list(params), 'w') as f:
            lines = [p.converted_path + '\n' for p in params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]]

    # mask ifgs with nans where phase unwrap threshold is breached
    if mpiops.rank == 0:
        mask_pixels_with_unwrapping_errors(ifgs_breach_count, num_occurences_each_ifg, params)

    _create_ifg_dict(params) # update the preread_ifgs dict

    ifg_paths = [ifg_path.tmp_sampled_path for ifg_path in params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]]
    # update/save the phase_data in the tiled numpy files
    save_numpy_phase(ifg_paths, params)

    return params

correct_steps = {
    'orbfit': orb_fit_calc_wrapper,
    'refphase': ref_phase_est_wrapper,
    'phase_closure': phase_closure_wrapper,
    'demerror': dem_error_calc_wrapper,
    'mst': mst_calc_wrapper,
    'apscorrect': spatio_temporal_filter,
    'maxvar': maxvar_vcm_calc_wrapper,

def correct_ifgs(config: Configuration) -> None:
    Top level function to perform PyRate workflow on given interferograms
    params = config.__dict__

    # work out the tiling and add to params dict

    # create the preread_ifgs dict for use with tiled data

    ifg_paths = [ifg_path.tmp_sampled_path for ifg_path in params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]]

    # create initial tiled phase_data numpy files on disc
    save_numpy_phase(ifg_paths, params)

    params[C.REFX_FOUND], params[C.REFY_FOUND] = ref_pixel_calc_wrapper(params)

    # run through the correct steps in user specified sequence
    for step in params['correct']:
        if step == 'phase_closure':
            correct_steps[step](params, config)
            correct_steps[step](params)"Finished 'correct' step")

def __validate_correct_steps(params):
    for step in params['correct']:
        if step not in correct_steps.keys():
            raise ConfigException(f"{step} is not a supported 'correct' step. \n"
                                  f"Supported steps are {correct_steps.keys()}")
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