Raw File
Tip revision: 526e012a7c9de806c57db3f9372465d34a70794a authored by skitaeff on 22 January 2014, 08:33:38 UTC
The repository has been renamed to f2j, which was reflected in read me
Tip revision: 526e012
 * @file f2j.c
 * @author Andrew Cannon
 * @date December 2011
 * @brief Read FITS files and convert them into JPEG 2000.
 * This file contains most of the custom source code for this
 * program for handing FITS->JPEG 2000 conversion.
 * Note that this program assumes that int/float/etc widths are those on the
 * x86/x86_64 platforms.

#include "f2j.h"

#ifdef noise
 * Percentage standard deviation of Gaussian noise to be generated in image.  Will be
 * 0.0 unless otheriwse specified by the user on the command line.  The noise defined by
 * this parameter will be added to the raw FITS values before they are transformed into
 * JPEG 2000 pixel intensities.  This is a percentage of the difference between the greatest
 * and least values in the raw FITS data.
double gaussianNoisePctStdDeviation = 0.0;

 * Macro to add Gaussian noise to raw floating point data and ensure that it still
 * remains within its known minimum and maximum values.
	if (gaussianNoisePctStdDeviation >= 0.0000001 || gaussianNoisePctStdDeviation <= -0.0000001) {\
		rawData[index] += (datamax-datamin) * getPctGaussianNoise();\
		if (rawData[index] > datamax) {\
			rawData[index] = datamax;\
		if (rawData[index] < datamin) {\
			rawData[index] = datamin;\

 * Macro to add Gaussian noise to integer pixel intensities, calculate the noise added and
 * add the square of this value to a cumulative total.
 * @param max Maximum pixel intensity in the image.
 * @param noise_min Minimum noise value.  Usually (max+1)/2-1;
 * @param noise_max Maximum noise value.  Usually -(max+1)/2;
#define ADD_GAUSSIAN_NOISE_TO_INTEGER_VALUES(max,noise_min,noise_max) {\
	int oldValue = imageData[ii];\
	imageData[ii] += GET_INTEGER_GAUSSIAN_NOISE();\
	int dif = imageData[ii]-oldValue;\
	unsigned long long int absDif = (unsigned long long int) abs(dif);\
	squareNoiseSum += absDif*absDif;\
	if (writeNoiseField) {\
		noiseData[ii] = dif;\

 * Macro to print out Gaussian noise benchmark, showing the actual PSNR in image after
 * noise has been added and the raw integer data used to calculate that value.
 * @param max Maximum pixel intensity in the image.  Should be an integer.
	if (printNoiseBenchmark) {\
		fprintf(stdout,"[Squared Noise Sum] [Pixels] [Maximum Intensity] [PSNR with noise (dB)]\n");\
		fprintf(stdout,"%llu %zu %d ",squareNoiseSum,len,max);\
		if (squareNoiseSum > 0) {\
		else {\

#endif // noise

 * Macro to truncate data values so that they lie inside a particular range.
 * @param min Smallest permissible value.
 * @param max Largest permissible value.
 * @param var Variable to truncate.
#define FIT_TO_RANGE(min,max,var) {\
	if (var < min) {\
		var = min;\
	else if (var > max) {\
		var = max;\

 * Macro to update index enable vertical flipping of a FITS file after
 * it has been read.
	if (dif >= width) {\
		dif = 0;\
		index -= 2*width;\

#ifdef noise
#define TRANSFORM_END ,writeNoiseField ? noiseField->comps[0].data : NULL,writeNoiseField,printNoiseBenchmark

 * Macro to perform the FITS read operation and then a specified transformation on
 * data from a FITS file.  Use the TRANSFORM_END definition above, which differs
 * depending on whether or not noise is defined in f2j.h.
 * @param type primitive type, such as float or double, specifying the type of the array
 * which will contain data read from the FITS file.
 * @param fitstype CFITSIO constant, such as TFLOAT, specifying the type of the data
 * array that will contain the data read from the FITS file.
 * @param transformFunction Name of the  function used to transform raw input data from the
 * FITS file into output data.
#define READ_AND_TRANSFORM(type,fitstype,transformFunction) { \
	type *imageArray = (type *) malloc(sizeof(type)*info->width*info->height);\
	if (imageArray == NULL) {\
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory to read fram %ld of image.\n",frame);\
		return 1;\
	if (*status != 0) {\
		fprintf(stderr,"Error reading frame %ld of image.\n",frame);\
		return 1;\
	int transformResult = transformFunction(imageArray,imageStruct->comps[0].data,transform,info->width*info->height,info->width TRANSFORM_END);\
	if (transformResult != 0) {\
		fprintf(stderr,"Specified transform could not be performed.\n");\
		return 1;\

 * Macro to encode an image losslessly.  Requires an integer, 'result' to be defined in the
 * same scope.  By reading this integer after this macro is run, it may be checked whether
 * compression was successful.
 * @param image opj_image_t image structure that will be written to a
 * lossless JPEG 2000 file.
 * @param name String to append to output file name.
 * @param nameLength Length of the string name.
 * @param outFileStub Start of output file name.
#define ENCODE_LOSSLESSLY(image,name,nameLength,outFileStub) {\
	OPJ_CODEC_FORMAT losslessCodec = CODEC_JP2;\
	opj_cparameters_t lossless;\
	lossless.tcp_mct = 0;\
	if (lossless.tcp_numlayers == 0) {\
		lossless.tcp_rates[0] = 0;\
		lossless.cp_disto_alloc = 1;\
	char losslessFile[stublen + 6 + nameLength];\
	sprintf(losslessFile,"%s_" name ".jp2",outFileStub);\
	result = createJPEG2000Image(losslessFile,losslessCodec,&lossless,&image);\

 * Displays usage information for f2j.  Exits with EXIT_FAILURE when finished.
void displayHelp() {
	fprintf(stdout,"HELP for f2j\n------------\n\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"- the -h option displays this help information on screen\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"Program Options:\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-h           : display this help information \n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-i           : FITS file to convert to JPEG 2000 (required) \n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-o           : output format (JP2 for standard JPEG 2000 or J2K for raw codestream) \n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-suffix      : suffix to be appended to output file names\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-A           : transform to perform on raw FITS data (such as LOG, NEGATIVE_LOG, RAW, \n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               NEGATIVE_RAW, LINEAR, NEGATIVE_LINEAR, SQRT, NEGATIVE_SQRT, POWER, \n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               NEGATIVE_POWER, SQUARED, NEGATIVE_SQUARED).  Not all transforms are supported \n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               for all FITS file types.\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-LL          : write losslessly compressed JPEG 2000 image(s) in addition to the \n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               (possibly) lossy output\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-x           : first plane of data cube to convert.  If -y is not present, only this plane \n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               will be converted.\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-y           : last plane of data cube to convert.  Must be accompanied with -x.\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-S1          : first stoke of data volume to convert.  If -S2 is not present, only this stoke \n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               will be converted.\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-S2          : last stoke of data volume to convert.  Must be accompanied with -S2.\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-CB          : perform compression benchmarking.  Only produces accurate results if\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               all planes and stokes of a data cube are converted.\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-QB          : perform and display all quality benchmarks.  Benchmarks are calculated for each\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               plane.  Takes precedence over -QB_* options specifying individual tests.\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_FID      : perform and display fideliy quality benchmark\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_PSNR     : perform and display peak signal to noise ratio quality benchmark\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_MAD      : perform and display maximum absolute distortion quality benchmark\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_MSE      : perform and display mean squared error quality benchmark\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_RMSE     : perform and display root mean squared error quality benchmark\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_MAE      : perform and display mean absolute error quality benchmark\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_SE       : perform and display squared error sum quality benchmark\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_AE       : perform and display absolute error sum quality benchmark\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_SI       : perform and display uncompressed squared intensity sum quality benchmark\n\n");

#ifdef noise
	fprintf(stdout,"               Note that if -noise is present, quality benchmarks are performed relative to the\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               image WITH noise added.\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"-QB_RES      : write residual image\n\n");

#ifdef noise
	fprintf(stdout,"-noise       : add Gaussian noise to image pixel intensities to give a specified PSNR\n\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-noise_field : write the noise field added as a result of the -noise parameter to a file\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"-noise_pct   : add Gaussian noise to raw FITS values with a standard deviation specified\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"               as a percentage of the range of FITS values\n\n");

	fprintf(stdout,"JPEG 2000 Compression Options:\n");

	// Display options for JPEG 2000 encoder.  Largely the same as that for image_to_j2k.


#ifdef noise
 * Macro for calling the function getIntegerGaussianNoise() (below) with all its arguments
 * set to null.  Generally, the arguments to this function only need to be set when initialising
 * it (with pixel intensities, random number seeds, etc).  The number of arguments might change
 * (to allow additional parameters to be set) - this macro means that when performing a noise
 * addition to a pixel, the calling function doesn't need to know how many NULLs should be
 * specified.
#define GET_INTEGER_GAUSSIAN_NOISE() getIntegerGaussianNoise(NULL,NULL,NULL)

 * Function that returns a noise value that may be added to a pixel intensity.  These values
 * are normally (Gaussian) distributed with a mean of 0 and standard deviation specified by
 * the user at the command line.  If no noise value is specified at the command line, this
 * function will always return 0.
 * To generate (non-zero) noise, this function must be initialised with the maximum pixel
 * intensity that will appear in the image (255/65535 respectively for images scaled to occupy
 * the full intensity range of 8/16 bit images respectively) and the PSNR (in DB) of the image
 * after noise has been added.  An optional seed for the random number generator may also be
 * specified.  Until noiseDB and maxIntensity have been specified, the function will only return
 * 0.  Until both these values are set, any specified values of noiseDB, maxIntensity or seed will
 * be stored (overwriting any previous stored values) with each function call.  Once these two
 * values are specified, the parameters to the function are ignored and random variates will be
 * return when it is called.
 * If no seed is specified, the random number generator is seeded with the system clock.
 * @param noiseDB PSNR (in DB) of image after noise has been added (used to initialise function).
 * @param maxIntensity Maximum pixel intensity in the image (used to initialise function).
 * @param seed Need for random number generator (used to initialise function).
 * @return Gaussian random variate with mean 0 and standard deviation gaussianNoiseStdDeviation
int getIntegerGaussianNoise(double *noiseDB, int *maxIntensity, unsigned long int *seed) {
	// Have the static variables been properly setup to return Gaussian noise?
	static bool initialised = false;

	// PSNR (in dB) of image after noise has been added.
	static double db = 0.0;
	static bool noiseSet = false;

	// Standard deviation of noise to be generated (as a pixel intensity).
	static double noiseDev = 0.0;

	// Maximum pixel intensity in image.
	static int maxPixelIntensity = 0;
	static bool maxIntensitySet = false;

	// Random number generator seed.
	static unsigned long generatorSeed = 0;
	static bool seedSet = false;

	// Random number generator.
	static gsl_rng *r = NULL;

	if (initialised) {
		return gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(r,noiseDev);
	else {
		// Set random number generator seed.
		if (seed != NULL) {
			generatorSeed = *seed;
			seedSet = true;

		// Set noise (in DB) to be added to image.
		if (noiseDB != NULL) {
			db = *noiseDB;
			noiseSet = true;

		// Set maximum intensity of pixels in image.
		if (maxIntensity != NULL) {
			maxPixelIntensity = *maxIntensity;
			maxIntensitySet = true;

		// Function becomes initialised to start producing random variates at
		// the point when the amount of noise (in DB) to be added and the maximum
		// image pixel intensity are set.
		if (noiseSet && maxIntensitySet) {
			initialised = true;

			// Create random number generator.
			// Allocate/initialise random number generator.
			// Using the Mersenne Twister - this could be changed if necessary.
			r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);

			// Check allocation was successful.
			if (r == NULL) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for random number generator.\n");

			// See if a particular seed was specified, otherwise seed with system time.
			if (seedSet == true) {
			else {

			// Calculate standard deviation for Gaussian noise distribution.
			noiseDev = ((double) maxPixelIntensity) * pow(10.0,-0.05 * db);

		// Return 0 in the case
		return 0;

 * Function that returns a floating point value with mean 0.  These values are normally
 * (Gaussian) distributed with a standard deviation specified by a user command line
 * parameter indicating a percentage (of the difference between the minimum and maximum
 * raw FITS values).  If no such value is specified at the command line, this function
 * will always return 0.0.
 * @return Gaussian random variate with mean 0 and standard deviation gaussianNoisePctStdDeviation
double getPctGaussianNoise() {
	// Always return 0.0 if the specified Gaussian noise distribution is close to 0.
	if (gaussianNoisePctStdDeviation < 0.0000001 && gaussianNoisePctStdDeviation > -0.0000001) {
		return 0.0;
	else {
		// Random number generator.
		static gsl_rng *r = NULL;

		if (r == NULL) {
			// Allocate/initialise random number generator.
			// Using the Mersenne Twister - this could be changed if necessary.
			r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);

			// Check allocation was successful.
			if (r == NULL) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for floating point random number generator.\n");

			// Seed random number generator with system time.
			// Maybe the seed should be fixed in the name of getting reproducible results?
			// Offset time by 100 to ensure this does not match the random number generator
			// in getIntegerGaussianNoise().

		// Return noise value.
		return gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(r,gaussianNoisePctStdDeviation/100.0);

 * Function for transforming a raw array of data from a FITS file (in the form of
 * a long long int array) into grayscale image intensities (between 0 and 2^16-1 inclusive).
 * @param rawData long long int array read from a FITS file using CFITSIO
 * @param imageData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale image intensities.
 * @param transform transform to perform on each datum of rawData to get imageData.
 * @param len - length of rawData & imageData arrays.
 * @param width width of image.
 * @param noiseData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale noise value intensities.  Will only be accessed if writeNoiseField is
 * set to true.  If the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h, this parameter will
 * disappear.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should noise data be written?  If the definition of noise is removed
 * from f2j.h, this parameter will disappear.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if the transform could be performed successfully, 1 otherwise.
int longLongImgTransform(long long int *rawData, int *imageData, transform transform, size_t len, size_t width
#ifdef noise
		, int *noiseData, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	fprintf(stderr,"This data type is not currently supported.\n");
	return 1;

 * Function for transforming a raw array of data from a FITS file (in the form of
 * an int array) into grayscale image intensities (between 0 and 2^16-1 inclusive).
 * @param rawData int array read from a FITS file using CFITSIO
 * @param imageData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale image intensities.
 * @param transform transform to perform on each datum of rawData to get imageData.
 * @param len length of rawData & imageData arrays.
 * @param width width of image.
 * @param noiseData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale noise value intensities.  Will only be accessed if writeNoiseField is
 * set to true.  If the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h, this parameter will
 * disappear.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should noise data be written?  If the definition of noise is removed
 * from f2j.h, this parameter will disappear.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if the transform could be performed successfully, 1 otherwise.
int intImgTransform(int *rawData, int *imageData, transform transform, size_t len, size_t width
#ifdef noise
		, int *noiseData, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	fprintf(stderr,"This data type is not currently supported.\n");
	return 1;

 * Function for transforming a raw array of data from a FITS file (in the form of
 * an unsigned int array) into grayscale image intensities (between 0 and 2^16-1 inclusive).
 * @param rawData unsigned int array read from a FITS file using CFITSIO
 * @param imageData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale image intensities.
 * @param transform transform to perform on each datum of rawData to get imageData.
 * @param len length of rawData & imageData arrays.
 * @param width width of image.
 * @param noiseData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale noise value intensities.  Will only be accessed if writeNoiseField is
 * set to true.  If the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h, this parameter will
 * disappear.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should noise data be written?  If the definition of noise is removed
 * from f2j.h, this parameter will disappear.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if the transform could be performed successfully, 1 otherwise.
int uIntImgTransform(unsigned int *rawData, int *imageData, transform transform, size_t len, size_t width
#ifdef noise
		, int *noiseData, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	fprintf(stderr,"This data type is not currently supported.\n");
	return 1;

 * Function for transforming a raw array of data from a FITS file (in the form of
 * a short array) into grayscale image intensities (between 0 and 2^16-1 inclusive).
 * Very basic parameter checking is performed, but the responsibility for checking
 * parameters are valid and meaningful is largely left to the calling function.
 * @param rawData short array read from a FITS file using CFITSIO
 * @param imageData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale image intensities.
 * @param transform transform to perform on each datum of rawData to get imageData.
 * @param len length of rawData & imageData arrays.
 * @param width width of image.
 * @param noiseData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale noise value intensities.  Will only be accessed if writeNoiseField is
 * set to true.  If the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h, this parameter will
 * disappear.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should noise data be written?  If the definition of noise is removed
 * from f2j.h, this parameter will disappear.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if the transform could be performed successfully, 1 otherwise.
int shortImgTransform(short *rawData, int *imageData, transform transform, size_t len, size_t width
#ifdef noise
		, int *noiseData, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	if (rawData == NULL || imageData == NULL || len < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Data arrays to shortImgTransform cannot be null or empty.\n");
		return 1;

	// Loop variables
	size_t ii;

#ifdef noise
	// Sum of the squared error introduced to image.
	unsigned long long int squareNoiseSum = 0;

	if (transform == RAW) {
		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		// Shift scales (from signed to unsigned) then do a 1-1 mapping.
		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
			imageData[ii] = (int) rawData[index] + 32768;

#ifdef noise


#ifdef noise
		return 0;
	else if (transform == NEGATIVE_RAW) {
		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		// As for linear, but subtract from 65535
		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
			imageData[ii] = 32767 - (int) rawData[index];

#ifdef noise


#ifdef noise
		return 0;

	fprintf(stderr,"This transform is not currently supported for this data type.\n");
	return 1;

 * Function for transforming a raw array of data from a FITS file (in the form of
 * an unsigned short array) into grayscale image intensities (between 0 and 2^16-1 inclusive).
 * Very basic parameter checking is performed, but the responsibility for checking
 * parameters are valid and meaningful is largely left to the calling function.
 * @param rawData unsigned short array read from a FITS file using CFITSIO
 * @param imageData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale image intensities.
 * @param transform transform to perform on each datum of rawData to get imageData.
 * @param len length of rawData & imageData arrays.
 * @param width width of image.
 * @param noiseData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale noise value intensities.  Will only be accessed if writeNoiseField is
 * set to true.  If the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h, this parameter will
 * disappear.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should noise data be written?  If the definition of noise is removed
 * from f2j.h, this parameter will disappear.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if the transform could be performed successfully, 1 otherwise.
int uShortImgTransform(unsigned short *rawData, int *imageData, transform transform, size_t len, size_t width
#ifdef noise
		, int *noiseData, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	if (rawData == NULL || imageData == NULL || len < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Data arrays to uShortImgTransform cannot be null or empty.\n");
		return 1;

	// Loop variables
	size_t ii;

#ifdef noise
	// Sum of the squared error introduced to image.
	unsigned long long int squareNoiseSum = 0;

	if (transform == RAW) {
		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		// Simple raw copying.
		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
			imageData[ii] = (int) rawData[index];

#ifdef noise


#ifdef noise
		return 0;
	else if (transform == NEGATIVE_RAW) {
		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		// As for linear, but subtract from 65535
		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
			imageData[ii] = 65535 - (int) rawData[index];

#ifdef noise


#ifdef noise
		return 0;

	fprintf(stderr,"This transform is not currently supported for this data type.\n");
	return 1;

 * Function for transforming a raw array of data from a FITS file (in the form of
 * an unsigned char array) into grayscale image intensities (between 0 and 255 inclusive).
 * Very basic parameter checking is performed, but the responsibility for checking
 * parameters are valid and meaningful is largely left to the calling function.
 * @param rawData unsigned char array read from a FITS file using CFITSIO
 * @param imageData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale image intensities.
 * @param transform transform to perform on each datum of rawData to get imageData.
 * @param len length of rawData & imageData arrays.
 * @param width width of image.
 * @param noiseData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale noise value intensities.  Will only be accessed if writeNoiseField is
 * set to true.  If the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h, this parameter will
 * disappear.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should noise data be written?  If the definition of noise is removed
 * from f2j.h, this parameter will disappear.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if the transform could be performed successfully, 1 otherwise.
int byteImgTransform(unsigned char *rawData, int *imageData, transform transform, size_t len, size_t width
#ifdef noise
		, int *noiseData, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	if (rawData == NULL || imageData == NULL || len < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Data arrays to byteImgTransform cannot be null or empty.\n");
		return 1;

	// Loop variables
	size_t ii;

#ifdef noise
	// Sum of the squared error introduced to image.
	unsigned long long int squareNoiseSum = 0;

	if (transform == RAW) {
		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		// Simple raw transform
		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
			imageData[ii] = (int) rawData[index];

#ifdef noise


#ifdef noise
		return 0;
	else if (transform == NEGATIVE_RAW) {
		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		// Invert raw transform
		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
			imageData[ii] = 255 - (int) rawData[index];
#ifdef noise


#ifdef noise
		return 0;

	fprintf(stderr,"This transform is not currently supported for this data type.\n");
	return 1;

 * Function for transforming a raw array of data from a FITS file (in the form of
 * a char array) into grayscale image intensities (between 0 and 2^16-1 inclusive).
 * Very basic parameter checking is performed, but the responsibility for checking
 * parameters are valid and meaningful is largely left to the calling function.
 * @param rawData signed char array read from a FITS file using CFITSIO
 * @param imageData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale image intensities.
 * @param transform transform to perform on each datum of rawData to get imageData.
 * @param len length of rawData & imageData arrays.
 * @param width width of image.
 * @param noiseData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale noise value intensities.  Will only be accessed if writeNoiseField is
 * set to true.  If the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h, this parameter will
 * disappear.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should noise data be written?  If the definition of noise is removed
 * from f2j.h, this parameter will disappear.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if the transform could be performed successfully, 1 otherwise.
int sByteImgTransform(signed char *rawData, int *imageData, transform transform, size_t len, size_t width
#ifdef noise
		, int *noiseData, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	if (rawData == NULL || imageData == NULL || len < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Data arrays to sByteImgTransform cannot be null or empty.\n");
		return 1;

	// Loop variables
	size_t ii;

#ifdef noise
	// Sum of the squared error introduced to image.
	unsigned long long int squareNoiseSum = 0;

	if (transform == RAW) {
		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		// Take raw data, shift it to be unsigned.
		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
			imageData[ii] = 128 + (int) rawData[index];

#ifdef noise


#ifdef noise
		return 0;
	else if (transform == NEGATIVE_RAW) {
		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		// Invert raw transform.
		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
			imageData[ii] = 127 + (int) rawData[index];

#ifdef noise


#ifdef noise
		return 0;

	fprintf(stderr,"This transform is not currently supported for this data type.\n");
	return 1;

 * Function for transforming a raw array of data from a FITS file (in the form of
 * a double array) into grayscale image intensities (between 0 and 2^16-1 inclusive).
 * Very basic parameter checking is performed, but the responsibility for checking that
 * parameters are valid and meaningful is largely left to the calling function.
 * @param rawData double array read from a FITS file using CFITSIO
 * @param imageData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale image intensities.
 * @param transform transform to perform on each datum of rawData to get imageData.
 * @param len length of rawData & imageData arrays.
 * @param datamin minimum value in rawData.
 * @param datamax maximum value in rawData.
 * @param width width of image.
 * @param noiseData int array, assumed to be the same length as rawData, to be populated
 * with grayscale noise value intensities.  Will only be accessed if writeNoiseField is
 * set to true.  If the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h, this parameter will
 * disappear.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should noise data be written?  If the definition of noise is removed
 * from f2j.h, this parameter will disappear.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if the transform could be performed successfully, 1 otherwise.
int floatDoubleTransform(double *rawData, int *imageData, transform transform, size_t len, double datamin, double datamax, size_t width
#ifdef noise
		, int *noiseData, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	if (rawData == NULL || imageData == NULL || len < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Data arrays in floatDoubleTransform cannot be null or empty.\n");
		return 1;

	// Loop variables
	size_t ii;

#ifdef noise
	// Sum of the squared error introduced to image.
	unsigned long long int squareNoiseSum = 0;

	if (transform == LOG || transform == NEGATIVE_LOG) {
		double absMin = datamin;
		double zero = 0.0;

		if (datamin < 0.0) {
			absMin = -absMin;
			zero = 2*absMin;
		else if (datamin <= 0.0) {
			absMin = 0.000001;
			zero = absMin;

		double scale = 65535.0/log((datamax+zero)/absMin);

		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
#ifdef noise
			// Read the flipped image pixel.
			imageData[ii] = (int) (scale * log( (rawData[index] + zero) / absMin) );

			// Shouldn't get values outside this range, but just in case.

#ifdef noise

			if (transform == NEGATIVE_LOG) {
				imageData[ii] = 65535 - imageData[ii];


#ifdef noise
		// Print (or don't print) noise simulation benchmarks.
		return 0;
	else if (transform == LINEAR || transform == NEGATIVE_LINEAR) {
		double absMin = datamin;
		double zero = 0.0;

		if (datamin < 0.0) {
			absMin = -absMin;
			zero = absMin;

		double scale = 65535.0/(datamax+zero);

		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
#ifdef noise
			imageData[ii] = (int) (rawData[index] * scale);

#ifdef noise

			if (transform == NEGATIVE_LINEAR) {
				imageData[ii] = 65535 - imageData[ii];


#ifdef noise
		return 0;
	else if (transform == SQRT || transform == NEGATIVE_SQRT) {
		// Scale factor.
		double scale = 0.0;

		if (datamin != datamax) {
			scale = 65535.0/sqrt(datamax-datamin);

		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
#ifdef noise
			imageData[ii] = (int) (scale * sqrt(rawData[index]-datamin));

#ifdef noise

			if (transform == NEGATIVE_SQRT) {
				imageData[ii] = 65535 - imageData[ii];


#ifdef noise
		return 0;
	else if (transform == SQUARED || transform == NEGATIVE_SQUARED) {
		// Scale factor.
		double scale = 0.0;

		if (datamin != datamax) {
			scale = 65535.0/( (datamax-datamin)*(datamax-datamin) );

		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
#ifdef noise
			imageData[ii] = (int) (scale * (rawData[index]-datamin) * (rawData[index]-datamin));

#ifdef noise

			if (transform == NEGATIVE_SQUARED) {
				imageData[ii] = 65535 - imageData[ii];


#ifdef noise
		return 0;
	else if (transform == POWER || transform == NEGATIVE_POWER) {
		// Scale factor.
		double scale = 0.0;

		if (datamin != datamax) {
			scale = 65535.0/( exp(datamax) - exp(datamin) );

		// Offset.
		double offset = 0.0;

		if (datamin != datamax) {
			offset = 65535.0 * exp(datamin) / ( exp(datamin) - exp(datamax) );

		// Variables that enable us to flip the image vertically as we read it in.
		size_t index = len-width;
		size_t dif = 0;

		for (ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
#ifdef noise
			imageData[ii] = (int) (scale * exp(rawData[index]) + offset);

#ifdef noise

			if (transform == NEGATIVE_POWER) {
				imageData[ii] = 65535 - imageData[ii];


#ifdef noise
		return 0;

	fprintf(stderr,"This transform is not currently supported for this data type.\n");
	return 1;

 * Function to open a FITS data file, check that it is a valid data cube that this program
 * may interpret and record some basic information about it.
 * Basic parameter checking is performed, but the responsibility for checking that parameters
 * are valid and meaningful is largely left to the client code.
 * @param ffname FITS file to open.
 * @param fptr Pointer to a pointer to a fitsfile datatype for CFITSIO. Will be populated by this
 * program, allowing it to be used in subsequent IO operations.
 * @param info Data structure containing information about the data cube, including width, length
 * and height.
 * @param status Reference to status variable used by CFITSIO.  Must have been initialised to
 * 0 by the time that this function is called.
 * @return 0 if the read was successful or 1 otherwise.
int getFITSInfo(char *ffname, fitsfile **fptr, cube_info *info, int *status) {
	// Check parameters.
	if (ffname == NULL || fptr == NULL || info == NULL || status == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Parameters to getFITSInfo cannot be null.\n");
		return 1;

	// Loop variables
	int ii;

	// Declare variables used for reading FITS files using CFITSIO.
	int naxis; // Number of dimensions of image
	int bitpix; // Type of image

	// Open specified file for read only access.
	fits_open_file(fptr,ffname, READONLY, status);

	if (*status != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open FITS file: %s\n",ffname);
		return 1;

	// Get image type.
	// Get number of dimensions.

	if (*status != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to get image type or dimensions of FITS file: %s\n",ffname);
		return 1;

	if (naxis<2) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Image must have at least 2 dimensions.\n");
		return 1;

	// Save information on image type.
	info->bitpix = bitpix;
	info->naxis = naxis;

	// Get length of each dimension.
	long *naxes = (long *) malloc(sizeof(long) * naxis);

	if (naxes == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory to get dimensions of FITS file: %s\n",ffname);
		return 1;


	if (*status != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to get image resolution of FITS file: %s\n",ffname);
		return 1;

	// Record image dimensions.
	info->width = naxes[0];
	info->height = naxes[1];

	// Check if we are dealing with a three (or greater) dimensional image.
	// We can deal with 2 (planar images), 3 (data cubes) or 4 (data cubes with
	// multiple stokes) dimensional image.  Sometimes, naxis is >4, but all the higher
	// dimensions are 1.  In this case, we can interpret this as a 4 dimensional image.
	// Check that this is the case.
	if (naxis > 2) {
		info->depth = naxes[2];

		if (naxis > 3) {
			info->stokes = naxes[3];

			// Check higher dimensions are length one.
			for (ii=4; ii<naxis; ii++) {
				if (naxes[ii]>1) {
					fprintf(stderr,"Dimension %d in file %s has a length greater than 1.\n",ii+1,ffname);
					return 1;


	/* Code for reading header.  This could be copied into the J2K files metadata, for example.
	// Read header
	// Number of keywords
	int nkeys;

	// Get number of keywords
	if (*status != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to get the number of header keywords in FITS file: %s\n",ffname);
		return 1;

	// Read each keyword
	char keyname[FLEN_CARD];
	char keyvalue[FLEN_CARD];
	char keycomment[FLEN_CARD];

	for (ii=1; ii<=nkeys; ii++) {

		if (*status != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Error reading keyword number %d.\n",ii);
			return 1;

		fprintf(stdout,"VAR:[%s] VALUE:[%s] COMMENT:[%s]\n",keyname,keyvalue,keycomment);

	return 0;

 * Function to read a FITS file and create an OpenJPEG opj_image_t image (structure) from the data
 * read.
 * @param fptr pointer to a CFITSIO fitsfile structure corresponding to a particular FITS file.  Must
 * have been opened using CFITSIO by the time this function is called.
 * @param transform transform to be performed on raw data from FITS file to create grayscale image intensities
 * for our output image.  See f2j.h for possible values.
 * @param imageStruct Reference to an image structure.  This function will populate most of the data values,
 * however, memory must have been assigned for the image data array (in the first component) by the time
 * that this function is called.
 * @param frame Plane of data to read for a 3D data cube.  Must be a valid frame number from 1 to [total number
 * of frames] inclusive.  Arbitrary for a 2D image.
 * @param stoke Stoke of data to read for a 4D data volume.  Must be a valid stoke number from 1 to [total number
 * of stokes] inclusive.  Arbitrary for 2D/3D images.
 * @param info Pointer to a cube_info structure containing data on the image being read.
 * @param status Pointer to CFITSIO status integer.  The value must have been initialised to 0 by the time
 * that this function is called.
 * @param noiseField Reference to an image structure for the image noise field.  Will be ignored if writeNoiseField
 * is false.  This function will populate most of the data values, however, memory must have been assigned for the
 * image data array (in the first component) by the time that this function is called.  This parameter will disappear
 * if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should the noise field added to this image be written to a JPEG 2000 image?  This parameter will
 * disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if there were no errors, 1 otherwise.
int createImageFromFITS(fitsfile *fptr, transform transform, opj_image_t *imageStruct, long frame, long stoke, cube_info *info, int *status
#ifdef noise
		, opj_image_t *noiseField, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
	) {
	// Check parameters.
	if (fptr == NULL || imageStruct == NULL || info == NULL || status == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Parameters to createImageFromFITS cannot be null.\n");
		return 1;

	// Loop variables.
	int ii;
	size_t jj;

	// Check we have a valid frame if we are dealing with a data cube.  If we are dealing with a 2D FITS file,
	// the frame parameter is ignored.
	if (info->naxis > 2 && (frame<1 || frame>info->depth) ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Specified frame must be between 1 and %ld.\n",info->depth);
		return 1;

	if (info->naxis > 3 && (stoke<1 || stoke>info->stokes) ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Specified stoke must be between 1 and %ld.\n",info->stokes);
		return 1;

	// Write basic information about the image to be created.
	imageStruct->x0 = 0;
	imageStruct->x1 = info->width;
	imageStruct->y0 = 0;
	imageStruct->y1 = info->height;
	imageStruct->color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; // Create a grayscale image.
	imageStruct->icc_profile_buf = NULL;
	imageStruct->icc_profile_len = 0;

	// Write basic information about the single image component.
	imageStruct->comps[0].bpp = 16; // Create a 16 bit grayscale image.
	imageStruct->comps[0].prec = 16;
	imageStruct->comps[0].dx = 1;
	imageStruct->comps[0].dy = 1;
	imageStruct->comps[0].factor = 0;
	imageStruct->comps[0].resno_decoded = 0;
	imageStruct->comps[0].w = info->width;
	imageStruct->comps[0].h = info->height;
	imageStruct->comps[0].sgnd = 0;
	imageStruct->comps[0].x0 = 0;
	imageStruct->comps[0].y0 = 0;

#ifdef noise
	if (writeNoiseField) {
		// Write basic information about the noise field to be created.
		noiseField->x0 = 0;
		noiseField->x1 = info->width;
		noiseField->y0 = 0;
		noiseField->y1 = info->height;
		noiseField->color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; // Create a grayscale image.
		noiseField->icc_profile_buf = NULL;
		noiseField->icc_profile_len = 0;

		// Write basic information about the single noise field image component.
		noiseField->comps[0].bpp = 16; // Create a 16 bit grayscale image.
		noiseField->comps[0].prec = 16;
		noiseField->comps[0].dx = 1;
		noiseField->comps[0].dy = 1;
		noiseField->comps[0].factor = 0;
		noiseField->comps[0].resno_decoded = 0;
		noiseField->comps[0].w = info->width;
		noiseField->comps[0].h = info->height;
		noiseField->comps[0].sgnd = 1; // Use a signed image so we can use the noise values.
		noiseField->comps[0].x0 = 0;
		noiseField->comps[0].y0 = 0;

	// Create array used by CFITSIO to specify starting pixel to read from.
	long fpixel[info->naxis];

	// Start from the upper left corner of the image.
	fpixel[0] = 1;
	fpixel[1] = 1;

	// We need entries 2+ only if we are dealing with an image of > 2 dimensions.
	if (info->naxis>2) {
		fpixel[2] = frame;

		if (info->naxis>3) {
			fpixel[3] = stoke;

			// For any dimension > 4, the width if always 1 if we are dealing with
			// a valid FITS file for this program.
			for (ii=4; ii<info->naxis; ii++) {
				fpixel[ii] = 1;

#ifdef noise
	// Print information on the current plane & stoke being read.
	if (printNoiseBenchmark) {
		if (info->naxis == 3) {
			fprintf(stdout,"Plane %ld\n",frame);
		else if (info->naxis>3) {
			fprintf(stdout,"Plane %ld, Stoke %ld\n",frame,stoke);

	// Different reading operations for each different image type.
	// 8 bit unsigned integer case
	if (info->bitpix == BYTE_IMG) {
		// Default transform is RAW
		if (transform == DEFAULT) {
			transform = RAW;

		// Turn off scaling for this data stream if using raw data scales.
		if (transform == RAW || transform == NEGATIVE_RAW) {

		// We're only dealing with 8 bit data, so encode an 8 bit grayscale image.
		imageStruct->comps[0].bpp = 8;
		imageStruct->comps[0].prec = 8;

#ifdef noise
		if (writeNoiseField) {
			noiseField->comps[0].bpp = 8;
			noiseField->comps[0].prec = 8;

		// Define image maximum intensity for noise simulation PSNR calculations.
		int max = 255;

		READ_AND_TRANSFORM(unsigned char,TBYTE,byteImgTransform);
	// 16 bit signed integer case
	else if (info->bitpix == SHORT_IMG) {
		// Default transform is RAW
		if (transform == DEFAULT) {
			transform = RAW;

		// Turn off scaling for this data stream if using raw data scales.
		if (transform == RAW || transform == NEGATIVE_RAW) {

#ifdef noise
		// Define image maximum intensity for noise simulation PSNR calculations.
		int max = 65535;

	// 32 bit signed integer case
	else if (info->bitpix == LONG_IMG) {
		if (transform == DEFAULT) {
			transform = RAW;

#ifdef noise
		// Define image maximum intensity for noise simulation PSNR calculations.
		int max = 65535;

	// 64 bit signed integer case
	else if (info->bitpix == LONGLONG_IMG) {
		if (transform == DEFAULT) {
			transform = RAW;

#ifdef noise
		// Define image maximum intensity for noise simulation PSNR calculations.
		int max = 65535;

		READ_AND_TRANSFORM(long long int,TLONGLONG,longLongImgTransform);
	// 32/64 bit floating point case
	else if (info->bitpix == FLOAT_IMG || info->bitpix == DOUBLE_IMG) {
		if (transform == DEFAULT) {
			transform = LOG;

		// Do we need to find the max/min values?
		bool findMinMax = false;

		// Get min/max data values
		double datamax;
		double datamin;


		// Check if the DATAMAX/DATAMIN keywords were found in the header.  If they weren't,
		// we'll need to find them ourselves.
		if (*status != 0) {
			*status = 0;
			findMinMax = true;

		double *imageArray = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * info->width * info->height);

		if (imageArray == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory to read FITS data.\n");
			return 1;


		if (*status != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Error reading frame %ld of image.\n",frame);
			return 1;

		// Need to find min/max values if they weren't defined in the header.
		if (findMinMax) {
			// Small assumption here: that we have at least 1 pixel - does not seem unreasonable!
			datamax = imageArray[0];
			datamin = imageArray[0];

			// Search through array to find max/min values.
			for (jj=1; jj<info->width*info->height; jj++) {
				if (imageArray[jj] > datamax) {
					datamax = imageArray[jj];

				if (imageArray[jj] < datamin) {
					datamin = imageArray[jj];

#ifdef noise
		// Define image maximum intensity for noise simulation PSNR calculations.
		int max = 65535;

		int transformResult = floatDoubleTransform(imageArray,imageStruct->comps[0].data,transform,info->width*info->height,datamin,datamax,info->width
#ifdef noise
				,writeNoiseField ? noiseField->comps[0].data : NULL,writeNoiseField,printNoiseBenchmark

		if (transformResult != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Specified transform could not be performed.\n");
			return 1;

	// Signed char (8 bit integer) case
	else if (info->bitpix == SBYTE_IMG) {
		if (transform == DEFAULT) {
			transform = RAW;

		// Turn off scaling for this data stream if using raw data scales.
		if (transform == RAW || transform == NEGATIVE_RAW) {

		// We're only dealing with 8 bit data, so encode an 8 bit grayscale image.
		imageStruct->comps[0].bpp = 8;
		imageStruct->comps[0].prec = 8;

#ifdef noise
		if (writeNoiseField) {
			noiseField->comps[0].bpp = 8;
			noiseField->comps[0].prec = 8;

		// Define image maximum intensity for noise simulation PSNR calculations.
		int max = 255;

		READ_AND_TRANSFORM(signed char,TSBYTE,sByteImgTransform);
	// Unsigned short (16 bit integer) case
	else if (info->bitpix == USHORT_IMG) {
		if (transform == DEFAULT) {
			transform = RAW;

		// Turn off scaling for this data stream if using raw data scales.
		if (transform == RAW || transform == NEGATIVE_RAW) {

#ifdef noise
		// Define image maximum intensity for noise simulation PSNR calculations.
		int max = 65535;

		READ_AND_TRANSFORM(unsigned short,TUSHORT,uShortImgTransform);
	// Unsigned 32 bit integer case
	else if (info->bitpix == ULONG_IMG) {
		if (transform == DEFAULT) {
			transform = RAW;

#ifdef noise
		// Define image maximum intensity for noise simulation PSNR calculations.
		int max = 65535;

		READ_AND_TRANSFORM(unsigned int,TULONG,uIntImgTransform);
	else {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unsupported FITS image type: %d\n",info->bitpix);
		return 1;

	return 0;

 * Encodes a specified image to a specified JPEG 2000 file.
 * Basic parameter checking is performed, but the responsibility for ensuring parameters are
 * valid and meaningful is largely left to the calling function.
 * @param outfile Name of JPEG 2000 image to create.  This file will be overwritten if it already
 * exists.
 * @param codec specified codec to use.  See <a href="">OpenJPEG documentation</a>
 * for legal values.
 * @param parameters compression parameters to use.
 * @param frame image to compress.
 * @return 0 if compression was successful, 1 otherwise.
int createJPEG2000Image(char *outfile, OPJ_CODEC_FORMAT codec, opj_cparameters_t *parameters, opj_image_t *frame) {
	if (outfile == NULL || parameters == NULL || frame == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Parameters to createJPEG2000Image cannot be null.\n");
		return 1;

	// Write compressed image to file.  This code is based on that in image_to_j2k.c in the
	// OpenJPEG library.

	// Permissions for writing output JPEG 2000 file.  Currently write as binary file.
	char *writePermissions = "wb";

	// Get compressor handle using the specified codec.
	opj_cinfo_t *cinfo = opj_create_compress(codec);

	// Event manager object for error/warning/debug messages.
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr;

	// Catch events

	// IO stream for compression.
	opj_cio_t *cio = NULL;

	// Pointer for file to write to.
	FILE *f = NULL;

	// Setup encoder with the current frame and the specified parameters.

	// Open IO stream for compression.
	cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)cinfo,NULL,0);

	// Was compression successful?
	opj_bool compSuccess;

	// Codestream information (needed for JPIP)
	opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info;

	// Perform compression and check if it was successful
	if (codec == CODEC_JP2 && parameters->jpip_on) {
		// See if we need to encode JPIP index information.
		compSuccess = opj_encode_with_info(cinfo,cio,frame,&cstr_info);
	else {
		// Otherwise, encode without index information.
		compSuccess = opj_encode(cinfo,cio,frame,NULL);

	// Exit unsuccessfully if compression unsuccessful.
	if (!compSuccess) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to compress file %s.\n",outfile);
		return 1;

	// Get length of codestream.
	int codestream_length = cio_tell(cio);

	// Open FILE handle.
	f = fopen(outfile,writePermissions);

	// Check that file was opened successfully.
	if (!f) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open output file: %s for writing.\n",outfile);
		if (codec == CODEC_JP2 && parameters->jpip_on) {
		return 1;

	// Write data to file.

	// Close file handle.

	// Close the IO stream.

	// Free compression structures.
	if (codec == CODEC_JP2 && parameters->jpip_on) {

	return 0;

 * Function to read a frame from a FITS data cube, create a grayscale image from it, then encode it as a JPEG 2000
 * image using lossy or lossless compression.
 * The image is compressed using the parameters defined in parameters.  If writeUncompressed is true, a losslessly
 * compressed image will also be created.  If the parameters information passed to the function also describes lossless
 * compression, the two images will be the same, making the duplicate image redundant.  It is the responsibility of
 * client code to check this.
 * This function performs basic checking that the parameters are not null, but in general, it is up to the client
 * code to ensure that parameters are valid and meaningful.
 * @param info Reference to cube_info structure containing information on the data cube.
 * @param fptr Pointer to a fitsfile structure.  Assumed to be initialised by this point.
 * @param transform transform to perform when converting frame to image.
 * @param frameNumber Number of frame in 3D data cube.  Arbitrary for 2D images.
 * @param stokeNumber Number of stoke in 4D data volume.  Arbitrary for 2D/3D images.
 * @param status Reference to status integer for CFITSIO.  Assumed to be initialised to 0 by this point.
 * @param outFileStub File name stub for JPEG 2000 image to be written.  Files will be STUB.jp2/j2k and STUB_LOSSLESS.jp2
 * (if writeUncompressed is true).
 * @param writeUncompressed Should a copy of the image be encoded using lossless compression.  May want to
 * do this to compare lossless VS lossy compression on an image.
 * @param parameters Compression parameters.
 * @param qualityBenchmarkParameters Reference to quality_benchmark_info structure specifying which, if any, quality
 * benchmarks to be performed.  Results will be printed to stdout.
 * @param compressionBenchmark Should compression benchmarking be performed?  If this is the case, the program will add the
 * compressed file size to the size_t value pointed to by fileSize.
 * @param fileSize Pointer to a off_t assumed to hold the cumulative total of the file sizes of the frames compressed so far.
 * Assumed to be initialised to 0 before the first frame is read.  This enables the compression of the full set of JPEG 2000
 * files corresponding to a datacube to be compared to the entire datacube.
 * @param writeNoiseField Should the noise field for the image be written to a lossless JPEG 2000 file?  This parameter will
 * disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @param printNoiseBenchmark Should information on the actual PSNR achieved by adding noise to the image be displayed
 * to the user?  This parameter will disappear if the definition of noise is removed from f2j.h.
 * @return 0 if all operations were successful, 1 otherwise.
int setupCompression(cube_info *info, fitsfile *fptr, transform transform, long frameNumber, long stokeNumber, int *status, char *outFileStub,
		bool writeUncompressed, opj_cparameters_t *parameters, quality_benchmark_info *qualityBenchmarkParameters, bool compressionBenchmark, off_t *fileSize
#ifdef noise
		, bool writeNoiseField, bool printNoiseBenchmark
		) {
	// Check parameters
	if (info == NULL || fptr == NULL || status == NULL || outFileStub == NULL || parameters == NULL || fileSize == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Parameters to setupCompression cannot be null.\n");
		return 1;

	// Loop variables
	int ii;

	// Initialise an OpenJPEG image structure with a single component with data storage
	// initialised to the width and height of the image.

	// Create frame structure.
	opj_image_t frame;
	frame.comps = (opj_image_comp_t *) malloc(sizeof(opj_image_comp_t));

	if (frame.comps == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for component array for frame %ld of FITS file.\n",frameNumber);
		return 1;

	frame.numcomps = 1;

	// Create component structure.
	frame.comps[0].data = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*info->width*info->height);

	if (frame.comps[0].data == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for component data for frame %ld of FITS file.\n",frameNumber);
		return 1;

#ifdef noise
	// Create noise field image structure.
	opj_image_t noiseField;

	if (writeNoiseField) {
		noiseField.comps = (opj_image_comp_t *) malloc(sizeof(opj_image_comp_t));

		if (noiseField.comps == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for component array for noise field of frame %ld of FITS file.\n",frameNumber);
			for (ii=0; ii<frame.numcomps; ii++) {
			return 1;

		noiseField.numcomps = 1;

		noiseField.comps[0].data = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*info->width*info->height);

		if (noiseField.comps[0].data == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for component data for noise field of frame %ld of FITS file.\n",frameNumber);
			for (ii=0; ii<frame.numcomps; ii++) {
			return 1;

	// Could potentially specify other opj_image_t/opj_image_comp_t values here, but for flexibility,
	// they will be set in createImageFromFITS.  We don't want to get into the minutae of writing
	// image data at this point.

	// Create image
	int result = createImageFromFITS(fptr,transform,&frame,frameNumber,stokeNumber,info,status
#ifdef noise

	if (result != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to create image from frame %ld of FITS file.\n",frameNumber);
#ifdef noise
		if (writeNoiseField) {
			for (ii=0; ii<noiseField.numcomps; ii++) {
		for (ii=0; ii<frame.numcomps; ii++) {
		return 1;

	size_t stublen = strlen(outFileStub);

	if (writeUncompressed) {

		// Exit unsuccessfully if compression unsuccessful.
		if (result != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Unable to compress frame %ld of FITS file.\n",frameNumber);
#ifdef noise
			if (writeNoiseField) {
				for (ii=0; ii<noiseField.numcomps; ii++) {
			for (ii=0; ii<frame.numcomps; ii++) {
			return 1;

#ifdef noise
	if (writeNoiseField) {

		// Exit unsuccessfully if compression unsuccessful.
		if (result != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Unable to compress noise field for frame %ld of FITS file.\n",frameNumber);

			if (writeNoiseField) {
				for (ii=0; ii<noiseField.numcomps; ii++) {

			for (ii=0; ii<frame.numcomps; ii++) {
			return 1;

	// Write compressed image to file using specified compression parameters.

	// Get file name string.
	// Name is STUB.jp2
	char compressedFile[stublen + 5];

	if (parameters->cod_format == CODEC_JP2) {
	else {

	// Perform JPEG 2000 compression.
	result = createJPEG2000Image(compressedFile,parameters->cod_format,parameters,&frame);

	// Exit unsuccessfully if compression unsuccessful.
	if (result != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Unable to compress frame %ld of FITS file.\n",frameNumber);
#ifdef noise
		if (writeNoiseField) {
			for (ii=0; ii<noiseField.numcomps; ii++) {
		for (ii=0; ii<frame.numcomps; ii++) {
		return 1;

	if (qualityBenchmarkParameters->performQualityBenchmarking || qualityBenchmarkParameters->writeResidual) {
		// Perform quality benchmarking.  Currently we specify no benchmarking options (NULL).

#ifdef noise
	if (writeNoiseField) {
		for (ii=0; ii<noiseField.numcomps; ii++) {
	for (ii=0; ii<frame.numcomps; ii++) {

	if (compressionBenchmark) {
		// Get compressed file size using stat.
		struct stat fileInfo;

		int gotSize = stat(compressedFile,&fileInfo);

		if (gotSize != 0) {
			fprintf(stdout,"Unable to get size of file %s\n",compressedFile);

		*fileSize += fileInfo.st_size;

	return 0;

 * Main function run from the command line.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	// Transform (if any) to perform on raw data.  This is the default value.  May be changed
	// when parsing user input from the command line.
	transform transform = DEFAULT;

	// Should a lossless version of image be written?  By default, no.  May be changed
	// when parsing user input from the command line.
	bool writeUncompressed = false;

	// Information on what quality benchmarks to perform.  By default, no tests performed.  May be
	// changed when parsing user input from the command line.
	quality_benchmark_info qualityBenchmarkParameters;

	// Should compression rate benchmarking be performed on compress images?  By default no.  May be
	// changed when parsing user input from the command line.
	bool performCompressionBenchmarking = false;

	// Size of compressed file(s).  Used to compare compression rate relative to FITS.
	off_t compressedFileSize = 0;

	// Structure to hold compression parameters.
	opj_cparameters_t parameters;

	// Initialise to default values.

	// Start frame - first frame of 3D data cube to read.  Ignored for 2D images.
	long startFrame = -1;

	// End frame - last frame of 3D data cube to read.  Ignored for 2D images.
	long endFrame = -1;

	// Start stoke - first stoke of 4D data volume to read.  Ignored for 2D/3D images.
	long startStoke = -1;

	// End stoke - last stoke of 4D data volume to read.  Ignored for 2D/3D images.
	long endStoke = -1;

#ifdef noise
	// Seed for random number generator.
	unsigned long seed = 0;

	// Has a RNG seed been set?
	bool seedSet = false;

	// PSNR of image (in DB) after noise has been added.
	double noiseDB = 0.0;

	// Has PSNR of image (after noise has been added) been set?
	bool noiseSet = false;

	// Should the noise field added to the image be written to a file?
	bool writeNoiseField = false;

	// Should information on the actual PSNR achieved after adding noise be displayed?
	bool printNoiseBenchmark = false;

	// Parse command line parameters.
	int result = parse_cmdline_encoder(argc,argv,&parameters,&transform,&writeUncompressed,&startFrame,&endFrame,
#ifdef noise

#ifdef noise
	// Initialise getIntegerGaussianNoise() function.
	if (noiseSet) {
		// Set noise.

		// Print information on the PSNR of the image after adding noise.
		printNoiseBenchmark = true;

		if (seedSet) {
			// Set seed.

	if (result != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error parsing command parameters.\n");

	// image_to_j2k.c sets this to 1 if the image to be encoded has 3 components, or 0
	// otherwise.  We always set it to 0, as we are always encoding 1 component (grayscale)
	// images.
	parameters.tcp_mct = 0;

	// FITS file to read.
	char *ffname = parameters.infile;

	// Declare variables for reading FITS files needed by CFITSIO.
	fitsfile *fptr;
	int status = 0;

	// Loop variables
	long ii,jj;

	// Information on the data cube
	cube_info info;

	// Read basic information on FITS file.
	result = getFITSInfo(ffname,&fptr,&info,&status);

	// Display error if FITS file could not be opened.
	if (result != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"FITS file %s cannot be opened or is invalid.\n",ffname);

	// Input file length
	size_t ilen = strlen(ffname);
	size_t slen = strlen(parameters.outfile);

	// Read each frame of the FITS file and compress it to JPEG 2000.
	// 2 dimensional image case
	if (info.naxis == 2) {
		// Output file will be input file name (minus FITS extension) + .JP2/J2K.
		// An additional 10 characters is sufficient for the additional data.
		// We also add a user specified suffix if it is available.
		size_t oflen = ilen + 10 + slen;

		char intermediate[oflen];
		char outFileStub[oflen];

		// Copy input file name to intermediary string.

		// Get the last dot
		char *dotPosition = strrchr(intermediate,'.');

		// Terminate the string at this point.
		*dotPosition = '\0';


		// Setup and perform compression.
		result = setupCompression(&info,fptr,transform,1,1,&status,outFileStub,writeUncompressed,
#ifdef noise

		// Exit unsuccessfully if compression unsuccessful.
		if (result != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Unable to compress file %s.\n",ffname);
	else {
		// Valid start and end frames specified
		if (1<=startFrame && startFrame<=endFrame && endFrame<=info.depth) {
			// Do nothing, parameters already set.
		// Valid start frame only - just read this one
		else if (1<=startFrame && startFrame<=info.depth) {
			endFrame = startFrame;
		// If both specified start and end frames are invalid, read all frames.
		else {
			startFrame = 1;
			endFrame = info.depth;

		// Check if stoke range has been specified.
		if (info.naxis>3) {
			// Valid start and end stokes specified.
			if (1<=startStoke && startStoke<=endStoke && endStoke<=info.stokes) {
				// Do nothing, parameters already set.
			// Valid start stoke only - just read this one.
			else if (1<=startStoke && startStoke<=info.stokes) {
				endStoke = startStoke;
			// If both specified start and end stokes are invalid, read all stokes.
			else {
				startStoke = 1;
				endStoke = info.stokes;
		else {
			// If we're only dealing with a 3 dimensional image, just read one 'stoke' (corresponding
			// to one pass through the loop).
			startStoke = 1;
			endStoke = 1;

		for (ii=startFrame; ii<=endFrame; ii++) {
			for (jj=startStoke; jj<=endStoke; jj++) {
				// Setup and perform compression for this frame.  Each time the loop runs, memory for a new
				// image structure is allocatged as part of the setupCompression function.
				// If this code was being run in serial, we could save time by initialising the image structure
				// outside of the loop, to prevent a new memory allocation being performed every time the loop
				// ran.  However, if this code is to be parallelised, we want a separate memory allocation for
				// each frame of the image, to allow this process to be run in parallel.

				// Output file will be input file name (minus FITS extension) + _ + frame number + .JP2 for a
				// data cube or input file name (minus FITS extension) + _ + frame number + _ + stoke number + .JP2
				// for a data volume.
				// An additional 50 characters is sufficient for the additional data.
				size_t oflen = ilen + 50 + slen;

				char intermediate[oflen];
				char outFileStub[oflen];

				// Copy input file name to intermediary string.

				// Get the last dot
				char *dotPosition = strrchr(intermediate,'.');

				// Overwrite it with an underscore.
				*dotPosition = '_';
				*(dotPosition+1) = '\0';

				if (info.naxis>3) {
				else {

				// Setup and perform compression.
				result = setupCompression(&info,fptr,transform,ii,jj,&status,outFileStub,writeUncompressed,
#ifdef noise

				// Exit unsuccessfully if compression unsuccessful.
				if (result != 0) {
					if (info.naxis>3) {
						fprintf(stderr,"Unable to compress frame %ld of stoke %ld of file %s.\n",ii,jj,ffname);
					else {
						fprintf(stderr,"Unable to compress frame %ld of file %s.\n",ii,ffname);


	// Close FITS file.
	fits_close_file(fptr, &status);

	if (performCompressionBenchmarking) {
		off_t fitsSize;

		// Get compressed file size using stat.
		struct stat fileInfo;

		int gotSize = stat(ffname,&fileInfo);

		if (gotSize != 0) {
			fprintf(stdout,"Unable to get size of file %s\n",ffname);

		fitsSize = fileInfo.st_size;

		// Print out compression info in the format
		// [original FITS file name] [size of compressed files(s)] [size of FITS file] [compression rate]
		fprintf(stdout,"[FITS file] [size of compressed JPEG 2000 image(s)] [size of FITS file] [compression ratio]\n");
		fprintf(stdout,"%s %llu %llu %f\n",ffname,(unsigned long long)compressedFileSize,(unsigned long long)fitsSize,((double)compressedFileSize)/((double)fitsSize));

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