Raw File
Tip revision: ea88f512d258ef23b5554950639c5acedf4df1f0 authored by Matt Fishman on 28 August 2023, 19:30:29 UTC
Fix test of arnoldi for multiple eigenvectors
Tip revision: ea88f51
(! means necessary / blocker for releasing v3)

# General changes:

# Github:
X Update branch names on Github (rc3 -> v3)
X Create a new release on Github

# Website:
X Update website:
  X Finalize changelog
  X Update installation instructions
  X Remove " ITensor version 3 has not been released yet. This documentation is a preview only."
  X Make v3 the default in the docs system
  X Update code samples of DMRG and contraction on the main page
  X Update news
  X Update front page, including news article link

X Send email

X Post about v3 on ITensor Twitter account

# Final Release Checks
  X Fresh install with new file compiles
  X All sample codes compile and run and are up to date
  ! Jenkins is passing

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