Raw File
Tip revision: cb1efc574f59cda94bbcfffff79553a28e679e96 authored by Ismail Moghul on 25 July 2017, 21:42:37 UTC
Tip revision: cb1efc5
# Ophiuroid Neuropeptidome

## Introduction

Here are the scripts that we used to analyse the Ophuroid Neuropeptidomes. Specifically the attached scripts where used to align the neuropeptide homologs and produce annotated word files (in reality a HTML file with a `.docx` file ending).

Note: The above scripts were customised to our use-case; but can be easily adapted to run with other data. 

## Installation Requirements
* Ruby (>= 2.0.0)
* SignalP 4.1.*z (Available from [here](
* Mafft (Available from [here]( - Suggested Installation via [Homebrew]( or [Linuxbrew]( - `brew install homebrew/science/mafft`)

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