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Tip revision: 3a5324373ba52c68c79587ca183bc10b9e57b783 authored by JiahuiYu on 10 June 2020, 15:16:02 UTC
Fix typo.
Tip revision: 3a53243
""" common model for DCGAN """
import logging

import cv2
import neuralgym as ng
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.framework.python.ops import arg_scope

from neuralgym.models import Model
from neuralgym.ops.summary_ops import scalar_summary, images_summary
from neuralgym.ops.summary_ops import gradients_summary
from neuralgym.ops.layers import flatten, resize
from neuralgym.ops.gan_ops import gan_hinge_loss
from neuralgym.ops.gan_ops import random_interpolates

from inpaint_ops import gen_conv, gen_deconv, dis_conv
from inpaint_ops import random_bbox, bbox2mask, local_patch, brush_stroke_mask
from inpaint_ops import resize_mask_like, contextual_attention

logger = logging.getLogger()

class InpaintCAModel(Model):
    def __init__(self):

    def build_inpaint_net(self, x, mask, reuse=False,
                          training=True, padding='SAME', name='inpaint_net'):
        """Inpaint network.

            x: incomplete image, [-1, 1]
            mask: mask region {0, 1}
            [-1, 1] as predicted image
        xin = x
        offset_flow = None
        ones_x = tf.ones_like(x)[:, :, :, 0:1]
        x = tf.concat([x, ones_x, ones_x*mask], axis=3)

        # two stage network
        cnum = 48
        with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse), \
                arg_scope([gen_conv, gen_deconv],
                          training=training, padding=padding):
            # stage1
            x = gen_conv(x, cnum, 5, 1, name='conv1')
            x = gen_conv(x, 2*cnum, 3, 2, name='conv2_downsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, 2*cnum, 3, 1, name='conv3')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 2, name='conv4_downsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='conv5')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='conv6')
            mask_s = resize_mask_like(mask, x)
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, rate=2, name='conv7_atrous')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, rate=4, name='conv8_atrous')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, rate=8, name='conv9_atrous')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, rate=16, name='conv10_atrous')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='conv11')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='conv12')
            x = gen_deconv(x, 2*cnum, name='conv13_upsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, 2*cnum, 3, 1, name='conv14')
            x = gen_deconv(x, cnum, name='conv15_upsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, cnum//2, 3, 1, name='conv16')
            x = gen_conv(x, 3, 3, 1, activation=None, name='conv17')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)
            x_stage1 = x

            # stage2, paste result as input
            x = x*mask + xin[:, :, :, 0:3]*(1.-mask)
            x.set_shape(xin[:, :, :, 0:3].get_shape().as_list())
            # conv branch
            # xnow = tf.concat([x, ones_x, ones_x*mask], axis=3)
            xnow = x
            x = gen_conv(xnow, cnum, 5, 1, name='xconv1')
            x = gen_conv(x, cnum, 3, 2, name='xconv2_downsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, 2*cnum, 3, 1, name='xconv3')
            x = gen_conv(x, 2*cnum, 3, 2, name='xconv4_downsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='xconv5')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='xconv6')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, rate=2, name='xconv7_atrous')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, rate=4, name='xconv8_atrous')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, rate=8, name='xconv9_atrous')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, rate=16, name='xconv10_atrous')
            x_hallu = x
            # attention branch
            x = gen_conv(xnow, cnum, 5, 1, name='pmconv1')
            x = gen_conv(x, cnum, 3, 2, name='pmconv2_downsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, 2*cnum, 3, 1, name='pmconv3')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 2, name='pmconv4_downsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='pmconv5')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='pmconv6',
            x, offset_flow = contextual_attention(x, x, mask_s, 3, 1, rate=2)
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='pmconv9')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='pmconv10')
            pm = x
            x = tf.concat([x_hallu, pm], axis=3)

            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='allconv11')
            x = gen_conv(x, 4*cnum, 3, 1, name='allconv12')
            x = gen_deconv(x, 2*cnum, name='allconv13_upsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, 2*cnum, 3, 1, name='allconv14')
            x = gen_deconv(x, cnum, name='allconv15_upsample')
            x = gen_conv(x, cnum//2, 3, 1, name='allconv16')
            x = gen_conv(x, 3, 3, 1, activation=None, name='allconv17')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)
            x_stage2 = x
        return x_stage1, x_stage2, offset_flow

    def build_sn_patch_gan_discriminator(self, x, reuse=False, training=True):
        with tf.variable_scope('sn_patch_gan', reuse=reuse):
            cnum = 64
            x = dis_conv(x, cnum, name='conv1', training=training)
            x = dis_conv(x, cnum*2, name='conv2', training=training)
            x = dis_conv(x, cnum*4, name='conv3', training=training)
            x = dis_conv(x, cnum*4, name='conv4', training=training)
            x = dis_conv(x, cnum*4, name='conv5', training=training)
            x = dis_conv(x, cnum*4, name='conv6', training=training)
            x = flatten(x, name='flatten')
            return x

    def build_gan_discriminator(
            self, batch, reuse=False, training=True):
        with tf.variable_scope('discriminator', reuse=reuse):
            d = self.build_sn_patch_gan_discriminator(
                batch, reuse=reuse, training=training)
            return d

    def build_graph_with_losses(
            self, FLAGS, batch_data, training=True, summary=False,
        if FLAGS.guided:
            batch_data, edge = batch_data
            edge = edge[:, :, :, 0:1] / 255.
            edge = tf.cast(edge > FLAGS.edge_threshold, tf.float32)
        batch_pos = batch_data / 127.5 - 1.
        # generate mask, 1 represents masked point
        bbox = random_bbox(FLAGS)
        regular_mask = bbox2mask(FLAGS, bbox, name='mask_c')
        irregular_mask = brush_stroke_mask(FLAGS, name='mask_c')
        mask = tf.cast(
                tf.cast(irregular_mask, tf.bool),
                tf.cast(regular_mask, tf.bool),

        batch_incomplete = batch_pos*(1.-mask)
        if FLAGS.guided:
            edge = edge * mask
            xin = tf.concat([batch_incomplete, edge], axis=3)
            xin = batch_incomplete
        x1, x2, offset_flow = self.build_inpaint_net(
            xin, mask, reuse=reuse, training=training,
        batch_predicted = x2
        losses = {}
        # apply mask and complete image
        batch_complete = batch_predicted*mask + batch_incomplete*(1.-mask)
        # local patches
        losses['ae_loss'] = FLAGS.l1_loss_alpha * tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(batch_pos - x1))
        losses['ae_loss'] += FLAGS.l1_loss_alpha * tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(batch_pos - x2))
        if summary:
            scalar_summary('losses/ae_loss', losses['ae_loss'])
            if FLAGS.guided:
                viz_img = [
                    batch_incomplete + edge,
                viz_img = [batch_pos, batch_incomplete, batch_complete]
            if offset_flow is not None:
                    resize(offset_flow, scale=4,
                tf.concat(viz_img, axis=2),
                'raw_incomplete_predicted_complete', FLAGS.viz_max_out)

        # gan
        batch_pos_neg = tf.concat([batch_pos, batch_complete], axis=0)
        if FLAGS.gan_with_mask:
            batch_pos_neg = tf.concat([batch_pos_neg, tf.tile(mask, [FLAGS.batch_size*2, 1, 1, 1])], axis=3)
        if FLAGS.guided:
            # conditional GANs
            batch_pos_neg = tf.concat([batch_pos_neg, tf.tile(edge, [2, 1, 1, 1])], axis=3)
        # wgan with gradient penalty
        if FLAGS.gan == 'sngan':
            pos_neg = self.build_gan_discriminator(batch_pos_neg, training=training, reuse=reuse)
            pos, neg = tf.split(pos_neg, 2)
            g_loss, d_loss = gan_hinge_loss(pos, neg)
            losses['g_loss'] = g_loss
            losses['d_loss'] = d_loss
            raise NotImplementedError('{} not implemented.'.format(FLAGS.gan))
        if summary:
            # summary the magnitude of gradients from different losses w.r.t. predicted image
            gradients_summary(losses['g_loss'], batch_predicted, name='g_loss')
            gradients_summary(losses['g_loss'], x2, name='g_loss_to_x2')
            # gradients_summary(losses['ae_loss'], x1, name='ae_loss_to_x1')
            gradients_summary(losses['ae_loss'], x2, name='ae_loss_to_x2')
        losses['g_loss'] = FLAGS.gan_loss_alpha * losses['g_loss']
        if FLAGS.ae_loss:
            losses['g_loss'] += losses['ae_loss']
        g_vars = tf.get_collection(
            tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, 'inpaint_net')
        d_vars = tf.get_collection(
            tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, 'discriminator')
        return g_vars, d_vars, losses

    def build_infer_graph(self, FLAGS, batch_data, bbox=None, name='val'):
        if FLAGS.guided:
            batch_data, edge = batch_data
            edge = edge[:, :, :, 0:1] / 255.
            edge = tf.cast(edge > FLAGS.edge_threshold, tf.float32)
        regular_mask = bbox2mask(FLAGS, bbox, name='mask_c')
        irregular_mask = brush_stroke_mask(FLAGS, name='mask_c')
        mask = tf.cast(
                tf.cast(irregular_mask, tf.bool),
                tf.cast(regular_mask, tf.bool),

        batch_pos = batch_data / 127.5 - 1.
        batch_incomplete = batch_pos*(1.-mask)
        if FLAGS.guided:
            edge = edge * mask
            xin = tf.concat([batch_incomplete, edge], axis=3)
            xin = batch_incomplete
        # inpaint
        x1, x2, offset_flow = self.build_inpaint_net(
            xin, mask, reuse=True,
            training=False, padding=FLAGS.padding)
        batch_predicted = x2
        # apply mask and reconstruct
        batch_complete = batch_predicted*mask + batch_incomplete*(1.-mask)
        # global image visualization
        if FLAGS.guided:
            viz_img = [
                batch_incomplete + edge,
            viz_img = [batch_pos, batch_incomplete, batch_complete]
        if offset_flow is not None:
                resize(offset_flow, scale=4,
            tf.concat(viz_img, axis=2),
            name+'_raw_incomplete_complete', FLAGS.viz_max_out)
        return batch_complete

    def build_static_infer_graph(self, FLAGS, batch_data, name):
        # generate mask, 1 represents masked point
        bbox = (tf.constant(FLAGS.height//2), tf.constant(FLAGS.width//2),
                tf.constant(FLAGS.height), tf.constant(FLAGS.width))
        return self.build_infer_graph(FLAGS, batch_data, bbox, name)

    def build_server_graph(self, FLAGS, batch_data, reuse=False, is_training=False):
        # generate mask, 1 represents masked point
        if FLAGS.guided:
            batch_raw, edge, masks_raw = tf.split(batch_data, 3, axis=2)
            edge = edge[:, :, :, 0:1] / 255.
            edge = tf.cast(edge > FLAGS.edge_threshold, tf.float32)
            batch_raw, masks_raw = tf.split(batch_data, 2, axis=2)
        masks = tf.cast(masks_raw[0:1, :, :, 0:1] > 127.5, tf.float32)

        batch_pos = batch_raw / 127.5 - 1.
        batch_incomplete = batch_pos * (1. - masks)
        if FLAGS.guided:
            edge = edge * masks[:, :, :, 0:1]
            xin = tf.concat([batch_incomplete, edge], axis=3)
            xin = batch_incomplete
        # inpaint
        x1, x2, flow = self.build_inpaint_net(
            xin, masks, reuse=reuse, training=is_training)
        batch_predict = x2
        # apply mask and reconstruct
        batch_complete = batch_predict*masks + batch_incomplete*(1-masks)
        return batch_complete
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