Raw File
Tip revision: ff1d19f4983781fb8f42d7aef378587853b51acc authored by David Romascano on 08 August 2016, 15:51:11 UTC
BF: Save CSF mask when computing Lausanne2008 parcellation (Issue#44)
Tip revision: ff1d19f
Release 2.1.0-beta (Jan 09, 2014)
* ENH: Added preprocessing options (eddy current and motion correction)
* ENH: Added custom segmentation and atlas options
* ENH: Added Mrtrix reconstruction (CSD and tensor) and tractography (deterministic and probabilistic)
* ENH: Added Camino reconstruction (single tensor, multi-tensor, ballstick, ADC and restore) and tractography (deterministic and probabilistic)
* ENH: Added FSL probabilistic tractography (ProbTrackX)
* ENH: Added Gibbs diffusion processing (global tractography)
* ENH: Added source files for sphinx documentation
* FIX: Fixed output inspection bugs

Release 2.0.2 (Dec 28, 2012)
* ENH: Implemented Non-linear registration option in registration stage
* ENH: Implemented the Configuration menu action (save/load config file)
* ENH: Added matrice inspection of Connectome Stage
* ENH: Added custom gradient table option for Diffusion
* FIX: Fixed Cff conversion bug
* FIX: Fixed processing status bugs

Release 2.0.1 (Dec 19, 2012)
* ENH: Added outputs inspectors
* ENH: Removed CMP folder of RESULTS to avoid file duplication
* ENH: Merged streamlining and filtering to reduce temp files
* ENH: Removed unnecessary final_scale*.trks (only one needed)
* ENH: Added multicore setting
* ENH: Added processing status window and thread
* ENH: New output options: graphml and cff
* FIX: Reformat of the class names
* FIX: Removed dependence testing to enthoughts.traits (not working)

Release 2.0.0 (Dec 07, 2012)
* Initial release of the new Connectome Mapper
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