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LightGBM, Light Gradient Boosting Machine

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LightGBM is a gradient boosting framework that uses tree based learning algorithms. It is designed to be distributed and efficient with the following advantages:

- Faster training speed and higher efficiency
- Lower memory usage
- Better accuracy
- Parallel and GPU learning supported
- Capable of handling large-scale data

For more details, please refer to [Features](

[Comparison experiments]( on public datasets show that LightGBM can outperform existing boosting frameworks on both efficiency and accuracy, with significantly lower memory consumption. What's more, the [parallel experiments]( show that LightGBM can achieve a linear speed-up by using multiple machines for training in specific settings.


08/15/2017 : Optimal split for categorical features.

07/13/2017 : [Gitter]( is avaiable.

06/20/2017 : Python-package is on [PyPI]( now.

06/09/2017 : [LightGBM Slack team]( is available.

05/03/2017 : LightGBM v2 stable release.

04/10/2017 : LightGBM supports GPU-accelerated tree learning now. Please read our [GPU Tutorial](./docs/GPU-Tutorial.rst) and [Performance Comparison](./docs/GPU-Performance.rst).

02/20/2017 : Update to LightGBM v2.

02/12/2017: LightGBM v1 stable release.

01/08/2017 : Release [**R-package**]( beta version, welcome to have a try and provide feedback.

12/05/2016 : **Categorical Features as input directly** (without one-hot coding). 

12/02/2016 : Release [**Python-package**]( beta version, welcome to have a try and provide feedback.

More detailed update logs : [Key Events](

External (unofficial) Repositories

Julia Package:


Get Started and Documentation

Install by following the [guide]( for the command line program, [Python-package]( or [R-package]( Then please see the [Quick Start]( guide.

Our primary documentation is at and is generated from this repository.

Next you may want to read:

* [**Examples**]( showing command line usage of common tasks
* [**Features**]( and algorithms supported by LightGBM
* [**Parameters**]( is an exhaustive list of customization you can make
* [**Parallel Learning**]( and [**GPU Learning**]( can speed up computation
* [**Laurae++ interactive documentation**]( is a detailed guide for hyperparameters

Documentation for contributors:

* [**How we update**](
* Check out the [**Development Guide**](


* Ask a question [on Stack Overflow with the `lightgbm` tag](, we monitor this for new questions.
* Discuss on the [LightGBM Gitter](
* Discuss on the [LightGBM Slack team](
  * Use [this invite link]( to join the team.
* Open **bug reports** and **feature requests** (not questions) on [GitHub issues](

How to Contribute

LightGBM has been developed and used by many active community members. Your help is very valuable to make it better for everyone.

- Check out [call for contributions]( to see what can be improved, or open an issue if you want something.
- Contribute to the [tests]( to make it more reliable.
- Contribute to the [documents]( to make it clearer for everyone.
- Contribute to the [examples]( to share your experience with other users.
- Open issue if you met problems during development.

Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct]( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact []( with any additional questions or comments.

Reference Paper

Guolin Ke, Qi Meng, Thomas Finley, Taifeng Wang, Wei Chen, Weidong Ma, Qiwei Ye, and Tie-Yan Liu. [LightGBM: A Highly Efficient Gradient Boosting Decision Tree]( In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), pp. 3149-3157. 2017.
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