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//  SSRT2.h
//  Created by MIREBEAU Jean-Marie on 17/09/12.
//  Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#ifndef ITKFM_SSRT2_h
#define ITKFM_SSRT2_h 

/** \class SSRT2
 * \brief A two dimensionnal Symmetric Second Rank Tensor, with added functionnality for Fast Marching.
 * This class inherits from SymmetricSecondRankTensor.
 * SSRT2<TComponent> has the same memory mapping as SymmetricSecondRankTensor<TComponent,2>.
 * It implements some additional methods for anisotropic fast marching, using the FM_ASR class.
 * An element M of type SSRT2 defines the norm x -> sqrt(x*M*x)
 * This class is templated over the ComponentType, like SymmetricSecondRankTensor. Dimension is fixed to 2.
 * An additional template parameter is defaulted to char. Change it to (short int) if you plan to use matrices with condition number >10 000. 
 (condition number is the ratio of the large and small eigenvalues)
 This class implements a construction of anisotropic stencils, for use with the FM_ASR class, as described in 
 * Efficient Fast Marching with Finsler Metrics, J.-M. Mirebeau, 2012
 * \ingroup LevelSetSegmentation
 * \ingroup ITKFastMarching

#include "SSRT_Geom.h"  
#include "AdaptiveStencilRefinement.h" 

namespace itk

    template<typename TComponent=double, typename TShortOffsetValue=char> class SSRT2 : 
    public SSRT_Geom<TComponent,2>, 
    public ASR<true, TShortOffsetValue> {
        static const unsigned int Dimension=2;
        typedef TComponent ValueType; 
        typedef SSRT_Geom<ValueType,Dimension> Superclass1;
        typedef ASR<true, TShortOffsetValue> Superclass2;
        typedef Vector<ValueType,Dimension> VectorType; 
        typedef typename Superclass1::SpacingType SpacingType; 
        SSRT2(ValueType xx, ValueType xy, ValueType yy){this->coef(0,0)=xx; this->coef(1,0)=xy; this->coef(1,1)=yy;}

        ///Pass through constructors
        SSRT2(const Superclass1 &S, const SpacingType &s): Superclass1(S,s){};
        SSRT2(const Superclass1 & S): Superclass1(S){};
        //Local minimisations : the Hopf-Lax update operator
        typedef Image<ValueType,Dimension> DistanceImageType;
//        typedef Image<bool,Dimension> FlagImageType;
        typedef Index<Dimension> IndexType;
        typedef typename Superclass2::ShortOffsetType ShortOffsetType;
        typedef typename Superclass2::CompressedOffsetType CompressedOffsetType;
        typedef typename Superclass2::IndicesType IndicesType;
        typedef typename Superclass2::Stencil Stencil;

        typedef typename Superclass1::WeightsType WeightsType;
         The Hopf-Lax update operator is used to propagate the distance estimate, from the seeds, 
         as the front advances in the fast marching algorithm.
         d : image of the distances, from the seeds, that have been computed.
         x : point at which a new distance estimate is required.
         b : boolean image, indicating at which points distance estimates are final.
         y_i : index, in the direct stencil of x, of the front point which was just accepted 
               (by the fast marching algorithm) thus trigerring the evaluation of this Hopf-Lax update.
         pCompressedStencil, compressedStencilSize : data required to access the direct stencil of x.
         gradient_indices, gradient_weights : returns by reference, the virtual point, on a face of the 
           stencil of x, where the minimum in the Hopf-Lax update operator was reached. This is used to compute 
         the gradient of the distance image, and the geodesics.
         If the return value (the proposed distance estimate at x from the stencil position y_i) is smaller
         than the previous estimate at x, then a user executing the fast marching algorithm should update
         the image d at x wiTCth this value.
        template<typename AcceptedImagePointerType>
        ValueType Hopf_Lax(typename DistanceImageType::Pointer d, const IndexType &x, 
                           AcceptedImagePointerType b, unsigned int y_i, 
                           const Stencil & stencil,
                           IndicesType &gradient_indices, WeightsType &gradient_weights) const;

        ValueType Hopf_Lax(typename DistanceImageType::Pointer d, const IndexType &x, 
                           typename FlagImageType::Pointer b, unsigned int y_i, 
                           const Stencil & stencil,
                           IndicesType &gradient_indices, WeightsType &gradient_weights) const;
        void GetCompressedStencil(std::vector<CompressedOffsetType> &l) const {return Superclass2::CompressedStencil(*this,l);}
        void ReducedBasis(VectorType Basis[2]) const;

} //namespace itk 

#include "SSRT2.hxx"

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