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Tip revision: e47213614213d5483d41efe6877c2cece3ceffd8 authored by Alex Tokolyi on 06 December 2017, 02:55:20 UTC
Customising scripts for local use
Tip revision: e472136
Trawler standalone 1.2

           Quick Start

The easiest way to find out if you have all the required dependencies installed,
to run Trawler_standalone, is to execute the script
provided with the distribution.
Use the following command in a terminal:

> ./

a. If you have the required dependencies already installed, you can now try
   your Trawler_standalone installation by running the examples (see section
   Running the examples).

b. If you are missing some dependencies, please refer to the 'Installation' section.

      Installation instructions

1/ Dependencies installation

1) Perl distribution

Almost every today's UNIX/Linux system contains a Perl installation,
so we expect that you already have a working Perl setup.

make sure perl is installed with version 5.6 or higher (

> perl -v
If Perl is installed, this command will return its version.

2) Java Platform

Install Java if needed, Java 5.0 or newer is required to run Trawler standalone.
Java can be downloaded from

If Java is already installed, make sure you are using version 5.0 or higher.
In order to check the version of the Java, you can use the following command:
> java -version
This command will return its version.

3) Ghostscript

make sure you have Ghostscript installed (

> gs -version
If Ghostscript is installed, this command will return its version.

If needed, Ghostscript can be installed your package manager.

4) Algorithm-Cluster

NOTE: - You will need root privileges, for this installation step.
      - see also instructions included with the Algorithm-Cluster release.

> sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Algorithm::Cluster

If you do not have root privileges, download the module directly from CPAN (
and use perl Makefile.PL prefix=/some/other/directory
to install the module in /some/other/directory/lib/perl5/.
For Perl, type
> perl Makefile.PL
> make
> make test
> make install
For more information, refer to the installation notes included in the Algorithm-Cluster module.

2/ Trawler installation

All you need to do is unpack the distribution:

> gunzip trawler-1.2.tar.gz
> tar xf trawler-1.2.tar

Open "" under the bin folder and append $ENV{trawler_home} in line 71 to the directory where the trawler standalone folder is stored.

        Running the examples

If you have the dependencies installed on your system,
it should be possible to immediately run Trawler_standalone using the examples
as follows:

> cd trawler-1.2/

Run example 1 (running time is less than a minute):
> ./examples/

Run example 2 (running time is about 2 min):
> ./examples/creb/

Run example 3 (running time is about 2 min):
> ./examples/creb/

Run example 4 (running time is about 1 min):
> ./examples/miR106b/

NOTE: - by default results are stored in trawler-1.2/myResults/

       Advanced Configuration

Note: TRAWLER_HOME is the full path to the Trawler installation directory.

Edit the configuration file in TRAWLER_HOME/conf/trawler.cfg

* basepath:
The directory where trawler is installed
e.g. /home/username/trawler

* resultpath:
e.g. /home/username/Trawler_output
Set this variable, if you want to change the default output directory, using full path.
by default results are stored in TRAWLER_HOME/myResults
It is generally safer to set this variable to keep your results
outside Trawler installation directory.

* logging:
debug and info logging are disabled by default,
if you want to enable the logging replace the value by 1 (instead of 0).


* Out-of-memory errors
Depending on the size of your dataset, trawler can fail when the computer runs
out of memory. Trawler will display an error message such as Java OutOfMemoryError.
The problem can be addressed by closing other applications that are running on
the same computer or increasing trawler memory setting using the JAVA_OPTS
property within the TRAWLER_HOME/conf/trawler.cfg file.
By default the Java memory allocation is -Xmx256m but can be replaced with a
higher value, for example JAVA_OPTS = -Xms500m

* No motifs found
If Trawler cannot detect any over-represented motifs, the following error will
appear in the shell: "No motif satisfying your criteria has been found”.
Please re-run Trawler using different parameters.
Increase or decrease the parameter "Minimum number of motif occurrence" for instance.

* Html output: no images
The images of the motif’s PWM cannot be displayed (especially for Windows users).
Make sure that you have installed the Ghostscript dependency (please refer to the
INSTALL file for installation details).

* Html output: no tables
The web browser does not have Javascript enabled.
Modify your browser preferences to enable Javascript ( for example Safari :
go to preference/ security check enable javascript)
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