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Tip revision: 3dca7cc2b59cd54781c8eb6751c50cdbe84a8a07 authored by Debanjan Chaudhuri (Deep) on 11 September 2018, 22:01:34 UTC
Tip revision: 3dca7cc
# Attention and external Knowledge augmented Dual Encoder with bi-directional GRU (AK-DE-biGRU)

Code for implementing the paper : "[Improving Response Selection in Multi-turn Dialogue Systems by Incorporating Domain Knowledge](" 

## Getting Started

We use python version 3.6.4
Install the requirements.txt file and install pytorch version: "0.3.1.post2"

### Prerequisites

Download the pre-processed files from Wu et. al, from here: save it in ubuntu_data.
Run: python ./
To create the required preprocessed dataset
This will be read from
Use the train.txt file to train a fasttext model using the fasttext library: by:
./fasttext skipgram -input train.txt -dim 200 -output fast_text_200
Save this file into a numpy array whose index corresponds to the word_id from the previous dictionary and the row contains the fasttext vector for that word.
copy the file to ubuntu_data directory.

Download the ubuntu_description.npy file provided and copy it to ubuntu_data directory

## Running the model

The AK-DKE-biGRU model should be run as:
python -u --h_dim 300 --mb_size 32 --n_epoch 20 --gpu --lr 0.0001
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