Raw File
Tip revision: 873630a5943f3eba8f4bbc9751fdf16af98d2171 authored by lykeven on 26 May 2020, 12:18:34 UTC
Tip revision: 873630a
#pragma once

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mkl.h"
#include "mkl_lapacke.h"
#include "mkl_vsl.h"

#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h> // for clock_gettime()
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SEED    777
#define BRNG    VSL_BRNG_MCG31

#define min(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define max(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))

typedef struct {
    int nrows, ncols;
    double * d;
} mat;

typedef struct {
    int nrows;
    double * d;
} vec;


void matrix_matrix_mult_row(mat *A, mat* B, mat* C);
/* C= A*B */

/***********Lijian End***********/

/* initialize new matrix and set all entries to zero */
mat * matrix_new(int nrows, int ncols);

/* initialize new vector and set all entries to zero */
vec * vector_new(int nrows);

void matrix_delete(mat *M);

void vector_delete(vec *v);

/* set element in column major format */
void matrix_set_element(mat *M, int row_num, int col_num, double val);

/* get element in column major format */
double matrix_get_element(mat *M, int row_num, int col_num);

/* set vector element */
void vector_set_element(vec *v, int row_num, double val);

/* get vector element */
double vector_get_element(vec *v, int row_num);

/* load matrix from binary file */
mat * matrix_load_from_binary_file(char *fname);

/* write matrix to binary file */
void matrix_write_to_binary_file(mat *M, char *fname);

/* print to terminal */
void matrix_print(mat * M);

/* print to terminal */
void vector_print(vec * v);

/* v(:) = data */
void vector_set_data(vec *v, double *data);

/* scale vector by a constant */
void vector_scale(vec *v, double scalar);

/* scale matrix by a constant */
void matrix_scale(mat *M, double scalar);

/* compute euclidean norm of vector */
double vector_get2norm(vec *v);

/* copy contents of vec s to d  */
void vector_copy(vec *d, vec *s);

/* copy contents of mat S to D  */
void matrix_copy(mat *D, mat *S);

/* hard threshold matrix entries  */
void matrix_hard_threshold(mat *M, double TOL);

/* build transpose of matrix : Mt = M^T */
void matrix_build_transpose(mat *Mt, mat *M);

/* subtract b from a and save result in a  */
void vector_sub(vec *a, vec *b);

/* subtract B from A and save result in A  */
void matrix_sub(mat *A, mat *B);

/* A = A - u*v */
void matrix_sub_column_times_row_vector(mat *A, vec *u, vec *v);

/* matrix frobenius norm */
double get_matrix_frobenius_norm(mat *M);

/* matrix max abs val */
double get_matrix_max_abs_element(mat *M);

/* print out matrix */
void matrix_print(mat * M);

/* print out vector */
void vector_print(vec * v);

/* initialize random matrix (every elements follows Gaussian distribution) */
void initialize_random_matrix(mat *M);

/* C = A*B ; column major */
void matrix_matrix_mult(mat *A, mat *B, mat *C);

/* C = A^T*B ; column major */
void matrix_transpose_matrix_mult(mat *A, mat *B, mat *C);

/* C = A*B^T ; column major */
void matrix_matrix_transpose_mult(mat *A, mat *B, mat *C);

/* y = M*x ; column major */
void matrix_vector_mult(mat *M, vec *x, vec *y);

/* y = M^T*x ; column major */
void matrix_transpose_vector_mult(mat *M, vec *x, vec *y);

/* extract column of a matrix into a vector */
void matrix_get_col(mat *M, int j, vec *column_vec);

/* set column of matrix to vector */
void matrix_set_col(mat *M, int j, vec *column_vec);

/* extract row i of a matrix into a vector */
void matrix_get_row(mat *M, int i, vec *row_vec);

/* put vector row_vec as row i of a matrix */
void matrix_set_row(mat *M, int i, vec *row_vec);

/* Mc = M(:,inds) */
void matrix_get_selected_columns(mat *M, int *inds, mat *Mc);

/* M(:,inds) = Mc */
void matrix_set_selected_columns(mat *M, int *inds, mat *Mc);

/* Mr = M(inds,:) */
void matrix_get_selected_rows(mat *M, int *inds, mat *Mr);

/* M(inds,:) = Mr */
void matrix_set_selected_rows(mat *M, int *inds, mat *Mr);

/* copy only upper triangular matrix part of matrix in S from M */
void matrix_copy_symmetric(mat *S, mat *M);

/* keep only upper triangular matrix part of matrix M */
void matrix_keep_only_upper_triangular(mat *M);

/* initialize diagonal matrix from vector data */
void initialize_diagonal_matrix(mat *D, vec *data);

/* initialize identity */
void initialize_identity_matrix(mat *D);

/* invert diagonal matrix */
void invert_diagonal_matrix(mat *Dinv, mat *D);

/* returns the dot product of two vectors */
double vector_dot_product(vec *u, vec *v);

% project v in direction of u
function p=project_vec(v,u)
p = (dot(v,u)/norm(u)^2)*u;
void project_vector(vec *v, vec *u, vec *p);

/* build orthonormal basis matrix
Q = Y;
for j=1:k
    vj = Q(:,j);
    for i=1:(j-1)
        vi = Q(:,i);
        vj = vj - project_vec(vj,vi);
    vj = vj/norm(vj);
    Q(:,j) = vj;
void build_orthonormal_basis_from_mat(mat *A, mat *Q);

void fill_vector_from_row_list(vec *input, vec *inds, vec *output);

void matrix_copy_first_rows(mat *M_out, mat *M);

void matrix_copy_first_columns(mat *M_out, mat *M);

void matrix_copy_first_columns_with_param(mat *D, mat *S, int num_columns);

void matrix_copy_first_k_rows_and_columns(mat *M_out, mat *M);

void matrix_copy_all_rows_and_last_columns_from_indexk(mat *M_out, mat *M, int k);

void fill_matrix_from_first_rows(mat *M, int k, mat *M_k);

void fill_matrix_from_first_columns(mat *M, int k, mat *M_k);

void fill_matrix_from_last_columns(mat *M, int k, mat *M_k);

void fill_matrix_from_lower_right_corner(mat *M, int k, mat *M_out);

//void fill_matrix_from_column_list(mat *M, vec *I, mat *M_k);

//void fill_matrix_from_row_list(mat *M, vec *I, mat *M_k);

void append_matrices_horizontally(mat *A, mat *B, mat *C);

void append_matrices_vertically(mat *A, mat *B, mat *C);

/* calculate percent error between A and B: 100*norm(A - B)/norm(A) */
double get_percent_error_between_two_mats(mat *A, mat *B);

double get_matrix_column_norm_squared(mat *M, int colnum);

double matrix_getmaxcolnorm(mat *M);

void compute_matrix_column_norms(mat *M, vec *column_norms);

/* compute eigendecomposition of symmetric matrix M
void compute_evals_and_evecs_of_symm_matrix(mat *S, vec *evals);

/* Performs [Q,R] = qr(M,'0') compact QR factorization 
M is mxn ; Q is mxn ; R is min(m,n) x min(m,n) */ 
void compact_QR_factorization(mat *M, mat *Q, mat *R);

/* returns Q from [Q,R] = qr(M,'0') compact QR factorization 
M is mxn ; Q is mxn ; R is not computed */ 
void QR_factorization_getQ(mat *M, mat *Q);

void QR_factorization_getQ_inplace(mat *Q);

void singular_value_decomposition(mat *M, mat *U, mat *S, mat *Vt);

/* for autorank 1 */
void estimate_rank_and_buildQ(mat *M, double frac_of_max_rank, double TOL, mat **Q, int *good_rank);

/* for autorank 2 */
void estimate_rank_and_buildQ2(mat *M, int kblock, double TOL, mat **Y, mat **Q, int *good_rank);

/* P = U * S * Vt */
void form_svd_product_matrix(mat *U, mat *S, mat *V, mat *P);

/* get seconds for recording runtime */
double get_seconds_frac(struct timeval start_timeval, struct timeval end_timeval);

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