Raw File
Tip revision: 8cec132be3df9ed3d103de45ba570345ab7a1d02 authored by Topwood91 on 29 July 2016, 07:24:13 UTC
Update fsva.cpp
Tip revision: 8cec132
#include "ssw_cpp.h"
#include "ssw.h"

#include <sstream>

namespace {

static const int8_t kBaseTranslation[128] = {
    4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,
    4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,
    4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,
    4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,
  //   A     C            G
    4, 0, 4, 1,  4, 4, 4, 2,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,
  //             T
    4, 4, 4, 4,  3, 0, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,
  //   a     c            g
    4, 0, 4, 1,  4, 4, 4, 2,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,
  //             t
    4, 4, 4, 4,  3, 0, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4

void BuildSwScoreMatrix(const uint8_t& match_score,
                        const uint8_t& mismatch_penalty,
			int8_t* matrix) {

  // The score matrix looks like
  //                 // A,  C,  G,  T,  N
  //  score_matrix_ = { 2, -2, -2, -2,  0, // A
  //                   -2,  2, -2, -2,  0, // C
  //                   -2, -2,  2, -2,  0, // G
  //                   -2, -2, -2,  2,  0, // T
  //                    0,  0,  0,  0,  0};// N

  int id = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
      matrix[id] = ((i == j) ? match_score : static_cast<int8_t>(-mismatch_penalty));
    matrix[id] = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
    matrix[id++] = 0;


void ConvertAlignment(const s_align& s_al,
                      const int& query_len,
                      StripedSmithWaterman::Alignment* al) {
  al->sw_score           = s_al.score1;
  al->sw_score_next_best = s_al.score2;
  al->ref_begin          = s_al.ref_begin1;
  al->ref_end            = s_al.ref_end1;
  al->query_begin        = s_al.read_begin1;
  al->query_end          = s_al.read_end1;
  al->ref_end_next_best  = s_al.ref_end2;


  if (s_al.cigarLen > 0) {
    std::ostringstream cigar_string;
    if (al->query_begin > 0) {
      uint32_t cigar = to_cigar_int(al->query_begin, 'S');
      cigar_string << al->query_begin << 'S';

    for (int i = 0; i < s_al.cigarLen; ++i) {
      cigar_string << cigar_int_to_len(s_al.cigar[i]) << cigar_int_to_op(s_al.cigar[i]);

    int end = query_len - al->query_end - 1;
    if (end > 0) {
      uint32_t cigar = to_cigar_int(end, 'S');
      cigar_string << end << 'S';

    al->cigar_string = cigar_string.str();
  } // end if

// @Function:
//     Calculate the length of the previous cigar operator
//     and store it in new_cigar and new_cigar_string.
//     Clean up in_M (false), in_X (false), length_M (0), and length_X(0).
void CleanPreviousMOperator(
    bool* in_M,
    bool* in_X,
    uint32_t* length_M,
    uint32_t* length_X,
    std::vector<uint32_t>* new_cigar,
    std::ostringstream* new_cigar_string) {
  if (*in_M) {
    uint32_t match = to_cigar_int(*length_M, '=');
    (*new_cigar_string) << *length_M << '=';
  } else if (*in_X){ //in_X
    uint32_t match = to_cigar_int(*length_X, 'X');
    (*new_cigar_string) << *length_X << 'X';

  // Clean up
  *in_M = false;
  *in_X = false;
  *length_M = 0;
  *length_X = 0;

// @Function:
//     1. Calculate the number of mismatches.
//     2. Modify the cigar string:
//         differentiate matches (M) and mismatches(X).
//         Note that SSW does not differentiate matches and mismatches.
// @Return:
//     The number of mismatches.
int CalculateNumberMismatch(
    StripedSmithWaterman::Alignment* al,
    int8_t const *ref,
    int8_t const *query,
    const int& query_len) {

  ref   += al->ref_begin;
  query += al->query_begin;
  int mismatch_length = 0;

  std::vector<uint32_t> new_cigar;
  std::ostringstream new_cigar_string;

  if (al->query_begin > 0) {
    uint32_t cigar = to_cigar_int(al->query_begin, 'S');
    new_cigar_string << al->query_begin << 'S';

  bool in_M = false; // the previous is match
  bool in_X = false; // the previous is mismatch
  uint32_t length_M = 0;
  uint32_t length_X = 0;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < al->cigar.size(); ++i) {
    char op = cigar_int_to_op(al->cigar[i]);
    uint32_t length = cigar_int_to_len(al->cigar[i]);
    if (op == 'M') {
      for (uint32_t j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
	if (*ref != *query) {
          if (in_M) { // the previous is match; however the current one is mismatche
	    uint32_t match = to_cigar_int(length_M, '=');
	    new_cigar_string << length_M << '=';
	  length_M = 0;
	  in_M = false;
	  in_X = true;
	} else { // *ref == *query
	  if (in_X) { // the previous is mismatch; however the current one is matche
	    uint32_t match = to_cigar_int(length_X, 'X');
	    new_cigar_string << length_X << 'X';
	  length_X = 0;
	  in_M = true;
	  in_X = false;
	} // end of if (*ref != *query)
    } else if (op == 'I') {
      query += length;
      mismatch_length += length;
      CleanPreviousMOperator(&in_M, &in_X, &length_M, &length_X, &new_cigar, &new_cigar_string);
      new_cigar_string << length << 'I';
    } else if (op == 'D') {
      ref += length;
      mismatch_length += length;
      CleanPreviousMOperator(&in_M, &in_X, &length_M, &length_X, &new_cigar, &new_cigar_string);
      new_cigar_string << length << 'D';

  CleanPreviousMOperator(&in_M, &in_X, &length_M, &length_X, &new_cigar, &new_cigar_string);

  int end = query_len - al->query_end - 1;
  if (end > 0) {
    uint32_t cigar = to_cigar_int(end, 'S');
    new_cigar_string << end << 'S';

  al->cigar_string = new_cigar_string.str();
  al->cigar = new_cigar;

  return mismatch_length;

void SetFlag(const StripedSmithWaterman::Filter& filter, uint8_t* flag) {
  if (filter.report_begin_position) *flag |= 0x08;
  if (filter.report_cigar) *flag |= 0x0f;

template <typename T, size_t N>
inline size_t SizeOfArray( const T(&)[ N ] )
  return N;

} // namespace

namespace StripedSmithWaterman {

    : score_matrix_(NULL)
    , score_matrix_size_(5)
    , translation_matrix_(NULL)
    , match_score_(2)
    , mismatch_penalty_(2)
    , gap_opening_penalty_(3)
    , gap_extending_penalty_(1)
    , translated_reference_(NULL)
    , reference_length_(0)

    const uint8_t& match_score,
    const uint8_t& mismatch_penalty,
    const uint8_t& gap_opening_penalty,
    const uint8_t& gap_extending_penalty)

    : score_matrix_(NULL)
    , score_matrix_size_(5)
    , translation_matrix_(NULL)
    , match_score_(match_score)
    , mismatch_penalty_(mismatch_penalty)
    , gap_opening_penalty_(gap_opening_penalty)
    , gap_extending_penalty_(gap_extending_penalty)
    , translated_reference_(NULL)
    , reference_length_(0)

Aligner::Aligner(const int8_t* score_matrix,
                 const int&    score_matrix_size,
	         const int8_t* translation_matrix,
		 const int&    translation_matrix_size)

    : score_matrix_(NULL)
    , score_matrix_size_(score_matrix_size)
    , translation_matrix_(NULL)
    , match_score_(2)
    , mismatch_penalty_(2)
    , gap_opening_penalty_(3)
    , gap_extending_penalty_(1)
    , translated_reference_(NULL)
    , reference_length_(0)
  score_matrix_ = new int8_t[score_matrix_size_ * score_matrix_size_];
  memcpy(score_matrix_, score_matrix, sizeof(int8_t) * score_matrix_size_ * score_matrix_size_);
  translation_matrix_ = new int8_t[translation_matrix_size];
  memcpy(translation_matrix_, translation_matrix, sizeof(int8_t) * translation_matrix_size);


int Aligner::SetReferenceSequence(const char* seq, const int& length) {

  int len = 0;
  if (translation_matrix_) {
    // calculate the valid length
    //int calculated_ref_length = static_cast<int>(strlen(seq));
    //int valid_length = (calculated_ref_length > length)
    //                   ? length : calculated_ref_length;
    int valid_length = length;
    // delete the current buffer
    // allocate a new buffer
    translated_reference_ = new int8_t[valid_length];

    len = TranslateBase(seq, valid_length, translated_reference_);
  } else {
    // nothing

  reference_length_ = len;
  return len;


int Aligner::TranslateBase(const char* bases, const int& length,
    int8_t* translated) const {

  const char* ptr = bases;
  int len = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    translated[i] = translation_matrix_[(int) *ptr];

  return len;

bool Aligner::Align(const char* query, const Filter& filter,
                    Alignment* alignment) const
  if (!translation_matrix_) return false;
  if (reference_length_ == 0) return false;

  int query_len = strlen(query);
  if (query_len == 0) return false;
  int8_t* translated_query = new int8_t[query_len];
  TranslateBase(query, query_len, translated_query);

  const int8_t score_size = 2;
  s_profile* profile = ssw_init(translated_query, query_len, score_matrix_,
                                score_matrix_size_, score_size);

  uint8_t flag = 0;
  SetFlag(filter, &flag);
  s_align* s_al = ssw_align(profile, translated_reference_, reference_length_,
				 flag, filter.score_filter, filter.distance_filter, query_len);

  ConvertAlignment(*s_al, query_len, alignment);
  alignment->mismatches = CalculateNumberMismatch(&*alignment, translated_reference_, translated_query, query_len);

  // Free memory
  delete [] translated_query;

  return true;

bool Aligner::Align(const char* query, const	int	query_len,	const char* ref, const int& ref_len,
                    const Filter& filter, Alignment* alignment) const
  if (!translation_matrix_) return false;

//  int query_len = strlen(query);
  if (query_len == 0) return false;
//  int8_t* translated_query = new int8_t[query_len];
//  TranslateBase(query, query_len, translated_query);

  // calculate the valid length
  //int calculated_ref_length = static_cast<int>(strlen(ref));
  //int valid_ref_len = (calculated_ref_length > ref_len)
  //                    ? ref_len : calculated_ref_length;
  int valid_ref_len = ref_len;
//  int8_t* translated_ref = new int8_t[valid_ref_len];
//  TranslateBase(ref, valid_ref_len, translated_ref);

  const int8_t score_size = 2;
  s_profile* profile = ssw_init((int8_t*)query, query_len, score_matrix_,
                                score_matrix_size_, score_size);

  uint8_t flag = 0;
  SetFlag(filter, &flag);
  s_align* s_al = ssw_align(profile, (int8_t*)ref, valid_ref_len,
				 flag, filter.score_filter, filter.distance_filter, query_len);

  ConvertAlignment(*s_al, query_len, alignment);
//  alignment->mismatches = CalculateNumberMismatch(&*alignment, ref, query, query_len);

  // Free memory
//  delete [] translated_query;
//  delete [] translated_ref;

  return true;

void Aligner::Clear(void) {

void Aligner::SetAllDefault(void) {
  score_matrix_size_     = 5;
  match_score_           = 2;
  mismatch_penalty_      = 2;
  gap_opening_penalty_   = 3;
  gap_extending_penalty_ = 1;
  reference_length_      = 0;

bool Aligner::ReBuild(void) {
  if (translation_matrix_) return false;


  return true;

bool Aligner::ReBuild(
    const uint8_t& match_score,
    const uint8_t& mismatch_penalty,
    const uint8_t& gap_opening_penalty,
    const uint8_t& gap_extending_penalty) {
  if (translation_matrix_) return false;


  match_score_           = match_score;
  mismatch_penalty_      = mismatch_penalty;
  gap_opening_penalty_   = gap_opening_penalty;
  gap_extending_penalty_ = gap_extending_penalty;


  return true;

bool Aligner::ReBuild(
    const int8_t* score_matrix,
    const int&    score_matrix_size,
    const int8_t* translation_matrix,
    const int&    translation_matrix_size) {

  score_matrix_ = new int8_t[score_matrix_size_ * score_matrix_size_];
  memcpy(score_matrix_, score_matrix, sizeof(int8_t) * score_matrix_size_ * score_matrix_size_);
  translation_matrix_ = new int8_t[translation_matrix_size];
  memcpy(translation_matrix_, translation_matrix, sizeof(int8_t) * translation_matrix_size);

  return true;

void Aligner::BuildDefaultMatrix(void) {
  score_matrix_ = new int8_t[score_matrix_size_ * score_matrix_size_];
  BuildSwScoreMatrix(match_score_, mismatch_penalty_, score_matrix_);
  translation_matrix_ = new int8_t[SizeOfArray(kBaseTranslation)];
  memcpy(translation_matrix_, kBaseTranslation, sizeof(int8_t) * SizeOfArray(kBaseTranslation));

void Aligner::ClearMatrices(void) {
  delete [] score_matrix_;
  score_matrix_ = NULL;

  delete [] translation_matrix_;
  translation_matrix_ = NULL;
} // namespace StripedSmithWaterman
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