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Tip revision: 8a67216c7678d522111e6c8933888a46b1c86082 authored by Wolfgang Erb on 17 January 2023, 18:41:54 UTC
Tip revision: 8a67216
# GBFlearn - Learning with Graph Basis Functions

A simple toolbox to illustrate how graph basis functions (GBFs) can be used for interpolation, classification and semi-supervised learning on graphs.
<p align="center"> 
<img src="img/logo_gbflearn.png" width="300"> 

Version: 0.2 (15.01.2023)

Written by <a href=""> Wolfgang Erb</a>

General Description

**GBFlearn** is a simple Matlab toolbox for interpolation, classification and semi-supervised learning with <a href="">Graph Basis Functions</a>.

Graph basis functions (GBFs) are graph analogs of the well-known radial basis functions or the spherical basis functions. Generalized shifts of positive definite GBFs generate kernels on graphs that can be used, as in traditional continuous settings, to approximate and interpolate graph signals, or as kernel machines for supervised and semi-supervised learning.  

An introduction to GBFs explaining the relation to kernel methods on graphs is given in [1]. Applications of GBFs to machine learning on graphs can be found in [2]. A short <a href=""> tutorial</a> and further information can be found at 
<a href=""></a>.


<img src="img/GBF_sensor2_comparison.png" width="800"> 
Fig. 1 Comparison of GBF interpolation with bandlimited interpolation on a sensor graph. 

Description of the Code

The package contains the following main parts

- The main *Matlab* folder contains example scripts and demos on how to use GBFs for the interpolation, regression and classification of graph signals. 

- The subfolder *./core* contains the core code of the package for the generation of the different graphs, the basis functions and the plots. 

- The subfolder *./data* contains several *.mat* files with the node information of the example graphs. 

- The subfolder *./PUM* contains the subroutines for the generation of partition of unities on graphs. 

The example scripts can be divided into four categories:

- In the scripts of the form **GBF_example_EFF_(graph).m** the numerical methods for the efficient caluculation of the GBF kernels are tested. 

- The files of the form **GBF_example_ITP_(graph).m** are used to demonstrate how GBFs can be used for the interpolation of graph signals and how GBFs compare to bandlimited interpolation.  

- In the scripts of the form **GBF_example_PUM_(graph).m** it is illustrated how GBF kernel approximation can be combined with partition of unities in order to reduce the computational load by splitting the graph in smaller parts. 

- In the scripts of the form **GBF_example_SSL_(graph).m** supervised and semi-supervised classification based on feature-augmented GBF kernels is tested on several data sets.    

<img src="img/GBF_SSL_slashedO.png" width="800"> 
Fig. 2 Classification with supervised (left) and semi-supervised (middle and right) kernel-based methods on the slashed-O data set. 


The main purpose of this code is to see how GBFs can be used for the interpolation of graph signals, or in supervised and semi-supervised classification on graphs. In the second release of this code, I added numerical routines that are able to generate the GBFs more efficiently so that it is possible to apply the toolbox also for larger graphs. Note however that I wrote the code mainly for didactical purposes and didn't optimize everything for speed. Therefore, some of the computations might still be quite slow if the code is not adjusted adeguately.  

Anybody interested in optimizing or refining the actual code is warmly welcome to contribute. The same holds true if anybody is interested in adding new examples or analysis tools. Please contact me ( if you need further information. 

If you are interested in a Python version of the code, you can find it at

Citation and Credits

This code was written by Wolfgang Erb at the Dipartimento di Matematica ''Tullio Levi-Civita'', University of Padova. The corresponding theory on GBFs related to the interpolation of graph signals and to kernel-based learning is given in  

*   [1] &nbsp; Erb, W. <br>
    <i> Graph Signal Interpolation with Positive Definite Graph Basis Functions </i> <br>
    arXiv:1912.02069 [eess.SP] (2019) 

*   [2] &nbsp; Erb, W. <br>
    <i> Semi-Supervised Learning on Graphs with Feature-Augmented Graph Basis Functions  </i> <br>
    arXiv:2003.07646  [cs.LG] (2020) 

Source for the Stanford bunny: Stanford
University Computer Graphics Laboratory. <br>
Source for the ionosphere data and the Wisconsin Breast Cancer data set: UCI machine learning repository


Copyright (C) 2020 Wolfgang Erb

GBFlearn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
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