Raw File
Tip revision: 3e42307006508424bc7beadd0708f6c240029339 authored by Andrei Egorov on 02 February 2024, 16:17:56 UTC
Update DM-v57_w_M31.patch
Tip revision: 3e42307
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:16:35.580614619 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:17:44.115811067 +0100
*** 32,38 ****
      galaxy.init(galdef.x_min,  galdef.x_max, galdef.dx,
  		galdef.y_min,  galdef.y_max, galdef.dy,
  		galdef.z_min,  galdef.z_max,;
!   }                  
    nH_set_model(galdef.nHI_model, galdef.nH2_model, galdef.nHII_model, 0); //AWS20090814
--- 32,40 ----
      galaxy.init(galdef.x_min,  galdef.x_max, galdef.dx,
  		galdef.y_min,  galdef.y_max, galdef.dy,
  		galdef.z_min,  galdef.z_max,;
!   }       
!      if(galdef.DM_gammas==2) {INFO("Exit"); return 0; }   //AE20160503
    nH_set_model(galdef.nHI_model, galdef.nH2_model, galdef.nHII_model, 0); //AWS20090814
*** 327,333 ****
!   if (galdef.synchrotron >= 1) {                          //AWS20080229
      galaxy.nu_synch_min =   galdef.nu_synch_min;
      galaxy.nu_synch_max =   galdef.nu_synch_max;
--- 329,336 ----
!   if (galdef.synchrotron >= 1) {             //AWS20080229
!      if (galdef.DM_int9 == 0) {                        
      galaxy.nu_synch_min =   galdef.nu_synch_min;
      galaxy.nu_synch_max =   galdef.nu_synch_max;
*** 360,365 ****
--- 363,392 ----
+       }      //  if DM_int9      AE20140924
+      else {
+      galaxy.n_nu_synchgrid = galdef.DM_int9;
+      galaxy.nu_synch = new double[galaxy.n_nu_synchgrid];
+     ostringstream sBuf;
+     sBuf << "Synchrotron frequency grid: ";
+     for (int inusynch = 0; inusynch < galaxy.n_nu_synchgrid; ++inusynch) {
+       galaxy.nu_synch[inusynch] = galdef.DM_double3[inusynch];
+       sBuf << galaxy.nu_synch[inusynch] << " ";
+        }
+     galaxy.nu_synch_min =   galaxy.nu_synch[0];
+     galaxy.nu_synch_max =   galaxy.nu_synch[galaxy.n_nu_synchgrid-1];
+     galaxy.nu_synch_factor = 1;
+     INFO(sBuf.str());
+       }  //  else DM_int8                AE20140924
  		/* Moved to  Gulli20071003
      if (galdef.n_spatial_dimensions == 2) {
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:16:35.703616766 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:17:44.148811643 +0100
*** 66,72 ****
     if(galdef.verbose >= 1)cout<<endl<<"Number of species to create: n_species= "<<n_species<<endl<<endl;
!    if(!n_species) {cout<<" No particles specified -exit"<<endl; exit(1);}
  // create a Particle array
     delete[] gcr;
--- 66,72 ----
     if(galdef.verbose >= 1)cout<<endl<<"Number of species to create: n_species= "<<n_species<<endl<<endl;
!    if(!n_species && !galdef.DM_gammas) {cout<<" No particles specified -exit"<<endl; exit(1);}   // AE20160501 added "DM_gammas"
  // create a Particle array
     delete[] gcr;
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:16:53.572928718 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:17:44.233813127 +0100
*** 857,864 ****
      stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_double1 );
      strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double2" );
      stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_double2 );
!     strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double3" );
!     stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_double3 );
      strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double4" );
      stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_double4 );
      strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double5" );
--- 857,864 ----
      stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_double1 );
      strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double2" );
      stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_double2 );
!     // strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double3" );
!     // stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_double3 );
      strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double4" );
      stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_double4 );
      strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double5" );
*** 893,898 ****
--- 893,902 ----
      strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_int9" );
      stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&DM_int9 );
+     DM_double3 = new double[DM_int9];                                         //AE20140924 
+     strcpy ( parstring,                              "DM_double3" );          // 
+     stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,DM_double3,DM_int9 );    //
      //output controls
      strcpy ( parstring,                              "skymap_format" );
      stat= read_galdef_parameter ( filename,parstring,&skymap_format );
*** 1585,1591 ****
      cout<<"  DM_double0            "<<DM_double0           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double1            "<<DM_double1           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double2            "<<DM_double2           <<endl;
!     cout<<"  DM_double3            "<<DM_double3           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double4            "<<DM_double4           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double5            "<<DM_double5           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double6            "<<DM_double6           <<endl;
--- 1589,1598 ----
      cout<<"  DM_double0            "<<DM_double0           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double1            "<<DM_double1           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double2            "<<DM_double2           <<endl;
!     cout<<"  DM_double3            ";  //<<DM_double3           <<endl;
!            for (int i=0; i<DM_int9; i++)
!                cout<<DM_double3[i]<<", ";
!       cout<<endl;                                                     //AE20140926
      cout<<"  DM_double4            "<<DM_double4           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double5            "<<DM_double5           <<endl;
      cout<<"  DM_double6            "<<DM_double6           <<endl;
diff -c source/Galdef.h source-dm/Galdef.h
*** source/Galdef.h	2021-01-24 17:16:53.210922398 +0100
--- source-dm/Galdef.h	2021-01-24 17:17:44.130811329 +0100
*** 187,193 ****
    int DM_antiprotons;                   // 1=compute antiprotons from DM
    int DM_gammas;                        // 1=compute gamma rays from DM
    double                                // user-defined params of DM (double)
!     DM_double0, DM_double1, DM_double2, DM_double3, DM_double4,
      DM_double5, DM_double6, DM_double7, DM_double8, DM_double9;
    int                                   // user-defined params of DM (int)
      DM_int0, DM_int1, DM_int2, DM_int3, DM_int4,
--- 187,193 ----
    int DM_antiprotons;                   // 1=compute antiprotons from DM
    int DM_gammas;                        // 1=compute gamma rays from DM
    double                                // user-defined params of DM (double)
!     DM_double0, DM_double1, DM_double2, *DM_double3, DM_double4,            //AE2014 - added pointer *
      DM_double5, DM_double6, DM_double7, DM_double8, DM_double9;
    int                                   // user-defined params of DM (int)
      DM_int0, DM_int1, DM_int2, DM_int3, DM_int4,
diff -c source/Galprop.h source-dm/Galprop.h
*** source/Galprop.h	2021-01-24 17:16:53.071919972 +0100
--- source-dm/Galprop.h	2021-01-24 17:17:44.115811067 +0100
*** 49,56 ****
      int gen_DM_source ( Particle& );
      int gen_DM_emiss();
      double DM_profile ( double, double, double );
!     double DM_profile_av ( double,double,double,double,double );
!     double DM_profile_av ( double,double,double,double,double,double,double );
      int gen_DM_skymap();
      int store_DM_emiss();
      int store_DM_skymap();
--- 49,57 ----
      int gen_DM_source ( Particle& );
      int gen_DM_emiss();
      double DM_profile ( double, double, double );
!     double DM_profile_av ( double,double,double,double ); //AE20131218
!     double DM_profile_av ( double,double,double,double,double,double ); //AE20131218
!     double DM_subs_boost ( double, double, double ); //AE20131218
      int gen_DM_skymap();
      int store_DM_emiss();
      int store_DM_skymap();
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:16:52.933917564 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:17:44.069810264 +0100
*** 61,66 ****
--- 61,67 ----
  // calc. of a 2D array of g-ray emission for the given E_gammagrid for a
  // particular pixel (l,b)   IMOS20080114
+ // "gcr" was replaced by "galdef" AE20160501
  int Galprop::gen_DM_skymap_pixel(const double l, const double b, vector<double> &DM){
    double dtr=acos(-1.)/180.;
*** 88,94 ****
        double xx,yy;                                                 //IMOS20080114
       // checks if we got to the Galactic boundary in 2D, if so stop integration
!       if(gcr[0].n_spatial_dimensions==2)
  	  // find the nearest grid points on the LEFT side of the current point
--- 89,95 ----
        double xx,yy;                                                 //IMOS20080114
       // checks if we got to the Galactic boundary in 2D, if so stop integration
!       if(galdef.n_spatial_dimensions==2)
  	  // find the nearest grid points on the LEFT side of the current point
*** 107,113 ****
  	} // particle.n_spatial_dimensions==2
         // checks if we got to the Galactic boundary in 3D, if so stop integration
!       if(gcr[0].n_spatial_dimensions==3) 
  	  xx=Rsun-d*cosb*cosl;                                   // 3D: Sun on x axis at x=+Rsun
  	  yy=    -d*cosb*sinl;                                   // 3D: Sun at y=0; +ve long=-ve y since Z=X^Y system
--- 108,114 ----
  	} // particle.n_spatial_dimensions==2
         // checks if we got to the Galactic boundary in 3D, if so stop integration
!       if(galdef.n_spatial_dimensions==3) 
  	  xx=Rsun-d*cosb*cosl;                                   // 3D: Sun on x axis at x=+Rsun
  	  yy=    -d*cosb*sinl;                                   // 3D: Sun at y=0; +ve long=-ve y since Z=X^Y system
*** 141,147 ****
  	  float delta, x[8][3],f[8],y[7];
! 	      if(gcr[0].n_spatial_dimensions==2) 
  		  if (ir==galaxy.n_rgrid-1 || iz==galaxy.n_zgrid-1)
  		    delta = dd*kpc2cm *galaxy.DM_emiss.d2[ir][iz]    .s[iEgamma];
--- 142,148 ----
  	  float delta, x[8][3],f[8],y[7];
! 	      if(galdef.n_spatial_dimensions==2) 
  		  if (ir==galaxy.n_rgrid-1 || iz==galaxy.n_zgrid-1)
  		    delta = dd*kpc2cm *galaxy.DM_emiss.d2[ir][iz]    .s[iEgamma];
*** 163,169 ****
  		      delta = dd*kpc2cm *y[2];
! 	      if(gcr[0].n_spatial_dimensions==3) 
  		  if (ix==galaxy.n_xgrid-1 || iy==galaxy.n_ygrid-1 || iz==galaxy.n_zgrid-1)
  		    delta = dd*kpc2cm *galaxy.DM_emiss.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[iEgamma];
--- 164,170 ----
  		      delta = dd*kpc2cm *y[2];
! 	      if(galdef.n_spatial_dimensions==3) 
  		  if (ix==galaxy.n_xgrid-1 || iy==galaxy.n_ygrid-1 || iz==galaxy.n_zgrid-1)
  		    delta = dd*kpc2cm *galaxy.DM_emiss.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[iEgamma];
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:16:53.005918820 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:17:44.184812272 +0100
*** 3,16 ****
  // * *                             galprop package * 9/09/2005 
  // The routine gen_DM_source calculates the source functions of the products of the
! // dark matter (DM) particle annihilation [cm^-3 s^-1 MeV^-1].
  // The routine can be used to calculate source function of positrons, electrons,
  // and antiprotons.
! // Use gen_DM_emiss to define gamma-ray emissivity (cm^-3 s^-1 MeV^-1)
! // in terms (dn/dEdt *c/4pi), where n is the number density, c is speed of light.
  // The user must use the parameters DM_double0-9 and DM_int0-9 (galdef-file) to 
  // specify the Galactic DM profile, branching, decay channels, and spectra (see 
  // the template below). The DM profile is defined in the DM_profile routine.
--- 3,15 ----
  // * *                             galprop package * 9/09/2005 
  // The routine gen_DM_source calculates the source functions of the products of the
! // dark matter (DM) particle annihilation [c/(4\pi) cm^-3 s^-1 MeV^-1].
  // The routine can be used to calculate source function of positrons, electrons,
  // and antiprotons.
! // Use gen_DM_emiss to define gamma-ray emissivity (cm^-3 s^-1 MeV^-1 sr^-1)
! // in terms (dn/dEdt *1/4pi), where n is the number density, c is speed of light (AE20131226 - c is removed, sr^-1 is added above - suggested typos).
  // The user must use the parameters DM_double0-9 and DM_int0-9 (galdef-file) to 
  // specify the Galactic DM profile, branching, decay channels, and spectra (see 
  // the template below). The DM profile is defined in the DM_profile routine.
*** 19,24 ****
--- 18,28 ----
  // See example in Moskalenko I.V., Strong A.W. 1999, Phys. Rev. D 60, 063003
  // and realization below.
+ // Modified, improved and updated by Andrey Egorov - 11/29/2013-... .
+ //Attention! - DM_profile_av function below bears in fact DM density squared average.
  using namespace std;
*** 28,121 ****
  #include <string.h>
  //extern "C" void RHO_DARKSUSY_F77(double*,double*,double*,double*); //IMOS20060901
  int Galprop::gen_DM_source(Particle &particle)
!    cout<<"gen_DM_source"<<endl;
!    cout<<"generating "<<<<" source function for n_spatial_dimensions="
!        <<gcr[0].n_spatial_dimensions<<endl;
!    double DMwidth,DMbranching,   // annihilation product distribution
!      DMsecondary_spectrum,       // spectrum of secondaries from DM annihilation
!      DME0,                       // delta function energy used for Green's function
!      DMmass  =galdef.DM_double2, // DM particle mass
!      DMcs_v  =galdef.DM_double9, // DM <cross_sec*V> -thermally overaged, cm3 s-1 
!      dzz=0.01;                   // kpc, gas averaging step
!    int stat=0;
!  // define the spectra of annihilation products: positrons, electrons, antiprotons
!    if(strcmp(,"DM_positrons")==0)
!      {
!        DMwidth     =galdef.DM_double3;
!        DMbranching =galdef.DM_double4;
!      }
!    if(strcmp(,"DM_electrons")==0)
!      {
!        DMwidth     =galdef.DM_double5;
!        DMbranching =galdef.DM_double6;
!      }
-    if(strcmp(,"DM_antiprotons")==0)
-      {
-        DMwidth     =galdef.DM_double7;
-        DMbranching =galdef.DM_double8;
-      }
  // assign the source function (2D)
         for(int ir=0; ir<gcr[0].n_rgrid; ir++)
  	   for(int iz=0; iz<gcr[0].n_zgrid; iz++)
  	       for(int ip=0; ip<particle.n_pgrid; ip++)
- // test of electron propagation vs analytical calculations IMOS20061030
- // to run test, assign galdef.DM_int0=99, other parameters:
- // galdef.DM_double6 - the half thickness of the disk source distribution (e.g. 0.1 kpc), the source 
- //                     distribution is uniform within the disk; normalization =1 at the normalization energy
- // galdef.DM_double7 - the photon field energy density (e.g. 1 eV/cc)
- // galdef.DM_double8 - the normalization energy of the electron spectrum (e.g. 10^3 MeV)
- // galdef.DM_double9 - the injection spectral index of electrons (e.g. 2.4)
- 		   if(abs(galdef.DM_int0)==99 && particle.A==0) 
- 		     {
- 		       if(strcmp(,"DM_electrons")==0) //numerical  solution "DM_electrons"
- 			 particle.secondary_source_function.d2[ir][iz].s[ip]= 
- 			   (galdef.DM_double6 <= fabs(galaxy.z[iz])) ? 0.:
- 			   C/4./Pi*pow(particle.Ekin[ip]/galdef.DM_double8,-galdef.DM_double9);
- 		       if(strcmp(,"DM_positrons")==0) //analytical solution "DM_positrons"
- 			 particle.secondary_source_function.d2[ir][iz].s[ip]=0.;
- 		       continue;		     
- 		     }
- // end of the test area
  		   if(galdef.DM_int1==9) // Green's function to work with DarkSUSY IMOS20060901
  		       if(DME0<particle.Ekin[ip] || DME0/DMwidth>particle.Ekin[ip]) continue;
! 			 +=pow(DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ir], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dr,, dzz),2)
! 		     }
! 		     particle.secondary_source_function.d2[ir][iz].s[ip]+= DMcs_v*
! 		       pow(DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ir], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dr,, dzz)/DMmass,2)
! 		       *C/4./Pi*DMbranching*exp(-pow((DMmass-particle.Etot[ip]*1.e-3)/DMwidth,2))/DMmass*1.e-3;
  		 } // ip
  	     }  //  iz
  	 }  //  ir
       }  //  particle.n_spatial_dimensions==2
  // assign the source function (3D)
!        for(int ix=0; ix<gcr[0].n_xgrid; ix++)
  	   for(int iy=0; iy<gcr[0].n_ygrid; iy++)
--- 32,247 ----
  #include <string.h>
+ #include <ErrorLogger.h>
+ #include<sstream>
  //extern "C" void RHO_DARKSUSY_F77(double*,double*,double*,double*); //IMOS20060901
  int Galprop::gen_DM_source(Particle &particle)
!  cout<<"gen_DM_source"<<endl;
!  cout<<"generating "<<<<" source function for n_spatial_dimensions="<<gcr[0].n_spatial_dimensions<<endl;
!  const double DMmass=galdef.DM_double2,                               // DM particle mass, GeV
!               DMcs_v=galdef.DM_double9;                               // DM <cross_sec*V> -thermally averaged, cm3 s-1
!        double DME0,DMwidth,DMbranching,DMsecondary_spectrum;          // obsolete - needed for DarkSUSY
!  int stat=0, iwm=0, SD_key=galdef.DM_int4, channel_key=galdef.DM_int2;         
!  FILE *fDM;                                               // file with annihilation yields data for p* and ee*
!  const long NsDMy=55242, NDMm=62, NsDMym=891;             // for operation with yields data 
!  long jDMyw=0;
!  double DMy[NsDMy], DMym[NsDMym];                                      
!  const double mt[NDMm] = {5.,6.,8.,10.,15.,20.,25.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.,100.,110.,120.,130.,140.,150.,160.,180.,200.,220.,240.,260.,280.,300.,330.,360.,
! 400.,450.,500.,550.,600.,650.,700.,750.,800.,900.,1000.,1100.,1200.,1300.,1500.,1700.,2000.,2500.,3000.,4000.,5000.,6000.,7000.,
! 8000.,9000.,10000.,12000.,15000.,20000.,30000.,50000.,100000.};   // masses with tabulated yields
!  const std::string DMDirectory = configure.fFITSDataDirectory+"DM/";
!  std::string filename = DMDirectory;
!  const char *str;
!  if(strcmp(,"DM_antiprotons")==0)
!    {
!     SD_key=0;
!     switch(channel_key)
!     {
!      case 1: filename += "DM-e-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // e^+e^- channel
!      case 2: filename += "DM-mu-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \mu^+\mu^- channel
!      case 3: filename += "DM-tau-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \tau^+\tau^- channel
!      case 4: filename += "DM-q-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // qq* channel
!      case 5: filename += "DM-c-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // cc* channel
!      case 6: filename += "DM-b-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // bb* channel
!      case 7: filename += "DM-t-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // tt* channel
!      case 8: filename += "DM-g-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \gamma\gamma channel
!      case 9: filename += "DM-gl-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // gg channel
!      case 10: filename += "DM-W-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // W^+W^- channel
!      case 11: filename += "DM-Z-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // ZZ channel
!      case 12: filename += "DM-h-p.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // hh channel
!     }
!    }
!  if(strcmp(,"DM_electrons")==0 || strcmp(,"DM_positrons")==0)
!    {
!     switch(channel_key)
!     {
!      case 1: filename += "DM-e-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // e^+e^- channel
!      case 2: filename += "DM-mu-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \mu^+\mu^- channel
!      case 3: filename += "DM-tau-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \tau^+\tau^- channel
!      case 4: filename += "DM-q-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // qq* channel
!      case 5: filename += "DM-c-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // cc* channel
!      case 6: filename += "DM-b-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // bb* channel
!      case 7: filename += "DM-t-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // tt* channel
!      case 8: filename += "DM-g-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \gamma\gamma channel
!      case 9: filename += "DM-gl-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // gg channel
!      case 10: filename += "DM-W-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // W^+W^- channel
!      case 11: filename += "DM-Z-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // ZZ channel
!      case 12: filename += "DM-h-e.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDM=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // hh channel
!     }
!    } 
!  fseek(fDM, 0, SEEK_SET);
!  for (long jDMy=0; jDMy<NsDMy; jDMy++)
!       { 
!        fscanf(fDM, "%lf", &DMy[jDMy]);
!       }
!  fclose(fDM);
+  for(int ia=0; ia<NDMm; ia++) 
+     {
+      if(DMmass==mt[ia]) 
+        {iwm=ia+1;                                                       // yields preparation from mass analysis
+         break;
+        }
+     }
+  if(iwm>=1)
+    {
+     for(int ib=0; ib<NsDMym; ib++) DMym[ib]=DMy[(iwm-1)*NsDMym+ib];
+    }
+  else
+    {
+     while (DMmass>mt[iwm]) iwm++;
+     for(int ic=0;ic<NsDMym;ic++) DMym[ic]=DMy[(iwm-1)*NsDMym+ic]+((DMy[iwm*NsDMym+ic]-DMy[(iwm-1)*NsDMym+ic])*(DMmass-mt[iwm-1]))/(mt[iwm]-mt[iwm-1]);
+    } 
  // assign the source function (2D)
+ #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(shared) private(jDMyw)
         for(int ir=0; ir<gcr[0].n_rgrid; ir++)
  	   for(int iz=0; iz<gcr[0].n_zgrid; iz++)
  	       for(int ip=0; ip<particle.n_pgrid; ip++)
  		   if(galdef.DM_int1==9) // Green's function to work with DarkSUSY IMOS20060901
  		       if(DME0<particle.Ekin[ip] || DME0/DMwidth>particle.Ekin[ip]) continue;
! 			 +=DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ir], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dr,
! 		     } // end of DarkSUSY area
!                      {
!                        if(particle.Ekin[ip]*1.e-3<pow(10,-8.9)*DMmass)
!                           particle.secondary_source_function.d2[ir][iz].s[ip]+=0;
!                        else
!                            {
!                             jDMyw=lround(100.*log10(particle.Ekin[ip]/(DMmass*1000.)))+NsDMym-1;
! 		            particle.secondary_source_function.d2[ir][iz].s[ip]+=(1.+SD_key)*(C/(4.*Pi))*0.5*DMcs_v*
!                             DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ir], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dr,*pow(DMmass,-2.)*DM_subs_boost(galaxy.r[ir], 0., galaxy.z[iz])*DMym[jDMyw]/(log(10.)*particle.Ekin[ip]);
!                            } //else  
!                      } // if 
  		 } // ip
  	     }  //  iz
  	 }  //  ir
+ if(galdef.verbose>=3)
+ for(int ir=0; ir<gcr[0].n_rgrid; ir++)	  {
+ for(int iz=0; iz<gcr[0].n_zgrid; iz++)    {
+ for(int ip=0; ip<particle.n_pgrid; ip++)  {
+ cout<<galaxy.r[ir]<<" r "<<galaxy.z[iz]<<" z "<<particle.Ekin[ip]<<" Ekin "<<DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ir], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dr,<<" rho_{DM}_sq_av "<<DM_subs_boost(galaxy.r[ir], 0., galaxy.z[iz])<<" B(r) "<<particle.secondary_source_function.d2[ir][iz].s[ip]<<endl; }}}  //test printout
       }  //  particle.n_spatial_dimensions==2
  // assign the source function (3D)
! #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(shared) private(jDMyw)
!      for(int ix=0; ix<gcr[0].n_xgrid; ix++)
  	   for(int iy=0; iy<gcr[0].n_ygrid; iy++)
*** 127,147 ****
  			   if(DME0<particle.Ekin[ip] || DME0/DMwidth>particle.Ekin[ip]) continue;
! 			     +=pow(DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ix], galaxy.r[iy], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dx, galaxy.dy,, dzz),2)
! 			 }
! 			 particle.secondary_source_function.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[ip]+= DMcs_v*
! 			   pow(DM_profile_av(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[ix], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dx, galaxy.dy,, dzz)/DMmass,2)
! 		       *C/4./Pi*DMbranching*exp(-pow((DMmass-particle.Etot[ip]*1.e-3)/DMwidth,2))/DMmass*1.e-3;
  		     } //ip
  		 }  //  iz
  	     }  //  iy
! 	 }  //  ix
       }  //  particle.n_spatial_dimensions==3
-  // test printout
--- 253,286 ----
  			   if(DME0<particle.Ekin[ip] || DME0/DMwidth>particle.Ekin[ip]) continue;
! 			     +=DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ix], galaxy.r[iy], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dx, galaxy.dy,
! 			 } // end of DarkSUSY area
! 			 {
!                           if(particle.Ekin[ip]*1.e-3<pow(10,-8.9)*DMmass)
!                             particle.secondary_source_function.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[ip]+=0;
!                           else
!                               {
!                                jDMyw=lround(100.*log10(particle.Ekin[ip]/(DMmass*1000.)))+NsDMym-1;
! 		               particle.secondary_source_function.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[ip]+=(1.+SD_key)*(C/(4.*Pi))*0.5*DMcs_v*
!                                DM_profile_av(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[iy], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dx, galaxy.dy,*pow(DMmass,-2.)*DM_subs_boost(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[iy], galaxy.z[iz])*DMym[jDMyw]/(log(10.)*particle.Ekin[ip]);
!                               } //else  
!                           } // if 
  		     } //ip
  		 }  //  iz
  	     }  //  iy
! 	 }  //  ix 
! if(galdef.verbose>=3)
! for(int ix=0; ix<gcr[0].n_xgrid; ix++)	  {
! for(int iy=0; iy<gcr[0].n_ygrid; iy++)	  {
! for(int iz=0; iz<gcr[0].n_zgrid; iz++)	  {
! for(int ip=0; ip<particle.n_pgrid; ip++)  {
! cout<<galaxy.x[ix]<<" x "<<galaxy.y[iy]<<" y "<<galaxy.z[iz]<<" z "<<particle.Ekin[ip]<<" Ekin "<<DM_profile_av(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[iy], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dx, galaxy.dy,<<" rho_{DM}_sq_av "<<DM_subs_boost(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[iy], galaxy.z[iz])<<" B(r) "<<particle.secondary_source_function.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[ip]<<endl;  }}}} //test printout
       }  //  particle.n_spatial_dimensions==3
*** 157,220 ****
  int Galprop::gen_DM_emiss()
!      DMmass      =galdef.DM_double2, // DM particle mass
!      DMcs_v      =galdef.DM_double9, // DM <cross_sec*V> -thermally overaged, cm3 s-1 
!      DMbranching =0.1,
!      dzz=0.01;                       // kpc, gas averaging step
!    int stat=0;
  // define the spectra of annihilation products: gammas
!      {
!        cout<<"generating DM emissivity for n_spatial_dimensions="<<galdef.n_spatial_dimensions<<endl;
!        for(int ir=0; ir<gcr[0].n_rgrid; ir++)
! 	   for(int iz=0; iz<gcr[0].n_zgrid; iz++)
                 for(int iEgamma=0; iEgamma<galaxy.n_E_gammagrid; iEgamma++)
! 		   if(galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]*1.e-3>DMmass) 
! 		     {
! 		       galaxy.DM_emiss.d2[ir][iz].s[iEgamma]=0;
! 		       continue;
! 		     }
! 		   galaxy.DM_emiss.d2[ir][iz].s[iEgamma]= DMcs_v *DMbranching/(4.*Pi)// sr^-1 IMOS20060420
! 		     *pow(DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ir], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dr,, dzz)/DMmass,2)
! 		     /galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma];
! 		 }
! 	     }
! 	 }
!      }
!        cout<<"generating DM emissivity for n_spatial_dimensions="<<galdef.n_spatial_dimensions<<endl;
!        for(int ix=0; ix<gcr[0].n_rgrid; ix++)
! 	   for(int iy=0; iy<gcr[0].n_rgrid; iy++)
! 	       for(int iz=0; iz<gcr[0].n_zgrid; iz++)
  		   for(int iEgamma=0; iEgamma<galaxy.n_E_gammagrid; iEgamma++)
! 		       if(galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]*1.e-3>DMmass) 
! 			 {
! 			   galaxy.DM_emiss.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[iEgamma]=0;
! 			   continue;
! 			 }
! 		       galaxy.DM_emiss.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[iEgamma]=  DMcs_v *DMbranching/(4.*Pi) // sr^-1 IMOS20060420
! 			 *pow(DM_profile_av(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[ix], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dx, galaxy.dy,, dzz)/DMmass,2)
! 			 /galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma];
! 		     }
! 		 }
! 	     }
! 	 }
!      }
     cout<<" <<<< gen_DM_emiss"<<endl;
!    return(stat);
--- 296,467 ----
  int Galprop::gen_DM_emiss()
+    cout<<"generating DM prompt gamma emissivity for n_spatial_dimensions="<<galdef.n_spatial_dimensions<<endl;
!      DMmass      =galdef.DM_double2,                  // DM particle mass, GeV
!      DMcs_v      =galdef.DM_double9;                  // DM <cross_sec*V> -thermally overaged, cm3 s-1 
!    int stat=0, iwm=0, channel_key=galdef.DM_int2;     // last one sets annihilation channel
!    FILE *fDMg;                                                 //file with annihilation yields data for gammas
!    const long NsDMy=55242, NDMm=62, NsDMym=891;             // for operation with yields data 
!    long jDMyw=0;
!    double DMy[NsDMy], DMym[NsDMym];                                      
!    const double mt[NDMm]={5.,6.,8.,10.,15.,20.,25.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.,100.,110.,120.,130.,140.,150.,160.,180.,200.,220.,240.,260.,280.,300.,330.,360.,
! 400.,450.,500.,550.,600.,650.,700.,750.,800.,900.,1000.,1100.,1200.,1300.,1500.,1700.,2000.,2500.,3000.,4000.,5000.,6000.,7000.,
! 8000.,9000.,10000.,12000.,15000.,20000.,30000.,50000.,100000.};   // masses with tabulated yields
!    const std::string DMDirectory = configure.fFITSDataDirectory+"DM/";
!    std::string filename = DMDirectory;
!    const char *str;
!  switch(channel_key)
!   {
!      case 1: filename += "DM-e-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // e^+e^- channel
!      case 2: filename += "DM-mu-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \mu^+\mu^- channel
!      case 3: filename += "DM-tau-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \tau^+\tau^- channel
!      case 4: filename += "DM-q-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // qq* channel
!      case 5: filename += "DM-c-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // cc* channel
!      case 6: filename += "DM-b-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // bb* channel
!      case 7: filename += "DM-t-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // tt* channel
!      case 8: filename += "DM-g-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // \gamma\gamma channel
!      case 9: filename += "DM-gl-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // gg channel
!      case 10: filename += "DM-W-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // W^+W^- channel
!      case 11: filename += "DM-Z-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // ZZ channel
!      case 12: filename += "DM-h-g.dat";
!              str = filename.c_str();	
!              fDMg=fopen(str,"r");
!              break; // hh channel
!   }
!  fseek(fDMg, 0, SEEK_SET);
!  for (long jDMy=0; jDMy<NsDMy; jDMy++)
!       {
!        fscanf(fDMg, "%lf", &DMy[jDMy]);
!       }
!  fclose(fDMg);
!  for(int ia=0; ia<NDMm; ia++) 
!     {
!      if(DMmass==mt[ia]) 
!        {iwm=ia+1;                                                       // yields preparation from mass analysis
!         break;
!        }
!     }
!  if(iwm>=1)
!    {
!     for(int ib=0; ib<NsDMym; ib++) DMym[ib]=DMy[(iwm-1)*NsDMym+ib];
!    }
!  else
!    {
!     while (DMmass>mt[iwm]) iwm++;
!     for(int ic=0;ic<NsDMym;ic++) DMym[ic]=DMy[(iwm-1)*NsDMym+ic]+((DMy[iwm*NsDMym+ic]-DMy[(iwm-1)*NsDMym+ic])*(DMmass-mt[iwm-1]))/(mt[iwm]-mt[iwm-1]);
!    } 
  // define the spectra of annihilation products: gammas
!      {  
! #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(shared) private(jDMyw)
!        for(int ir=0; ir<galaxy.n_rgrid; ir++)
! 	   for(int iz=0; iz<galaxy.n_zgrid; iz++)
                 for(int iEgamma=0; iEgamma<galaxy.n_E_gammagrid; iEgamma++)
! 		    if(galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]*1.e-3<=DMmass) 
!                       {
!                        if(galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]*1.e-3<pow(10,-8.9)*DMmass)
!                           galaxy.DM_emiss.d2[ir][iz].s[iEgamma]+=0;
!                        else
!                            {
!                             jDMyw=lround(100.*log10(galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]/(DMmass*1000.)))+NsDMym-1;
! 		            galaxy.DM_emiss.d2[ir][iz].s[iEgamma]+=(1/(4.*Pi))*0.5*DMcs_v*
!                           DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ir], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dr,*pow(DMmass,-2.)*DM_subs_boost(galaxy.r[ir], 0., galaxy.z[iz])*DMym[jDMyw]/(log(10.)*galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]);
!                            } // else  
!                        } // if 
! 		  } // iEgamma
! 	     } // iz
! 	 } // ir
! if(galdef.verbose>=3)
! for(int ir=0; ir<galaxy.n_rgrid; ir++)	                      {
! for(int iz=0; iz<galaxy.n_zgrid; iz++)	                      {
! for(int iEgamma=0; iEgamma<galaxy.n_E_gammagrid; iEgamma++)   {
! cout<<galaxy.r[ir]<<" r "<<galaxy.z[iz]<<" z "<<galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]<<" Egamma "<<DM_profile_av(galaxy.r[ir], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dr,<<" rho_{DM}_sq_av "<<DM_subs_boost(galaxy.r[ir], 0., galaxy.z[iz])<<" B(r) "<<galaxy.DM_emiss.d2[ir][iz].s[iEgamma]<<endl;  }}} //test printout
!      } // if n_sp._dim.
! #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(shared) private(jDMyw)
!     for(int ix=0; ix<galaxy.n_xgrid; ix++)
! 	   for(int iy=0; iy<galaxy.n_ygrid; iy++)
! 	       for(int iz=0; iz<galaxy.n_zgrid; iz++)
  		   for(int iEgamma=0; iEgamma<galaxy.n_E_gammagrid; iEgamma++)
! 		       if(galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]*1.e-3<=DMmass) 
!                          {
!                           if(galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]*1.e-3<pow(10,-8.9)*DMmass)
!                              galaxy.DM_emiss.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[iEgamma]+=0;
!                           else
!                               {
!                                jDMyw=lround(100.*log10(galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]/(DMmass*1000.)))+NsDMym-1;
! 		               galaxy.DM_emiss.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[iEgamma]+=(1/(4.*Pi))*0.5*DMcs_v*
!                          DM_profile_av(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[iy], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dx, galaxy.dy,*pow(DMmass,-2.)*DM_subs_boost(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[iy], galaxy.z[iz])*DMym[jDMyw]/(log(10.)*galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]);
!                               } // else  
!                          } // if 
! 		     } // iEgamma
! 		 } // iz
! 	     } // iy
! 	 } // ix
! if(galdef.verbose>=3)
! for(int ix=0; ix<galaxy.n_xgrid; ix++)	                      {
! for(int iy=0; iy<galaxy.n_ygrid; iy++)	                      {
! for(int iz=0; iz<galaxy.n_zgrid; iz++)		              {
! for(int iEgamma=0; iEgamma<galaxy.n_E_gammagrid; iEgamma++)   {
! cout<<galaxy.x[ix]<<" x "<<galaxy.y[iy]<<" y "<<galaxy.z[iz]<<" z "<<galaxy.E_gamma[iEgamma]<<" Egamma "<<DM_profile_av(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[iy], galaxy.z[iz], galaxy.dx, galaxy.dy,<<" rho_{DM}_sq_av "<<DM_subs_boost(galaxy.x[ix], galaxy.y[iy], galaxy.z[iz])<<" B(r) "<<galaxy.DM_emiss.d3[ix][iy][iz].s[iEgamma]<<endl;  }}}} //test printout
!      } // if n_sp._dim.
     cout<<" <<<< gen_DM_emiss"<<endl;
!    return stat;
*** 222,294 ****
  double Galprop::DM_profile(double Xkpc, double Ykpc, double Zkpc)
    double R=sqrt(Xkpc*Xkpc+Ykpc*Ykpc+Zkpc*Zkpc),
!     Rsun =8.5,                     //kpc, galactocentric distance of the solar system 
!     Rc         =galdef.DM_double0, //core radius
!     rho0       =galdef.DM_double1; //local DM mass density
    int profile_key =galdef.DM_int0; //profile type
!     case 0:   //NFW profile
!       return(rho0*Rc/R*pow(1.+R/Rc,-2));
!     case 1:   //isothermal profile
!       return(rho0*(pow(Rc,2)+pow(Rsun,2))/(pow(Rc,2)+pow(R,2)));
!     case 2:   //Evans profile
!       return(rho0*pow(pow(Rc,2)+pow(Rsun,2),2)/(3.*pow(Rc,2)+pow(Rsun,2))
! 	     *(3.*pow(Rc,2)+pow(R,2))/pow(pow(Rc,2)+pow(R,2),2));
!     case 3:   //alternative profile
!       return(rho0*pow(Rc+Rsun,2)/pow(Rc+R,2));
      case 9:   //DarkSUSY profile (use only if the DarkSUSY and GALPROP combined) IMOS20060901
  	  cout<<"gen_DM_source: rho_darksusy() function is not defined"<<endl;
!     default:
!       return(rho0);
- //**.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|
!  double Galprop::DM_profile_av(double r,double z,double dr,double dz,double dzz)
!      double DM_profile_av_=0.0;
!      int nuse=0;
!      for (double zz=z-dz/2.; zz<=z+dz/2.; zz+=dzz)
!        for (double rr=r-dr/2.; rr<=r+dr/2.; rr+=dr/10.)
! 	 { 
! 	   if (rr<0.) continue;
! 	   DM_profile_av_+=DM_profile(rr,0,zz);
! 	   nuse++; 
! 	 }
!      return (DM_profile_av_/nuse);
!    }
!  double Galprop::DM_profile_av(double x,double y,double z,double dx,double dy,double dz,double dzz)
!    {  
!      double DM_profile_av_=0.0;
!      int nuse=0;
!      for (double zz=z-dz/2.; zz<=z+dz/2.; zz+=dzz)
!        for (double xx=x-dx/2.; xx<=x+dx/2.; xx+=dx/10.)
! 	 for (double yy=y-dy/2.; yy<=y+dy/2.; yy+=dy/10.)
! 	   {
! 	     DM_profile_av_+=DM_profile(xx,yy,zz);
! 	     nuse++;
! 	   }
!      return DM_profile_av_/nuse;
!    }
--- 469,601 ----
  double Galprop::DM_profile(double Xkpc, double Ykpc, double Zkpc)
    double R=sqrt(Xkpc*Xkpc+Ykpc*Ykpc+Zkpc*Zkpc),
!     Rc         =galdef.DM_double0, //core radius, kpc
!     rho0       =galdef.DM_double1, //scale DM mass density, GeV cm^-3
!     Rtr        =galdef.DM_double8, //truncation radius for the NFW profile, where density goes flat, kpc
!     aEin       =galdef.DM_double7, //\alpha parameter for the Einasto profile
!     gammaNFW   =galdef.DM_double6; //\gamma parameter for the generalized NFW profile
    int profile_key =galdef.DM_int0; //profile type
!     case 0:   //generalized NFW profile
!       return(rho0*pow(fmax(R,Rtr)/Rc,-gammaNFW)*pow(1.+fmax(R,Rtr)/Rc,gammaNFW-3.));
!       break;
!     case 1:   //Isothermal profile
!       return(rho0/(1.+pow(R/Rc,2.)));
!       break;
!     case 2:   //Einasto profile
!       return(rho0*exp(-2./aEin*(pow(R/Rc,aEin)-1.)));
!       break;
!     case 3:   //Burkert profile
!       return(rho0/((1.+R/Rc)*(1.+pow(R/Rc,2.))));
!       break;
      case 9:   //DarkSUSY profile (use only if the DarkSUSY and GALPROP combined) IMOS20060901
  	  cout<<"gen_DM_source: rho_darksusy() function is not defined"<<endl;
+       break;
!     default: cout << "No valid DM profile specified!" << endl;
! //**.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|  
!  double Galprop::DM_profile_av(double r,double z,double dr,double dz)
!      double DM_profile_av_= 0., rho0 = galdef.DM_double1, dd=0.01;
!      int nuse = 0, profile_key = galdef.DM_int0; 
!    if (r<1.e-6 && abs(z)<1.e-6) 
!      {  
! 	  for (double zz=z-0.5*dz; zz<z+(0.5+0.02*dd)*dz; zz+=0.1*dd*dz)
!             {
!              for (double rr=0; rr<r+(0.5+0.02*dd)*dr; rr+=0.1*dd*dr)
! 	         { 
! 	           DM_profile_av_+=DM_profile(rr,0.,zz)*DM_profile(rr,0.,zz);
! 	           nuse++; 
! 	         } //rr
!              } //zz
!          return (DM_profile_av_/nuse);
!       }  //if
!      else 
!        {	   
!         for (double zz=z-0.5*dz; zz<z+(0.5+0.2*dd)*dz; zz+=dd*dz)
!             {
!              for (double rr=r-0.5*dr; rr<r+(0.5+0.2*dd)*dr; rr+=dd*dr)
! 	         { 
! 	           if (rr<0.) continue;
! 	           DM_profile_av_+=DM_profile(rr,0.,zz)*DM_profile(rr,0.,zz);
! 	           nuse++; 
! 	         } //rr
!              } //zz
!          return (DM_profile_av_/nuse);
!         }  //else
!     }
!  double Galprop::DM_profile_av(double x,double y,double z,double dx,double dy,double dz)
!   {  
!      double DM_profile_av_= 0., rho0 = galdef.DM_double1, dd=0.1;
!      int nuse = 0, profile_key = galdef.DM_int0; 
!   if (abs(x)<1.e-6 && abs(y)<1.e-6 && abs(z)<1.e-6) 
!      { 
!       for (double zz=z-0.5*dz; zz<z+(0.5+0.02*dd)*dz; zz+=0.1*dd*dz)
!            {
!             for (double xx=x-0.5*dx; xx<x+(0.5+0.02*dd)*dx; xx+=0.1*dd*dx)
!                 {
!                  for (double yy=y-0.5*dy; yy<y+(0.5+0.02*dd)*dy; yy+=0.1*dd*dy)
! 	             {
! 	               DM_profile_av_+=DM_profile(xx,yy,zz)*DM_profile(xx,yy,zz);
! 	               nuse++;
! 	             } //yy
!                 } //xx
!            } //zz
!        return (DM_profile_av_/nuse);
!      }  //if
!   else {   
!         for (double zz=z-0.5*dz; zz<z+(0.5+0.2*dd)*dz; zz+=dd*dz)
!            {
!             for (double xx=x-0.5*dx; xx<x+(0.5+0.2*dd)*dx; xx+=dd*dx)
!                 {
!                  for (double yy=y-0.5*dy; yy<y+(0.5+0.2*dd)*dy; yy+=dd*dy)
! 	             {
! 	               DM_profile_av_+=DM_profile(xx,yy,zz)*DM_profile(xx,yy,zz);
! 	               nuse++;
! 	             } //yy
!                 } //xx
!            } //zz
!        return (DM_profile_av_/nuse);
!       } //else
!     }
! //**.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|****.****|
+  double Galprop::DM_subs_boost(double Xkpc, double Ykpc, double Zkpc)
+   {
+     double R = sqrt(Xkpc*Xkpc+Ykpc*Ykpc+Zkpc*Zkpc);
+     int boost_key = galdef.DM_int3;  //switch boost on/off
+       switch(boost_key)
+        {
+          case 0: return(1.);  //no boost
+          case 1: return(1.00254+0.0481409*R-0.00568977*R*R+0.0012815*pow(R,3.)-0.0000601459*pow(R,4.)+1.78452e-6*pow(R,5.)-2.69758e-8*pow(R,6.)+2.02793e-10*pow(R,7.)-5.97113e-13*pow(R,8.)); //polynomial fit of B(r)
+        }
+   }
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:16:53.275923533 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:18:03.473148996 +0100
*** 168,173 ****
--- 168,174 ----
                 ix=(int)((xx-galaxy.x_min)/galaxy.dx + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
                 iy=(int)((yy-galaxy.y_min)/galaxy.dy + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
                 iz=(int)((zz-galaxy.z_min)/ + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
*** 245,256 ****
  	  ir=(int)((RR-galaxy.r_min)/galaxy.dr + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
! 	  if(ir>galaxy.n_rgrid-1) { complete=1; ir=galaxy.n_rgrid-1; }
! 	  iz=(int)((zz-galaxy.z_min)/ + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
! 	  if(iz<0               ) { complete=1; iz=0;                } 
! 	  if(iz>galaxy.n_zgrid-1) { complete=1; iz=galaxy.n_zgrid-1; }
! 	  // cout<<"d RR zz ir iz "<<d<<" "<<RR<<" "<<zz<<" "<<ir<<" "<<iz<<endl;
  	} // particle.n_spatial_dimensions==2
--- 246,259 ----
+ 	  if(RR>galaxy.r_max) {complete=1; continue; }  //AE20160417
+ 	  if(zz<galaxy.z_min || zz>galaxy.z_max) {complete=1; continue; }  //AE20160417
  	  ir=(int)((RR-galaxy.r_min)/galaxy.dr + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
! 	  // if(ir>galaxy.n_rgrid-1) { complete=1; ir=galaxy.n_rgrid-1; }
!           iz=(int)((zz-galaxy.z_min)/ + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
! 	  // if(iz<0               ) { complete=1; iz=0;                } 
! 	  // if(iz>galaxy.n_zgrid-1) { complete=1; iz=galaxy.n_zgrid-1; }
!           // cout<<"d RR zz ir iz "<<d<<" "<<RR<<" "<<zz<<" "<<ir<<" "<<iz<<endl;
  	} // particle.n_spatial_dimensions==2
*** 272,288 ****
                 ix=(int)((xx-galaxy.x_min)/galaxy.dx + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
                 iy=(int)((yy-galaxy.y_min)/galaxy.dy + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
                 iz=(int)((zz-galaxy.z_min)/ + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
!                if(ix<0               ) { complete=1; ix=0;                }
                 if(iy<0               ) { complete=1; iy=0;                }  
                 if(iz<0               ) { complete=1; iz=0;                } 
                 if(ix>galaxy.n_xgrid-1) { complete=1; ix=galaxy.n_xgrid-1; }
                 if(iy>galaxy.n_ygrid-1) { complete=1; iy=galaxy.n_ygrid-1; }
!                if(iz>galaxy.n_zgrid-1) { complete=1; iz=galaxy.n_zgrid-1; }
! //  cout<<"d RR xx yy zz ix iy iz "<<d<<" "<<RR<<" "<<xx<<" "<<yy<<" "<<zz<<" "<<ix<<" "<<iy<<" "<<iz<<endl;
              } // particle.n_spatial_dimensions==3
--- 275,296 ----
+                 if(xx<galaxy.x_min || xx>galaxy.x_max || yy<galaxy.y_min || yy>galaxy.y_max || zz<galaxy.z_min || zz>galaxy.z_max) 
+                    {complete=1; continue;}    //AE20160417 - new complete condition instead of the one below
                 ix=(int)((xx-galaxy.x_min)/galaxy.dx + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
                 iy=(int)((yy-galaxy.y_min)/galaxy.dy + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
                 iz=(int)((zz-galaxy.z_min)/ + 0.5);//IMOS20060420
!                /*  if(ix<0               ) { complete=1; ix=0;                }
                 if(iy<0               ) { complete=1; iy=0;                }  
                 if(iz<0               ) { complete=1; iz=0;                } 
                 if(ix>galaxy.n_xgrid-1) { complete=1; ix=galaxy.n_xgrid-1; }
                 if(iy>galaxy.n_ygrid-1) { complete=1; iy=galaxy.n_ygrid-1; }
!                if(iz>galaxy.n_zgrid-1) { complete=1; iz=galaxy.n_zgrid-1; }   */
! 	//  cout<<"d RR xx yy zz ix iy iz "<<d<<" "<<RR<<" "<<xx<<" "<<yy<<" "<<zz<<" "<<ix<<" "<<iy<<" "<<iz<<endl;
              } // particle.n_spatial_dimensions==3
*** 386,394 ****
                 U        [inusynch] += deltaU;
                 free_free[inusynch] += delta_free_free;       //AWS20110905
!          }//complete==0
  	return 0;
--- 394,404 ----
                 U        [inusynch] += deltaU;
                 free_free[inusynch] += delta_free_free;       //AWS20110905
+                // if(l==0.0 && b>29. && b<31.) cout<<"xx="<<xx<<" yy="<<yy<<" zz="<<zz<<" delta="<<delta<<endl;
!          }//complete==0  
  	return 0;
*** 446,452 ****
  	  double r  = w1  +  (w2-w1)  *(z-z1)/dz;//   at x,y,z
  	      cout    <<endl<<"interpDistribution:"<<endl;
--- 456,463 ----
  	  double r  = w1  +  (w2-w1)  *(z-z1)/dz;//   at x,y,z
!           // double r = 1/(dx*dy*dz)*(v1*(x1+dx-x)*(y1+dy-y)*(z1+dz-z)+v5*(x1+dx-x)*(y1+dy-y)*(z-z1)+v3*(x1+dx-x)*(y-y1)*(z1+dz-z)+v7*(x1+dx-x)*(y-y1)*(z-z1)+v2*(x-x1)*(y1+dy-y)*(z1+dz-z)+v6*(x-x1)*(y1+dy-y)*(z-z1)+v4*(x-x1)*(y-y1)*(z1+dz-z)+v8*(x-x1)*(y-y1)*(z-z1));      
  	      cout    <<endl<<"interpDistribution:"<<endl;
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:16:52.706913600 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:18:03.351146867 +0100
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,22 ----
+   if(galdef.DM_gammas==2) {INFO("Exit"); return 0; }  //AE20160502
    int i,net_iter;           //IMOS20032901
    Particle particle;
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:16:53.487927234 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:18:03.466148874 +0100
*** 806,811 ****
--- 806,812 ----
      iBuf << "galaxy.ISRF initialised with frequency axis dimension = " << targetBins;
+ #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(shared)   //AE20140219
      for (int i = 0; i < galaxy.n_xgrid; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < galaxy.n_ygrid; ++j) {
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:17:14.900301039 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:18:03.443148472 +0100
*** 21,26 ****
--- 21,29 ----
+   if(!n_species) {INFO("Nothing to store - exit"); return 0; }    // AE20160501 for DM_gammas alone
+   else {
    fitsfile *fptr;                            // pointer to the FITS file; defined in fitsio.h
    int status = 0;
    long fpixel = 1, naxis = 4, nelements, exposure;
*** 154,158 ****
    return status;
--- 157,161 ----
    return status;
!  } // else (n_species)
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:17:14.755298508 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:18:03.372147233 +0100
*** 48,55 ****
    valarray<double> array(0., nElements);
    // for 3D case store x-dimension at y=0
!   for(int stokes=0;stokes<=2;stokes++)//AWS20100708
    int i = 0;
--- 48,59 ----
    valarray<double> array(0., nElements);
    // for 3D case store x-dimension at y=0
+  int stokes_max;  //AE20160501
+  if(galdef.synchrotron==2) stokes_max=1;
+  if(galdef.synchrotron==3) stokes_max=3;
!   for(int stokes=0;stokes<stokes_max;stokes++)//AWS20100708
    int i = 0;
diff -c source/ source-dm/
*** source/	2021-01-24 17:17:14.819299625 +0100
--- source-dm/	2021-01-24 17:18:03.373147251 +0100
*** 31,36 ****
--- 31,42 ----
      filename =       configure.fOutputDirectory + configure.fOutputPrefix + "synchrotron_healpix_" + galdef.galdef_ID + ".gz";                      //AWS20100107
      SkymapToFits(galaxy.synchrotron_hp_skymap, filename, "Frequency", "Hz");
+    if(galdef.free_free_absorption>0) {                                        //AE20160501
+      filename =       configure.fOutputDirectory + configure.fOutputPrefix + "free_free_healpix_"          + galdef.galdef_ID + ".gz";               //AWS20131004
+      SkymapToFits(galaxy.free_free_hp_skymap,          filename, "Frequency", "Hz");
+     }
+    if(galdef.synchrotron==3) {                                                  //AE20160501 
      filename =       configure.fOutputDirectory + configure.fOutputPrefix + "synchrotron_Q_healpix_" + galdef.galdef_ID + ".gz";                    //AWS20100709
      SkymapToFits(galaxy.synchrotron_Q_hp_skymap, filename, "Frequency", "Hz");                                                                      //AWS20100709
*** 45,53 ****
      filename =       configure.fOutputDirectory + configure.fOutputPrefix + "synchrotron_polfra_healpix_" + galdef.galdef_ID + ".gz";               //AWS20131004
      SkymapToFits(galaxy.synchrotron_polfra_hp_skymap, filename, "Frequency", "Hz");                                                                 //AWS20131004
!     filename =       configure.fOutputDirectory + configure.fOutputPrefix + "free_free_healpix_"          + galdef.galdef_ID + ".gz";               //AWS20131004
!     SkymapToFits(galaxy.free_free_hp_skymap,          filename, "Frequency", "Hz");                                                                 //AWS20131004
    } else {
--- 51,57 ----
      filename =       configure.fOutputDirectory + configure.fOutputPrefix + "synchrotron_polfra_healpix_" + galdef.galdef_ID + ".gz";               //AWS20131004
      SkymapToFits(galaxy.synchrotron_polfra_hp_skymap, filename, "Frequency", "Hz");                                                                 //AWS20131004
!    } // synchrotron=3
    } else {
Common subdirectories: source/.svn and source-dm/.svn
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