Raw File
Tip revision: 9afbb3d9d007c72d175728092cf5b9b4be8fe180 authored by Dominik Hodan on 28 June 2021, 14:21:53 UTC
Tip revision: 9afbb3d
# RaspiBallPos

## Installation
1) Enable Raspberry Camera module by running ```sudo raspi-config``` in case you haven't already done it.
1) Install the required Python modules by running ```sudo pip3 install picamera click flask matplotlib profilehooks screeninfo imutils RPi.GPIO flask_bootstrap flask_colorpicker scipy```
1) Install the eigen library by ```sudo apt install libeigen3-dev```
1) Clone this repository by ```git clone```
1) Compile the necessary modules by running ```./compile_libraries```
1) Go back by ```cd ../..```
1) Run ```cp raspi-ballpos/config.json_sample config.json```
1) Edit your configuration using your favourite editor (do not forget to specify screen resolution, otherwise the detected object position will not be displayed correctly).
1) Run ```cd raspi-ballpos```
1) Run ```python3 -vp``` and see the result.

### Automatic startup
1) In order to start the process automatically upon booting, copy ```vision.service``` into ```/etc/systemd/system/``` (run ```sudo cp vision.service /etc/systemd/system/vision.service```).
1) Open the file (```sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/vision.service```) and change *ExecStart* and *WorkingDirectory* paths to `````` and ```raspi-ballpos``` respectively and optionally set flags for starting.
1) Use ```sudo systemctl ACTION vision``` with actions such as ```start```, ```stop```, ```enable```, ```disable``` to control the service.

## Usage
Usage: [OPTIONS]


|Shortcut| Option | Type | Description|
| -c | \-\-config-file | FILE PATH | Path to config file (default: `../config.json`)|
| -e | \-\-exposition-time | INTEGER | Exposition time (shutter speed) in milliseconds.|
| -v | \-\-verbose| flag | Display time needed for processing of each frame and the measured positions.|
| -p | \-\-preview |flag | Show preview on HDMI or display.|
| -l | \-\-load-old-color-settings | flag | Loads old color settings if using MultiColorDetector.|
| | \-\-video-record | flag | Record video.|
| | \-\-img-path | TEXT| Path to store images and videos ideally ramdisk.|
| | \-\-interactive| flag | Start interactive Python console, to get realtime access to PiCamera object for testing purposes.|
| |\-\-multicore| flag | Start detectors in different processes to speed-up detection.|
| |\-\-web-interface/--no-web-interface | flag | Enable/Disable web interface on port 5001 (default: enable).|
| |\-\-help |flag | Show this message and exit.|

## Web interface

If web interface is enabled, it can be accessed by IP address or hostname on port 5001. All code for webinterface is based in []( file.

Example: ```HTTP://```

URL endpoints:

- ```/``` Summary page - Print all used settings and live images for all decoders (if not using MultiColorDetector).
- ```/detector/NAME``` - Print settings and live images for detector called NAME.
- ```/centers``` - Returns JSON with positions of all objects.
- ```/config``` - Returns live config in JSON which can be used to replicates settings on another instance in config.json (for changes to MultiColorDetector, see `/ball_colors`).
- ```/config``` - POST request loads new config form request into live config and restarts detection subsystem.
- ```/config/loadfile``` - POST request loads new config from local filesystem by given filename into live config and restarts detection subsystem.
- ```/detector/NAME/threshold/VALUE``` - Sets threshold of detector NAME to VALUE (for changes to MultiColorDetector, see `/ball_colors`).
- ```/image``` - Returns the latest PNG color image.
- ```/image/DETECTOR/TYPE``` - Returns the latest PNG image from detector DETECTOR and TYPE chosen from ```image```, ```image_dwn```,```downsample```,```downsample_thrs```,```roi```,```roi_thrs``` or ```im_thrs``` for MultiColorDetector.
- ```/imagesc/DETECTOR/TYPE``` - Same as ```/image/DETECTOR/TYPE``` but rendered by matplotlib imshow.
- ```/wb``` - Page for white balancing camera.
- ```/lamp/on```, ```/lamp/off``` - Turn lamp on and off respectively (if available).
- ```/restart``` - Restart the image detection subsystem.
- ```/ball_colors``` - UI for live color settings, only works with MultiColorDetector/RANSAC. Example of how to properly configure such a detector can be found in `config_multi.json`. Use GET option `i=#` (i.e. URL `/ball_colors?i=100`) to get a custom number of frames from which to calculate mean and standard deviation (default 5).
- ```/triangle``` - Shows the perceived triangle along with its centroid and all ball centers. Currently, balls used for triangle are hard-coded as 1, 4, 5.
- ```/ransac``` - Ransac settings (see the [manual]( for more info)

# Additional notes
- If you're controlling RPi remotely over SSH and wish to view the preview on a connected screen, you need to set ```export DISPLAY=:0.0```.
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