Raw File
Tip revision: 7f46be46c90d3755b27a9a623485ebc5f19fb403 authored by Alex Rice on 28 July 2022, 08:18:35 UTC
Use non overwritten basis names in output
Tip revision: 7f46be4
# lin_inf crate
This repository provides the `lin_inf` crate as a rust library. It also provides an executable to search through linear inferences which uses this library which accompanies the paper "[Enumerating Independent Linear Inferences](".

## Running
The executable can be run with:
cargo run --release
which provides the user with a help interface. Note that the `--release` flag builds the program with optimisations and is crucial for good performance.

### Examples

Search 7-variable inferences for those that cannot be derived from switch and medial:
cargo run --release search --p4 -s -m

Generate the basis of 6 variable graph rewrites, and print no cache files:
cargo run --release basis 6 --no-write

## Documentation
Full documentation for the library can be found [here](
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