Raw File
Tip revision: 0a06e9aef297dbc3d9334afad57b79acaa540fd3 authored by P. L. Lim on 05 April 2024, 20:35:05 UTC
Merge pull request #16277 from eerovaher/coord-matching-tests
Tip revision: 0a06e9a
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

# This file is the main file used when running tests with pytest directly,
# in particular if running e.g. ``pytest docs/``.

import os
import tempfile

import hypothesis

from astropy import __version__

    from pytest_astropy_header.display import PYTEST_HEADER_MODULES, TESTED_VERSIONS
except ImportError:

# This has to be in the root dir or it will not display in CI.
def pytest_configure(config):
    PYTEST_HEADER_MODULES["Cython"] = "cython"
    PYTEST_HEADER_MODULES["Scikit-image"] = "skimage"
    PYTEST_HEADER_MODULES["pyarrow"] = "pyarrow"
    PYTEST_HEADER_MODULES["asdf-astropy"] = "asdf_astropy"
    TESTED_VERSIONS["Astropy"] = __version__

# This has to be in the root dir or it will not display in CI.
def pytest_report_header(config):
    # This gets added after the pytest-astropy-header output.
    return (
        f'CI: {os.environ.get("CI", "undefined")}\n'
        f'ARCH_ON_CI: {os.environ.get("ARCH_ON_CI", "undefined")}\n'
        f'IS_CRON: {os.environ.get("IS_CRON", "undefined")}\n'

# Tell Hypothesis that we might be running slow tests, to print the seed blob
# so we can easily reproduce failures from CI, and derive a fuzzing profile
# to try many more inputs when we detect a scheduled build or when specifically
# requested using the HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE=fuzz environment variable or
# `pytest --hypothesis-profile=fuzz ...` argument.

    "ci", deadline=None, print_blob=True, derandomize=True
    "fuzzing", deadline=None, print_blob=True, max_examples=1000
default = (
    if (
        os.environ.get("IS_CRON") == "true"
        and os.environ.get("ARCH_ON_CI") not in ("aarch64", "ppc64le")
    else "ci"
hypothesis.settings.load_profile(os.environ.get("HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE", default))

# Make sure we use temporary directories for the config and cache
# so that the tests are insensitive to local configuration.

os.environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] = tempfile.mkdtemp("astropy_config")
os.environ["XDG_CACHE_HOME"] = tempfile.mkdtemp("astropy_cache")

os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"], "astropy"))
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.environ["XDG_CACHE_HOME"], "astropy"))

# Note that we don't need to change the environment variables back or remove
# them after testing, because they are only changed for the duration of the
# Python process, and this configuration only matters if running pytest
# directly, not from e.g. an IPython session.
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