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Tip revision: 0771cad9aea2114d1403c96facdb2017ec42d6d8 authored by Austin Schneider on 27 July 2019, 15:15:36 UTC
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Tip revision: 0771cad
// Implementations of the likelihoods defined in arXiv:1901.04645

#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>

namespace MCLLH {
namespace detail {

// compute the sum using the Kahan summation algorithm
template <class InIt>
typename std::iterator_traits<InIt>::value_type accumulate(InIt begin, InIt end) {
	typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InIt>::value_type real;
	real sum = real(0);
	real running_error = real(0);
	real temp;
	real difference;

	for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
		difference = *begin;
		difference -= running_error;
		temp = sum;
		temp += difference;
		running_error = temp;
		running_error -= sum;
		running_error -= difference;
		sum = std::move(temp);
	return sum;

// compute log(1+x) without losing precision for small values of x
template<typename T>
T LogOnePlusX(T x)
	if (x <= -1.0)
		std::stringstream os;
		os << "Invalid input argument (" << x
		   << "); must be greater than -1.0";
		throw std::invalid_argument( os.str() );

	if (fabs(x) > 1e-4)
		// x is large enough that the obvious evaluation is OK
		return log(1.0 + x);

	// Use Taylor approx. log(1 + x) = x - x^2/2 with error roughly x^3/3
	// Since |x| < 10^-4, |x|^3 < 10^-12, relative error less than 10^-8
	T x2 = x*x;
	T x3 = x2*x;
	T x4 = x3*x;
	return x-x2/2.0+x3/3.0-x4/4.0;

template<typename DataType>
DataType get_mu(std::vector<DataType> const & wi) {
    return accumulate(wi.begin(), wi.end());

template<typename DataType>
DataType get_sigma2(std::vector<DataType> const & wi) {
    std::vector<double> w2i(wi.size());
    std::transform(wi.begin(), wi.end(), w2i.begin(), [](double w)->double{return w*w;});
    return accumulate(w2i.begin(), w2i.end());

} // namespace detail

struct poissonLikelihood{
	template <typename T>
	T operator()(double dataCount, T const & lambda, T const & w2_sum) const{
		T sum(lambda);

struct gammaPriorPoissonLikelihood {
	template<typename T>
	T operator()(double k, T const & alpha, T const & beta) {
		std::vector<T> items(5);
		items[0] = alpha*log(beta);
		items[1] = lgamma(k+alpha);
		items[2] = -lgamma(k+1);
		items[3] = -(k+alpha)*detail::LogOnePlusX(beta);
		items[4] = -lgamma(alpha);
		return detail::accumulate(items.begin(), items.end());

struct LMean {
    template<typename T>
    T operator()(double k, T const & w_sum, T const & w2_sum) const {
        if(w_sum <= 0 || w2_sum < 0) {

        if(w2_sum == 0) {
            return poissonLikelihood()(k, w_sum, w2_sum);

        T zero(0);
        if(w_sum == zero) {
            if(k == 0) {
                return zero;
            else {
                return T(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());

        T alpha = w_sum*w_sum/w2_sum;
        T beta = w_sum/w2_sum;
        T L = gammaPriorPoissonLikelihood()(k, alpha, beta);

        return L;

struct LMode {
	template<typename T>
	T operator()(double k, T const & w_sum, T const & w2_sum) const {
		if(w_sum <= 0 || w2_sum < 0) {

		if(w2_sum == 0) {
			return poissonLikelihood()(k, w_sum, w2_sum);

		T zero(0);
		if(w_sum == zero) {
			if(k == 0) {
				return zero;
			else {
				return T(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());

		const T & mu = w_sum;
		T mu2 = mu*mu;
		const T & sigma2 = w2_sum;

		T beta = (mu + sqrt(mu2+sigma2*4.0))/(sigma2*2);
		T alpha = (mu*sqrt(mu2+sigma2*4.0)/sigma2 + mu2/sigma2 + 2.0) / 2.0;
		T L = gammaPriorPoissonLikelihood()(k, alpha, beta);

		return L;

struct LEff {
    template<typename T>
    T operator()(double k, T const & w_sum, T const & w2_sum) const {
        if(w_sum <= 0 || w2_sum < 0) {

        if(w2_sum == 0) {
            return poissonLikelihood()(k, w_sum, w2_sum);

        T zero(0);
        if(w_sum == zero) {
            if(k == 0) {
                return zero;
            else {
                return T(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());

        T alpha = w_sum*w_sum/w2_sum + 1.0;
        T beta = w_sum/w2_sum;
        T L = gammaPriorPoissonLikelihood()(k, alpha, beta);

        return L;

struct computeLMean {
    template<typename T>
    T operator()(unsigned int k, const std::vector<T>& wi) const{
        T mu = detail::get_mu(wi);
        T sigma2 = detail::get_sigma2(wi);
        return LMean()(k, mu, sigma2);

struct computeLMode {
    template<typename T>
    T operator()(unsigned int k, const std::vector<T>& wi) const{
        T mu = detail::get_mu(wi);
        T sigma2 = detail::get_sigma2(wi);
        return LMode()(k, mu, sigma2);

struct computeLEff {
    template<typename T>
    T operator()(unsigned int k, const std::vector<T>& wi) const{
        T mu = detail::get_mu(wi);
        T sigma2 = detail::get_sigma2(wi);
        return LEff()(k, mu, sigma2);

} // namespace MCLLH
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