Raw File
Tip revision: be8bc71d29ecf34a9dab7c7bd47c08f3383d9be0 authored by Joe on 16 April 2023, 03:55:52 UTC
Remove np.long which is no longer supported in latest numpy (#213)
Tip revision: be8bc71
# Contributing to DGL-LifeSci

Contribution is always welcome. All contributions must go through pull requests
and code review.

Below is a list of community contributors for this project.

* [Chengqiang Lu]( Alchemy dataset; MPNN, MGCN and SchNet
* [Jiajing Hu]( Weave
* [Zhaoqiang Chen]( Update RDkit channel for conda installation; Suggestions and improvement for rexgen_direct
* [Yue Zhong]( HadamardLinkPredictor, link prediction for ogbl-ppa
* [Yangkang Zhang]( GNNOGBPredictor, graph property prediction for ogbg-ppa, support for GuacaMol in JTVAE
* [Sooheon Kim]( Parallel processing for dataset construction from a CSV file
* [Krishna Sirumalla]( Fix for and; support non-ring systems for ScaffoldSplitter
* [Joshua Meyers]( Fix for load_molecule
* [Pavol Drotar]( Fix for import
* [Nanxuan Zhou]( Fix for doc
* [mar-volk]( Fix for rexgen_direct
* [Wenxuan Fan]( Strategies for Pre-training Graph Neural Networks
* [Vignesh Venkataraman]( PAGTN
* [Eric O. Korman]( Fix for ogbg_ppa
* [Marcos Leal]( Change default number of processes to 1 for rexgen
* [Raymond Gasper]( GATv2
* [Andrew Stolman]( Add allow_zero_in_degree option for GAT and GCN
* [In-Ho Yi]( WeaveAtomFeaturizer performance fix
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