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Tip revision: c91b69fe786751be09d8398a3ad8ef9188861245 authored by James McLaughlin on 11 October 2021, 22:47:13 UTC
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Tip revision: c91b69f
BioJS 2.0


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**TL;DR:** you can browse the [registry][registry] at [][registry].

*Guy Yachdav, Tatyana Goldberg, Sebastian Wilzbach, David Dao, Iris Shih, Saket Choudhary, Steve Crouch, Max Franz, Alexander García, Leyla J García, Björn A Grüning, Devasena Inupakutika, Ian Sillitoe, Anil S Thanki, Bruno Vieira, José M Villaveces, Maria V Schneider, Suzanna Lewis, Steve Pettifer, Burkhard Rost, and Manuel Corpas*  
__[Anatomy of BioJS, an open source community for the life sciences][BioJS-elife]__  
eLife 2015;4:e07009


1. [Essentials](#1-essentials)  
 1.1. [Objectives](#11-objectives)    
 1.2. [What is BioJS](#12-what-is-biojs)  
 1.3. [Why is there nothing in this repo?](#13-why-is-there-nothing-in-this-repo)  
* [Packages](#2-packages)  
  2.1. [What is a package?](#21-what-is-a-package)  
  2.2. [How to search for a package](#22-how-to-search-for-a-package)  
* [Developing packages](#3-developing-packages)  
  3.1. [What do I need to develop?](#31-what-do-i-need-to-develop)  
  3.2. [How to create a package?](#32-how-to-create-a-package)  
  3.3. [How to use snippets/examples?](#33-how-to-use-snippets)  
  3.4. [Guidelines](#34-guidelines)  
  3.5  [I need the functionality X](#35-i-need-the-functionality-x)  
  3.6. [Gold standards](#36-gold-standards)    
  3.7. [How to publish a package?](#37-how-to-publish-a-package)   
* [Support](#4-support)  
  4.1  [Get involved](#41-get-involved)  
  4.2. [Contact](#42-contact)   
  4.3. [More questions?](#43-more-questions)  
  4.4. [Documentation](#44-documentation)  
* [License](#5-license)  

1. Essentials

### 1.1. Objectives

* Represent consistently biological information across different projects
* Ease discovery, test and integration of graphical components
* Standardize and facilitate components development

### 1.2. What is BioJS?

BioJS builds a infrastructure, guidelines and tools to __avoid the reinvention of the wheel in life sciences__ (= "Docker for Bio web components"). Our community builds modules than can be reused by anyone and makes them available for download via a centralised [registry][registry].

### 1.3. Why is there nothing in this repo?

For BioJS 2.0 every component is a separate github repository. To search for a package, visit our [registry][registry].
This repo is kept as intro guide and discussion repo. Feel free to open an [issue][issue] (questions, suggestions, proposal or bug reports here) or [to submit a component wish][wishlist].

However you are still invited to show your interest in this project by __starring__ this repo.

2. Packages

### 2.1. What is a package?

A __tiny building block__ like a FASTA parser or a visualization piece. If it obeys the rule _"do one thing and do it well"_ , then it is (most likely) a package. The BioJS packages are published on the JavaScript package manager [npm](

## 2.2. How to search for a package

Visit the [][registry] registry to search for components. 

(Find it on github: [Frontend repo][registryui], [backend repo][registry-workmen]).

3. Developing packages

### 3.1. What do I need to develop?

* [git](
* [npm](

[Detailed installation instructions](

Even tough you can easily install node on Windows, a Unix-like OS is generally a more productive development enviroment.

### 3.2. How to create a package?

↝ read our [guide][101]

To bootstrap a new project you can use the BioJS [slush generator](

npm install -g slush slush-biojs
mkdir biojsAWesome && cd biojsAwesome
slush biojs

### 3.3. How to use snippets/examples?

↝ read our [sniper][sniper].

### 3.4  Guidelines <a name=guidelines></a>

* [Events]( (Convention for the [Observer]( pattern)
* [CSS dependencies](
* [JS dependencies]( (=npm packages)
* [Reusable modules](
* [example snippets][sniper]

Especially the snippets should give one a quick start on how to use a component.

### 3.5. I need the functionality X

You are now ready to enjoy the benefits of npm. For common use cases (requests, drag and drop, promises) you will always find plenty of npm modules.

↝ [Learn more](

### 3.6. Gold standards

Our [gold standards]( are conventions we highly encourage you to follow (especially for JS beginners). They will help you to create a great package!

### 3.7. How to publish a package?

Just publish it on [npm](

↝ [Learn more](

### 3.8. How can I report defective components?

We'd recommend opening an issue in their repository directly. 

4. Support

### 4.1. Get involved

Whether you want to [write your own component](#4-developing-packages) and just [submit](#46-how-to-publish-a-package) it onto our BioJS registry or help to increase our ecosystem -  we __value__ your contribution(s)!

↝ [Get involved](

Here are some general ideas:

* Browse our [issue list](
* Ask on [gitter](

↝ [more information](./

### 4.2. Contact

↝ [There are many ways to contact us](

For technical queries (questions, suggestions, proposal or bug reports) [Github issues]( are preferred.

### 4.3. More questions

↝ We have a community-based [wiki][wiki].
Some topics include:

 - [Common error messages](
 - [FAQ](
 - [Migration][migration]

### 4.4. Documentation

We maintain a learning platform [](

[Pull requests]( are welcome.

  - [BioJS 2 101 tutorial series][101].

5. License

[Apache 2](

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