Raw File
Tip revision: 020af3000eeca9c2e270be798fe7264ece87f22b authored by Erick Cardenas on 30 September 2018, 20:38:24 UTC
Tip revision: 020af30
# File created on 13 Feb 2014.
from __future__ import division

__author__ = "Erick Cardenas Poire"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014"
__credits__ = [""]
__version__ = "1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Erick Cardenas Poire"
__status__ = "Release"

from Bio import SeqIO
import sys
import os
import re 
import inspect
from commands import getstatusoutput
from optparse import OptionParser
import shutil 

#config = load_config()
script_info = {}
script_info['brief_description'] = """Filters sequence according to a minimum 
            size parameter"""
script_info['script_description'] = """HMMER parser. Runs hmmscan, filters
            results and extract hits
	    REQUIRED: Model, input proteins
	    REQUIRED Modules: Biopython
	    OPTIONAL: Contigs"""

script_info['script_usage'] = []

usage = '''
./ -i <input proteins> -m <hmm database>
 -o <output directory>

DEPENDENCIES: 	i) HMM database must be pressed
		i) in local folder
		iii) HMMR v.3.0 - Must be in PATH

parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-m", "--model", dest = "input_model",
                  help = 'Input HMM database (prepared with hmmpress) [REQUIRED]')
parser.add_option("-i", "--input_proteins", dest = "input_fp",
                  help = 'The input protein file [REQUIRED]')
parser.add_option("-o", "--output_dir", dest = "output_dir", default = '.',
                  help = 'The output directory [REQUIRED]')
parser.add_option("-e", "--evalue", dest = "evalue_threshold",default = 10,
                  help = 'Maximum evalue threshold  [OPTIONAL]')
parser.add_option("-a", "--assembly", dest = "assembly_file",default = 'none',
                  help = 'Original assembly file [OPTIONAL, default: none]')
parser.add_option("-c", "--converage", dest = "hmm_coverage",default = 0,
                  help = 'Minimum HMM coverage (%) [OPTIONAL, default: 0]')
parser.add_option('-x','--extract_mode', dest = "extract_mode", default = 'none',
                   choices = ['none', 'proteins', 'contigs','all'], 
                   help='\n(a) \'none\' -- Do not extract anything (Default)\n'+
                        '\n(b) \'proteins\' --  Extract protein hits\n' +
                        '\n(c) \'contigs\' - Extract contigs that have hits,\
                         requires assebly file using -a\n' +
                        '\n(d) \'all\' -- Extract hits, contigs, and all\
                         proteins from hits\n')

# Compiling frequently used regular expression patterns
hmm_pattern = re.compile('[.](hmm)')
query_pattern = re.compile('[.](fasta$|fas$|faa$|fsa$|fa$)')

# Checks if the supplied arguments are adequate
def valid_arguments(opts, args):
    if (opts.input_model == None or opts.input_fp == None ):
        return True
        return False

#Function to print progress
def update_progress(progress):
    barLength = 30 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar
    status = ""
    if isinstance(progress, int):
        progress = float(progress)
    if not isinstance(progress, float):
        progress = 0
        status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n"
    if progress < 0:
        progress = 0
        status = "Halt...\r\n"
    if progress >= 1:
        progress = 1
        status = "Done.....\r\n"
    block = int(round(barLength*progress))
    text = "\r   Percent: [{0}] {1}% {2}".format("="*block+" "*(barLength-block)
     , progress * 100, status)

# Get HMM length function
def get_hmm_len(input_model):
    hmmshortname = re.sub(hmm_pattern, '', input_model, re.I)  
    hmm_leng_file = hmmshortname + ".length.txt"
    hmm_fileout = open(hmm_leng_file, 'w')
    hmm_filein = open(input_model, 'r')
    for line in hmm_filein:
        if line.startswith('NAME'):
            line = line.strip('\n')
            line = line.split(' ')
            name = line[2]
            hmm_fileout.write('%s\t' %name)
            if line.startswith('LENG'):
                line = line.strip('\n')
                line = line.split(' ')
                len = line[2]
                hmm_fileout.write('%s\n' %len)
    os.system(' '.join(['cp', hmm_leng_file, '']))

# Function to run hmmscan and parse
def run_hmm_scan (model,query,output):
    # Removes extension, case insensitive search
    hmmshortname = re.sub(hmm_pattern, '', model, re.I)  
    # Finds file format removes extension, case insensitive search
    shortname = re.sub(query_pattern, ' ', query, re.I)
    output_file = output + "/" + shortname + "_" + hmmshortname + '.hmm.out'
    output_file2 = output +"/" + shortname + "_" + hmmshortname + '.txt'
    print 'Running hmmscan...'
    os.system(' '.join(['hmmscan', model, query, ">", output_file]))
    print 'Parsing results...'
    os.system(' '.join(['sh', '', output_file, '>', output_file2]))

# Filtering by evalue and coverage
def filtering_by_evalue_and_coverage(model, query, output, evalue, coverage):
    # Removes extension, case insensitive search
    hmmshortname = re.sub(hmm_pattern,'',model, re.I)  
    # Finds file format removes extension, case insensitive search
    shortname = re.sub(query_pattern, '', query, re.I)
    output_file2 = output+"/" + shortname + "_" + hmmshortname + '.txt'
    hmm_table = open(output_file2, 'r')
    output_file3 = output + "/" + shortname + "_" + hmmshortname+'.filtered.txt'
    hmm_filtered_table = open(output_file3, 'w')
    print 'Filtering results with coverage >= %s perc. and evalue <= %s ...' \
    for line in hmm_table:
        line2 = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
        result_evalue = float(line2[2])
        result_model_coverage = float(line2[7])
        if (result_evalue <= evalue) and (result_model_coverage * 100 >= coverage):
            hmm_filtered_table.write('%s' %line)

# Function to extract hits from filtered results
def extract_protein_hits(query,model,output):
    # Removes extension, case insensitive search
    hmmshortname = re.sub(hmm_pattern, '', model, re.I)  
    # Finds file format removes extension, case insensitive search
    shortname = re.sub(query_pattern, '', query, re.I)
    input_file4 = output + "/" + shortname + "_" + hmmshortname + '.filtered.txt'
    hmm_filtered_table2 = open(input_file4, 'r')
    print '   Extracting proteins for %s and HMM database=%s' %(query, model)
    # Create dictionary with protein:[list of model it hits]
    protein_hit_dictionary = {}
    all_models_hits = []
    for line3 in hmm_filtered_table2:
        line4 = line3.strip('\n').split('\t')
        protein_hit = line4[0]
        model_of_protein_hit = line4[1].rstrip(' ')
        # Update list of proteins

        # Get list of proteins hits, if non existent create empty list
        models = protein_hit_dictionary.get(protein_hit, [])
        # Append current model hit to list
        # Update dictionary entry   
        protein_hit_dictionary[protein_hit] = models

    # Print message
    count_of_models = list(set(all_models_hits))
    count_of_proteins = len(protein_hit_dictionary.keys())

    print '   Extracting %s unique proteins corresponding to %s HMM models' \

    # Open one output file per model
    # Generate list of output files 
    # For item in all_models_hits:
    files = [open(output + '/' + shortname + '_' + hmmshortname + '_' + item + '.fasta', 'w') \
           for item in set(all_models_hits)]

    # Open original file, find if name is in hit list,
    # Then get models hits and write to model result files
    filein = open(query, 'r')
    for record in SeqIO.parse(filein, "fasta"):
        name =
        if name in protein_hit_dictionary.keys():
            what_models_list = protein_hit_dictionary.get(name)
            # Iterate this list
            for what_model in what_models_list:
                # Find index
                index = count_of_models.index(what_model)
                files[index].write('>%s\n%s\n' % (name, record.seq))
    #Close files
    for f in files:

#Function to extract contigs
def extract_contigs(query, model, output, assembly_file):
    # Removes extension, case insensitive search
    hmmshortname = re.sub(hmm_pattern, '', model, re.I)  
    # Finds file format removes extension, case insensitive search
    shortname = re.sub(query_pattern, '', query, re.I)
    input_file4 = output + "/" + shortname + "_" + hmmshortname +'.filtered.txt'
    hmm_filtered_table2 = open(input_file4, 'r')
    print '   Extracting contigs for file=%s and HMM database=%s' %(query, model)
    #Create dictionary with protein:[list of model it hits]
    protein_model_dictionary = {}
    for line3 in hmm_filtered_table2:
        line4 = line3.strip('\n').split('\t')
        protein_hit = line4[0]
        model_of_protein_hit = line4[1].rstrip(' ')
        # Get list of proteins hits, if non existent create empty list
        models = protein_model_dictionary.get(protein_hit, [])
        # Append current model hit to list
        # Update dictionary entry   
        protein_model_dictionary[protein_hit] = models

    # Create protein-contig dictionary
    contigs_list = []
    # Parse through list and add to contigs_list
    for protein in protein_model_dictionary.keys():
        contig = protein.rsplit('_', 1)
    contigs_list = list(set(contigs_list))

    # Open original file, find if name is in hit list,
    # Then get models hits and write to model result files
    assembly_in = open(assembly_file, 'r')
    contigs_file = output + "/" + shortname + "_" + hmmshortname + '_contigs.fasta'
    contigs_out = open(contigs_file, 'w')
    print '   Looking for %s contigs' %len(contigs_list)
    progress_counter = 0
    for record in SeqIO.parse(assembly_in, "fasta"):
        name =
        if name in contigs_list:
            progress_counter = progress_counter + 1
            contigs_out.write('>%s\n%s\n' % (name, record.seq))
    if progress_counter != len(contigs_list):
        print 'Some contigs were not found'

# Function to extract all proteins from contig
def extract_all_proteins_from_contigs(query, model, output):
    # Removes extension, case insensitive search
    hmmshortname = re.sub(hmm_pattern, '', model, re.I)   
    # Finds file format removes extension, case insensitive search
    shortname = re.sub(query_pattern, '', query, re.I)
    input_file4 = output + "/" + shortname + "_" + hmmshortname + '.filtered.txt'
    hmm_filtered_table2 = open(input_file4, 'r')
    print '   Extracting all proteins from hit contigs of' 
    print '   file = %s, and database = %s' %(query, model)

    # Create protein list
    protein_list = []
    for line3 in hmm_filtered_table2:
        line4 = line3.strip('\n').split('\t')
        protein_hit = line4[0]

    # Create protein-contig dictionary
    contigs_list = []
    for protein in protein_list: #parse through list and add to contigs_list
        contig = protein.rsplit('_',1)
    contigs_list = list(set(contigs_list))

    print '   Looking for %s contigs' %len(contigs_list)

    # Open one output file per model
    # Generate list of output files 
    files = [open(output + '/' + shortname + '_' + hmmshortname + '_' \
             + contigs + '.fasta', 'w') for contigs in (contigs_list)]

    # Open original file, find if name is in hit list,
    # Then get models hits and write to model result files
    filein = open(query,'r')
    for record in SeqIO.parse(filein, "fasta"):
        name =
        the_contig0 = name.rsplit('_', 1)
        the_contig = the_contig0[0]
        if the_contig in contigs_list:
            index = contigs_list.index(the_contig)
            files[index].write('>%s\n%s\n' % (name, record.seq))
    #Close files
    for f in files:

def main(argv):
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    print ''
    print 'Initializing...'

    if valid_arguments(opts, args):
        print usage

    # try to load the parameter file    
        hmm_parser = open('')
    except IOError:
        raise IOError,\
        "Cannot open Please copy it to the local directory"

    # Initialize the input file and model, loading parameters
    input_model = opts.input_model 
    input_fp = opts.input_fp 
    output_dir = opts.output_dir 
    assembly_file = opts.assembly_file 
    evalue_threshold = float(opts.evalue_threshold)
    hmm_coverage = float(opts.hmm_coverage)
    extract_mode = opts.extract_mode.strip()

    # Creates a model length dictionary
    print 'Checking model length...'
    hmmshortname = re.sub(hmm_pattern, '', input_model, re.I)   
    hmm_leng_file = hmmshortname + ".length.txt"
    print '   Created %s file' % hmm_leng_file
    # Running hmm scan 
    run_hmm_scan(input_model, input_fp, output_dir)

    # Filter results with model coverage and evalue
    filtering_by_evalue_and_coverage(input_model, input_fp, output_dir,
                                     evalue_threshold, hmm_coverage)

    print 'Checking extract mode...'
    print '   Extract mode set to %s' %extract_mode

    # Checking extraction mode
    if extract_mode == 'none':
        print '   No extraction performed...'
    elif extract_mode == 'proteins':
        extract_protein_hits(input_fp, input_model, output_dir)
    elif extract_mode == 'contigs':
        extract_contigs(input_fp, input_model, output_dir, assembly_file)
    elif extract_mode == 'all':
        extract_protein_hits(input_fp, input_model, output_dir)
        extract_contigs(input_fp, input_model, output_dir, assembly_file)
        extract_all_proteins_from_contigs(input_fp, input_model, output_dir)
    print 'All tasks completed'
    print 'Keep calm and carry on'

# To do:
# Create logs
# Cleanup

# the main function
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