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Tip revision: 34163958129ef7a6f35f5b5f32c5548058d9f691 authored by Ben Fulcher on 05 December 2023, 04:22:44 UTC
Tip revision: 3416395
<p align="center"><img src="img/catch22_logo_square.png" alt="catch22 logo" height="220"/></p>

<h1 align="center"><em>catch22</em>: CAnonical Time-series CHaracteristics</h1>

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_catch22_ is a collection of 22 time-series features coded in C that can be run from Python, R, Matlab, and Julia, licensed under the [GNU GPL v3 license]( (or later).
The _catch22_ features are a high-performing subset of the over 7000 features in [_hctsa_](

The features were selected based on their classification performance across a collection of 93 real-world time-series classification problems, as described in our open-access paper:

- [&#x1F4D7; Lubba et al. (2019). _catch22_: CAnonical Time-series CHaracteristics](

_But what do the features do?_
You can learn more about what each feature does, with visualizations of how the features behave on real data, [here](

The computational pipeline used to generate the _catch22_ feature set is in the [`op_importance`]( repository.

For _catch22_-related information and resources, including a list of publications using _catch22_, see the [___catch22_ wiki__](

Summary of the performance of the _catch22_ feature set across 93 classification problems, and a comparison to the [_hctsa_ feature set]( (cf. Fig. 4 from [our paper](


## Installation: Python, R, Matlab, Julia, and compiled C

There are native versions of this code for other programming languages:

- [Rcatch22]( (R) `install.packages("Rcatch22")`
- [pycatch22]( (python) `pip install pycatch22`
- [Catch22.jl]( (Julia) `Pkg.add("Catch22")`

You can also use the C-compiled features directly or in Matlab, following the [detailed installation instructions on the wiki](

## Acknowledgement :+1:

If you use this software, please read and cite this open-access article:

- &#x1F4D7; Lubba et al. [_catch22_: CAnonical Time-series CHaracteristics](, _Data Min Knowl Disc_ __33__, 1821 (2019).

## Important Notes

- When presenting results using _catch22_, you must identify the version used to allow clear reproduction of your results. For example, `CO_f1ecac` was altered from an integer-valued output to a linearly interpolated real-valued output from v0.3.
- _catch22_ features only evaluate _dynamical_ properties of time series and do not respond to basic differences in the location (e.g., mean) or spread (e.g., variance).
- If the location and spread of the raw time-series distribution may be important for your application, you should apply the function argument `catch24 = true` (`TRUE` in R, `True` in Python) to your call to the _catch22_ function in the language of your choice. This will result in 24 features being calculated: the _catch22_ features in addition to mean and standard deviation.
- Time series are _z_-scored internally (for features other than mean and standard deviation), which means that, e.g., constant time series will lead to `NaN` outputs.
- Time-series data are taken as an ordered sequence of values (without time stamps). We assume an evenly sampled time series.
- See language-specific usage information in the [wiki](
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